• Published 16th Jun 2018
  • 1,459 Views, 94 Comments

Tales Of Friendship - Bluecatcinema

Friendship stories from across Equestria.

  • ...

Class Reunion

In the skies above Equestria, a pink blur soared between the clouds. Her name was Silverstream, and she was a Hippogriff. She was a long way from her home on Mount Aris, but not without reason; She had returned to Equestria so that she could reunite with the friends she had made during her stay at the School of Equestria, before she had taken back home after an unfortunate incident she and her friends had accidentally incited.

"First stop, Ponyville." She told herself. "They're bound to have maps I can use to find the others' homelands. And the fact that Sandbar lives there sure doesn't hurt..."

As the thought of reuniting with her friends filled her heart, Silverstream briefly lost herself in the happy notion. So lost in that pleasant thought was she, that she stopped paying attention to where she was flying. Suddenly, she collided with a smaller flying creature.

"Hey!" The creature, possessing orange scales and an fiery attitude, yelped. "Watch where you're flying!"

"Smolder?!" Silverstream gasped. "Is that really you?"

"Sure, now you notice me." The young female dragon deadpanned as she rubbed her head. "Hey, Silverstream."

"It's so good to see you!" Silverstream squealed with delight.

"It's good to see you too." Smolder admitted. Silverstream responded with a tight hug. "Ugh. Did I say I wanted a hug?"

"Sorry." Silverstream said sheepishly. As they continued flying onwards, a thought occured to her. "Wow, though. What are the odds of us just flying into each other like that? I thought you'd still be in the Dragon Lands."

"Yeah, well..." Smolder said awkwardly.

"Wait... Where you trying to find our friends too?" Silverstream gasped.

"What gave you that idea?" Smolder snorted. "I was just in the area, going on a long-distance flight - which is totally a thing dragons do, by the way..."

"Long-distance flight, huh?" Silverstream smirked, not buying Smolder's claim for an instant.

"Okay, okay!" Smolder groaned. "So maybe I was looking for you guys. After that time at the school, the Dragon Lands don't really seem as great as they used to be."

"This is great!" Silverstream smiled. "Now we can find the others twice as fast!"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves." Smolder frowned. "We were lucky enough to run into each other. I don't think finding the others is going to be so easy."

"HEYYYY!" A voice from below them called out.

"You hear that?" Silverstream asked Smolder.

"Yeah." Smolder nodded. "Kinda sounds familiar..."


As Silverstream and Smolder cast their eyes downward, they saw a familiar sight on a small hill; it was Ocellus the Changeling.

"Hey, look at that." Silverstream grinned. "We just found Ocellus. Seemed pretty easy to me."

"That doesn't count." Smolder pouted. "Technically, she found us."

Silverstream and Smolder landed beside Ocellus.

"I can't believe you're here!" Ocellus hugged Silverstream. "...Wait, why are you here?"

"Probably for the same reason you're here." Smolder pointed.

"Guess we all really missed each other!" Silverstream declared.

"I know I missed all of you." Ocellus admitted. "I couldn't stand to stay at the hive, and never see any of you again."

"We feel the same way." Silverstream grinned. "Right, Smolder?"

"More or less." Smolder tried to shrug indifferently.

"I was on my way to Ponyville to find Sandbar." Ocellus explained. "Logically, he seemed like the best first choice."

"I thought that too!" Silverstream smiled. "Great minds think alike, huh?"

"So, guess we're all on our way to Ponyville, huh?" Smolder asked.

"Looks like it." Ocellus nodded. "Though it might be a good idea to walk from now on. Flying could draw too much attention to us as we near Ponyville."

"My wings are feeling a little tired." Silverstream admitted. "Besides, the scenery's just as amazing on the ground. Just look at all the flowers and plants!"

"Eh, it's all a little too colorful for my tastes." Smolder shrugged. "But I guess it wouldn't hurt to give the ol' wings a rest..."

"Then it's decided." Ocellus nodded. "Let's go."

The trio kept moving, making their way through the wilderness near to Ponyville. Silverstream couldn't help but turn her gaze toward every plant and animal, entranced by anything that couldn't be found underwater. Smolder, in contrast, wasn't very interested; due to growing up in the arid, practically colorless Dragon Lands, nature wasn't much of a draw for her.

"By my calculations, Ponyville shouldn't be too far away." Ocellus declared, as they made ther way through a patch of trees and bushes. "Barely half a mile to go."

"Great." Smolder brushed off a leaf that had fallen onto her shoulder. "The sooner we get out of all this 'nature', the better."

Suddenly, they heard a loud rustling sound emanating from some bushes up ahead.

"What was that?" Silverstream froze up.

"I-I think it's coming from those bushes." Ocellus gulped.

"What is it?" Silverstream cringed.

"I don't know." Ocellus trembled. "It might be a Timberwolf, or-or a Manticore..."

"Maybe walking wasn't such a good idea after all." Smolder pointed out. While not showing any outward fear, she was feeling a little unnerved by this mystery creature. Even Dragons were not above fearing the unknown, despite the desire to keep that fear to themselves. "Whatever that is, it better not be looking for trouble. Not if it knows what's good for it.." She added, putting on a brave face for her friends.

The rustling grew louder, and a loud grunting sound joined it. Ocellus was practically frozen in fear, Silverstream had a look of nervous curiosity on her face. Smolder, meanwhile, stepped forward and clenched her fists, ready to defend her friends from whatever was about to attack them...

But, to their surprise, what emerged from the bushes wasn't some vicious beast, but Yona the Yak, who looked slightly disheveled, leaves and burs in her hair and braids. For a moment, they all stared at each other in shock. Then...

"Friends!" Yona cheered happily.

"Oh no..." Smolder had time to groan before the yak tackled them all with a big hug.

"Yona so glad to see school friends again!" Yona squeezed them tightly.

"It's good... to see you too... Yona." Ocellus wheezed.

"Yeah..." Smolder croaked. "But, no offense, I don't want you to be the last thing I see!"

"Sorry." Yona released them. "Yona just so happy! Yona come all the way from Yakyakistan to find friends, and here friends are!"

"That's because we were looking to find you and the others." Silverstream grinned. "And we've already found most of us! Yay!"

"And surprisingly easily, too." Ocellus added.

"Tell me about it." Smolder snarked. "After we find Sandbar, we'll only have to go to Griffonstone to pick up Gallus, and then we'll all be back together again."

"Yona can't wait to have all her friends together again!" Yona cheered. "Yaks may be best at most things, but no Yak back home best at being friends with Yona. That what all of you best at!"

"Aww, thanks, Yona!" Silverstream beamed, as she and Ocellus hugged her.

Smolder stood off to the side, aloof. Then Ocellus caught her eye, and beckoned her to join them.

"Nuh-uh." Smolder shook her head. "This dragon's had enough hugging for one day."

The others put on their best puppy dog eyes. Smolder tried to resist, but couldn't.

"Okay, fine!" She finally gave in. The young dragon joined the group hug for the briefest of moments. "Now can we please get moving?"

"Of course." Ocellus nodded, as the original group hug finally parted.

"Next stop, Ponyville!" Silverstream announced.

"And pony friend!" Yona added.

The remainder of their trip through the woods was fairly easy. Not only did they manage to avoid any dangerous creatures, but Yona's strength made it easier for them to break through any obstacles that got in their way. As they continued onwards, they talked amongst themselves.

"Yona used to think Yakyakistan was best place ever, but now, Yona not so sure." Yona admitted.

"I know how you feel." Ocellus sympathised. "After Queen Chrysalis left, the hive became so wonderful, I thought I'd never want to leave. But after going to school with all of you, I feel like the hive's not enough for me anymore."

"The Dragon Lands weren't exactly a paradise, but I didn't mind living there." Smolder declared. "But Dragons don't exactly do 'friendship'. And after getting to know you guys, I've realized that they're not the best company. Don't get me wrong, I still like a good competition, but other dragons are such bad sports."

"Well, the other Hippogriffs are okay, but there's just something about you guys that can't be beat." Silverstream declared.

"We are pretty great, aren't we?" Smolder said smugly.

"Uh-huh!" Yona nodded.

"Can't argue with that." Ocellus chuckled. Just then, something in the distance caught her eye. "Hey, look! There's a bird up there!"

"Yippee." Smolder deadpanned.

As the bird flew closer, the group took note of its size.

"Kinda on the big size for a bird, don't you think?" Smolder frowned.

"And colorful." Silverstream added, as the "bird's" blue coloration became apparant.

"Bird look familiar." Yona noted.

As the "bird" drew closer, they realized that it was actually a Griffon. Their friend Gallus, to be precise. He had his gaze fixed solely on the horizon, so he didn't notice his friends below. He landed on a tree, a short distance away, and helped himself to its fruit.

"It's Gallus!" Silverstream cheered.

The group rushed over to the tree, calling out their friend's name.




"Gallus, it your friends!"

Gallus turned his gaze downward, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Guys?" He jumped out of the tree, gliding down to the ground. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We could ask you the same question." Smolder folded her arms defiantly.

"Yeah." Yona nodded. "Yak thought Griffon didn't like it here?" She smiled knowingly.

"... I don't." Gallus said awkwardly. "But it beats just hangin' around Griffonstone. In case you haven't heard, that place is a real dump. Even sweet-and-nice ponyland's better than that."

"You missed us, didn't ya?" Silverstream smirked.

"...Maybe a little." Gallus shrugged.

"We missed you too." Ocellus smiled.

"Good to see ya, buddy." Smolder shared a fist bump with Gallus.

"Yona glad to see Gallus too." Yona hugged the young Griffon..

"So you guys all came out here, so we could be together?" Gallus asked, as he gently freed himself from Yona's powerful grip.

"Yeah, we did." Smolder nodded. "Talk about being on the same page..."

"Now we have just one more friend to find." Yona declared. "Then we all be together again."

"That's right." Silverstream nodded. "Once we find Sandbar, it'll be just like old times... Only, you know, without the school."

"Is that all?" Gallus grinned. "Leave that to me..."

Over in Ponyville, the young Earth Pony Sandbar was forlornly trotting through the streets. Ever since his new friends had been taken back to their homelands, he had missed them every day, and today was no exception.

'Wonder what the old gang are up to right about now...' He thought.

Suddenly he felt pressure around his midsection. Before he could react, Sandbar felt himself being lifted off the ground, and rising up into the sky.

"Whoaa!" He yelped.

"Quit moving around down there." A familiar voice told him.

Sandbar looked up, and saw that Gallus was carrying him, just as he did on the day they skipped class.

"Gallus?" He gaped. "What are you doing in Ponyville?"

"Eh, I was in the neighborhood." Gallus smirked. "Figured I'd look up an old classmate while I was here."

"You could've just walked up to me and said 'hi', ya know." Sandbar deadpanned.

"But then you'd miss out on my surprise." Gallus retorted.

"Surprise?" Sandbar asked. "What surprise? What's going on?"

"You'll find out soon enough." Gallus said cryptically. "For now, just hold still. Hate to go to all this effort just to see ya go splat."

Heeding his Griffon companion's words, Sandbar stayed as still as he could, while at the same time wondering where they were headed.

As they reached the wilderness outside Ponyville, Sandbar was amazed and overjoyed to see the rest of his former schoolmates waiting for him.

"Guys!" He beamed, as Gallus set him down. "It's great to see you all again!"

"Right back atchya!" Silverstream beamed, hugging him.

"This just what Yona needed." Yona grinned. "To see all of Yona's friends together again."

"I think we all needed this." Ocellus admitted.

"That's nice and all, but what we really need right now is a place where we can all hang out together." Smolder declared. "Unless the plan was for us to just run around out in the open?"

"I guess we could have thought this through a little better." Ocellus said sheepishly.

"Yona need roof over her head!" Yona declared. "We all do!"

"Ooh!" Silverstream whooped. "Sandbar, can we stay at your place?"

"I'd like that, really I would." Sandbar admitted. "But my place is nowhere near big enough to hold the five of you, plus my family. Besides, my parents might not like the idea of a whole bunch of sudden houseguests."

"Then where we all stay?" Yona asked.

"I think I might know of a place where we might be able to stay." Ocellus spoke up. "It's not exactly perfect, but..."

"Well, let's hear it." Gallus said impatiently.

"It's called the Castle of the Two Sisters." Ocellus explained. "It's this old castle, just outside the Everfree Forest. It's big, if a little rundown, and nopony ever goes there, so we should be able to hang out together without anycreature finding us."

"Good thinking, Ocellus." Smolder smiled. "So what are we waitin' for? Let's check it out!"

A short while later, the six youngsters stood before the former home of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

"'A little rundown'?" Smolder grimaced at the crumbling ruin. "More like a lot!"

"Better than nothing, Yona say." Yona pointed out.

"We're gonna be living in a castle!" Silverstream beamed. "Just like my aunt Novo and cousin Skystar! It's gonna be so much fun!"

"Just one problem." Gallus stepped forward. "Since none of us seemed to have packed any food or supplies, how are we actually going to survive here?"

"Yona brought food." Yona admitted.

"You did?" Ocellus smiled. "Great!"

"So where is it?" Smolder asked.

"...Yona ate it." Yona said sheepishly.

"Seriously?" Gallus groaned.

"What can Yona say?" Yona shrugged. "It long walk from Yakyakistan. Yona get hungry."

"I hope there are a lot of those fruit trees around here..." Silverstream declared.

"Don't worry, guys." Sandbar smiled. "I'll head over to Ponyville, take care of the food and supplies, and meet you back here soon."

"Just you?" Ocellus frowned.

"Yeah. It'll draw less suspicion if ponies just see me around Ponyville." Sandbar pointed out. "And I think it'll in our best interest if you guys keep a low profile, anyway."

"He's right." Silverstream agreed. "Our families and guardians are probably going to come looking for us soon."

"And when they find us, they'll probably drag us all back home." Gallus added with a scowl.

"That's not gonna happen." Smolder scoffed. "From now on, we're all gonna stick together, no matter what."

"Yeah!" Yona agreed. "Friends stick together!"

"That's the plan." Sandbar chuckled. "I'll go get as much stuff as I can."

"And while you're doing that, we can explore this place." Gallus declared.

"Yona like exploring!" Yona grinned.

"I heard there's a really big library inside." Ocellus announced, beaming at the prospect.

"Of course you did." Smolder rolled her eyes.

"All those books should keep you busy for... what? Two hours?" Gallus teased.

"Ah-heh-heh..." Ocellus laughed awkwardly.

"Okay, I'm off." Sandbar smiled. "See ya soon."

"Real soon, I hope!" Silverstream chuckled.

"Good luck, Sandbar!" Ocellus waved.

"Bring back lots of food!" Yona requested.

"'Cause we're definitely going to need it." Gallus snarked.

"Get some gems if you can!" Smolder chimed in.

As Sandbar made his way back to Ponyville, he felt a surge of happiness and hope in him. His friends had returned to him, and they were going to have fun together, just like before. He had a reasonably good feeling that from that point on, everything was going to be okay...