• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 4,123 Views, 145 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 1) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard and The Mane Six both work together to spread the magic of friendship while protecting Equestria and the Pride Lands.

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Episode 5: Griffon the Brush Off

Episode 5:

Griffon the Brush Off

After another successful patrol through the Pride Lands and Equestria, Twilight is now at the park reading a nice good book as well as Ono who is really learning all more about Equestrian history after spending time with the unicorn. At least she now has another bookworm they spend time together with whenever they want to get together for research.

It also improves Ono’s intellect and keen sight as he learns more and more about the magical world of creatures aside from unicorns, earth ponies, and peagsus ponies.

Alas, their time learning together could have gone more peacefully if Pinkie hadn’t just happened to looking for Rainbow Dash. And boy, she just can’t get enough from talking about her. Nor can Bunga who was accompanying her like best buds sticking together like glue.

“Hoof-biting action overload! She was like a stunt superstar, flying higher and higher, and then Rainbow Dash swooped down—swoosh—and right before she hit the ground—shoom, she pulled up—vrrrmmm!” She explained how much she really likes seeing her in action as she hopped up and down and then ran around the center fountain as both Twilight and Ono just listen on paying more attention to their books and research.

“Uh-huh.” Twilight stoically returned.

“And then she looped around and around like whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo!” Bunga added as he was somersaulting around the statue.

“Uh-huh.” Ono returned just as stoically.

Rainbow Dash flew over them which got Pinkie and Bunga’s attention as the latter got on the party pony’s back as she ran off after the rainbow mane colored peagsus’s direction.

“Phew.” Twilight felt relieved that Pinkie finally left them alone.

“I was beginning to think they would never leave.” Ono said in the same tone as Twilight flipped to the next page as he continued reading over her shoulder.

“Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie and Bunga called out to her as they waved down from below.

“Pinkie Pie? Not again.” Rainbow groaned in annoyance as she too isn’t in the mood for dealing with her antics right now.

“Rainbow Dash.” Pinkie called out in an attempt to talk to her

“Not now, Pinkie Pie.” Rainbow returned as she sped off ahead to get as far away from them as possible.

“But, but Rainbow Dash…” Bunga called out as Pinkie ran faster to try to keep up with her.

“I'm in the middle of something.” Rainbow again refused as she pressed forward and accelerated herself in an attempt to gain more distance from them.

“But…” Pinkie again tried speaking.

“I said not now.” Rainbow firmly voiced her refusal as she winds up crashing into the mountain while she was facing the two. She winds up sliding down to the ground just as Pinkie and Bunga catch up to her.

“We were gonna tell you to look out for that mountain.” Pinkie finally told her.

“You know you really should watch where you’re going, you now.” Bunga added as Rainbow just grumbled in pain and annoyance at the two before flying away at top speed to ditch them after recovering from the harsh impact.

Later that day the two happily walk into town, both happily humming to themselves while Rainbow after finally losing them for now is currently napping one of the clouds from above which woke and irritated the peagsus to the point she formed earmuffs from the cloud in an attempt to mute their humming.

It is pretty clear from her expression that she does not want to spend time with the two as they both annoy the hay out of her with their antics whenever they are together.

“Hi, we’re looking for Rainbow Dash. Have you seen her?” Pinkie asked a group of ponies at a vegetable stand to which Rainbow quickly and futilely tried to duck for cover under the cloud she was just resting on.

“Hi there, have you seen Rainbow Dash?” Bunga then asked another pony who came up empty-hoofed. “Okay, thanks anyway.”

The two then pressed forward as they came across Twilight and Ono again.

“Twilight, Ono, have any of you seen Rainbow Dash anywhere?” Pinkie asked the two.

“Isn't she right up there?” Twilight questioned with a confused expression as she pointed to the peagsus’s rear sticking out from the cloud above them.

“Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie called out to her.

“If this is a game of hide and seek you’re doing a pretty bad job at it.” Bunga called out to her.

“If it is then it is quite obvious.” Ono dully noted that this is not one of her best attempts of hiding.

Thinking and acting quick she quickly flies off at top speed as Pinkie happily hops after them with Bunga running after the two. Rainbow flew as fast as her wings could propel her to Sweet Apple Acres. She then ducked for cover as she peered her head from the barn hoping that she lost the two.

“Phew. That was close.” Rainbow said in relief as she turned around only to see that they managed to catch up to her as they are both right in front of her.

“Hi!” The two greeted her as she screamed and took off flying away super-fast to try to ditch them again knocking some of the apples from the trees she flew right by as Pinkie and Bunga still happily follow after them.

Rainbow looked back as she flew away to the Golden Oaks Library and hid under the deep leaves of the tree. She peeked her head again as she looked around to her surroundings before ducking inside as she catches her breath thinking she lost them. Until…

“Hi again.” The two greeted them from just below her.

“Aah!” She screamed as she flew away again to the big pond just outside of Ponyville while wondering how the hay she was able to keep up with her.

As the two happily look around for her just as she is hiding from one of the clouds from above she quickly sneaks away in a tip-toe manner as the two head on the opposite direction while she makes it back to the pond.

But of course someway and somehow, the two managed to find her again as the two emerge from the pond right behind Rainbow with scuba gear to allow them to breath underwater.

“We need a favor, Rainbow Dash.” Pinkie again talked to the alarmed peagsus pony.

“Waaa…” She started to fly away again until she decided to just listen and hear the party pony and honey badger out in defeat. “…oh, forget it.”

“We totally promise it'll be totally fun.” Bunga added as he leaped up from the water and placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Okay.” Rainbow just sighed as she just wanted to get this over with.

The three make their way to City Hall where Pinkie instructs her to move a cloud from the sky in place just over the building entrance

“Over to the right. No no, a little to the left.” She instructed her as she struggled to perfectly match where she wants it positioned. “Oh wait, back to the right. Now a little leftish while staying rightly.” She said as an annoyed Rainbow Dash does exactly that. “Stop. Hmm.” She then said as she got a good look over the cloud’s placement.

“Maybe a few inches to the south. Now a couple centimeters north. Okay. One more smidgimeter to the…” Bunga then further instructed her with very minor adjustment moves as Rainbow’s patience was now wearing thin at this point.

“Bunga!” She shouted for him to just make the final position of the cloud perfectly clear.

“Uh, I mean, perfect.” Bunga finally relented that is now right where she wants it to be as she and Bunga peer through the window and see Spike gathering scrolls together from inside.

“Now wait for my signal.” Pinkie then instructed her as they watch the dragon from inside.

Spike then makes his way outside of the building when Pinkie and Bunga give Rainbow the signal as she then kicks the cloud making thunder and lightning briefly seen and heard as Spike finds himself startled by the loud sound as he drops the scrolls he was carrying.

“D-aah!” He screamed.

Pinkie and Bunga then appear behind him as he started hiccuping uncontrollably. Rainbow couldn’t help but smile at seeing this little prank as Pinkie and Bunga started bursting out into laughter.

“Gotcha!” Bunga said in the baby dragon’s direction as he laughed and rolled around in the ground.

“Oh Rainbow Dash, we startled Spike into getting the hiccups.” Pinkie told Rainbow as the cloud she was standing on descended to the ground as she joined in on the laughter.

“Good one, Pinkie Pie…” He hiccuped again, “…you too Bunga.” Spike said as he chuckled in amusement from the prank as well while hiccuping every few words he speaks. “You're always pulling a fast one…” He hiccuped again. “…on me.“ He said as he hiccuped a few more times mid-sentence.

Spike then picked up one of the scrolls only to accidentally send it away with a hiccuped breath of fire unable to control his dragon breath due to the hiccups.

“Oh no, you're not hurt are you?” Pinkie asked worried feeling she and Rainbow went a little too far there as Bunga was still caught up from laughing to notice.

“Ne…eh, don't be…silly, dragons are…fire-proof.” Spike continued to hiccup mid-sentence.

Unbeknownst to him the scroll he accidentally sent ended up appearing in front of Princess Celestia who was currently in her private study thus caught by surprise by the unexpected scroll.

“Oh, okay, good.” Pinkie said in relief as the two then join in on Bunga with their laughing as Spike presses forward with picking up the scrolls only to continue to lose control of his fire breath and send them all away to the Princess again leaving her ambushed by them just as she was reading the one Spike accidentally sent over.

“I wish the same thing were true with scrolls.” Spike said to himself as he tried to continue and repeat the process with every scroll he touches.

“Have you ever seen anything more hilarious?” Pinkie laughed as she turned to Rainbow.

“Not until now.” Bunga happily returned.

“I can think of one thing.” Rainbow said as she decides to pull the prank on Pinkie and Bunga thus startling them from the booming thunder it produced thus giving them the hiccups.

The two continue to find it funny as they both laughed and hiccuped repeatedly leaving Rainbow now starting to really warm up to them.

“I didn't take you two for pranksters, Pinkie Pie, Bunga.” Rainbow then said to them as their hiccups persisted.

“Are you kidding?” Bunga returned as their hiccups persisted. “We love to pull pranks.”

“It's all in good fun, and Pinkie Pie lo…oves to have…fun!” Pinkie added as she too hiccuped a few more times.

“You know Pinkie Pie, Bunga, you're not as annoying as I thought.” Rainbow then felt very pleased to see they all have common ground together. “You wanna hang out?” She offered to the two as they both hop around hiccuping along the way.

“That'd be…” Pinkie tried to speak as she hiccuped.

“I'd really…” Bunga tried to finish for Pinkie but too hiccuped.

“When do…” Pinkie tried to add as she hiccuped again.

“I mean…” Bunga then added as he hiccuped again.

“When would you…” Pinkie again tried to ask as Rainbow simply shakes her head before stopping them from moving with her right front hoof and left back hoof as the two appeared there.

“A simple nod would do.” Rainbow simply told them that will suffice.

“Mmm-hmm.” Both Pinkie and Bunga replied as they both nod at the same time.

With common ground the two now share with Rainbow Dash they head on over to a store purchase supplies they need to go on a pranking spree starting with Rarity.

The three start off with a bouquet of flowers planted right in front of her front door with Pinkie ringing on the door bell to get her attention.

“Is she even home?” Rainbow asked as they watched from the nearby bushes.

“I don't know. This is gonna be gold!” Pinkie returned.

“Oh, I can’t wait!” Bunga returned to express his excitement as they all snicker. “Oh! Oh! Quick! There she is!” He told them to duck as Rarity appears.

She looks down and sniffs at the flowers someone left behind for her only to start sneezing uncontrollably as she has pink powder on her nose from the flowers she had just sniffed.

Rarity then turns to see the prankster trio laughing as they reveal they have a can of sneezing powder with them.

Rainbow them ran off as she turns the prank onto Pinkie and Bunga as they suddenly find themselves sneezing uncontrollably too while Rarity looks on a little annoyed before finding it actually funny as Pinkie and Bunga are literally blown away from their own sneezes.

Next up is Twilight Sparkle and Ono as the former conducts an experiment while writing notes on a blank piece of paper she had set on her stand while the latter examines the note she had just written before finding the words suddenly vanishing just before he could have a chance to read them.

“What the…?” Ono could not say before Twilight shushed him as she concentrated on her experiment.

Twilight turned back to the table where she had a chemistry set on it as she added a green chemical to the blue chemical turning the latter into a purple color.

She then turned back to the paper and finds it her surprise it was blank leaving her struggling to remember what to do next as she switched back and forward between them until the brewing mixture puffed up into a little explosion which sent Ono flying back hard into the nearby way.

She then looked at her ink pot closely until she heard laughter from outside courtesy of Rainbow and Pinkie revealing to her as they laughed they replaced her ink with vanishing ink.

Twilight smiled in amusement while Ono who had recovered from the explosion just rolls his eyes as the former walked off to fetch herself more ink as the two laughed from outside.

Next up, is Applejack who has accepted help from Beshte in doing farm work with his spare time but as the two were both walking out of the barn shock sparked in the farm pony’s eyes.

“Land sakes!” She exclaimed as the two see all of the apples of the nearby orchard are all multi-colored.

They then turn to the direction of snickering heard from around and see it is coming from both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie who both are wearing artists caps with paint brushes in their mouths and small wooden boards with small spots of paint on them.

They both chuckle until Applejack comes charging at them tossing apples at them looking very angry and hurt as Beshte examines one of the apples and licks at it to reveal it was painted along with the other apples.

“Huh, paint?” Beshte questioned as he sees that this was all just a prank set up by the two ponies to which Applejack came to the same conclusion as she sees the paint from one of the apples that she tossed into the water barrel during her rage at the two wash off.

Applejack then chuckled in amusement when she realized that it was just a prank too with whatever anger she had towards them immediately vanishing.

“How about that?” She commented as she got the joke as Beshte couldn’t help but wonder why she reacted that way but laughed in amusement to the prank.

Next up is Fluttershy and Kion as Pinkie and Bunga have created a fake turtle that squirts water in the victim’s eyes which is attached by a long string that stretches all the way across the pond where Fluttershy is tending to the animals living there by feeding them bread crumbs to them to snack on with some of the fish and turtles approaching her waiting in anticipation to be feed.

“Is someone over there? Who're we gonna squirt? Who're we gonna squirt?” Pinkie eagerly asked as she hopped up and down with her mouth gripping on the ball that releases the water squirt ready to pull the trigger as Bunga watches their target from afar.

“Kion and Fluttershy.” Rainbow answered as she looked at her through the telescope.

“Oh okay we'll just...." Pinkie replied before double-taking of what she had just said. "Wait, WHAT?” Pinkie exclaimed in shock of the idea of who they are about to prank as she spit out the rubber ball. “Nononononono, I mean sure we can prank Kion but we definitely and I mean we cannot prank Fluttershy, I mean, she's so sensitive. It'll hurt her feelings, even our most harmless prank.” She strongly opposed to the idea.

“Yeah, you're right.” Rainbow reluctantly backed off with a raspberry in disappointment. “Huh. We need another victim who's made of tougher stuff. So, who's it gonna be?” She then said as she continued looking through the telescope.

“Oh, I've got someone in mind. “ Pinkie replied as she chuckled in amusement. “The toughest around.”

“Oh, awesome. Who? Who? Do I know them?” Rainbow asked as she looked around yet is oblivious that this is a black ring around her left eye as a result from the telescope.

“Oh, yes. You're very close.” She said as she pointed her in the direction of the pond to which Rainbow finally sees what prank Pinkie has pulled on her.

“Good one, Pinkie Pie.” She returned as she took it in stride as they both share a good laugh about it as Rainbow offered her hoof for a hoof-bump only to pull it away at the last second a few times as light payback.

“You got to admit that was funny Bunga.” Pinkie said as she turned to Bunga who to her surprise wasn’t there. “Bunga? Where did he go?” She asked Rainbow who looked around until she spotted the fake turtle to which Fluttershy and Kion finally noticed and then finds themselves repeatedly squirted by it.

“Huh?” Both Kion and Fluttershy said in confusion as they finds themselves really splashed and left soaking wet by Bunga as he released a prolonged squirt of water along with splashing a face-full of water right in the peagsus's face.

“Hey! Ha ha! Bunga!” Kion laughed as he got splashed while Fluttershy on the other hand didn’t find it so funny yet was more upset at being pranked like that.

“Gotcha!” Bunga shouted as he fell back into the water laughing on his back as he swims away leaving the hurt peagsus flying away crying as she heads for home to which the lion’s laughter immediately vanished upon seeing her feelings were hurt.

Bunga swims back where Rainbow and Pinkie are feeling very proud with himself while not realizing how much he had hurt Fluttershy’s feelings nor his nearby friend’s shocked reactions that he actually did that to her.

“Bunga?!” Pinkie said with a very shocked and disapproving look.


“Were you not listening to me?”

“I listened to the part of who Rainbow says we’re pranking and after you two got distracted I went ahead pulled the joke on her.” Bunga replied that Pinkie’s stance against pranking her was not heard as he went ahead with it. “What’s the big deal?” He wondered why Pinkie is making a big deal over someone getting pranked.

“Because Fluttershy is too sensitive to handle being pranked even the most harmless ones.” Pinkie returned as she kept up her disappointment in him.

“Plus that wasn’t very nice to make her cry like that.“ Kion joined in on scolding their friend.

“Aw, come on.” Bunga dismissed it as he still laughs. “She just doesn’t have a sense of humor. I mean come on she had water squirted in her face. It’s funny.”

“Maybe to you, but would you find it funny if someone pulled a hurtful prank on you?” Kion somewhat seriously returned. “How you feel if someone made you cry like that?”

“If it is a prank similar to what I just pulled I sure would.” Bunga replied while simply shrugging the point his friends were trying to make again as he walked off ahead. “Since when is there someone who could pull a prank that even I wouldn’t find funny?”

Pinkie could only look on while frowning at his insensitive treatment towards Fluttershy as he still has no idea what he did was wrong while Kion looks simply disappointed while Rainbow is stuck in between as she too sees that Bunga went too far by pranking Fluttershy yet fines no harm in the prank.

The next day, Pinkie and Bunga both make their way to a town on top of clouds where Rainbow Dash lives. Both Bunga and Pinkie has on silly glasses, a clown nose, a mustache, an antenna with an arrow on it that makes it look like an arrow is sticking through her head, along with noise blowers in their mouths.

“Rise and shine Rainbow Dash!” Bunga called out.

“It's a brand new day and we got a lot of pranking to…“ Pinkie also called out as to the duo’s surprise someone else answers their call. “Ooh.”

Above them was a creature with brown and white fur with the combined appearance of an eagle and a lion which caused their fake glasses to fall off.

“Mornin', Pinks. Bunga.“ Rainbow greeted them as she flew down to the ground with the visitor joining by her side. “Gilda, this is my gal pal, Pinkie Pie, and this is my little clown pal, Bunga.” She introduced them.

“Hey. What's up?” She greeted them.

“Pinkie, Bunga, this is my griffon friend, Gilda.”

“What's a griffon?” Pinkie asked.

“She's half-eagle, half-lion.”

“And all awesome. Raa. Heh-haa. Yeah, that's right.” Gilda boasted as she and Rainbow laughed together while sharing a hand-hoof bump together.

“Gilda's my best friend from my days at Junior Speedster flight camp. Hey, remember the chant?”

“Sha, they made us recite it every morning, I'll never get that lame thing out of my head.”

“Sooo...” Rainbow said with an urging expression to get her to do it.

“Ugh. Only for you, Dash.” She relented as they flew up and performed a chant together with her friend more enthusiastic as she performs it in contrast to her dull tone and little movements.

“Junior Speedsters are our lives,

Sky-bound soars and daring dives

Junior Speedsters, it's our quest,

To someday be the very best!”

Both Pinkie and Bunga both laughed in amusement as Rainbow Dash takes it in pride while Gilda looks offended thinking they were making fun of her.

“That was un-Bunga-leivable!” Bunga voiced with how impressed he is by their chant. “Just about as good as our battle cry before going into action.”

“Oh that was awesome, and it gave me a great idea for a prank.” Pinkie then complimented as she got another idea as she put on silly glasses and face back on. “Gilda, you game?”

“Huh. Well, I groove on a good prank as much as the next griffon. But Dash, you promised me we'd get a flying session in this morning.” She politely excused herself as she flew back up in the air.

“Yeah, uh, well, Pinkie Pie, Bunga, you two don't mind, do you? Gilda just got here.” Rainbow apologetically returned. “We'll catch up with you later.”

“Oh. Um, well sure, no problem. Have fun you guys, I'll, uh, just catch up with you later.” She accepted with an understanding tone before sadly sighing as she flatly blew into her noise maker just as sadly as the two fly off ahead now feeling sad and alone.

“Don’t worry.” Bunga assured her with a friendly pat on the back. “She’ll come back and around when she is done catching up with her childhood friend faster than you can say “To the Pride Lands end, Lion Guard defend.” three times fast.”

Shortly after the two left, the two flyers performed a series of aerial movements at super speed as they race towards the clouds to which Gilda won as Rainbow caught up as the two share a laugh once Rainbow landed beside her.

“Whoa, that was sweet. Just like old times.“ Gilda felt pleased of the fun they just had together.

“Yeah, only faster. So now what?” Rainbow returned as they shared a fist bump together.

“Hey there.” Pinkie greeted the two as she interrupts them as she got in between their next attempted fist-bump with a brief leap and peak through the clouds.

“Huh?” The two said in confusion of what had just happened as Bunga leaps up and down as he and Pinkie trade bounces to converse with them.

“It's later. And we caught up.” Pinkie said in between bounces from a trampoline they used.

“Bunga, Pinkie Pie, you two are so random.” Rainbow laughed in amusement at their antics as Gilda doesn’t return the same sentiment towards the two.

“Hey Dash, think you got enough gas left to beat me to that cloud?” Gilda challenged her friend to another race.

“A race? You are so on.” She eagerly accepted the challenge.

“One, two, three, go.” The two with wings flew off at top speed for a short race leaving Pinkie and Bunga behind.

“Hey!” They said in surprise by their sudden departure.

The two then raced neck in neck with each other to the cloud which resulted Rainbow winning by a small margin as she flew through the cloud.

“I win.” Rainbow proclaimed.

“As if. I won, dude.” Gilda asserted otherwise.

“No way.”

“Yes way.”

“Oh, come on, I was way ahead of you.”

“Uh, I don't think so.”

“Oh Geez, dream on.”

“Remember back in camp? I–

“There is no way you beat me.”


While the two were arguing who won, Pinkie floated up with an enormous load of balloons on her back with Bunga riding on the party pony’s back to be able to join her friend in mid-air.

“Wow guys, that was really close…” Pinkie called out them which alarmed the two upon hearing her voice again. “…but I think Rainbow Dash beat you by a teeny weeny itty bitty hair, or a teeny weeny itty bitty feather.”

“I have to agree with the pink pony.” Bunga said in agreement to vouch that he saw it too.

“Hah, see? Good thing Pinkie Pie and Bunga are here to keep you honest, G.” Rainbow proudly boasted as Gilda’s anger simmers further upon their presence.

“Okay... Dash…” She then reined in her anger as she pointed up to another cloud. “…last one to that cloud up there is a gnarly dragon egg. Go!” As Rainbow took off in a flash leaving a cloud of dust behind Gilda remained as she scowled at the two. “I think the high altitude is making you dizzy.” She told them as she popped enough balloons to send them back to the ground.

“Wait, guys!” She shouted after them before getting a new machine that works like a bicycle expect it looks like she is swimming with Bunga still riding on her back. ”Oh wow, you guys almost got away from us that time.” She told the two as they landed on the next cloud as they caught with them again.

“I gotta say this sure is fun!” Bunga remarked as the griffon is getting visibly and increasingly irritated with them trying to hang out with them.

“So, Dash, got any new moves in your tricktionary, or are you 100% old school?” She asked of her friend with a smile.

“New moves? Heh, sit back G, this is gonna take a while.” Rainbow replied as she flew off to perform them leaving her out of earshot.

“Hey Pinkie, Bunga, c'mere.” She politely gestured and baited them to lean close.

“Yeah?” They innocently asked as she grabs onto the pole while getting into the honey badger’s face in a now suddenly hostile and unfriendly manner.

“Don't you two know how to take get lost for an answer?” She angrily threatened them as she briefly pinched the pink mare’s nose. “Dash doesn't need to hang with dweebs like you two now that I'm around. You're dorkin' up the skies, Bingo and Stinkie Pie, so make like a bee and BUZZ OFF.”

With that said she slams her claws on the propellers before sending the flying device with the two screaming for a crash landing back onto the ground.

“Whaaa-aaa–“ They both screamed as they descended just as Rainbow returned.

“Try matching that.” She challenged her friend before noticing the two trying to hang out with them have disappeared. “Hey, where's Pinkie Pie, Bunga, along with her crazy contraption?” She asked.

“Eh, she left. Something about being as busy as a bee.” She lied through her teeth as the two crashed down below.

“Hmph!” Pinkie felt upset and disappointed with the griffon’s condescending attitude.

“Well that wasn’t very friendly!” Bunga commented while frowning with the mean griffon’s attitude towards them. “And my name’s Bunga!” He shouted in Gilda’s direction which was barely heard by the griffon as it echoed through the sky who simply scoffs it off as she flies away with Rainbow.

Having finally decided to give up trying to spend time with them the two made their way back to the Golden Oak’s Library where Twilight, Spike, Kion, and Ono are to explain to them of what they had just experienced.

“So Pinkie Pie, Bunga, you two are you sure that this friend of Rainbow Dash is really so mean?” Twilight questioned as she paid more attention to the book she is currently looking up.

“Um, yeah.” Pinkie firmly answered and vented her frustration to them. “She keeps stealing Rainbow Dash away, she pops my balloons, and she told us to buzz off. I've never met a griffon this mean. Well, actually, we've never met a griffon at all, but I bet if I had, she wouldn't have been as mean and grumpy as Gilda.”

“A griffon?” Ono asked with a quizzical expression. “I’m not sure if I ever met one before.”

“Me neither.” Kion could only say about it as Twilight had already made up her mind on her thoughts about what Pinkie is telling them.

“You know what I think, Pinkie Pie.” Twilight began speaking her mind to get her attention. “Well, I think... you're jealous.”

“Jealous?” She said taken aback by her response.

“Green with envy. Well, in your case, pink with envy.” Spike commented as he continued reading his book.

“Well, yes. Jealous.” She calmly confirmed on what she had just said. “Listen Pinkie, I don't want to upset you, but just because Rainbow Dash has another friend doesn't make Gilda a grump. I mean, perhaps it's you, Pinkie, who needs to improve her attitude.”

“Improve my attitude?” Pinkie returned as she took offense to that. “But I... d... b.. it's Gilda that... d... are you seri...“ She stammered before she stormed out in frustration complete with slamming the door after herself.

“Wow, she sure took it hard.” Bunga said in response to what had just happened.

“Well considering her feelings were hurt it would make sense.” Kion returned as he turned to face their unicorn friend. “Along with not believing with what she said.”

“Well I mean…” Twilight said taken aback as she stammered a little in her defense before fully replying. “She was getting mad that she couldn’t spend as much time with Rainbow Dash as much as she did yesterday.”

“And she did say she was hanging out with a griffon which none of us have ever seen before.” Ono added.

“Are you saying you believe her?” Spike asked as he faced the lion cub with his eyes of his book.

“I do.” He answered. “Pinkie doesn’t make things up and she did sound serious from when she explained it to us.”

“And I was also there.” Bunga vouched for her. “Although I would have had to see a creature with the body of a lion and the head of an eagle.”

“Wait what?” Twilight said in surprise as she shuffled through her books and found the description and the page she was looking for. “Oh, boy.”

“What?” Kion asked.

“Well, other than my discovery of the griffon...” Twilight said as she showed him the page and image of said creature. “…is that I was too quick not to fully hear her out.” She then said as she regretted making her friend run out of the place. “I owe her an apology the next time I see her.”

“Oh no worries.” Bunga said as he made his way out the door. “I’ll just catch up with her and tell her for you. Besides she needs one of her best friends by her side.”

With that Bunga made his way out the door and ran off ahead to meet with the party pony.

“Well, I must be going too.” Ono then spoke up as he flew out the door too. “I promised I’d help Fluttershy help some baby ducks walk through town. I’ll catch you three later.”

Meanwhile Pinkie is feeling conflicted right now as she makes her way through town.

“Maybe Twilight is right. Maybe Gilda isn't a big meanie grumpy mean-meanie-pants. Maybe I'm just a big jealous judgmental jealous-jealousy-pants.” She said to herseld as she walked through the park and to town to help herself to a smoothie from a nearby café with outdoor seating where Bunga was able to catch up with her.

“Hey, Pinkie Pie, you doing okay?” He asked.

“Eeh.” Pinkie dully answered.

Before Bunga could get another word in they heard Rainbow and Gilda fly in.

“That was sweet.” She laughed as they flew in for a brief landing. “Ugh, I gotta take care of a few weather jobs around here. Shouldn't take long. Just, uh, hang out in town and I'll come find ya.”

“That's cool, I guess. I'm gonna go chow down.” The griffon returned as her flying companion flew off.


As soon as Rainbow left her kind and smiling mask drops as she immediately looks for ways to entertain herself with a mischievous smile.

She then sees a nearby vegetable stand where Granny Smith is walking by as she sniffs the nearby vegetables she quickly headed on over there and sticked her tail out for her to see.

“Aaah! A rattler, a rattler!” The elderly pony shrieked in fright. “Run for the hills! Everybody forsake yourselves!” She screamed as she slowly moved as fast as she could due to her old age.

Gilda laughed as she used her tail to pat a tomato on the stand to make it look like she was considering whether to buy it or not.

“This stuff ain't fresh, dude.” She told the surprised vendor in a disgusted tone before walking off.

“Aw, poor Granny Smith, she didn't know it was a joke! How mean!” Pinkie felt sympathy for her. “No, no, I can't misjudge her. It was kind of a funny prank, I guess.”

“Well, I mean maybe if was somepony else…” Bunga tried to make light of the joke at least until he saw her stealthily steal and eat an apple from a fruit stand while everyone there was distracted to which he gasped in appalled shock upon seeing that.

“I did misjudge her! She's not only a meanie mean-pants, she's also a thief!” Bunga also then said feeling displeased with what he had just saw.

“Nonononono….” Pinkie insisted from thinking the worst of her. “She might give it back. It's just a joke.”

“Um, how?” Bunga questioned.

Before Pinkie could reply they saw Fluttershy and Ono guiding a family of ducks across town.

“All right little ones, this way, this way. Mama duck, you're free and clear.” She gently told them as she walked backwards with Ono flying beside her unaware that Gilda walking opposite from them.

“Hey.” She shouted as she accidentally bumped into her.

“Please excuse me.” She politely addressed her.

“I'm walkin' here.” She yelled at her.

“Oh, um, I'm sorry. I-I-I was just trying to...” Fluttershy tried to apologize as she slowly backed away as the duck family scattered from the griffon’s hostile attitude.

“I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” Gilda said in a mocking tone. “Why don't you two just watch where you're going, doofus, you too bird brain?”

“Hey now that was just uncalled for!” Ono said in the girl’s defense.

“B-b-b-but I... I...” Fluttershy stammered as the griffon inhaled deeply before letting loose a huge roar in their faces which sent Ono flying into the table and into Pinkie’s smoothie and left Fluttershy driven to tears as she flies away crying.

Everyone watching the scene including Bunga and Ono could not believe of what Gilda just did and said to them.

“Ugh, please, all these lame ponies are driving me buggy. I gotta bail.” Gilda scoffed in disgust before flying away as Bunga and Pinkie both now look very angry at her direction.

“Ono are you okay?” Bunga asked the egret as he picked him up from the smoothie he landed in.

“Affirmative.” He replied before passing out.

“She's a grump, and a thief, and a bully! The meanest kind of mean meanie-pants there is!” Pinkie said very furious now. “I can take it, but no one treats Fluttershy like that. No. One.”

“Just wait until I get my hands on you griffon!” Bunga then said as he started to follow after her with his fists pounded together ready to give her what for until Pinkie halted him with a raised hoof.

“Hold on!” Pinkie told him.


“Because a situation like this calls for extreme measures, Pinkie Pie style!” She then said with determination.

“Oh, what are we talking about?” Bunga wondered in excitement as his expression turned into confusion as the next thing he knows is that everyone has gathered over to Sugarcube Corner for a party.

“Welcome, welcome. Welcome!” She greeted everypony including her friends along with the rest of the Lion Guard.

“Who's this Gilda I've heard nothing about?” Applejack questioned Rarity.

“I hear she's an old friend of Rainbow Dash. A griffon, so rare.” She returned as they walked to another part of the room together as Kion and Twilight catch up with Fluttershy and Ono.

“So is it true?” Kion asked.

“You've met Gilda, right? What's she like?” Twilight also asked.

“Oh, um, well, I'll tell you later, Twilight.” Fluttershy returned not very eager to talk about her as she walked on over to Pinkie greeting the guests.

“Oh yes.” Ono answered as he recovered from his backwards flight. “She’s everything Bunga described him to be the body of a lion with a head of an eagle. And I can you for a fact that she is not a nice girl if you’re not Rainbow Dash since she roared at me and Fluttershy and sent me flying into pony food while having the girl run off in tears.” He then said as he shook some of the oats that got in his wings off. “Eww. Oats.” He groaned as he shook them off and away.

“Welcome. Welcome.”

“Um, Pinkie Pie, about this party for Gilda. Umm... do you really think it's a good idea? I mean…” Fluttershy voiced her doubts about it.

“Don't worry your pretty little head about mean old Gilda.” Pinkie interrupted as she patted her on the head like an older relative to which she didn’t fully appreciate. “Your auntie Pinkie Pie's got it all taken care of.”

“I'm a year older than you.” She irritably said in the bouncing pony’s direction as the griffon that made her cry earlier had arrived.

“Gilda! I'm so honored to throw you one of my signature Pinkie Pie parties, and I really, truly, sincerely, hope you feel welcome here amongst all us pony folk.” She happily greeted her despite their animosity towards each other.” She greeted and offered her hoof for a handshake.

Gilda reluctantly took her hoof and then is met with a powerful shock that knocked her out briefly as a result of Pinkie shocking her with a hand buzzer in her hoof.

“Oh Pinkie Pie, the old hoof-shake buzzer. You are a scream.” Rainbow laughed along with her as Bunga and Ono joined in on the laughter much to Kion’s surprise when he noticed.

“Man, she got you good!” Bunga laughed at the prank pulled on Gilda.


“What? She had that coming.” The honey badger innocently said in his defense with a shrug.

“Yeah, uh, good one, Pinkie Pie.” Gild returned with a begrudging smile.

“Come on G, I'll introduce you to some of my other friends.” Rainbow led the way

“Right behind you, Dash!” She called out with a smile before whispering a threat to Pinkie. “I know what you're up to.”

“Great.” She cheerfully returned leaving the agitated griffon to have to clarify some more.

“Rrrh. I know what you're planning.”

“Well, I hope so. This wasn't supposed to be a surprise party.” She just giggled in return.

“I mean, I've got my eye on you.” She clarified to let her know that prank was her doing.

“And I got my eye on you.” Pinkie returned while eyeing her closely still acting like nothing bad happened. “Everyone, I'd like you all to meet Gilda, a long-time, dear friend of Rainbow Dash. Let's honor her and welcome her to Ponyville.”

All of the ponies cheered for her as she had bring up another smile just to keep a good face in front of her best friend who joins by her side with a hoof on her shoulder. Although, Ono, Fluttershy, and Fuli refuse to cheer for her because she hurt the egret and peagsus’s feelings and Fuli could tell from first glance that she is a mean jerk after seeing her threaten Pinkie Pie.

“Please help yourself.” The pink mare offered snacks to her as the griffon eyed the lemon colored ones.

“Vanilla lemon drops. Don't mind if I do.” She helped herself to one and suddenly finds a burning sensation in her mouth. “HOT!” She screamed with fire from her mouth as Pinkie and Bunga get sticks with marshmallows on them and placed them over the griffons fiery breath so they could roast their sugary treats.

“G, the punch!” Rainbow gestured her to said green-colored drink on the table which to her surprise finds the liquid from the cup.

“Huh?” She exclaimed upon seeing the beverage spill onto her fur.

“Well, whaddya know, pepper in the vanilla lemon drops, and the punch served in a dribble glass!” Pinkie laughed as everyone else joins in on the laughter even Kion starts finding these practical jokes funny.

“Ha! Priceless, priceless!” Rainbow said in laughter.

“Yeah, hilarious.” Gilda kept her cool has she washed down the peppered treats with water while still looking annoyed by these constant pranks.

“No kidding, that was hilarious!” Bunga laughed as he fell flat back on the ground.

“Once for we can agree that was funny.” Fuli remarked as she sees that she is getting what is coming to her.

“Hey G, look! Presents!” Rainbow pointed to the gift wrapped boxes to which got Gilda really smiling.

She opened a cylinder shaped one which led to her being greeted with multiple snakes flying out of the can and in her face as everyone laughs.

“Spittin' snakes. Hah, somepony pulled that prank on me last month.” Applejack shared with Rarity.

“Ha ha. I bet I know who that was.” Gilda commented while deadpan.

“You do?” Pinkie asked as if she really does have an idea who.

Later after a bried break from the amusing entertainment everyone happily chatted while helping themselves to refreshments.

“Cake time, everypony!” She then called out as she rolled out a cart with a large cake on it.

“Hey, can I blow out the candles?” Spike asked.

“No wait! Let me blow them out!” Bunga also spoke up wanting to do it.

“Guys!” Kion called out to the two before they could get into an argument.

“Why don't we let Gilda blow out the candles, Spike? She is the guest of honor after all.” Twilight kindly suggested out of politeness as the eager griffon pushes Spike out of the way which really annoyed the unicorn for her lack of manners as she helps the baby dragon to his feet.

“Exactly.” She said as she blew away the candles with a deep breath before looking on proudly but finds the candles re-lit themselves.

Everyone ended up laughing at the prank as Gilda tries her hardest to completely blow them out multiple times yet the candles remain re-lit.

She took another deep breath, blew them out again, yet the candles remain lit.

“Re-lighting birthday candles, I love that prank! What a classic.” Spike chuckled as he got a crack out of that.

“Now, I wonder who could've done that.” Pinkie wondered as she put a hoof up her chin.

“Yeah, I wonder.” Gilda questioned while glaring at the earth pony as they hear munching from inside of the cake.

“Mmm, who cares. This cake is amazing.“ Spike said as he and Bunga already got started chowing it down and emerged from the top.

“Oh, yeah!” Bunga said as the sugary frosting starts melting in his mouth.

“Spike.” Twilight scolded.

“Bunga.” Kion also scolded.

“What? It's great, try some.”

“Yeah, lighten up, little tiger.”

“Hey G, you're not upset about some silly candles, are you?” Rainbow kindly asked her friend as her hardened glare turned into a smile as Rainbow walks up to her.

“No way, Dash. Like I said, I'm down with a good prank.” Gilda insisted as she kept her cool.

“Come on then, let's have some cake.” Rainbow said as he ran off ahead to get some cake before Spike and Bunga eat it all up as Gilda’s friendly smile turns into an angry frown directed at the pink mare hosting the party as she grabbed her by the neck as she started biting into the cake and pulling her behind the cake out of everyone’s sight.

“Hey, I'm watching you. Like a hawk.” She again threatened her.

“Why? Can't you watch me like a griffon?” Pinkie again played innocent as they both smile and emerge from behind the enormous dessert.

“Hey y'all, it's pin the tail on the pony. Let's play.” Applejack called out.

“Oh, my favorite game. Can I go first? Can I have the purple tail?” Rarity asked as she her ears perked up in delight as she moved it pick it up.

“Well, I am the guest of honor, and I'll have the purple tail.” Gilda rudely snatched it away before Rarity could grab it much to her annoyance.

“Yeah, Gilda should definitely go first. Let's get you blindfolded.” Pinkie encouraged as Spike puts the blindfold over her eyes.

“Hey what— ugh— what are you doing? Rrrah!” Gilda growled as Spike quickly put the blindfold on.

“We're spinning you around and around and then you can pin the tail on the pony. Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail.” Pinkie said as she spun her around really fast before directing and guiding her to the direction of the pony drawing she has pin the tail.

“Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail.” She repeated in a mocking tone. “Hmph, yeah, right. This is another prank, isn't it? I'm going this way.” Gilda refused and turned away thinking she is being set up to be pranked again.

“Wait. The poster is this…” Pinkie tried to call out to her as she ends up slipping on the icing and finds herself sliding her way out the door.

“Whoa whaa waah waah waaaaah!” She screamed as she crashed into the outside trash cans.

“Uh, Gilda? You pinned the tail on the wrong end.” Pinkie pointed out as she stands up with the tail now over her nose along with being covered in icing.

Everyone laughs again finding it very funny as Gilda now has clearly had enough of this accidental humiliation as she roars after snapping at everyone.

“This is your idea of a good time? I've never met a lamer bunch of dweebs in all my life!” She shouted at everyone as she turned to the pink pony. “And Pinkie Pie, you! You are queen lame-o with your weak little party pranks! Did you really think you could make me lose my cool? Well, Dash and I have ten times as much cool as the rest of you put together! Come on Dash, we're bailing on this pathetic scene. Come on, Rainbow Dash.” She then finished as she prepared to make her leave but to her surprise Rainbow isn’t following her. “I said, we're leaving.”

“You know Gilda, I was the one who set up all those weak pranks at this party.” She calmly yet furiously retorted.

“What?” Gilda said in shock at this revelation.

“Ooh.” Pinkie said.

“I did not see that coming.” Bunga also said as Rainbow gets in front of her friends defense as she continues.

“So I guess I'm queen lame-o.”

“Come on, Dash, you're joshing me.” Gilda tried to play it off yet Rainbow isn’t having it.

“They weren't all meant for you specifically, it was just dumb luck that you set them all off.”

“I shoulda known, that dribble cup had Rainbow Dash written all over it.” Pinkie told Spike and Bunga.

“No way, i-it was Pinkie Pie! She set up this party to trip me up, to make a fool of me.” Gilda protested that she had ulterior motives for hosting this party.

“Me? I threw this party to improve your attitude. I thought a good party might turn that frown upside down.” Pinkie replied asserting that was all she was just trying to do.

“And you sure didn't need any help making a fool of yourself. You know, this is not how I thought my old friends would treat my new friends. If being cool is all you care about, maybe you should go find some new cool friends someplace else.” Rainbow said as she further stood up to the grumpy griffion.

“And now it is time for you to go!” Kion fiercely said as he stepped forward. “Now!”

“Or what, little cub?” Gilda challenged the young lion as Twilight conjured a magic shield to protect everyone behind him. “You going try to force me out?”

Kion simply locks her eyes on Gilda as she gets ready to fight him as he unleashes the Roar of the Elders just when she attempted to make a charge at him sending her flying out of Ponyville and as far as to the Everfree Forest as the griffon flies away in a huff after recovering from the Roar's impact.

“Unbeleivable.” Kion said in disgust with her unacceptable behavior.

“Not cool.” Rainbow could only say in agreement.

“Wow, talk about a party pooper.” Spike added as everyone else wonders what was her problem.

“I'm sorry everypony, for bringing Gilda here. I didn't know how rude she was.” She apologized to everyone. “And Pinkie Pie, I'm really sorry she ruined that awesome party you put on for her.”

“Hey, if you want to hang out with party poopers, that's your business.” Pinkie replied it’s not her fault.

“I'd rather hang out with you. No hard feelings?”

“No hard feelings.”

They shook hoofs yet both ended feeling shocked afterwards because they both had joy buzzers on their hoofs. The two shared a good laugh with each other as well as everyone else.

“Hey Pinkie. Sorry I accused you of misjudging Gilda.” Twilight took her turn in apologizing. “Looks like I'm the one who misjudged you.”

“It's okay Twilight.” Pinkie accepted her apology. ”Even you can't be a super smart smarty smart-pants all the time.

“That’s true though speaking of apologies…” Bunga spoke up as he turned to Fluttershy with his hands behind his back as he felt it was best after seeing Gilda’s brand of pranks that he went too far in pranking Fluttershy. “Can you forgive me as well? I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings back there.”

“Of course I can.” Fluttershy warmly accepted his apology as she brought him in for a hug. “After all I will love every critter no matter what.” She said as she nuzzled the honey badger in her grasp to which everyone said “Aww” at.

“Come on everypony, there's still a whole lotta party to finish.” Pinkie called out to everyone as they all cheer ready to continue the celebration as Twilight gets an idea along with a mischievous idea along with as she thinks about her newest friendship lesson.

"You know..." Bunga brought up. "Throughout our pranking spree there is one friend we have never actually pranked." He said as he turned to the cheetah with a devious smile who looks surprised at first but then relaxes herself as if she is ready to accept whatever they have in mind for her once Pinkie and Rainbow get the same idea.

"All right." She relented in defeat. "But first, can I offer you three some punch as a token of our friendship." She then offered as she secretly added pepper and lemon drops in separate cups of punch with her tail accompanied by a hidden smirk.

"Why thank you, Fuli." Bunga happily accepted as Rainbow and Pinkie do so without question as the others are now silently amazed of how sly and sneaky the cheetah is being as the three happily accept her offer as they all down their drinks in one gulp before suddenly finding themselves breathing fire along with being knocked back when Fuli unleashes the fake snakes from the cans to knock them back as she makes her escape.

"Bye!" She said as she ran out of the building as fast as she could leaving the three just jaw-dropped stunned of how Fuli tricked them like that.

"Oh, it's on!" Rainbow then said now eager for a challenge as speeds off ahead after the cheetah while Bunga rides on Pinkie as they keep pace with her.

"Wait for us!" Pinkie and Bunga shouted after her as the others continue to party on as the others particularly the remaining Guard and Mane Six all laugh in amusement and amazement with Fuli's counter prank and out-doing the prank masters in a cunning fashion.

“Dearest Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that it's hard to accept when somepony you like wants to spend time with somepony who's not so nice. Though it's impossible to control who your friends hang out with, it is possible to control your own behavior. Just continue to be a good friend. In the end, the difference between a false friend and one who's true will surely come to light.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle.”

The letter made its way to Princess Celestia’s private room as she is sitting by the fireplace. After she reads the letter she pulls out a blank paper as she dips her quill pen with the ink Twilight sent over.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle,”

My most faithful student...”

She began as she suddenly noticed the ink she used was vanished immediately after writing then sees the label on the ink bottle she used was really the invisible ink Rainbow and Pinkie used on her.

“Oh! Heh, wrong ink.” She chuckled to herself in amusement as she gets herself her actual inkpot so she can continue writing her reply letter back to Twilight.

Author's Note:

In this chapter, it's a Day in the Limelight for Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and Bunga with their common bond as Pinkie and Bunga find it with Rainbow Dash who initially found their antics annoying, their love for pulling pranks.

Aside from the main arc, there is Bunga having to come to terms with knowing who and when to back off pulling a prank on as his antics tend to dip into Kick the Dog territory though it isn't until after seeing Gilda actually see the hurt feelings she inflicted on everyone around her for him to see that.

Next up is "Boast Busters." as the humble unicorn leader of the Guard comes to terms with an important lesson on accepting her talents and working the courage of knowing the fine line of what's bragging and showing off and what's not.

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