• Published 16th Jun 2018
  • 1,464 Views, 94 Comments

Tales Of Friendship - Bluecatcinema

Friendship stories from across Equestria.

  • ...

Harmony Unbound

It was a dark time for Equestria. The villainous trio of Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, and Cozy Glow, empowered by the bell of the ancient villain Grogar, had besieged the land, defeating and capturing Equestria's greatest defenders, demolishing Celestia and Luna's castle, and taking Canterlot itself for their base of operations.

As if this weren't bad enough, the three had also been working for months to spread disharmony between the three pony races. They had accomplished their goal so well that the Windigos, seemingly mythic creatures of ice and hatred, had descended upon the land, threatening to freeze all of Equestria. All hope seemed lost...

In Ponyville, the residents, horrified by the Windigos circling above, scrambled to get to shelter. But one young Earth Pony had other ideas. Sandbar stepped forward, and called out to his fellow ponies.

"We all know the story of Hearth's Warming Eve!" He yelled. "We can defeat the Windigos together!"

"You really think if we all sing a couple songs, everything will be fine?" Berryshine scoffed.

"It's not just singing that saved the founders of Equestria!" Sandbar corrected her. "It's what it represented! The three pony tribes joining together in the name of harmony, overcoming hatred with friendship."

"Pretty words, kid." Winter Lotus said skeptically. "But why should we make nice with those stuck-up Unicorns and selfish Pegasi?"

"Now what kinda petty thinkin' is that?" Granny Smith spoke up. "Mah family founded Ponyville, and they were always ready to welcome all kinds a' ponies, not jest Earth Ponies. The Ponyville Ah remember is about all ponies livin' together as one!"

"Eeyup!" Big Mac agreed.

"We're living proof that the pony tribes belong together!" Sugar Belle stood by her husband.

"Exactly." Sandbar smiled. "If there's one thing I've learned from the School of Friendship, it's that we shouldn't let our friendships die because of a disagreement. The school was all about different ponies, different creatures, all living and learning together. Our friendships made us strong. Strong enough to stop Cozy Glow, strong enough to help the Tree of Harmony return. What's more important: holding on to grudges, or standing together against the real enemies?"

The Earth Ponies muttered amongst themselves.

"The kid's got a point." Mr. Cake acknowledged.

"We're gonna freeze otherwise, so why not give it a shot?" Ace declared.

"Even so, what can we do that Princess Twilight and her friends couldn't?" Noteworthy asked. "They're the heroes of Equestria, not us!"

"They weren't always." Sandbar pointed. "They were once ordinary ponies, just like us. But when Nightmare Moon returned, they stepped up to protect us all. And they've been stepping up over and over again, putting their lives on the line, for us. I say it's time we repaid the favor. Who's with me?"

"I am!" Mayor Mare stepped forward. "The young stallion is right. It's time we stepped up, and fought for our home, and our fellow ponies!"

"I'm in, too." Maud Pie added. "That speech really lit a fire under me. I'm going to use that fire to heat things up for the Windigos."

"Technically, that would be a metaphorical fire, and as such, incapable of burning anything." Mudbriar chipped in. "But I am more than ready to assist."

"Let's do it!" Caramel cheered.

"For Equestria!" Bon-Bon raised a hoof.

"Equestria!" The rest of Ponyville joined in. "Equestria! Equestria!"

Sandbar smiled triumphantly, happy to see that his words had reached them. As he looked upon the cheering crowd, he saw his parents, smiling at him proudly.

'Here goes everything...' He thought resolutely.

Meanwhile, over in Canterlot, Sandbar's fellow School of Friendship student, Raspberry Dazzle, was making a similar plea.

"We can't just stay here and do nothing!" She told the rest of the Unicorns who had hunkered down in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.

"What are we supposed to do, little filly?" Fancypants asked. "Things were already bad enough before the Windigos appeared."

"And how are we going to stop those things?" Stelllar Flare frowned. "The Windigos freeze everything they touch!"

"You know what stopped the Windigos? Earth ponies, unicorns, and Pegasi becoming friends!" Raspberry Dazzle smiled. "We learned at Twilight's school that friendship is the most powerful magic there is!"

"Why should we work together with those other ponies?" Jet Set scoffed. "Those filthy Earth Ponies have been hoarding crops, and the useless Pegasi have been failing to control the weather for weeks now!"

"So we should just abandon them?" Raspberry Dazzle frowned. "That won't help anypony!"

"They didn't help us." Upper Crust sneered. "Fair is fair."

"That isn't fair." Raspberry Dazzle retorted. "One of the greatest powers of friendship is forgiveness. When a friend makes a mistake, you don't push them away. You help them. Because that's what friends do."

"I believe this filly is onto something." Chancellor Neighsay stepped forward. "I've learned firsthoof what true friendship can do. Not too long ago, six very different creatures, including a pony, worked together to save Equestria. If they could overcome their differences and work together, then why can't we?"

The Unicorns fell silent. Not even Jet Set and Upper Crust could come up with an answer to that.

"If we work together with the other ponies, we can get rid of the Windigos." Raspberry Dazzle pledged. "I know we can. Anyway, it's got to be better than shutting ourselves in."

"Speaking as somepony who spent years as a shut-in, I can definitely agree with that." Moondancer stepped forward.

"Me too." Minuette agreed.

"Never was a fan of tight spaces." Lemon Hearts joked.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's take down those boards and get out there!" Firelight cheered.

As the Unicorns went to work on dismantling the barricades, Neighsay approached Raspberry Dazzle.

"Princess Twilight and her friends have taught you well, young filly." Neighsay smiled.

"Thank you, Chancellor." Raspberry Dazzle grinned. "Let's go make them proud."

Up in Cloudsdale, the young Pegasus Hyper Sonic, galvanized by the appearance of the Windigos, flew up above the crowd.

"So that's that it?" He asked. "We're gonna just hide up here?"

"I already told you, kid." Cotton Sky said irritably. "We're on our own."

"We don't have to be." Hyper Sonic urged. "We can beat the Windigos. All we have to do is stand together with the Unicorns and Earth Ponies."

"Why should we?" Hoops asked dismissively.

"Because we're all in this together." Hyper Sonic replied.

"Tell that to the jerks down below." Cloudy Skies sneered.

"So you just wanna leave them high and dry?" Hyper Sonic frowned.

"If they can't fly up here and join us, that's their problem!" Cloud Chaser retorted. "We shouldn't have to leave our safe haven to help a bunch of grounded ponies!"

"Grounded ponies, flying ponies... Is that really what matters right now?" Hyper Sonic asked.

"What are you getting at, kid?" Cotton Sky demanded.

"Focusing on our differences keeps us divided!" Hyper Sonic pointed out. "Villains and creatures like the Windigos use that division against us! But when we focus on what we have in common, and stick together, we become so much stronger!"

"We don't have that much common with those wingless wonders." Flitter said dismissively.

"We have so much in common with them." Hyper Sonic countered. "You've forgotten that. We all have hooves and tails, we all live in Equestria, we all laugh and play and dream... Wings are about the only thing we don't have in common with them!"

The Pegasi exchanged looks. Several of them acknowledged the truth of the young foal's words.

"Another thing we have in common is love for Equestria." Hyper Sonic continued. "The Earth Ponies and Unicorns don't want the Windigos to freeze it all any more than we do. If we all work together, we can stop that from happening! Whattaya say?"

"Count us in." Spitfire spoke up.

"Yeah." Soarin' added. "Never let it be said the Wonderbolts shy away from fighting the good fight!"

"When you're right, you're right, kid." Zephyr Breeze spoke up. "I know better than most ponies how easy it is to quit when things get tough, but this time, quittin' is the worst thing any of us can do."

"We're in, too!" Beau Hot Hoof announced, his wife Windy Whistles standing by his side.

More Pegasi rose up in support of Hyper Sonic's words. Faced with the sudden switch in the majority view, Cotton Sky mulled things over.

"Okay." He nodded. "Take apart the cloud barrier. We're going down there."

"YEEAAHH!!" Bulk Biceps whooped. "Let's do it!"

As one, the Pegasi began to take apart the barrier they had created. Hyper Sonic did his part with added vigor, confident that the weather was about to turn, in the best way possible.

But it wasn't just ponies calling for a counter-attack. Over in Yakyakistan, Yona was urging her fellow yaks to join the fight.

"Ponies in biggest trouble ever!" She announced. "Yaks must help ponies fight!"

"Why should yaks help?" One yak retorted stubbornly. "Not yaks' problem if ponies not strong enough to fight for themselves!"

"Ponies are strong!" Yona countered. "Strong in ways most yaks can't imagine! Ways Yona learned at school!"

"If ponies so strong, why they need yaks' help?" A second yak demanded.

"Yona make it simple: Yaks strong. Ponies strong. But yaks and ponies stronger together!" Yona declared. "Yaks must be loyal to pony friends!"

"Young yak is right!" Prince Rutherford declared. "Ponies have always been good friends to yaks, no matter what. Now yaks be good friends to ponies."

"And School of Friendship teach Yona that best way to be good friend is to help friends in times of need!" Yona declared. "Ponies' time of need is now. What yaks do?"

"Yaks help friends!" A third yak answered.

"Yaks best at helping friends!" Yona's father cheered.

"Yaks will help friends smash villains!" Prince Rutherford. "Yaks march on Equestria, right now!"

"Yaks smash! Help friends! Yaks smash! Help friends!" The yaks chanted as they left Yakyakistan.

"Help is coming, friends." Yona declared. "Hang on!"

Within the Dragon Lands, Smolder was flying above the peak which the Dragon Lord usually surveyed her realm, attempting to convince the dragons to lend a claw.

"I know helping other creatures by being kind and generous sounds lame. But I've seen how powerful it can be!" Smolder announced. "And right now, Equestria needs our help!"

"Dragons don't do helping!" Fume sneered.

"So why should we help those puny ponies?" Clump added.

The assembled dragons voiced their approval.

"Yeah!" One yelled.

"It's not our problem!" Another said callously.

"The eggs not hatching wasn't the ponies' problem." Smolder pointed out. "But a pony helped us anyway. How about showing a little gratitude?"

The dragons scowled and looked away petulantly.

"As the Dragon Lord, I could just order you all to go." Ember pointed out, raising the Bloodstone Scepter. "But I won't." She lowered the Scepter. "Because a good leader doesn't force her subjects to do whatever she wants. She encourages them to do the right thing. That's something I learned from the ponies."

The assembled dragons shared uncertain glances.

"They've taught me so much." Smolder added. "And they have so much more to teach. And not just me. They could teach all of us. But only if we help them first!"

The dragons muttered amongst themselves, unsure.

"My little sis is right." Garble flew up to join her. "I used to think ponies were lame. But there's more to them than I ever imagined. They may not look it, but they're worthy of our respect. And our help."

A number dragons looked like they were on the verge of being swayed.

"Everycreature knows dragons like a good fight." Smolder noted. "And this is the best kind of fight; a fight for what's right. A fight that helps those in need. A fight that truly matters. A fight we can all win, together. So I ask again: are we going to help our pony friends?"

"I say we give it a shot." A dark green dragon spoke up first.

"Me too." A greyish dragon agreed. "What kind of dragons would we be if we shied away from a fight?"

"Pretty lousy ones, that's for sure." A green and black dragon answered the rhetorical question.

"Uh... Yeah!" Fume changed views.

"That's what I've been sayin' all along!" Clump lied unconvincingly.

More dragons rose up in agreement.

"Let's go for it!"


"Never thought I'd say this, but let's give those ponies a claw!"

"Thanks for the assist, Gar-Gar." Smolder thanked her brother.

"I've always got your back, sis." Garble said warmly.

"Okay." Ember flew up above her subjects. "All dragons who are up for this, we leave immediately!"

As one, the majority of the assembled dragons took flight, heading for Equestria.

Meanwhile, in Griffonstone, Gallus was making his own case for assisting the ponies.

"They need our help." He told the gathered Griffons. "All of Equestria could be destroyed. We can't just stand here and let that happen!"

"What's in it for us?" One Griffon asked coldly.

"I'm sure not gonna risk my life for nothing!" Another added.

"It won't be for nothing." Gallus retorted. "It'll be for friendship."

"Oh, yeah." The first Griffon scowled. "Because friendship is such a big earner..."

"There are more important things in life than Bits!" Gallus shot back.

Several Griffons gasped in horror. Others laughed, as if Gallus had told a particularly funny joke.

"What are they teachin' you at that school, boy?" Grampa Gruff scoffed.

"They taught me that the best things in life can't be bought." Gallus stood firm. "Friendship is one of those things."

"So you want us to be heroes for free?" A third Griffon said dismissively.

"Yeah, because real heroes aren't for hire." Gallus nodded.

"And what do you know about real heroes?" The second Griffon snorted.

"I've seen them everyday in Equestria." Gallus said earnestly. "Playing together! Singing together! Even laughing together! That's what real heroes look like! I've had the privilege of being taught by those heroes. Princess Twilight and her friends have been heroes time and time again, and they never asked for a thing in return."

"Well, whoop-de-doo." The third Griffon mocked. "But they're ponies. And we're Griffons."

"Exactly. Griffons who used to be a proud race." Gallus reminded them. "But we lost that pride, and our once-great capital turned into a dump. Ever since then, we've all been trying to fill the void by making as Bits as possible."

"Thanks for stating the obvious, kid." One Griffon scowled.

"Well, this is our chance to regain our pride." Gallus declared boldly. "To say that we stood up for others when it counted. That we fought the good fight, against impossible odds, to help our pony friends protect their land. That's more valuable than any amount of Bits!"

The Griffons muttered amongst themselves.

"If we do nothing, Equestria could become an even worse ruin than Griffonstone." Gallus continued. "Would you really wish that kind of fate on anycreature else? Because I wouldn't. We know more than most what it's like to lose everything. We should be doing everything in our power to prevent others from going through the same thing. A deed like that is worth more than a mountain of Bits. Who's with me?"

A moment of unsure silence passed. Then...

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going." Gilda stepped forward. "I got pony friends in Equestria that I'd like to be able to see again."

"Me too!" Gabby joined her. "It was thanks to three very special ponies that I realized what my purpose is."

"I have to admit it, but Gallus is right." Grampa Gruff said grudgingly. "The ponies have been helping us for a while now. And they never even asked for anything in return!"

"Because that's what they do." Gallus smiled, emboldened by the elder's support. "Remember that 'friendship summit' they put together? They did that for us. Because they care about what happens in Griffonstone. It's time to start caring about what happens in Equestria."

"Yeah!" Greta cheered.

"The kid's right!" A burly Griffon yelled.

"Let's show those villains some old-fashioned Griffon pride!" Another Griffon said boldly.

"What are we waiting for?" Gilda grinned. "No time like the present, right?"


The Griffons took flight, soaring toward Equestria. As they did, Grampa Gruff flew beside Gallus.

"Maybe I was wrong before, kid." Grampa Gruff mused.

"About what?" Gallus asked.

"Maybe... you do need to know I'm proud of you." Grampa Gruff admitted.

"You are?" Gallus smiled.

"'Course I am." Grampa Gruff nodded. "You've inspired this flock a' sorry birds like I've never seen. And you didn't even have to use Bits to do it! Not bad for a fledgling."

"Thanks, Grampa Gruff." Gallus beamed. "Never thought I'd hear you say anything like that..."

"Well, don't get used to it." Grampa Gruff snorted, a measure of his usual crabbiness returning. "Not unless you plan on rallyin' all of Griffonstone on a regular basis..."

"We'll see..." Gallus smirked.

Under the waters surrounding Mount Aris, Silverstream was speaking out to her fellows.

We have to mobilize the navy!" She urged. "The ponies need all the help we can get!"

"What are we waiting for?" Princess Skystar asked. "Let's get going!"

"Not so fast, dear." Queen Novo raised a flippered hoof. "I know you want to help, but we need to think about this."

"What's there to think about?" Silverstream frowned.

"Our society is still rebuilding itself after our time in hiding." Novo pointed out. "We're still relearning what we once knew by heart, including how to fight threats. I know the ponies need help, but going into battle against these villains might not end well for us."

The surrounding seaponies said nothing, but their expressions made it clear that they agreed with their queen's logic.

"So we're hiding under the ocean again?" Skystar scowled. "That's not right!"

"Skystar, don't-" Novo began.

"She's right, Aunt Novo." Silverstream cut her off. "Do you really think going into hiding again is the answer?" She turned to the others. "Do any of you?"

The Seaponies looked away, unsure.

"Were we really happy by ourselves at the bottom of the ocean?" Silverstream asked the million Bit question. "Be honest! It's the ponies that showed us a better way! It's because of them that we were able to come out of hiding, and rebuild our society! They need us to be there for them!"

"That's my girl." Ocean Flow said proudly.

"Way to tell 'em, big sis!" Terramar cheered.

"So what's it gonna be?" Silverstream asked. "Are we gonna hide, or are we gonna help?"

"Help!" One Seapony raised his hoof.

"Help!" Ocean Flow and Terramar chorused.

"Help! Help! Help!" The Seaponies changed.

"Looks like I'm outvoted." Novo smiled. "Okay, we're gonna help."

"Really?" Skystar beamed.

"Really." Novo admitted. "Let's help the ponies turn the tide."

"Yes!" Silverstream cheered, hugging her cousin. "You're the best, Aunt Novo!"

"I learned from the best." Novo smiled at her daughter and niece.

At the same time, atop the Changeling hive, Ocellus was speaking to the assembled swarm.

"There's no time to waste!" She told them. "We need to get out there and help!"

"But you said Chrysalis is more powerful than she ever was!" One Changeling said fearfully. "You want us to fight her, and two others who are just as strong? That's crazy!"

"What's crazy is leaving the ponies to face this threat by themselves! They've taught us how powerful love and the Magic of Friendship truly is!" Ocellus reminded her kinfolk. "We can't let them stand alone! We're their friends! They need us!"

"Ocellus is right." Thorax nodded. "Let's not forget that it was a pony who gave me the idea to share the love within me. None of us would be who we are today if it weren't for her!"

"I know fighting a powered-up Chrysalis isn't exactly your idea of a good time." Pharynx added. "But we've always been ready to fight for our hive. If Chrysalis and her buddies take Equestria, then how long will it be before they come after us?"

The Changelings' faces lit up with fear.

"For so long, the hive has stood alone." Ocellus pointed out. "But things are different now. Our hive is a part of something bigger. It's a part of Equestria. When you think about it, that makes the ponies our hive mates. We should be just as willing to protect them as we are to protect each other! If we stand alongside them, we'll be strong enough to face anything. Even Chrysalis!"

The Changelings talked amongst themselves. Some of them were more willing to act, but others weren't so sure.

"Maybe she's right..."

"I still say it's a bad idea."

"We can't just do nothing."

"You want to fight Chrysalis? Be my guest! But I wanna live!"

"I understand that some of you are scared." Ocellus said fairly. "Believe me, I get it. When I first came to the School of Friendship, I was scared of pretty much everything. But thanks to my friends and our professors, I've found the courage to stand tall, and not let fear stop me from doing what's right. We all have that courage within us. We just have to let it out."

"... She's right." A violet colored Changeling declared.

"If this young one can find the courage in herself to step up, then so can I!" A green Changeling smiled.

"Me too!" A yellow Changeling grinned.

The whole hive voiced their approval.

"We're with you!"

"Let's go!"

"Better watch out, Chrysalis!"

"Now that's what I like to see." Pharynx grinned.

"I knew Ocellus would make us proud." Thorax smiled. He stepped off his throne and addressed the hive. "Okay, Changelings, let's get moving. Let Ocellus said, there's no time to waste!"

Obeying their, the Changelings took off into the sky, the multicoloured swarm heading toward Canterlot.

Not too long afterward, the Earth Ponies of Ponyville (plus Sugar Belle) were making their own way to Canterlot. The plan was to mend fences with the Unicorns first, then make use of some Canterlot airships to reach Cloudsdale so they could talk things out with the Pegasi. But along the way, they found themselves crossing paths with the gathering of Unicorns.

"What's all this?" Mayor Mare asked, surprised at the similar gathering.

"We were heading over to Ponyville to put the tensions between us to rest, and join forces for the common good." Chancellor Neighsay announced. "But it appears you had the same idea."

"Eeyup." Big Mac nodded.

"Looks like we saved a little time." Sandbar noted. "But what about-?"

"Hey, down there!" Spitfire called, as she and the other Pegasi descended on the gathering.

"You guys too?" Caramel gaped.

"I know we've had our differences lately." Cotton Sky admitted. "But we're ready to fight for Equestria alongside all of you."

"Same here." Firelight declared.

"How about that?" Caramel chuckled. "We really are on the same page here."

"Isn't this great?" Sandbar smiled. "Earth Ponies, Unicorns and Pegasi, together again!"

"Not just us, kid..." Thunderlane pointed to the East.

Sandbar turned in the direction Thunderlane was pointing, and saw an even more impressive sight than the reunited ponies: Armies of dragons, yaks, Griffons, Changelings and Hippogriffs.

"Whoa." Zephyr Breeze gaped.

From out of the crowd of creatures, Sandbar's six friends emerged.

"Guys!" Sandbar beamed.

The six friends raced over to each other, embracing in a group hug.

"I'm so glad to see you all!" Silverstream squeed.

"I was worried we wouldn't see other again!" Ocellus smiled.

"Yona happy friends together again!" Yona cheered.

"Not just us, by the looks of things." Gallus glanced at the assembled creatures. "I'm guessing we all had the same idea?"

"To bring in reinforcements?" Smolder smirked. "Oh, yeah."

"Yaks ready to help pony friends smash enemies!" Prince Rutherford announced.

"Ditto for the Griffons." Grampa Gruff added.

"You can count on the dragons." Ember smiled.

"And the Changelings." Thorax declared.

"Queen Novo sends her regards." General Sea Spray stated. "And would like you to know that Mount Aris is being prepared to provide shelter if the worst happens."

"With all of us together? Somehow, I doubt it will come to that." Mayor Mare smiled.

A burst of purple smoke suddenly appeared nearby. When the smoke cleared, Trixie stood before them.

"Have no fear, the Great and Powerful Trixie is here!" She announced.

"Counselor Trixie!" Ocellus smiled.

"Good to see you!" Silverstream smiled.

"Not just me, students." Trixie grinned. She pointed her hoof yonder, where Sunburst was approaching.

"After the School of Friendship was evacuated, we noticed things weren't going so well." Sunburst noted. "So we decided to get a little backup, just in chance."

As Sunburst finished his sentence, a group of buffalo emerged from over the horizon.

"One order of buffalo, courtesy of the Great and Powerful Trixie." Trixie chuckled.

"Happy to help." Chief Thunderhooves nodded.

"And honoured." Little Strongheart added.

"And I brought some of our newest friends." Sunburst declared, as a group of unusual ponylike creatures joined them.

"Are you... Kirin?" Neighsay gasped, astounded. "I thought you were just a legend."

"Oh, we're real." Autumn Blaze grinned. "Totally real. Realer than real. ...Wait, is that even a thing?"

"Not too long ago, a pair of ponies helped remind us of what is important." Rain Shine declared. "The least we can do is help them in their time of need."

"Every little bit helps, wouldn't you agree?" Trixie smiled at the ponies.

"Hope that means you don't mind me pitching in."

The group turned to see another unusual-looking pony joining them - one with a broken horn.

"Tempest Shadow?" Moondancer gaped.

"Didn't see that coming." Smolder admitted.

"How'd you know to come here?" Sunburst asked.

"I saw how bad things were getting, and decided to help." Tempest replied. "It's the least I can do after everything that's happened. I was on my way to Canterlot when I saw this gathering of yours, and figured it was where the action was. So... is it okay if I lend a hoof?"

A number of ponies seemed apprehensive of Tempest's presence, recalling the attack on Canterlot she had led some time ago. But calmer, more reasonable minds prevailed.

"I daresay we need all the help we can get." Fancypants declared.

"Welcome aboard, Ms. Shadow." Mayor Mare said warmly.

"Glad to be here." Tempest smiled.

"So... What next?" Autumn Blaze asked. "Anycreature got a battle plan? Or was this one of those 'spur of the moment' type things? Not that I don't like those. If I'm being honest, I actually love them... I mean, who doesn't love a good impulsive act every so often?"

"First, we need to deal with those three friends." Sea Spray announced. "They should be our highest priority right now."

"I can get behind that." Pharynx grinned.

"Yaks too." Prince Rutherford agreed. "Villains easier to smash than cloud ponies, anyway."

"Then it's decided." Ember nodded. "Now, where can we find those three?"

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of an explosion nearby.

"No prizes for guessing what that could be." Tempest noted.

The assembly followed the sound of the explosion. They discovered its source behind a hill: a battle was going on. Twilight and her friends were locked in combat with the villainous three.

"Incredible." Sunburst gaped as they looked upon the clash.

"Guess we shouldn't be surprised." Gallus noted. "Our professors are always in the thick of it..."

Before their eyes, the tide of battle turned for the worse: Twilight and the others were pushed back, and the three villains were preparing to finish them.

"They're in trouble!" Sandbar realized. "They need our help!"

"Unicorns, at the ready!" Chancellor Neighsay took charge. "Everycreature else, stand by for battle!"

With time short, nocreature saw fit to argue. The Unicorns' horns lit up, just as the villains launched their fatal blow. Their magicks combined to form a single dome-shaped shield, which easily withstood the attack.

"Good work!" Thorax smiled.

"Now for the counterattack." Ember grinned, as the army of Harmony marched and flew up the hill.

"We fight for friends." Prince Rutherford declared.

"For Equestria." Sea Spray added.

"Because it's the right thing to do." Grampa Gruff said boldly.

"We stand together." Rain Shine nodded.

"We fight together." Chief Thunderhooves agreed.

"Just like Twilight and her friends." Tempest smiled.

The Young Six shared proud, determined looks. They'd lived up to the lessons their teachers had shown them, and passed them on to others, just as Twilight had always hoped. And they were about to repay their teachers' kindness like none of them had never imagined they would.

What followed next was the greatest victory Equestria had ever known, a testament to how powerful unity and camaraderie could be. It was a day that would be remembered for years to come, not just by ponies, but by every race that participated in the defeat of the villainous trio. A day that proved how powerful friendship truly was. A day that laid the foundations for a new era of co-operation and unity between all creatures in, around, and beyond Equestria. And a day that would inspire countless creatures to pursue the wonders of Harmony for years to come.

The End... And A New Beginning.

Comments ( 6 )

Wow, that was quite the capper to these Tales of Friendship stories! :pinkiehappy:

It was very enjoyable to see the other side of how the Young Six & other friendship students got everyone together for the final battle, it was just as exiting as the final fight! :rainbowdetermined2:

I totally enjoyed these mini-stories, thanks for sharing! :twilightsmile:

Gotta say that was a pretty epic tale, showing the full story of how how the students convinced everyone to stand together against the Legion. The ending where they were preparing to join the battle was great.

I liked this series of short stories. I don’t know what else you have planned but I think you do great at these styles of stories.

I'm a bit disappointed Grubber, Capper, Celaeno and her crew, and the other one-time characters didn't join the cavalry, but such is time constraint, I guess. Still pretty awesome chapter overall!

A great chapter even if the episode was so disapointing

This was a good story even if they were a few chapters like this last one that didn't interest me at all because they're connected to parts of the show that I really don't like.

This was a wonderful conclusion to the story!! I loved seeing everyone who was in one of the chapters, and even those who weren't come together as one! I can only imagine whatever Post-Victory Party Pinkie no doubt threw would be epic. Great job

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