• Published 7th Sep 2012
  • 6,217 Views, 202 Comments

Medkits, ammopacks and...ponies? - BOBthieBomber

RU Support and US Assault in Equestria. What could possibly go wrong?

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Chapter 1

It was in the middle of the match of operation Metro. It was going good for Assault. He had 40 kills and only 7 deaths. he's score were OVER 9000! But out there was his Nemesis, the Support. They had a history. Either it was a clay more or mortar. This was his chance for a backstap on him. Before Assault could, Support spun around and stopped him. They we're about to shot each other when a SMAW rocket blown up the building above them and collapsed on top of them. The engineer that had fired the rocket locked at the score and saw this.

Jokis1 KILLED BOBthieBomber
Jokis1 TEAMKILL Looter Penguin

Only one thought came to the engineers mind. “SHIIIIEEEET!”

Chapter 1 Hostilities and ponies

”Take this you American dog!” Support yells on top of his lungs while throwing a grenade where Assault was hiding.

“Oh Shit!” Assault yelled and ran towards another tree. The first tree exploded into million bits when the grenade went off. Assault managed to get behind another tree before being hit by any of Supports bullets. It has gone three minutes after what happened at operation Metro. Neither of the two humans could explain what had happened before they tried to kill each other’s once again.

“There is no escape, American. Remember that I have ammo pack so I will never run out of ammo.” Support laughed at to the tree where Assault was hiding. After being remembered about Supports ability Assault silently cursed to himself. Assault looked down on his L85A1 with a heavy barrel and foregrip . He counted the ammo, 78 bullets left. That’s not even three magazines. This time Assault cursed loudly enough for Support to hear him. That tone Support was no stranger too. That was the tone when a class is running low of ammo. After hearing that curse Support started to smile to himself. Support looked down at his M240B with a foregrip, Big ammo and holographic sight and aimed at the tree. He pulled the trigger and expected that once again the air would be filled with the noise off guns…except nothing of that happened. Instead a familiar click sound came. Support looked once again down at the gun and noticed that there was no ammo belt in the magazine. He also noticed he had walked too far away from the ammo box and had now wasted all of his ammo. Only one word escaped the Russians mouth. “ебать.”

After hearing that familiar noise from the Russian weapon Assault thanked fate and quickly spun around the tree. There he noticed that Support had already thrown out a completely new ammo pack and had already started to reload his weapon. The Russian was half way of reloading before the bullets started to fly towards him. He was forced to interrupt the reloading and run for cover. A whole minute passed of silence before the Russian deiced to look over log he had hidden behind. He looked over at the tree where Assault had stood for a minute ago. Now no one was there. Support was about to step up from his cover before he heard a stick break behind him. He quickly spun around and there he stood. Assault had raised his weapon and had it aimed at Support. Support first thought it was over before luck washed over him as well. A clicking sound came from the Americans weapon. Assault cursed once again for not taking better care of the ammo in the when he was shooting at Support. Both sides looked at each other’s before quickly grabbing something at their waist. Assault pulled out his M1911 and quickly aimed it at Supports head but Support had also managed to draw out his .44 Magnum and had it aimed at Assault head. Once again silence washed over them both when they just stood there watching each others. No one dared to do anything before a sound came from their side. Both humans turned their head, still had their pistol aimed at each other’s, and looked where the sound had come from. What they saw was beyond weird. There out in the opened stood a butter yellow horse with a pink mane and tail. It looked too be up to their waist. By the look of its face it looked absolutely terrified. Both the humans and the horse looked at each other’s before something even weirder happened, the horse fainted.

Both humans just looked back at each other’s than at the horse than back at each other’s again. They repeated that for a while before Assault broke the silence.

“Okay, where are clearly no longer in Paris.”

Support did nothing more than to simply nod his head.


Fluttershy was on her way to meet Zecora at her hut to ask for some medicine. One of her animals had strange sickness which nothing seemed to work at. She then came to think about Zecora and that she had medicine for almost everything. Normally Fluttershy wouldn’t walk into the ever free forest like that but when one of her animals’ health was at the asking nothing would stand in her way. After ten minutes of walking she finally reached the hut. She wailed up to the door and knocked. After few seconds a familiar Zebra opened the door.

“Ah Fluttershy, my friend. What brings you to my hut now then?” Zecora said while welcoming the pony into her home.

“Hum, well. It’s that one of my animal friends has sickness and it seems like nothing I do work. I wondered that maybe you had a cure for it.” Fluttershy nervously asked.

“Ah, just describe the disease and I will find a cure with ease.” Zecora said to the Pegasus. Fluttershy then described the disease to Zecora and she almost immediately recognized it. The Zebra went to one of the many shelves and picked down a bottle with her teeth. She then handed it over to Fluttershy and explained that this might work. Fluttershy said her thanks and goodbyes and turned to leave. After three minutes of walking in the forest an unfamiliar sound could be heard in the forest. This sound sounded like a clicking noise which was repeated rapidly for a second before disappearing. That was also something else that was weird. There were no other noises on the forest. It was completely silent. Fluttershy is not the curious type but this was something she had never heard before. It could be a new animal or some sort. She ventured of the road and towards where the sound had come from. She picked up the pace when she heard the same sound again but this time slightly different. At last she finally arrived to where the sound had come from. She expected some sort of cute anima which she might recognize but was she saw took her completely by surprise.

There stood the two most unfamiliar beings she had ever seen in her life. They easily towered over her. Both were dressed in some weird clothing and where holding something weird at each other in their front hoof things. They must have heard her coming cause both where right now staring at her. The one to her left was dressed in some weird black clothing. It wore a black mask with some sort of helmet on and it looked like to be wearing some sort of heavy backpack. The one to her right was dressed in some navy blue colored clothing. It also wore a helmet but instead of a mask it wore a pair of sunglasses not so different from those that her friend Rainbow dash owns. She and the two creatures just stood there and watched at each other’s before everything went black for her.


Both Humans was still holding their weapons pointed at each others’ none daring to make a move…again. Both of them had seemed some strange stuff in their life’s but this was something new. A yellow horse had come out of nowhere and had fainted there on the spot. None knew what to do before Assault broke the silence.

“Okay, I suggest a ceasefire until we can figure it out what the hell is going on and where the fuck we are.” Assault said too Support. Support thought about it for a moment before replying.

“I agree.”

“Okay then, on three. We both drop our weapons okay.” Support nods. “Okay one…two…three.” Both soldiers still held their guns pointed at each other.
“What the hell! Why did you not drop your weapon?” Assault yells at Support, clearly angered.

“Because, I don’t trust you.” Support says back. Still just seemed to make Assault more angry before calming down. Assault then looks back at the Russian before saying.

“Okay, this time I promise to drop my gun. Okay we’re just going to throw it at the side, okay?” Support nods again. They count to three once again and this time both throw away they guns to the side. Both sight a sight of relief before looking back at the strange horse thingy. Assault tries to contact HQ but nothing.

“Do you get any contact on your radio?”



Support walks up to the horse and bends down to take a closer look. He now noticed a couple of new things he didn’t see first. The first is that it is smaller than a horse that means it was a pony. The second is that it appears to carry a couple of wings on its back and third and last, it has some strange tattoos on its flank. Meanwhile Assault had taken a look on the surroundings and noticed that this didn’t look like any forest he’s been in under the whole war. It looked like nothing like Caspian border and not even close to the park close to the metro. He looks back at Support and a wash of fear comes over him. Support has drawn his knife and is about to strike it down on the unsuspected pony. Before he can a hand had grabbed his hand and stops him from moving it. He looks back and sees Assault with a pissed of face on him.

“Why the hell did you just try to do that?” Assault yells to the Russian. Support gets up and yells back.

“Well, I’m sorry that I was thinking about food. If you haven’t noticed where are in a forest and we have food right in front of us here.”

“If you haven’t noticed we have an unknown creature here and you are thinking about killing it.” Assault yells once again. Support just looks back at the pony that back at Assault. “Besides this could be someone’s pet. That means that civilization is close. You pick up the pony than while I go and get the guns.”

“Why must I carry the fucking horse?” Support yells

“Because I bet it doesn’t even weight more than that tank of a gun you always carry.” Support just becomes madder but decides to take that later. He picks up the pony and slung it over his shoulder. Assault was wrong. This pony was lighter than his M240B. He looks back at Assault and saw that he had both guns in his hands. His blood ran cold when he saw Assault lift up his left hand and was aiming Supports .44 at him. Assault then slung the gun around in his hand so Support could grab it. Support let a sight of relief come out before grasping the pistol. He put the pistol in his pocket at his waist and Assault did the same.

“Alright, where to now American?” Support asked.

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know, well that is encouraging.” Support snaps at Assault.

“Okay, Russian. Where do you think we should go?” Assault snaps back.





“Because I have a feeling that there is where civilization is.” Support says

“And how in the fuck do you know that?”

“I grow up in the mighty forests of Russia. I know my way around them. East.”

“Fine it’s not like it can get any worse.” And like on a que it starts to rain. “You know what Support?”


“I have learned something today.”

“And what’s that?”

“That that God hates me” The rain is pouring down “very much.” Support simply laugh while he keeps walking with the pony over his shoulder.

“What is it? Is little rain to much for a mighty US marine?” Support mocks.

“Shut up”

“I thought you guys were the water people you know amphibious assault.”

“I said ‘Shut up’”

Support just kept on laughing at the wet American when they reach the end of the forest. There they saw a small cottage sorounded by small furry animals. What was weird dock was that the rain just seemed to stop exactly at the end of the forest. Both Support and Assault just stood there watching the rain. They stepped out of the forest and looked back at it while the rain was still going.

“Okay, that is not normal.” Assault says.

“Da, I have seen strange weather phenomena before but not one when it looks like an invisible wall is stopping all the rain.” Support says. Both decide to ignore that for now before walking towards the cottage.

“Okay, this is what we do. We ask to borrow their telephone. We call command and ask them to come and pick us up.” Assault says to Support. Support just simply becomes irritated.

“And which side should we call. The Americans or the Russians?”

“We should call the Americans, they are fast and trustworthy.” Assault says with a smile. All he receives is an annoyed look from the Russian. “Ok, what do you think we should do?”

“How about a game of rock, paper and scissors?” Support suggest.


After one round of the game and Support emerging victorious and Assault just keep repeating to himself "God hates me” over and over again. Both walks towards the cottage and supports starts to knock on the door. Nothing happened; he knocks again and still nothing.

“Let me try.” Assault says while walking up to the front door. Instead of lift up his arm he lift up is leg and deliver a hard kick to the door. Support doesn't even have a chance to react before the door flies open. Scaring whatever was inside, which happened to be hundreds of small animals. Both humans just stand there and watch the chaos in front of them before all of the animals had disappeared into holes and other small hiding places.

“Ooooookaaaaaay?” is all that Assault is saying.
“Hello, is there someone here?” Assault yells into the now open house. No response.
“Okay, lay the horse thing on the sofa over there while I start to look for a phone.” Support nods and walks over to the sofa where he placed the still unconscious pony. After that Support starts to look around the cottage. It is nicely decorated and disturbingly colorful. It is also small. It looked like it would belong to a midget, a small midget. Support then feels something kick down on his leg. He looks down and sees what looks like a pissed of white bunny kicking his leg. Support just stands there watching the bunny before he just kicks the bunny away with his leg. Supports the walks over to the door again and walks out. He takes a look at the surrounding areas and noticed it looks like nothing back home. He is about to turn around before something blue slams right in between his legs. Support has felt much pain under his time in the military so it was nothing new. He had always kept his cool when he got hurt under the training seasons but this time he became pissed. He looked at the blue thing that was now flying in the distance and was about to turn back towards him. Support grabbed his M240B which had been on his back this entire time and aims it at the blue flying thing. He then yells.

“Вы умрете вы, блин, кусок дерьма!” He then starts to fire at the weird flying thing. That thing is hard to hit he give it that but noting has never escaped his barrage of bullets. After 70 shot he hits the back of the thing and a smile erupts on his face. Exactly when he hits it he hears a loud scream of pain coming from the weird thing. He then sees is fall down from the sky. It crashes just a couple of feet’s away from him. He walks up to it while Assault comes running out from the cottage.

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE?” he yells. Support just simply points at the now crashed creature.

“That thing over there kicked me right between the legs. It was self defense!” Support yells back.

“(groan), just help me carry it into the cottage.” Support groans as well and helps to pick it up. They carry it into the cottage and lay it down on the table. The blood is pouring out of the wound caused by Support.

“How can we help it?” Support asked. Assault just gives him a glare. “Oh right, you are part medic he he.” Support laugh awkwardly. Assault just groans again and throws out a medkit next to the cyan horse thing. It wounds started to immediately heal up.

”shouldn’t we take out the bullet?” Support asked.

“we don’t need to. The medipack does all the work.” Assault answer back

“Some great medic you are.”

“Shut up”

The creatures eyes started to open.

“Maybe we should tie it up, in case if it still ahs hostilities against us.” Support says.

“Well you shot…that so I wouldn’t be surprised.” Assault said while taking the rope that was hanging on the wall. He tied up the legs and wings of the creature and was just about finish before the creatures eyes snapped open.


Rainbow Dash didn’t know what happened. She remembers she was napping on a cloud close to Fluttershy’s cottage when she heard strange voices from below. She looked over the cloud and saw two strange bipedal beings in front of her cottage. One of them was carrying Fluttershy on their shoulder. Rainbow then saw the other kick down Fluttershy’s door and then walks in. the other follow close behind. She immediately gets up and was just about to fly down for a closer look before the one that was carrying Fluttershy came out. She saw her chance and starts to fly down at fast stepped towards the towering creature. When she was close she finally saw how big that thing was but she didn’t care. She kicked it right between its legs and it seemed to hurt the creature. But it got up and it looked now pissed of it then spoke something gibberish

“Вы умрете вы, блин, кусок дерьма!” Rainbow didn’t understand a word but then she heard a strange noise coming from that weird thing the creature had pointed at her with. She then felt pain. Terrible pain from her flank. It was pain she had never felt before, and she had felt pain. Last thing she remembers was the ground was awfully close to her. She awoke later not knowing what had happened. Everything was blurry until her vision finally cleared out.what she sawed made her blood run cold. There stood the two creatures and loked down at her. She notices that her legs and wings were tied. She started to panic and struggle to get away until one of the creatures spoke.

“Don’t worry, we’re not going to hurt you…again” Assault said while glaring daggers at Support

“IT WAS SELF DEFENSE!” Support yells.