• Published 4th Dec 2020
  • 4,122 Views, 145 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 1) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard and The Mane Six both work together to spread the magic of friendship while protecting Equestria and the Pride Lands.

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Episode 18: The Search for Utamu

Episode 18:

The Search for Utamu

The Pony and Lion Guard searched the Pride Lands, looking for a herd that wasn't at their usual grazing grounds. Ono and Rainbow Dash took to the sky and after a few minutes, located the missing herd and led the rest of the Guard to them.

"Everyone, the buffalo are right down there." Ono reported.

"Thanks Ono and Rainbow." Kion said.

"Why do you suppose they wandered so far from their regular grazing ground?" Beshte pondered aloud as the Guard stood on the hill overlooking the buffalo herd.

"Who cares?" Bunga shrugged with a wave of his hand. "We found them, they're fine, let's go."

"Wait. I'm not so sure they are fine. Look where they're grazing." Ono used his sight to zoom in and saw they were surrounding, "Hapana! They're right on top of a geyser."

"A what?" Bunga questioned, looking up at the two animals beside him.

"A geyser." both Ono and Twilight repeated in unison.

"Really hot water shooting up from a hole in the ground." the bird added.

The Guard's strongest quirked his brow, "Are you sure you're not making that up?" Just as he asked that, a low rumble was heard by everyone and the ground beneath their feet began to quake.

"Whoa. Big B, you gotta eat something." Bunga noted, pointing to the hippo. "That stomach of yours is rumbling like crazy."

"I don't think that's my stomach." Beshte replied as the rumbling grew louder.

"Its the geyser! It's about to blow!"

"We've gotta warn the buffalo!" Kion ordered. "Till the Equestria and the Pride Lands end..."

"...Pony and Lion Guard defend!" The Guard ran down the hill towards the buffalo herd, which were starting to get spooked by the shaking ground. The geyser blew, sending a tower of boiling water into the air, which nearly splashed Ono in the process. The buffalo herd went into a full panic and began stampeding across the plains.

"Hevi kabisa. The herd!" Kion gasped. "We've gotta stop them before they trample everything in their path!"

"Leave this to me." Fuli and Rainbow volunteered, giving a grin to the Guard's leader before speeding off after the herd. "Huwezi!"

"They can't do it alone." Kion stated. "C'mon!"

"Slow it down, buffalo!" Fuli and Rainbow yelled over the bovine's bellows as they ran circles around the herd. "That's the way." they continued to circle the herd, which seemed to calm down. "Nice and easy."

"Would ya look at that." Beshte noted with wide eyes as the buffaloes came to a stop.

"Maybe they can do it alone." Kion said looking very impressed with the speedy duo. Fuli and Rainbow Dash ran back to the Guard, panting.

"Poa, Fuli and Rainbow!" Beshte sighed in amazement.

“That was Fantastic!” Pinkie Pie smiled.

"That was un-Bunga-lievable!" Bunga added with a grin.

"Thanks." the cheetah smiled, sitting up straight.

“No problem.” Rainbow added.

"You should have seen it from up there." Ono smiled.

"Great work, Fuli." Kion praised. "Now why don't you take a break?" Then cries of help from across the plains caught everyone's ears, "Help Help!"

"And the break's over." said the honey badger.

"It's gonna be one of those days." Fuli sighed, rolling her eyes.

The Guard's leader looked to the egret perched on the lioness' shoulder, "Ono, take a look."

"Affirmative." Saluted the keenest of sight as he took off. He located the sounds of the cries, Three galagos! About to fall from a tree in Ndefu Grove!" he relayed to the animals below.

"We'd better get moving." suggested the Guard's fiercest.

“We got this.” Rainbow and Fuli said before they sped off leaving the rest of the guard behind.

The rest of the Guard followed after the cheetah and pegasus towards Ndefu Grove. They arrived just in time to see the three galagos jump up and down on the cheetah and pegasus's back, cheering in excitement.

"Nice save you two!” Beshte grinned as he complimented them again.

"Good thing you didn't need any backup." Kion noted with a raised brow.

"Yeah." Fuli and Rainbow agreed with a chuckle.

"I knew I could handle this one by myself. But, uh..." Fuli glanced at the three small primates on her back, who were currently kneading her fur. "I could use some help getting these things off me."

“Me too.” Rainbow said as she too is not one for furry little animals cuddling onto her while Fluttershy giggles at the two.

"They really like you two." Fluttershy smiled at them as they both groan as the honey badger steps forward to help them.

"All right, Gally-ally-goes." Bunga chuckled. "Off 'a the kitty and pony!"

The Guard continued on with their patrol, passing by one of the many watering holes throughout the Pride Lands.

"I can still feel those teeny little hands grabbing my fur." Fuli groaned.

"You sure you got them all?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah, you're good." Bunga assured, patting the cheetah's shoulder. The badger looked ahead and gasped, "Zuka zama! Lookit!" he pointed to a thick, gray boulder that curved over the river. "The water's reached the trees at Mapema Rock!"

The rest of the Guard noticed the same thing, although none of them could figure out why Bunga was so excited about it.

"Oh yeah, you're right.... uh, What does that mean?" Beshte asked, looking at his badger friend.

"It means it's the peak of the rainy season!" Bunga answered with a wide grin. "It's time for Utamu! I've gotta go get some!" he ran off towards Mapema Rock, leaving the Guard in a state of confusion.

"Bunga, wait!" Kion called after him, the Guard following after their bravest member. "Where are you going?"

“And what are Utamu?” Twilight added.

"I just told ya. I'm gettin' Utamu!" Bunga answered to the lion prince. "They're the rarest, most delicious grubs in the Pride Lands!" he added. "But they only come out one day at the peak of the rainy season! So you gotta find 'em fast! That's why..." he was cut off by an animal's cry for help.

"Ono?" Kion asked. Ono saluted and he flew high to spotted what animal was in danger. "It's a serval." Ono informed the rest of the Guard. "It looks like he tried to jump across Big Ravine. He's hanging on to the edge, but he won't last long."

"Alright Lion Guard lets-" Kion began to say, but cut off when Fuli and Rainbow ran/flew ahead of the others.

"Fuli, Rainbow wait!" Kion called as the guard took off after them.

Fuli and Rainbow raced across the plains and she made it the ravine in no time and using her speed she leaped across the ravine and landed behind the serval. Rainbow flew down and supported her.

With Fuli using her retractable claws to grip the side of the cliff and with Rainbow pushing, they managed to push the serval up and to safety before Fuli pulled herself up only to be met by the others coming towards them.

"Great rescue, Fuli, Rainbow." Ono called out to them as he flew over to them.

"What...took the...rest of...you so...long?" Fuli asked between breaths.

"We had to go around the long way." Beshte answered.

"Jumpin' Junebugs Fuli, what made you think to try a jump like that?!" Applejack exclaimed.

"Yeah. Even I wouldn't even try a crazy jump like that." Bunga added.

"Not to worry. Just takes a little speed, that's all." Fuli smirked and Rainbow chuckled with a grin.

"Fuli, Rainbow, why didn't you wait for us?" Kion asked, stepping forward and staring at the female cheetah and pegasus to reprimand them.

"Um, cause the serval was hanging for dear life about to fall at any second much like the galagos earlier." Rainbow dully responded as if Kion was getting worked up over what should be a simple "Good Job." response. "If we didn't rush over there when we did they all would have gotten hurt."

"C'mon, Kion. You put me on the Guard 'cause I'm the fastest." Fuli scoffed and reminded him. "If my speed can help, shouldn't I use it?"

"Yeah, but we're a team." the Guard's leader reminded. "And our team's not as good if you two get hurt or worn out from going solo."

"I'm a cheetah. Cheetahs don't get worn out." Fuli informed.

“Yeah, neither do I!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“But everyone has a limit when it comes to certain things.” Twilight advised. “I have a limit when it comes to how much magic I use. If I use too much, it causes a magical strain on me, causing me pain and weakness. You two have a limit when it comes to speed. Cheetahs can’t run for very long or else they’ll be worn out and vulnerable to attacks.”

Fuli and Rainbow dismissed Twilight’s concern.

"Well, now that that's settled-" Bunga's voice snapped the two out of their stare-down with Kion. "I gotta go find the Utamu grubs. You comin' or not?"

"I'm in." Fuli grinned.

"Let's go." Rainbow added, but before the pair cold go, Kion stood in their way. “Not you two, I think you both need to rest. If anything else happens, we'll need you both at full strength." he ordered to which the cheetah and pegasus chuckled dryly in response.

"I'm sorry, have we met? I’m always at full strength." Fuli returned.

"I mean it, Fuli and Rainbow." Kion said sternly that he is serious to the two about this. "You both need to take it easy for a while. I want you to stay here."

Kion, Fuli, and Rainbow stared at each other before Beshte came forward to gently reason with them.

"I think what Kion's trying to say is that. Everybody needs to rest sometimes."

"And believe me it is tough but you'll find yourselves much more energized and see that it will be well worth waiting for." Applejack added speaking from past experience.

Seeing that Kion wasn't backing down, Fuli and Rainbow sighed in defeat. "Fine. I'll rest." Fuli caved, plopping down.

"But I won't like it." Rainbow added.

"Wouldn't expect you to." Kion giggled, giving his friends a smile. The Guard then moved off leaving the pair to relax. Fuli layed down and stretched herself out. She sighed before sniffing and hearing some antelope. "Relaxing? Hunting? They're kinda the same thing." Fuli said as she sneakily walked off and Rainbow followed her.

"So, Bunga. These Utamu grubs. Do you know where to find them?" Kion asked the honey badger, who pondered on it for a moment before nodding. "Yes, I totally do! This way!" He led the rest of the Guard away.

Fuli was closing in on a lone oryx with Rainbow watching from the sidelines when, a female duck came down, calling her name,

"Fuli! Fuli! Rainbow Dash!" The scream scared off her prey and Fuli sighed in annoyance, "Seriously?"

"Fuli! Fuli! Rainbow! I need the Pony and Lion Guard! The oryxes are fighting!"

"Calm down. Oryxes fight all the time."

"But they're fighting near our nests! If they're not stopped, they'll trample our eggs!"

"Got it. Take me there." Fuli said ready to help them.

“Me too!” Rainbow said in agreement.

"Well, but, what about the rest of the Lion Guard?"

"If you want help fast, you want us, with or without the Guard!" Rainbow said while dismissing their assistance.

"Mmm, that makes sense. Follow me!" The female duck flew off without question and Fuli and Rainbow followed close behind unaware that Kyoga was watching them from afar.

Kyoga sighed, “Pushing themselves to the limit, I see… I’d better keep an eye on them..” and she followed the pair from afar.

"Utamu. Utamu. Good for you and yummy too. Goes right down like squishy goo." Bunga sang as he, Beshte, Ono, and Kion walked through the grasslands. "Utamu. Utamu. When only the best will do, it's the grub for you. Utamu." He stopped suddenly and was ran into by Beshte.

"Sorry, Little B." the hippo apologized as he and Ono chuckled lightly.

"Okay, Bunga, which way do we go?" Twilight asked, looking ahead to see the path split off in two directions.

"Hmm." the badger tapped his chin with his claws. "When in doubt, follow the dung!" he answered.

"Follow the dung?" Beshte repeated, his expression, like the others, a bit disgusted. "Like follow the poop?"

"Yup." Bunga agreed.

"Ugh." Rarity recoiled, closing her left eye and sticking her tongue out. “Darling why we are doing this again?”

"The dung beetles always lead you to grubs. Never fails." Bunga added.

"Really?" Kion raised his eyebrow. "Why's that?"

"Because grubs are dung beetle larvae." Ono informed, "Common knowledge, really."

"Check it out." Bunga pointed down at the ground, where a group of dung beetles were rolling along. "just heading home. And we can follow 'em."

"Pretty cool that you knew that." Kion chuckled, looking to the badger.

"I know! I'm un-dunga-lievable!" Bunga laughed, while everyone else just rolled their eyes. "Come on." he motioned for his friends to follow him down the path that split in the left direction, continuing to sing "When only the best will do, it's the grub for you. Utamu!"

"So, Little B, what's so special about these Utami grubs anyway?" Beshte asked after a while of walking.

“Yeah, what makes them so special to you?” Fluttershy asked.

"Well, Utamu-" the honey badger corrected. "-brought me together with my Uncle Timon and Uncle Pumbaa."

“They did?” Twilight asked.

"Really?" Kion asked.

"Ya mean I never told you?" Bunga looked quizzically. His friends shook their heads.

Bunga leaned against a nearby boulder, "It was a while ago. When I was really little." he began, holding his hand out just below his knee, indicating how much smaller he was back then. "I never met my real mom and dad."


{"Back then I was all on my own. I could find my own food easy enough. But I was lonely."}

Baby Bunga, a smaller version of his cub-self with a single buck tooth sticking over his lip and shorter white scruff dug through a log and pulled out a pile of grubs and ate them whole.

{"And then I saw them. Right as they walked past Mapema Rock."}

Baby Bunga heard the sounds of singing and followed it, seeing a meerkat and warthog pair dancing along the riverbank near Mapema Rock. Both of them were singing, "Utamu. Utamu."

"It's got a taste, rich and bold your mouth will be amazed." Timon sang.

"It's a kind of taste you won't forget the rest of your days." added Pumbaa.

They both sang together, "Utamu. Utamu. Good for you and yummy too. Goes right down like squishy goo. Utamu, Utamu. When only the best will do, it's the grub for you. Utamu!"

"Come on, Pumbaa." Timon urged his best friend as they followed a few dung beetles along the riverbank. "The Utamu grubs only come out once a year. And this year, we're gonna get 'em."

"Oh, that's what you say every year, Timon." Pumbaa groaned. "And then, halfway up that big tree, you decide to wait till next year."

{"They seemed friendly. Funny."}Baby Bunga, who was watching the pair from a nearby bush, sniffed the air, a grin spreading over his face. {"And a little stinky. Just like me! I knew we'd get along!"}

The infant honey badger ran alongside the warthog before latching onto his leg. Timon turned around and saw the ball of blue fur attached to his friend's leg, "Beat it, kid." he shooed away. "Me and Pumbaa have grubs to find."

"Grubs! Grubs!" Baby Bunga repeated, following the pair as they took a few more steps, stopping right in front of the meerkat.

"Oh, Timon!" Pumbaa sighed at the badger's cuteness. "I think he likes you!"

Timon pushed the baby animal off him, "Okay, kid. See that big rock?" he pointed to a large rock not too far from them. "I betcha there's plenty of grubs under it. You go get 'em!"

Baby Bunga ran towards the stone, yelling out his signature catchphrase as he went. He came back a few seconds later, carrying two large grub worms, holding them out for Timon. The meerkat muttered a thanks before taking the green worm and tossed the red one to the warthog.

"Aw, look at him. He's such a cute little thing." Pumbaa sighed, staring into the wide eyes of the baby badger. "Can we keep him?"

"Keep him?" Timon repeated. "No. No more kids. We already raised a lion, remember?" he folded his arms over his chest against the idea. "Besides, he's a honey badger. He can fend for himself." Timon turned to walk away. "So long, kid. Thanks for the grub."

Baby Bunga wrapped his arms around the meerkat's waist, his small tail wagging back and forth. "Oh, I think he wants to be with us, too." Pumbaa noted, completely under the influence of the baby's cuteness.

"We'll see about that." Timon raised an eyebrow.

{"Then Timon asked me to find the rarest, most delicious grubs in the Pride Lands. Utamu!"}

"Zuka Zama!" Baby Bunga giggled as he ran up a dead tree over a deep gorge. He continued to laugh as he jumped from branch to branch, looking for the special grubs.

"He's really doing it." Timon's eyes went wide. "I was sure he'd be too scared and just run away."

"I don't think he's afraid of anything, Timon." Pumbaa noted, glancing down at his friend.

"Yeah." The meerkat agreed. "The kid's loopier than a snake squeezin' his supper." he chuckled.

"Or as they say in the Serengeti..." the warthog added, "...he's bunga!"

The baby honey badger jumped out of the tree, holding three large worms in varying shades of purple and blue, repeating the name Pumbaa had just said. He held out the grubs for the pair, a big smile on his face. "

Would ya look at that?" Timon blinked in surprise by what he had just did. "He got 'em! He got the Utamu."

"Now can we keep him, Timon?" Pumbaa begged.

"Can we?" Timon moved to stand behind the baby honey badger, his hand's on the infant's shoulders. "The little Bunga got us the most delicious grubs in the Pride Lands! How can we not?" He took one of the Utamu grubs and ate it. "C'mon, Bunga. From now on, you're with us."

Baby Bunga followed the two older animals as they headed back to their home at Hakuna Matata Falls.

{End Flashback}

"So now, at the peak of every rainy season, we celebrate. I always bring the Utamu." Bunga concluded his story. "My uncles love 'em! And I don't want to let them down."

“Aww… so sweet..!” Fluttershy cooed.

"Aw, Little B." Beshte sniffled. "That was beautiful."

"Don't worry, Bunga. We'll help you get that Utamu." Kion assured, casting a glance to the rest of the Guard members. "Right, guys?"

"Absolutely" agreed Beshte.

"Yes." added Ono "But, uh, the dung beetles aren't going to help." he added, looking around. "They're gone."

"Say what?" Bunga questioned, looking down at the ground, realizing Ono was right.

"So how are we going to find the Utamu now?" Beshte asked.

Bunga looked around and let out a gasp, "I see the tree!" He exclaimed. "Zuka Zama! C'mon!" The Guard's bravest ran ahead, with the rest of his friends right behind him.

"Too bad Fuli and Rainbow didn't get to hear Bunga's story." Beshte noted.

"Yeah." Kion agreed with a shrug of his shoulders. "But it's good that they’re getting some rest."

“But that won’t last long, Rainbow’s not the kind of pegasus to relax for too long.” Applejack quipped as she thinks otherwise.

Unfortunately, Applejack was proved right as Fuli and Rainbow raced slowly across the plains, panting heavily, "Are we getting close?"

"Pretty close!" The female duck said. Fuli and Rainbow panted some more, "Ugh. What about now?"

"Mmm. Pretty close!"

"How much farther?" Fuli panted.

"Oh, we're pretty close now!" Fuli panted and grunted, "Fuli, Rainbow!!"

"I know, I know! We're pretty close!"

"No, we're here now! Look!" Fuli stopped and panted seeing the Oryxes battling each other with their hooves dangerously close to the ducks nests.

"Can you stop them?"

Rainbow exhaled in response, "You better believe it. Oryxes! Get out of here! Now!" The Oryxes grunted and they moved away and she panted.

"You did it! You saved our nests! Thanks!" The female duck thanked them.

"No problem. We’re just gonna... Head out now." Fuli and Rainbow walked for a couple minutes away from the nest and they pair collapsed from exhaustion on the ground.

Nearby on a dead tree, Mizingo and his vultures were having a meeting. Mizingo cleared his throat, "Before we bring the meeting of this committee to order... Please join me in the singing of our parliamentary anthem." the vultures then broke into song.

All Hail the Vultures

"Oi, is that Fuli and Rainbow Dash lying down there? I've never seen her when she wasn't running. What's wrong with her?" Mwoga asked seeing the female pegasus cheetah on the ground.

"Hmm. It seems Fuli and Rainbow are too young to know their limits." Mzingo stated as he observed the exhausted duo.

"Ya mean Fuli don't know cheetahs can only run for so long before they need a rest?" The other vulture returned.

"Precisely. I conclude she and that pegasus have pushed themselves too hard, and currently has no energy at all. Which means they can't fight back." The lead vulture answered.

"Oh, should we form a subcommittee to discuss our options in attacking Fuli and Rainbow in their current weakened state?" Another vulture proposed.

"Actually, I think this is the one time that we dispense with formal parliamentary procedures... " Mizingo inhales deeply, "And simply attack."

Meanwhile, the others Guard members stood around the dead tree over the gorge where the Utamu grubs could be found. "Is this really the tree where you first found the Utamu, Little B?" Beshte asked as he looked up and down the tree.

"Sure is! Now all I have to do is climb up and get 'em!" Bunga grinned and jumped onto the trunk, shouting "Zuka Zama!" as he began to climb to the top.

"Careful, Bunga!" Kion called up to her badger friend. "That tree looks pretty dead!"

"I know!" Bunga replied, jumping onto a branch that loomed over the gorge. "That's why grubs love living in it!" The branch creaked under the badger's weight. He jumped up to the next branch above him, the one he was just on breaking off and falling into the gorge. "I'm comin' for you, Utamu!" the honey badger rubbed his palms together in delight.

Each time Bunga took a step, the wood creaked.

"Bunga, that branch is rotten!" Kion alerted his friend. "I don't think it'll hold you!"

"Sure it will!" Bunga assured as he neared a hole in the branch where he first found the grubs.

"Ono and Fluttershy, steady the end of that branch." Kion stated to them before turning to the strongest duo of the Guard, "Beshte and Applejack, hold the trunk."

"Sure thing, Kion." Beshte and Appleback grinned, running to stand between the trunk and the ledge's edge.

Ono and Fluttershy landed on the edge of the branch Bunga was on, flapping his wings to help hold him up. "Hapana." he gasped when something alarming caught his eye. "Twilight! Kion! Mzingo and his vultures!" he alerted the Guard's leader. "They're circling!"

"That's never good. We need to check it out. Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Ono, Beshte, Bunga!" Kion called up to the rest of his team. "Let's go!"

"Wait!" the honey badger called down, "Just one more step." When Bunga took that one step, the branch gave way and the badger let out a scream as he fell with the branch.

"I'm coming, Bunga!" Ono swooped down and knocked the badger off of the branch.

"My Utamu!" Bunga cried out as he watched the branch fall into the river below.

"I got him!" Beshte called and he caught Bunga on his back. "Thanks Beshte."

"Sorry, Bunga." Twilight apologized, noting the sad expression on the badger's face. "But we gotta go see what Mzingo and his vultures are up to."

"Yeah, I know." Bunga sighed.

"Ono, keep an eye out for Fuli and Rainbow." Kion ordered the keenest of sight. "We'll need them if there's trouble." He took off after Ono, who lead the Guard towards the vultures.

"If I know Fuli and Rainbow, they're already there." Beshte muttered.

Fuli and Rainbow heard Vultures squawking and they opened their eyes and saw Mizingo and his vultures surrounding them. The pair tried to get up but they were too tired, "Back off, vultures. You don't want any part of me." Rainbow warned.

"Oh, but I believe we do." Mzingo said.

"I want a leg!" Mwgoa stated.

"Young cheetah and pony. You have so little energy right now, you couldn't attack us if you tried."

"Oh, um, question. You really think she can't fight back?"

Fuli and Rainbow inhaled deeply, "Just try me!"

"If you had any strength, you'd have pounced by now." He dismissed their comments as he takes their sweet time asking his flock in their slow approach to the two. "All in favor of attacking from all sides, hmm?"

The vultures said together and in unison, "Aye!"

"All opposed? Motion passed. The ayes have it." Mizingo said but suddenly Kyoga came in between the flock and the pair, "I oppose Mizingo." Kyoga growled.

“Ugh! You again, Kyoga!” Mizingo snarled at the lioness.

“Yeah, what’s it to you?” Kyoga questioned.

“Get out of the way, we’re about to have a meal.” Mwoga said.

“You’re gonna have to beat me first, which you can’t.” Kyoga smirked. Then, a vulture cried out and lunged at Kyoga but the disabled lioness reared up and pinned the vulture with her good leg and paw. “Agh!”

“Like I said, you can’t.” Kyoga smirked.

The Lion Guard raced across the plains towards Ukuni Woods.

"Still no sign of Rainbow and Fuli, Ono?" Twilight asked as she looked up at the egret.

"No, nothing." Ono shook his head.

"We could use them on this one." Kion muttered as he ran at the front of the Guard.

"Wait…..Oh, no! It's Fuli and Rainbow!" Ono screamed from the air, focusing his eyes to get a clearer view. They’re down, and they're surrounded by vultures and Kyoga’s with them!"

"Hevi kabisa!" Kion gasped, "Till the Equestria and Pride Lands end..."

"Pony and Lion Guard defend!" the Guard yelled as they raced towards their friends

Kyoga kept swatting away the vultures easily with her good paw, “You might as well, give up, Mzingo.”

“Hmph we vultures’ never give up!” Mzingo exclaimed in defiant refusal.

Just then, "Vultures! Get away from them!" Kion yelled.

"Kion?" Fuli and Rainbow asked and Kion followed suit and pounced on Mzingo while Pinkie Pie and Bunga kicked two into the air, "Zuka Zama!"

Ono pecked another vulture on the head, "Leave Fuli and Rainbow alone!"

Two more came in but, Fluttershy fluttered over and hit the vulture.

“Sorry…!” She whispered while Twilight blasted the others with her magic.

"Reconvene!" Mzingo squawked as he flew in the air. "Reconvene!" All the vultures took to the sky and surrounded their leader.

The Lion Guard stood in a line in front of Fuli and Rainbow. "Mzingo!" Kion growled, his amber-brown eyes narrowed at the vulture's leader. "When you and your vultures take on one member of the Guard...You take on us all!" He let out his Roar, which sent the whole parliament flying into the Outlands.

"You okay?" Kion asked, as he turned to face his friends.

The cheetah sat up and smiled at her friends, "Yeah." she answered. "Thanks for saving us, you guys. Even though I feel kinda lame for needing it." she muttered.

"You shouldn't." Kion rebuked that there is no shame in it. "We're always there for each other. We're a team."

"Yeah." Bunga agreed, standing to the right of Kion. "Even I've been in trouble once or twice." That comment made Kion look down at the badger with a raised brow and half-smirk. "Okay, lots of times." Bunga corrected, rubbing the back of his head.

"I know it is tough to have to rely on help at times and we are very appreciative of the solo rescues you two have pulled today..." Applejack added while acknowledging all things considered. "...and like you two I initially didn't want to accept help when I was trying to harvest the entire apple farm on my own. Yet I ended up pushing myself to the point I was getting quite delirious from lack of sleep that it ended up causing a havoc in Ponyville that need to ponies getting sick and injured because of my stubborn and pride wanting to work alone." She then said as she turned to Beshte, Kion, and Twilight. "Thankfully I had a few friends still willing to help me out and realize to know when to rely on help when I need it."

"Well, we weren’t helping the team by going off alone and getting worn out." Rainbow admitted, her ears falling to the sides of her head. "Next time we really will wait for the rest of you." she smiled sincerely. "Just try to move a little faster so we won't have to wait so long."

The rest of the Guard laughed at the peagsus's last comment as Fuli addressed the lioness that bought the rest of the Guard time to come to their rescue. "Kyoga."

Kyoga looked at Fuli as Rainbow stepped forward with something to say,

"Thanks for defending us.” Rainbow thanked.

Kyoga nodded with a straight face. "Your both welcome."

"So... were you following us the whole time?" Fuli smirked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes I was, cause I figured that you two would have reached your limit the way you two were pushing yourselves…” Kyoga replied to which the Guard laughed in response. The Guard's bravest let out a heavy sigh, which broke the laughter.

"Bunga, what's wrong?" Fuli asked, noting the sad expression on his face.

"I gotta go meet up with my uncles." the badger answered. "And I don't have any Utamu."

"I'm sure they won't care." the hippo assured.

"You think?" Bunga shrugged, still unsure.

Rainbow and Fuli got to her feet and gave him a smile, "Let's go to Hakuna Matata Falls and find out." Rainbow suggested.

As the Pony and Lion Guard walked towards Hakuna Matata Falls, they could hear Timon and Pumbaa sing their Utamu song. The pair were dancing around a large log.

"Uncle Timon? Uncle Pumbaa?" Bunga said meekly, which made the two animals halt their singing.

"What's wrong, kid?" Timon asked taking note of his sad face.

"I, uh, I've got some bad news." Bunga sighed, rubbing his arm. "I know I usually bring the Utamu grubs for us to celebrate with. But-" he looked down at the ground. "I couldn't get them this time."

"Eh, Bunga. Utamu grubs are great." the meerkat shrugged to assure him it's no big deal. "But that's not why we celebrate."

"Timon's right." Pumbaa agreed. "We celebrate because the day we got the Utamu was the day we met you!"

Bunga's expression changed, "Really?" he smiled. The three joined in a small group hug.

"Aw." Beshte sighed. "That's nice."

"Besides, this year..We got the Utamu!" Timon announced as Pumbaa rolled away the giant log behind them.

"What?" Bunga blinked, seeing a pile of the purple-blue bugs squirming on a giant leaf. "But how?"

"Oh, you wouldn't believe it!" Pumbaa answered. "A branch full of Utamu grubs fell right outta the sky!"

"I believe it." Ono muttered, standing in front of the group knowing exactly how it happened.

Bunga took one of the grubs off the leaf and held it in the air,

"Here's to the two best uncles a honey badger could ask for!" he toasted, before tossing the grub into his mouth and swallowed it.

"Utamu. Utamu." The trio sang together as the rest of the Guard swayed to the beat. "When only the best will do, it's the grub for you. Utamu!"

Author's Note:

As Fuli and Rainbow Dash learn an important lesson of teamwork, Bunga leads the others into obtaining special grubs for his family as they learn of how they met to which we all know how it turns out for those who watched the show.

Not really much to explain again, other than one little touch-up I did to address that while the lesson for the Guard's fastest is to learn to work with others and wait for them I did add in the dialogue to point that the situations Fuli took on her own required quick-thinking and action because the hydraxs along with the serval would have all fallen and gotten hurt or worse had she not taken action so I fixed that. In addition, Applejack using the past experience of overworking herself during Applebuck Season to help the speedy duo understand of how valuable having help back them up is while voicing that their accomplishments are very well appreciated. Plus, Kyoga making an apperance to fend off the vultures while protecting Rainbow and Fuli and buying the rest of the Guard time to come to their rescue.

Next up is "Suited for Success." where Rarity and Ono's combined interest in art combine for the dress and suits for the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala.

Also make sure to thank and give PikachuSkitty credit for putting this one together.

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