• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 4,123 Views, 145 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 1) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard and The Mane Six both work together to spread the magic of friendship while protecting Equestria and the Pride Lands.

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Episode 20: Feeling Pinkie Keen

Episode 20:

Feeling Pinkie Keen

On a hill outside of Ponyville on another bright and sunny day, Twilight is practicing a new spell that has her transforming Spike while poised as sharp-dressed and powerful, wearing an assortment of leaves, twigs, and rocks into a fancy outfit while Ono watches.

By focusing her magic really hard she was able to transform the stick into a classy cane, the leaves into a fancy black tuxedo with a red bowtie.

“Eyes over here, Spike!” Twilight reminded him.

“Uh, sorry.” He apologized.

“For this to work, it's crucial we keep our concentration totally on the-“ She said as she tried to work her magic to turn the rock on his head into a black top hat with a silver stripe on it until she and Spike were distracted by a nearby noise that caused the lost concentration to make her spell fail, with Ono having to quickly fly over to catch the rock while straining to keep it from hitting Spike on the head before tossing it aside.

Once the rock was off of him, he then grunted and gasped in relief.

“Thanks Ono.” He thanked the egret.

“No problem.” He returned as they all turned their attention to the source of their distraction.

“Look!” Spike said as they see Pinkie sneaking around and quickly bolting for cover from tree to tree, bench to bench, rock to rock, while wearing a rainbow-colored umbrella hat on her head.

“Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.” Twilight noted while being unsure of what to make of it.

“Super-extra Pinkie Pie today.” Ono added as they see her constantly worried as if something was going to fall on her. “Moreso than usual.”

“Hmm... Twitchy twitcha twitcha twitch.” She said as her poofy tail started twitching as she holds herself still in a sitting position.

“Pinkie Pie? What in the wide, wide world of Equestria are you up to?” Twilight asked her as she and the others approach her.

“Oh! It's my tail! It's my tail! It's a-twitch a-twitchin'! And you know what that means!” Pinkie answered as she moved her tail in front of the unicorn.

“Actually, Pinkie, I haven't the slightest idea.” Twilight replied.

“Neither do I.” Ono added.

“The twitchin' means my Pinkie Sense is telling me that stuff's gonna start falling! You two better duck for cover.”

“Um, highly unlikely.” Ono said as he looked up at the sky with his keen eyesight to make sure Pinkie is not exaggerating this.

“Oh, Pinkie, it's not gonna rain.” Twilight has a hard time buying it. “Why, there's barely even a cloud in the…”

“Incoming!” Ono shouted as something lands on Twilight’s face. A frog who croaks upon landing.

“He just said "nice catch" in Frog.” Pinkie told her as Ono apologetically shrugs to her as she registers this in her mind.

“Oh, I'm so, so sorry.” Fluttershy called down from above while carrying a wagon, a basket, and a saddle-bag filled with frogs. “You okay, Twilight Sparkle? I just couldn't stand to see the pond getting so over-populated, what with the frogs all hopping into each other and all, so I decided to fly as many as I can on over to Froggy Bottom Bogg.”

“Of course you did.” Twilight flatly responded as Ono flies the frog from her face back over to Fluttershy.

“Thanks Ono. Bye-bye!” She said before flying off.

“Well gotta bounce.” Pinkie cheerfully hopped away. “La-la-la-la-la...”

“C'mon, Spike, Ono, let's continue our practice session where there's a little less commotion.” She ushered the two to follow her so they can pick up where they left off.

“Okay.” Ono replied without hesitation as Spike hops on the unicorn’s back. "At least Rainbow and Fuli aren't around for this." Ono said. "They would have been driven nuts trying to understand this "Pinkie Sense."

“True.” Twilight nodded. “Even Rarity would be having another Fashion crisis if so much as a drop of mud got over one of her new dresses.”

“I know right.” Ono replied.

“Wow! That was amazing! Pinkie Pie predicted something would fall, and it did!” Spike expressed his excitement over her Pinkie Sense.

“Oh, come on. She said that something would fall, and a frog just happened to fall right around the same time. A coincidence, nothing else to it.” Twilight said in response while trying to think not much of it.

“Common knowledge, really.” Ono added. “I mean there is no way this Pinkie Sense is even remotely logical.”

As Twilight silently thinks this is something worth studying, said mare shows up again with a twitchy tail again.

“My tail! My tail! Twitch-a-twitch! Twitch-a-twitch! Somethin' else is gonna fall!” Pinkie shouted.

“Oh really, like what?” Ono skeptically asked.

“I don’t know.” Pinkie replied. “But something is.”

“Okay…” Twilight responded as she presses forward “…Well since there is nothing else gonna fall I gonna waaah!” She suddenly screamed as she suddenly found herself falling into a ditch as Spike suddenly and safely landed on the edge.

“Hapana! Twilight fell!” Ono screamed in shock.

“Twilight are you okay?” Spike asked her as she lies on her back.

“I fell. Nothing more.” Twilight returned as she remained flat on her back while looking annoyed.

“Is it... safe to go help her?” He asked Pinkie.

“You should be good, my tail stopped twitching as soon as she fell in.” She assured them as she happily hopped off. “La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la...”

“Wow!” Spike exclaimed. “Who would have thought that you of all ponies would fall.”

“Oh shush.” Twilight responded with a glare as Applejack arrives with Kion and Beshte.

“Hey guys!“ Kion greeted them as Twilight picked herself up on her hooves.

“What’s up?” Beshte greeted.

“Oh, hey Kion, Beshte.” Ono returned as they turn their attention to the unicorn in the ditch.

“Uh, Twilight? Why are you hanging out in a ditch?” Applejack asked.

“Because I ended falling in it.” Twilight answered as she climbed her way out of the ditch. “And it was just after Pinkie somehow managed to say someone would after her tail started twitching like she can predict the future.” She then demonstrated as she briefly shook her tail.

“Twitchy tail?” Applejack said in shock as she quickly ducked for cover under a nearby cart. “Pinkie Sense? Whoa! Nyu-uh!”

“Don't worry, it's safe. Prediction already came true.” Spike assured her.

“Oh, wait. Don't tell me you believe in this stuff, too?” Ono asked in exasperation.

“I know it doesn't make much sense.” Applejack acknowledged. ‘But those of us who have been in Ponyville a while have learned over time that, if Pinkie's a-twichin', you better listen.”

“But come on!” Ono protested. “There’s no way that should be even possible!”

“Trust me when I tell you you’re better off not going there.” Applejack tried to reason with him. “Many have questioned it and they have all come to realize they are better off just listening to it instead of questioning it. Point being just listen to it and you’ll all be fine.”

“My ears are flopping! My ears are flopping!” Pinkie alerted them as she suddenly appeared again while the others backed up.

“What does that mean?” Kion asked.

“It means someone is going to need a bath.” Pinkie answered as she eyed Twilight and Ono. “I'm going to go ahead and start it up.”

“Huh? A bath?” Twilight laughed it off. “This thing keeps on getting more ridiculous by the minute!”

“No kidding.” Ono added.

But no sooner did they say, a hay cart came rolling by and splashed the two with mud from a puddle behind them.

Twilight growled in frustration before making her way over to Sugarcube Corner while silently glaring at the others to keep their mouths shut as Ono flies alongside her with an equally annoyed expression.

“She’d not really a fan of the mud is she?” Beshte whispered to Kion.

“Nope. And I don’t blame her.” Kion replied while feeling pity that happened to her.

“Sorry about that.” Pinkie told them as they both soaked up in the warm soapy bath water. “But if anything this isn’t the first time that has happened to somepony.”

“Oh no.” Twilight remarked in a deadpan expression.

“How does it work?” Ono asked with the same expression as Twilight.

“Sooo, basically, it works like this: I get different, little, niggly feelings and they mean different things. Like when my back is itchy, it means it's my lucky day. And, when my knee gets pinchy, that means something scary's about to happen.” She demonstrated with said movements of her body.

“Oh please.” Ono grumbled.

“Is your knee pinchy now?” Twilight asked.

“No, but my shoulder's achy.” Pinkie answered as shoulder ached. “That means there's an alligator in the tub.”

Pinkie then popped her head into the tub and pulled out a small alligator from under the tub to which Twilight and Ono reacted in shock as they both instantly jumped out of the tub and onto the edge.


“How come your knee didn't get pinchy?!” Twilight shouted as stood tall on the edge while keeping her distance from it. “That isn't just scary, it's downright dangerous!”

“How come you didn’t even mention that from the beginning?!” Ono reacted just as panicked as Twilight as he stood on the unicorn’s back.

“Calm down sillies!” Pinkie assured them. “This is just my pet alligator, Gummy.” She showed them as the little guy chomped on Pinkie’s hoof, then mane, and tail. “He's got no teeth. See? Haha! Isn’t that quite a fitting name for him?”

Ono could only pass out and drop back into the tub in a plop as if he almost had a heart attack.

Shortly after getting cleaned up Twilight, Pinkie, and Ono all made their way towards the library so they can better understand the Pinkie Sense.

“I still have a hard time believing all of this. I mean how does these random things come and go just like that.” Twilight still expressed her confusion over it.

“What's not to believe? You do magic, what's the difference?” Pinkie asked.

“Well, for starters, magic is something you study and practice. It only happens when you decide to do it, and it's meant to make something specific that you choose to happen, happen. With your Pinkie Sense, uh, it’s just random things that have no thought process or logic behind it.”

“Maybe there’s just no logic behind it. Sometimes it's a bunch of random things happening to my body at random times that supposedly predict the future. I call 'em "combos".” Pinkie explained.

“Combos?” Twilight asked.

“Sure! You know, like, ear flop, then knee twitch, then eye flutter. That means the sky is about to be graced with a beautiful rainbow!” Pinkie further demonstrated said body movements.

“Yeah, sure.” Ono just said while still not buying it.

“Uh-oh, I feel a combo coming on. Ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch!” Pinkie said as she felt a “Combo” Pinkie Sense tingling. “Twilight wait!”

Twilight who was making her way to the door stopped right in her tracks while the unlucky egret wound up getting smacked in the face by the door to the library opening, unintentionally by Spike.

“Whoops. Sorry Ono.” Spike returned as he continued backing up in reverse while carrying an arms load of books in his arms.

As the door closed Ono fell off as Twilight caught him.

“Ughhh... You said that combo meant "beautiful rainbow".” Ono groaned in pain as his eyes spun around.

“Oh no-no-no-no-no.” Pinkie corrected as he recovered. ”You're thinking of an ear flop, then knee twitch, then eye flutter. This was an ear flop, then eye flutter, then knee twitch. That usually means "look out for opening doors". You okay?”

“I don't believe this.” Ono grumbled as he flew back up with his wings.

“You don't believe because you don't understand.” Pinkie returned to Ono as she gets in his face as Twilight thought of an idea in her head.


The three then make their way down to Twilight’s basement where Twilight with Ono’s help attaches Pinkie to some machine she had in the room. She had Pinkie’s hooves secured by metal clasps and her head had a helmet strapped on with an assortment of blinking lights.

“Okay. Now here’s how this is going to work.” Twilight began to explain. “Since you have this sensation that warns ponies of opening doors we are going to test that to try to collect some data that will help me understand this more. Now when I give the signal Ono…” She said to the egret at the doorway. “…you will open the basement door. If this works we should get a repeat from just earlier and this machine should record all sorts of scientific information to get a better read on this Pinkie Sense."

“You got it, Twilight.” Ono returned ready when she is.

"Okay Pinkie, are you ready?" Twilight then asked the pink mare.

“Okie-dokie-lokie!” She returned as Twilight waved her hoof to give Ono the signal for him to open the door.

He did so and as it happened the machine whirred as she examined the results it produced.

"Well?" Ono asked.

"I can't make it out. None of it makes sense." Twilight returned as she gets very puzzled just by examining the data.

“Are you kidding me?!” Ono squawked out in exasperation. “Beforehand you were twitching nonstop and now you stop. Oh, great timing.”

“I don't control it, they just come and go.” Pinkie just shrugged it off.

“But that makes no sense!” Ono complained.

“Sometimes you just have to believe in things, even when you can't figure 'em out.” She returned as she had a new feeling coming. “Wait, hold on, I'm feeling something...”

“Oh my gosh, what? What is it?!” Twilight hopefully asked as her stomach growled.

“It's my tummy! That usually means I'm hungry! Let's eat!” Pinkie responded as Twilight went over to unhook from the machine.

“Let’s.” Twilight said with a defeated sigh.

“Okie-dokie-lokie.” Pinkie happily said as she bounced ahead as Twilight follows after her deep in thought while Ono flies off in a huff.

“This just doesn’t make sense.” Ono could not understand it as much as Twilight.

As they reached the front door Pinkie felt her Pinkie Sense tingling to when they were about to enter the library. “Uh-oh.”

She said as her ears flopped, eyes fluttered, with twitchy knees to which Twilight stopped in her tracks to wonder what as Ono still made his way to the door before being smacked in the face as the door to the room opened courtesy of Spike by accident.

“Oh hey Pinkie, Twilight.” He greeted.

“Hey Spike, what’s up?” She returned.

“Well…” He began as he heard groaning from behind to which he turned around as the door moved to reveal he accidentally smacked Ono in the face with the door.

“Ono? What are ya doing back there?” He asked.

“Did you two plan this?” He growled at him.

“Plan what?” Spike innocently asked.

“This is ridiculous.” Ono expressed frustration over this. “This can't be happening. This makes no sense. I have to figure this out.”

“We will, Ono. We will.” Twilight calmed him down as they make their way to have lunch together. “Right after lunch. I have another idea how we can get a better look at her Pinkie Sense.” She then said with a relaxed smile thinking she can make it work next time.

After lunch, Twilight and Ono both observed Pinkie from the bushes as she happily bounced around the park with the former wearing a safari hat and the later wearing the cargo hat Rarity thought about wearing back before dealing with dragon snoring smoke from the caves.

“Twilight?” Spike said to her as she quickly pulled him inside before he could be spotted while quickly shushing him. “What are you doing?

“We’re observing Pinkie Pie, scientific name: Pinkius Pieicus, in its natural habitat.” Twilight answered while taking notes from their observations.

“Pinkius-whoicus? Hh!” Spike responded confused by the pronunciation.

“Pinkius Pieicus.” Ono repeated. “There’s something fishy going on with the whole twitchy prediction thing, and we’re getting to the bottom of it.”

“So, shh. Come on…” Twilight whispered as Ono flew ahead to duck for the nearby tree for cover. “Pinkius Pieicus is on the move.”

They followed her to the school where she is now rolling around on the playground.

As Twilight watches from her binoculars Ono keeps his keen eyesight locked on her as she has another Pinkie Sense coming up.

“Hm... Itchy nose...” Ono whispered to Twilight and Spike as the latter took notes for them as the pink mare gasped as she quickly ducked for cover. “Aha! That makes no sense. See? She's hiding like something's about to fall from the sky, but a twitchy tail means something's gonna fall from the sky, not an itchy nose.” Ono returned to them unaware that a swarm of wasps was headed right towards them “This proves that…”

“Take cover!” Spike screamed as he and Twilight quickly ran off ahead.

“Duck! Bees!” Twilight added as they ran for their lives as Ono briefly looked at the swarm before turning back.

“What are you talking about those aren’t ducks nor bees those are…” Ono questioned as he quickly turned around and screamed as he realized what he had just saw. “...Wasps! Hapana! Aaah!”

Despite the three all running for dear life both Twilight and Ono got stung by the angry swarm with Spike having to breathe fire at them to get them to back off.

After Twilight and Ono got bandages to cover the many places the wasps stung them they along with Spike followed her to Sweet Apple Acres where she is now smelling a flower.

“What's she doing now?” Spike asked.

“Smelling a flower.” Ono answered.

“Holy guacamole! I wonder what that means?” Spike questioned as he continued taking notes.

“Probably that the flower smells good.” Twilight dully returned as she observed from her binoculars. “Wait. I'm getting something.” She said as her Pinkie Sense tingled again. “Ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch.”

“Hold on... You told me that's the combo that says "watch out for opening doors"!” Spike said as he ran away from the nearby door.

“Okay.” Twilight wondered as Ono shrugged in response. “This door has no one behind it this time.”

“Nope. Common knowledge really.” He dully replied as Twilight looked back to Spike.

“You see? I promise you there's nothing to fear from that…” She then told her only for a cellar door to open beneath her causing her to tumble down the stairs.

“Hapana! When did that get there?!” Ono asked as he saw the staircase leading downwards.

“Twilight! You came to visit my new apple cellar, how nice. Twi?” Applejack from down below greeted. “You okay? Uh, Twi?” She asked her as it is apparent she got knocked out silly from the fall.

Shortly afterwards, Twilight was helped out of the cellar by the farm pony as Beshte carried her out to the barn so she can recover from the fall. As she came to and recovered from the fall while still shaken up by it as she, Spike, and Ono made their way back to the park where Pinkie once again is walking around.

“Okay, take this down: twitchy tail.” Ono said as he observed her from afar while looking down at the unicorn no longer sporting her safari hat as Pinkie’s tail twitched again.

“Twitchy tail?” Spike wondered before suddenly realizing what is about to happen. “Twitchy tail!”

He then ran off as Ono continues trying to keep quiet about it.

“Hush, Spike! We can't let Pinkie know we're here, remember?” Ono reminded him.

“Something's gonna fall, something's gonna fall! Run for your lives. Ah-ha-ha!” Spike briefly ran back before running off for one last warning as Twilight looks up and starts slowly backing away before running off.

“Ugh, Spike honestly, you're overreact—“ Ono tried to tell him as he suddenly has a flower pot, an anvil, a cart of hay, and a piano all fall right on his head courtesy of clumsy peagsus ponies flying a moving truck with the two who accidentally failed to secure what had just fallen on Ono being faced with a stern glare by their boss.

At that point Twilight decided that she and Ono have taken enough punishment and pulled Ono away from continuing to pursue Pinkie Pie.

Later, Applejack met up with Pinkie as she walked by the park.

“Hey, Applejack. Whatcha doin'?” She greeted the pony carrying a bucket of apples on her back along with the hippo doing the same.

“Takin' more apples to my new apple cellar.” Applejack answered. “How 'bout you, Pinkie? Whatchu doin'?”

“Oh, letting Twilight and Ono secretly follow me all day without me knowing.“ Pinkie answered.

“What?!” Twilight angrily responded hearing this as she approached her. “You mean you knew all along?! Why didn't you tell us?”

“Do you realize how much pain and suffering we could have avoided!” Ono added just as angry.

“Silly, that would've spoiled the secret!” Pinkie resisted the urge to giggle. “And from the looks of it you two have had quite some bad luck today.”

“Gee I wonder why?” Twilight sarcastically commented.

“That we both got stung by wasps, Twilight stumbling down a set of stairs leading to a random cellar, and me getting a flower pot, an anvil, a cart of hay, and even a piano fall on me in that order?” Ono added just as sarcastic.

“Poa. That doesn’t sound fun.” Beshte commented while feeling sympathy for them.

“It’s not.” Ono replied.

“Sorry you both went through all of that.” Pinkie apologized to them. “But I think you two might be better off just believing the Pinkie Sense instead of trying to find logic to it.”

“But how do you expect me to not?!” Ono exclaimed while very flustered. “My keen sight makes sense while the Pinkie Sense doesn’t.”

“Now Ono…” Beshte tried to reason with him.

“But I want it to make sense!” Ono complained as he cried out. “It has to make sense!”

“It’s okay.” Beshte gently said to him. “Not everything has to, and bad day’s happen to all of us.”

“Even me.” Applejack added. “When I was first introduced to the Pinkie Sense, I had a hard time believing it too before coming to see that I am better off learning to accept it.

“Beshte’s right.” Spike said in agreement as he turned to Twilight as she looks ready to blow her top off at Pinkie. “There are other day’s where you have good luck too. Just please remember that and let this go before you do something you’ll regret.”

Twilight reluctantly backed off with a groan as Pinkie suddenly had another Pinkie Sense come on. But this one is much different than the previous one’s as her body shook uncontrollably while briefly moving herself off of the ground before stopping.

“Oh no! What does that one mean?” Spike asked in worry.

“Dunno, never gotten any like it before, but whatever that shudder's about, it's a doozy. Something you'd never expect to happen is gonna happen!” She explained as Spike shuddered in worry while Twilight and Ono look on deadpan stoicism. “And it's gonna happen... at Froggy Bottom Bogg!”

“That's where Fluttershy's headed!“ Applejack gasped as it rings bells to her.

“And Kion to make sure she is okay.” Beshte added as he remembered that too.

“Oh no! Is it about them?” Spike asked.

“Uh, I'm not sure.” Pinkie replied.

“We better go and make sure she's okay.” Applejack voiced of what must be done as she leads the way with the others following them.

“Ono fly ahead! Find them!” Twilight ordered of him.

“You got it Twilight!” Ono saluted as he did as he was asked of.

“And hopefully we be able to final uncover this Pinkie Sense once and for all.” Twilight whispered to herself as they rush off to rescue Fluttershy and Kion before anything can to them.

At Froggy Bottom Bogg, Fluttershy is currently unloading the last of her wagon full of frogs in the swamp while Kion watches over her.

“Thanks again for coming even though you really didn’t have to.” Fluttershy thanked the lion.

“Well, considering this is part of the Everfree Forest, its better safe than sorry.” Kion replied as he suddenly felt something creep behind them.

“Um, Fluttershy.” Kion said looking very frightened as he felt something was lurking behind, something huge. “I think we should get out of here before something else happens.”

“Okay. Just need to place this one last frog in the pond before we go.” Fluttershy responded as she moved to do so.

“Hurry!” Kion somewhat urgently told her as he paced and keep his guard up in case it pops up again.

Meanwhile the others are making their way into the forest while looking around for the two as Pinkie stops in her tracks as her body shakes.

“So... Whadda'ya think happened to Fluttershy?” Spike asked Applejack.

“I hope nothin'. And I want to stay that way.” Applejack replied.

“I know, but, whadda'ya think happened?” Spike again asked.

“I'm tryin' not to think about it.” Applejack repeated to avoid thinking and assuming the worst.

“Me too. But I'm thinkin' about it anyway.” Spike replied as he tried to think of something that could have potentially happened to her. “Like, what if she exploded?”

“Just exploded? For no reason?” Ono questioned skeptically as he regrouped with them.

“Yeah, like boom!” Spike answered.

“Whoa!” Pinkie said.

“I know.” He fearfully returned.

“What if... What if she exploded, and then... and then exploded again!?” Pinkie wondered.

“Can you do that? Can you explode twice?” Spike asked if that’s possible.

“Of course not.” Ono interjected with rolled eyes. “Once dead, said pony stays dead.” He bluntly added.

“But what if she exploded, and exploded again, and then— ugh!” Spike further expressed the worst as Twilight steps in to put a stop to this.

“Will you two stop?” Twilight told them. “She's fine, I'm sure of it. Speaking of which, Ono, did you find them?”

“Affirmative.” Ono reported as they all arrived. “They are both still here in Froggy Bottom Bogg.”

“Then let’s go!” Twilight led the way with Ono’s guidance until they spotted the two with the lion looking on high alert for trouble.

“I’m sure that nothing has happened to them.” Beshte kindly said to Spike as they make their way towards their friends.

When Kion heard something nearby he quickly turned around with his claws retracted ready to defend the peagsus should said figure attack.

“Fluttershy! Kion!”

“Fluttershy! Kion!”

Both Applejack and Pinkie Pie both shouted for their names to which got Kion’s guard lowered upon hearing the familiar names.

“Girls.” Kion said in pleased relief as they appeared.

“Fluttershy! You're okay!” Spike said in relief as he suddenly appeared as he hugged her.

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be.” Fluttershy returned while confused of what they meant.

“Because of something happening at here because of Pinkie’s Pinkie Sense.” Ono answered.

“Phew, what a relief.” Applejack shared feeling pleased that nothing happened to her.

“I'm so glad everything's all right.” Pinkie further said pleased for the same.

“Sorry, I know it's not nice to gloat but... Aha!” Ono then smugly said as Twilight feels just as pleased. “I told you there was nothing to worry about, and I was right.” Unbeknownst to him as he started coughing in between sentences while Twilight suddenly starts backing up along with the others. “Pinkie Pie said whatever she was shuddering about was a doozy, and the only doozy here is how right I am.”

“Um...Ono?” Applejack watch on in horror along with the other’s.

“What?” Ono asked wondering why until he saw the frightened faces of his friends. “There’s something really bad behind me isn’t there?” He asked now feeling scared himself.

“Uh-huh!” Twilight answered with a nod. “I too see it…but I don’t believe it!”

“Hapana!” Ono shrieked. “A hyrdra! A four-headed one!”

“Hevi Kabisa!” Kion screamed in terror of the giant. “That thing’s bigger than an Ursa Minor!”

“How is this possible?!” Ono could only panic.

“Who cares? Run!” Applejack shouted as everyone all ran ahead for their lives.

They all ran to try to get as far away from them as possible but not before Twilight had to run back to retrieve Pinkie when she froze in place.

The hydra nearly chomped their teeth into Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Beshte yet thankfully they all managed to run out of the spot they attempted to eat them as they biting into the swampy water with a couple of large boulders which cracked two hydra heads teeth along with a tree branch.

“Ono! Do you see a way out of here?!” Kion urgently asked as he fell ahead to look for an escape route.

“Everypony up that hill!” Ono gestured with his wings to the next right turn as they hear another cry for help.

“He-e-elp!” Spike cried as he finds himself stuck and unable to move in the swamp.

“Coming, Spike! Hang on!” Twilight immediately came to his rescue along with Beshte as she pulled him out of the mud while nearly avoiding another chomp from the hydra as Beshte charged at him.

“Twende Kiboko!” He shouted as he charged at the hydra and right into its center to force them back while sticking them to the very sticky mud to buy everyone time.

“I think we're gonna make it.” Twilight then said as they all make their way up the hill with the hydra now stuck in the mud briefly.

“But Pinkie's still shuddering!” Spike pointed out as she finds herself stopping.

“Oh, lookie there, it stopped.” She said as she shuddered again which required both Kion and Spike to drag her away and up the hill to keep themselves moving before he catches up with them. “O-h-h-h, t-h-e-r-e i-t i-s a-g-a-i-n!”

They all reached the top of the hill, yet find a ledge in front of them that requires some desperate leaps to escape the hydra if they want to live.

“Ugh, he'll be up here in no time!” Twilight quickly told everyone as the hydra is now making his way up the hill.

“Quick, everyone, one at a time, cross!” Kion ordered everyone as Spike looks hesitant to do so.

“Nyu-uh! Uh, do you know any spells for turning a hydra into a mouse?” He hopefully asked as she worked her magic in helping Beshte across.

“No.” She grunted.

“How about a squirrel?”

“No!” Twilight again repeated.

“How 'bout—“

“No small rodents of any kind!” Twilight firmly voiced no she can’t here as she finishes helping Beshte across with her magic.

“That's too bad.”

“A hop, skip, and a... jump!” Fluttershy remembered Pinkie’s song as she does and makes herself across more efficiently this time around as Twilight flings Spike onto the first ledge.

Pinkie still shuddering makes her way across in mid-air and had to be dragged back by the tail to avoid falling down a huge height into the swamp.

At this point the hydra is closing in on them.

“He's too close.” Twilight saw there is no way they can all get across and escape all together. “I'll distract him. You four go, now!”

“What?!” Kion exclaimed at that.

“Come on Twi.” Applejack also protested. “We can’t leave you alone to take on that thing.”

“She’ll be fine because I’ll help her.” Ono vowed to back her up. “Now go, both of you!”

Kion and Applejack reluctantly obey since they have no time to argue here as the latter hops while still dragging Pinkie by the tail while Kion leaps after them leaving the two to buy them time for everyone to escape.

“Oh... What would a brave pony like Rainbow Dash do?” Twilight thought to herself seeing there is no going back now before making a move on him while shouting of the top of her lungs. “Chaaarge!”

She charged forward at the hydra who was approaching them and was able to slip underneath it who followed his head towards that direction yet ended up slipping and toppling over as a result.

“Poa!” Beshte remarked in amazement of Twilight’s move.

“T-T-T-Twilight!” Pinkie shuddered as she made her way back towards the hill although the hydra quickly recovered.

Seeing this Ono decided to charge and fly circles around the hydra.

“Hey four head! Over here!” He taunted him while blowing a raspberry at him while doing so to which the hydra stopped in his tracks to try to follow him instead.

Unfortunately his trick to trip him up worked too well as one of the heads crashed down on he unicorn’s escape route to which forced Twilight to jump on the hydra and to the side to avoid falling.

At this point the gap to the other side is too big for her to jump across and Twilight herself hasn’t mastered teleportation well enough to teleport to the other side.

“T-T-T-Twilight! You have to jump!” Pinkie called out with her body still shaking.

“I'll never make it!” Twilight called back.

“You'll be fine!” Pinkie assured her.

“I will not!” Twilight protested as the hydra advances on her.

“It's your only ho-o-ope! You have to take a leap of faith!” Pinkie returned as the lavender mare emits a scared gulp seeing she has no choice here with Ono being flung back and away to the other side while knocked out upon impact from the stone wall.

“Ono!” Kion cried out as he crashed. “You okay?!”

“Affirmative.” He replied before passing out.

With no other choice as everyone watches on, Twlight takes a running start before running out a full sprint to the edge to jump just as one of hydra’s head unintentionally gives the rock she just jumped on a little boost to give her speed to try to jump to the next stone.

“No! Oh no! Noooo!“ She screamed upon seeing she is going to fall into the swamp from a great height as the others scream in horror at the swamp water along with a pop-able bubble down below.

“Twilight!” Kion cried out.

“Oh no!” Beshte also said.

But as luck would have it, the bubble she landed on was strong enough to give her the boost to tumble across the stepping stones and safely to the other side while crashing in the wall behind her.

Once she quickly recovered, she smiled in delight as Kion quickly hugged her as the others cheered for her now that she is safe.

“I knew you could do it, Twilight!” Pinkie congratulated her as they clasped hooves together.

“I don't know how it happened; coincidence, dumb luck, or what, but you said there'd be a doozy here at Froggy Bottom Bogg, and I'd say we just had ourselves one heck of a doozy.” Twilight expressed of how glad she is that everyone made it out alive. “I mean that hydra—“

Pinkie then suddenly shuddered.


“That wasn't it.” She said.


“What wasn't what?” Spike asked.

“What are you talking about, Pink?” Applejack also asked as Kion helped Ono to make sure he is okay

“The hydra wasn't the doozy.” Pinkie answered.

“It wasn’t.” Kion asked as Ono came too while the hydra retreats.

“No, I'm still getting the shudders.” She demonstrated with said shudders. “You see? There it is again. Whatever the doozy was at Froggy Bottom Bogg, my Pinkie Sense says it still hasn't happened.”

“Huh? But I— WHAT?!” Twilight stuttered then exclaimed in rage hearing that while Ono is still a little too dazed to argue. “The hydra wasn't the doozy?! How could it not be the doozy?! What could be doozier than that?!”

“Dunno, but it just wasn't it.” Pinkie replied.

Twilight grew even more angrier as she leaped up and burst into flames. Kion, Pinkie, Beshte, Ono, Applejack, Spike, and Fluttershy all watch in shock and awe as Twilight literally burned in anger.

“Poa!” Beshte said.

“Hevi Kabisa!” Kion said. “That’s a first.”

“Yep.” Applejack agreed as the flames died down leaving her mane, coat, and tail with black charred spots.

“Ooh... I give up...” Twilight then said wearily now exhausted as she dropped back to the ground.

“Give what up, Twi?” Spike asked.

“The fight. I can't fight it anymore. I don't understand how, why, or what, but Pinkie Sense somehow... makes sense. I don't see how it does, but it just does. Just because I don't understand doesn't mean it's not true.” Twilight answered in defeat.

“Y-Y-Y-You m-m-mean you b-b-b-believe?” Pinkie shuddered in her reply.

“Yes.” Twilight admitted. “I believe it.”

“Me too.” Ono added.

As soon as the two spoke those words, Pinkie’s body really shook in a manner that was very unusual as she blew up into a balloon and then deflated as she stopped shaking.

“That was it! That's the doozy!”

“What? What is?” Twilight asked.

“You believing! I never expected that to happen! That was the doozy, oh and, oh what a doozy of a doozy it was!”

“How about that?” Twilight asked as she slightly giggled as she comes to admit it was actually funny while Ono was still baffled as he fell back on the ground with his jaw dropped and eyes widen in disbelief.

“Ono?” Kion asked him as his eye twitched. “Are you okay?”

“He’ll be fine.” Pinkie told everyone as he remained frozen in angered disbelief.

Everyone made it back to Ponyville where Twilight, Pinkie, and Ono are all hanging out in the library when Spike arrived.

“Oh, good, Spike, you're here. Take a letter.” Twilight said as he got his quill pen and paper ready to write.

“With pleasure, Twilight.” He replied before freezing in surprise at what he was seeing…her and Ono wearing umbrella hat’s on their heads.

“What's wrong, Spike?” Twilight asked. “Never thought you'd see me with an umbrella hat on?”

“Not really, no.” Spike answered.

“Pinkie's tail's a-twitchin'. What else can I do?” Twilight returned.

“Common knowledge really.” Ono added as Twilight began speaking her friendship report for the princess.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

I am happy to report that I now realize there are wonderful things in this world you just can't explain, but that doesn't necessarily make them any less true. It just means you have to choose to believe in them, and sometimes it takes a friend to show you the way.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle.”

As soon as Twilight finished Pinkie tapped Twilight on the nose in a cheerful and playful “I told you so.” manner.

The three wearing hats all made their way outside where the rest of the Guard is ready to head back over for their daily patrol.

“There it goes again.” Pinkie said as her tail twitched again.

“I wonder what's gonna drop outta the sky this time?“ Twilight asked.

“You never know.” Pinkie replied as Spike prepared to send Twilight’s letter with his fire breathe.

At that moment the princess herself appeared and landed on the balcony as she personally took the letter herself before flying back to Canterlot.

“Holy guacamole!” Spike could only say in surprise seeing her sudden and unexpected brief appearance.

“So what did we miss while we were away.” Rainbow asked as they made their way to the portal.

“And why are you two wearing those umbrella hats?” Rarity questioned.

"Did something exciting happen?" Fuli asked.

“It’s part of a long story.” Twilight answered.

“Like what happened?” Bunga eagerly asked.

“The long and painful understanding of the Pinkie Sense, Bunga.” Ono added. “You won’t believe us if we told you.”

“Ooh!” Bunga expressed excitement in wanting to hear more. “Tell us more.”

“All right.” Twilight responded. “But you might want to watch your step first.”

“Why would I want to watch my step for…aaah!” He asked before finding himself falling into the same ditch Twilight fell into the other day.

“That’s why.” Ono answered as everyone laughed together.

“Don’t worry, Bunga.” Pinkie assured him as she helped him out. “Just start believing in the Pinkie Sense and you wouldn’t have any trouble at all.”

“Oh, please. I’ll be fine.” Bunga scoffed it off as if nothing will happen. “What’s the worst that could happen?”

“Oh, you don’t want to know.” Twilight quickly said to him with a sly smile.

“Believe us, that there are some things that even the Keenest of Sight can’t expect to see.” Ono added with the same smile knowing what kind of trouble Bunga is going to land himself into trouble since he has yet to learn how it works as they all head on over to the Pride Lands.

Author's Note:

For this episode, not much to explain other than I pretty made just did some minor adjustments from the canon version while having the Keenest of Sight join in on Twilight's quest to find logic to the Pinkie Sense while the two shared a fair share of slapstick injury in this episode before learning the episode's Aesop.

Next up is "The Sonic Rainboom." where Rainbow Dash's flying competition comes into play in this upcoming episode.

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