• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 4,123 Views, 145 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 1) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard and The Mane Six both work together to spread the magic of friendship while protecting Equestria and the Pride Lands.

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Episode 7: Can't Wait to be Queen

Episode 7:

Can’t Wait to be Queen

One bright early morning, Twilight and Spike had both woken up and made their way to Pride Rock to meet up with the Guard for their daily morning patrol. Even if this was a little early, Twilight wanted to be able to use this opportunity to have Spike watch in on the action since he desired to see what it’s like.

“I can’t believe it! My first patrol with the Lion and Pony Guard!” Spike could not hold in his excitement.

“Wow Spike!” Twilight returned with a smile. “Clearly this must be worth waking up in the morning for.”

“Heck yeah!” Spike replied. “I’ve heard about all of the times you and the other's chased Janja and his pack out of the Pride Lands. Those greedy scavengers trying to deprive the Pride Lands of their food.”

“If only they knew and had brains to learn how the Circle of Life must be respected.” Twilight said with a tone of annoyance and disappointment towards them.

“I just hope I can be able to fight them the next time they try to invade the Pride Lands.” Spike eagely voiced while getting his hopes up as they made their way to Pride Rock.

“And I just hope you don’t get yourself into trouble for biting more than what you can chew.” Twilight lightly warned her dragon companion as they walk up Pride Rock to greet Kion so they can start gathering the team together.

However when they got to the top this time around, they were surprised to be greeted by the lion king himself instead of the leader of the Lion Guard.

“Greetings your majesty.” Twilight greeted with a bow along with Spike.

“Good morning, Twilight.” Simba kindly returned. “You too, Spike.”

“Pleasure’s ours.” Spike happily replied.

“We just came by meet up with Kion and the rest of the Guard for our morning patrol.” Twilight then explained. “Is he around?”

“No. He is out fighting with his sister…again.” Simba answered as he said the last part sounding annoyed.

“About what?” Twilight asked with surprised curiosity.

“Either fighting about their rights to a tree to scratch in the woods or getting into a dispute of who’s right and who’s wrong.” Simba answered as he made his way to where his children are as Twilight and Spike follow after him while walking down and off of Pride Rock.

“Do they get on each other's nerves a lot or are they just really competitive?” Twilight asked hoping that it's nothing serious.

“Just really competitive.” Simba gently assured. “Other than that they get along fine.”

“That sure rings some bells for me.” Twilight said to herself as Spike has a pretty good idea what as Simba has an idea in mind.

“Speaking of my daughter Kiara…” Simba added. “…I actually have some big news to tell her…” He began as the visiting duo perks their ears to listen to what he plans for her.

In the woods, both Kion and Kiara are both growling angrily at each other as they look ready to fight.

“Back off!” Kion demanded of his sister.

“You back off, Kion. That's my tree!” Kiara fired back as the two got into each other’s faces.

“Your tree?”

“I found it first. So step aside.”

“No way! You can't tell me what to do.”

“Uh, actually, she can.” Simba interjected as he arrived along with Twilight and Spike. “For the next few days, Kiara will be queen.”

“Me?” Kiara said quite surprised with what he just said.

“Her? Queen? Dad, what's going on?” Kion asked equally surprised himself.

“Kiara will be acting queen while your Mom and I are away in Kilio Valley.” Simba explained.

“Kilio Valley? You're visiting the elephants?” Kiara asked.

“Yes.” Simba replied as his positive tone turned into a more somber one. “We have a funeral to attend. My friend Aminifu passed away.”

“I remember him.” Kiara replied feeling suddenly sad hearing that.

“He was a wise elephant.” Kion also said in the same tone as his sister.

“He sure was.” Twilight also said feeling sorry herself for him.

“No kidding.” Spike added in the same tone as Twilight.

“Yes.” As Simba continued some of the leaves blew through the recent gust of wind to which he took notice of as they flew up in the sky. “He helped the Pride Lands return to normal after Scar was defeated. Once the elephants returned, all the other animals followed. And the Circle of Life came back into balance. And now Aminifu has completed his part of the Circle of Life.”

“I'm so sorry, Dad.” Kiara returned before popping another question she has in mind. “Uh, how long will you be gone?”

“Just a few days.” Simba answered.

“But wait!” Kion interrupted feeling there is one flaw with that plan. “Are you sure leaving her in charge of the whole Pride Lands by herself is a good idea?”

“Don’t worry, Kion.” Twilight spoke up to assure him that the matter is resolved. “Your father already talked it over with Princess Celestia and she has agreed to watch Kiara’s progress while giving her guidance when needed.”

“Thank you, Twilight.” Simba said to her as he turned his attention back to his daughter for a comforting nuzzle. “And I'll let you in on a little secret. I was nervous about ruling the Pride Lands at first, too.

“I'm not nervous.” Kiara tried to deny at first before admitting. “Well, maybe a little.”

“It's okay. I have faith in you.” He assured her as they shared another warm embrace as Kion feels a little put out as he was playing favorites for a second until his father added. “And the Lion Guard.” He added as his son smiled in appreciation though the vibes of the sibling tension did not go unnoticed by Twilight. “Just keep the peace, and everything will be fine.”

“I won't let you down, Dad.” She said to her father with determination.

“I know, princess.” Simba said with great faith. “Or, should I say Queen?” He then said as Kiara laughed nervously again with a smile.

Shortly afterwards, Kiara, Kion, and Twilight make their way back to Pride Rock as Simba meets up with Nala and Zazu so they can say their goodbyes to their children before leaving.

Kiara then heads on over and sits in front of the very ledge of Pride Rock while looking uncertain that she will be a great queen during the time her parents are gone. Twilight stuck around after Kion had left so he can adjust to all of this to give her comfort.

“Still nervous are you?” Twilight asked her.

“Yeah.” She honestly answered with a sigh. “It’s just all so sudden. I mean I know it’s only for a few days but I can already feel the pressure.”

“It must be tough just knowing that you are going to ascend to the throne sometime in the future.” Twilight said sympathetically for her current plight.

“Especially when knowing from day one it is my destiny.” Kiara further said as Twilight walks up and sits beside her. “Not that you would understand what that’s like since you’re not a princess yourself.”

“True…” Twilight acknowledged as she began giving advice while looking for the right words to approach this as she scratched her chin. “But I do having an understanding from my time with Princess Celestia back in Equestria of knowing what means to live up to being a princess or queen in this case. But what’s important in the end is that all your subjects are happy and willing to follow your lead because you are looking out for everyone’s well being.”

“I do care for everyone.” Kiara understood her point but couldn’t help up voice her doubts straight from her heart. “It’s just I don’t know if I have what it’s takes to be a great queen or even a good queen. And it’s not like I have much of a choice since I will still be queen whether I want to be or not.”

“Right, because as your father said it’s like saying you don’t want to be a lion.” Twilight further acknowledged. “But as part of a family of royal rulers who strive for the good of the kingdom it’s in your blood.” She gave Kiara an expression that says “Yes, your father did tell me about that talk.” as the female lion looks aside not wishing to relive the memory of her gravely worrying her father to death with her little adventure into the Outlands before continuing. “I mean yes, it is a big responsibility, and yes there a lot of high expectations to be followed when ruling a kingdom. But as long as you push for the right call in watching over the Pride Lands you’ll succueed no matter what.”

“You really think I have what it takes to be a great queen someday.” Kiara hopefully asked as she tilted her head to face her feeling touched by the unicorn's wisdom.

“I know so.” Twilight kindly returned before offering. “And if it helps I’d be more than happy to help you out and guide you through your royal duties the best I can.”

“I would greatly appreciate that.” Kiara gladly accepted without second thought.

“Spike, take a letter.” Twilight asked of him as he got a quill and paper ready to take notes of what needs to be done for the next few days while sighing of what he knows this sudden change of plans means for them knowing Twilight.

At the same time, as Simba and Nala walk through the Pride Lands on their way to Kilio Valley, Simba can’t help but think of something on his mind as they make a brief stop.

“It is a big responsibility.”

“Worried about Kiara? Or are you worried about your tribute?” Nala asked with a knowing and teasing smile.

“Why would I be worried about that?”

“Maybe because you have to say it in Elephantese?”

“Yes. Elephants and their traditions.” Simba admittedly said with a begrudged sigh.

“And they take those traditions very seriously, sire.” Zazu added as he flew up and landed on a nearby rock.

“Oh, believe me, I know.” Simba acknowledged while rolling his eyes. “It has to be perfect.”

“True. But it's just one phrase. Eihe kala pano tou.”

“Hmm. Easy for you to say.” Simba returned with a smile.

“Oh, I suppose it is.” Zazu returned not even denying it. “But then, I am fluent in Elephant. Not to mention gorilla, chimpanzee, and several dialects of bushbuck.”

“Yes, Zazu. We know.” Nala acknowleged as she and Simba pressed forward with their journey.

“Believe me, sire. By the time we get there, I'll have you speaking like a true elephant!” Zazu assured them as he flies over to the couple as they already starting walking ahead while Mzingo without their knowledge watches from behind and out of sight from the tree the trio had just stopped in front of.

Once they were out of eyesight, he flies down to the nearby rock.

“Hmm. Simba and Nala leaving the Pride Lands. This will be worth keeping an eye on.” Mzingo said to himself before flying away.

At the same time, Princess Celestia watches over the scene with her magical orb so she can keep taps on the Pride Lands while carrying out her royal princess duties.

“We’ll see about that.” Celestia simply smiled as she thinks otherwise as she heads on over to meet with the delegates at the throne room.

“Its things like this that almost make me wish I wasn't king.” Simba further stressed as he looks on the downside of all of this.

“Come now, sire. It's really not as bad as all that.” Zazu tried to make light of it.

“Having to say goodbye to an old friend in a language that I don't understand?” Simba failed to see otherwise.

“Yes, this is an unfortunate duty.” Zazu acknowledged while encouraging him to look on the bright side. “But you have so many other wonderful ones, sire, if I may say so.”

“Actually, Zazu, I think Simba could use a little reminding.” Nala thinks it’s a good idea to do so.

“Yes, of course.” Zazu said as he broke out into a song about the many duties he has as king which are all the more positive upsides to being king as they come across the many animals during their journey to the elephant’s home.

Duties of the King

Simba feeling much better joins in on the song as he sings off some of the many duties he has as the two finish off the song together with the lion king now feeling more ready to embrace his position now.

“That's more like it.” Nala said with a smile pleased to see it.

“Yes. Thank you, Zazu. I do feel better now.” Simba now felt more comfortable with pressing forward with all of this.

“Wonderful, sire.” Zazu returned. “Now, about your Elephantese accent.” He then brought up as Simba's relief turned into an uncomfortable cringe at that reminder before pressing forward with their journey.

Shortly afterwards, Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, along with the Mane Five meet up as they make their way to Pride Rock so they can group up for morning patrol.

“Hey! Did you hear? Kiara is queen of the Pride Lands!” Beshte told everyone feeling very excited for her.

“We’ve heard!” Applejack replied. “That must sure be a heck of a promotion more exiting than a rattlesnake hopping out of the garden hose.”

“Yeah! It's un-Bunga-lievable!” Bunga shared the same excitement too.

“Uh, more like awesome!” Rainbow emphasized as she gushed over the idea too as she placed her hooves on her cheeks.

“Hmm, it was going to happen eventually.” Fuli simply said it’s no surprise to her but was none of the less still proud of her.

“I'm sure she'll be a nice queen.” Beshte has good faith in her.

“I think so too.” Fluttershy felt the same way as Kion on the other hand didn’t agree with the idea as he meets up with them.

“Kiara's only queen while my mom and dad are away.” Kion pointed out before looking around upon noticing something. “Anybody see Twilight and Ono? It's not like them to be late for morning patrol.”

“Here comes Ono.” Fuli said as she spotted him flying by in the sky but to their surprise he flew straight ahead instead of flying down towards them.

“And there he goes?” Pinkie commented.

“What? Why is he going to Pride Rock?” Kion asked sounding flustered by what had just happened.

“Probably an important meeting with the queen. Which reminds me…” Rarity answered as she thinks of something very important while conjuring a fitting room for herself and fits herself with a pink fancy dress and then emerges and teleports inside the fitting room away while combing her mane and tail with her magic. “…I better get myself groomed up before meeting with the queen.”

“Really?” Kion asked with a deadpan expression as Rarity emerges from her personal fitting room in her new dress.

“Yes, really.” Rarity returned without second thought. “It is expected to look your best in the presence of royalty.”

“Ugh!” Kion just pressed forward to Pride Rock rather than voice his disgusted objections just as Ono standing at the ledge ready to meet with Kiara.

“Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Got to get clean for the queen.” He said to himself as he cleans his feathers with his peak just as the Guard arrives.

“Ono.” Kion called out to him which startled him. “What are you doing? We've got a patrol.”

“Oh. I'm sorry, Kion.” Ono apologized. “Uh, Queen Kiara asked me...”

“Queen Kiara?” Kion asked while looking dumbfounded by the title he had used to refer to her as.

“Yes, Kion.” Twilight answered as she and Kiara walk beside her with Spike carrying a checklist in his hands. “Even if it is for a few days, she is technically our queen here.”

“Twilight what is going?” Kion again asked still very confused but before she could answer Bunga and Rarity with the latter in her dress came over on their knees to greet Kiara as she emerged from the cave as Spike blows a fanfare on his trumpet.

“Presenting her royal highness, Queen Kiara.” Spike presented as he stepped aside as Kiara approaches everyone gathered.

“Your Majesty.” The two greeted her as they bowed before her much to Kion’s irritation as he rolls his eyes.

“Bunga, that's really not necessary.” Kiara said to him.

“That includes you too Rarity.” Twilight said to the dressed unicorn as she gestured to her outfit with an unimpressed look. “Nor is the whole dress up.”

“Bunga, Rarity, stand up.” Kiara kindly asked of them to which they immediately do.

“Your wish is our command!” Bunga said as he and Rarity do so as the latter stepped forward and kissed her paw much to Kiara’s discomfort before they left.

“Kiara, what was so important you had to take Ono away from our patrol?” Kion asked expecting a good reason as Twilight looks aside feeling uncomfortable being in between the growing tension of the two siblings.

“Zazu went with Mom and Dad, remember?” Kiara reminded with while trying to be polite with him about it. “I need someone to give me the morning report. And Ono is the keenest of sight.”

“Yeah, okay.” Kion backed off from his anger after understanding her reasons. “But he's still part of the Lion Guard. You should have asked me first.”

“Um, actually, she did.” Twilight awkwardly said while giving Kion an apologetic look for not allowing herself time to tell him.

“Huh?” The younger lion responded quite surprised to hear it.

“Sorry, Kion. But she asked me if she could borrow Ono and I got too busy helping Kiara out that the thought accidentally slipped my mind.” She said as she looked aside feeling guilty for unintentionally sparking the sibling tension between them.

“Helping out?” Kion again asked as the changes from Kiara being placed in charge are really chaffing his fur deep down.

“So anyways…” Kiara said wanting to move on as she turned to Ono. “Report, Ono?

“Your Majesty!” Ono saluted as he cleared his throat to properly address her. “Uh, all appears to be in order from Mekundu Cliffs to Ukuni Woods. There's much excitement about your becoming acting queen. The oryxes aren't fighting, for a change.”

“Well that’s good.” Fluttershy said feeling pleased to hear that.

“The eland herd is migrating east along the river as expected.” Ono added while remembering one more important detail. “Oh, also on the path along the river, I spotted a new cluster of beehives.”

“Bees make great snacks.” Bunga said with excitement as Pinkie was already starting to drool at the thought of delicious honey.

“Mmm. Golden delicious.” Pinkie said with a pleased and relaxed jaw with drooling saliva much to the other’s disturbed expressions as Rarity steps back to avoid having her dress ruined.

“If you two say so.” Fuli replied with a smile to the two as she avoided the pink mare’s saliva.

“And that's the morning report.” Ono concluded.

“Interesting. Thank you, Ono.” Kiara thanked him as she processes the report.

“Yeah. Great job, Ono.” Kion complimented while rolling his eyes again still irritated at the thought of his sister being in charge.

“Thank you for the opportunity, my queen.” Ono returned as she bowed to the royal lioness. “And you, er, my Kion?” He added at the glaring cub’s direction after hearing in groan in irritation just to play it fair.

“Sounds like everything is okay.” Kion returned with visible restraint. “So can I have Ono back for the Guard's morning patrol now?” He then politely asked of his sister.

“Hang on, I'm... I'm thinking.” Kiara had something in mind. “The bees are building hives on the path along the river. The elands use that same path...”

“If the elands step on the beehives, they'll get stung! The herd would break up and there could be chaos.” Fluttershy added as she comes to the same conclusion as Kiara. “My apologies, your majesty.” She said with an apologetic bow for interrupting her.

“It’s all right.” Kiara took no offense to it.

“I didn't think of that.” Kion said as the thought just occurred to him. “Okay. Girls, Lion Guard, let's move out.” He then said to the others.

“Kion, wait.” Kiara stopped him before they could leave. “Can you and the Guard divert the eland away from the bees' nests?”

“Huh? I guess we could.” Kion reluctantly agreed. “Come on, guys.”

“By your command, my queen.” Bunga obeyed with a bow as he makes his leave.

As everyone set out Kion stops and turns back to see that Twilight is the only one not following after them.

“Twilight, aren’t you coming?”

“No.” She answered. “I going to stick around to help Kiara out and make sure she is okay while she is acting queen of the Pride Lands.”

“But she is not the queen.” Kion argued.

“Well, like it or not she is.” Twilight calmly returned. “And clearly she needs some guidance if she is going to rule the Pride Lands someday.”

“So you’re just going to be listening to my sister just because of her title that only lasts for a few days?!” Kion asked back sounding incredulous with her decision.

“Kion…” Twilight began as she tries to be civil about this. “…I know you two have your disagreements and that you don’t like the idea of having to listen to your sister give orders but for now she is your queen. So for the time-being, what she says go.”

“But the Guard needs you more.” Kion protested.

“I’m sorry, Kion. But Kiara really needs my help more than ever. You have plenty of team members to work with for a simple patrol and herd diverting.” Twilight firmly yet apologetically replied to her co-leader.

“Okay.” Kion still felt uneasy about all of this as Spike pops in on their conversation.

“Sorry to interrupt, but by decree of her royal highness, Queen Kiara has requested your presence along with the Guard to get a move on to divert the elands before they cross paths with the bees.”

“Huh?” Kion could not believe his ears.

“Sorry, Kion. Gotta go. I’ll catch you later.” Twilight apologized once more before turning back to meet with Kiara as Spike follows after her.

“Did I just get an order from my sister?” Kion asked Fuli with a confused look.

“No. You got an official decree.” Fuli corrected with a teasing smile.

Elsewhere, Simba, Nala, and Zazu have made another side stop so Simba could further practice his Elephantese.

“No, no, no, sire. Like this…” He instructed his king as he slowly pronounces the phrase. “…Eihe kala pano tou.”

“Ehke kana pao tu.” Simba still struggled with it. “What's does this mean, again?”

“Literally, it translates to, "He had good on him." It means he was a good elephant.”

“Well, that is certainly true. Aminifu had much good on him.”

“And now, you'll just have to say it in Elephantese.”

“I can't say it in Elephantese. And do you know why?” He asked before suddenly shouting with his answer. “Because I'm not an elephant.” He ends up roaring in frustration sending Zazu flying into the nearby tall grass.

“I'm okay.” Zazu called out to assure no harm done.

At that moment Princess Celestia appeared before them after deciding it was time to give him some much needed wisdom.

“Everything okay.” She asked as the others were surprised by her appearance.

“Celestia!” The lion king said in surprise seeing her here. “What are you doing here?”

“Checking up on you.” The sun monarch answered. “And don’t worry everything is going smoothly in the Pride Lands.”

“Oh, I wasn’t worried about my daughter.” He returned before honestly adding. “It’s just having to give a tribute to the elephant’s recently past leader in a language that I don’t understand is why I am so frustrated.”

“I can see why.” Celestia returned with an understanding tone. “Having to say goodbye to someone while learning a new language really is frustrating. But as long as you keep practicing you’ll get it in time.” She then encouraged him.

“But I only have a day to get this phrase right with who knows how they will react if I accidentally say something that would threaten the peace between us and the elephants.” Simba replied unconvinced with worry trembling in his lips.

“Simba, you may not be an elephant, but you are king.” Nala gently reminded him as she took her turn again. “And as king, this is expected of you.”

“And even if you make a mistake, they’ll understand because you are new to learning this.” Celestia added as she leaned in to the king for a private whisper. “And just between you and me, I’ve had my fair share of accidentally saying the wrong things in languages I didn’t understand when I first became ruler of Equestria too.”

“And Aminifu was a good friend. He deserves the best.” Simba sighed in acknowledgment before pressing forward more positively after nuzzling his wife while nodded at the alicorn for their comforting advice. “Thanks, Nala, Celestia. Okay, Zazu. Once more, from the top.” He then said while turning to his royal advisor.

“Of course, sire.” Zazu obliged after emerging from the grass and crawling up to him still dazed from the shock of his roar.

Back in the Pride Lands, the Guard and the Mane Five all have arrived at the path where bees are swarming over with their new nests over trees just as described.

“No. Beehives in the path. Just like you said, Ono.” Kion said as witnessed the many bees in the area before turning to the egret. “Where are the elands?”

Ono flew up and used his keen sight to scan for the elands who are currently on the path and right around the corner.

“They're on their way, Kion! Uh, just around the bend!” Ono reported.

“Okay. When they get here, we'll move them off the path and across the fields far away from the bees.” Kion instructed his team with a tone that says he just wants to get this over with.

“Hard to believe something so small could bother something so big.” Beshte voiced his thoughts.

“Yeah. Seems kind of silly.” Kion seemed to agree as he had second thoughts. “Moving a whole herd of elands just to avoid a few little bees?”

“That was Queen Kiara's decree.” Ono returned.

“Please tell me you’re not thinking what I think you’re thinking.” Fluttershy pleaded with the lion not to pursue it as he still feels agitated from having to kiss up to his sister to listen to reason as Mzingo secretly observes them from one of the tall tree branches.

“Yeah, Queen Kiara's decree. She's only been queen for a day. I've been leading the Lion Guard for a lot longer than that.“ Kion voiced his opposed attitude to all of this.

“Now darling…” Rarity tried to ease Kion’s frustration. “…Sure it has only been a day, it must be quite a stunning change, but your sister usually means well.”

“Kiara can tell me to do something. But she can't tell me how to do it.” Rarity’s attempted advice just flew in and out of his ear with his new decision. “I say we move the bees.”

“Move the bees?” Applejack and Ono said in surprised unison.

“Move the bees?” Mzingo also questioned with a surprised look.

“Good luck!” Rainbow immediately replied as she, Applejack, and Rarity quickly dart away from the scene not wanting to mess with them.

“Yeah! Let's move the bees!” Bunga agreed to the decision along with Pinkie.

“What could go wrong?” Pinkie added feeling it should be easy.

Though predictably with fate tempted, the Guard minus Fluttershy who cowered from the bee’s rage by hiding in one of the bushes all scream as the angry bees all pursue them barely outrunning them as Ono tries performing evasive maneuvers in an attempt to avoid getting stung along with Pinkie and Bunga who are happily munching on the honey from the broken hives.

“What are you guys running for? Bees taste even better when they're mad!” Bunga nonchalantly asked them as she and Pinkie consume more honey as the latter’s fur coat is covered in it.

“They sure are.” Pinkie cheerfully returned as she slurped down the honey from her fur.

“Maybe we should've diverted the eland herd after all!” Fuli told Kion with a glaring look that says his decision truly was a big mistake.

“Don't worry about the elands!” Kion pointed out the bright side as they fled from the bees but as they turned the corner.

“The elands!” He screamed as they accidentally crashed into them along with Applejack and Rarity.

Everyone was okay but it allowed time for the bees to catch up with them with furious stingers ready to sting them.

“Hevi kabisa! Incoming!“ Kion screamed as Rarity quickly performed a force field with all of her strength while Rainbow quickly performs a rainbow twister to wrap the bees up before any of them could sting the elands and sent them away at top speed away from the path.

The elands quickly recovering managed to run in the opposite direction but while spooked out of their minds from the near bee attack.

But as for some of the bees that didn’t get sucked up in the twister well…

Later at Pride Rock, Twilight is going over with Kiara her to-do-list during her brief tenure as Queen while Spike takes notes and offering encouragement to the best of her ability when the Guard all arrives with bee stings all over their bodies minus Fluttershy who had nothing to say about all of this.

“What happened?!” Twilight asked in shock as the three look on wondering how they all got stung.

“There may have been a small problem with the bees and the elands.” Kion answered as he tried to downplay the mess that had happened.

“A small problem?” Kiara replied not buying the attempted downplaying of the aftermath as the others likewise glare at him for putting them through that.

“Doesn’t look like it went well.” Spike couldn’t help but note.

“It wasn't a total disaster.” Kion still insisted as he scratched the bee stings on his fur.

“Are you kidding?! Look at my fur.” Rarity exclaimed in exasperation while placing itch cream and white paint on her fur coat. “It will take days to get this perfectly delicate white coat restored to normal with all of these nasty bee stings. My beautiful fur! Ruined!” She dramatically cried in pain.

“Really?” Kiara still isn’t convinced as she sees Applejack, Rainbow, Fuli, and Ono dealing with the stings on their bodies by scratching them. “Looks pretty total to me.”

“Yeah, totally delicious.” Bunga happily returned as he and Pinkie finishing licking off the honey from their fur.

“Super yummy!” Pinkie added as she drooling her lips after downing the last bit of honey. They even ate one of the bees that got stuck on the honey when they tried to sting them.

“Admit it. I was right about the bees and you were wrong.” Kiara then said to her brother as the two prepared to get into another fight.

“I admit it, Your Majesty!” Bunga said with a bow as Twilight teleported and got in between the two siblings before things could get ugly.

“Okay, let’s both just calm down here.” She began as she faced the two. “Yes, Kion made a mistake… She began as Kion frowned at her. “…But let’s keep in mind that not everyone is right and that even extends to leader’s themselves.” She added to which Kiara frowned at her as well. “So I think it is best that we both just move on from this and just use this as a learning experience the next time this sort of thing happens. Okay?”

Both siblings sighed and dropped their fight as Kion and Kiara turned away from each other while glancing an eye at each other very irritably towards each other.

“Well, the elands did manage to avoid getting stung and were led on the right path...eventually.” Kion then said for the sake of assuring that everything else went fine.

“Most of them.” Ono added.

“Some of them didn't want to come with us.” Fuli added.

“I don't think they liked us.” Beshte added.

“Well considering the bees were moved from their homes we can’t really blame them.” Applejack added feeling they deserved that.

“Maybe next time you'll listen to your queen.” Kiara still felt the need to crossly scold her brother for his mistake.

“Next time?” Kion returned just as cross by that statement.

“Yeah. Next time I give you a decree. Or have you forgotten Dad left me in charge?” Kiara repeated to assert her authority.

“It's pretty hard to forget.” Kion remarked with controlled fury as he turns and leaves in a huff for the sake of appeasing Twilight who is trying really hard to keep them from butting heads together as she looks disheartened seeing their squabble to the point she looks like she is going to cry.

“If anyone needs me I’ll be out helping calm the bees down and help them find new homes.” Fluttershy excused herself to avoid getting in the middle of anymore fights after sensing the tension between the two siblings.

“Rarity.” Rainbow spoke in the marshmallow-coated unicorn’s direction who is still putting cream and paint over her bee stings. “Think you could share some of that itch cream, please” She asked as she failed to resist scratching her bee stings.

“Of course, darling.” Rarity complied as she handed her a tube of the stuff to which she dumps the entire contents all over her body before going off to relax in the sun at the top of Pride Rock to chillax.

“Aah, thanks!” Rainbow said as she flies off to do so much to Rarity’s dismay that she used the whole bottle.

"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity groaned before running off after her. "Wait for me!"

At the Outlands Volcano, where Janja and his hyena clan reside, Mzingo meets up them where he informed them of what has happened since Kiara took over.

“You wouldn't believe it, Janja. The whole sky. It was filled with bees.” Mzingo recalled narrowly avoiding the bees himself. “I barely escaped without getting stung myself.”

“So with Simba in the elephant territories, brother and sister aren't getting along.” Janja then saw an opportunity right there to capitalize on this as he and Mzingo share a laugh together. “Be a shame if their family squabbles led to chaos in the Pride Lands.

“From which we all might profit.” Mzingo added as he wickedly cackled.

“Mzingo, I need you to deliver a message to the new queen.” Janja told him as he approached him ready to tell him what he wants him to tell her as Cheezi and Chungu both laugh together ready to pounce on this opportunity.

The next morning, the traveling companions were walking forward with their journey as Simba tries the phrase again.

“Itchy kala pano tou. Did I get it right that time?”

“It's coming along, sire.” Zazu awkwardly replied to say there is still some improvement needed.

“You'll get it, Simba.” Nala assured him. “Zazu, how much longer until we get there?”

“Hmm.” Zazu said as he looked ahead down the hillside. “Actually, we've arrived.”

The three see they are now in Kilio Valley with many elephants lined up as they deliver and place flowers over the lifeless elephant in the center of the area.

Both Simba and Nala shared a sorrowful nuzzle together seeing this tearful site as one of the elephants tearfully hugs the deceased elephant good-bye.

“Well, time for the tribute.” Simba said as he and the others pressed forward with the must-do task at hand as they approach the grieving family.

At Pride Rock, Kiara looks on over the Pride Lands seriously as Twilight and Spike just watch on while concerned for her and Kion’s relationship.

“Doing okay, Twilight?” Spike asked.

“I’d be more okay, if I wasn’t stuck in the middle between two siblings at each other’s throats.” Twilight replied with a disappointed sigh as she resists the urge to cry. “Here I am just trying to give Kiara extra help while she is queen and Kion is having a hard time accepting that.”

“Must be really tough.” Spike returned with an understanding tone seeing how tough it is to be neutral about this.

“It is!” Twilight said feeling frustrated herself. “I just want to them to get along before they do something they’ll regret.”

“It’ll be okay.” Spike tried to assure her. “I’m sure once they will make up once things cool down between them.”

“Hopefully.” Twilight just said feeling doubtful it will.

Just as Kiara turned around seeing that everything is fine, Mzingo suddenly appeared on the edge of Pride Rock.

“Queen Kiara. Being queen obviously suits you.” He greeted her.

“Mzingo.” Twilight narrowed her eyes upon seeing him as Spike looks on with a look of distrust towards him.

“Mzingo.“ Kiara returned in surprise along with Twilight and Spike. “What are you doing here?”

“Nothing to fear, cub... I mean, Your Majesty.” He quickly corrected himself with a bow. “I simply come to bring you a peace proposal on behalf of Janja.”

“Janja wants peace?” Kiara laughed it off as Twilight couldn’t help but roll her eyes seeing what and why he is here and doing this.

“Oh, it's what he's always wanted.“ Mzingo then sighed in pretend disappointment as he stepped closer to the lioness. “Sadly, your brother and his Guard, well...” He hesitated to say as he paced around a little. “Forgive me for saying so my queen, but your brother can be quite stubborn.“

“Ugh, tell me about it.” Kiara couldn’t agree more as Twilight starts to get worried seeing that Mzingo is baiting her with the right words. “But why didn't Janja come himself?” She asked suspiciously of why he is going through with this approach.

“Janja's not exactly welcome in the Pride Lands. He thought you might meet on neutral ground. Say sunset tonight at Broken Rock?” He proposed as Kiara shifts her eyes as she ponders the thought. “You can discuss the terms of your new peace agreement. You could usher in a new day of peace for the Pride Lands.”

“Hmm? I'll think about it.” She answered.

“That's all we ask.” Mzingo took her reply in stride feeling satisfied enough as he flies away.

Kiara then turns around as Twilight and Spike walk up to her.

“Man, that vulture gives me the creeps.” Spike groaned at the sight of the creepy bird. “Is it just me or does that bird give me the creeps?”

“Not just you and I definitely know deep down it’s a trap.” Twilight returned as she then spoke to Kiara. “You’re not seriously thinking about meeting with Janja are you?”

“Not really.” Kiara replied still deep in thought. “Mainly because Mzingo doesn’t seem exactly trustworthy to me.”

“Okay, because I really must advice against this here.” Twilight then calmly voiced her objections about this proposal. “Because Mzingo is allied with Janja and since they don’t respect the Circle of Life I’m sure their desires for peace are for the reasons they want you think.”

“True.” Kiara agreed with Twilight as they make their way inside as the latter hopefully smiled seeing this. “If I was more naïve than I would have thought Janja and Mzingo were sincere about wanting to meet with me in the Outlands for a peace treaty.”

“Janja and Mzingo told you what?!” Kion spoke in alarm upon hearing this causing the hope on Twilight’ smile to fade into a frown. “Kiara! You have to know it's a trap!”

“You would think that.“ Kiara scoffed as she turned aside as thing suddenly went south again just when Twilight was getting her not to take the bait for an obvious trap.

“So close.” Spike voiced Twilight’s mind there.

“Kiara, you can't trust Mzingo. Or Janja!” Kion insisted against meeting with them as he intercepts her.

“You just can't stand the thought that I might be right. Like with the bees.” Kiara returned thinking his pride is still stung by what happened yesterday.

“But this is completely different. You don't know Janja like I do. I've had to run him off so many times.” Kion further urged his sister to listen to him.

“Maybe that's why he came to me.” Kiara immediately cut him off before he could continue.

“So close.” Twilight could only start to tear up seeing this heartbreaking display.

“Now that I'm queen, he knows . . .” Kiara further said as she turned her back on him as Kion cuts her off back.

“Kiara! You're not really queen.” He again dropped the bomb on her as Twilight’s heart really sank hearing that.

“I am the queen.” Kiara asserted herself with a controlled tone at that remark. And I'll do what I think is best for the Pride Lands.”

At that moment, Twilight couldn’t take it anymore as she explodes with tears falling from her eyes.

“Stop it!” She screamed as both the two are startled by her sudden outburst. “Why is it so hard for you two to just get along!” She said as tears streamed from her face as she faced Kion. “Kion, when I heard from your father that Kiara was going to be queen, she got really nervous and stressed out at being suddenly thrusted into power, and felt worried she might mess it up and disappoint her father who is really counting on her to keep the peace while he is away. Even if it’s only for the next day she is still queen and someday will be the next queen in charge of the Pride Lands, she is still a new learning leader who really needed guidance. That is why I have been spending more time with her recently in case you’ve been thinking she was getting in the way of my responsibilities as leader of the Guard.” She then turned to Kiara. “And as for you Kiara, I know that you and Kion don’t agree with each other all of the time but I too have crossed paths with Janja and his clan and he really is just trying to bait you into a trap so please don’t go into the Outlands.“ She then further spiraled as she then addressed both siblings looking very shocked seeing this very emotional side of her. “You two are brother and sister, you both see each other almost every day, you both live together, you are both lucky you both share all of these wonderful things where you two could bond more. So if you both so much as care for each other, just make up and get along because I am sick of being caught in the middle of your ridiculous arguments!”

Twilight then ran off crying unable to even see them argue anymore as she leaves Pride Rock as Spike desperately and futilely reaches a hand out in her direction to get her to come back before approaching the two with a look of disappointment and disgust.

“I’m going to make sure she doesn’t die of a panic attack and a broken heart out there because Twilight is like an older sister and mother to me and that’s what family does for each other even during our ups and downs, not that you two would and should know.” Spike scolded to the two before running out after her with a shout in her direction. “Twilight! Wait!”

“If you're serious about this, you're on your own.” Kion then said seriously to his sister as he left the den too leaving Kiara alone.

“Argh. Brothers.” Kiara said as she turned away in annoyance.

“I can't believe it. What is she thinking?” Kion grumbled to himself as Mufusa’s spirit appears from the clouds before him.

“Kion. Something's troubling you.“ His grandfather addressed him in a concerned tone.

“It's Kiara, Grandfather.” Kion reluctantly confessed with a sigh. “She doesn't know what she's getting herself into.”

“Kion. Kiara is your sister. And for now, she is your queen. And as your queen and sister, she needs your support.” He said in an urging manner for him not to turn his back on her.

“Even if she's wrong?”

“Especially if she's wrong.”

“Hmm.” Kion thought about it for a moment then smiled as he had a look of realization after listening to what he needed to hear. “Thank you, Grandfather.” Mufusa smiled before disappearing. “Twilight’s right. I better go talk to her. “ He said to himself as he went back to Pride Rock.

At the same time, Twilight has retreated to Flat Ridge Rock where she could sob her heart out from all of the stress she had to deal with.

“Twilight…” Spike called out to her as he caught up with her.

“Leave me be, Spike.” Twilight cried as she sit sat not looking back.

“But, Twilight, it will be okay.” Spike again attempted to assure her. “Like you said they just need time to cool down and come to realize they were both wrong in the end.”

“Thanks, Spike.” She sarcastically returned with her back still turned. “That is making me so much better.”

“I’m serious!” Spike pleaded with her as he got up in her face to get her to look at him. “Their relationship is not like with Mufusa and Scar or Celestia and Luna and I’m sure if one of them is here they would tell you that and they would encourage you to keeping trying to look after them.”

“Indeed they would.” Celestia’s voice spoke through as she appeared before them through a personal portal she conjured up.

“Princess Celestia.” Twlight stammered in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to tell what Spike just said and how you been trying to keep the two from spiraling out of control with their recent troubles.” She replied with a comforting wing on the back of her shoulder.

“Then I guess you already know of how much success I am having with it.” She somewhat bitterly remarked as her tear flow has calmed down now though the tears that are forming are still shown that they are about to come out.

“Twilight, I know things haven’t gone smoothly these past few days with them but they are still brother and sister and they still need the push in the right direction.” She advised her faithful student. “Even when they don’t want to see each other at the moment.”

“I’ve been trying, and I have even flat out told them to just get along while they can still see each other instead of wasting it.” Twilight still felt upset and unconvinced.

“Twilight…” Celestia then spoke as she sensed the real reason of why she is getting very emotional about their sibling tension. “Is it because of what happened to me and Luna or Mufusa and Scar?”


“Or are talking about you and Shining Armor.” Spike asked.

“Yes. I really miss him too and even if we hardly see each other anymore and never had a fight before in our lives together I can’t bear the thought of actually losing him.” Twilight confirmed as she faced both Spike and Celestia.

“So that’s why you got really emotional back there.” Spike figured now learning why she reacted the way she did.

“Yes.” Twilight replied as she looked down with a sad expression as a single tear falls from her eye.

“It will be okay, Twilight.” Celestia encouraged her. “You two will meet soon enough and as for Kiara and Kion I’m sure they come to see they can’t be mad at each other forever.”


“Even if one of them gets sent away to the moon for a thousand years, they will still love each other. Like me and Luna,” Celestia added as she related to their plight. She said as she looked up at the sky towards the sun.

“That must have been tough.” Twilight said in sympathy.

“It was. Even after a thousand years I have really missed her since the day I had to send her away.” She said in sadness and relief. “But thanks to you and your friends we are now friends again.” She added with a grateful smile.

“Thanks.” Twilight thanked her with a warm hug to which she kindly returned and then something in the Outlands.

“Kiara!” She said as noticed her making her way to Broken Rock.

“Is she going in alone?” Spike asked in confusion as the three got a good look at her.

“I gotta go help her!” Twilight said with determination as she prepared run after her.

“Twilight, wait!” The baby dragon spoke to stop her. “Can I come too? I really want to be able join in on where the action is.” He said as eagerly cracked his knuckles ready for a fight.

“Of course!” Twilight replied not wanting to argue of the offered assistance as Spike climbed onto her back. “Let’s go!”

Twilight ran as fast as she could to catch up with her as Celestia flies down and ducks from behind the rock around the corner of Broken Rock as Twilight does the same.

At Kilio Valley, the elephants have now gathered in a circle together, as Simba appears in front of the crowd while Nala sits herself beside a young baby elephant while still looking nervous about how now is the time to deliver his eulogy.

“And now, His Majesty the King will say a few words about my father.” Ma Tembo, Aminifu’s daughter then announced to everyone.

“The king? Simba?” One of the elephants murmured in astonishment.

“His Majesty.”

“You can do this, sire.” Zazu who was standing beside him confidently assured him as he took a deep breath to recompose himself before delivering his tribute.

“I knew Aminifu a long time. And now that he has completed his journey though the Circle of Life, I will remember him fondly.” Simba solemnly recalled as the elephants delivered a mournful trumpet together. “Because, as you elephants say, "Eihe kaka pano tou."

“Oh.” Zazu uttered in shock with his suddenly opened eyes as Simba felt sure he said it right as many of the elephants suddenly register shocked and surprised looks and gasps at what he had just said while Nala looks worried seeing this and feeling he might have said something that insulted them.

“Did I say he had good on him?” Simba asked Zazu in a whisper wondering what exactly he just said after seeing their reactions to his Elephantese.

“I'm not sure, sire…” Zazu nervously replied as he raised a wing to whisper back. “…but I think you just said he had poop on him.“ He cleared his throat while resisting the urge to laugh.

“I said what?” Simba shouted in shock as he looks at Ma Tembo who initially seems like she is offended by his words until she then chuckled and laughed in amusement.

All of the other elephants joined in on the laughter as Nala smiles seeing that they are taking his accidental mistake in stride as Simba smiles in relive seeing that they are not mad at him while the royal couple look upon each other upon seeing that everyone is okay.

“It's true.“ She chuckled. “He always did have poop on him. And it always made us laugh. He always made us laugh. It's nice to remember the good times. Thank you, Your Highness.” She then said as she wrapped her trunk around him.

“Well, he had good on him, too.” He added.

“He did. He truly had good on him.” Ma Tembo said in agreement before adding. “But more poop.”

As everyone laughed together even Simba joined in as he too found it funny.

In the Outlands, Kiara has made her way to Broken Rock with Twilight, Spike, and Celestia all hiding from the nearby rocks as they are all on the lookout for hyenas with no way of knowing when they will pop up and appear.

“Hello? Hello?” Kiara called out as she starts to regret coming alone.

“Queen Kiara.” Janja greeted as he poked his head from the crack of the rock before approaching her. “Welcome. I'm so happy you considered my proposal. And you came alone. Very smart. We can work out our deal, leader to leader. Just the two of us. More or less.” He then sinsterly added.

As Kiara looks around she sees the eyes of his pack appearing from their hiding spots.

“I think I just re-considered your proposal.” Kiara politely tried to excuse herself as she tried to run away only to be cut off by Cheezi and Chungu.

“Going so soon? But you're to be our guest. Soon as Simba hears I have his daughter, he'll have no choice but to turn over the Pride Lands to me.“ He then slurped mid-sentence with an implied death threat. “Or else!”

“Or else!” Cheezi repeated as Kiara suddenly realizes that her brother was right and that she had just realized the severity of her mistake coming alone as the entire clan circles around her.

As the rest of the Guard approaches the border, Ono uses his eye scan to spot out the scene.

“Hapana! Kiara's at Broken Rock! And she's surrounded by hyenas!” Ono reported.

”Follow me!” Kion urgently sprinted ahead in order to save his sister.

At Broken Rock, Twilight seeing this decides to take action as she zaps one the hyenas about to leap on her with her magic as Kiara dodges the other hyena attempting to attack her as Twilight charges at Janja with a blast of magic to the face to knock him back as Spike leaps off and slides under another hyena attempting to attack Kiara to make him lose his balance and trip over.

“Back off Janja!” Twilight warned him.

“Nice moves.” Janja complimented as he got up ready to pounce on Kiara again. “Too bad you're out here all on your own.”

“Get away from the queen!” Kion shouted as he tackled Janja and kicked him off to keep him away from his sister.

“Kion! Twilight! You're both here?” Kiara said very glad and pleased they both showed up to help her more than ever.

“Of course!“ Kion positively replied.

“We got your back!” Twilight added as the hyenas are still ready to fight.

“Aw, ain't this a touching family reunion.” Janja mocking commented. “And brother and sister have brought together the cute purple unicorn along with a little baby dragon.”

Twilight simply glared at him with her flaring horn as Spike growled as he got ready to charge at them.

“Hey, you said these two were fighting, Janja.” Cheezi questioned of why the two lions aren’t against each other.

“Oh, we can fight, all right.” Kion returned as she and Kiara took fighting stances too.

“Think you can take us on?”

“Six on four? I'll take those odds.” Janja accepted the challenge as he and his clan got ready to fight them thinking they can take two lion cubs, a small dragon, and a unicorn.

Twilight kick-started the fight by conjuring her magic to create a small shockwave to force them all back knocking them aside to nearby rocks.

Kiara faced off against the two hyenas trying to double team her to which she counter-attacked by charging at the one on her left before kicking away the hyena trying to attack from behind on her right.

Spike himself finds himself face to face with one hyena who looks pretty smug and confident that he can a little baby dragon by himself as he charges at him to which he effortlessly dodges him by ducking just as he was jumping. The hyena tumbled as the two flipped back to face each other. Spike chuckled at the hyena’s stupidity for underestimating him. The hyena growled and charged at him to which is met with a blast of magic to knock him out from Twilight.

Twilight then focused her magic on Cheezi and Chungu who both charged at her at the same time but they were both hoisted in the air, tossed around in circles, then knocked out after having them headbutt each other just as Kion knocks Janja back against Broken Rock before crashing back down on the ground.

Janja looks up and sees Kion and Twilight both glaring down on him and his defeated clan. Even when outnumbered the four are more capable and powerful than them.

“Time for you and your buddies to get going unless you want make things worse for yourselves.” Twilight warned him to leave as she still has her horn flared with Kion, Kiara, and Spike all still standing together ready to keep fighting as the rest of the Guard shows up to back them up.

“Twende Kiboko!” Beshte shouted as he appeared behind the four.

“Till the Pride Lands' end...” Kion started their battle cry.

“Lion Guard defend!” Kiara finished.

“Forget it!” Janja immediately backed down as he and his clan ran for the hills knowing that this is now a losing battle.

“Janja, Janja! Wait for us!” Cheezi called out to the fear filled leader cowering as the entire clan follows suit with scared whimpering.

“Yeah, run away you cowards!” Rainbow shouted in their direction.

“Ha, ha, ha, ha! Look at them run!” Pinkie laughed at them.

“Thanks, guys.” Kiara gratefully thanked everyone for coming out to save her. “Especially you three.” She said towards the one’s who fought alongside with her before turning to say something to her brother. “And Kion, you were right about never trusting Janja.”

“Hey, I can hear you.” Janja called out as he climbs up the cliff as he retreats which is met with nearly getting blasted in the face by Twilight’s magic leaving a scorch mark on the mountain just nearly burning the hyena while missing him by a hair literally. “Yikes! Never mind! Never mind!”

“Keep moving!” She barked at him to which he immediately scrambled up the cliff to avoid getting struck by the unicorn in charge.

“I should've listened to you about the bees.” Kion returned with an apology to give to her too.

“Oh, sure. Now he admits it!” Ono voiced his annoyance that it took him this long for him to say it yet finds his beak suddenly covered by Fluttershy.

“Shh! Just let them have their moment please?” Fluttershy pleaded with him and insisted that now is not the time to be making that sarcastic remark.

“Having said that Twilight…” Kion then added as he turned to the unicorn that helped them all the way through with another apology he owes. “…I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you earlier. I was so used to you hanging out with me that combined with Kiara being queen even for a few days along with you being quick to help her that I thought you suddenly decided you wanted to spend time with her just because she is now queen.”

“I’m sorry too, Twilight.” Kiara added just as ashamed of herself as Kion. “For not listening to you when all you were trying to do was help us get along more.”

“It’s okay.” Twilight holds no ill feeling towards them. “You both were just frustrated with each other. I mean sure there are times like helping Kiara out that I will need to step aside from my duties to the Guard but that doesn’t mean I won’t be around to help when needed the most. And sometimes no one is right all of the time. Not even Princess Celestia.”

“Wisely said, my faithful student.” Celestia said as she appeared before them.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight returned in surprise as everyone bows before her. “I didn’t mean to…”

“It’s okay, Twilight.” Celestia took no offense to what she had just said as she gestures them to all rise. “Not everyone is perfect or immune to mistakes not even me in regards to what happened to my sister.”

“Does this mean you are going to tell Mom and Dad about this?” Kiara nervously asked.

“I don’t see why I should.” The white alicorn replied. “No harm done here. You’re safe so is everything here in the Pride Lands. So I’d say you handled things pretty well for your first time as queen.”

“Thanks.” Kiara thanked as she placed a wing over her back for an embrace while pulling Kion and Twilight in too. “And I did have great support along the way.” She said as she turned her brother and the alicorn’s pupil.

“I won’t tell if you won’t.” Celestia replied with a wink as the black-cloaked figure watches on from the shadows with narrowed eyes as he had watched the whole scene as well Kion and Kiara’s fight scenes along with Twilight’s emotional talk with the Princess before quickly leaving the scene before he could be spotted.

“Best mission of my life.” Spike said to himself feeling pleased he helped the three defeat the hyenas and save Kiara.

The next day, both the king and queen along with the royal advisor have all returned to the Pride Lands.

“Mom! Dad!” Kiara greeted them as they arrived

“Welcome back!” Kion greeted them as Twilight and Spike appear from behind along with Princess Celestia.

“How'd your tribute go?” Kiara asked her father.

“It went... It went...“ Simba replied while hesitating to tell the truth.

“Everything turned out fine.” His mate finished for him. “How did ruling the Pride Lands go?”

“Ruling the Pride Lands? It went...” Kiara also hesitated to tell the truth as well.

“Any trouble?” Her father asked.

“Well, uh...”

“Yeah, but it wasn't anything Kiara couldn't handle.” Her brother answered for her. “I'm sure she's gonna be a great queen. Someday!”

Twilight and Spike smile seeing this as well as Princess Celestia who shares a few words with the king.

“Indeed she will.” Celestia said in agreement while slyly smiling at Twilight with ideas of her own for her.

“Thanks, Kion.” Kiara thanked with a relived sigh.

“I never had any doubt.” Simba voiced his faith in his daughter as Celestia winks at him that everything turned out well in the end just as Pinkie randomly showed up.

“Hello everyone.” She greeted the surprised party. “Who want’s honey crisp squares.”

“Oh, don’t mind if I do!” Spike eagerly jumped at the opportunity and took a whole handful. “What?” He asked at everyone giving him looks from confused looks of the royalty family and the annoyed glare from Twilight. “You really should try them.”

“Eh, why not.” Twilight responded with a shrug as everyone helps themselves to one as the unicorn munches on the gooey glazed treat. “Wow! These are very good!”

As everyone delights in the honey crisp squares, Twilight felt pleased as she writes herself of the friendship lesson she had just learned through the whole ordeal for Princess Celestia to add on to her collection feeling satisfied that things worked out in the end.

Author's Note:

For Episode Number Seven, we have arrived and read the most emotional episode I have written in this crossover so far as poor Twilight finds herself in the middle of Kion and Kiara's fraying sibling relationship when the latter becomes queen while Simba and Nala are away.

Before I get in to that I'll start by adding that Princess Celestia has been monitoring what has been going on since it has been widely criticized that Simba actually entrusts a pre-teen child to run the kingdom who has by the way been helping Simba and Twilight her own way being around to give advice when needed while watching the scene unfold from afar.

As for the main plot, Twilight along with Spike who came along to join in on the Guard's patrol for the first time agreed to help Kiara out by assisting her when she is promoted as queen in the king and queen's absence. But of course even with Twilight's best efforts it did little to ease things leading to her emotional outburst when it hit's her breaking point. The reason for that is because of course it reminds her of her more successful yet increasingly distant relationship with her brother to which she fears of happening.

Spike himself finally gets in on his first rescue mission with the guard as he, Twilight, and Kion come to Kiara's rescue and defeat Janja and his hyenas when they try to kidnap her for ransom to which was a personal choice to give the episode's climax a more action sequence while the shadowy cloaked figure has been secretly monitoring the sibling tension from the sidelines.

That being said of who this guy is, it' something who's identity is to remain a mystery for the time being.

Next up will be two more MLP episodes starting with "Dragonshy." where the Guard goes up against a snoring dragon spewing toxic smoke all over Ponyville followed by "Look Before You Sleep."

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