• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 4,123 Views, 145 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 1) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard and The Mane Six both work together to spread the magic of friendship while protecting Equestria and the Pride Lands.

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Episode 8: Dragonshy

Episode 8:


At Fluttershy’s cottage, both Fluttershy and Ono are both feeding the animals residing at her home. Fluttershy helps feed the ferrets by tossing them fish in their home under the little arch bridge with a small dock leading up to their entrance. Ono himself feeds the birds with worms which wasn’t too difficult for him considering he is a bird who eats them.

“Not too fast now, Angel Bunny. You don't wanna get a tummy ache.“ Fluttershy gently said as she flew to Angel Bunny who was trying to shove as much of his carrot into his mouth before deciding he’s done after his big bite while dropping the carrot while clapping the crumbs off of her paws. “You really should eat more than that, don't you think?” She insisted as Angel hops off on her own.

“Apparently, he doesn’t think that.” Ono dully noted in annoyance as he tried to rush over to force him to eat it at least until Fluttershy immediately stopped him with a hoof on his chest.

“Let me handle this.” Fluttershy gently insisted before intercepting him. “It's not play time yet. I know you want to run, but... just three more bites.” He shook his head and turned away still refusing with closed eyes. “Two more bites?” He shook his head again. “One more bite? Pretty please?” She tried again with a very pleading look as she leans in close to him while pushing the carrot right in front of him. And even with the sweet buttery kindness, he is still adamant on not wanting more of his carrot as he kicked it away and hopped off leaving the meek peagsus sighing in disappointment.

“And that’s where I draw the line.” Ono said now feeling serious about wanting that stubborn bunny to just eat his dang carrot for his owner’s sake but surprisingly he stopped before he could get far. “What?”

“Oh, goodness. Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked the bunny who is now starting to cough. ”Are you coughing because there's a carrot stuck in your throat?” She guessed as Angel started to get frustrated as if he is trying to tell her something. “Because you need some water?” He then coughed loudly as the annoyed egret looked up and then reacted in shock upon seeing black smoke coming from the mountains all the way over in Ponyville’s direction.

“Hapana!” Ono shouted. “Because of that giant cloud of scary black smoke?” He answered as Angel whacked him in the head with a carrot. “Ow! What the hay was that for?!”

Angel just simply glared at him with a very unimpressed look.

“I take that as a yes.” Fluttershy replied.

“Rude!” Ono irritably replied at the bunny having the urge to give him a piece of his mind but had others things to worry about at the moment.

“We have to warn everyone!” Ono then urgently said as she and Fluttershy flew to town with Ono flying ahead of Fluttershy. “I’m going to warn Kion and Twilight! You take care of warning everypony!”

“Will do.” Fluttershy softly returned as she made her into town to meet up with the other ponies who are casually spending time in the park like nothing is wrong.

“Help. Help! Please? Help? There's- there's a horrible cloud of smoke.” She tried to warn everyone but unfortunately her voice is too soft for anyone to listen to her and to be taken seriously. “It's headed this way and-“

At that moment a ball flashed over her along with a rainbow, it was Rainbow Dash bouncing a ball on her head.

“Don't be such a scaredy-pony. It's just me, future Equestria ball-bouncing record holder.” Rainbow told her as she continued focused on balancing the ball on her head. “Three forty six, three forty seven...”

“This calls for a celebration!” Pinkie shouted as she has been watching Rainbow.

“Oh, no, Pinkie Pie, this is no time for celebration. This is a time for panic, for-“ Fluttershy tried to tell them but her soft voice makes it harder for her to be listened to.

“Ooo! I'm going to need balloons! One for every pony in Ponyville!” Pinkie interrupted not paying attention to the soft spoken peagsus as she bounced off ahead.

“There's- there's smoke. And- and where there's smoke, there's fire. And-“ Fluttershy said still trying to warn her while following her.

“Let's see, that's one, two, three, four...” Pinkie then focused on every pony in park.

“Three hundred fifty four...” Rainbow Dash counted.

“Five, six...” Pinkie counted while talking over Rainbow’s counting.

“Three hundred fifty five, no, wait...” Rainbow then lost count because of the party pony.

“Seven.” Pinkie counted while poking Rainbow Dash making her drop the ball.

“Pinkie Pie! Now I have to start over.” Rainbow replied now annoyed with her interference.

“We're all going to have to start over, in a new village. 'Cause ours is gonna be-“ Fluttershy still tried to tell them but was still unable to get her voice heard as Rainbow flies off with Pinkie following after her.

“Hey, Rainbow Dash, wait up!” Pinkie shouted in her direction.

“Oh, please, this is an emergency. I-I need everypony to-“

“Listen up!” Twilight shouted to get everyone’s attention who along with Kion and Ono appear beside with Spike riding on the unicorn’s back. “Smoke is spreading over all of Equestria.”

“What? Oh no! That's awful!” The ponies then finally said and exclaimed as they finally see it from behind.

“That's what I've been trying to-“ Fluttershy tried to talk.

“But don't worry…“ Twilight continued. “I've just received a letter from Princess Celestia informing me that it is not coming from a fire.”

“Oh, thank goodness.” Fluttershy said in relief.

“It's coming from a dragon.” Twilight finished to which everyone and especially Fluttershy gasps in shock.

“So everyone please remain calm!” Kion addressed the crowd. “Stay in your homes until further notice!” As the crowd does so he then approaches Fluttershy upon noticing she is here. “Fluttershy! Let’s get going back to the library so we can regroup with the rest of the Guard!”

Kion, Fluttershy, Ono, Spike, and Twilight all made their way back to the unicorn’s library where the others are also inside waiting for them as Twilight then wastes no time flipping through the pages through a book.

“What in the name of all things cinnamon swirled is a full-grown dragon doing here in Equestria?” Applejack asked.

“Sleeping.” Twilight briefly answered.

“Huh?” Everyone but Kion and Ono said together.

“According to Princess Celestia along with Ono’s report, he's taking a nap. His snoring is what's causing all this smoke.” She explained as she packed her books into her saddle bag.

“He should really see a doctor. That doesn't sound healthy at all.” Pinkie commented.

“Says the pony who eats sweets and treats all the time?” Fuli felt the need to snark with a raised eyebrow.

“Hey.” Pinkie said in light offense as she pouted a little to say she doesn’t eat sweets all the time. “At least I’m not causing a panic here.”

“Well, at least he's not snoring fire. What are we meant to do about it?” Rarity then replied moving on from that little spat.

“I'll tell you what we're meant to do. Give him the boot.” Rainbow replied while flying mid-air. “Take that. And that!” She announced as she knocked and kicked Twilight’s statue with the unicorn using her magic to keep it from falling. When Rainbow moved to do it again Twilight levitated it out of the way causing the blue mare to crash into a pile of books.

“We need to encourage him to take a nap somewhere else.” Twilight sternly replied to make her point while specifically discouraging Rainbow against doing anything rash. “And that includes you too, Bunga.” She added in the honey badger’s direction to make sure that includes him too.

“Aw, come on Twilight. You know I wouldn’t do something like that.” Bunga brushed it off while trying to play it cool as everyone looks at him just unconvinced considering his past antics including his short-lived quick-fix plan.

“Princess Celestia has given us this mission, and we must not fail. If we do, Equestria will be covered in smoke for the next one hundred years.” Twilight continued.

Fluttershy gasped hearing this.

“Hmph. Talk about getting your beauty sleep.” Rarity voiced her thoughts.

“No kidding.” Kion said in agreement as Twilight puts on her saddle-bag.

“All right everypony, I need you to gather supplies quickly. We've got a long journey ahead of us. Let's meet back here in less than an hour.” She instructed everyone as Kion takes a turn speaking up.

“Oh, one more thing. Due to the state of emergency the portal to the Pride Lands both my dad and the princess closed ituntil further notice.” Kion reminded everyone. “So we are all in this together for the safety of everyone there.”

“You got, Kion.” Beshte returned.

“Okay, girls and boys, you heard her. The fate of Equestria is in our hooves.” Rainbow confidently as she leaned in close with her hooves wrapped around Pinkie and Rarity.

“So do we have what it takes?” Bunga also joined in on the motivational cheer as he, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity all cheer in agreement while the others just look ready to do whatever it takes to resolve this as they all head out.

“Um, actually...” Fluttershy tried to speak as the rest of the Guard prepare to follow their best buds to gather supplies together while they have took notice of.

“Everything okay, Fluttershy.” Kion asked as Twilight already has gotten focused on her research in preparation for their task.

“Oh everything’s fine, Kion.” She shyly answered. “But the truth is I really don’t want to go.”

“What?” Bunga said in shock as he got right in her face while pressing her cheeks together. “Why not?”

Twilight having heard that snapped from her focus of her studies as she joined them while pulling Bunga aside with her magic.

“Because I’m…I’m…” The peagsus hesitated and stammered in her response.

“Are you afraid of dragons.” Beshte asked having a good feel of what she is trying to say.

“Mmm-hmm.” She meekly replied unable to utter a word as everyone lets this sink in.

“But you’re an animal lover.” Bunga tried to counter first. “How can you be scared of dragons just because they are big, loud, huge, and terrifying to the point they can eat ponies at the flick of the wrist.” He further went while terrifying her to the point she is backed up against the way.

“Because that’s exactly why!” She cried out as she buried herself to the ground as everyone glared at Bunga for making her cry again.

“Can’t you go one day without making her cry?” Fuli scolded him as she pulled him away from the sobbing mare. “You know how sensitive she is.”

“But why would she be?” Bunga said unable to comprehend why it bothers her.

“Because she is just afraid of them and no matter how much of an animal lover she is, everyone has their own fears.” Kion answered while sternly eyeing him that it includes and extends to the Lion Guard’s Bravest.

“Not everyone is immune to having fears.” Ono added and considering how huge they are I don’t blame her for getting scared.” Ono then shuddered at the thought too. “Come to think of it, I don’t know if I want to go either.”

“Oh, Ono, not you too!” Bunga complained as Fuli just groaned in annoyance.

“Bunga please stop!” Fuli just said as she tried to keep her patience with him under control.

“Just go help Pinkie get ready.” Kion said while raising a paw towards the door.

“You got on, Kion!” Bunga immediately did so and ran out the door.

“We’ll deal with that later.” Kion explained to everyone who didn’t argue in the slightest to that call. “Then we’ll have another talk about his behavior.”

“It’s okay.” Beshte comforted both Fluttershy and Ono. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of. If you both don’t feel comfortable with going then you don’t have to go.”

“Hold on, Beshte.” Twilight had a say in it to remind the hippo. “That is something for the leaders of the Guard to decide. Kion, a word please.” She then motioned the lion to lean in for a private conversation as she pulled him aside. “They have to come. We need our animal expert and the Keenest the Sight for this mission.”

“I know, but I don’t want to force it on them and have them feel obliged to do it.” Kion whispered back with a valid argument.

“Yeah, but as you said we are a team and we need everyone to play their part if we want to have any success of getting that dragon to stop snoring smoke all over Equestria for the next hundred years.” Twilight counter-argued. “I mean it’s not like you can just roar him away.” She also pointed out that said dragon is too huge to be blown away to which Kion also acknowledged.

“Yes, but think maybe we can just at least have them accompany us and just watch. I mean, I understand what you’re saying but I still think we shouldn’t force it upon them if they don’t want to face off against the dragon.” Kion reasonably asked of the mare for a compromise.

Twilight thought for a moment while breathing through her nose deep in thought before answering.

“All right.” She whispered her decision before they turned back to their two terrified friends. “Fluttershy, Ono. You two don’t have the face the dragon if you don’t want too…” Twilight began as the two sighed in relief. “…But we still need you two to come with us to the mountains.” The two then had their brief and hopeful relief cut short.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy whimpered.

“Hapana.” Ono recoiled as Kion addressed them.

“Don’t worry.” He assured them. “All you two will be doing is watching over and helping us when we need it. And I promise that everything will be fine in the end. Okay?”

“Okay?” The timid duo replied as they set out to get ready for their journey as the others caught with the others.

Fuli would catch up with Rainbow Dash as she placed rainbow face paint on her cheeks as she prepared for battle.

“Raaah!” She said as Fuli chuckled seeing this as she and Fuli posed together for a photo op as Rainbow pulled out a camera.

Beshte would catch up with Applejack as her family packed up her saddlebag filled with refreshments as the farm pony posed for a photo up on top of the hippo.

“Yaaa!” She said as Beshte smiled in delight at her ready for the challenge pose.

At Sugarcube Corner, both came out with bags to carry while wearing red sunglasses as the party pony’s bag had balloons pop out of her bag to which the two giggled at for a second before they both got serious and adopted fighting poses as Bunga held up the camera.

“Oh, I mean, grrr!” Pinkie said as she raised her hooves up.

Rarity had her home and business carried forward her packed saddle-bag while wearing a camouflage hard-hat until she got a good look at herself in the mirror with it.

“Ewww!“ She said as she quickly traded her hard-hat with camoflauge sunhat fitting for her girly nature. “Much better. Onward!” She said as she poised for battle with a good pic of herself.

Fluttershy came out of her cottage along with Ono wearing pillows and helmets as they both yelped at the door shutting after them.

“Let's go!” Everyone but Fluttershy and Ono said together before regrouping with Twilight and Kion in front of the library.

“Um…” Fluttershy started.

”…Let's not?” Ono finished as they reluctantly followed suit.

They all lined up side by side as Twilight paces in front of the girls as Kion stands by her side with his travel bag ready to go equipped with the cargo hat Rarity initially wore.

“All right girls and boys, listen up. I'm mapping out the fastest route, but we've all got to keep a good pace if we expect to make it up the mountain by nightfall.” Twilight announced to everyone.

“M-m-mountain?” Fluttershy stuttered as Ono nervously gulped.

“The dragon is in that cave at the very top.” Twilight said as she pointed to said area.

“Looks pretty cold up there.” Applejack commented.

“You bet it is. The higher you go, the chillier it gets.” Rainbow explained.

“Good thing I brought my scarf.” Rarity brought up as she unpacked her scarf and wrapped it around her neck.

“Ooo! Pretty!” Pinkie commented as she observed the scarf.

“Heh, oh yeah. That'll keep you nice and cozy.” Rainbow sarcastically commented.

“I know right.” Fuli snorted a chuckle out of them as the unicorn ignores her and Rainbow’s laughter while Fluttershy gulps at the sight of terror before her eyes as she moves to speak with Twilight as she looks at her map while Kion looks over her shoulder.

“Um, excuse me, Twilight?” Fluttershy tried to speak with her.

“Uh-huh. Well, we could go this way.” Twilight spoke with Kion not noticing Fluttershy.

“But if I could just have a second...”

“Uh-huh. No, we want to avoid that.” Kion added his input before noticing Fluttershy behind them. “Hold that thought.“ He politely said as they turned to Fluttershy. “What’s up, Fluttershy.”

“Are you sure you both really need me to come along?” She asked still uncomfortable with going. “Because I really don’t mind staying here in Ponyville.”

“Of course!” Twilight replied. “Your way with wild animals will surely come in handy.”

“And like I said you won’t have to deal with him if you don’t want to.” Kion again assured her.

“I know but what about my furry friends in the meadow?” Fluttershy brought up.

“Not to worry. Spike's got it covered while you're gone.” Twilight explained as Spike appeared with her critter friends.

“You can count on me!” Spike vowed for her as Angel thumped on his head to which the critters all scurried away in four separate directions. “Hey! Hey! Wait!” He called out to them as he chased after them.

Fluttershy still isn’t feeling any better even with her friend’s best efforts to help her through this as Rainbow flies over to the two leaders.

“Are you sure you want Fluttershy to come along? I mean, that pony's afraid of her own shadow. She's just going to slow us down.” Rainbow asked them as she pointed to the girl ducking inside the nearby bush upon seeing her own shadow.

“Oh, she's just a little nervous.” Twilight responded. “Once we get going, I'm sure she'll be fine.”

“And we already discussed it and let her know that she just has to accompany us and nothing more.” Kion added as Twilight gets everyone’s attention again.

“All right girls and boys, move out!” Twilight confidently declared as she and Kion lead the way to the mountain.

“To Equestria’s end…” Kion began.

“Pony Guard defend!” The rest of the Guard minus Twilight and Fluttershy declared as they approached the latter.

“But... but...!” She stammered in slight protest before she finds herself carried by her friends and screaming as she is lifted up on their way to the mountain.

Together the Mane Six and the Lion Guard all made their way towards the mountain and by the time they got in front of the mountain they head loud snoring from the dragon at the top to which Fluttershy and Ono duck behind their friends after hearing it.

“Whoa. What was that?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“That is what it sounds like when a dragon snores.” Twilight answered.

“It- it's so... high!” Fluttershy exclaimed in fright as she peaked her head upward.

“Well, it is a mountain. I'm going to fly up there and check it out!” Rainbow said as she seeked to get a head start in flying to the top, only for Applejack to stop her by gripping her tail with her teeth. “Wah!”

“Hold on, now. I think we should all go up together. Safety in numbers and all.” Applejack reasoned with her as she has taken Kion’s point of teamwork into heart as the lion nods his head in agreement.

“Agreed.” Kion stamped his decision on the matter.

“Oh, all right.” Rainbow reluctantly obliged with crossed arms as she carried the same expression and matching posture as she slowly flies her way up along with Ono who presses forward despite his fear of dragons.

Since the hill is too steep for Beshte and Fuli to climb, Twilight used her magic to slide them a platform for them to ride them as Kion climbs his way up the mountain while carrying Bunga on his back.

“I hear the only thing that sparkles more than a dragon's scales are the jewels they use to build their nests. Ooo, if I play my cards right, I might be able to convince him to part with a few!” Rarity pondered ideas in her head.

“Welcome to my cave, Rarity. Care for a diamond?” Pinkie imitated a dragon complete with a roar to which everyone but Twilight, Kion, and Fuli shared a good laugh over.

“Girls! This is no laughing matter!” Twilight scolded them for their carefree attitude in the matter before turning to Fluttershy down below. “Fluttershy, you're the expert on wild creatures. What do you think the dragon will be like?” However there was no response. “Fluttershy?” She asked again as everyone looks down and sees that Fluttershy is still at the bottom as she pops her head out of her hiding spot.

“Hey! What are you waiting for? An invitation?” Rainbow Dash called out to her.

“Ooo, I think I have one in my bag!” Pinkie literally minded said as she pulled out a card that had confetti popping out of it which startled the blue peagsus who’s expression turned into annoyance.

“I-it's so... so... steep.” Fluttershy commented as she still whimpered.

“Well, it is a cliff. You could just, oh, I don't know, fly up here?” Rainbow said in annoyance to her timid approach.

“Rainbow Dash!” Kion scolded her.

“Come on, Fluttershy, you can do it. Flap those wings!” Pinkie encouraged her that she can keep up with them.

“Oh... okay.” Fluttershy reluctantly obliged as she did so while still whimpering in fright only to fall back down into the bush upon hearing the dragon snoring as her wings froze in fright.

“Ugh.” Rainbow complained.

“Uh, we don't have time for this.” Twilight said as Applejack pulled the map out of her bag. “What are you doing?”

“I'll need this if I'm going to take her around the mountain another way.” She answered as she skidded down the mountain towards her as Kion joins them.

“Around the mountain? That's going to take them forever.” Rainbow groaned as Fluttershy’s wings is still locked and folded in paralyzed fear.

“Don't worry, Twilight. We'll be there lickety-split.” Kion assured them as Twilight remains patient about all of this having good faith in them.

As everyone stands by waiting for Applejack and Kion to help Fluttershy up, Twilight, Rainbow, and Fuli pace around, while Pinkie and Bunga play tic-tac-toe, as Rarity watches while bored as everyone as well, while Beshte and Ono just watch from a distance.

By the time the two had finished their game both Kion and Applejack arrived with the still terrified and paralyzed peagsus in tow literally.

“Whoo-hoo! I win again!” Pinkie cheerfully declared.

“Ugh. That's thirty-five games in a row.” Rarity said in response. “Best of seventy-one?”

“We. Made. It.” Applejack announced as she and Kion caught their breath.

“Told you it was going to take them forever.” Rainbow whispered to Twilight while floating upside down.

Nevertheless, with everyone regrouped, they pressed forward with the journey together as Twilight leads the way as everyone follows after her as they had already passed through the very steep and unclimbable parts of the mountain.

They stopped once they reached the edge of a cliff to where they have to jump across it.

First Rainbow flew over it along with Ono next, followed by Twilight, Kion, Rarity, Fuli, Applejack, Pinkie, Beshte, and Bunga all effortlessly jumping over it leaving Fluttershy the only one who has yet to cross to which Twilight simply levitates him over the ledge.

“Zuka Zama!” Bunga cried as he leaped over.

“Your turn, Fluttershy.” Twilight called out to her.

“But... it's so... wide.” Fluttershy trembled while clinging onto a rock nearby.

“Come on, Fluttershy, we should be much farther along by now.” Twilight tried to reason with her to push through her fears.

“You could just leap on over.” Applejack encouraged her.

“I…I don't know.” Fluttershy still hesitated with the loud dragon snores again as cowered in fright much to Twilight, Applejack, and Fuli’s dismay as they shake their heads.

“There's nothing to be afraid of.” Pinkie assured her. “It's just a hop, skip and a jump. See?” She demonstrated with ease as she leaped over.

“It's not very far

Just move your little rump

You can make it if you try with a hop, skip and jump.”

Pinkie sang as she leaped back over.

“We don't have time for this.” Twilight voiced her annoyance as Bunga joins in on the fun as Rainbow and Fuli share the same sentiment as Twilight.

“A hop, skip and jump,

Just move your little rump…”

Bunga sang along with Pinkie as they repeatedly leaped over the ledge multiple times.

“A hop, skip and jump,

“A hop, skip and jump,

“A hop, skip and jump,

“A hop skip and jump,

“A hop skip and jump!”

“O-okay. Here I go. A hop.” Fluttershy tried to work up the courage to do it.

“That's it.”

“You've got it.”

“Almost there.” Applejack, Twilight, Rarity all encouraged her.


“Just don't look down.” Beshte called out as Fluttershy failed to resist looking down and yet seems like she is going to fall down yet finds herself standing in the middle of a very small crack.

“Ugh.” Rainbow and Fuli groaned as the former flies over to push while the latter along with Pinkie and Rarity pull her across.

“I guess I forgot to jump.” Fluttershy nervously smiled.

“You guess?” Fuli asked with an eye rolling remark.

“Come on, Fluttershy.” Bunga couldn’t help but comment. “You could have easily made that jump.”

Kion again glared at the honey badger to knock off the insensitive comments as she and Twilight pressed forward ahead.

“Lets just keep going.” Kion simply said as they continue forward.

“Let's keep it down.” Twilight whispered to everyone. “According to my map, we're entering an avalanche zone. The smallest peep could cause a huge rock slide.”

“An... an ava... ava...” Fluttershy stammered.

“Shhh!” Twilight hushed her as they all quietly made their way forward.

During the quiet walking Rainbow accidentally brushed a tree branch to which a couple of leaves fell on Fluttershy’s flank which ended up spooking her.

“AVALA-!” Fluttershy screamed as Applejack quickly plugged her hoof into her mouth alas a little too late as her screaming echo sparked what Twilight wanted to prevent.

“Oh no.” Fuli remarked in tone seeing of how much this is going to suck.

“Hevi kabisa!” Kion shouted.

“Avalanche!” Everyone else screamed as they all ran to evade the oncoming rockslide.

“Hapana!” Ono shouted as he scurried around to avoid getting hit.

Fuli and Rainbow run and fly around the oncoming boulders, while Pinkie, Rarity, and Bunga find themselves scattering around to avoid getting struck as Applejack leaps over boulder to boulder while saving Beshte from getting hit by them before focusing on saving Twilight who is struggling to evade the fast approaching boulders.

“Oh no! Help! Ooh!” She screamed as Applejack pushes her out of the way before the rock that landed in front of her could hit her.

Once the dust settled everyone caught their breath as they all recovered from nearly getting squashed.

“Everypony okay?” Applejack asked everyone.

“Thanks to you I am.” Twilight gratefully returned as she and Applejack shared a small nuzzle as Fluttershy pops her head out unharmed.

“Eugh. Blech.” Rarity commented on the dirt on her fur as Pinkie happily bounced to assure everyone that she is okay as the former was shaking the dirt off and onto the party pony.

“Zuka Zama! That was fun!” Bunga happily commented as he emerged from the dirt pile.

“Whoo-hoo! Let's do it again!” Pinkie said in agreement.

“Um, let’s not.” Ono returned with a disapproving look.

“Agreed.” Fuli said.

“Uh! This is why a girl always packs extra accessories.” Rarity said to herself as she pulls her scarf out and wraps it around her neck. “Oh, please tell me I brought the tiara that goes with this.” She said to herself as she looked back at her saddle-bag.

“Uh, think we got bigger problems than making sure our hair bows match our horseshoes.” Rainbow irritably pointed up the rock-slide mountain created on the pathway.

“Like this rock-slide we have to climb up now.” Fuli also added in Rarity’s direction for her more focus on her own fashion than looking at the bigger picture here.

“Sorry.” Fluttershy ashamedly apologized.

“Aw, no big whoop, sugarcube.” Applejack assured her it’s no big deal.

“Everyone knows it’s an accident.” Beshte added.

“What’s important is that everyone is okay.” Kion voiced of what really matter’s the most.

“Yeah.” Twilight added to cement she holds nothing against her. “We'll just have to climb over.” Twilight then said with a tone that is going to suck as they all proceeded to climb up the rock-slide with Twilight working her magic in giving Beshte and Fuli lift as they grunt as they climb up with Fluttershy nearly slipping to which Kion places his paws on her back to steady her footing as they all manage to make it to the other side feeling they all had endured more than a workout just by going over it.

All of this while Rainbow effortlessly flies over it with crossed arms at being constantly slowed down almost every other minute as Fluttershy ends up losing her balance on the downhill slope as she accidentally slides into Rarity, Applejack, Fuli, and Beshte as the latter controls the speed of their descent with his strength thus catching all three of them on his back as they made their way to the bottom.

“My apologies.” Rarity apologized as Rainbow pulled her off of the accidental dog-pile.

“Not your fault.” Rainbow returned as she still gives Fluttershy the stink-eye as she can only whimper in shame.

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy.” Beshte kindly holds nothing against her as Rainbow flies over to Twilight. “Everyone knows you didn’t mean to cause that rockslide.”

“Still think it was a good idea to bring Fluttershy along?” Rainbow again asked Twilight and Kion as the former looks at her map before putting it away.

“We're about to find out. We're here.” She answered as they approach the cave the dragon is sleeping in before giving everyone their instructions.

“Rainbow Dash, you'll use your wings to clear the smoke.” Twilight softly whispered to her.

“Mm-hmm.” She said as she immediately flew up to do so.

“Rarity, Beshte, and Pinkie Pie, you'll create a diversion to distract the dragon if things get a little hairy in there.” Twilight turned to them as the party pony has a rubber chicken ready to use as Rarity has a baffled expression along with Twilight turns to the farm pony and honey badger as she presses forward with her instructions.

“Applejack, Bunga, be ready with the apples in case he decides to attack. But it shouldn't come to that, because Kion and I will do whatever it takes it to get him to understand why he should leave.”

“And as for you two…” Kion said to Fluttershy and Ono. “Just stand by and out of harm’s way.”

“Affirmative.” Ono returned as they stood on the sidelines.

“We’re goin' in. He... probably just doesn't realize what he's doing... right?” Twilight voiced hopeful that they have enough to do the job from here.

“Mr. Dragon.” Twilight whispered to him as she finds herself bumping into the dragon’s face with smoke coming out of his nose. “Excuse me. Mr. Dragon.” She tried again as the dragon finally woke up.

“Oh, good, you're awake. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Twilight…“ She tried to introduce herself which is met with a yawn with smelly breath blowing in their faces.

“I don’t think he is quite paying attention to you.” Kion returned with a whisper. “Might want to just cut to the chase.” He then said as tapped and shook his head with a paw to get his attention. “Excuse me.”

The dragon then snapped wide awake as he wondering what the two want from him.

“Sorry to interrupt your nap, but you can’t sleep here.” Kion firmly and assertively reasoned with him. “You’re snoring is blowing smoke all over Equestria and you’re putting lives at risk by doing so. So please, go find another place to sleep.”

The dragon simply responded refusing by deliberately snorting smoke from his nostrils to send the two coughing on their way out.

“So much for persuading him.” Rainbow Dash complained.

“Now what?” Applejack wonders of their options since he won’t listen to reason from the leaders of the Guard.

“Obviously, this situation just calls for a little "pony charm".“ Rarity decided to give it a try while patting up her curly mane which is meant with a eye roll from both the cheetah and farm pony. “Allow me, girls.” She said as she made her way into the cave. “I'm so sorry to interrupt. But I couldn't possibly head back home without mentioning what handsome scales you have. And those scales have to be hidden away in some silly cave for a hundred years?” She said as she put on a necklace as the dragon seems to see she has a point there. “Personally, I think you should skip the snoozing and be out there, showing them off. Hmm. Obviously, I would be more than happy to keep an eye on your jewels while you're gone.”

This however did not sit well for the dragon as he quickly confiscated his jewels even the ones Rarity wore as she made a mad dash outside.

“I was this close to getting that diamond.” Rarity complained in defeat.

“You mean... getting rid of that dragon?” Twilight corrected.

“Oh, yeah... sure.” Rarity answered.

“Maybe if you weren’t so obsessed with obtaining his valuables it probably would have worked.” Fuli remarked in annoyance that she just had to try to keep them as Pinkie and Bunga blew on party horns while wearing gift box outfits with scuba flippers and party balloons in tow.

“What in tarnation...?”

“Darling, you look ridiculous.”

Both Applejack and Rarity commented.

“Exactly! Sharing a laugh is a sure-fire way to get someone on your side!“ Pinkie voiced her idea as she made her way into the cave with Bunga.

“Three, two, one…” Fuli voiced with a deadpan expression as they went inside.

“Hi!” Bunga greeted as seconds later they both came out with their gift boxes torn apart with their balloons popped. “Oh well. We tried.”

“Apparently he doesn't like laughing, heh. Or sharing.” Pinkie regretfully returned as Rainbow has had enough.

“All right, that's it. We tried persuasion, charm, whatever it is Pinkie Pie does.” Rainbow voiced her annoyance that nothing has worked so far. “It's time to stop wasting time! I'm going in!” She declared as she charged inside.

“Rainbow, no!” Twilight shouted after her as Fuli quickly runs after her to try to intercept as she appears in front of the dragon.

“Get! Out!” She shouted at the dragon as Fuli tackles her before she can make contact with him.

“Rainbow! Stop!” She shouted as she held the brash peagsus back from kicking him.

The dragon already now getting aggressive then roars at the two even at Fuli when she didn’t do anything to him to force them out of the cave.

“Who-o-o-o-o-a!” Rainbow said as they collided with the others.

The dragon emerged from the cave as he roared smoke at them as Kion and Fuli got out of the way to knock back against the wall thus cracking the rock above to reveal Fluttershy and Ono’s hiding spot as the former looks shocked seeing her friends are hurt through their efforts to get through to him as the lion and cheetah stand in front of him with the former ready to use the Roar on him as a last resort.

“How dare you...” Fluttershy suddenly worked up the courage along with Ono to face off against the dragon as they locked eyes together. “How dare you!” She shouted as she and Ono got into his face very aggressively. “Listen here, mister. Just because you're big doesn't mean you get to be a bully! You may have huge teeth, and sharp scales, and snore smoke, and breathe fire. But you do not—I repeat—you do not! Hurt! My! Friends! You got that?” She angrily yelled right in his face as he then whimpered in shame of his behavior.

“Well?” Ono then demanded a reason for his behavior. “What have you got to say for yourself?!”

“That rainbow one tried to kick me.” He stammered as she pointed at the proud peagsus.

“And I am very sorry about that.” Fluttershy apologized much to Rainbow’s dismay. “But you're bigger than she is, and you should know better. You should also know better than to take a nap where your snoring can become a health hazard to other creatures.”

“But I-“ He tried to protest her.

“Don't you 'but I' me, mister.” Ono then aggressively scolded him. “Now what do you have to say for yourself? I said, what do you have to say for yourself?”

The dragon then cried in shame as the other’s down below smile at their bravery and success while Fuli tries her hardest to avoid having tears land on her fur with Pinkie giving her an umbrella hat for her to wear as Rarity keeps patting her mane.

“There, there. No need to cry.” Fluttershy comforted him. “You're not a bad dragon, you just made a bad decision. Now go pack your things. You just need to find a new place to sleep. That's all.”

As Fluttershy and Ono land on the ground everyone gathers together to congratulate them for their success.

“You did it! I knew you could do it.” Twilight commended them.

“Looks like all you need was just the right push.” Kion also commended.

“Gee, thanks.” Ono thought nothing of it. “We just couldn’t stand you all getting hurt for trying to get him to listen to reason.”

“Well thanks to you two, Equestria is now safe for the next hundred years.” Twilight voiced her gratitude for their bravery as the dragon then flies away as the black smoke finally clears up much to everyone’s delight.

Back at the Golden Oaks Library, Spike is still struggling to deal with Fluttershy’s animal companions as he tries to reign in Angel’s attempts to run away from him.

“I said come back here!” He demanded of him as he finally caught him. “Ooh! How does Fluttershy put up with you furry little things?” He asked the bunny as Twilight returns from their journey.

“Spike, take a letter.” She asked of him.

“With pleasure.” Spike said in relief as he immediately do so.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

I am happy to report that the dragon has departed our fair country, and that it was my good friends, Fluttershy and Ono, who convinced him to go. This adventure has taught me to never lose faith in your friends. They can be an amazing source of strength, and can help you overcome even your greatest fears.

Always your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle.”

“Twilight! You gotta come see this!” Applejack called out as she walks up to the balcony outside to see everyone has gathered as Rainbow and Fuli are both bouncing balls on their heads. “They’re just five away from a new record!”

“Three hundred forty-seven, three hundred forty-eight...” Rainbow counted as she heard a roar breaking her concentration and dropping the ball while Fuli quickly kept her balance despite her sudden and brief shock.

“Dragon!” Rainbow screamed as everyone laughs at her.

“Why are you laughing? That awful dragon is back!” Rainbow asked as Pinkie reveals herself to be the one scaring her.

“Pinkie Pie, you scared me! I mean, uh, you... broke my concentration.” She got upset with her while trying to quickly correct herself at trying to not admit she was afraid.

“But not me.” Fuli smugly replied as she kept bouncing the ball on her head. “And it looks like I’m the new record-holder, three hundred and seventy-five and counting.” She said as she plans to make it so it goes unchallenged.

“It’s okay, Rainbow Dash. Not everypony can be as brave as me.” Fluttershy comforted the peagsus to which she quickly responding by scaring her by blowing a leaf onto her back to which she jumped after being startled by the touch as she landed on her back.

“At least when it really counts.” Fuli commented as she kept on balancing the ball on her head as everyone shares a good laugh about it as they find it funny together.

Author's Note:

For this chapter, it is Fluttershy and Ono's chance to shine as they have conjure their fear of dragons in order to get a sleeping dragon snoring smoke all over Ponyville to which takes their friend's best efforts failing as the dragon refuses to listen to them.

For having Ono having a fear of dragons, it would make sense as even he is less shy and sociable than Fluttershy they do share the same fears of certain creatures that are very intimidating.

Also, one major highlight was having the Guard figure out their fears as after Kion talks with Twilight compromises that they don't have to do anything about it but just to stand by and accompany so they can be there for them since Twilight insists they need the whole team in order to succeed in this mission together to avoid having everyone learn of it just when they get there.

Next up is "Look Before You Sleep." which will have Fuli in the middle of Applejack and Rarity's squabbling as they join Twilight for a slumber party on a rainy night.

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