• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 4,122 Views, 145 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 1) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard and The Mane Six both work together to spread the magic of friendship while protecting Equestria and the Pride Lands.

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Episode 32: The Mbali Fields Migration

Episode 32:

The Mbali Fields Migration

As the Guard went about their morning patrol when suddenly their keenest of sight found something a bit unusual. "Everyone, everyone!" the egret alerted, circling back to the rest of the Guard. "There's trouble with the zebras!"

The Lion Guard's fastest rolled her eyes, "Oh, what else is new?" she groaned.

"And the gazelles!" Ono added, landing on a medium sized rock.

"The zebras and the gazelles are in trouble?" Twilight questioned, quirking her brow.

Ono shook his head. "No, they are the trouble." he corrected. "They're fighting each other!"

"But zebras and gazelles don't fight." Beshte noted finding this odd.

"You seein' okay, Ono?" Bunga asked, stepping up in front of the egret. "Look. How many claws?" he held up two claws in front of the bird's face.

"I know what I saw!" Ono exclaimed, outstretching his wings to let them know he is not making this up.

"If the zebras and gazelles really are fighting, we better check it out." Kion voted, looking between the rest of his team. "Till the Equestria and the Pride Lands end..." the prince took off towards the direction Ono flew from.

"...Pony and Lion Guard defend!" the rest of the Guard finished as they followed their leader.

The two herds were easy to find because there was overlapping whinnies and grunts coming from both herds.

"Hevi kabisa." Kion breathed as the Lion Guard came upon the fighting herds.

"So weird." Fuli shook her head, standing on Kion's right. "I've never seen zebras and gazelles act like this."

"Hey, wait. I know these herds." Beshte informed, the rest of his friends glancing at him. "Those zebras follow Muhimu, and the gazelles follow Swala." he informed. "But Muhimu and Swala are friends."

"Something's not right here." Kion muttered looked up at Ono, "Ono, can you see Muhimu and Swala?"

"Affirmative!" the keenest of sight replied, focusing his eyes and spotted the two herd leaders. "Looks like they're in the middle of everything."

"Then that's where we're going." Kion ordered. "Come on!"

The Guard ran down to the field. "Let's move, zebra-deebras!" Bunga clapped his hands as the Lion Guard walked through the herd. "Black with white stripes on one side. White with black stripes on the other." He tried futilely pushing two zebras away so they could continue on.

"I think I can handle this." Beshte volunteered with a grin. "Twende kiboko!" he charged ahead, forcing the zebras to part so the Guard could get through.

"Nice one Big B." Bunga praised, grinning at the hippo. "Uh-oh!" the badger's eyes widened as Muhimu backed up and sat on him. "Uh, hello?" Bunga grunted, glaring at the female zebra sitting on his back who's stomach looked rather enlarged.

"Ohh." Fuli and Rainbow cringed. "That's gotta hurt."

Swala, the gazelle leader, laughed. "Nice move, Muhimu."

"What do you mean, nice move?" Muhimu huffed. "You pushed me."

"So?" Swala scoffed. "What are you going to do about it?" she challenged with a wave of her head.

Muhimu got back on her hoofs and charged into Swala, knocking her back a few paces. Bunga got to his feet and brushed himself off.

"I know whose side I'm on." he muttered under his breath.

"I heard that!" Muhimu glared back at the honey badger.

"Muhimu! Swala! Stop!" Kion shouted, stepping between the two female leaders. "Enough!" Kion yelled, letting out a low growl, frightening the two leaders. "What's going on? Swala, Muhimu, I thought you two were friends?"

"We were." Muhimu corrected with a roll of her blue eyes. "Until Swala and the gazelles tried to steal our grazing grounds."

"Your grazing grounds?" Swala repeated with bite. "Muhimu, these are our grazing grounds!"

"No, they're ours!" Muhimu retorted.

"But this is the Pride Lands." Applejack spoke up. "Can't y’all just share?"

"Beshte's right." Twilight agreed, speaking in a calming voice as she stood beside Kion. "These grazing grounds are for everyone." the unicorn glanced between the two leaders. "There's plenty of grass for zebras and gazelles."

"Um, Twilight...that's not exactly true." Ono corrected, flying over the Guard and the two herds. "Except for where you are, I only see dirt."

“What?!” Rainbow exclaimed before she flew up to take a second look. “What in Equestria! He’s right!”

“There's no other grass at all?" Kion asked.

"Seriously?" Fuli raised her brow.

"Wait. So you zebras and gazelles aren't really mad at each other." Beshte spoke up. "You're just hungry."

"I do get cranky when I'm hungry." Swala agreed with a nod.

"And now you see why we're hungry." Muhimu huffed with a stomp of her hoof. "There's not enough grass."

"Well, then we just need to find a place with enough grass for all of you." Fluttershy deduced, glancing between the two herd leaders with a smile on her muzzle and a swish of her tail.

Swala lowered her head to looked Kion in the eye, "Can you do that?"

"Yes, where is all this grass?" Muhimu also looked down at the cream-furred cub.

"I...don't know, butI know who will." Kion smiled as she turned to the lavender unicorn. “Twilight, come with me.”

Twilight nodded and the pair raced off to Pride Rock.

Soon, the pair were standing opposite of Princess Celestia and King Simba, explaining the situation between Swala's and Muhimu's herds.

"Hmm. I knew the herds were large this year-" Simba stated, walking to the edge of Pride Rock, "-but I didn't realize they'd outgrown their grazing grounds."

"Isn't there somewhere with enough grass for the herds to share?" Kion asked, walking up to stand at his father's left.

Celestia looked out over the Pride Lands, a smile forming on her face, “Kion, Twilight, you two see that patch of green, far out in the distance?" She asked, glancing down at the pair.

“Mbali Fields?" Kion questioned looking at his father.

"Mbali Fields." Simba repeated with a nod. "That's where the zebras and gazelles can find their grass."

"But that's at the very edge of the Pride Lands." Kion noted, looking up at his father. "You think they can make it?"

Simba looked down at his son with a smile. "I'm certain they can." he answered. "Because Celestia and I will be sending the Lion and Pony Guard with them."

Twilight blinked, "You want us to lead a migration, Your Highness?" she quirked her brow and exchanged a glance with Kion.

"You'll have the rest of the Guard with you." Simba reminded, seeing the look of hesitation in his son's eyes. "But I know you, Kion. You can do whatever you put your mind to." The King smiled down at his son.

"Thanks, Dad." Kion replied, returning the smile. "I won't let you down." he promised.

"You never do." Simba lowered his head and brushed his nose over his son's mane. He then glanced to the female unicorn, "Neither do you, Twilight." he also praised.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." she lowered her body and bowed. Simba ran his nose over her head.

The next morning the Guard met with Muhimu's and Swala's herds at their usual grazing area to begin the trek to Mbali Fields. Kion paced on a rocky hill overlooking the area.

"Kion, if you pace any more, you're gonna create a trench in the rock." Twilight noted with a sigh.

"I just want everything to go smoothly." Kion replied. "Ono should be back soon with the best route to Mbali Fields. I just don't-" He was cut off when Twilight put her hoof gently on his mouth.

“We’ll be fine…” she calmly reassured, earning sigh and smile from the lion prince.

"Who's ready for a Savannah trip?" Bunga shouted as cartwheeled around a few zebras. "Raise your hooves! Whoo!" He backed up into a zebra that turned out to be Muhimu. "Oh, it's you."

"Have we met?" Muhimu asked, looking down at the Guard's bravest indifferently.

"Uh, yeah. You sat on me yesterday?" Bunga reminded, his hands resting on his hips. "Remember?"

Muhimu chuckled, "I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about." she rebuffed. "Little mongoose."

"Mongoose!?" Bunga repeated, offended by the remark. "I'm a honey badger!"

"Whatever." the zebra leader scoffed. "When are we getting this show on the road? I need to get to the grazing grounds. Before it is time." she leaned down and stared Bunga right in the eye.

"It is time?" Bunga questioned. "Don't get all Rafiki on me, Muhimu. We're almost ready to go. Just keep your stripes on."

"Looks like everyone's ready, Kion." Ono informed, flying over the Royal cub before landing near the edge of the hill.

"Did you scout us the best route to Mbali Fields?" the Guard's leader asked.

"Affirmative." the keenest of sight confirmed. "Through the plains past Maji Baridi Falls, down Rocky Ridge, then right through the canyon to Mbali Fields. Pretty simple, really." he added with a shrug.

"I was hoping you'd say that." Kion smiled and walked to the edge of the hill, "Listen up, everybody! It's a long way to Mbali Fields. But I'll do my best to get you all there safe and sound!"

"We know you will!" one of the gazelles shouted.

"We trust you, Kion!" Muhimu voiced. "Right, everyone?"

“Well then, let’s move out." Kion stated as he turned to the keenest of sight. "Ono, point the way."

The egret gave a firm nod, "Affirmative." with a smile he took off and flew towards Mbali Fields.

A Trail To Hope

Kion and Twilight stayed at the front of the herds, closely following Ono, while the rest of the Guard spread out to make sure no one strayed or got left behind. A baby gazelle started slowing down and yawned. Beshte helped it out by carrying the baby on his back while it took a little nap. A zebra strayed from the herd, but Fuli sped in front of it and led it back to the herd.

Soon the canyon came into view and the whole Lion Guard walked to the edge to overlook it. Not too far in the distance they could see the bright green grass of Mbali Fields.

"How's it look from above, Ono?" Twilight asked the bird as he landed on a small, flat-surfaced stone.

"So far so good." the keenest of sight reported. "Though it seems like everyone's slowing down."

The pair looked back at the two herds, noticing they were, in fact, getting sluggish and starting to trail off from behind. Kion walked a few paces to address the two groups for a much needed pep-talk,

"Hey, everyone!" he addressed with a smile, "I know you're tired and I know you're hungry but..."

"We were hungry when we started." a male gazelle cut off.

"Now we're starving." added a female zebra.

"It's not much farther, I promise. We'll get to Mbali Fields soon!" Kion reassured. He leaned down closer to Ono and whispered, "We will get to Mbali Fields soon, right?"

"Affirmative." Ono agreed. "We just have to go down this steep slope and through the canyon. You can see the Fields from here." A small clasp of thunder echoed not too far in the distance as dark clouds began to roll in. "I just hope we get there before the storm hits." the egret added under his breath.

"We're almost there, everyone!" Twilight announced. "See the patch of green at the end of the canyon?"

"Look at all that grass." Muhimu sighed. "I can almost taste it from here. Oh, yummy."

"Yummy?" Bunga questioned, looking up at the zebra leader. "You know it's gonna taste like grass, right?"

"Yes! I can't wait." Muhimu squealed with a grin. "In fact, I can't wait!" She let out a neigh and ran through her herd and headed for the canyon. Seeing their leader gallop ahead made the rest of the zebra herd follow suit.

"Uh-oh." Rainbow muttered, seeing the zebras charging right for them.

"Everyone! Slow down!" Kion yelled, but his voice was drowned out by the thundering hoofsteps and zebra's neighing. "The slope is too steep."

"No way this ends well." Fuli sighed.

Seeing the zebras charging into the canyon, he gazelles soon followed suit. The Pony and Lion Guard raced after them down the slope into the canyon, trying to slow the herds down. The thundering hoofbeats echoed throughout the canyon, shaking loose some rocks on the ledges near the end of the path.

"Hapana!" Ono gasped when he noticed the rocks. "Kion? Twilight? We have a problem!"

Kion and Twilight looked ahead and saw the rocks beginning to fall. Twilight teleported herself and Kion to the front of the herd, urging them to turn back. The rocks crashed down, blocking the exit of the canyon. One large rock was about to fall on Muhimu, when Bunga pushed her out of the way.

"Why did you shove me?" Muhimu rudely asked, glaring at the badger currently sitting on her back. "Don't you know I'm in a family way?"

"No, you were in the rocks' way." Bunga irritably corrected in response to seemingly ungrateful attitude. "I was trying to save your life."

"Oh. Well, that's different." the zebra leader chuckled dryly, looking away from the Guard's bravest. "Now, could you please get up? You're sitting on me!"

"Well, now you know how it feels." Bunga retorted, jumping off.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Muhimu huffed as she got to her feet. "Oh, never mind. Odd little hedgehog." She groaned as she stomped off.

"I'm a honey badger!" Bunga corrected her again, this time raising his voice while very agitated and put off by her attitude.

The rest of the Lion Guard looked up at the rocks blocking their path. "Guess we're not as close as we thought." Kion sighed.

"So what do we do now?" Beshte asked, looking to the two lion cubs.

"Any ideas Twilight?" Applejack asked.

"Well, the herds can't go over it. And we can't go through it." Twilight informed as she looked over the barricade. "So we've got to go around it." she concluded.

"Ono." Kion looked up at the bird hovering above them. "Scout out another route to the grazing grounds."

"I'm on it." Ono nodded and flew higher over the canyon.

Swala walked up and examined the barricade, "I blame the zebras for this." she scoffed, before heading back to her own herd.

Ono looked in every direction, trying to find another route. He ended up finding one, but it went out of the Pride Lands. The keenest of sight flew back to the Guard and perched on a small rock.

"What's the news Ono?" Kion asked, walking up to him.

"Well, I did find another route to the fields." Ono informed. "But, it goes through the Outlands."

"That won't be easy." Twilight muttered, glancing to Kion. "We'll need to be on alert for the clans that live out there."

"I promised my dad and Princess Celestia we'd get these herds to their new home." Kion reminded. "And if we have to go through the Outlands to get there, then that's what we're going to do."

"At least we've got one good thing going for us." Bunga cut in with a smile. "That storm hasn't started yet." As soon as he said that, a loud clap of thunder echoed all around them. Then, rain began to fall. "Maybe I shouldn't have said that out loud." the honey badger chuckled dryly.

"Ya think?" Rainbow and Fuli raised her brow, casting a half-lidded glance at the badger.

The Guard led the herds back through the canyon. "I'm starting to wonder if Kion knows what he's doing." Muhimu voiced to her herd. "He says we're almost there, now he's taking us in a different direction."

"Has he ever even led a migration?" a male zebra pondered aloud.

"Maybe we should've stayed home." a female zebra spoke up.

"If Simba and Celestia had brought us, we'd be there by now." Swala noted. "I'm not sure Kion can handle a trip like this."

Even at the front of the herds, and a few paces ahead, Kion could still hear everything they were saying. He let out a groan and rolled his eyes.

"Don't listen to them Kion." Twilight told him, rubbing her forehead against his cheek. "You're doing great."

The prince looked over at his smiling friend and felt himself smile too. He brushed his mane against her cheek.

"Is it just me or is this water getting deeper?" Fuli asked, realizing her paws were completely submerged. She heard a rushing sound and glanced back, her green eyes widening in horror of what's behind them. "Kion! Twilight!"

The two cubs looked back at their cheetah friend, and saw a massive wave coming right for them.

"Flash flood!" Kion alerted, sending the herds into a panicked frenzy.

"Higher ground, everyone!" Twilight quickly and urgently advised everyone, standing on a small ledge. "Move! Now!"

The herds ran for their lives as the floods waters came rushing, but suddenly, the water just stopped and froze there. “What in the Pridelands?” Kion exclaimed as he and the Guard paused for a moment along with the herds.

“What’s up with the water?” Twilight asked.

“Kion! Twilight! Lookie!” Pinkie Pie smiled, pointing at something or someone on the cliff edge, with dark blue glowing paws and glowing white eyes?

The figure moved her paws up and lifted the water out of the way, “What are you waiting for? Go now!” she yelled at the stunned group in a strangely familiar voice.

Kion and Twilight shook off their shock, “Let’s go hurry!” Kion called and the Guard quickly lead the herds under the flash flood water. Once everyone was cleared, the figure placed the water back down and went to join them.

The groups rejoined at the top of the canyon, the two herds discussing Kion's leading skills.

"Who takes the low way during a rainstorm? Yes, he saved me, but it's his fault I was in trouble in the first place, right?" Swala said to a few members of her herd.

Kion's ears fell to the sides of his head,

“No it wasn’t!” A voice came, surprising everyone when they saw Kyoga leaping into the canyon.

“It wasn’t Kion’s fault for anything. Lions can’t predict the weather especially a flash flood.” she spoke in his defense, “Plus, you wouldn’t have had to change direction if someone didn’t start a stampede to get to the grazing grounds.” She added while shooting a glare at the zebra who started it.

Muhimu scoffed in offense hearing that, “You’re blaming me for this?”

“Partially.” Kyoga bluntly deadpanned. “Not everything goes the way you plan, especially when the ones you're trying to help end up making things harder on yourself.”

Muhimu sighed, knowing Kyoga was right. “Kyoga’s right. I admit I’m partially responsible for making things harder for Kion and the Guard cause I started to stampede. Kion’s not to blame for this trip not going the way we hoped.” Muhimu then looked at Kion, “I trust that you’ll get us to our grazing grounds safely Kion.”

“Me too!” another zebra added.

“Me three!” another gazelle smiled.

Kion smiled at the herds, “Thank you.”

Muhimu and Swala nodded at the royal prince and side-by-side they led the zebras and gazelles towards Mbali Fields,

“Hey Kyoga….?” Kion called after her.

“Yeah?” Kyoga asked.

“Why did you defend me back there, I thought you didn’t want anything to do with me or the Guard.” Kion questioned the lioness cub.

“I couldn’t stand by while the herds blamed you for their mistakes. It wasn’t fair. Plus, I know how herds can be edgy.” Kyoga replied as they crossed into the Outlands territory.

"Remember, everyone, we're in the Outlands now." Twilight said, looking over her shoulder. "Be as quiet as you can. Got it?"

"But what if..." a male zebra began loudly, but was hushed by Muhimu, who suddenly let out a scream and laid down.

"Pull it together! Didn't she just say to remain calm and quiet?" Rainbow sharply said to her.

"It's time!" the zebra screamed again.

"Yeah. Time to stay quiet." Bunga reminded, grabbing the female's snout.

"No." Muhimu rebuked. "Time for the baby!"

The ponies share "Uh-oh" looks as they see what's about to happen.

"Oh no." Fluttershy said in worry with her hooves up to her chin.

"Not now baby!" Pinkie shouted.

"Of all the worst times it had to be now!" Rarity exclaimed.

"What baby?" the Guard's bravest questioned.

"The baby I'm about to have!" Muhimu let out another shriek.

"Baby? You're having a baby?" Bunga repeated, still in disbelief. "Like a baby baby? Like a baby, baby, baby?" Muhimu nodded. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked in wide-eyed alarm.

“Wasn’t that obvious due to her enlarged stomach and her short temper?” Kyoga deadpanned that it should have been obvious at that point.

"You're having a baby? Right now?" Kion questioned as Muhimu nodded again as Rarity reacted with a shriek and then fainted.

"What do we do?" he asked, glancing to Fuli.

"How should I know?" she replied.

"I only know about eggs." Ono informed, moving to perch on the lioness' back.

"If only I could say I have actually helped deliver a baby before than I would have known what to do." Fluttershy regretfully spoke as the thought unnerves her.

"Leave it to us." Swala stated that they'll take care of this. "She'll need help, ladies. Who's with me?" A few females from Muhimu's herd stepped around their leader. Swala noticed Bunga was next to Muhimu. "She'll want some privacy."

Bunga rubbed the back of his head, "No problem. See you later!" he turned to leave but was halted by Muhimu asking him to wait.

"I'll feel safer if you're nearby." she said to the honey badger. "You saved me before. I wouldn't be here to have this baby if it weren't for you."

"Um...okay." Bunga shrugged, rubbing his arms. "How nearby do I have to be?" Muhimu let out another groan and rolled onto her side, the females of her herd forming a circle to shield her from view as he got the idea. "So not too nearby, then. Good."

"A baby zebra? It's gonna be so cute!" Beshte sighed.

"But we're in the Outlands. There's predators everywhere." Fuli reminded. "She can't have the baby here."

Ono hovered over the herd to check on Muhimu, "She can and she is!" he informed the others.

"Then we're gonna have to stay here till she's had it." Beshte noted.

"What if there's an attack?" the fastest asked.

“Pfft. Please, any predator would think twice about fighting with me.” Kyoga scoffed as Rarity regained consciousness.

A high pitched neigh caught their attention and the ran to join Bunga while Rarity fainted again as two zebras parted so they could see the new baby. Muhimu nuzzled her little one, a tiny foal with bright blue eyes, "It's a boy." she announced.

"Whoa." Bunga and Kion sighed, completely in awe at what just happened.

"It's the Circle of Life in it's purest form." Applejack breathed, holding her hat in her hooves.

The new foal took his first steps. "Look at that. He's pretty cute." Bunga noted. "Does he do anything?"

"Like what?" Muhimu asked, raising her eyebrow.

"I dunno, like play? Or tell jokes?" the honey badger questioned.

"Bunga he was just born." Kion reminded. "He can't even talk yet."

"Aww. Is he just the cutest wittle zebra you ever laid eyes on." Rarity then gushed after finally getting up to see the little foal in full glory.

"Heh." Rainbow chuckled. "And I thought Fluttershy is the one would gush over baby animals."

The infant foal let out another high-pitched neigh, that echoed all around the canyon they were in. Unknown to the three Guard members, Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu heard the noise and discovered their location. Janja, personally wanted to get revenge on Kyoga for giving him his scar which was now three healed claw marks on the side of his face. “Let’s go boys. Time for some revenge and dinner!”

"That was really cool, but a little loud." Bunga noted, tapping the infant's shoulder. "Not your fault, you're weren't born yet when Kion told us to be quiet, but..."

"Okay, zebras! Better run!" Janja warned, coming into view. "'Cause here we come!"

"Hyenas!" Swala and the zebras screamed.

Kyoga scoffed and came in front of everyone. “Back off Janja, unless you want another set of scars on your face…”

Janja snarled, “I’ve got a bone to pick with you for giving me these scars, Kyoga. Boys?”

Cheezi and Chungu, on the other hand, weren’t about to go up against Kyoga after the episode she had when she clawed Janja’s face. “Uh.. actually.. How about you deal with her Janja?” Cheezi fearfully asked as he and Chungu backed off.

“Ugh furbrains!” Janja snarled at their cowardice.

“Are those hyenas…. Scared of Kyoga?” Swala questioned, confused.

“Whatever, I don’t need help to take down a cub…” Janja snarled before he lunged at Kyoga and Kyoga collided with Janja slammed him to the ground. The pair snarled kicking up dust and blood specs from their powerful and deadly claws and they slashed each other, viciously.

“Hevi Kabisa…!” Kion breathed, seeing the claw baring battle.

“Yeah, come on Kyoga! Get him!”

“Show him whose boss!”

Rainbow and Pinkie Pie cheered happily for the disabled lioness cub.

Finally, Kyoga grabbed Janja by the scruff of his neck and threw him into one of the canyon walls.

“Ugh…!” Janja staggered to his feet, covered in small scratches.

“Now beat it, Janja. Now….” Kyoga snarled.

“Grr…. fine. But this isn’t over, Kyoga…!” Janja exclaimed as he swore revenge and limped away in defeat with Cheezi and Chungu following him.

Kyoga snorted out some smoke, with a smirk on her face.

“Woah…..” Muhimu and Swala said in awe from Kyoga’s battle.

“Like I said, think twice before tangling with me. Now come on, to the fields…”

Kyoga walked along, leaving the momentarily stunned group behind.

Later, Ono flew over the fields, taking a head count of the herds, before landing on a rock next to Beshte. "All present and accounted for!" the keenest of sight reported. "The Mbali Fields migration is officially over."

"Nothing went the way we thought it would." Kion admitted.

"But we still got everyone here safe." Twilight reminded.

"And that's what counts." Fuli added.

"We even added one." Beshte grinned with a chuckle, his eyes on the new zebra foal.

"Welcome to the Circle of Life little guy." Fluttershy said with a smile, watching as the foal kicked his hind legs and ran in a circle, braying happily.

"You said it, baby!" Bunga agreed with a laugh.

Muhimu approached the Guard, "Thank you Pony and Lion Guard, for everything." she respectfully bowed her head.

"We were just doing our job Muhimu." Kion replied, tipping his head in return. "We're just glad your new baby is happy and healthy."

The foal neighed again as he chased Bunga around the field.

"So, what are you gonna name him?" Pinkie Pie asked, looking up at Muhimu.

"Hmm." the female leader pondered a moment, before letting out a small gasp with an idea. "I got it. His name..." she looked at her son playing with Bunga, "...is Hamu."

"That's a nice name." Beshte agreed, him and everyone else watching as the Guard's bravest played with the newest member of the Pride Lands.

"Still... I wonder who that figure was that halted and lifted the water with her paws?" Twilight wondered.

"That was mighty strange." Applejack said. "Lion's shouldn't be capable of magic."

"I know.... so... who was that?" Kion asked, unaware of Kyoga smirking and then winking to the audience.

Author's Note:

For this episode, Kion deals with his first handling of a migration which doesn't go without problems but with Twilight's assurance since she has more confidence in their leadership abilities along with Kyoga coming to his defense the journey was successful.

In this version we have another Kyoga apperance as she comes to buy everyone time when the flash flood struck and then came to Kion's defense when the herd leaders blamed him for what happened pointing to Muhimu that she didn't help things by starting a stampede that caused a rock slide and their detour into the Outlands.

Kyoga is really starting to show her soft side and golden heart more as she starts to warm up to the Guard as Season 1 is starting to wrap up.

Also thank and give credit Pikachu Skitty again for putting this chapter together.

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