• Published 16th Jun 2018
  • 1,464 Views, 94 Comments

Tales Of Friendship - Bluecatcinema

Friendship stories from across Equestria.

  • ...

Brotherly Love

It was another beautiful morning in the Changeling kingdom. The sun rose over the hive, which was resplendent with lush greenery. Most of the changelings were still asleep, but one was already awake. The tall, dark green Changeling stood at the edge of the wide, flat wide top, looking out over the surrounding area, eyes open for any trouble.

So engrossed in his sentry duties was he, the Changeling failed to notice another Changeling approach, this one slightly taller, and a brighter green color.

"Had a feeling you'd be up here." The newcomer smiled. "Morning, Pharynx."

"Good morning, Thorax." Pharynx answered, his eyes not moving. "Just surveying the area, making sure there aren't incoming threats."

"Of course you are." Thorax chuckled.

"Yeah, you said I was the best candidate to help protect this hive." Pharynx reminded. "That's a role I embrace wholeheartedly."

"And I'm glad of that, Pharynx." Thorax nodded. "In fact, I'm just glad you're staying. This hive should be home to all Changelings, no matter what."

"And a home needs to be safe." Pharynx declared. "Which brings us back to why I'm doing this. If another Maulwurf shows up, it's best for us to have a little advance notice."

"Can't argue with that." Thorax smiled. "Literally. Having you here, as one of us... I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Me neither." Pharynx managed a small smile. "To think, I was actually going to leave the hive. What a dumb move that would've been."

"Good thing our visitors helped settle things." Thorax noted. "Though I don't exactly agree with how they did it, I'm glad Starlight and Trixie were able to help."

"Yeah, those two are okay." Pharynx said gruffly. "You know... for ponies."

"Showing actual praise for ponies." Thorax pointed out. "You really have changed."

"Watch it, Thorax." Pharynx scowled. "Just because you're the one in charge doesn't mean I won't still show you a little 'tough love' sometimes."

"Anything you say, big brother." Thorax smirked, making a point of looking down at him.

"Thanks, little brother." Pharynx retorted. "That's somethin' I've been wondering about, actually. How come I'm still shorter than you, even though I transformed?"

"Who can say?" Thorax shrugged. "Princess Twilight theorized that I turned out like this because of the love I soaked up while I was in the Crystal Empire."

"So that was you were hiding out all that time, huh?" Pharynx asked.

"Did I never mention that?" Thorax frowned.

"Dunno if you've noticed, bro, but I'm not one for idle chit-chat." Pharynx pointed out. "Besides, between you becoming the new leader of the hive and me not liking how you were turning everything around, it never really crossed my mind to play catch up."

"Oh, right." Thorax said sheepishly. "Well, the Crystal Empire was where I ended up after... well, you know..."

"After you left the hive." Pharynx finished bluntly.

"Yeah." Thorax nodded.

"I remember that day well." Pharynx admitted.

"So do I." Thorax sighed. "The day after the invasion of Canterlot fell apart..."


Mere hours after the failed invasion of Canterlot, the Changeling army were limping their way down a desolate area as the sun began to set, seeking shelter, the rough landing having injured many of them. Pharynx had only suffered minor dents, and was tough enough not to show them. But not every Changeling shared his resolve; not far behind Pharynx, Thorax was limping along, head bowed, and unusually quiet.

The attack on Canterlot was the first major assault Thorax had been a part of. Pharynx had worried that he would have had to keep an eye on his brother all throughout. But things had gone smoothly... until it all went south. After they had literally been thrown out of Canterlot, Pharynx had expected Thorax to be complaining non-stop about his injuries (despite him being no worse off than any of his comrades), but he hadn't spoken a word the whole time.

The lack of complaining from his usually-wimpy little brother disturbed Pharynx, and it wasn't long before he could take no more of the silence.

"Okay, what's with you?!" He rounded on Thorax.

"Wh-what?!" Thorax snapped to attention. "Nothing's wrong with me! Nothing at all!"

"That's the minority view." A nearby Changeling nudged his comrade, inciting laughter from both of them.

Pharynx silenced the other two with a look, then returned to Thorax.

"Seriously, what's going on?" He asked Thorax. "You usually whine like a grub when you get so much as a scrape. Today, you got thrown out of Canterlot, and kissed the dirt with the rest of us. Figured you'd be complainin' non-stop."

"Oh, that." Thorax said awkwardly. "It does hurt, but it's not the biggest thing on my mind right now. I... can't stop thinking about what happened back there. You know, during the attack."

"I don't blame you." Pharynx's expression darkened. "Those lousy ponies. We had 'em beat, then they hit us with, with... some kind of cheap trick!" He stomped his hoof on the ground in anger. "Well, we'll get the last laugh. Someday, we'll be back, and then we'll show them all what the Changelings are made of!"

"...Yeah, we sure will..." Thorax said weakly.

"That's the spirit." Pharynx jabbed Thorax in the shoulder. "You're finally starting to act like a real Changeling, Thorax."

"Thanks." Thorax looked away, out of what Pharynx assumed to be bashfulness.

As the swarm continued their trek, night fell. Under the light of the stars, they neared a large cavern.

"Attention, my subjects!" Chrysalis's voice called out, causing all the Changelings to stop. "We will set up camp here for the night. It will give us a chance to rest, and allow for any stragglers to catch up with us. Tomorrow, we will continue on our way way back to the hive, where I shall plan anew, so that we may have our revenge on those vile ponies!"

The majority of the swarm cheered for their Queen, just as eager for revenge as she was.

"What did I tell ya?" Pharynx nudged Thorax. "Once we get back to the hive, we'll build our strength back up, and our Queen will one day lead us to victory!"

"I'm sure she will." Thorax smiled a fake smile.

"As long as we stand together, as a mighty swarm, no enemy can withstand our power!" Pharynx continued. "Those ponies got lucky this time, but next time, we'll have the last laugh. Next time, we'll crush them, and feast on every last drop of their love! How does that sound?"

"It sounds... great." Thorax played along.

"You bet your shell it does." Pharynx nodded. "Now, let's get some sleep."

"Anything you say, Pharynx." Thorax nodded.

The Changelings gathered inside the cavern. If they were ponies, they would never have all fit. But, being Changelings, they were able to cling to the walls and ceiling, allowing them all to comfortably fit inside without being overcrowded. Pharynx had found himself a spot near the entrance, Thorax already sleeping nearby. As he looked upon his little brother's dozing form, Pharynx felt a rare surge of pride.

'It's about time Thorax got on the bandwagon.' Pharynx thought. 'Guess that fall knocked some sense into him at last. Who knows? Maybe this defeat could have an upside after all. Tomorrow could be a new beginning for both of us...'

With that thought to comfort, Pharynx drifted off to sleep. Moments later, Thorax got up, having been pretending to be asleep the whole time. As quietly as he could, he negotiated his way around his sleeping fellows, heading toward the cavern entrance. Just before stepping outside, he turned and looked back at Pharynx.

'I'm sorry, Pharynx.' He thought sadly. 'But I can't be with you and the others anymore. I've never been like you, and I never will. I don't want to take love, I want to experience it for myself, and that's why I can't stay. Goodbye...'

With that, Thorax flew off into the night, leaving everything he'd ever known behind.

The next morning, Chrysalis awoke the swarm as only she could.

"Awaken, my subjects!" She bellowed. "Today, we return to the hive!"

Naturally, Pharynx was one of the first to react to the Queen's order.

"Okay, Thorax, you heard the Queen." He stood up. "Up and at-" He noticed the space Thorax had occupied the previous night was empty. "Thorax?"

Pharynx looked up, hoping to see Thorax among the swarm. But he clearly wasn't there.

"Has anyone seen Thorax?" He asked some of his comrades. "He's gone."

"Well, whattaya know?" One of the scouts, known to Pharynx as "Hover" smirked. "Things are starting to look up."

"I'm serious." Pharynx glared at the scout. "Have you seen him?"

"N-no." Hover cringed. "I haven't."

"Where is he?" Pharynx frowned.

"The little squirt must've wandered off during the night." An armored Changeling surmized. "He might've gotten eaten by a Timberwolf... if we're lucky."

Growling in anger, Pharynx turned away and approached Chrysalis.

"My Queen, forgive the interruption, but my brother is gone." He announced.

"Your brother?" Chrysalis's eyes narrowed.

"Thorax, your highness." Pharynx nodded. "He left in the middle of the night. I humbly request your permission to search for him."

"Permission denied." Chrysalis said coldly.

"But my Queen-" Pharynx started.

"Returning to the hive is our top priority at the moment." Chrysalis cut him off. "If Thorax was foolish enough to leave the swarm, abandon his fellow Changelings, then so be it. Leave him to fend for himself."

"But-!" Pharynx spluttered.

"He is a deserter, and by that logic, a traitor." Chrysalis snarled. "Whatever fate he stumbles upon, he deserves it. And there will be no more mention of him. Am I making myself clear?"

"...Yes, my Queen." Pharynx bowed his head.

"Good." Chrysalis smiled coldly. "Now, my subjects, to the hive!"

As Chrysalis and the swarm departed the cave, Pharynx reluctantly followed. Once outside, he managed to pick up Thorax's scent. It was faint, and seemed to be leading away from the hive.

'Chrysalis is right.' Pharynx thought. 'You've abandoned the swarm, Thorax. Abandoned me...'

The present...

"I hated you for that." Pharynx confessed to Thorax. "I always thought you were weak, but I never thought you'd actually abandon the hive."

"I'm sorry about that, Pharynx." Thorax placed a hoof on his brother's shoulder. "I felt like I had no choice. I didn't belong at the hive back then. After seeing the strength of the friendship between the ponies, I wanted that for myself. That's why I went to the Crystal Empire; so I could make a friend, and survive on the mutual love between us. I couldn't tell that because you'd either laugh at me, or have me cleaning out the nursery hive for four moons."

"Good call." Pharynx nodded. "Still, you turned out to be right about that, didn't you?"

"Well, not to brag, but..." Thorax smiled humbly.

"And then came the big change." Pharynx remarked. "When you, my wimpy little brother, overthrew Chrysalis. I'd never expected to see you again, then... boom! You came back, and turned the whole Changeling way upside down."

"I hadn't exactly planned on doing that." Thorax admitted. "All I wanted was to save my friends. I never imagined it would turn out that way."

"That makes two of us." Pharynx chuckled. "That's another day I won't soon forgot..."


Pharynx was on his way back to the hive after making his usual patrol. He was in a very good mood, fully aware that Chrysalis's plan to replace the most beloved ponies in Equestria and feed on the love for them was proceeding apace. Pharynx would have volunteered to be one of the replacements, but he believed his position as head of patrol was more important. He felt like he needed to be at the hive if anything unforseen happened. Nonetheless, he was greatly enjoying the fact that the swarm were finally taking their long-overdue revenge against the ponies of Equestria.

'At long last, we've got those ponies right where we want them.' He smiled. 'The Queen's thought of everything. No surprise turnabouts this time...'

Seconds after thinking this, Pharynx saw the top of the hive explode in the distance, a familiar looking pink light momentarily illuminating the sky.

"What the-?!" He gasped. "No... no, not again!"

Taking flight, Pharynx headed back to the hive as fast as he could, dreading what he might find.

"How could the ponies have beaten us again?" He asked himself. "Chrysalis thought of everything this time. There were no pony defenders left to ruin the plan... So what happened?!"

Rather than go in through the ground entrance, Pharynx flew up toward the top of the hive. From the looks of things, it seemed the entire throne room had been blasted apart. As he drew closer, he saw a group of multi-colored creatures on the new top of the hive. At first, he assumed him to be ponies, but on closer inspection, he noted that they vaguely resembled the Changeling form.

"What's going on here?" He demanded of a yellow colored creature. "Who are you? Where are the rest of the swarm? What have you done to them?!"

"Pharynx, it's me." The yellow creature said awkwardly. "Hover."

"...Hover?" Pharynx frowned, recognizing the scout's voice. "What's going on? What's happened to you... To all of you?"

"It's kind of a long story." Hover shrugged. "One that involves... Your brother."

"Thorax? He's here?" Pharynx looked around. With the sudden change to the swarm's appearance, he had no idea which one of them could be his brother. "Where?"

"Right over there." Hover pointed.

Pharynx glanced over to where Hover was pointed, laying his gaze on a much taller Changeling than the others. This one stood out even further, by virtue of his mandible-shaped antlers.

"That's Thorax?" He gaped. "What happened?"

"It was incredible." Hover declared. "He actually shared love, and it transformed him into that new form. It inspired the rest of us to do the same, and it feels great. We don't even feel hungry anymore!"

Pharynx rubbed his temples, trying desperately to absorb all this new information.

"But... What about the plan?" He asked. "The captives?"

"Oh, we let them go." Hover admitted. "The plan just wasn't necessary anymore."

"And Chrysalis?" Pharynx prompted.

"Gone." Hover answered. "She wouldn't change with the rest of us and just took off."

"But if the Queen's gone, who's in charge?" Pharynx asked.

"Thorax, I guess." Hover shrugged.

"Thorax?" Pharynx bit back a snigger. "Seriously?"

...Sure, why not?" Hover declared.

"Why not?" Pharynx frowned. "You spent most of your life making fun of him!"

"Well, he had the right idea with the whole 'sharing love' thing." Hover admitted. "Worth a shot, at least..."

Shaking his head, Pharynx walked over to his brother. While initially talking with his new subjects, Thorax quickly took note of Pharynx's approach.

"...Hi, Pharynx." He said awkwardly.

Pharynx was briefly nonplussed at the fact that Thorax's voice hadn't changed. It was odd hearing his timid little voice emitting from that tall, regal form. But he recovered quickly.

"Thorax." He said bluntly. "You look... Well."

"I guess it's kind of a shock for you to see me here." Thorax declared.

"That's putting it mildly." Pharynx admitted. "I never expected to see you again, let alone looking... Like that."

"Yeah... It's been kind of a weird day." Thorax shrugged.

"I hear you're in charge now." Pharynx said nonchalantly.

"That's the way it seems." Thorax nodded.

"You've started quite a trend, haven't you?" Pharynx glanced around the hive. "I barely recognized the swarm."

"It's a new day for the Changelings, Pharynx." Thorax smiled. "No more hunting, no more attacking ponies... Just peace and tranquility."

"Well, that sounds great." Pharynx said sarcastically. "We can all just throw away years and years of tradition, and become passive little bugs."

"I know it's a lot to take in." Thorax said fairly.

"That's one way of putting it." Pharynx scowled. "I went out on patrol like normal, them came back to find out everything I've ever known has vanished, replaced by a pastel-colored nightmare!"

"Please, just calm down." Thorax tried to defuse the situation. "Maybe if you tried the change for yourself-"

"How about we put a pin in that?" Pharynx scoffed. "Forever."

Pharynx walked away, leaving Thorax disheartened.

'You may have convinced the others to give up their heritage, but not me.' Pharynx thought. 'Never me...'

The present...

"That may have been a good day for you, but it wasn't one for me." Pharynx declared. "Just like that, I felt as if my whole world had been taken from me, like the hive I knew had been ripped away, leaving me with nothing."

"I didn't know you felt that way..." Thorax admitted.

"How could you?" Pharynx shrugged. "I was never one for sharing my feelings, remember?" He chuckled lightly. "When I found out there were other Changelings who were sticking to the old ways, I felt like my world hadn't completely fallen apart. But then, one by one, you convinced them to change. And all of a sudden, I was the lone misfit among the hive, just like you once were. How's that for irony?"

"I never meant to hurt you, Pharynx." Thorax assured him. "No matter what, you were still my brother. That's why I never gave up on you, even when the others were demanding I banish you. You looked out for me all our lives, and I wanted to do the same for you."

"Lucky for me, huh?" Pharynx smiled. "In the end, you and your pony friends helped this stubborn Changeling to see the light. Now, for the first time in a long while, I feel like I'm home."

"It wouldn't be home without you, Pharynx." Thorax admitted. "Convincing all those other Changelings to embrace the new way of life felt good, but without you, it wouldn't feel right at all."

"You really mean that, don't you?" Pharynx grinned.

"I do." Thorax nodded. "Even when I was at the Crystal Empire surrounded by love and accepted by the Crystal Ponies, there was still a part of me that missed you. Barely a day went by that I didn't think of you."

"Okay, now you're gettin' sappy." Pharynx snorted. "But, y'know, maybe I did... think about you... sometimes. But only about useless you'd be, out there on your own, without me to bail out that wimpy shell of yours."

"I knew you cared." Thorax teased his brother.

"Hey, you're my brother." Pharynx smiled. "It's my job to care."

"Now who's getting sappy?" Thorax smirked.

The two brothers shared a good laugh.

"Whatever happens, it's good to know that I'll have you by my side." Thorax admitted. "If any Changeling can keep this hive protected, it's you."

"Thanks, bro." Pharynx nodded. "And just for the record, you're a pretty good leader. ...Just don't expect me to bow to you, or anything."

"Don't worry." Thorax chuckled. "I'm not that kind of leader."

"No, you're not." Pharynx grinned. "You're the kind of leader this hive needs. And no matter what happens in the future, you can count on me to stay by your side, and keep this hive safe and secure."

"That's all I could ever ask of you." Thorax smiled. "I love you, big brother."

"Right back at ya, little brother." Pharynx returned the feeling.

Together, the two brothers looked out over the Changeling Kingdom, ready for whatever the new day would bring them.