• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 4,123 Views, 145 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 1) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard and The Mane Six both work together to spread the magic of friendship while protecting Equestria and the Pride Lands.

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Episode 10: Eye of the Beholder

Episode 10:

Eye of the Beholder

Following the peagsus ponies storm the other night, the Guard all prepares for another patrol together. Today they come across Janja and his hyenas again as they plan to try to score wildebeest while creating a cover of dust to keep the Guard all unable to properly spot them out as many of them are having trouble dodging the oncoming wildebeest to avoid getting hit and injured in the process.

“Kion!” Fuli called out as she helped Kion out of the way. “How are we supposed to chase off the hyenas? We can't even see them with all this dust.” She groaned as they struggled to avoid getting trampled.

“I'm sure that's part of Janja's plan, Fuli.” Kion replied as Ono calls out to them from above.

“Kion! Fuli! Look out!” He warned them of an oncoming wildebeest about to run them over to which Twilight quickly teleports them out of the way before they could get hit.

“Kabisa! Whoa! Thanks Twilight! Good eyes, Ono!” He said to both the unicorn and the egret. “Keep 'em peeled for Janja and his clan!” He then instructed of him as Rainbow tries her hardest to subdue the forming dust around them with her wings.

“Peeled eyes? Ew.” He said in disgust thinking he meant literally before locking his eyes on Cheezi and Chungu about to hunt down a lone young wildebeest. “Hapana!” He gasped as he alerted the other members of the Guard. “Bunga, Applejack, Pinkie, Beshte! I see Cheezi and Chungu! They're behind that bush!”

“Let's get 'em.” Bunga declared as they head on over in that direction.

Just as Cheezi and Chungu were approaching their prey, they suddenly find the young one lassoed away by Applejack with Pinkie blasted confetti from her confetti cannon to knock them away.

“Huh?” Cheezi said in surprise.

“What?” Chungu also said just as surprised.

“Twende kiboko!” Beshte said as he charged at the two thus forcing them to retreat.

“Zuka Zama!” Bunga declared as he rides on Beshte’s back while Fluttershy comforts the young animal that would have been prey if it weren’t for Ono’s keen eyesight.

“There, there, young one. It’s okay. You’re safe now.” She assured him as she hugged him.

“That takes care of those two.” He said pleased to his work in progress while Rainbow continues to keep settling the dust around them.

Meanwhile Kion is trying his hardest to avoid getting hit by the wildebeest and nearly got hit by another one to which he is saved in the nick of time by Twilight’s magic as she and Rarity work together to form a mixed pink and blue dome for them stay safe from nearly getting run over.

“Ono! Look for Janja! We chase him off, the rest of the hyenas will go, too!” Kion called out to him.

“Affirmative!” He responded as he looked around and saw Janja attempting a sneak attack just when Twilight and Rarity both work their magic in redirecting the wildebeest from running into them.

“Gotcha now, lion cub and unicorns.” Janja menacingly said as he approached the trio.

“Kion! Twilight! Rarity! Behind you! Look out!” He alerted them just the hyena leader tackles the lion cub as the two wrestle each other on the ground while Twilight and Rarity continue clearing an opening for the two.

“Janja! I thought I told you to stay out of the Pride Lands!” He shouted at him as they try to pin each other down to the ground.

“Did you? I must'a forgot!” Janja responded as he was pinned down before reversing it on him with a punch to the face.

“Kion! Incoming!” Ono alerted him to which Kion had a quick idea to finish it.

“See ya, hyena.” He said as he freed himself from the pin leaving the defenseless hyena knocked up in the air by the upcoming wildebeest striking him which sent him flying away and onto the ground.

He then finds himself being picked up with Twilight’s magic as she sports a devious smirk at him.

“Care to do the honors, Rarity.” She asked of the other unicorn with a raised hoof like a sophisticated gentle mare.

“With pleasure.” Rarity returned with the same proper etiquette as she backs up and then charges at him with a karate like punch and kick to send him flying back over with the rest of his clan.

“I've had enough. Come on, fellows. Let's go!” He then ordered Cheezi and Chungu to cut their losses again as he starts retreating.

“But, Janja! What about the plan?” Cheezi asked.

“Yeah. The dust is still making things hard to see.” Chungu pointed out.

“Yeah, yeah. Dust don't matter when the Lion and Pony Guard has eyes in the sky.” Janja pointed out as he starts making his way up the nearby hill. “Now move it!”

“That's right! Get outta here!” Fuli shouted at them as she caught up to Chungu as Rainbow raised her hooves up ready to plow them into their faces if they don’t leave.

“I'm going. I'm going!” Chungu returned in a haste to avoid getting pumbled again.

“Keep going, Janja! All the way back to the Outlands!” Kion called out to them as they retreated.

“And stay out!” Bunga also shouted after them.

“Beat it you meanies.” Pinkie added.

“Nice job, everyone.” Kion commended everyone for a job well done as they regrouped. “Follow them, Ono. Make sure they leave the Pride Lands.” He then instructed the egret.

“You got it, Kion.” He returned with a salute.

“You heard him! Keep going!” He shouted after them as they climbed the top of the hill. Unfortunately, some of the rocks accidentally knocked aside and down ended towards the fast-approaching egret who got struck by one in his left eye. “Ow! My eye! I'm hit! He screamed as he fell backwards.

“Oh, no. Ono!” Kion called out as he and Fuli watch on in worry as he descends to the ground.

Acting quick, Rainbow quickly flies over at top speed to catch him before he could crash into anything.

“Gotcha!” She said to him as she flew up and then back down as everyone gathers around him.

“Oh, you poor thing.” Fluttershy said in pity for him as she approached him and got Rainbow to hand her over to her.

“Don't worry, Ono. We'll get you to Rafiki. He'll know what to do.” Kion assured him as Fluttershy took the injured egret seeing in one eye under her wing as she flew alongside they running companions as they make their way to the Lair of the Lion Guard under Pride Rock where the mandrill is currently working on a painting while humming to a tune to himself.

“Rafiki!” Kion called out to him.

“We need you, Rafiki! Ono's hurt!” Twilight said as she gestured to the injured bird in Fluttershy’s arms.

“Easy there, Ono.” Fluttershy told him as Rafiki examines him. “It looks like he can’t see in one eye.”

“Ow, my eye.”

“Mmmm, yes you are correct young pony.” Rafiki replied as he speaks to his patient closely. “I see you cannot see. Ha-ha! Dirt in the eye! Not as bad as it looks. Now, down here! Quick!” He then asked of her place on him onto a rock platform as he gathers up leaves for the egret to rest on like pillows to which Rarity took the liberty of conjuring up one for him.

“Okay, it's okay. Just a moment.” He gently assured him while ushering the others who have gathered around to back up a little with a hand gesture. “And a little space.” He asked of them to which everyone expect for Fluttershy who makes sure Ono is comfortably resting on his pillow as Rafiki puts together a mixture from the herbs and leaves from the tree while putting together something else for his eye. “Mmm. Yes, yes. Just enough. Now, hold still, Ono. And... Ah-ha! Yes! There.”

As Ono gets up from his pillow everyone sees that Rafiki has put together an eye patch made of green leaves.

“How's it look?” He nervously asked his friends.

“Hmm.” Bunga thought as he and Fuli look for the right words to describe it.

“Well...” Fuli also pondered as well.

“Oh, is it that bad?” Ono worryingly asked as he cringed.

“No, no. Not at all.” Fuli quickly answered.

“It’s nice.” Twilight then positively answered.

“Pretty fitting.” Applejack also answered just as positive.

“I like it. Green is your color.” Beshte answered.

“I agree.” Rarity added for his sake. “Even though I’ve seen better colors at work.” She said to herself on her thoughts of the rustic cave paintings everyone here is used to compared to the more modern at back at Equestria.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah! It totally brings out your eyes!” Bunga said innocently insensitive words.

“Bunga.” Fuli crossly whispered as Applejack lightly bucks him in the back of the head.

“Did I say your eyes? I mean it brings out your one eye.” Bunga tried and failed to correct himself. “The one you've got left. I mean, I know the other one's still there, but you can't see it. I mean, uh...” He then face-palmed himself as he keeps digging with the shovel here.

“Oh, forget it.” Ono said in deflated defeat.

“Well, I think it's Poa.” Beshte complimented. “And if I ever get dirt in my eye, I want one just like it.”

“Yeah. Me, too.“ Kion voiced in support.

“Me three.” Rarity also said in agreement. “Although preferably something really my color.” She added in a very nit-picky manner.

“So, am I gonna be okay?” He asked the mandrill.

“Yes, yes. Your eye will be fine.” He assured him. “Just wear this eye patch for three days. And no craziness.”

“Three days?” Ono asked in surprise that it has to be that long.

“No craziness?” Bunga also asked as Pinkie looks completely jaw-dropped shocked.

“WHAT?!” She screamed to which Twilight and Rainbow glanced at her for that before shaking their heads while face-hoofing themselves.

“Don't worry, Ono. The Guard can get by for a couple days without you.” Kion assured him. “You need to rest and get better.”

“But I can still help the Guard. Besides, I can see just fine.” Ono tried to insist as he tried to walk and navigate on his own only to accidentally walk face-first into the back wall to which Fluttershy quickly caught placed her hooves on his back to get him to lay back. “Is that wall new?”

“No, but those paintings are.” Fuli answered as she and everyone else look up at said painting on the wall.

“My, my, what have we here?” Rarity asked as she marveled the creations marked all over the cave.

“Yes, yes. Every Lion Guard appears on the walls of the lair. So everyone remembers who they are. Today, I must add all of you to the story of the Lion Guard as well as the Pony Guard.” He explained as he showed them the paintings including the one he is working on now which has designs of all of them on the wall in front of them.

“Poa! So that's Kion. And there's Fuli.” Beshte remarked in amazement.

“And there’s us.” Applejack commented as he gazed upon the paintings of them.

“And that's me! That's me. That's me. That's me. That's me!” Both Bunga and Applejack pointed out to their self-potraits while bouncing up and down much to the annoyance of Twilight who used her magic to zip their lips shut long enough for them to get the message enough is enough.

“Amazing.” Kion complimented as both Rarity and Rafiki still look on somewhat unimpressed with the work of art.

“Amazing to you. To me? Not so much.” Rafiki gave his own criticism when it’s due. “But, they do say that art is in the eye of the beholder.”

“You got what in your eye?” Bunga asked in confusion.

"Eye of the beholder." Ono answered. “It means everyone has their own opinion of what's good.”

“Yes. And this painting, it does not quite have the spirit of your Lion Guard.” Rafiki also added his thoughts as Rarity takes a close look at the paintings.

“Indeed.” Rarity saw his point as she tries to think of what really fits with their image.

“What do you think, Ono?” Kion asked for his opinion.

“Kion, Ono can't see.” Bunga reminded him even though it’s just his left eye that’s put out.

“Yes, I can!” Ono angrily retorted as he flew up and flapped his wings. “And I'm still the keenest of sight. Come on, I'll prove it!” He said as he flew off ahead.

“Ono!” Kion called out to him to stop to no avail.

“Be careful!” Beshte also called out to him as he flew outside.

“Wait up!” Fuli also shouted as everyone but Rarity follows after him as she decides to take a close look at the mandrill’s artwork.

“Hmm. In my eye, it is not yet right.” Rafiki commented as he examined on it.

“Uh-huh.” Rarity replied. “Um, if you don’t mind, think able I can stick around and help and try to see if I can offer some of my artistic vision for inspiration?”

“Of course, of course.” Rafiki answered. “Are you an artist too?”

“Well more like a dress designer but I’ll definitely say I know a thing or two about art myself.” Rarity said as she patted her mane a little as she proceeded to create a portrait replica of the painting in question on her stand so she can paint her ideas and additions.

“Not bad.” Rafiki complimented.

“Aw, thanks.” She giggled before they both focused on the painting in question.

Back outside Ono flies off ahead as the others try to keep pace with him.

“Ono! You should be taking it easy!” Kion advised him which fell on deaf ears.

“Flying is easy!” Ono asserted as he flew around. “I hurt my eye, not my wings. Just watch, you'll see. I can still help the Guard. I can see everything from up here.”

“Please, Ono.” Twilight urged him to listen. “It’s not worth it. You’ll have your eyesight back in no time if you just let it heal.”

But Ono still refused to listen as he looked around with his one eye and saw the Pride Lands around him just fine but not enough to avoid getting knocked aside by a vulture who flew into him by accident.

“Oi, watch where you're going!” The vulture shouted after him but took some interest at seeing the sight of one of the crucial members of the guard’s actions and performance as he falls back down to the ground.

Luckily for him, Rainbow caught him in the nick of time with her super speed before flying back down as Fluttershy held him in her arms.

“Ono, are you okay?” Beshte asked him.

“I'm good.” Ono replied as he recovered from his daze from the impact of the collison.

“Aww.” Fluttershy said in sympathy for him as Applejack’s lesson of learning to back off is sticking through as she can only look on in agreement while very understanding that he doesn’t want to back off from his duties to the Guard. “I hope by now you shouldn’t try to fly off ahead like that.”

“Maybe you shouldn't be flying around with just one eye?” Fuli also suggested as the bird groaned.

“Interesting.” The vulture said as he preyed on the bird’s current handicap.

“Ono, I really think you should take a break.” Kion again reasoned with him.

“But doesn't the Guard need me? I'm the keenest of sight.” Ono tried to plead with him otherwise while placing a high value on his role.

“You were the keenest of sight.” Bunga thoughtlessly commented to which earned him a smack on the head from the farm pony. “Hey? What was that for?” He asked the glaring earth pony as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Of course we do need you.” Applejack honestly answered to Ono with an assuring smile but not sugarcoating that she needs to rest and heal. “We just want what’s best for you here. And right now we think it is in our best interest to have you just rest while your eyesight completely heals.”

“Twilight, Please.” The egret pleaded with the other leader of the Guard to back him up here who can only return an apologetic look as she voices reason into him.

“Look Ono, I understand you don’t want to miss out being with the Guard and I’m sorry you’re hurt. But I’m afraid Kion’s right because your health comes first and you’re going to have to take it easy and rest for a while.” Twilight sympathetically explained. “If you try to do something and you’re not careful you could end up hurting yourself even more or worse crippling yourself to the point you can never see again.“

“Never again!” Ono exclaimed in worried fright at the thought crossing his mind as Kion again calms him down.

“Don’t worry Ono, that won’t happen. You just need to get better. You'll be back on duty in no time.” He then assured him he’ll be fine. “But for now, let's get you back to the lair.”

“Okay.” Ono said in defeat as Fluttershy carries him back there while the rest of the Guard follows them as the vulture watches seeing this crippling information worth sharing before flying away.

“It’ll be okay, Ono.” Fluttershy said very comfortingly as she cradled him. “You’ll have your best animal companion nursing you back to health and she’ll make sure you’ll be back on patrol with us in no time all.”

Back at the Lair of the Guard as Fluttershy tends to Ono as she watches over him, Rafiki and Rarity both examine the paintings from the portrait and the cave painting as the unicorn is now wearing an art cap as she and the mandrill both examine Kion and Twilight as they pose for the two to get some ideas of how to improve his most recent painting of the Guard.

“Hold still, Kion.” Rafiki instructed of him.

“You too, Twilight.” Rarity also asked of her as they both try to maintain their posture while sporting smiles.

“How does it look?” Kion asked while he kept up his smile not evening changing his facial expression as he and the unicorn both feel like they have never smiled this much before.

“Uh, it is still not right.” Rafiki replied as he still looks at the image he had just created as Rarity looks back at her portrait and can only shake her head as she too has yet to find what is needed to make it great in their eyes.

“Try painting him in action. Like this!” Pinkie suggested as she mimicked a lion growl.

“Ha, ha, ha!” Bunga laughed and really liked her lion imitation and then did it himself. “Now you try it.” He then suggested to the lion.

“Like this?” Kion asked as he mimicked a growl that looked rather silly.

Twilight couldn’t help up giggle as she covered her mouth with her hoof.

”No, no, no. You need to look more like a lion.” Pinkie advised him as Bunga climbed up to where he and Twilight were standing while making an expression just as silly as the one Kion presented to which Fuli chuckled in amusement.

“How can Kion look more like a lion?” She asked as Bunga got in between the lion and unicorn.

“Like this.” Bunga answered as he pushed Kion into stepping one paw on the rock up front while getting him to try to look fierce as he gets him to stand on his hind legs. ”Ah. See? Now put your chin out, like you mean it.”

Rafiki turning back to see this did not find anything inspirational from Bunga and Pinkie’s attempts to lighten the mood nor Rarity did find it was the right time for them to be trying to indulge in their silly antics as Bunga’s attempts only succeeded in tickling Kion instead.

“Bunga, that tickles.” He said as he giggled as the party pony examines him along with Twilight.

“Okay, Twilight. Now you try the same.” Pinkie suggested as the unicorn gets into a fighting stance as she looks like she is going to charge. “Perfect!”

“Hmm, Kion, you're not looking very lion-y.” Bunga said as he continues holding Kion up. “Let's see. Hmm.”

He then let’s go of him to which Kion couldn’t keep himself standing like that once the support was lifted.

“Whoa! Bunga!” Kion exclaimed as he fell on his face.

“Was that action enough for you, Rafiki?” Fuli asked while finding this amusing entertainment yet finding Twilight’s pose fitting the bill of fierce leadership.

“Hmm, yes.” The elderly mandrill uttered with annoyance as Rarity locks her eyes on painting Twilight’s new portrait.

“Wait a minute. I know. Paint us in action.” Bunga said as he and Pinkie did multiple fighting poses as he grunts and growling faces as they makes their moves yet accidentally flip two empty gourd shells onto their heads.

“But don't paint us like this.” Pinkie kindly asked of them as Kion couldn’t help but drop to his paws while finding it very funny while Twilight still kept up her new pose.

“Sorry, Rafiki.” He quickly apologized upon seeing the mandrill glancing at him not finding it humorous.

“No, no, no. Thank you for the help.” Rafiki replied as he then tries to think to himself. “Now, please. No more help. I need to think in peace.”

“Everyone please! This is a very critical moment for him so everyone hush.” Rarity shushed everyone as she tries to ensure Rafiki has quiet time to think about what he wants his image of the Guard to have.

Alas, his attempt to do so is interrupted when Beshte speaks up as he comes inside with Applejack and Rainbow Dash accompanying him.

“Hey, you guys.” Beshte called out.

“We have some news.” Rainbow loudly added to Rarity and Rafiki’s annoyance at their sudden interruption.

“No please. March right in we’re not concerning or anything.” Rarity returned irritably as Rafiki could only sigh in disappointment.

“No peace here.”

“Sorry to interrupt. But we just came across something you all should here.” Applejack apologized as she tipped her hat to him before turning back to everyone else to explain what they have to tell them.

“So what's the news, Beshte?” Kion asked as he leaps down while the others gather around them.

“Oh, it's really important. See, we were just down at the watering hole. And my friend Kulu? Her cousin overheard some buffalo talking about something his sister saw earlier today when she was over in the canyon near Chakula Plains. Poa! I'm glad I was there to hear about it.” Beshte explained leaving both Kion and Twilight wondering how this is important as Applejack and Rainbow wonder why he suddenly stalled in telling them.

“And what was it, Beshte?” Twilight asked expecting an answer.

“What was what?” Beshte asked in confusion to which Fuli groaned in response.

“What your friend Kulu's cousin overheard the buffalo's sister say she saw from the canyon!” Fuli clarified now feeling exasperated out of her mind at this point.

“Oh, right.“ Beshte added as he now remembered before Applejack and Rainbow could even think to tell them what they need to tell them. “I almost forgot the most important part. She saw Janja and his hyenas on the ledge overlooking the plains.”

“Janja? Back in the Pride Lands?” Kion expressed his surprise hearing this. “He wouldn't come back unless he was planning something.”

“Anything more to add on that?” Twilight asked so they can have a better idea of why they would be around as Kion turned away to think about what is their angle this time.

“Mmm. Oh!” Beshte then remembered again of why. “Did I mention there's a herd of zebra grazing there?”

“That's it!” Kion said as he now put the pieces together. “Janja's planning to attack the zebras!”

“Come on, we have to get to Chakula Plains!” Twilight ushered everyone there as she and Kion lead the way with most of the Guard following them.

“Till the Pride Lands' end...” Kion began as everyone but he and Twilight finished their battle cry together. “Lion Guard defend!”

“Most of the Lion Guard, defend.” Ono said while still feeling left out as Fluttershy leans in.

“It will be okay.” Fluttershy said to him to try to comfort him again. “It’s not forever you’ll be blind in one eye.”

“I know, but I still feel left out and want to help.” Ono responded while understanding why he has to remain here as they turn their attention to Rarity and Rafiki who are both focusing on the latter’s attempted creation but with very little success.

“Ah! Why, why? It is still not right!” Rafiki said in frustration as he walked off ahead as Rarity essentially tosses the painting out of the lair like trash nearly hitting Ono in the process.

“Arrgh!” She said in frustration before reacting in surprise upon realizing her near-mistake. “Oh, my apologies, darling.” She said as she recoiled and blushed in embarrassment. "I didn’t mean to nearly hit you, it’s just I too am having a hard trying to find out what truly fits here.” She said as Ono flies over to see their work in progress.

“It looks fine to me, Rafiki. It's just like all the other Lion Guard paintings.” Ono commented finding nothing wrong with it yet nothing out of the ordinary.

“That is the problem.” Rafiki voiced of why it doesn’t quite suit well enough as he placed a hand on chin as he ponders the thought. “The new Lion Guard, it is not like the others! Furthermore, there is a new Pony Guard. Yet, it should be simple. Their leaders and those they lead.” Then suddenly an idea springs through Rarity’s head.

“That it’s Ono!” Rarity exclaimed as she figures it out when it truly needed. “That’s it!” She said as she accidentally slapped Ono face first into the ground. “Oops, Sorry.” She said now looking really embarrassed as she and Fluttershy help him up.

“Ha-ha! Of course!” Rafiki said as he got the same idea Rarity is thinking as she starts creating a new painting with her new vision about to be created. “Kion! Twilight! They don't just lead you. You are all friends! Yes. Yes! You all belong together!”

“We do belong together. All of us.” Ono said as he comes to same conclusion. “Eye or no eye, my place is with the Guard.” He said with determination to be there for them as Fluttershy flies after him. “Thanks, Rafiki! I gotta get going if I'm gonna catch up with them!”

“Wait for me!” Fluttershy called after him as Rarity runs after them while leaving her art cap behind.

“Sorry, Rafiki, gotta go help my friends.” Rarity apologized as she briefly turned to face him as she ran out figuring that Rafiki can take things from here.

At the gorge, Janja is looking down below as he makes sure everything is in place as he is preparing for the Guard’s arrival after hearing they’ll be without Ono for quite some time.

“There.” Cheezi addressed his boss as he moves the pile of rocks they need for his plan. “Why're we doin' this, Janja? We can't eat rocks.”

No sooner he asked that, Chungu is just trying to eat a rock only for it to drop out of his mouth when Janja eyes him with the “What are you doing?” look.


“All part of my plan.” Janja told them with a confident smirk.

“To eat zebras?” Chungu stupidly asked.

“The zebras are just the bait.” Janja irritably explained to his dimwitted companions.

“To catch bigger zebras?” Cheezi also stupidly asked.

“No, fur brains!” He exclaimed in annoyance as he tries to get them understand they are setting a trap up for the Guard. “To trap the Lion Guard as well as their little pony friends!”

“Uh, we're gonna eat the Lion Guard along with their pretty pony friends?” Chungu again asked cluelessly as Janja’s patience is starting to wear thin.

“No! We're going to...” Janja again tried to get through to him as they hear Kion’s voice down below.

“Hurry! This way!”

“Shh. Here they come now.” Janja whispered to them as the Guard all makes their way to protect the zebras from them.

“This is the fastest way to the zebras! Come on!“

“Now!” Janja commanded them to knock the pile of rocks down to the bottom to which nearly struck them all as Applejack quickly pulled Rainbow away by her tail with her teeth before she could be hit.

“Whoa!” They all screamed as they skidded to a complete halt.

“Quick! We'll have to take the long way round!” Kion commanded everyone as they tried to turn back yet Janja is one step ahead of him.

“That's what you think.” He said as pushes a giant boulder off of the ledge which bumped into another giant boulder to create another rock slide.

“Whoa!” Everyone screamed as the rocks come down hard.

“Not again!” Bunga exclaimed as Pinkie got completely bug-eyed at the sight of the oncoming rocks with “X’s” in her eyes as she screamed.


“Take cover.” Kion yelled out to everyone as Twilight works her magic to create a force field to protect everyone from the avalanche.

Once the dust was settled, Twilight then canceled her magic as they recover from the near accident that almost fell on them.

“Everyone okay?” Twilight asked everyone as they all reply “Yes.”


“I'm good.”

“Me too.”

“Me three.”

Beshte, Fuli, Rainbow and Pinkie all replied in that order.

“Let's do that again!” Bunga eagerly seeked to do much to Twilight incredulousness.

“Right.” Kion said while rolling his eyes somewhat sarcastically. Thanks, Twilight.” He then said to her with a smile.

“No problem.” Twilight kindly replied as they direct their attention to the rockslide that had just occurred and had trapped and blocked them where they are now.

“Heyvi kabisa!” Kion exclaimed as he sees what had just happened.

“What are the chances of two rock slides making two walls in one day with us in the middle?” Fuli angrily questioned of how and why this happened

“No chance. This is Janja's doing.” Kion correctly deduced as said hyena makes his voice well heard.

“You got that right, Kion! You're trapped! I win!“ He victoriously shouted as he cackled evilly. “Looks like we're dining on zebra today. And you can't do nothing to stop me!“

“Don't even try it, Janja!” Kion shouted after him as he tried to climb up to get to him yet couldn’t maintain his grip as he slid back down.

“How you gonna stop me, lion cub?” Janja taunted him as the ponies look on unimpressed with Rainbow flapping her wings with her hooves crossed. “You're all the way down there! Aw, poor little Lion Guard and pony friends. Protectors of the Pride Lands. Stuck behind a big ol' wall.” Kion glares at him while vowing to them that they will not get away with this. “You fell right into my trap. Or my trap fell right onto you!” He and his clan laughed as they turned away in the direction of the zebra’s. “Come on, boys. All the zebra you can eat. And more.”

“Now you're talkin'.” Chungu eagerly voiced his delight at a real meal ahead as they all triumphantly sing and make their way towards the zebra grazing grounds.

“Now we get it.” Chungu said as he gets the idea.

Twilight simply uses her magic to teleport Pinkie and Applejack and herself to the top of ledge while Rainbow just flies her way up.

“Man are those hyenas are stupid or what?” Rainbow commented as they look down at those who are still trapped down below.

“No kidding.“ Applejack honestly agreed not even sugarcoating either of how they failed to think things through again. “They didn’t even account for the fact that unicorns have magic nor that peagsus ponies have wing that they can both use to easily get out of this ditch here.”

“What are you waiting for, Kion? Use the Roar! Blast that wall!” Bunga encouraged Kion as he voiced his reservations on how to use it as Twilight thinks of an idea for it in her mind.

“I can't, Bunga! The zebras are right on the other side. The rocks could fly out and hurt them.”

“Oh, right.” Bunga then remembered as he thought of another idea. “Then blast this wall. We can go around the long way to get to the zebras, and then... Oh.” He then realized mid-sentence of the downside of that plan as well.

“Then it'll be too late.” Fuli told him as Beshte thought of an idea on how to get themselves out.

“I think I can move this rock.” He proposed. “Maybe it'll make an opening big enough for us to squeeze through.”

“Worth a try. Go for it, Beshte.” Kion gave his nod of approval to do so.

“Twende Kiboko!”

Beshte then tried to use his strength to do so but the rock pile was too big and un-sturdy to create an opening as they nearly crush him from above causing Twilight to freeze the rocks from crushing the hippo with her magic.

“Beshte! Watch out!” Kion alerted him.

“Uh-oh.” Beshte said as he narrowly dodged the oncoming rocks that Twilight was unable to stop.

“Beshte, you okay?” Kion asked.

“I'm okay.” Beshte replied. “Sorry that didn't work.”

“Don't worry, Beshte.” Kion holds nothing accountable against him. “We just have to come up with something that will work.”

“Guys, guys!” Ono called out to them as he flew over to them with Fluttershy and Rarity following after him.


“Hey, ya, Ono!”

Both Fuli and Bunga happily greeted them.

“I don't know if I can help, but I'm here.” Ono vowed with determination even while only blind in one eye.

“You flew all the way here? You must be feeling better.” Beshte complimented as Ono took it rather humbly.

“Well, I still can't see very well.” He honestly told them as if it wasn’t easy.

“And it wasn’t completely easy.” Fluttershy noted to back that up with.

“It doesn't matter. You flew here. And that gives me an idea.” Kion voiced of a new plan in mind. “Ono, I'm gonna use the Roar to blast those rocks. Fly over to the zebras and get them to move away from the canyon.”

“Or we can just teleport and fly our way out.” Bunga commented on the ponies already on high ground.

“Actually…” Twilight spoke from above. “I have another idea in mind now that Ono is here.” She said as she teleported back down to tell the others of what she is thinking of and once everyone heard of her idea everyone was on board with it.

“Ono, since you’re here, you think you and Fluttershy can get the zebras on the other side to get away from the canyon so Kion can use the Roar to clear an opening?” Twilight asked of him.

“Easy enough.” Ono replied with a nod. “You got it, Twilght, you too Kion.”

The two then flew off ahead while Twilight then gives Kion one more piece of information before teleporting back up top.

“You may roar when I give the signal.” Twilight told him before regrouping with the others on top of the edge of the cliff.

“Excuse us, everyone please follow us away from the canyon.” Fluttershy made her voice heard as she talks to the zebras.

“Now, hurry. This way! Don't push!” Ono ushered them to follow them as he flew ahead only to turn back when they didn’t budge an inch. “Oh, come on. Perhaps we've failed to emphasize the importance of following me.” He then urgently told them to get them to listen to them.

“We're eating here. Can't you see that?” Thurston replied as he continued to eat while completely oblivious to what’s about to happen.

“I can see. But what you can't see is that the hyenas are coming!” Ono then barked out of how exactly their lives are in danger if they don’t move.

“Hyenas? You guys chased them out of the Pride Lands yesterday!” Thurston indifferently responded.

“That's what we thought!” Ono explained to them as Fluttershy could not comprehend why it’s so hard for them to see that. “Except when we were chasing them, I got sand in my eye. It made it hard to fly. I still tried, but I accidentally dive-bombed my friends, and they...“ He then said as he gets an idea at the same time Fluttershy decides it is time for their next approach. ”They all had to run. Be right back.”

Both Ono and Fluttershy flew away before the former makes a charge at the zebras while yelling of the top of his lungs.

“Move it!” Fluttershy then yelled out to them to startle them.

“Panic and run! Panic and run!” Thurston barked at his herd as they all did as he said.

“Good work.” Ono complimented as the peagsus shyly blushed.

“Thanks. Though I really have to give credit to Twilight giving me lessons on speaking up following our encounter with the dragon.”

“Well it looks like the lessons are paying off because we now got them on the run.” Ono said as they watched the zebras all scatter away just before the hyenas could arrive.

“Hey. Where's lunch going?” Cheezi asked as they see the zebras on the run much to their surprise.

“Nowhere.” Janja growled at the sight. “Come on, boys. After them!”

Fluttershy and Ono both look on pleased at their success before they flew back over to the others.

“Well?” Twilight asked.

“We did it.” Fluttershy replied.

“Yep!” Ono added as he regrouped with them. “The zebra are on the move! Kion’s all clear to roar!”

Twilight then looked down and raised her hoof up to signal to him that the zebras are out of harm’s way as they prepare to watch the Roar in action.

“Everyone, get behind me.” Kion then ordered the others down below to do so as they quickly did so.

Kion then uses the Roar to blast the rocks away and just at the right moment happened when Janja and his clan appeared right in front of it with their backs turned.

“Uh-oh.” Chungu commented at the sight as they all knocked away by the Roar’s powerful blast which created a dust cloud to which got the zebra’s brief attention.

“How's the plan working now, Janja?” Kion yelled out to them as they all approach them.

“I got plenty of plans, Kion.” Janja retorted before fear took over him. “Uh, New plan, fellas. Run!” He commanded his companions to do so as they all cower away from the large and powerful protectors of the realm who then back off from pursing them seeing that they know to go back to the Outlands due to the plan crumbling to dust.

“You haven't seen the last of me!” Janja called out as he retreated from them.

“Good job, Ono. We couldn't have done it without you.” Kion commended him for his crucial role in stopping them.

“You really pulled through for us this time.” Twilight added as she briefly looks aside to Kion to wink at him of how the plan worked wonders of getting Ono to shine here.

“Just glad to be back on the team.” Ono gratefully spoke that he can now partake in patrols and missions with the Guard again.

“You were always on the team, Ono.” Kion assured him that being out for a day doesn’t make him any less of a team member.

“You always were.” Twilight repeated to which Ono warmly smiled hearing this from them.

Back at the Lair, Rafiki is now putting the final touches on his new painting of both the Lion Guard and the Pony Guard together while taking in some of Rarity’s creative and modern touches on it. By then Ono’s eyesight has completely healed.

“Yes, yes, yes. Now it is right. The leader of the Lion Guard and his friends.” Rafiki voiced his stamp of approval just everyone gathers to see the work in progress.

“It's perfect, Rafiki.” Kion said as he turned to the egret. “What do you think, Ono?”

“I think it's the best painting I've even seen.” Ono answered to which Rarity squealed with glee hearing it.

“That means a great deal to me and Rarity. Coming from the keenest of sight.” Rafiki replied in response as Rarity pumps her hooves up in excitement that her newly found artistic vision worked wonders and helped the mandrill a great deal as he tapped on the painting with the images of the Guard which had both groups get together to form a pyramid with Applejack, Fuli, Pinkie, and Beshte on the bottom, Fluttershy, Bunga, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity on the next row, Kion and Twilight on top with Ono flying over them.

As this happened everyone voiced their amazement over the final and finished design as the ponies especially Twilight look on very impressed that Rafiki has some magic with his staff to make that happen.

“Poa!” Beshte remarked.

“Nice.” Fuli complimented.

“Very magical.” Twilight also said very impressed with what he had just did.

“This Lion Guard is best together with the Pony Guard when friendship is magic.” Rafiki said as he and Rarity look feeling very satisfied with their accomplishment at achieving the artistic vision they wanted to reach here.

Author's Note:

In this version of this episode, not much to really explain here other than the side plot of Rarity trying to help Rafiki with his art project to which is met her trying her best while trying to get some of her moderation vision in which by the way I'm am writing in lightly since the two worlds have both different ways of art which both must be respected.

Next up is "Kupatana Celeberation." where the Guard will meet a new ally along with deceptive jackals along the way.

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