• Published 16th Jun 2018
  • 1,459 Views, 94 Comments

Tales Of Friendship - Bluecatcinema

Friendship stories from across Equestria.

  • ...

Field Trip

The library at the Castle of Friendship was seeing more activity than usual. The library at the School of Friendship was being redecorated, so Twilight had given her students permission to use her castle's library for homework and study sessions between classes.

Currently, Sandbar, Silverstream and Smolder (among others) were taking advantage of Twilight's offer, using the library to carry out one of their study sessions.

"The Pony of Shadows came before Discord, right?" Smolder asked.

"That's right." Sandbar nodded.

"Did Sombra come after Discord, or before?" Smolder frowned.

"After!" Silverstream smiled. "No, wait, before. I think..."

"Ocellus would really come in handy right now." Smolder groaned.

"She can't help it if she had to go back to the hive for her little sister's first shedding." Sandbar declared.

"If shedding is anything like the molt, I don't envy the kid right now." Smolder snorted.

"You want somecreature to not envy? Try Gallus." Silverstream said sympathetically. "The poor guy's stuck in bed with the flu."

"At least he doesn't have to do his homework." Smolder pointed out. "And Professor Fluttershy volunteered to look after him. Not so bad, if you ask me."

"Still, it just doesn't feel right, not having all six of us together." Silverstream frowned. "Gallus is sick, Ocellus is at the hive, and Yona's at Yakyakistan, celebrating her grandma's birthday. It's like we can only have half as fun when there's just three of us."

"I know." Sandbar agreed. "But as long as we stick together, we can finish this in no time."

"Suits me just fine." Smolder scowled.

By the time they'd finished, the three were the only ones left in the library.

"Great job, guys!" Silverstream smiled. "We totally crushed it!"

"At least it didn't take all day." Smolder shrugged. "Now we can get outside and have some fun."

"Let's make sure to put our books put first." Sandbar suggested. "Headmare Twilight let us use her library, so it's only right we leave it the way we found it."

"Yeah, yeah..." Smolder sighed. As she returned her books to their proper places, she noticed something in the corner of the library she hadn't registered before. It looked like an ornate full-size mirror, but with strange devices added to it. "What's up with that weird-lookin' mirror?"

"I don't know, but all those fancy gadgets look cool!" Silverstream smiled.

"I think I know what it is." Sandbar declared. "I heard a rumor once that Headmare Twilight used it to travel to another world, one filled with strange creatures."

"Ooh!" Silverstream squeaked excitedly.

"Think you can define 'strange'?" Smolder requested. "Because we've seen our share of weird creatures."

"Like I said, I've only heard rumors." Sandbar shrugged. "But supposedly, the world on the other side of that mirror is filled with creatures that look like... Hairless monkeys wearing clothes."

"No way!" Silverstream gaped.

"Yes way." Sandbar nodded. "They call themselves 'humans'. And Headmare Twilight actually become one of them when she passed through the mirror."

"Yikes." Smolder grimaced. "So... Does it still work?"

"I think so." Sandbar nodded. "They say there's a pony who actually lives over there, and uses the mirror to visit Headmare Twilight from time to time."

"That. Is. Incredible!" Silverstream grinned. "I wonder what it's like over there?"

"Why wonder, when we can find out for ourselves?" Smolder smirked.

"...Wait, what?" Sandbar frowned.

"You heard me." Smolder grinned. "We should go through the mirror and check this other world out."

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Silverstream giggled excitedly. "It'll be our own little field trip!"

"I don't know, guys." Sandbar said, uncertain. "What if Headmare Twilight finds out?"

"She won't know." Smolder claimed. "She's still at the school, grading yesterday's tests. We can go there, have a look around, and be back before anycreature even notices."

"Come on, Sandbar." Silverstream pleaded. "We're already down to three. Don't make it two."

"...Ohhh, alright." Sandbar sighed. "I guess a quick trip wouldn't hurt..."

"So let's get moving." Smolder urged. "No time like the present."

The three of them walked to the mirror. Tentatively, Smolder reached forward, placing her claw against the glass, and was amazed as the surface became shiny, allowing her claw to pass through.

"Cool..." She whispered.

"Uh... Ladies first?" Sandbar said nervously.

"Let's all go at the same time." Silverstream suggested, placing a claw on both her friends' shoulders. "Together."

"Okay." Sandbar nodded, still a tad unsure.

"Let's do this." Smolder grinned.

As one, they all stepped into the mirror, and fond themselves being thrown a swirling vortex, a blinding light closing in on them.

"WHOA!" They yelped in unison.

When the light finally faded, they found themselves in an unfamiliar area. There was a path under them, and a large building ahead of them.

"Ohhhh..." Sandbar groaned. "What a trip..."

"You're telling me..." Silverstream agreed.

They looked at each other, and were surprised at they saw. They were now humans, obviously, but that wasn't the only change; Sandbar was wearing a dark green t-shirt brown shorts and sneakers, while Silverstream was wearing a yellow ruffled sundress and sandals.

"Whoa." Sandbar gaped.

"This is gonna take some getting used to." Silverstream noted, astounded by her friend's new look.

"No kidding." Sandbar glanced at his newly gained hands. "Those stories don't quite prepare you for the reality of a new body. If Ocellus were here, she could probably guide us through it. She is kind of an expert in that area..."

"Kinda weird how the mirror also gave us clothes, don't you think?" Silverstream appraised her new outfit.

"I guess." Sandbar agreed. "This whole thing is weird..."

"Yep." Silverstream stroked her hair. "But in a good way."

"That's a matter of opinion." Smolder's voice said flatly.

"Smolder?" Sandbar frowned, as he and Silverstream looked around.

"Where are you?" Silverstream added.

"Down here."

Sandbar and Silverstream looked down, seeing that Smolder had become an orange puppy, with a purple tuft of fur on her head (and a matching one on the tip of her tail) and yellow ears replacing the fronds of her dragon self. She was wearing a spiked collar, complete with diamond-shaped dog tag.

"So you guys get to be hairless monkeys, and I get to be some little mutt." Smolder pouted. "Would've been nice to know that ahead of time..."

"Huh." Sandbar mused. "Now that I think about it, Spike went with Headmare Twilight on her trips here, and the same thing happened to him. Guess dragons turn into dogs here."

"Great." Smolder said sourly. "Just great."

"Awww!" Silverstream cooed. "You look so adorable!"

"If you try to pet me, I will bite you." Smolder growled.

"...Okay." Silverstream cringed, pulling her hand back.

"Well, as long as we're here, I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a look around." Sandbar declared.

"Right." Silverstream nodded. "Let's go!"

The three made their way across the campus. Sandbar and Silverstream had trouble walking on two legs, having to lean on each other for balance until they got the hang of it. But it was Smolder who had the most trouble with her new form; her short puppy legs made it hard for her to keep up.

"Wait up, guys!" She yelled. "Stupid tiny dog legs..."

"Do you want me to carry you?" Silverstream offered.

"No!" Smolder growled. "...Yes." She added ruefully.

Silverstream picked up Smolder and carried her in her arms as they continued on their way. As they neared the building, a bell rang, and several students emerged from the building.

"So this is what a school looks like in this world." Sandbar mused. "Not bad."

"No crystal foundations or waterfalls, though." Kinda dull-looking by comparison..."

"Nothing special, if you ask me." Smolder shrugged.

As they continued looking around, Silverstream spotted a group of humans who looked vaguely familiar.

"Hey, look!" She pointed. "Is it just me, or do those six look like our teachers?"

"They sure do." Sandbar agreed. "They must be the human versions that Headmare Twilight met."

"They even got a human version of her." Smolder noted.

"But with glasses." Silverstream declared.

"Which means that dog with her must be this world's Spike." Sandbar acknowledged.

"He looks cute too!" Silverstream squeed. "We should go over there and introduce ourselves!"

"Sure, why not?" Sandbar smiled. "Just don't let slip that we're from another world. Pretend like we're natives."

"You got it, fellow human." Silverstream winked.

"Remember, Smolder, dogs normally don't talk in either world." Sandbar pointed out. "So just stick to barking, okay?"

"Bark, bark." Smolder said flatly. "Arf, arf."

"That's the spirit!" Silverstream grinned. "Now let's go introduce ourselves!"

"Hi, fellow humans!" Silverstream waved. "It's a beautiful day in this human world of ours, isn't it?"

"It sure is!" The human Pinkie Pie agreed obliviously.

"Howdy." The human Applejack. "I'm Applejack. And this here's Pinkie Pie."

"Rarity." The human Rarity smiled. "Delighted to meet you, darlings."

"Rainbow Dash." The human version of Equestria's fastest flyer nodded.

"I'm Fluttershy." Fluttershy declared.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle." The human Twilight declared, holding aloft her puppy companion. "And this is Spike."

Spike, in the middle of gnawing on a bone, raised a paw in greeting.

"Nice to meet you all... For the first time." Silverstream smiled.

"I'm Sandbar." Sandbar introduced himself. "And this is Silverstream."

"And this is Smolder!" Silverstream held up her formerly-draconic friend.

"Ruff, ruff!" Smolder said half-heartedly.

"Oh, she's adorable." Fluttershy cooed. "Hi, girl!"

Smolder intially growled as Fluttershy approached. But that growl turned into a whine of pleasure as Fluttershy scratched her behind the ears.

"Yes, you're a good girl." Fluttershy smiled, offering her a bone-shaped biscuit. "Would you like a treat?"

Smolder's initial thought was to refuse. But as her puppy nose picked up the scent of the biscuit, she found herself unable to resist. With one quick move, she snapped up the biscuit, devouring it in seconds.

"That's a good girl." Fluttershy patted Smolder on the head.

"She sure is!" Silverstream teased Smolder, who was looking quite ashamed and disgusted by her moment of weakness.

"Hey, guys." A seventh girl joined the group, one who had orange skin, green eyes and yellow and red hair.

"Hey, Sunset!" Rainbow smiled.

"So... Who are your new friends?" Sunset glanced at the three newcomers.

"Oh, this is Sandbar, Silverstream..." Pinkie introduced them in turn. "And this little cutie is Smolder!" She ruffled Smolder's head tuft.

"Hi." Sunset smiled. "I'm Sunset Shimmer. Nice to meet you."

"Hey." Sandbar nodded.

"Nice to meet you too... Fellow human!" Silverstream beamed. "How's your human day been going? Our human day's been going great!"

"Ease up on the 'human' stuff!" Sandbar whispered.

"Sorry." Silverstream whispered back.

"So, 'fellow humans'... Are you new students here?" Sunset asked.

"Uh... Yeah." Sandbar nodded awkwardly. "Maybe. I mean, we're just checkin' the place out. You know, weighing our options."

"Of course." Sunset smirked. "There are a lot of quality schools around here. Don't want to make a choice too quickly."

"That's right." Silverstream agreed. "Lots of great schools here. We know that!"

"That's right." Sunset grinned. "Then again, there are great schools everywhere. Even in... Equestria, am I right?"

"Uh..." Sandbar froze up.

"Whaaat?!" Silverstream put on a very fake-sounding laugh. "What are... What are you talking about?"

"Why are you mentioning Equestria right now?" Rainbow Dash frowned.

"Especially in front of the new kids?" Twilight asked.

"Because they're from Equestria." Sunset revealed.

"Say whaaat?!" Pinkie squeaked.

"Seriously?" Rarity frowned.

"Is that true?" Applejack asked Sandbar.

"I... I don't know what she's talking about!" Sandbar spluttered.

"Yeah." Silverstream laughed awkwardly. "What is an 'Equestria', anyway? Is it something you eat?"

"Look, I'm going to save us all a lot of trouble." Sunset shook her head. "I saw the three of you coming here through the portal."

"...You did?" Sandbar said flatly.

"That's right." Sunset nodded. She glanced at Smolder. "And I'm guessing that makes you a dragon, right?"

"Yes!" Smolder sighed with relief. "Now I don't have to make with the fake barks anymore!"

"So you're all from Equestria?" Applejack asked.

"That's right." Silverstream nodded. "Had you fooled, didn't we?"

"You sure did!" Pinkie nodded.

"Figured you'd drop by for a visit, huh?" Sunset asked.

"Pretty much, yeah." Smolder admitted.

"You don't seem that surprised that we're here." Sandbar noted.

"Well, I have been speaking with Princess Twilight over a magical set of books for a while now." Sunset held aloft a book, the cover containing a symbol that was half Twilight's Cutie Mark, hald the symbol on her shirt. "Recently, she told me about opening a School of Friendship. She even mentioned some of her students, including the three of you. I'm guessing you found out about the mirror and this world through her."

"Not exactly." Sandbar said sheepishly. "I heard rumors about the mirror, and Silverstream and Smolder really wanted to check this place out. So..."

"So you went behind Princess Twilight's back?" Sunset frowned.

"Well, when you say like that, it sounds pretty bad." Smolder shrugged.

"It's not like we're causing any harm." Silverstream declared.

"I guess not." Sunset admitted. "It's really no different than when Starlight visited."

"Guidance Consellor Starlight came here too?" Sandbar said, surprised. "Never heard about that."

"Oh, yeah." Rainbow nodded. "Even saved us from a grudge-bearing girl with a magic mirror."

"Magic?" Silverstream frowned. "I thought there wasn't any magic in this world?"

"Technically, there isn't." Rarity admitted. "It's quite a tale, actually."

"We wouldn't mind hearing it." Sandbar declared.

"Silverstream, can you put me down now?" Smolder requested. "We don't need to pretend anymore."

"Aw, but you're so fluffy!" Silverstream reluctantly put her down.

"Okay, to make a very long story short, magic from Equestria has been leaking into this world for a while now." Sunset recapped. "We don't know how, or why, but it's happening."

"And that magic has a habit of infusing itself into random objects." Rarity continued.

"And whoever uses those objects usually ends up gettin' corrupted by 'em." Applejack continued.

"Luckily, we have some Equestrian magic of her own." The human Twilight declared. She touched the pendant around her neck with one hand, then raised her other hand. The hand glowed purple causing books to float out of her school bag, covered in the same purple glow.

"Whoa." Sandbar looked on in awe. "Just like a Unicorn from our world."

"Think that's impressive? Check this out!" Rainbow used her own magic to move across the campus at super speed.

"Wow!" Silverstream gaped. "You're as fast as Professor Dash!"

"'Professor'." Rainbow snorted. "Can't believe that other me is a 'professor' There's an egghead's title if I ever heard one..."

At that point, Spike, having finished his bone, pattered over to Smolder.

"So you've been able to talk all this time?" He asked.

"...I could ask you the same question." Smolder retorted. "I thought dogs don't talk in this world?"

"They don't." Spike admitted. "I had a little... Encounter with Equestrian magic a while back, and I've been able to talk ever since."

"Okay..." Smolder shrugged.

"I hear that other me over in Equestria is really a dragon, like you." Spike noted.

"That's right." Smolder nodded. "Kinda weird how passing through that mirrors turns dragons into dogs..."

"You think it works in reverse?" Spike asked. "You know, that if I went through, I'd turn into a dragon."

"Maybe." Smolder declared. "And no offense, but it'd be a step from this."

"You don't like being a dog?" Spike asked.

"I don't like being a harmless little puppy." Smolder pouted. "No wings, no fire breath, a very unwelcome taste for dog biscuits..."

"It's not all bad." Spike defended his species. "In fact, there's a lot of good things about being a dog."

"Oh, really?" Smolder said skeptically. "Because I can't think of a single good thing about-"

A chittering sound suddenly caught Smolder's attention. Two squirrels had scampered down from a nearby tree, and were exploring the grass. Something stirred within Smolder, similar to when she'd been unable to resist the biscuit Fluttershy had offered her. The primal instinct was almost overpowering.

"Those squirrels. You wanna chase 'em, don't ya?" Spike whispered, a knowing smile on his face.

"Yes." Smolder said, just as quietly. "I really, really wanna chase those squirrels."

"Then what are ya waiting for?" Spike grinned. "Let's get 'em!"

"Oh, yeah!" Smolder barked, as she and Spike pounced.

The squirrels squeaked in terror, and fled from their pursuers.

"You can't get away from us!" Spike taunted.

"We're gonna get ya!" Smolder taunted.

The two puppies started chasing the squirrels all over the campus.

Meanwhile, the human girls (and Sunset) were still talking with Sandbar and Silverstream.

"So what's like at this human school?" Silverstream asked. "Do you get classes where you make friends with all kinds of amazing creatures? Or where you get cupcakes?"

"Not exactly." Rainbow shook her head.

"We do sometimes make cupcakes in Home Ec." Pinkie admitted.

"Oh." Silverstream frowned. "Seems kinda boring."

"It was... before all this magic mayhem started up." Rarity declared.

"And a lot of it seems to happen around the school." Fluttershy added. "And we're the only one who can stop it."

"When things really get tough, we can combine the power of our geodes, and unleash a power on par with the Elements of Harmony themselves." Rarity added.

"Whoa, no kidding?" Sandbar smiled. "I'll bet that looks awesome!"

"It does." Rainbow grinned.

"We'd show ya, but we prefer tah save our geode powers fer when we really need 'em." Applejack stated. "Believe me when Ah say overusin' 'em has its consequences..." She glanced at Rainbow, who rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"And when we're not battling magical threats, we just go to school like regular kids." Human Twilight added.

"That's kinda weird, from our perspective." Silverstream pointed out. "You guys are students, but the versions of you in our world are the teachers! Crazy, right?"

"You could say that." Rarity noted. "I never really saw myself as a teacher..."

"Princess Twilight taught me a lot." Sunset declared. "So that at least wasn't a surprise."

"Honestly, becoming a lecturer always was one of my most likely career opportunities." Human Twilight admitted.

"Guess you're not so different from Princess Twilight." Pinkie pointed out.

"None of you are really that different from your pony selves." Sandbar noted. "I bet you'd be pretty great teachers too."

"Easy there, Sandbar." Rainbow joked. "No-one likes a teacher's pet."

The group shared a good laugh over Rainbow's joke.

Across the campus, Spike and Smolder continued chasing the squirrels the pursuit ending only when the squirrels scampered up another tree.

"No fair!" Spike protested.

"You're lucky I don't have my wings!" Smolder growled.

"Those sneaky little cheats always hide up their trees." Spike tutted. "But it's still fun chasing 'em, huh?"

"Real fun." Smolder agreed. "Maybe being a dog's not so bad after all..."

"You better believe it." Spike grinned.

"You know, it's funny." Smolder declared. "In some ways, you're a lot like the Spike I know. In others, you're completely different."

"What ways?" Spike asked.

"Well, you don't have wings, for starters." Smolder joked. "But seriously, the Spike I know is a good kid, but he can be a little unsure of himself. Comes from being a dragon raised by ponies. You don't seem to have that problem."

"Yep." Spike nodded. "I'm pretty much an expert at being a dog."

"But you're definitely as nice a guy as the Spike I know." Smolder smiled. "Guess being raised by a Twilight Sparkle does wonders for your personality."

"No arguments here." Spike chuckled. "My Twilight has always been good to me. But she does get kinda snippy whenever I chew on her socks..."

"Okay, little too much information there..." Smolder deadpanned. "Let's get back to the others. Hate to say it, but I wouldn't mind another of those dog biscuits."

"They're growing on ya, huh?" Spike chuckled.

The two returned to the others.

"Where have you been?" Human Twilight asked.

"Oh, just giving Smolder here a crash course in the finer points of being a dog." Spike grinned.

"Were you chasing those poor squirrels again?" Fluttershy frowned.

"We're dogs, whattaya expect?" Smolder smirked.

"Good answer." Spike grinned.

"Glad to see you've been having fun." Sandbar declared.

"So have we." Silverstream added. "You wouldn't believe what happens around here! It's like this..."

For the next few minutes, the students and their new friends talked amongst themselves, catching Smolder up on matters, and talking about new subjects. All too soon, the school bell rang again.

"Looks like it's back to class for us." Rainbow sighed.

"Aww!" Pinkie pouted.

"I know!" Silverstream agreed. "We were all having so much fun!"

"I think it's time you guys went back to your school too." Sunset pointed out.

"Yeah, I guess." Sandbar agreed. "It was nice meeting you all."

"The feeling is mutual, darling." Rarity smiled.

"Maybe we'll see each other again some day?" Fluttershy suggested.

"That would be wonderful." Silverstream nodded.

"Maybe ask permission next time, huh?" Sunset suggested.

"Will do." Sandbar said sheepishly.

"See ya around, puppy-in-training." Spike told Smolder.

"Not if I see you first, teach." Smolder retorted.

As the humans headed back to their school, the visitors made their way back to the portal.

"Happy trails!" Applejack waved.

"Good luck with your schoolwork!" Human Twilight added.

"Don't be strangers!" Pinkie urged.

"Bye!" The three chorused.

With their new friends inside the school, Sandbar, Silverstream and Smolder stood in front of the portal.

"Well, it was fun while it was lasted." Silverstream sighed.

"Yeah." Sandbar agreed. "But it's time to head home."

"Back to our own school." Smolder noted.

The three of them entered the portal once again, and emerged within the castle library, back in their normal states.

"That was so much fun!" SIlverstream smiled.

"Sure was." Sandbar agreed. "Glad to be back, though."

"I'm just glad to be a dragon again." Smolder admitted. "Being a dog wasn't so bad, but I wouldn't want it to be permanent."

"And we went there and back without anycreature even knowing we were gone." Silverstream grinned.

"I wouldn't be so sure about." A familar voice declared.

With a sense of impending doom, the three of them turned to the right, and saw Twilight standing before them, clearly not pleased.

"How was your trip?" She asked flatly.

"Uh... good?" Silverstream said awkwardly.

"H-headmare Twilight!" Sandbar cringed. "This isn't what it looks like..."

"Don't even bother." Twilight held up a book with her magic. "Sunset just told me all about your little visit to the human world."

"She told on us?!" Smolder frowned. "Not cool..."

"If she hadn't, I would come out of my mind with worry, wondering where the three of you had gone!" Twilight declared. "You and all the other students are my responsibility. How do you think I, or your families, would feel if you suddenly and literally vanished from the face of Equestria without warning, or seemingly any explanation?"

"... We're sorry, Headmare Twilight." Silverstream hung her head in regret. "Sandbar told us about how those was a whole world on the other side of the mirror, and it all seemed so incredible..."

"It is incredible." Twilight admitted. "But so much can go wrong in a world that's unfamiliar to you. You could have gotten lost, or hurt, or worse!"

"Well..." Sandbar tried to speak up.

"I'm especially disappointed in you, Sandbar." Twilight rounded on him. "I thought you would be above something so reckless."

"I..." Sandbar said weakly.

"He was!" Smolder spoke up. "Sandbar didn't want to go. He went with us so he could try and keep us out of trouble."

"Is that true, Sandbar?" Twilight asked.

"Yes." Sandbar nodded. "I couldn't let them go there by themselves."

"That was very responsible of you, Sandbar." Twilight smiled. "Not as responsible as stopping the trip entirely, but responsible nonetheless."

"Really?" Sandbar smiled hopefully. "Thanks!"

"And it wasn't really that dangerous over there." Silverstream pointed out. "We got to meet those other versions of you and the professors, Spike, and especially Sunset Shimmer!"

"It was really fun... even if I did have to be stuck as a dog the whole time." Smolder admitted. "So... I guess you could say everything worked out in the end, right? So we can all just chalk this up to experience, right?"

"Nice try." Twilight smirked. "I'm going to need each of you to write me a thousand word essay on why you shouldn't take advantage of somecreature's generosity, or use their possessions without asking."

"Ohhhh!" The three students chorused.

"And I expect them on my desk first thing Monday." Twilight stated. "I look forward to reading them. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Headmare Twilight." The three sighed.

"Good." Twilight smiled. "Now run along. I think after all the day's excitement, you should take a little rest."

Shortly afterward, the three students edited the castle, feeling distinctly ambivalent about the day's events.

"A thousand words..." Smolder groaned. "I'm so gonna get a claw cramp before I'm finished..."

"It might not be that bad." Silverstream tried to be positive. "A thousand words isn't that much, when you think about it."

"Not to you, maybe." Smolder frowned. "You usually speak more words than that before lunch."

"Come on, Smolder." Sandbar rolled his eyes. "We made our own beds here, and now we've gotta lie in them."

"Yeah, I guess..." Smolder sighed.

"We still had a great adventure, though." Silverstream smiled. "Saw new places, met some new friends... And we got a great story to tell the others!"

"Speaking of which, we should check on Gallus." Sandbar suggested. "Knowing Professor Fluttershy, he's probably feeling a little better by now."

"Wait'll he hears where we've been..." Smolder grinned.

The three young friendship students made their way back to the School of Friendship, intent on sharing their adventure with their friend, and reliving their meeting with their new friends. It was going to be quite a story...