• Published 16th Jun 2018
  • 1,464 Views, 94 Comments

Tales Of Friendship - Bluecatcinema

Friendship stories from across Equestria.

  • ...

The Three Siblings

Inside Donut Joe's donut shop, in the heart of Canterlot, it was business as usual, and Joe was handling his customers' requests with his trademark gruff yet efficient work ethic.

After serving another table with donuts and coffee, Joe made to return to his place behind the counter. He stopped in his tracks as he heard the ringing of the bell as the door opened. Turning to face the incoming new customers, he was pleasantly surprised to see they were actually three of his favorite old customers: Twilight Sparkle, Shining Armor, and Spike (who was wearing a crown that seemed to be made out of tin foil).

"Well, there's a trio I haven't seen together in a long time." He chuckled as they approached.

"Hi, Joe." Shining Armor smiled. "Long time no see."

"One Deluxe Donut platter, Joe." Spike said grandly, a very proud smile on his voice. "We've got something to celebrate."

"And three hot cocoas on the side, please." Twilight added.

"Comin' right up." Joe nodded. He turned to Spike. "Are those new?" He pointed out the young dragon's wings.

"Pretty much, yeah." Spike said, proudly flapping his wings.

"They look good on ya." Joe declared. "Hey, Shining Armor, when you gettin' your wings?" He joked.

"Only in my dreams, Joe." Shining Armor rolled his eyes. "Only in my dreams."

"Good to know some things don't change." Joe chuckled.

As Joe headed into the kitchen to attend to the order, Twilight, Shining Armor, and Spike sat at their favorite table.

"You know, Joe was right." Shining Armor admitted. "It has been a while since we've all been here together. Time was, we'd go here every day, without fail. And now, I can barely remember the last time I was here myself, let alone with you two."

"To be fair, we've all been pretty busy lately." Twilight pointed out. "It's not like the old days, when we could just drop by after school for a donut or two."

"Yeah, those were the days." Shining Armor sighed nostalgically. "Back when exams and winning Sibling Supreme were our biggest concerns. Now look at us: you and me are both royalty, with a ton of responsibilities. I'm a husband and father, you're running a school... With Spike helping you out every step of the way."

"Well, I wouldn't say every step." Spike attempted to sound modest, but couldn't quite pull it off. "I help where I can. It's not like Twilight would totally fall apart without me..."

"Perish the thought." Twilight rolled her eyes. "Still, I'd prefer not to put that to the test."

"Me neither... Sis." Spike smiled.

"You're really gonna milk that, aren't you?" Shining Armour grinned.

"You know it, big bro." Spike winked.

Moments later, Joe returned, pushing a cart containing a platter of multiple, fancy-looking donuts, and the hot cocoas Twilight had requested.

"Here ya go." Joe smiled. "Enjoy."

"Oh, we will." Spike eyed the donuts hungrily.

"So... Mind tellin' me what's up with the crown?" Joe asked, eying Spike's silvery headgear. "I remember seein' Twilight or Shining Armor wearing it sometimes back in the day, but never you."

"Let's just say Spike got a pretty big win today." Shining Armour smiled.

"It's kind of a long story." Twilight noted.

"Then how about givin' me the short version?" Joe suggested.

"Gladly." Spike smirked, eager to recount his cunning act of snatching the Sibling Supreme crown from under the noses of both Twilight and Shining Armor.

Joe listened with mounting interest as the basics of the tale unfolded. Inbetween sips of their cocoas and bites from the Deluxe Donuts, each sibling lent their own view of what had transpired earlier that day, when Twilight (aided by her friends) had challenged Shining Armor's improved security for Canterlot castle - with the crown as the prize, and how the competition had ended with Spike taking the crown for himself, a result both Twilight and Shining Armor were happy to accept.

"...And after that, we decided that the three of us should celebrate the naming of the permanent Sibling Supreme." Twilight smiled. "So while our friends headed back to Ponyville, we all agreed to come here for our own little celebration."

"Well, well." Joe nodded, taking the whole story in. "That's quite a story. Pretty clever thinking, little fella." He told Spike.

"I know." Spike bragged. "It's not every day you get to outsmart a Prince/former captain of the Royal Guard and a Princess/one of the smartest ponies in Equestria, but this guy pulled it off."

"That's our little brother." Shining Armour chuckled. "Always full of surprises."

"Don't forget brains." Spike boasted.

"And so humble, too." Twilight joked.

"I don't blame ya for lording that crown all over the place." Joe told Spike. "Sounds like you really earned it. With you wearin' it, it's almost like all three a' ya are royalty now."

"Well, close enough." Spike adjusted the crown.

The doorbell rang once again as more customers entered the shop.

"Duty calls." Joe noted. "Enjoy your victory donuts, your majesty." He winked at Spike.

"Already am." Spike started on another donut as Joe moved to attend to the new customers' needs.

"Mmm." Shining Armor savoured another donut of his own. "I'd almost forgotten how good these things are."

"There was a reason we kept coming here every day, you know." Twilight pointed out.

"Yeah." Shining Armor agreed. "Hey, remember when Joe put out those limited-edition extra sugar-coated, extra jelly-filled, chocolate coated donuts?"

"Do I?" Twilight snorted. "Spike had just one, and went on the biggest sugar rush I'd ever seen... until I met Pinkie Pie, of course."

"It wasn't that bad." Spike pouted.

"Spike, you were literally climbing the walls." Shining Armor snickered. "You can still see the little claw marks right over there." He pointed to the wall on the far side of the shop.

"You really dug in dug deep, too." Twilight noted. "It took a lot of magic for me to finally get you off there. For a second, I was worried the whole wall would end up coming with you!"

Twilight and Shining Armor shared a nostalgic laugh. After a moment's more pouting, Spike started laughing too.

"I guess it must've been kinda funny to watch..." He admitted. "We sure made a lot of great memories here, didn't we?"

"We sure did." Twilight nodded.

"And if memory serves, this is far from the first time a celebration over winning that crown was held here." Shining Armor recalled.

"Not even close." Twilight grinned. "But now that I think about, there is something I wanted to ask you, BBBFF."

"What's that?" Shining Armor asked.

"Not that I didn't relish the opportunity to try and win the Sibling Supreme crown one last time, why did you pick now, of all times, to revive the contest?" Twilight asked.

"Honestly, bringing back our little competition is something I've been thinking about for a while now." Shining Armor confessed.

"It is?" Spike said through a mouthful of donut.

"Yeah." Shining Armor nodded. "Sure, I left home still holding onto the Supreme Sibling crown, what with winning the last contest before moving out."

"Don't rub it in." Twilight joked.

"I'm not ashamed to admit I felt really proud of myself for that." Shining Armor continued. "But with everything that's happened since then, it wasn't long before I started to feel like I really wasn't the Sibling Supreme."

"You did?" Twilight frowned.

"Nope." Shining Armour shook his head. "Not compared to you, Twily. For starters, you've always been better at schoolwork than me. And over the years, you've saved Equestria time and time again, and personally saved me into the bargain more than once. You became an Alicorn Princess, started your own school... and then I hear Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are planning to have you and your friends take over from them, making you the new ruler of Equestria. Can you really blame me for feeling a little inadequate compared to all that?"

"Don't sell yourself short, BBBFF." Twilight countered. "You've done great things too. Becoming captain of the guard, marrying Cadance, defeating Chrysalis, saving and leading the Crystal Empire, being a wonderful father to Flurry Heart..."

"When you put it all together like that, it does sound pretty impressive..." Shining Armor admitted. "But it still pales in comparison to everything you've done. I wasn't chosen to be Celestia's personal student, I'm not the embodiment of an Element of Harmony, I didn't create new magic, I didn't teach a student who went on to save Equestria..."

"I guess not." Twilight capitulated.

"When Celestia asked me to help improve the castle's security, it seemed like it was my big chance to one-up you one last time before you wound up permanently outranking me." Shining Armor admitted. "Let's face it, even if Spike didn't pull off that surprise victory, and I ended up winning our final competition, it'd still be tough for me to consider myself 'the Sibling Supreme' after my little sister had been placed in charge of the entire country."

"I didn't really think of it like that." Twilight mused. "But there's nothing to worry about. No matter what happens, or what position I'm given, you'll always be my big brother, and I'll always look up to you."

"Really, Twily?" Shining Armor smiled.

"Really." Twilight nodded. "Besides, as the Princess of Friendship, I never want to think of myself as above anypony, especially my family."

"And just in case you were wondering, being the permanent Sibling Supreme doesn't mean I'm gonna start looking down on either of you guys." Spike chipped in. "We're all family here, aren't we?"

"We sure are." Shining Armor grinned. "Even if it took some of us a while to really see it."

"Better late than never though, right?" Twilight pointed out.

"You said it." Spike nodded.

The three siblings shared a close family hug.

"You know, I'm actually kind of interested in seeing how you and your friends would handle ruling Equestria." Shining Armor admitted after the hug ended.

"Oh, really?" Twilight asked.

"Mm-hmm." Shining Armor nodded. "Specifically, how you'd handle the Royal Guard situation. Not to brag, but I think the way I've arranged the Crystal Guards, both in formation and defensive tactics, is pretty much flawless."

"What are you saying exactly?" Twilight narrowed her eyes.

"Just that you shouldn't feel too bad if you and your friends have trouble getting to grips with the Canterlot Guards at first." Shining Armor smirked deviously. "As a former Captain of the Guard myself, I know it takes a lot of time and effort to master, so don't worry if the guards here fall a little behind mine in efficiency. It's only to be expected."

"Is that a challenge?" Twilight smirked back.

"And what if it is?" Shining Armor retorted. "You said yourself you don't want to feel above anypony, even when you're in charge of all Equestria. So you probably wouldn't mind a little friendly competition between my Crystal Guards and what will soon be your Canterlot Guards. Even if I've pretty much got it in the bag already..."

"Don't be so sure." Twilight challenged him. "I may not have much experience leading soldiers, but one thing I do know is how to organize ponies. And with Spike and my friends there to help me, I think I may actually surprise you."

"I'm sure you will, Twily." Shining Armor admitted. "But surprising me and beating me aren't the same thing, as what happened today proved."

"Guess we'll have to see, won't we?" Twilight smiled. "Spike, make sure to take a note, and keep it as a reminder for when the big day comes." She glanced at Shining Armor, a competitive gleam in her eyes. "Once we've all settled into our new roles, gotten the hang of things, then we'll see who's got the best guards."

We sure will, Twily." Shining Armor chuckled.

"Here we go again." Spike rolled his eyes. "Joe was right, some things really don't change..."

"What about the prize?" Shining Armor asked.

"How about something simple, like bragging rights?" Twilight suggested. "That, and the loser treats the winner, and their subjects, to a royal banquet... as a goodwill gesture, of course. What do you say?"

"You're on." Shining Armor nodded.

Twilight and Shining Armor shook hooves in agreement.

"And for what it's worth: win or lose, I think you're going to be a great ruler." Shining Armor said warmly.

"Coming from the Prince of the Crystal Empire, that means a lot." Twilight beamed.

"Speaking of which, I should probably be heading back soon." Shining Armor declared. "It's my turn to read Flurry Heart her bedtime story tonight."

"But you still have time for a couple more donuts, right?" Spike urged.

"Definitely." Shining Armor nodded. "Flurry's bedtime isn't here yet, and I wouldn't want to cut short quality time with my little sister- and little brother - so soon."

"I wouldn't miss this for the world, either." Twilight added.

"Me neither." Spike agreed. "I'd even give up my permanent Sibling Supreme crown to be able spend more time with you guys... but don't quote me on that."

"If I had still had the crown, I'd feel the same way." Shining Armor admitted.

"Me too." Twilight nodded. "Because family is more important than any competition."

"Hear, hear." Shining Armor raised his cup of cocoa. "To family."

Twilight and Spike did the same, and all three clinked their cups together in a toast.

"Family!" They chorused.

As much as they enjoyed eating at Joe's shop, it wasn't the venue, but the fact that they were all there together, that truly made those times special. And not one of them had even a single doubt in their mind that many more times like that were still in their future, even with Twilight's upcoming new position. Because those family moments would always be important to all of them.