• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 4,122 Views, 145 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 1) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard and The Mane Six both work together to spread the magic of friendship while protecting Equestria and the Pride Lands.

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Episode 1: Never Judge a Hyena by Its Spots

Episode 1:

Never Judge a Hyena By Its Spots

It wasn’t long ago since the first and newly formed Pony Guard was formed. Together with their teamwork combined they were all able to help maintain peace in both the Pride Lands and Equestria. Every week Twilight was able to find a friendship lesson along the way to report to her mentor Princess Celestia while Kion gets the satisfaction of a job well done working with Twilight.

One day, the oryxes are running for the lives, once again because of Janja and his hyenas who are all hungry as always.

Even though Janja and his hyenas do have their rights to hunt, as evidenced in their attempted massacre of the gazelles, they have a really bad habit of taking more than their fair share which can potentially disturb the balance of the Circle of Life.

“Come boys! It’s lunchtime! And I’m starving!” Janja told his two hyena companions who were trailing right behind him as they close in on the oryxes.

“I’m always starving!” Chungu commented as Cheezi also shared their excitement just as they were about to close in on their prey.

But before their teeth could lock in for the kill…

“Hyenas!” Kion called out stopping the trio in their tracks as he and his team along with the Mane Six and Spike all appear alongside with them. “I told you to stay out of the Pride Lands!”

“Did you now? My stomach keeps forgetting.” Janja dismisses the warning as he eyes the six ponies in front of him. “Especially when there are colorful meals right in front of us.”

“His stomach forgets.” Chungu cluelessly says to Cheezi. “That’s a good one.”

“Keep talking like that and you’ll be hearing colorful words you’ll never forget.” Rainbow Dash threatened with raised hooves.

“Oh.” Cheezi said just as clueless in response to the peasus’s threat. “That’s even better considering how very colorful you are.”

“GO!” Kion yelled out to the hyenas having enough of their antics which caused them to flinch in response.

“Oh no.” Janja said in worry seeing they have to cut their losses as he leads his companions away and back to the Outlands.

“That cub’s got no sense of humor.” Cheezi remarked as they ran away. “I mean that colorful joke was pretty good.”

“Lion Guard. Girls. Calm the herds.” Kion instructed the team as he turned to the rainbow-colored pony. “Rainbow and I will take care of these guys.”

“You got it!” Fuli said in reply as she and Twilight lead the way to do so.

“Applejack! Pinkie Pie! Round them up!” Twilight called out to the earth ponies.

“Yes sir ma’m sir!” Pinkie saluted as the two sprang forward to do so and the farm pony got her lasso ready to go.

“Come on, little doggies!” Applejack shouted as she circled her lasso around the herds to allow Twilight and Fuli to head them off and slow them down while Fluttershy flies in to get them to calm down with Rarity using her magic to help slow them down.

“We’re leaving? But what about lunch?” Chungu asked his leader as if he is forgetting the lion and peagsus in question is the reason why they have to leave as they close in on the trio.

“All of the sudden, I’m not so hungry.” Janja returned as they have bigger things to be concerned about.

“But Janja? You said you were starving.” Cheezi stupidly replied.

“Just run, furbrains.” Janja simply shut them up as they cross a weak tree log over a large flowing stream that defines the borders between the Pride Lands and the Outlands as Kion stops his pursuit halfway across the log.

“That’s right back to the Outlands! NOW!” Kion again shouted in their direction as the run back into the Outlands as Rainbow speeds ahead and plows into the trio to knock them off their feet.

“And don’t come bucking back!” Rainbow added as she used her super-speed to entrap the three into a rainbow twister before using her wings to push wind in their direction to send the spinning top-like twister away into the Outlands. “Yeah, that’s right!” He triumphantly yelled out with pumped fists.

Unfortunately, the strong wind combined with Kion’s powerful shout caused the log under the cub to give away sending him into the stream as he then struggles before clinging onto one of the broken pieces for safety.

“Kion!” Rainbow shouted in his direction as he flies down and grabs ahold of him by the shoulders in an attempt to pull him to safety.

Elsewhere the herds have just been calmed down with all of the oryxes all now slowly walking now that they are all safe.

“That’s right. Easy there.” Beshte assured the oryxes as they walk to a complete stop as he and Bunga walk alongside them.

“You’re all safe and you all have nothing to worry about.” Fluttershy also assured them as she places a hoof on one of their back’s to further calm them down.

“Great job, Fluttershy!” The hippo commended her. “Who knew you had a way with animals here.”

“Oh, it was nothing.” Fluttershy lightly blushed. “I just really love them and know how to reach out to them. Of course I couldn’t have done it without Applejack and Pinkie.” She said in their direction as the cowgirl winks an eye with a lasso in her mouth while the party pony sports a wide grin in celebration of their accomplishment.

“That’s true.” Ono had no arguments there as both Twilight and Fuli both make sure the herd stops in front of them. “She sure does.”

“And that there sure was another workout there.” Applejack said as she wiped the sweat away from her brows.

“I’ll say.” Rarity agreed as she used her magic to conjure a towel to wipe the sweat away from her face. “And now I got clean myself up again.” She complained.

“Rarity, we all knew what we were getting into when we agreed to help protect the Pride Lands.” Twilight said to remind her friend that she has nothing she can complain about.

“That’s right.” Pinkie spoke up. “We all Pinkie Promised!” She then got deadly serious. “And nobody but nobody breaks a Pinkie Promise!”

“Why’s that?” Bunga questioned.

“You don’t want to know.” Pinkie said as she got in the honey badger’s face.

“Okay…” Bunga felt uneasy by the party pony’s seriousness as he changed the subject to the oryxes in question. “But what’s important is now that Kion and Rainbow have both chased those hyenas back into the Outlands you are all safe.” Bunga also added as the task was nothing they couldn’t handle.

“Speaking of which…” Fuli brought up seeing they aren’t back yet. “…They should be back by now.”

“Ono.” Twilight called out to the egret. “Check in on them!”

“Affirmative.” Ono immediately set out to do so.

He looks around and then catches his sight on Kion hanging for dear life as Rainbow tries her hardest to steer him clear of impending danger.

“Hapana!” He shouted before returning to the others. “Everyone! Kion’s in trouble!”

The others all run over to the stream as they see that Rainbow can only keep him afloat while steering him in the right direction.

“Kion!” Bunga called out as Rainbow steered him away from another sharp rock. “Hang on Kion! We’re coming!”

“Little B Don’t” Beshte urged him against jumping in the river. “The current’s too strong.”

Alas, Bunga didn’t listen as he jumped into the river. But before he could taste the drink he was stopped in a magic aura courtesy of Twilight who gives him a disapproving look. Bunga simply gives a nervous smile.


“Don’t mention it.”

“No really I mean…”


Ono then flies over to where Rainbow Dash is still steering Kion as the current still flows very strongly.

“Hang in there Kion.” Ono said as he briefly flew in close to let him know he has help on his side.

“Don’t worry! I got this!” Rainbow assured him as he continues to hold onto the cub.

Unfortunately straight ahead were more straight rocks as the river flow got faster as Rainbow started to lose his grip as Kion then slipped and sunk underwater as the log went under as well.

Thinking quick Rainbow dived in and pulled Kion up to the surface and worked his way to swim them to the nearby rocks on the other side of the river.

“Thanks.” Kion thanked her as they both climbed to safety before groaning on the ground.

“Don’t mention it.” Rainbow returned as she got up and shook herself dry.

“Kion! Are you all right?” Bunga called out as the others caught up from the opposite side.

“A little wet but we’re okay.“ Kion called back.

“But look you’re both over here in the Outlands.” Ono pointed out to the two as he landed before them.

“We can see that Ono.” Rainbow shook off his friend’s worries as Kion looked up at the rocks.

“And it looks like we can take that trail upriver.” Kion also said as he observed his surroundings. “Don’t worry Ono. I’ll be fine. Besides I don’t have much of a choice. I definitely can’t cross the river here. The water’s way too rough.”

“Lion Guard! Girls! Meet me at Flat Ridge Rock!” He then instructed the others. “I can cross the river there.”

“Huh?” Beshte asked in confusion.

“Flat Ridge Rock?” Fuli asked just as confused.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah! I know exactly where that is! Follow me!” Bunga spoke up as he started running off in the opposite direction as the rest of the Guard follows after him leaving the Mane Six confused as Applejack called out to them as they ran off ahead. “Wouldn’t it be easier if Rainbow Dash just flies you across the river?”

“Yeah!” Rainbow agreed with that notion as Kion moved aside before she can pick him up.

“I think I’ll manage.” Kion insisted he is fine with walking from here. “You all go on and help them make sure they do know where Flat Ridge Rock is.”

“If you insist.” Twilight called out not arguing with his decision before eyeing the blue Pegasus. “Rainbow Dash, you go with him. He sure could use a flying companion like you in the face of danger when he needs it.”

“With pleasure!” Rainbow replied with a salute while the others head on out before Kion could object to this leaving them with Ono.

“Are you sure about this?” Ono still felt uncertain about him wanting to travel to the Outlands.

“Of course!” Rainbow brushed off his concerns. “Those hyenas wouldn’t know what hit them if we ever come across them again.”

Kion couldn’t help but chuckle at Rainbow’s brash and daring nature as it reminds him of his father when he was young.

“We’ll be fine, Ono. Besides I got Rainbow Dash accompanying me.” Kion again assured him. “Now go meet up with the others.”

“Affirmative!” Ono then said as he respected his leader’s wishes. “Guys, wait up!”

As soon as Ono leaves, Kion starts making his way up the trail by climbing up the rocks while Rainbow follows after him by flying up.

The Lion Guard is now making their way through the forest by the time the girls have caught up to them.

“C'mon! C'mon!” Bunga urged the guard to follow him. “We don't want Kion waitin' up at Flat Ridge Rock, wondering where we are.” He then looks ahead before groaning seeing this is not what he is expecting to see.

“What's wrong, Little B?” Beshte questioned.

“Uh, nothing.” Bunga lied through his teeth.

“You don’t know where you’re going do you?” Twilight said figuring this would happen.

“What are you talking about? Of course, I know. It's this way! Huh?” Bunga asserted otherwise as he desperately looks around” He then turned ahead as the girls stayed put while the Guard follows behind.

“I’m giving him a minute before he admits it.” Applejack said as the others nod in agreement as they all know he is lying.

“Ow. Wait, no, no, no, no. It's this way!“ He then said as he came across and woken up a red Egyptian cobra with small purple marks on his back.

“Going somewhere, Bunga?” The cobra Ushari venomously hissed.

“Nope! Gotta be this way. Well, it's one of these ways.” Bunga then pressed forward as now the Guard is stopping in their tracks coming to see that the ponies were right to do so.

“Who was that?” Fluttershy asked.

“A cobra who I’ve come across quite a few times.” Bunga said as he looked ahead.

“Too bad Kion's not here to lead us.” Beshte voiced to his thoughts hoping they can get back on the right track.

“Do you even know where we are?” Ono popped the question.

“Sure! Uh... We're lost!” He admitted as everyone sighed in annoyance.

“Of course this would happen.” Twilight voiced in dull deadpan surprise.

In the Outlands, both Kion and Rainbow Dash head down the trail. Rainbow quickly sees small pebbles flying down onto them to which she used her wingpower to brush them aside before they could land on either of them.

Both stopped and looked around as the lion cub sniffs around after he barely dodged another small handful of pebbles as Rainbow clearly has the funny feeling in her gut they are being watched.

“I don’t know about you but I’ve got a funny feeling were being followed.” Rainbow said in suspicion as she looked around. “All right! Whoever’s out there show yourself because you don’t know who your messing with.” She shouted out as she looked around in flight before finally hearing a voice right behind her.

“Hello!” Said female voice came from a hyena who unlike the other hyenas had a slight purple tint color on her fur along with blue eyes. “Surprise!”

Kion gasped along with the rainbow maned peagsus as she too flinched before pumping her fists up ready for a fight.

“Didn't know I was up here. Did ya?” She returned to the wandering duo.

“No, I...” The lion stammered as he regained his composure. “I knew you were there the whole time....Hyena.” He glared at her with disdain towards her kind as Rainbow got in between them.

“Not a step closer.” She warned her with a tone that she is ready to pound her if she did anything to her friend.

“Now, now, no need to get all hot-headed on me, Rainbow Dash. The most loyal member of the Pony Guard.” She returned as she laughed off her threat as she turned to Kion. “And yes, I am a hyena all right. You lions are so clever!” She further laughed in amusement. “Especially you, Kion. Leader of the Lion Guard.”

“You know us?” Kion asked in surprise.

“Just by reputation.” She smugly answered as she eyed the frowning Pegasus’s rainbow colored mane and cutie mark. “The rainbow colored mane and tail is a giveaway. Along with the mark on your bottom as well as the mark on your shoulder's a giveaway, though.” She then said in the lion’s direction while focusing on the Mark of the Guard.

“So, you're not in Janja's clan?” Kion asked feeling confused that she hasn’t made a move against them.

“Janja? Yeah, that's a good one.” She laughed it off as a joke again before getting down to the ground to the cub’s eye level as Rainbow again gets in between them while giving her the stink-eye as a warning. “What are you two doing in the Outlands? Not exactly your territory.”

“We’re going to Flat Ridge Rock,so I can get back to the Pride Lands. If that's okay with you, hyena.” Kion said in a somewhat aggressive tone.

“The name's Jasiri.” She voiced her name feeling somewhat put off by his condescending attitude. “And if you are headed back to the Pride Lands, you're going the wrong way.”

“Uh-huh. And we should trust a hyena because...” Rainbow asked as she and Kion share the same skepticism to trust her.

“Because I want you two out of my territory.” She replied as she and Rainbow still exchange looks of disdain towards each other.

“Good. I want out of your territory.” Kion gladly voiced his pleasure to do so as she and Rainbow turned away in the opposite direction.

“Then you're going the wrong way!” The hyena smiled as she followed after them from an unnoticeable distance.

In the Pride Lands, the others just managed to get out of the woods through Ono and Twilight’s guidance

“Thanks for getting us outta the woods, Ono. You too Twilight.” Beshte thanked the two.

“No problem. But I don't know which way to go from here. I've never been to Flat Ridge Rock.” Ono then voiced his uncertainty of where to go from here.

“Neither have I.” Beshte said.

“Me neither.” Fuli also said.

“Well, it's probably around here somewhere.” Bunga voiced that the place exists somewhere nearby.

“All I see are grass, trees, and zebras.” Beshte said as he looked around to their surrondings much to Fuli and Twilight’s exasperated groans.

“Ugh! I can't believe we don't know where to go! We're the Lion Guard!“ Fuli voiced her frustrations as she sat down. “This never happens when Kion's around!”

“Easy, Fuli.” Beshte urged the cheetah not to get frustrated. “We just need to ask somebody for directions.”

“Or how about letting me lead the way.” Twilight offered but before she could say anything a zebra appeared before them.

“Hello, Lion Guard. I couldn't help but overhear. You need directions?

“Yeah, we do! Do you know where Flat Ridge Rock is?” Bunga asked.

“Flat Ridge Rock? Oh! Is that near Ukuni Woods? Or Big Springs?” The zebra cluelessly asked.

“We don't know where it is. That's why we're asking you!” Fuli irritably responded.

“I see. Well, that's too bad. I'm not sure where it is. Now, where was I going?”

Twilight groaned in exasperation as she face-hoofed herself as the rest of the Mane Six just shake their heads in annoyed disappointment.

“Uh, maybe back to your herd?” Beshte suggested.

“Oh yes, of course! Thank you!” The zebra then trotted off happily.

“Zebras.” Ono shared Twilight’s annoyance with him. “They never know where they're going.”

“No really.” Twilight sarcastically commented.

“Hey! We could ask Mbeya the Rhino! He knows the Pride Lands like the back of his horn.” Beshte then suggested after getting another idea.

“Great. Any idea where we can find Mbeya?” Fuli voiced immediately on board with the idea.

“This time of day, Mbeya usually hangs out at the Watering Hole.”

“Um, guys.” Twilight spoke up as if they are forgetting something.

“Just let us try this out and if it doesn’t work out we’ll follow your lead.” Beshte urged her to give them another chance.

Twilight was about to argue but then thought “They are learning more about the Pride Lands as much as we are, so this might be a good learning experience.”

“All right.” Twilight relented as Bunga cheered.

“Yeah! Watering Hole, here we come.”

Before Bunga could walk off Twilight stopped him with him magic again.

“Ono, you lead this time.” Fuli said to the egret.

“Affirmative! Follow me!” Ono obeyed as he led the way while Twilight keeps her magical grasp on the honey badger as they head on out in that direction.

“Um, you can let me go now.” Bunga tried to urge the lavender mare it’s okay now.

“Not a chance.” Twilight simply refused as the others didn’t even try to argue with her there.

“I was taking a shortcut.” Bunga tried saying to no avail.

“Sure you were.”

Meanwhile both Kion and Rainbow Dash make their way up the path they are on and as Kion climbs up on another rock he notices Jasiri is still behind them.

“Still following us?”

“You're still ignoring my advice.”

“About going the wrong way?” Kion scoffed at the notion as they pressed forward up the nearby hill. “I'm pretty sure I'm heading towards Flat Ridge Rock.”

“Maybe so, but you can't get there on this trail.” She said as she followed them.

“Oh, yeah? Why's that?” Rainbow asked as they got to the top of the hill.

“The trail ends. Here!”

“What? Whoa...” Kion said in surprise as he found himself falling over the cliff and into a thorn bush below with Jasari laughing in amusement as she and Rainbow head down the cliff.

“Heyvi kabisa!” Kion said in alarm feeling he is in trouble now as the hyenas approaches her like he is her prey.

Elsewhere, the others are waiting at the pond where Beshte is talking to his friend.

“How long can it possibly take to ask for directions to Flat Ridge Rock? They've been talking forever!” Fuli asked with a groan starting to feel impatient.

“Beshte does like to talk.” Bunga answered as he sees the party pony joining in. “And so does Pinkie Pie.”

“Ono. Get the two on over here so we can get moving.” Twilight said to the egret while keeping her patience in check.

“You got it, Twilight.” He obeyed as he flew over to the two. “Sorry to interrupt. But Beshte? Pinkie? We have to meet Kion? At Flat Ridge Rock?”

“Oh yeah! Guess we better get going.” Beshte then said after realizing he was going on longer than he should have. “See you later, Mbeya.”

“Later, Beshte. Nice to meet you Pinkie Pie.”

“Pleasure’s all mine.” Pinkie happily said as she bounced away and towards the others.

“So? What did he say?” Fuli asked.

“You won't believe it. Remember that heatwave we had yesterday?” Beshte began recalling his past fun.

“Yeah, I remember. It was hot and it frizzed my mane up. Now what did Mbeya say?” Rarity said now wanting to know where they need to go.

“He forgot to cover himself in mud!” Beshte said as he laughed.

“Why would Mbeya want to cover himself in mud, Big B?” Bunga asked.

“That's how rhinos avoid sunburn. Common knowledge, really.” Ono dully answered.

“Duh.” Pinkie replied. “After all red would not be a good color on them.”

“I think what she meant was what did Mbeya say about the directions?” Applejack asked.

“Applejack, you don't need directions to cover yourself in mud. Just find a nice mud puddle and roll in it.” Beshte laughed it off thinking it was still about the little mud fun.

“Argh!” Twilight groaned in annoyance as she face-hoofed herself again. “Not directions for mud bathing. Directions for getting to Flat Ridge Rock!”

“Oh, yeah! The directions to Flat Ridge Rock!” Beshte remembered but then realized… “I forgot to ask. Be right back.”

While both Twilight and Fuli share the same twitchy eye shock at this everyone else groaned in annoyance again that simple directions is so difficult to achieve around here.

“Yeah. Kion would never forget something like that.” Bunga said seeing the impact going without their leader has on them as Twilight is trying really hard along with Fuli in being patient about all of this.

As Kion looks on as Jasiri closes in on him Rainbow flies down just floating over the thorns having a difficult time freeing Kion without pricking her hooves.

“Hold still, this won't hurt at all.” Jasiri said as she bared her teeth… and then pried a piece of thorny branch away while spitting it out.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Kion asked looking on confused as much as Rainbow Dash.

“Getting you out of this thorn bush. If you'd just hold still!” Jasiri answered as she struggled a little to remove the branches trapping him.

“What? Why would you help us?” Kion asked in surprise that she would do that.

“Yeah. You're a hyena.” Rainbow also shared the same surprise as she is not sure how to approach this.

“You lions really do think all hyenas are bad!” Jasari commented on their ill judgement.

“All the ones we've met are.” Kion answered.

“Like Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu?” Jasari figured as she pries away another twig. “Well, obviously, I'm not like them. For one thing, they're males, which means they're foolish. No offense.” She then said as the only male between her and Rainbow looks on taking offensive to that remark.

“Not all males are foolish.” Kion said somewhat defensively.

“Says the male lion flat on his back, stuck in a bush.” Jasiri retorted as she chuckled as Rainbow couldn’t help but find it funny as she is laughed too.

“Looks like she got you there.” Rainbow commented as she and Jasari both pressed forward breaking apart the thorns and pricks to free Kion as he himself silently thought it was pretty funny now too.

Elsewhere, now that the others have finally gotten direction they all head downstream with Beshte and Twilight leading the way with the latter conjuring a magical force shield to keep the bugs away.

“Things would certainly go a lot better if Kion were leading us.” Ono voiced his displeasure at their difficult task.

“Yeah. But you gotta love all these flies!” Bunga said as he munched on them just outside of the force field while Rarity is also outside walking on the grass not wanting to get her hooves wet.

“Ugh. Yeah, gotta love 'em.” Rarity voiced her displeasure as she slowly trails behind due to her overly cautious approach downriver.

“Beshte, are you positive Mbeya said this is the way to Flat Ridge Rock?” Fuli asked from inside the bubble.

“Yep! 'Course, he also said he's never actually been there.” Beshte replied much to Fuli’s dismay as Twilight opens her force field to allow Ono to get a good look ahead where he spots a rock with a flat ridge up ahead.

“Everyone! There's a ridge up ahead with a flat rock on top of it! It's gotta be Flat Ridge Rock!”

“Zuka Zama!” Bunga said in excitement that they are all on track.

“Kion, here we come!” Pinkie also expressed her joy as Fuli races ahead.

“This time, I'll lead the way. Comin' through.”

As Fuli runs off ahead the others try keeping up with her as they all run together.

“Fuli, slow down! How can you lead us when we can't keep up?” Bunga called out as Rarity is the first pony left behind.

“Guys! Girls! Lady’s first remember!” She shouted as she ran through the muddy stream in order to keep up with them. “Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!” She yelped as she pressed forward on got mud on her hooves. “Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!”

Back at the thorn patch in the Outlands, Kion was finally able free himself with Rainbow and Jasari’s help and is now pulling out the last thorns stuck to his fur.

“Thanks... I guess.” He begrudgingly said.

“You guess?” Jasiri responded put off by that.

“Well, yeah!” Kion asserted in his reply back. “You could have told me the trail ended before I went over the hill!”

“Yeah. But then I wouldn't have seen the leader of the Lion Guard rolling down a hill!“ She then laughed as Rainbow couldn’t help but snicker behind her friend’s back.

Kion then shot a dirty glare at Rainbow after hearing her snickering behind his back who then wiped his amused smile off of her face while looking aside upon seeing him telling him in his mind that it’s not funny.

“Okay, you've had your laugh. Now we’re lost. Can you tell me how to get to Flat Ridge Rock?” He then said willing to at least hear her out.

“Follow that trail.It'll take you to Flat Ridge Rock. And back to your beloved Pride Lands.” She directed them to the path ahead of them.

“Thanks.” Kion gratefully said as she turned to Rainbow. “Come on, Rainbow Dash.” He then said as he groaned in slight pain as he found himself limping that did not go unnoticed by the hyena.

“You're limping.” She said in concern seeing him injured.

“I'm fine. Just a little sore from the fall. I can handle it.” Kion assured her it’s no big deal as she and Rainbow pressed forward.

“Okay, tell ya what.” She then offered feeling she went a little too far with her little joke. “It's kinda my fault you're hurt. So I'll stick with you until you can see Flat Ridge Rock.”

“Okay. I mean, if you want to.” Kion relented as she looked up to Rainbow. “Rainbow, that okay with you?”

“I suppose.” Rainbow agreed seeing no danger in Jasari. “But I got my eye on you.” She then said while giving her hoof motions that motion her thought.

“Don’t you worry, I won’t bite. After all, all I want is you two out of my territory!” Jasiri assured the fiery-headed peagsus that she won’t cross them while being a little more friendly and playful.

“Yeah, well, me too.” Kion said in agreement.

“Me three.” Rainbow also said as the three all pressed forward on the right trail this time.

The Guard and the Mane Six all finally got to Flat Ridge Rock although the ponies all had to catch their breath after all of that running while the rest of the Guard were worn down to exhaustion unable to run anymore and having to walk their with Ono resting on Beshte’s back while Rarity collapsed of exhaustion after running all the way over here.

“Whew. I don’t know about the rest of you but I feel like I bucked an entire orchard of apple trees on a farm.” Applejack said as she fanned herself with her hat after all of that running.

“Usually Rainbow Dash is the only one able to keep up with her speed.” Fluttershy commented as she heavily panted while feeling a lot of sweet due to her long mane as her tail sagged to the ground.

“Huh? Fuli?” Bunga voiced as they finally caught up to her and the ponies.

“Hi, guys. What kept you?” She nonchalantly asked them as she licked her paws. “I even had time to clean up.”

“Uh, Fuli? Usually Kion wouldn't get so far ahead that the rest of us have trouble keeping up.” Beshte kindly brought up to which greatly appreciated Fluttershy for his approach.

“Oh. Sorry, guys.” She apologized upon seeing her mistake. “Girls.” She then said in the sweat dripping pony’s direction.

“It’s all right. We are here and that’s what’s important.” Twilight voiced her pleasure that they were finally able to get here before Kion and Rainbow showed up as she recovered and caught her breath.

“Wait! This is Flat Ridge Rock?” Bunga said in surprise.

“Well, this rock is pretty flat.” Ono commented that it shouldn’t be a surprise.

“And it's on a ridge. So that means we’re here.” Twilight also commented with a matching dull tone. "If not then we must be on the other side of the Pride Lands by now." She sarcastically quipped.

“Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah! I know this place! I've been here hundreds of times! You know, there's a great shortcut we could have used!” Bunga voiced his thoughts as everyone including Rarity who just managed to get back up all glared at him.

“Bunga!” Everyone shouted at him.

“What?” Bunga cluelessly asked everyone.

“Just don’t. Okay.” Rarity said as she placed a hoof over his mouth to get him to understand the point everyone wants him to understand.

Meanwhile in the Outlands, the three travellers are all walking down the trail as they come across a lizard eating a bug.

“See that? That's the Circle of Life for you.” Kion said to the hyena.

“Wait. You think I don't know about the Circle of Life?” Jasiri voiced her surprise that he thinks she doesn’t know that.

“Well, you are a hyena.” Rainbow voiced in agreement with Kion as she walked alongside them.

“Look. I know Janja's clan is greedy and eats more than their share. But most hyenas respect the Circle of Life!” Jasiri voiced somewhat aggressive towards Rainbow who flinched in response. “We're the clean-up crews- picking up after all the sloppy eaters. We hyenas eat what you lions leave behind.”

“Oh.” Kion said surprised upon thinking about what she had just said. “I guess I never really thought about it like that.”

“Of course not.” She laughed it off. “You think hyenas and lions are so different. But we're not! We're more similar than you think, Kion. Sisi ni sawa.”

“You're saying we're the same?” Kion said with a raised eyebrow of skepticism. “No, I don't think so.” He then said still asserting his stance on the matter before breaking out into song.

Sisi Ni Sawa

He sang as he circled around the rock Jasari was sitting on before she took her turn.

She sang as she encouraged him to lighten up as Kion reluctantly follows her as he sings still not buying it.

Jasiri then sang as she and Kion looked at their reflections in the nearby water as Rainbow looks at her reflection as she begins to feel the same way as Kion as they both start to warm up to her as she dances along the trail before the former takes another turn singing to the tune before Jasiri takes another turn again.

As they both sing “Sisi ni Sawa.” together they find that Rainbow is also singing to the tune as well before singing a few lines while dancing to the beat as the three make the way further down the trail with Rainbow flying aerial moves as Kion climbs up the nearby rocks.

As they all danced to the beat the three all were singing “Sisi ni Sawa.” to the beat as they look at their reflections as they all dance in perfect sync before their song comes to an end.

Jasiri then sniffs as she smells something murky ahead.

“What's wrong?” Kion asked.

“We're in Janja's territory.” Jasiri answered. “And, believe it or not, we don't get along!” She laughed as Rainbow laughs too.

“I can only wonder why.” Rainbow jokingly said as Jasiri points to the direction up ahead.

“Don't worry. Flat Ridge Rock is right over there.You're almost home.”

“Asante, Jasiri. Thanks for your help.” Kion gratefully said to her.

“Yeah, thanks.” Rainbow also returned just as kindly and appreciative of her assistance.

“Sure.” Jasiri said as the two race off ahead. “Bye, Kion! Bye, Rainbow!”

Just as the two headed on up the hill Kion then stopped as he had something in mind for her.

“Hey, Jasiri! If you ever need our help...” He offered.

“Help? From a lion? From a pony.” She laughed off the idea thinking he’s joking. “That's a good one!”

“Okay.” Kion accepted her decision none of the less as he and Rainbow pressed forward uphill.

“Oh well.” Rainbow shrugged it off. “Even though we would’ve worked well together.”

Jasiri then made her way back as she got startled by pebble falling behind her as she turned back before heading forward...

...only to find herself nose to nose with Janja.


“Well, well. If it isn't Jasiri. Thought I told you to stay off our turf!” He condescendingly greeted his rival.

“Just passing through.” She returned the favor while asserting she is not seeking trouble. “So move. Or do I have to move you myself?”

Cheezi and Chungu then appeared in front of her laughing at their single target.

“Big talk, coming from someone who's all alone!” Janja smugly remarked as Jasiri then turned around.

“Okay, I'll take another path.” Jasiri said as she prepared to walk in the opposite direction as the rest of Janja’s clan all appeared to block off her only other option.

“So, you figured out that only three of you didn't stand a chance against me.” She smirked seeing through Janja’s cowardice.

“C'mon, boys. Let's remind Jasiri what happens to someone who wanders into our part of the Outlands!” He lead his clan into cornering Jasiri.

“These are all the hyenas you got, Janja?” She commented to them just as Kion and Rainbow overhear the commotion.

“Jasiri?” Kion said as they turned their attention to her as Rainbow has her hooves ready to catch Kion if he slips or loses his grip.

“Me first!” Cheezi said as he charged first to which is meet with a head-butt to knock him into the rest of Janja’s clan which lead to the girl laughing in response.

“Who's next?” She said to the remaining hyenas after finding that an easy feat.

Janja then motioned Chungu to take a shot at her to which is met with Jasiri taking a few attempted bites at him to get him to lose his balance and topple onto the other remaining hyena by accident.

Janja then decides to pin her to the ground now having enough of her effortless attempts to fight back.

“Enough playing around.” He growled as the other hyenas got back on their paws just as they see a shadow looming over them.

Its Kion standing on the nearby rock overhead with Rainbow by his side with her hooves raised up ready to fight as the former leaps down and knocks the hyena away and off of his new friend with a single swipe.

“Kion? Rainbow Dash?” Janja voiced his shock upon seeing them come to her rescue.

“What are you doing here?” Jasiri asked just as surprised to see them as she got up.

“We’re here to help.” Kion happily replied.

“If you say so...” Jasiri relented as she, Rainbow, and Kion, take fighting stances as Janja’s clan closes in on them. “But I got 'em right where I want 'em!”

She then claws up dirt to throw in two hyena’s faces as they approach her which blinded them as she follows it up with two kicks to their faces.

“Yeah, I can tell.” Kion said while Rainbow looks further impressed with her fighting skills as they both tackle hyenas approaching them as they work together to take them down as Kion pounces on one of them while Rainbow follows it up with a punch to the face as she flies in close with Kion taking down the next one.

Just as Jasiri takes down another hyena she sees two hyenas attempting to sneak attack Kion.

“Kion! Behind you!” Jasiri called out to him who quickly turned around just as Rainbow used her super speed to tackle the one on his left in a zig-zag motion while Jasiri took the same zig-zag motion in taking down the other hyena.

“Nice move, Jasiri.” Rainbow complimented looking more impressed than ever before Kion quickly head-butted another hyena attempting to bite her head off.

“Thanks. You're both not so bad yourselves. For a lion. And a pony.” Jasiri kindly returned with a look of respect as they find themselves cornered again.

“Uh-oh. Looks like we're cornered.” Kion voiced that the clan is still standing strong against them as Janja reappears.

“Gotcha now!”

As the hyenas laugh hysterically as the three back away from the approaching clan, Kion sees he needs to use the Roar on them.

“Jasiri, get behind us! Now!” He commanded her as he placed a paw on her to stop her from trying to attack them again.

“What? Why?” Jasiri asked in confusion as Rainbow holds her back.

“Trust us.” Rainbow asserted her to listen to him as she gives her a look to back the lion up with.

“Can't believe I'm trusting a lion and a pony.” Jasiri grudgingly voiced as she gets behind them.

“Don't know why you're in the Outlands helpin' a hyena, Kion.” Janja voiced his confusion before it turns into a smirk. “But it's the last thing you're gonna do. Get 'em, boys!” He ordered his crew to sic-em as they prepare to finish them.

Just as Jasiri wonders what he is going to do she hears winds rustling as the clouds form into four lions as Kion unleashes the power of the Roar with Rainbow performing her super speed to enhance the Roar's powers on them which was heard from Flat Ridge Rock.

“Zuka Zama! Kion and Rainbow are in trouble!” Bunga said in alarm as they all raced forward towards the Roar’s direction to come to their rescue.

The hyenas are all blown back as Jasiri looks up astonished by the lion’s special roar as Rainbow gives her a “Told ya.” look.

“Uh. I hate that roar.” Janja groaned as he is met with the glaring cub right in front of him. “Come on, boys!” He ordered his crew to leave as they all run for their lives to retreat as Jasiri and Rainbow both laugh as the latter uses her super speed to wrap the clan into a rainbow twister to make sure they are all long gone.

“Look at 'em go! That was the funniest thing I've ever seen!” Jasiri laughed as they all run for their lives with Rainbow and Kion both laughing with her. “Okay, that roar thing? That is definitely something we don't have in common.” She then said to the young lion.

“I've seen you in action. You don't need a roar.” Kion returned.

“And that’s something I can say we have in common too.” Rainbow also returned as she shares a paw-hoof bump with the hyena. “Plus one more thing to know about the Dash is that having a friend like me always has your back no matter what.”

“You know, I never thought a lion or a pony would help a hyena.” Jasiri said as she playfully nudged Kion on the shoulder.

“Well, not all lions are alike.” Kion returned. “And that goes the same for ponies as well.”

“Sisi ni Sawa.” Rainbow kindly returned as Jasiri gives a warm smile in response to hearing that heartwarming reminder.

“He's over here!” Ono voiced as everyone arrives on the scene as Fuli already gets aggressive with the hyena unaware what has happened between them.

“Kion!” Bunga called out.

“Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie also called out as the hyena and cheetah get into a growling match with each other.

“Back off, hyena!” She aggressively glared at the hyena as she returned it in kind.

Before the two could duke it out Kion and Rainbow get in between them.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Take it easy! She's a friend!” Kion urged her to stand down.

“She is?” Fuli expressed surprise at this declaration.

“I... I am?” Jasiri shared the same sentiment as the ponies smile seeing this.

“Definitely.” Rainbow also voiced her support.

“But she's a hyena.” Bunga whispered his confusion.

“I know. But not all hyenas are like Janja. Some of them are good. She's one of them.” Kion further said to prove his point.

“Really?” Fuli asked in pleasant surprise.

“She got us through the Outlands.” Rainbow also said while turning to her pony friends. “And believe me like Kion I also had the same stance and thoughts before learning our lesson in the end and that new friends came from anyone with a loyal heart.”

“And they saved me from Janja and his clan.” Jasiri then said and returned that the kindness goes both ways.

“Well, any friend of Kion is a friend of ours.” Beshte smiled in support of this as Twilight approaches Jasiri.

“No matter what. We will always have your back.” Twilight said as she and Jasiri shared a hoof-paw-shake. “And thanks for helping them get to safety.”

“You should have seen her take on Cheezi and Chungu. She was fierce.” Kion voiced of how much he has grown to her.

“Really? Well in that case I like her already.” Rarity expressed her delight of seeing that their new ally capable of kicking butt. “You’ll have to show me some of your moves next time around.”

“We’ll see.” Jasiri said she’ll think about it as they all make their way out of the Outlands.

“Sure is nice having Kion help lead us again. Even if he is walking behind us.” Bunga said to Fuli as they all walked ahead of him as he sticks around with Rainbow and Twilight.

“Well, I better get back to my territory. I'm sure your roar doesn't scare off Janja forever.” Jasiri said as they share one last exchange before parting ways.

“If only!” Kion returned with a roll of his eyes while wishing that would be possible as Jasiri laughs in response before turning away.

“Bye, Kion. It's been fun.”

“Bye, Jasiri. Maybe I'll see you again sometime?” He voiced hoping that this won’t be a one-time thing.

“Not if I see you first!” She replied as she headed on back to the Outlands as Kion, Rainbow, and Twilight all catch up with the rest of their team.

“Hey, guys! Wait for me!” Kion called out as Twilight turns to Rainbow.

“And if you don’t mind Rainbow Dash…” Twilight began as she levitated a quill pen and paper ready to take notes. “If you could tell me all about your visit and the friendship lesson you had just learned.”

“Oh boy.” Rainbow groaned as she finds herself unable to refuse the mare’s request as she begins talking from the moment they were separated.

Author's Note:

To start of the first season is the first of two episodes of the Lion Guard is of course the aforementioned titled episode where Kion who is accompanied with Rainbow Dash during their journey through the Outlands. And considering, that Rainbow is hot-headed and would be a pony who would view all hyenas bad after their experience with Janja and his clan she in my opinion fits in with the A-plot of this story.

As for the B-plot, since Twilight is the other co-leader of the Guard and is just learning about the Pride Lands as much as everyone else she is pretty much treating this as a learning experience while being as patient as she can be about it even if she feels it is a nuisance learning to know when to follow other's lead when the situation calls for it.

Next up is "The Rise of Makuu" where the Guard has to deal with the uprising of the antagonistic crocodile Makuu along with the chaos he and his new float ensue on everyone.

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