• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 4,102 Views, 145 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 1) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard and The Mane Six both work together to spread the magic of friendship while protecting Equestria and the Pride Lands.

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Episode 22: Follow That Hippo

Episode 22:

Follow That Hippo

In another peaceful day in the Pride Lands, the Pride Landers giraffes and zebras are both enjoying grass from their grazing grounds when some mysterious figures are seen lurking in the tall grass without their knowledge. At least until a young small elephant alerted every as he ran out of the grass.

“Hyena attack!”

“Hyena attack?”

“Hyena attack?”

“Hyena attack!”

The zebra, giraffe, and elephant then said in panic together before the elephant blows her trumpet as the zebras waste no time panicking again.

“Panic and run! Panic and run!” He exclaimed as he did just did yet winds up crashing head to head with another zebra.

As everyone cowers to the nearby rock platform for cover, the Lion Guard and the Mane Six all show up on the scene.

“Everybody calm down! Who saw the hyenas? Where are they?” Kion asked them.

“In, in the grass!” The baboon answered as he pointed to the grass still shaking.

“Hyenas! We know you're in there!” He shouted after what’s hiding in the grass with no response coming out. “Lion Guard, Girls spread out!” He said to them as they all did so. “You're surrounded, hyenas!”

“So give up before we make you give up!” Rainbow yelled out in their direction with her hooves ready to pound on them first if they don’t comply before charging in and grabbing the stalkers in the grass.

But to everyone’s surprise, it was just a false alarm, as what really appeared was a couple of young Pride Landers. One of them was an ostrich Kambuni and the other was a baboon named Gumba.

“Don't hurt us!” The ostrich innocently pleaded while shaking for dear life from the hot-blooded peagsus.

“We're not really hyenas!” The baboon added.

“Uh, yeah. We can see that.” Fuli noted with an amused smile as Applejack speaks to Rainbow.

“It’s all right, Rainbow Dash. Let them go.” Applejack called out to her as she immediately does so while Kion sighs in annoyance at the false alarm.

“Why were you trying to scare everybody?” Kion asked them.

“We weren't! We were just playing Lion Guard and Pony Guard!” The ostrich answered.

“Playing Lion Guard?” Beshte replied with a small chuckle.

“And it was our turn to be the bad guys!” The ostrich continued.

“It was all Mtoto's idea!” The baboon added as they point to the young elephant who was with a young zebra and a mongoose Kwato and Shauku.

“Are you Mtoto?” Twilight asked him who nodded in response.

“Ono, Rainbow, want to give the all clear?” Kion said to them.

“Affirmative.False alarm everyone!” Ono said with a sigh as he and Rainbow do so.

“No hyenas here!” Rainbow added as the adults walk off not pleased by their antics.

“So you guys were pretending to be the Lion Guard?” Kion asked them.

“And the Pony Guard ?” Twilight added.

“Oh, yeah! We each take turns being different members!” The ostrich replied.

“Except Mtoto, he's always Beshte and Applejack!” The baboon pointed out to the slightly blushing elephant.

“Really? Me? Poa!” Beshte felt pleased by his biggest fan.

“Well, isn’t that dandy.” Applejack also felt pleased as well.

“Who gets to pretend to be me?” Bunga asked them.

“And me?” Pinkie added.

“You know, whoever is last.” The baboon answered.

“Say what?” Bunga and Pinkie asked with surprised expressions as both Rainbow and Applejack laughed at them.

“Burn!” Rainbow laughed as she rolled onto her back.

“Well, little Lion Guard, this isn't the best time to pretend to be hyenas.” Kion gently told them while flattered they have a fan base, they should be toying with a serious situation around like that.

“Especially if the real ones are still lurking around.” Fluttershy added while shuddering at the very thought.

“I saw Janja and his hyenas sneaking into the Pride Lands yesterday.” Ono added.

“And they're still around here... Somewhere.” Fuli also added as she looked around to their surroundings.

“So you can see why everyone got so upset.” Twilight gently told them.

“We never meant to scare anybody!” The ostrich honestly returned.

“We won't do it again! Promise!” The baboon swore they meant no harm too.

“Of course you won’t.” Twilight acknowledged. “Because you all mean well and didn’t know what you were doing was wrong.

“You all just need to be more careful going forward.” Rarity also advised them.

At the same time, Mtoto walks up to Beshte.

“Hi, little guy.” He greeted as he just silently stood there for a few seconds. “Uh... Did you want to ask me something?” Beshte wondered what’s on his mind.

“Uh... How's it feel to be so strong?” He asked with multiple questions. “What's it like to fight bad guys? Can you really knock down a tree with your head? How's it feel to be a real live hero?”

“Oh, well, I'm not really.” Beshte somewhat awkwardly answered. “It's the whole team. Not just me.”

“Hey! Maybe the real Lion Guard and Pony Guard could play Lion and Pony Guard with us!” Mtoto eagerly asked to which the others immediately liked the idea.

“Sounds like fun. But with hyenas on the loose, we need to stay sharp.” Kion gently declined.

“And we got some training we need to take care of.” Twilight added.

“Yep. Let’s go!” Kion ushered the team to follow him.

“Sounds good!” Fuli returned.

“Zuka Zama!” Bunga replied as they all took off as the young ones turn to leave as well.

“Well, we'd better get going.” Beshte said before turning to leave.

“Aw. Can't you stay just a little longer, Beshte? Please? You too, Applejack?” Mtoto pleaded with them.

“Hmm.” Beshte tried to think of a compromise for this. “Say, Mtoto, how'd you like to come watch us train?” He offered.

“Poa! That'd be awesome!” Mtoto immediately accepted it.

“That okay with you?” Beshte asked Applejack.

“Well…” She thought for a moment as she isn’t sure about the idea yet didn’t want to break a little kid’s heart. “Okay, as long as it doesn’t interfere with what needs to be done.”

“Okay! C'mon, Mtoto, let's go!” Beshte told him as the three walk side by side on their way to meet up with the others.

“I can't believe it. I'm gonna train with the real live Lion Guard!” Mtoto could not hold in his excitement.

“Well you better believe it sugarcube, cause it’s happening.” Applejack returned.

“So you really do like the Lion Guard, huh?“ Beshte asked.

“Who doesn't? You guys are the greatest!” Mtoto answered.

“Well, Kion and Twilight are great leaders. Fuli and Rainbow Dash are super-fast! Bunga and Pinkie aren’t afraid of anything. And Fluttershy and Ono….” Applejack explained to him of how their team really works as the young one suddenly interrupts.

“But you two are the biggest reason I like the Lion Guard and the Pony Guard!

“Well, I guess I am the biggest.” Beshte thought nothing of it.

“And we are the strongest.” Applejack returned in the same manner as Mtoto walks in front of them.

“Not like that, Beshte, Applejack. I think you two the best!” He said to them to which left the two taken aback by that.

“Uh, well... Thanks.” Beshte responded.

“We don't know what to say.” Applejack also responded as they spotted their team ahead. “Hey, look! There's Kion, Twilight, and the others! Come on!”

At the same time the others were currently meeting up at a nearby hill as the others are ready to follow Kion’s instructions as Twilight stands beside him.

“We need to be ready to chase down Janja wherever we find him.” Kion told the others as Fuli stands up while Rainbow has her wings flapping ready to go.

“We’re always ready.” Fuli returned as she and Rainbow share a hoof-fist bump together as Beshte, Applejack, and Mtoto arrived.

“Hey, guys and girls. Sorry we’re late. But we invited Mtoto to come along.” Beshte said to everyone as some of the Guard members have questionable looks on their faces about the idea.

“Okay.” Kion somewhat reluctantly agreed to let him watch. “Well, we were just about to run an obstacle course.”

“Poa! Can I run it, too? Whoa!” Mtoto eagerly asked while accidentally bumping into the rock platform Ono was standing on, causing him to fall over.

“Sure, I guess.” Kion again answered in the same tone.

“I don’t see why not.” Twilight similarly shrugged seeing no harm in it.

“Stick with him, Beshte.” Kion then said to him before turning to the egret. “Ono, keep an eye out for hyenas while we're running this one.”

“Affirmative!” Ono obeyed without hesitation. “The sky's probably the safest place to be.”

“Everybody follow me!” Kion led the way with Twilight following after him as they both leap up a couple of rocks leading up to a large boulder ahead. “Boulder jump! Go!”

The others followed suit as they all ran up and through the hurdle no problem while Mtoto tried and failed to leap up the boulders due to his inability to jump really high.

“I usually just run around 'em!” Beshte advised him as he helps him up.

“Oh! Uh, okay!” Mtoto listened as they did so while Kion and Twilight lead the team to the next portion of the obstacle course.

“You're gonna love this, Fuli.” Kion told her with a teasing smile.

“So will you Rarity.” Twilight added as they both look down at the water puddle to which they both groaned upon seeing it as she and Kion both run through the puddle.

The two having different approaches both decide to leap over the little stream of water as the cheetah does it with quick speed while the unicorn does it with more finesse and grace in a lady-like manner to which the two leaders chuckled at the sight of.

“You two will do anything to stay dry, won't you?” Kion asked with an amused smile.

“You know it.” Fuli answered.

“Of course, darling.” Rarity also answered as she patted her beautiful curls. “There’s no way I am soaking up my beautiful mane by running in this dirty water. Mud, dirt and, bugs, Eww.”

“Zuka Zama!” Bunga shouted.

“Woohoo!” Pinkie also shouted as they both leaped into the stream while landing face first into the ground.

“Huh. Not as deep as I thought.” Bunga said in surprise seeing of how shallow the water really is.

“Me neither.” Pinkie added before resting her back on the ground. “Oh well.”

Mtoto was effortlessly able to make it across but ended up tripping just before he could walk on dry land. He ended taking a deep breath indicating that he was about to sneeze to which both Kion and Twilight were both able to duck out of the water before he could sneeze a huge trunk-full of water at them.

Rarity and Fuli however, weren’t so lucky.

“Oh, no! I'm, I'm sorry!” He apologized after seeing his accidental mistake while Pinkie, Rainbow, Applejack all snickered at the sight of their drenched friends.

“Yeah, well... It's just water.” Fuli calmly restrained her irritation towards the young elephant while accepting his apology as Rarity on the other hoof is having a harder time with it as she ran off in tears so she can go off and dry and clean herself up again.

“My mane! My mane! My beautiful mane!” She cried out as she ran ahead.

“Told you the sky was the safest place to be.” Ono teasingly remarked to the annoyed cheetah as Rainbow and Applejack bursted out laughing.

“I’m so sorry.” Mtoto repeated after seeing the unicorn ran off.

“That’s okay.” Twilight gently returned. “That is usually a normal for Rarity.”

“Yeah, why don't we try something totally different.” Kion suggested just to make it slightly easier for him.

“Oh, okay! I'll do a lot better this time! You'll see!” Mtoto vowed.

“Sure you will, Mtoto.” Beshte returned.

“We have no doubt about that.” Applejack said in agreement as Kion thinks of something new.

“Hmm, let's run a stealth surround drill.” He proposed.

“That’s a good one.” Twilight liked the idea.

“Yeah, yeah! Where we practice sneaking up on bad guys and surround them.” Bunga also immediately liked the idea and explained how it works.

“Haven't done that in a while.” Beshte said.

“Me neither.” Applejack added.

“Sounds good to me.” Fuli agreed without hesitation.

“Very well.” Rarity agreed after reappearing with her mane and fur all dried up again.

“I always ace this one.” Bunga smugly told the young elephant as Kion walks off ahead.

“Okay, I'll go to the other side of that big rock pile. The rest of you try to sneak up, without me seeing or hearing you.” He instructed them as he turned to Ono and Rainbow. “Ono? Rainbow? Keep watch for hyenas while we're running this one?


“You got it Kion!” They both said together as they both flew up to do so.

“You know the drill. Wait till I'm out of sight. Then try to surround me.” Kion told them before running off ahead.

“You got it, Kion.” Beshte returned leaving the others to figure out their approach.

“Okay. We'll approach from this side.” Twilight spoke for herself and Fuli while turning to Pinkie and Bunga. “You two go in from that side.”

“Yes sir, ma’n, sir.” Pinkie saluted as she turned to Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy.

“Kion'll never see me coming!” Bunga added.

“You three each take separate paths in the middle.” Twilight told the others.

“Got it.”

“Of course.”

“You got it.” The three all answered as they all leave to carry out their approach.

“Sneaking up on someone isn't so easy for us hippos. Unless we're in the water.” Beshte explained to them in case he is wondering why is he isn’t following after them.

“Aw, you'll be great at it! You can do anything!” The young elephant insisted otherwise.

“I don't know about that, but we'll give it our very best try!” Beshte honestly answered but was willing to do his best.

As Kion sits in the open field, Fuli and Twilight lurk from the grass on the left to which the two ducked out of sight when Kion sensed something before nearly catching Bunga and Pinkie with their heads briefly popped up. The two then stealthily sneak around the nearby boulders to avoid being detected.

Kion then turns in the direction of where he thought Pinkie might be hiding but before he could approach that rock he felt a couple of taps on his shoulders.

“Hey, Kion.” Twilight greeted leaving the young lion surprised.

”How's it going?“ Fuli asked.

“Got me. You're both good, Twilight, Fuli.” Kion complimented them.

“We know.” Fuli returned as she and Twilight smirked together.

Elsewhere, both Beshte and Mtoto both made their way through the nearby bushes together.

“Walk softly…Easy does it…” He whispered.

When Beshte accidentally stepped on a twig, he quickly ducked for cover at a nearby tree which is very noticeable to spot him out because of his size while Mtoto picks up a small tree branch to hide behind.

“I don't think Kion heard. Let's keep moving.” Beshte pressed forward still stealthily quiet.

As the young elephant follows he suddenly notices a nearby rock path for his size.

“Hey, Beshte, what about going this way?” He whispered to him which wasn’t heard because he had already walked off ahead. Regardless, Mtoto went astray anyways.

“Zuka Zama!” Bunga shouted as he tackled Kion while Pinkie popped up with confetti and balloons appearing from the sky.

“Gotcha!” Pinkie shouted as she blew on a party horn in the lion’s face just as the other three ponies made their way towards Kion.

“Bunga, Pinkie, what happened to sneaking up on me?” Kion asked after a good laugh over their antics.

“Eh, We got tired of that!” Bunga responded. “Running right at ya's more my style.”

“And so is surprise parties.” Pinkie added as she held up a cake in her hoof and then chomped it down in one bite.

“How did she…?” Bunga asked.

“Just don’t ask.” Rarity answered as they made their presence known.

“It’s just Pinkie being Pinkie.” Applejack added as they regrouped with them. “Which actually worked to our advantage, admittedly.”

Pinkie grinned hearing that as Kion focuses his attention on the remaining trainees.

“So, that just leaves Beshte.” Kion said.

“And Mtoto.” Fuli added.

As Beshte continues his stealth attempt he so far is doing great yet unaware that his little tag-along took a different route.

“You're really good at this, Mtoto. I can't even hear you.“ He complimented as he suddenly noticed that he isn’t with him. “Mtoto? Guys, guys!” He then ran up to them while knocking aside a nearby tree in the process.

“Looks like I’m not the only who didn’t take the quiet approach.” Pinkie chuckled as Twilight popped the question.

“Beshte? What's wrong?” Twilight asked.

“It's Mtoto! I can't find him anywhere!” Beshte replied.

“I'm right here, Beshte!” The young elephant made his presence known from atop the hill. “I was just sneaking, uh...”

He then suddenly found himself overstepping the ledge and suddenly starting slipping and falling down towards the ground.

“Mtoto!” Beshte exclaimed as he fell down the slope. “Hang on, Mtoto! I'm coming!” He told him as he tried to slow his descent down by holding onto one of the branches on the rocks.

“Oh... It's not gonna hold.” He said as the branch gave away.

Luckily with Beshte using his back to keep him from hitting the ground along with Twilight using her magic to hold him in levitation while slightly straining to maintain her grip on him until he safely landed on the ground, the young elephant managed to emerge unharmed.

“Mtoto, are you okay?” Kion asked him.

“I think so...” He answered.

“Mtoto? Why didn't you stay with me?” Beshte asked him.

“And what were you thinking climbing up that there hill just like that?” Applejack crossly asked him.

“I wanted to show you I could do a good job sneaking up on Kion.” Mtoto answered with shame for causing a scene. “Sorry, I messed up. Again.”

“It wasn’t that bad, darling.” Rarity comforted him. “That was actually pretty good for a first timer.”

“Just next time try to be more careful.” Twilight recommended.

“As long as you're not hurt, Mtoto. That’s all that matters.” Kion added to let him know no harm done. “But I think it's time for you to head home.”

“Yeah. I guess so.” He then did so without question.

“I'll walk you.” Beshte offered as Applejack sighs after regretting being a little too hard on the young one.

“Oh…” She groaned before trotting up to them. “Me too. It’s the least I can do for you, little one.”

“Okay. Bye, everybody.“ Mtoto said before leaving with the two.

Meanwhile, Janja and his clan emerged from a nearby bush just after Rainbow and Ono fly by.

“I don't think they saw us.” Janja gave the all clear as he led Cheezi and Chungu from their hiding spot while accidentally slapping Chungu with a tree branch.

“Yeowch! Watch it!” He complained.

“But he could still hear us, fur brain!” His leader reminded him.

“Yeah!” Cheezi exclaimed. “They don't call Ono "The ears in the sky" for nothin'!”

“That's not what they call him!” Janja irritably corrected him.

“They don't?” Chungu asked just as confused.

“Come on.” Janja just said with a groan not wanting to waste his time arguing with his allies over this.

Meanwhile on the way home for Applejack and Beshte walking Mtoto home.

“Sorry, you had to rescue me.” The young elephant apologized again.

“Well, I should've kept an eye on you. But you're okay. And that's what counts.” Beshte said that he’s not entirely at fault here.

“And I too owe you a little apology for being a little too hard on you there.” Applejack added as she took off her hat. “I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that.”

“I really messed up, didn't I?” Mtoto asked.

“It was your first time training with the Lion Guard, Mtoto. You'll get better if you keep practicing.” Beshte assured him.

“You think?” The young elephant hopefully asked.

“Sure!” He answered as he broke out into a song to cheer him up as they make their way from the plain grass field with Applejack joining in to relate to him since like him and Beshte, they too have run into similar problems too.

Hero Inside

The three then helped a young bird reunite with his mother after he was unable to fly up to its nest before helping more animals from young monkeys across the stream, and helping a turtle onto its back. The three then walked straight through the sunflower fields and a stream with ostriches to whom they flew out of the way to clear a path for them before making their way to a rock boulder just ahead just as the two concluded their song together.

“So you really think I have what it takes to be a hero?“ Mtoto asked them.

“Sure! Just don't give up. You've already got some moves!” Beshe encouraged him.

“I do?”

“Of course!” Applejack supportively answered. “Like that water spraying thing you did with your trunk?” She then chuckled at the memory of Rarity getting soaked with water.

“Seriously poa!” Beshte added.


“Oh, yeah! Just, uh, be sure to use it on bad guys from now on!” Beshte gently reminded him.

“Thanks, Applejack and Beshte. I will!”

“And who knows? Maybe you'll join the real Lion Guard someday. When you're older.” Beshte assured him he has potential for that someday.

“And maybe even the Pony Guard as well.” Applejack added.


“We'd better head back. Take care, Mtoto.” Beshte said as he moved to regroup with the Guard.

“And stay out of trouble.” Applejack shouted after him as he followed Beshte.

“Bye, Beshte! Bye Applejack!” Mtoto waved them off as his young friends joined up with him.

“Mtoto, where've you been?” Kambuni asked him.

“Oh, you know. Training. With Beshte, Applejack, the Pony Guard, and the Lion Guard.” He answered.

“Wow! Did they make you a member?” Shauku marveled at his recent activity and then asked.

“Not officially, but...” Mtoto honestly answered.

“So you probably don't want to play pretend Lion Guard anymore, huh?” Kwato asked with lowered ears.

“You kidding?” He quickly dismissed that. “Beshte said I should keep practicing my moves! Let's play right now! I'll be...”

“Beshte!” They all answered together.

“We know, we know!” His ostrich friend replied.

“Wait'll I show you this great trick I came up with when I was training with the Guard! Till the Pride Lands and Equestria’s end, Lion Guard and Pony Guard defend! Twende kiboko!” He ushered them to follow him complete with their battle cry along with Beshte’s catchphrase.

“Zuka Zama!” Gumba shouted as he tried to grab and swing on a nearby vine yet ends up pulling down a dead vine which easily snapped off much to his disappointment.

“Hapana!” Kambuni shouted Ono’s catchphrase while.

“Huwezi!” Kwati shouted Fuli’s while leaping running around the bush.

“Heyvi kabisa!” Shaku shouted Kion’s while leaping on a nearby bush.

Alas the young ones all got bored very quickly.

“Gosh! This isn't as much fun as usual.” Kambuni pointed out.

“Yeah, 'cause we promised not to be hyenas.” Gumba added.

“It's always more fun with somebody to chase.” Shaku also added.

“Maybe we can't be the hyenas... But they can!” Mtoto suggested an idea as they look on at the nearby and worried hydraxs from just above the grass near the tree before panicking as they all scurry away from the children.

“Yeah, you better run, you bad guys! You won't get away from me, Janja!” Mtoto shouted after them as said hyena leader popped his head out from the nearby tall grass.

“Huh? Somebody call my name?” He asked as he turned to the kids pursing the hydraxs.

“Hey, boys. Look what we have here.” He then gestured to his buddies as he got an idea for an easy meal up ahead.


“Yeah! Bite-sized!”

His friends both eagerly licked their teeth and chomps at the sight of them.

Back at the training site the Guard members minus Applejack, Beshte, Kion, Twilight, and Ono who are watching from a tree ahead prepare for another training exercise.

“Great job on the obstacle course!” Kion complimented them. “Now time for some speed training! On your mark, get set... Go!”

The Guard members all take off running while both Rainbow and Fuli stick back for a few seconds to let the honey badger get a head start before they swiftly pass her.

“Whoo! I can't believe I beat them!” Bunga cheered for himself as he landed on the ground in front of Ono unaware that they had just passed him and that the others will able to edge him out as well.

“Um... Actually, you didn't.” Ono dully corrected him as they pointed to the two awaiting them while sharing another fist-hoof bump together.


“Did you really think you were faster than us?” Fuli smugly asked him.

“Well...” Bunga honestly and awkwardly responded as Kion approaches them.

“As long as you're both faster than the hyenas, I'm good.” Kion voiced of what really matters Speaking of hyenas...” He then thought as he turns to Rainbow and Ono. “Ono, Rainbow, could you two take another look around?“

“You bet!” Ono replied.

“On it!” Rainbow added as they flew off ahead to do so.

“Thanks! Oh, and maybe look for Applejack and Beshte while you're up there?” Kion added as they started flying away.

“Good idea! He should've gotten back by now!” Ono agreed as well.

“I wonder what’s keeping them?” Rainbow also wondered.

“I mean, how long can it take to walk a little elephant home?” Kion asked the others.

“Probably depends on what stops they make along the way.” Fluttershy suggested. “Sometimes happens to me when I am walking animals back home in Ponyville.”

Elsewhere, the two Guard members in question are dealing with a few complaining animals in light of what has happened recently.

“What is the point of living in the Pride Lands, if we have to run from hyenas all the time? I mean, really!” The zebra leader questioned.

“Now hold your horses.” Applejack urged them to calm down. “The Pony Guard and the Lion Guard are all doing their best to keep them varmits away and you all safe.”

“We'll find those hyenas and chase them back where they belong!” Beshte also vowed.

As the young ones continue to pursue the hyraxes as part of their pretend game the hyenas follow them.

“I'm gonna get you, Janja!” Mtoto shouted after the little ones.

“You, too, Cheezi and Chungu!” Kambuni added as the real hyeans pop their heads out.

“Wait. Are they really chasing us?” Chungu asked Cheezi dumbfounded.

“Huh? I hope not!“

“Fur brains!” Janja berated them for their stupidity. “They're playing pretend! But it's about to get real. C'mon.” He then said as he led them towards the little ones through the grass undetected.

“Argh! They got away!” Mtoto commented as the hyraxes all were able to escape in the nearby holes. “What do you want to chase now?“

“I got an idea! How's about we chase you?” Janja proposed as he and his clan appear right in front of them.

“Hyenas!” The children screamed as they all ran for their lives in separate directions.

While Cheezi takes on the little baboon, Chungu takes on the mongoose and ostrich, while Janja goes after Mtoto himself.

Gumba got lucky when Cheezi tripped by accident allowing him to escape while Shauku needed to leap on to Kwato’s back in order to escape Chungu’s jaws while she kicks Chungu to force him back. Mtoto on the other hand isn’t able to outrun Janja as the hyena leader closes in on him.

“Just you and me now, kid!” Janja shouted after him as he is about to pounce on him.

Thinking quick, Mtoto was able to quick perform a sharp turnaround at the upcoming boulder leaving the hyena leader to crash into it thanks to watching the Guard’s training.

“Janja! They're gettin' away!“ Cheezi told him as he and Chungu regrouped with him as the kids all now have run in separate directions with breathing room to escape from them.

“And that little zebra's mean!” Chungu grumbled at the one who kicked him.

“Doesn't matter. There's still the little elephant. And he's the slowest one.“ Janja assures them they still have something they can catch as they all gang up on him as he runs away.

Elsewhere, Applejack and Beshte are still conversing with the other animals.

“Seriously. There's no reason to be afraid.” Beshte continued to assure them.

“Maybe not for them! But zebras are the most delicious animals in the Pride Lands and the hyenas know it!” The zebra still returned unconvinced to which earned an eye roll from the giraffe. “It's true. Deal with it.” He returned as the kids all approach with cries of help.

“Beshte! Applejack! We need your help! Please!”

“Whoa, kids! What's the kerbubble?” Beshte calmed down as they all caught their breathes.

“And where's Mtoto?” Applejack asked.

“Mtoto's being chased! By the hyenas!” Kambuni answered to which is met with a scoff from Thurston.

“Oh, not again! Don't listen to these little troublemakers!”

“This time it's true!” The baboon insisted as he leaped onto his neck. “Mtoto's in danger! And he's all alone!”

“And that I believe.” Applejack acknowledges they are telling the truth this time.

“Not for long! Stay here!” Beshte added as he got serious and charged alongside with Applejack as they rush off to save their friend.

Beshte then charges into the nearby water just as Rainbow and Ono find Applejack.

“Applejack! There you are!” Rainbow swooped in to meet with her. “What’s going on?!”

“Mtoto is in trouble and being pursued by hyenas.” Applejack reported as she points to the little elephant being chased by said hyenas. “Ono, flew back to the others and let them know what’s going on!”

“Affirmative!” He returned as he flew off to do so while she and Rainbow head on over to save the little elephant who is starting to get tired and slow down as the hyenas close in on him.

“Won't be long now. He's getting tired.” Janja told his clan as he observes their prey get easier and easier to catch.

“Me, too!” Chungu added with heavy breathing as he catches up with his friends.

“All right, fellas. Let's get him.” Janja told them as they proceed to corner Mtoto. “Hey, little buddy! Looking for help? It's no use. Nobody's coming. Just you and us. So which do you prefer, boys? Leg or trunk?” He then said as he turned to them.

“I like the ears! They're chewier!” Cheezi laughed manically.

“Chewy ears! That sounds funny! And delicious!” Chungu laughed too.

Just as the trio closes in on the helpless little guy, Beshte suddenly appears from the water behind him.

“Twende kiboko!”

And as soon as he appeared Applejack arrived on the scene to buck the three away with his hind legs as Rainbow catches them in mid-air to roll them away into the nearby rocks.

“Beshte! Applejack! Rainbow Dash! You all came for me!” Mtoto gratefully voiced his thanks for rescuing him.

“We sure did!” Beshte returned. “You can swim, right?”

“Mom hasn't taught me yet.” He regretfully answered.

“Then hop up! Now hang on!” Beshte offered his back for him to jump onto and ride on as he swims into the water.

“We’ll keep an eye on the hyenas and make sure to keep them at bay!” Applejack shouted after them as they took off into the water as she and Rainbow remain high-alert for the troublesome trio as they emerged from the rocks.

“What do we do now?” Cheezi asked.

“Follow that hippo!” Janja answered as they followed him downstream. “Along with that cowgirl and peagsus pony.“

The trio chased them as Beshte started encountering stronger and faster streams of water as they close in on the two again.

“C'mon, boys! We're catching them!” Janja told his buddies as they run ahead of them.

“Hey! They passed us! Maybe they're just going in the same direction!” He hoped until they saw they are preparing to intercept them at the upcoming rocks starting with Janja and Cheezi. “Or maybe not!”

“No worries, little one, we got this!” Applejack assured him.

“Mtoto, duck!” Beshte told them as he ducked underwater as his riding buddy did as he was told while Applejack performs a split kick on the two just as they tried to chomp their jaws on them.

Just as the two emerged back over water, they saw another problem ahead, Chungu on an upcoming branch ready to intercept.

“Uh-oh!” Beshte said as they saw the bulky hyena up ahead.

“Here dinner, dinner, dinner...” He laughed awaiting for them cross.

But Beshte was able to slingshot the hyena up in the air after grabbing onto the branch while Rainbow punches him super hard in the air.

“Whoa! That was awesome!” Mtoto remarked very impressed.

“First thing you gotta know about me kid, is I am always awesome!” Rainbow returned as she flew alongside the ones in water with Applejack running alongside the stream.

“The current's slower through here. I should be able to make better time. Almost home, Mtoto!” He told the young one certain that things will be fine from here. “Uh-oh! Look!” He then said as they saw another danger ahead.

“Crocodiles.” Applejack and Rainbow both said in alarm together.

“What do we do now?” Mtoto asked in worry.

“I've got an idea.” Beshte returned as Rainbow remains afloat as Applejack keeps pace while trying to remain on land and alert for the hyenas behind.

“Mtoto, ready for stealth mode?” Beshte asked him.

“You bet, Beshte.” He confidentially answered as they ducked underwater leaving only the baby elephant’s trunk above water.

Unfortunately their luck ran out as one of the crocodiles spotted them and alerted the rest of the float of their appearance.

“So much for stealth mode.” Beshte commented as he sees they are in trouble once more as he starts swimming away with them in hot pursuit.

“They're getting closer!” Mtoto got worried again.

“Hey, Mtoto! Remember your trunk trick?” Beshte reminded him.

“Oh, yeah!“ Mtoto smiled as he got the idea sucked up water with his trunk and sprayed the first approaching crocodile with Rainbow following it up with a high speed punch to the face. “Take that, meanie!”

“Poa! Nice shot!” He complimented as they once again have breathing room. “Oh, no!” He then said as the hyena trio has once again cornered them as they await for them to come to them again.

“Aw, ya came back! And you brought your little friend!” Janja remarked as Kion makes his arrival known as he and rest of the Guard arrives.

“Wrong, Janja! He brought all his friends! Ono, you're with me!” He then told Ono as he begins their battle cry together. “Till Equestria and the Pride Lands end…”

“Lion and Pony Guard defend!” The rest of Guard finishes as they take action.

Rarity, Fuli, and Bunga each take on the hyenas by forcing them into the river as Pinkie Pie shoots confetti at them to force them downstream. Twilight uses her magic to force the crocodile ganging up on Beshte and Mtoto back as Kion leaps onto his snout while doing the same as he leaps across two more crocodiles with Applejack doing the same to leap across the river as they meet up with them.

“Kion! I sure am glad to see you!” Beshte voiced his delight they came when they did.

“I'm just sorry we couldn't find you sooner!” Kion returned.

“Better late than never, right, Big B?” Bunga added.

“You said it, Little B.” Beshte acknowledged.

“That’s true.” Pinkie added before rolling around in laughter.

“Pinkie, what’s so funny?” Twilight asked.

“Just look.” Pinkie pointed in the direction of the water.

“Swim, fur brains! Swim!” Janja shouted to his companions as they desperately try to out swim the crocodiles pursing them.

“They are swimming for their lives.” Pinkie continued to laugh at them.

“You know, they'd stand a better chance if they just got out of the river.” Fuli pointed out.

“Should we go tell them?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well, I'm not gonna tell 'em.” Bunga commented as they watch the entertaining scene.

“I’m sure they’ll be fine.” Rainbow assured her as they all share a good laugh over the panicking hyenas before Fluttershy decides to fly over to tell them unable to take the chance of seeing them get eaten.

Shortly afterwards, they were able to reunite with the other kids where Mtoto shares with them what happened back there.

“So I just kept spraying 'em right in the face while Beshte swam like the wind!” Mtoto recalled.

“Amazing!” Kambuni remarked very impressed with his skills of fending the hyenas off as Kion and Twilight approach them.

“You kids had quite an adventure today. And you know what? I think you've all earned the Mark of the Guard.” Kion complimented them as Twilight works her magic into making said mark appear on the elephant’s left shoulder.

“Wow!” He said in amazement.

“Congratulations, Mtoto!” Twilight commended him as the others crowd over the unicorn wanting the same as well.

“Me next! Me next!” They all repeatedly asked the surprised unicorn.

“Okay, okay!” She gently relented with raised hooves as she prepared to do so. “But one at a time.”

As Twilight works her magic on them, Mtoto walks over to Applejack and Beshte.

“Like I said, you two are my heroes.” He said to them.

“And you're mine.” Beshte kindly returned.

“Couldn’t have said it better myself.” Applejack added as the young one admires he recently new mark on his shoulder while very proud of himself as much as the farm pony and hippo are proud of him.

Author's Note:

For this episode we have another Applejack and Beshte focused episode as the two meet their biggest fan the young elephant, Mtoto.

Again in contrast to Beshte's very warm and friendly approach with kids, Applejack sure can be tough and harsh at times when she was reluctant with a tag-along kid accompanying them to their training session but her heart is still in the right place as demonstrated when she joins Beshte in escorting Mtoto home after a moment of scolding him to which she quickly regretted.

Much like "Applebuck Season." the Guard's strongest much like the fastest is why they have such a strong bond together.

Next up is the Day in the Limelight for the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they get the main focus in these next three episodes but the Guard will still appear in them the best I can fit in them in the main plot.

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