• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 4,123 Views, 145 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 1) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard and The Mane Six both work together to spread the magic of friendship while protecting Equestria and the Pride Lands.

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Episode 37: The Best Night Ever

Episode 37:

The Best Night Ever

Ever since the two worlds have opened their doors to each other, a majority of the population has been mostly sticking to home roots. Well at least not until the day the Grand Galloping Gala to which they all decided to come over to the grand and royal roots of the Canterlot Palace hosted by Princess Celestia herself with Princess Luna planning on attending the event as well.

The day that everyone has been looking for is now finally here as the previous days and weeks everyone from the Pride Lands had come over to Rarity’s shop for a fitting for their dresses and tuxedos since of course formal attire is a must.

It was a daunting effort that took weeks to prepare for the entire kingdom but with help from Ono’s keen sight along with the rest of the Guard’s efforts in organizing and taming the large crowds it was all doable and everything got done in time. By then the only fittings and touch ups left are the outfits for the Lion Guard, the Pony Guard’s, and most importantly the Royal Family’s.

“Ahh! I... can't... believe... the Grand... Galloping... Gala... is... tonight!” Pinkie happily and eagerly expressed while jumping up and down on a trampoline while annoying Twilight who is sitting and reading her book while Fuli who managed to get a head start on the group is currently sitting and cleaning herself.

“Pinkie! Please stop shouting, I'm trying to concentrate!” She addressed the pink earth pony while controlled patience just as Rarity and Ono came outside.

“Pinkie! What the hay are you doing?!” Ono exclaimed in shock as they rushed over there.

“Pinkie Pie! Stop that right now.” She chastised her. “It's time to prepare for the Gala, and I refuse to let you put on your new dress when you're all sweaty.”

Pinkie then obeys as she gets off of the trampoline as she curiously observes Twilight sitting and reading from her book.

“What's Twilight doing?” She whispered to Spike and Ono.

“She's got an awesome magic spell she's been working on for the Gala.” Spike answered.

“Said to be very promising.” Ono added from what he knows about it just as Rarity wonders where the others are as she is starting to get impatient with their tardiness.

“Where are the others? It's getting late.”

Just as soon as she said that the rest of the Guard showed up.

“Hold your horses, girl. We're here.” Applejack added.

“Sorry we’re late.” Beshte apologized.

“Took you all long enough.” Fuli commented as she continues cleaning her fur. “Even when I got here on time, I still had time to clean myself up.”

“We didn’t mean to be.” Kion explained. “We would have been here sooner if we hadn’t had to deal some Pride Landers along the way who were all getting anxious about tonight’s event on our way over.”

“Some of them were still nervous about leaving the Pride Lands to show up.” Bunga added while still feeling perplexed considering they had months to prepare for the big day. “Which I find rather puzzling to be honest?”

“Considering they are all about to be meeting with other ponies in Canterlot. You can’t really blame them.” Beshte understood what’s going through their minds.

“And stepping out of their comfort zone isn’t always an easy thing to do. Common knowledge really.” Ono added.

“But thankfully I have managed to make everyone the perfect the dress and tuxedo for every Pride Lander attending there.” Rarity voiced her input. “So formal attire wouldn’t be a problem.”

“And in addition…” Kion added while wanting to put more focus on what’s more important while slightly eyeing the fashionista for her dressing priorities. “… All of the arrangements have been discussed so that everyone there is accommodated as my dad and the Princess have thought of everything needed for tonight. So this should work out smoothly.”

“Perfect. I'm ready!” Twilight declared as she closed her book and stood up.

“For what?” Rainbow curiously asked.

“All right, Spike.” Twilight told him as he brought forward two apples.

“Oh, an apple!”

“Are we having pie?”

Pinkie and Bunga asked as everyone watches

“Shh!” Ono quickly hushed them so the magic master can concentrate.

“Watch!” Spike added as Twilight works her magic in turning the apples into two lovely and extravagant carriage big enough for seven per carriage to which awed everyone at the sight.





“Hevi Kebisa!”

The Guard all said in delighted surprise.

“Awesome! Wow! Lovely!”

The Mane Five all said together as they awed her latest magical creation.

“Thanks, but that's just the start.” Twilight said to everyone before turning to the group’s animal-loving friend who had some mice in her mane in tow. “Fluttershy, did you bring your friends?”

“Yes. Will they be safe, Twilight?” She asked still uncertain over what she has in mind for them.

“You have my word. Ta-da!” She promised as she performs her spell on them to transform them into horses with mouse heads instead horse heads which left everyone speechless yet complimented regardless seeing of how hard and proud Twilight worked on this. “Neat, huh?” She said to everyone before turning to assure Fluttershy. “And don't worry, they'll be mice again at midnight.”

But as soon as she said that the devious mice hunting cat of Rarity’s just had to have the urge to scare them off.

“Opalescence, no!” Fluttershy cried out as the mice-hating cat ignored her and pursed the group of mice-turned-horses out into the distance.

“Wait! Come back!” She called out to them to no avail as the cat just left them without someone to pull their carriage. “Those horses were supposed to pull our carriage. How will we get to the Gala?”

“Whatever shall we do?” Rarity said in a sarcastic yet dramatic manner before turning to two gentle-colts nearby.

“Uh... ahem. Excuse me. Uh, would you boys mind pulling our carriage to the Gala?” She kindly asked of them while working up her eloquent charm on them.

“Oh. Yeah. Right.” Twilight felt and stood corrected while awkwardly grinning as they were all more than happy to comply as they pulled the carriages up front.

“And don’t worry about me Twilight.” Beshte spoke up finding it no problem. “I’ll be more than happy to carry one of the carriages over to the Gala.”

“You sure?” She felt the need to ask again to make sure he's okay with that.

“Sure. I don’t mind.” He replied with a smile that makes it clear that it’s no trouble at all.

Ono then flew over to the carriages and got a good count of the number of seats and counted thirteen seats.

“What’s with the extra seat?” He asked.

“What do you mean?” Twilight inquired.

“There’s four members of the Lion Guard along with the six ponies, and Spike. So that just leaves two extra seats. Who are they for?”

“Well, one of them is for Kiara since she wanted to ride with us.” Twilight explained. “And the other is because I was thinking we could have Kyoga ride with us.”

“Really?” Ono asked finding it a little out of place. “Are you sure about that?”

“Of course.” She remained certain. “Who better than the one’s showing her the time of her life?”

“Well…” Ono tried to think of something before shaking his head against speaking his mind. “…Never mind. I can’t think of anyone else better.”

As soon as the travel arrangements were all set up, they all went inside so they can all get cleaned and dressed up for the big night tonight.

The girls were all separated from the boys so Twilight, Applejack, and Fluttershy can get their manes properly done while Fuli watches while relaxing with hot towels on her fur to help her relax more along with Rainbow. Pinkie herself ended up toying with one of them to which she ended up getting literally blown away by it.

Rarity was with the boys in getting their fur and hair combed up and of course Bunga along with Pinkie couldn’t help but goof around with one of the fans from the girl’s room ended up frazzling his white fur to the point it looked as spiky as a porcupine.

Nevertheless, Rarity managed to get the boys all groomed before doing the same with the girls as she checks up on them.

Spike who had already gotten himself ready aside from his tuxedo got impatient and knocked on the door to the girl’s wanting to talk to them.

“Come on, you guys. Let me in!”

“Sure thing, Spike.” Rainbow replied as she moved to answer the door until Rarity cut him off as she blocked the door.

“Heavens no, we're getting dressed!”

“Dressed?” Bunga spoke rather confused as much as Applejack and the other’s from the Lion Guard. “What do you mean? We all walk around without clothes all the time.”

“Beg your pardon, Rarity, but, I’m afraid he’s right because we don't normally wear clothes.” Applejack added in agreement as she walked up to her.

Rarity moaned as she reluctantly allowed the baby dragon into the room.

“I'm sorry, Spike. Some of us do have standards.”

“I still can't believe we're gonna be at Canterlot tonight.” Spike expressed his excitement that he concealed up to this point. “Our hometown, Twilight! And the best part is that we all get to hang out together all night long!”

“Uh... I-I don't know, Spike.” Rainbow voiced with uncertainty while trying to be gentle about it.

“We all have plans of our own that might make it difficult.” Fuli added while adopting the same approach.

“We'll just have to see.” Rarity just said as she puts on false eyelashes.

“And we're gonna be a mite busy.” Applejack added while giving Fluttershy’s hooves some cleaning complete with a literal spit shine to which the peagsus pony was a little disturbed.

“Busy having fun!” Pinkie added as her mane turned flat after it spent some time in the hair dryer for a moment before turning back to its poofy state.

“Oh... okay.” Spike said in disappointment as he was really hoping they would.

“Don't worry, Spike.” The lavender mare assured while touching her face up with powder. “We'll all get to spend some time together.”

“Great!” Spike replied feeling much better now.

“I wonder how Kyoga is feeling about all?” Twilight then asked.

“Hard to say.” Kion could only answer. “But she is planning on being there.” He added with confidence.

Elsewhere, in the Pride Lands back at Pride Rock both Simba and Nala are both fetching both Kyoga along with their daughter Kiara so they can head on over to Equestria towards Canterlot for the Gala.

“Hurry Kiara, it is time for our fitting.” The lion queen called out to their daughter.

“You too, Kyoga.” Simba added. “Since you too are on the guest list.”

“We’re coming.” Kiara called as she approached her parents as they all walk towards the portal together.

“Don’t see how I can refuse.” The other lioness added while a sounding a little begrudging on her part.

“Still not quite completely up to this are you?” Kiara figured what she is saying.

“If I wasn’t smiling would I be?” Kyoga deadpanned with a glance at the princess.

“Clearly not.” She answered with a light chuckle as she sees of how she walked right into that response.

“Not to worry, Kyoga.” Nala gently said to her. “The Gala will sure be worth going to and it means a lot to us and Princess Celestia that you can attend.”

“Especially since said someone has come to help my son, Twilight, and the Guard on multiple occasions.” Simba added with an approving smile. “You earned it.”

“Thanks, but I’m just not sure this Grand Galloping Gala is all that it’s all cracked up to be.” Kyoga still voiced her unenthusiastic tone about the big royal event.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” Nala reminded her not to think too negatively.

“You might make some new friends while you’re there.” Simba added as they all cross the portal headed towards Equestria.

“We’ll see.” Kyoga at least kept up some positivity for the sake of the royal family she’s walking alongside as they all get prepared for the big night at Canterlot.

Hours later, Celestia’s sun has set with Luna’s moon rising as the big night everyone has been looking forward to as from the back borders of the Pride Landers to Pride Rock and Equestria have all made their way to Canterlot Castle all wearing tuxedos and dresses very fitting to their personalities and color.

Simba having the job along with Celestia to greet every guest had to arrive early with Nala. But the two managed to book a private train ride over to the castle so they didn’t have to deal with paparazzi bombarding them with questions and delaying them from getting there.

Kiara and Kyoga stuck around at Ponyville so they can ride with the girls and the boys riding their carriages on over to Canterlot. In addition to the dresses and tuxedos Rarity had designed for them a while ago, Kiara and Kyoga also had dresses too. Kiara had on a stunning red dress with a shade of color that matches her eyes while Kyoga had on one that was ice blue much like her eyes.

Kiara rode in the girls ride which was carried by the two ponies who Rarity hired while Kyoga rode in the guy’s ride with Beshte pulling their carriage. Even though Kyoga was still pressing forward with attending the event, she was really expressing the same excitement as the others as they talked about their expectations and thoughts going in as she remained mostly silent on the way over.

Spike wearing a tuxedo with a red bow tie held the reins of the girl’s carriage explained to the ponies up front of what he had in mind for the big night

“'Cause I planned out my insider's tour of Canterlot. I've gotta show Rarity the crown jewels, and Applejack the Princess's golden apple tree. And Pinkie, we gotta go to my favorite donut shop.” He told them as he turned to the girls and boys minus Kyoga all gossiping over their thoughts and plans for tonight.

“Then let's get moving! Hyah!” He then commanded while slapping the reigns of the ponies to get a move on although they did not kindly to that.

“Excuse me?!” One of them irritably faced the dragon in charge.

“Um... I...” He nervously and awkwardly tried to apologize.

“If you weren't friends with our neighbor Rarity... Hmph.” The other pony said while letting it slide this time around before they both pulled the carriage on over to Canterlot.

Once they all have arrived and as the carriages came to a complete stop. Spike then walked over to the doors and opened them to just them they can exit their rides with closed eyes. When he opens one he could only look on amazed by seeing everyone in their stunning dresses and tuxedos.

“Whoa! You all look... amazing!”

“I can't believe we're finally here.” Twilight already expressed what lies before their very eyes as they see the Canterlot Castle in plain sight along with everyone else with the exception of Kyoga who just looks on without a change of expression. “With all that we've imagined, the reality of this night is sure to make this... The Best Night Ever!”

“At the Gala

At the Gala.”

Twilight and then the choir of ponies nearby sang.

“At the Gala

In the garden

I'm going to see them all

All the creatures

I'll befriend them at the Gala.”

Fluttershy then sang as she dreams of her vision.

“All the birdies

And the critters

They will love me big and small

We'll become good friends forever

Right here at the Gala!”

She sang as the group of ponies march as the peagsus leads the way towards the entrance.

“All our dreams will come true

Right here at the Gala

At the Gala.”

The ponies sang behind her as Applejack stepped forward to sing.

“At the Gala (It's amazing)

I will sell them (Better hurry)

All my appletastic treats (Yummy yummy)

Hungry ponies (They'll be snacking)

They will buy them (Bring your money)

Caramel apples, apple sweets (Gimme some)

And I'll earn a lot of money

for the Apple family!”

Applejack sang as she envisioned a lot line of customers with a hefty pile of bits earned from it.

“All our dreams and our hopes from now until hereafter

All that we've been wishing for will happen at the Gala

At the Gala.”

A group of unicorns sang as they prepared to make way for Rarity as she steps forward

“At the Gala

All the royals

They will meet fair Rarity

They will see I'm just as regal at the Gala

I will find him

My Prince Charming

And how gallant he will be

He will treat me like a lady

Tonight at the Gala!”

She sang as she envisioned herself being a stunning sight to the guests with her eyes locked on Prince Blueblood as they gaze into each other’s eyes.

“This is what we've waited for to have the best night ever

Each of us will live our dreams

Tonight at the Gala

At the Gala.”

The crowd of ponies sang around her as Kiara seemed to spark interest in hearing of this prince Rarity has been talking about on the ride over.

“Been dreamin'

I've been waitin'

To fly with those great ponies

The Wonderbolts, their daring tricks

Spinning 'round and having kicks

Perform for crowds of thousands

They'll shower us with diamonds

The Wonderbolts will see me right here at the Gala!”

Rainbow sang as she dreams of what she had envisioned to happen in her mindset.

“All we've longed for

All we've dreamed

Our happy ever after

Finally will all come true

Right here at the Grand Gala

At the Gala.”

The crowd of ponies sang as the Wonderbolts all just performed a series of acrobatic movements as they fly towards the castle together.

“I am here at the Grand Gala

For it is the best party

But the one thing it was missing was a pony named Pinkie

For I am the best at parties, all the ponies will agree

Ponies playing

Ponies dancing

With me at the Grand Gala!”

Pinkie then sang as she happily bounced her way forward while envisioning a spark of cheer and dancing just as she envisioned.

“Happiness and laughter at the Gala

At the Gala.”

The crowd of ponies sang together.

“At the Gala (At the Gala)

With the Princess (With the Princess)

Is where I'm going to be (She will be)

We will talk all about magic and what I've learned and seen (She will see)

It is going to be so special

As she takes time just for me (This will be the best night ever!)”

Twilight then sang as she envisioned doing just that with the pony she has idolized and met from day one.

“Into the Gala we must go

We're ready now, we're all aglow

Into the Gala, let's go in and have the best night ever

Into the Gala, now's the time

We're ready and we look divine!”

Twilight and the other ponies sang together as they march their way towards the entrance.

“Into the Gala

Meet new friends!”

Fluttershy and Kion sang together as they joined by Twilight’s side.

“Into the Gala

Sell some apples!”

Applejack sang as they joined their three friends up front.

“Into the Gala

Find my Prince!”

Both Rarity and Kiara sang together as Rarity admires the princess for wanting to try her luck with the pony she had been talking about for quite a while.

“Prove I'm great

As a Wonderbolt is…”

Rainbow sang as the others joined by the other’s side as they march closer and closer to the gates.

“To meet!

To sell!

To find!

To prove!

To whoop!

To talk!”

The girls voiced their desires for the upcoming event as they prepare to go inside together.

“Into the Gala

Into the Gala

And we'll have the best night ever!

At the Gala!”

Everyone all sang together as they all walked across the bridge and inside the castle well expect for Kyoga who just follows after everyone as they all go inside.

“Yeah! This is gonna be the best night ever. You know why? 'Cause we're all gonna spend time at the Gala together...” Spike said to everyone just as they all went ahead their separate ways. “Or not.” He then said in disappointment as Kyoga walks up from behind.

“Looks like it.” She stoically said to the dragon who sighed in disappointment.

Taking pity for him Kyoga places a paw on his shoulder and offered. “Want to walk around and see what we can do together?”

“Sure.” Spike accepted while feeling a little pleased that she was kind enough to offer as they both pressed to venture the castle together.

At the castle entrance where Celestia and Simba are greeting every guest that comes in, Twilight wasted no time making her way towards her mentor who was standing alongside the lion king at the top of the stairs.

“Princess Celestia!” She happily greeted.

“Twilight! It is so lovely to see my star student.” Celestia returned just as pleased to see her again.

“Oh, I'm so excited to be here! We have so much to catch up on.” She expressed how much she has been waiting for this.

“Well, I want you right by my side the entire evening, so we'll have plenty of time together.” Celestia offered to which the unicorn was quick to accept.

“That's just what I was hoping you'd say.” She said as they prepared to greet the arriving guests at the party just as Kion walks up to greet his father who also had on a red-colored bowtie on his tuxedo like father like son.

“Hi, Dad.”

“Hello, Kion.”

They greeted with a hug.

“How’s greeting the guests been going?”

“Fine. Just fine.” He replied still as positive as Celestia. “Although I didn’t think I’d have to greet every guest.”

“Must be quite a task you got there.” He commented on the many arriving ponies and Pride Landers coming inside. “Well, I guess I’ll see you sometime later in the evening.”

Just before he could leave to wander what the Gala had to offer his father’s voice stopped him in his tracks.

“Actually, Kion. I was hoping you could stick around and help me greet these guests too. So that way others will get to greet the leader of the Lion Guard.”

Kion was hesitant to want to stick around for this but at the same time he felt compelled and unable to refuse.

“Okay.” He said with a forced smile as he joined by his father’s side. “Sure thing.”

Meanwhile down below, both Rarity and Kiara were both walking down the hallway together while admiring the scenery together.

“This place sure is lovely.” Kiara commented.

“It sure is.” Rarity agreed. “From all of the royal decorations and sequins everything is all….” She then locked eyes on a specific stallion walking outside “…dreamy…”

It was Prince Blueblood who gave the unicorn a smile as he walked outside to which the unicorn squealed in excitement upon seeing a potential hint that he likes her already.

“Hurry, Rarity...” She quickly moved to run outside but then slowed it back down to walking. “…oh, but not too fast…” She then moved with a fast walk. “But don't wanna lose him... wait!” She then moved to slow walking. “Have to play it cool.” She then gave up and ran outside. Oh, but don't be cold! I can't lose him, I can't! He's everything I imagined!” She couldn’t help up gaze at her Prince Charming who flashed her glancing and inviting eyebrow in her direction. Her and Kiara’s “Even better than I imagined.”

“Wow.” Kiara commented with a teasing smile. “I can see why you’re crazy about him. You sure have a crush on him.”

“I do not.” She defensively said with her head up high as she pressed forward which wasn’t fooling the princess as she still kept smirking at the fancy unicorn.

As the two walk over to meet him, Fluttershy and Ono both laid their eyes on the critters in the royal garden with a specific bird sparking their interest.

“Oh my! A meadowlark!” She exclaimed as she and the egret followed after it.

“You don’t see those everyday do you.” Ono commented as she sees that her dream is coming true.

“I think she's calling to me. It's exactly what I wished for!” She sang a little hum after it to which it whistled the same tune back to her which melted the peagsus’s eyes as she follows after the bird with Ono following her.

Also outside, Applejack found a nice crowded place in the center to set up her little apple business where with one kick of her hooves opened up her cart which displayed an assortment of apple treats.

“Howdy, partner! You hungry?” She asked a pony with green eyes wearing a blue flight suit with yellow lightning bolts on them.

“As a horse!” He replied.

“Well, what'cha hankering for? Caramel apple? Apple pie? Apple fritter? Apple fries?” She offered as she pointed to every apple good she’s got.

“I'll take that big apple pie!” He pointed to said pie on the top right corner shelf.

“Well, thank you kindly, sir!” She thanked as he paid up a couple of bits as he took his treat. “Yee-haw!” She celebrated to herself. “In the first minute, I made my first sale. Just like I expected.”

The Wonderbolt pony who purchased the pie made her way over to the V.I.P. section where another Wonderbolt approaches him in front of the two guard ponies watching over where ponies can enter the area.

“Always hungry after a show. Eh, Soarin?” The female Wonderbolt asked.

“Heh. Yeah!” He replied before gasping upon realizing he let go of the pie when he spoke up. “My pie!”


Both Rainbow and Fuli quick caught attention to this as she quickly ran over in a flash to bounce the pie up back into the sky allowing Rainbow Dash time to catch and save it herself.

“You saved it. Thanks. Both of you.” He thanked them.

“Hey, no prob.”

“Eh, what can I say. It’s just a good thing I was there to catch it.”

The two replied humbly as the female Wonderbolt recognized the fastest members of the Guard while Soarin takes back his pie.

“Hey! I know two. You're the pony that saved us in Cloudsdale and won The Best Flyer Competition. And you’re the cheetah who coached her to victory and won that Fall of the Weather Leaves Marathon run.” He recalled as he pointed to each of the two.

“Hay yeah! Name's Rainbow Dash. Fastest of the Pony Guard.”

“And I’m Fuli, Fastest of the Lion Guard.”

The two proudly introduced themselves.

“Well, Rainbow Dash. Looks like your skills saved us again. Oh, well, at least they saved Soarin's apple pie.”

The three briefly turn their attention to the pony rather noisily eating his pie which Fuli found a little disturbing so to say.

“Wanna come hang out with us?” She offered to the two.


“Why not?” The rainbow maned peagsus accepted as the cheetah shrugged as she accepted too.

“I'm... hanging... with the... Wonderbolts!” Rainbow squeed and giggled in delight just as they arrive the gateway to the V.I.P. section before being dragged inside by the cheetah just rolling her eyes while amused by her fangirling.

“Just get inside before they change their minds.” She just said as they walked in the specifically marked territory for important guests.

Inside the castle was the dance floor for the Gala to where Pinkie and Bunga made their way towards.

“There it is! It’s so un-Bunga-veilable!” Bunga gushed at the sparkling room with an orchestra playing music with a statue of a pony in the mind of the room.

“The shiny dance floor... the pretty party ponies... ooh, the fancy band... shiny! Pretty! Fancy!” She squeed as she could barely holding her excitement as Bunga knows what they gotta do. “Gotta dance!”

“I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala,

I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala,

I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala,

It's all I ever dreamed.”

Pinkie sang as Bunga took a turn at singing the song.

“It's all I ever dreamed, woo hoo!

It's all I ever dreamed, yippee!

I'm at the Grand Galloping GalaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA!”

Bunga sang as the two suddenly stopped and saw that everyone was giving her looks that it is uncoth for them to behave and dance like that.

“It's all I've ever... dreamed?” Pinkie then silently said to Bunga who looked just as stunned that their dancing would be greeted with this kind of negative reception.

“Are we sure we are at the right party?” Bunga asked.

“We are. I just don’t know why no one’s interested in our dancing.” She replied juts as lost as the honey badger as they hear cheers and laughes from Timon and Pumbaa as they both dance to their tune in a conga fashion all around the ballroom.

“Come everyone!”


The two called out to everyone as no one else wanted to take the bait and join in on their fun.

“Party poopers.” Timon grumbled before returning to his upbeat attitude.

“I’ll say. They don’t know what they are missing.” Pumbaa nonchalantly replied as he continued doing the conga with his best friend.

Back outside Rarity and Kiara were both meeting up with the prince just as the former was sniffing a red rose.

“Well, hello. I am Prince Blueblood.” He greeted.

“I am... Rarity.” She returned as she looked aside with a slight blush on her cheeks.

“And I’m Kiara. Nice to meet you.” The princess also greeted while able to make eye contact with him.

Oh my, what a lovely rose.” Rarity commented on the nearby flower.

“You mean... this rose?” He replied as he picked it from the bush to which got a big smile from the unicorn expecting to be given it only for him to just place on onto his shirt collar. “Thank you. It goes with my eyes.” He returned as both Rarity and Kiara returned puzzled looks as they were not expecting that self-serving gesture at all.

Back at the gardens, Fluttershy is still humming towards the meadowlark who still hums the same exact tune back at her.

“My little meadowlark is right around this bend!” She said as they rush over in the direction of the bird’s voice.

But to their surprise it was actually a gardener pony dressed like a farmer who was whistling the tune.

“Hapana! Was that you?” Ono addressed the pony.

“Yep! I love whistlin' while I work.“ He replied as he carried out his job of raking the leaves that had fallen from the tree.

“Oh! Yes... well... e-excuse me.” Fluttershy awkwardly replied before turning to find the garden critters right in front of them.

“Ah, there they are.” Ono stated as they both see what they were really looking for.

“Oh! I see a toco toucan! And a spider monkey! And, oh! Is that a wallaroo?” She commented in awe as she flew over to greet them only for them all to instantly run away. “Oh, Fluttershy. You're such a loudmouth.” She lamented as she found that rather disheartening.

“I wouldn’t say that.” Ono eased the sting in her heart. “Maybe they just didn’t take the time to really know you is all.” He then suggested.

“Hopefully.” She said hoping the same way while still hurt that critters for once would run away from her for a change.

Elsewhere at the V.I.P. section both Rainbow and Fuli weren’t having much luck either as whenever they try to talk to the other Wonderbolts they seem to be ignored in favor with random gossip with the other ponies and Pride Landers as they had to force their way through the crowd just to reach them.

“Hey, Spitfire! You ever done a rain cloud double backflip? You ever soared past lightning? It's awesome!” Rainbow tried to speak to her and Soarin but due to the loud chatter around them it was very hard for them to get a word down through their ears.

“So much for being able to talk to your idols tonight.” She sarcastically commented as Rainbow shared a look of disappointment with the cheetah.

Back at the entrance, Celestia and Simba are still greeting the many guests eager to greet the two rulers with Twilight and Kion’s company.

“Welcome to the Grand Galloping Gala.” The white alicorn greeted one of the ponies who bowed to her before making her way through the palace as her student tried to strike up a conversation.

“Princess! I've been so excited to spend time with you and—“

“Yes. Me too, Twi—“ She returned before having herself interrupted from greeting another guests. “Oh, good evening! Welcome to the Gala. Which is why I—“ She then tried to continue until being instantly greeted by more mares. “Ladies! Lovely to see you again.”

“Welcome to the Grand Galloping Gala.” Simba greeted the Pride Landers that were invited and could make it.

“Thank you for inviting us your highness.” Ma Tembo greeted while shaking his paw with her trunk before pressing forward with her son Mtoto.

“Great to see you, Kion!” He greeted the prince before walking alongside with his mother.

“Looks like getting a chance to talk to the Princess is gonna be a magic trick in itself.” Twilight sadly whispered to Kion who is just having a hard time with this as her.

“That along with actually being able to spend time with anyone else.” Kion voiced his disappointment as he continues to greet the other guests with his father. “I wonder if the others are having any better luck?”

At the same time, Beshte is wandering around trying to find something exciting to do but alas, could not because he really wanted to spend time with his friends much like Spike as he came across Applejack who is currently having little luck with her apple selling business.

“Doing okay?” He asked her.

“Just dandy.” She sighed as she lamented. “First minute, first sale. Second... fourth... sixth... sixtieth minute... no sales. This ain't what I expected at all.”

“Me neither.” He replied as he too sees of how pre-occupied the others are with their pursuits. “It’s not really any fun without any friends for company.”

“I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala... and it's not what I dreamed.” Pinkie lamented as she and Bunga sadly sank their heads onto the table on the side of the dance floor.

“Me neither.” Bunga agreed not even bothering to get something to eat. “This party is horse crud.”

“This isn't at all what I imagined.” Rarity commented as the prince only laid out a pillow for himself to sit out when the unicorn expected to be offered the generous and comfortable sitting while Kiara was further disgusted by his selfish attitude.

“Me neither. This pony prince is a jerk.” Kiara agreed while appalled by his rudeness.

As the alicorn princess along with the lion king continue to greet the guests both Twilight and Kion are both putting up forced smiles as they help greet the guests in kind too.

“This isn't what I hoped.” Twilight sadly voiced her disappointment.

“Me too.” Kion voiced in agreement.

“This isn't hanging out.” Rainbow voiced as she finds herself unable to talk to anypony else other than the cheetah next to her.

“Me too.” She voiced not finding this party as all as she thought it would be.

“This isn't what I wished for.” Fluttershy voiced as her ears drooped as every bird and critter keeps flying and running away from her.

“Me neither.” Ono said. “This isn’t like what a party should be. And that’s coming from me.”

“No!” Twilight and Kion voiced not about to give up just yet.

“We waited all my life...” Rarity and Kiara voiced with the same determination.

“...for this moment!” Fluttershy and Ono finished.

“And I'm not going to...” Pinkie and Bunga vowed.

“ ...let it slip by!” Applejack and Beshte finished the vow.

“If it's the last thing I do...” Rainbow and Fuli voiced their determination.

“...I'm gonna make this...” Twilight and Kion declared as everyone all vows for…

“...the best night ever!”

Meanwhile, Spike and Kyoga have walked around the palace trying to find something interesting to do, but they both came up empty-clawed as nothing about the Gala was really sparking interest into getting them to do something.

“Ugh! This is what I expected at all.” Spike voiced his disappointment.

“Me neither.” Kyoga agreed too. “All of this fancy shmancy set-up is just boring me to death.”

“You can say that again.” Luna commented as she and Nala appeared right in front of them.

“Oh!” Spike exclaimed as he quickly bowed to them while having Kyoga do the same. “Princess Luna! Queen Nala! We were just…” He frantically tried to explain himself.

“It’s okay, young ones.” Luna interjected to assure no apologies are necessary. “The Grand Galloping Gala even though it’s my first year back is needless to say quite dreadfully boring so to say.”

“You don’t say.” Kyoga deadpanned with dull surprise in contrast to Spike.

“Why is that?” He asked.

“Even before being banished the Grand Galloping Gala usually consists of ponies lining up at the front door eager to greet us which would last for hours.” She explained.

“Much like my husband is doing right now.” Nala added as she got the idea herself.

“That’s right. In fact it lasted for hours and by the time they are done there is hardly any time for us to have fun on our own.” She added as she sighs at the memory. “Even while I was gone for a thousand years traditions still haven’t changed and it is pretty clear now that they are at must be upheld every year.”

“You mean back from when you were Nightmare Moon?” Spike couldn’t help but comment to which earned him a stern look from Nala.

“Spike, hush.” She reminded him to be a little more sensitive.

“It’s okay.” The night monarch assured it’s no big deal. “Not that everyone is ready to see me around there nor acknowledges my presence.”

“But you were there when the elephant’s held a concert for you.” Spike pointed out. “And they were very warm welcoming of your appearance.”

“Because, they only saw the pony you are all seeing today, not the pony that brought forward eternal night.” Luna corrected him.


“Must be very tough to be separated from your family, doesn’t it.” Kyoga sympathized with the alicorn.

“I cannot even deny of how true it is.” She responded as the two walk out to the nearby balcony while Nala and Spike watch. “Even after being reunited I still bear the scars from the experience even when it seemed I’d never see her again.”

“I hear you.” She replied in an understanding tone as they both look at the lioness’s scars as she unveiled her dress to show them to her. “Hear you loud and clear.”

“Oh my.” Luna gasped with a hoof up to her mouth in shock. “How did that happen?”

“I’d rather not talk about it.” She persisted as she turned away unable to bear to think about the memory of how she got them as the memory of getting mauled and slashed runs through her mind just as tears stream through her face.

“It’s okay.” Luna comforted her as they embraced each other. “You don’t have to tell if you don’t want to.”

Both Nala and Spike watching this were rather saddened to see the lioness break down like that.

“I wonder what happened back then?” Spike asked the queen if she has any idea of how it happened.

“I’m afraid I don’t know Spike.” She replied that she doesn’t know the answer either as they watch the scene from just inside looking out towards the balcony. “Only time will tell of when she is ready to talk about it.”

“How about we go and talk some more somewhere else?” Luna offered.

“But what about the Gala?” She brought up.

“I’m quite certain they’ll all manage without me.” She replied. “It’s not like I a missing anything important or exciting here.”

“True.” She acknowledged as they prepared to make their way towards the exit of the castle.

“Where are you going?” Spike asked.

“We’re going to go out to talk some more over doughnuts and coffee.” Luna answered. “Want to come?”


“How about you miss?” She then asked Nala.

“I think I am going to decline for now.” She answered. “I’d rather be there for my husband with the hopes of sharing a dance with him later on.”

“As you wish.” She accepted as the three made their way over to the exit as they all left together while Nala returns to the hallways to await for Simba to be finished greeting their guests at the top of the stairs.

Elsewhere, deciding to take action, Fluttershy decides to lay out a carrot bait trap for the critters while Ono watches from the sky who gives her a wing signal that it’s all good.

“I just have to be more bold, like Twilight says.” She said to herself as she then loudly says to the nearby critters. “I'm so sorry to have scared you, my friends! But I'm leaving now, so you can all come out!”

She quickly ducked for cover under the nearby bushes expecting one of the bunnies to take the bait to which she pull down the box tied up to the string in her mouth. As soon as she heard a crunch she yanked the rope and slowly yet gently approached her trapped prey.

“Gotcha!” She declared before walking over to the trap. “It's okay. I promise not to hurt you. I just wanna be your... friend?” She then said in surprise when it turned out that the gardener from earlier was the one who actually took the bait.

“Mmm... sounds good to me.” He said as he continued munching on the carrot much to the peagsus’s dismay.

“Are you kidding me?” Ono just slapped a wing to his forehead that he is that gullible to fall for that trap.

While Rainbow and Fuli watch on looking at the very busy crowd the former tries to come up with a new idea get in a conversation.

“Come on, Rainbow! If they don't notice you, you gotta make 'em notice you.” She said to herself as she comes up with an idea as she innocently whistles and attempts to stage another pony rising up into the air and falling with her coming to the rescue but leaves when it didn’t attract not even a single pony nor Pridelander’s attention.

“Geez, what does it take to get someone’s attention around here?” Fuli irritably questioned to herself as she walked alongside with Rainbow Dash in frustration.

As the two walk off, Rarity, Kiara, and Blueblood all walk the opposite direction.

“Boy, this prince sure is a royal pain.” Kiara whispered to Rarity who sighs as she comes to see that too but tried to press to see the good side of him.

“Just give him a chance, Kiara. His princely side is sure to come out if you're just patient.”

“Miss Rarity! Miss Kiara! Stop!” He immediately raised a hoof to halt them to which Kiara felt pleased with his seemingly good manners for once seeing they nearly slipped on a spilled cup of water.

“Oh. Prince Blueblood! How chivalrous.” Rarity complimented.

“One would hate to slip.” He replied.

“Yes. One certainly would.” Kiara also complimented.

“One's cloak should take care of the problem.”

“Oh, of course it will.” Rarity replied as she and Kiara are finally warming up to him… until he used Rarity’s cloak to soak up the spill and walk off ahead leading to the pair’s smiles to fade in frustrated disappointment.

“Seriously?!” Kiara called out in his direction as Rarity retakes her cloak twists it to get all of the water off it before following after him. “Unbelievable! Even Kion has better manners than him.”

“No kidding.” She agreed as they both still persisted in following him as he grows less and less charming by the more time they spend together with him.

Pinkie and Bunga as they looks around the room trying to think of ways to liven up the party gasps as they both come up with an idea as they whisper something into the musicians ear’s for the tune they want them to play.

“C'mon, everypony! I know what will make you shake those groove-thangs!” Pinkie encouraged everyone as she spoke through the microphone before the comedic duo break out into a song together while turning to the musicians to play to the tune as Timon and Pumbaa join them on stage.

“You reach your right hoof in

You reach your right hoof out

You reach your right hoof in

And you shake it all about

You do the Pony Pokey meeting lots of folks with clout

That's what I'm talking about.”

Pinkie and Timon sang as Twilight and Kion got in on greeting the guests while shaking their hooves although Twilight had her hoof repeatedly shaking from one really shook her rapidly while Kion got into a little face-off of cold glares with Makuu the crocodile as they still make eye contact with disdainful looks as the green croc makes his way inside the palace.

“You step your left hoof in

You pull it right back out

You step your left hoof in

But you better help him out

You do the Pony Pokey but should find a different route

That's what it's all about.”

Bunga and Pumbaa then sang the next verse as she attempted to have a pony purchase some of her apple goods by setting up a trip and greet using a dozen apples to which left the farm pony empty hoofed with the patron refused leaving her disheartened that the attempt at selling failed.

Beshte who happened to be walking by took pity on him by scooping up the apples with his mouth before eating them while handing Applejack a handful of bits from his breast pocket to which left her feeling very grateful for the kind gesture.

“You kick your back left in

You pull your back left out

You reach your back left in

Just be brave and have no doubt

You do the Pony Pokey feeling like you're gonna pout

That's what I'm singing about.”

Pinkie then sang as Rainbow tried kicking a table to knock a drink off of it and onto her back hoof which got Soarin and Spitfire’s attention until they both got dragged off leaving Rainbow and Fuli disappointed and angered that those ponies had the nerve to do that just for a simple photo shoot.

“You tilt your head in

You tilt your head out

You tilt your head in

Then you shake it all about

You do the Pony Pokey even though your date's a lout

You're better off without.”

Pinkie then sang as Rarity, Kiara, and Prince Blueblood all get into a glare exchange as the prince expected the girls to open the door for him while the girls expected them to show some ladies some respect by opening the door for them as the prince does so while going ahead and shutting the door right after them leaving the two girls further incensed by him.

Elsewhere, Fluttershy is getting further driven mad by the critter’s refusal to befriend her as she resorting to more desperate measures to get them to cooperate with her leaving the egret watching over unsure of how to approach her without getting lashed at.

“You stomp your whole self in

You stomp your whole self out

You stomp your whole self in

And you stomp yourself about

You do the Pony Pokey and you give a little shout-“

“COME OUT!” Fluttershy shouted at the critters refusing to befriend her.

“That's what I'm talking about

You do the Pony Pokey

You do the Pony Pokey

You do the Pony Pokey

And that's what it's all about


Pinkie, Bunga, Timon, and Pumbaa both sang together as their song came to an end.

“Young lady, this is not that kind of party.” One proper and uptight pony scolded.

“And the same goes to you too, young man.” Ushari also joined in a rather venomous tone while slithering away.

“Well I never…” Bunga turned away with crossed arms taking offense to that remark from the snake’s mouth.

“Ohhhhhh... they don't want a party. These ponies want a paaartay!” Pinkie then said thinking this is what they really want before bringing Bunga in for a whisper of their new plan to liven things up to get their attention.

“Don’t listen to them they just don’t quite understand of how parties truly work around here.” Timon told the two as they pressed forward their dancing.

“Talk about a couple of stubborn pigs.” Pumbaa remarked.

“Well I never…” One of the proper ladies commented and walked off in a huff with a pet pig in tow. "This coming from someone who is a pig."

“Whoops.” He then said in embarrassment that actually happened and remembering that he too is a pig.

Back outside both Rarity and Kiara follow the prince on their way to Applejack’s stand where they decide to give the cowgirl some much needed sales she has been asking for all night.

“Three apple fritters, please.” Rarity asked of the delighted earth pony who got them their requested goods.

“Three apple fritters comin' right up. That'll be six bits.”

“Ahem.” Rarity gestured the prince to be a gentleman in paying for the food.

“Ahem.” He returned expecting her to be the one to pay for them.

“Ahem!” Kiara returned rather assertively complete with a glare.

“Ahem!” He returned still refusing to back down and relent.

“You’re seriously going to force her to pay?!” Kiara angrily asked as her patience with him is starting to wear thin at this point as she just hands Applejack the bits herself before taking ahold of the tray holding the fritters. “It’s not like six bucking bits is a hefty price considering you are royalty.”

“Easy, darling.” Rarity said to her as she placed a calming hoof on her chest before she could get into an argument with him. “And thank you, Kiara.” Rarity expressed gratitude for her generosity as she helps herself to her apple fritter. At least some princess here has good manners.” She then said while giving the prince the stink-eye for his attitude as he bites into his fritter only to gag and spit it out.

“Oh! Fritters! Dumplings! Caramel apples! My royal lips have touched common carnival fare!” He complained in horror of what he had just tasted before walking off with dignity. “I'm going to the buffet for some... hors d'oeuvres.”

“Oooh!” Kiara snarled as her face turned red with anger. “For a prince he is really being so disrespectful to us! How the hay does Princess Celestia put up with all of this?!”

“I know what you mean darling.” Rarity sympathized with her as she presses a hoof on the princess to get her to calm down. “And I apologize for what you saw. I too honestly though he would be showing a lot better manners than this.”

“Guess that shows that not every pony is a good apple on the inside as much as the outside.” Applejack commented while taking pity on the two girls trying to please him as she then sees the source of her lack of business. “And no wonder nopony wants my food. They're fillin' up on those fancy-schmancy vittles. Well, my down-home apples are plenty good enough for this crowd. I'll just dress 'em up a bit and prove it to 'em.” She then vowed as she takes on a new approach as she pushes away her cart.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy’s sanity has been taking a nosedive as she is working on a more elaborate trap to try to catch her prey while Ono watches on in concern as she starts developing a twitchy eye.

“I'll catch you yet, my pretties. Oh yes. As soon as one of you little birds or monkeys or bears touches this net... you'll be mine! Mine!” She manically laughed at the terrified bunnies until she ended up walking into her own trap by accident. “Whoa! Um, Ono? A little help?”

“Sure.” Ono relented as he pecked his beak at the net to free her from her own trap.

Meanwhile back on the dance floor Pinkie and Bunga turn on the DJ as they both get into the beat to get them to party the way they dreamed of it.

“Come on, everypony! You wanted a partay? Now it's paaartaaay!”

“Yeah! Uh! Now that's a beat, yeah! Uh! C'mon, dance! Yeah, woohoo!”

The two cheered as they both wildly danced around the room just as Applejack came inside with a very tall and fancy apple-flavored cake.

“Okay, all you high-class ponies. Here's a highfalutin apple cake for your hoity-toity taste buds.”

“Stage dive!” The party pony and honey badger cheered as they ended up accidentally crashing into the cart carrying the cake which sent it flying across the room just as Rarity and Kiara enter with Prince Blueblood entering the room first after having the girls open the door for him.

The prince’s first instinct is to use the two girls as pony and lion shields to protect himself while they got cake splattered all over them and that was the last straw for both girls as they both angrily growled at him with their faces turning red in anger too.

“You, sir, are the most uncharming prince I have ever met!” Rarity began.

“We have been trying our hardest to get to you know and expected you to show some decency towards us but instead we get greeted to a selfish, arrogant, self-absorbed pony, who only cares about his bucking self!” Kiara furiously added.

“In fact, the only thing royal about you is that you are a royal pain!” Rarity finished as the prince was already intimidated by the two while quivering in fear along with the splattered cake on their faces.

“Ewww...! Uh, stay back! I just had myself groomed!” He complained.

“What’s the matter?” Kiara demanded.

“Afraid to get dirty?!” Rarity added as they both shake their heads of cake splatter on them which caused him to tumble back and crash into the statue which was headed for the crowd of Pride Landers and ponies nearby which also caught Rainbow Dash’s attention.

“This is my chance!” Rainbow seized upon the opportunity as she quickly flew over and stopped it from falling over.

“Huwezi!” Fuli shouted as she helped press her weight to stop the statue before breaking


At least until she and Rainbow lost their balance.


Luckily for her, Beshte happened to be nearby and helped balance it out.

“I got it!“

But he ended up losing his balance when he accidentally slipped on some of the spilled cake.

“I don’t got it!” He exclaimed as the statue ended up crashing into the nearby pillars which caused them all to topple over and break apart creating a huge mess of stone rubble with the statue even falling apart in the process. “Oops.”

At that moment, Celestia, Twilight, Simba, and Kion were done greeting the guests with Nala finally able to meet up with her husband again as they all walked in to see the damage done to the dancing floor.

“Hevi Kabisa!” Kion exclaimed in shock as the others were rather silent with theirs as they see the damage along with their friends who mostly had their fair share in the blame for the damage done.

“Well... it can't get any worse.” Twilight whispered to Kion just as they heard rumbling from outside.

“Fluttershy, STOP!” Ono screamed just as the critters from outside burst inside while fleeing a now driven crazy mad pegasus.

“You're... going to love me!” She shouted just as the entire ballroom ended up going wild as everyone all ran around screaming as the critters all run around frantically leaving the others at the front door speechless.

“Um, um, uh, eugh...” Twilight struggled to make a word out of all of this until her mentor quietly told her.


“Stampede!” Both Timon and Pumbaa shouted as they all zoomed out of the door and away from the castle in a flash as they waste no time in getting the heck out of dodge.

She then whistled for her friends just as Kion called out to everyone.

“Let’s go, everyone!” Kion called out to everyone as they all follow her out of the door, down the stairs, and towards the exit, so they all can get the hay out of the castle before they could all get caught in the crossfire.

Just as Rarity and Kiara ran down the steps one of their glass slippers fell off to which Pinkie stopped and took notice.

“Ooh! Rarity, Kiara, your glass slippers! Now your prince is sure to find you.”

Rarity shrieked in horror at the thought and quickly ran up the stairs.

“AAAHHH! No!” She screamed as she stomped the slippers to multiple tiny shards. “Let's go!” She shouted as she quickly ran down the steps leaving the confused pink mare looking down on it in confusion just as Kiara grabs her to drag her out of there when she didn’t budge an itch.

Elsewhere, Luna, Kyoga, and Spike had retreated to a donut and coffee shop where they are treating themselves to donuts and coffee. Well at least Spike is engorging himself on as many donuts as he can while Luna and Kyoga were both really bonding more after the more they talked about their lives while leaving out the parts they really don’t want to talk about.

“Hey, Pony Joe. Another donut.” Spike demanded as he slammed his fist on the counter.

“Don't you think you've had enough?” The shop owner who was a unicorn with light brown fur, along with a short darker shade of brown hair on his mane and tail, green eyes, gray hoof-tips, and a pink frosted donut cutie mark, while wearing a white baker’s outfit asked thinking it was for the best of his health.

“Another donut! Extra sprinkles!” Spike insisted just as the heard the door bell ringing to where the entire Guard along with Kiara all arrived looking a little unsure of what to make of the chaos that ensued during the gala.

“Twilight Sparkle, ha ha! Long time no see.” Pony Joe greeted as Spike walked over to greet them.

“Princess Luna? Kyoga?” Everyone all exclaimed in surprise to see her here.

“What are you all doing here?” Twilight asked them.

“Well we all came together during walking around the castle since Spike was left alone at the entrance and there we came across Princess Luna who too didn’t express interest in the Gala much like me thinking it wasn’t as all cracked up to before coming here as we really got to know each other more.” Kyoga explained.

“Really?” Twilight expressed surprise hearing that. “Sorry, Spike.” She apologized to the baby dragon.

“It’s all right. I managed to get what I wanted out of tonight and as Timon and Pumbaa say Hakuna Matata.”

“That’s true.” Bunga agreed.

“Hey, how was the Gala? How was your best night ever?” Spike asked as he listens in on exactly of what happened after they got separated while they all helped themselves to doughnuts.

“That sounds like the worst night ever!”

“It was!” Everyone all said in unison as they all laughed together now finding the memory now worth laughing about.

“Looks like we didn’t miss anything at all.” Luna commented with a chuckle.

“Looks like I was right.” Kyoga commented as she too managed to find a good laugh out of it. “And I’m now glad we all went here instead.”

“Me too.” Spike agreed as the smile faded on Twilight’s face.

“Everything okay?” Kion asked.

“I just hope Princess Celestia isn't upset with us for ruining the Gala.” Twilight hoped.

“That was the best Grand Galloping Gala ever!” She said otherwise as she, Simba, and Nala appeared at the front door.

“Princess Celestia!” Everyone exclaimed in unison.

“King Simba! Queen Nala!” Everyone minus Kion and Kiara exclaimed in unison.

“Mom! Dad!” Kion exclaimed by himself.

“Pardon me, Princess…” Twilight felt the need to interject that claimn as she and the others approach them. “…but tonight was just awful.”

“Oh, Twilight. The Grand Galloping Gala is always awful.” Celestia interjected otherwise.

“It is?” Twilight asked in surprise.

“Really?” Fuli asked just as surprised as Twilight.

“Who would have thought of that?” Kyoga commented rather smugly in the slightest.

“That is why I was thrilled you were all attending. I was hoping you could liven things up a bit.” She further explained of why it turned out well for her as Spike and Applejack shard a silent laugh over it. “And while the evening may not have gone as you planned, I'm sure you'll agree that in the end it didn't turn out so bad for this group of friends.”

“You're right, Princess. Friends have a way of making even the worst of times into something pretty great.” Twilight came to realize.

“Yeah! Hanging out with friends!”



Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Pinkie all voiced.

“You mean doing exactly what I wanted to do the whole time?” Spike voiced rather smugly knowing that he was right all the time about what he wanted tonight.

“Yes, Spike. You were right.” Twilight replied as the other’s gather around the table more.

“As horrible as our night was...” Applejack began.

“...being together here has made it all better.” Rarity finished.

“In fact, it's made it...” Pinkie began as everyone all finished together.

“...the best night ever!”

“You said it!” Timon said as he and Pumbaa joined in on the celebration.

“No kidding!” Pumbaa added as they made their way to the counter. “Um, a dozen doughnuts please?” He asked Pony Joe who willingly provided them a plate of them to which they both chowed down on. “Wow! Talk about tasty grub!”

“Sweet, sweet grub!” Timon agreed as they really got to enjoy the sugary and tasty treats for the first time ever.

Everyone all laughed together before they all decided to spend the rest of their night enjoying doughnuts and coffee as the lion king has some words to say.

“It sure was and definitely an experience we’ll never forget.” Simba said as he nuzzled his wife just as Rarity and Kiara share a high-five together for telling off that snobbish prince for his horrible treatment of them.

“It sure was.” Nala agreed. “Especially when we can finally spend time together just like what I wanted right from the start.”

“I know.” Simba acknowledged. “At least now there is nothing that can’t keep the peace here in Equestria and the Pride Lands.”

While everyone all together all helps themselves to a night of doughnuts, casual chatting, and much needed humor in their nights, they have all come to agree that in the end another very valuable friendship lesson has been learned even when things don’t go according to plan and that the two worlds are starting to emerge for an even brighter future on the road ahead…

At least to them as the mysterious figure watching the scene from the shadows again like he did just outside and inside of the palace all while gathering valuable and vital information of the most powerful ponies in Equestria along with the most powerful animals in the Pride Lands.

“That’s what you think Simba.” He said as he glared his green glowing eyes at the lion king having the time of his life with his family and friends before quickly leaving the scene with a bag of loot in tow.

Once he quickly ducked for cover in the nearby alley in the shadows he continues to watch from the shadows while eyeing the lion king, the royal sisters, and the leaders of the Lion and Pony Guard while setting his eyes specifically on Twilight as she converses with Kion while munching on a donut.

“For soon not only will your kingdom fall but so will this kingdom as I will take back what is rightfully mine because...” He sinisterly said as he removed his hood as he secretly said to himself as he appears as a very familiar face and appearance one has never seen in years.

A slender lion with reddish-orange fur and a black mane with a thin pink-colored crescent shaped scar over his left eye with some added muscle and a slightly healthier appearance in his skinny frame along with a small goatee beard.

“…I am Scar. The one and only true king.”

As Scar deviously smirks his eyes glow blinding hot green as he disappears in a flash with his newfound magical abilities while leaving behind smoke and dust in his wake as whatever he has in mind is starting to go underway…

Author's Note:

In the Season 1 finale, we have Pride Landers and Equestrian citizens getting together at the long-awaited Grand Galloping Gala where they are all finally ready to start visiting each other's world's more, including Timon, Pumbaa, Ushari, Ma Tembo, and Makuu.

But when everyone gets there it's not as cracked up as everyone expected it to be as Kion is stuck with Twilight greeting guests, Bunga can't get the party upbeat, Kiara is meeting up with a very uncharming prince, Beshte can't find anything to do, Ono and Fuli are stuck trying to help their best friends as the former struggling with Fluttershy losing her mind when the critters aren't as quick to befriend her while the latter attempts to help Rainbow are all in vain.

Nevertheless, the end result worked out for the better as everyone got to do what they really wanted all along just like Spike wanted from the beginning, spending time with everyone together.

Speaking of which it includes a heart-felt conversation between Luna and Kyoga as they both reflect on their past a little with the scars inflicted on them from what happened back then...

With one familiar named antagonist who had been watching over the Guard throughout the whole season having benefited from what happened at the Gala as he prepares his next move with new power to back himself up with heading into Season 2.

The Season 2 opener's release date is to be announced some time once I am certain I am ahead enough in production of the current season as this story starts to take a darker and edgier turn now that a new threat is emerging with more apperances heading into this next upcoming season so stay tuned until then.

Comments ( 13 )

SCAR IS ALIVE?!!!!! and now he can use MAGIC?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This......is bad.

Excellent work on season 1 I'll be looking foward to season 2! So, Scar has returned. :)

Good S1 finale, especially for Spike at the Gala when he had Kyoga with him after the girls just ditched him in canon! :twilightangry2: Then again karma bit them hard on their sorry flanks during the party so it kinda evens out! :ajsmug:

A slender lion with reddish-orange fur and a black mane with a thin pink-colored crescent shaped scar over his left eye with some added muscle and a slightly healthier appearance in his skinny frame.

“…I am Scar. The one and only true king.”

As Scar deviously smirks his eyes glow blinding hot green as he disappears in a flash with his newfound magical abilities while leaving behind smoke and dust in his wake as whatever he has in mind is starting to go underway…

Was wondering who spied on our heroes on these last episodes, wasn't expecting him & with those abilities!:twilightoops: S2's gonna be a wild ride from the looks of it! :rainbowdetermined2:

Wild Ride? WILD RIDE?!!!!!!!!!!!!
More like a NIGHTMARE!
It was bad enough when Scar came back as a fiery ghost!
Now he's returned whole, and with new magical abilities?!!!
That is a recipe for apocalyptic disaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unless he doesn't do anything until Rise of Scar

Wait, why do I get the feeling that Scar is just planning on doing the following (at least until Rise of Scar)
1) freeing Discord
2) Giving Chrysalis the idea to invade Canterlot
3) indirectly helping Sombra "attempt" to retake the Crystal Empire

Are you going to do every season of Friendship is Magic?

Again took the words right out of my mouth


Thank you!
Finally, someone agrees with me

He did!
I have no idea how he's still alive!

Where does Ushari appear in this chapter?

Right here during this scene on the dance floor.

“Young lady, this is not that kind of party.” One proper and uptight pony scolded.

“And the same goes to you too, young man.” Ushari also joined in a rather venomous tone while slithering away.

“Well I never…” Bunga turned away with crossed arms taking offense to that remark from the snake’s mouth.

A slender lion with reddish-orange fur and a black mane with a thin pink-colored crescent shaped scar over his left eye with some added muscle and a slightly healthier appearance in his skinny frame along with a small goatee beard.

I thought daddy’s fur was more brownish orange

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