• Published 7th Sep 2012
  • 6,228 Views, 202 Comments

Medkits, ammopacks and...ponies? - BOBthieBomber

RU Support and US Assault in Equestria. What could possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

”Alright, let’s get the questions started. What do you want to know first?” Bomber said while sitting down on the floor, the ponies circling in a half circle around him. Jokis1 sat down next to Bomber. Twilight spoke up first.

“Alright, I go first. My first question is where are you two from?”

“We are from a planet called Earth but its scientific name is TELUS.” Jokis1 answered before Bomber could. Twilight immediately wrote down this new information on her noteblock.

“Telus, what kind of name is that?” Rainbow mocked openly.

“Disrespect out planet again and suffer the consequences.” Bomber said threatening which shut Rainbow up.

“What’s the name on your planet?” Bomber asked.

“Its name is Eque.” Luna said.

“He, how surprising.” Jokis1 said while leaning over towards Bomber who just nodded.

“Alright, my other question is…” She got interrupted by Bomber.

“Maybe you should let others ask questions as well Twilight. I think we should go one question for each pony.” Bomber said. Twilight got a little sad first but saw that it was only fair. Everypony noticed that Fluttershy wanted to speak but shrunk away from everyponies glare.

“Yes Fluttershy” Bomber said.

“No it was nothing” Fluttershy quietly said while trying to back away from the crowd.

“Now now Fluttershy. I now that you want to ask a question so go ahead. There is nothing to be worry about. Like a wise man once said “there are no stupid questions”.” Bomber said calmingly. Fluttershy breathed out and asked.

“Why do you look like monkeys, if you don’t mind me asking? Do you mind it? Please don’t be mad at me. I’m sorry. That was a stupid question.” Jokis1 just stared at her before hearing Bomber laugh a little.

“Oh Fluttershy, we don’t mind. And why we look like monkeys well…we are related to them.” This took most of them by surprise, especially Twilight.

“You know what a monkey is?” Twilight asked the question that all of them were thinking.

“Yes, they live on our planet as well.” Jokis1 said.

“What do you mean that you are related to monkeys?” She asked again.

“We humans evolved from primates in the early beginning of our species existence. Early findings show that the Human race goes as far back as two hundred thousand years.” Bomber said. The ponies were all taken back by this.

“Wait, so your species has lived over two hundred thousand years?” Luna asked. Bomber nodded.

“Well, the human race has been said to have lived that long but the so called the modern human have only been around for like three to four thousand years.”

“Modern human?” Celestia asked.

“The modern human is…us. Humans didn’t always look like we do. For like twenty thousand years ago we looked like apes.” Jokis1 said.

“Apes?” Twilight asked, she stopped writing for a moment.

“You don’t know what apes are?” Bomber asked. The ponies shook their heads.
“How is that, you know what monkeys are but not apes.”

“What are apes? If you don’t mind me asking.” Fluttershy asked.

“Not at all, apes are like monkeys but without the tail and more humanoid like structure except they mostly walk on all fours instead on two like humans do.” Jokis1 answered.

“So you mean that you looked like…apes around twenty thousand years ago. With fur and all.” Twilight asked.

“Yes now, if you don’t mind me asking. How long has you kind existed?” Bomber asked.

“For around twenty thousand years.” Celestia answered.

“Only twenty, that means that you are kind of a young specie, but, I shouldn’t say anything. Humanity is also young compared to the other spices that had lived on our planet.”

“What lived before you guys?” Rainbow asked, paying half attention to everything said.

“Well, mammals on our planet had lived for like sixty million years and compared to that, humanity’s two hundred thousand years seems kind of small compared to the others but that’s not all. Before the mammals it was the time for the reptiles, or should I say, the Dinosaurs.”

“Dinosaurs, what’s that?” Spike asked.

“The Dinosaurs where giant dragon looking creatures that ruled our planet for over 160 million years before they got wiped out.” Bomber said.

“160 million…” Celestia couldn’t even finish her sentence.

“Wow, there is no specie recorded that has lived that long here in Equestria, yet alone ruled as well.” Twilight said flabbergasted.

“How did they get wiped out?” Spike asked concerned.

“Nobody knows, there have been hundreds of theories of how they died out. The most famous one is that an asteroid by the size of a small country hit earth with such force so it dusts blocked the sun and caused a night that lasted for millions of years. Killing everything on the planet…” After hearing this Luna shrank back a little “…except for small mammals that lived in the darkness. They later evolved and became the dominant specie on the planet. Birds also managed to survive as well and it has now been proved with new findings and DNA test that Birds are the closest relatives to the Dinosaurs. It proves that evolution is a bitch. From the kings of the world till small feathery things.” Bomber finished.

“Wow, you’re planet sound fascinating, and such amazing species as well” Twilight said, on her tenth page with notes.

“He he, yeah, Dinosaurs are impressive. When I was a kid I used to study them all the time.” Bomber said.
“Now shall we go on? I bet there is more that you want to know and…”


“Did you hear that?” Jokis1 asked Bomber.

“Da, I recognize that sound everywhere.”

“Yes, it’s the sound of a vehicle that is spawning.”

“What are you two talking about?” Twilight asked. Both humans got up and walked towards the door and walked out. The ponies (and dragon) got up and followed out as well. They stopped when they got out and stared wide open on the weird think in Twilights front yard.

“Okay, now it’s just getting weird.” Jokis1 said while looking at the giant thing in the front yard of the library just like everyone else.

“What is that?” Twilight asked, studying the weird looking machine.

“That is an F35 Lighting II fighter jet.” Bomber answered the confused unicorn.

“Fighter jet?” Rainbow said while tilting her head a little to the side. “What’s that?”

“It’s a flying war machine.” Bomber responded again.

“Flying pfff. Like that thing would be able to fly.” Rainbow said with her mocking tone.

“Alright, I show you.” Bomber said while walking towards the aircraft. Jokis1 and the others followed close behind.
“Alright, just have to get in first.” Bomber said while pushing the open button. The cockpit of the plane opened to the ponies amazement and he climbed in. when he had sat down another amazing thing happened. Right in front of the ponies eyes Bombers clothes morphed into a completely new set of clothes right before their eyes. His black uniform and gear all suddenly turned into a green body covering suit and his helmet turned white with a sort of black visor on it that was covering his eyes. He also received some sort of mask that covered the entire part of his lower face.

“What happened to you clothes, I think I’m starting to miss you old ones.” Rarity said, almost fainting again for the horrible attire.

“These clothes are needed to be able to use this thing. These ones can resist the G powers a lot easier. Alright, need to start up and. Jokis you think you can remove the latch that keep this baby from reaching more than just 0.5 mach?” Bomber asked the American.

“Sure” He said while starting to walk towards the engine of the craft. He opened a small hatch and inside was the latch.
“Alright, fixing it now aaaaaaaaaaaand finished.” Jokis1 finished and closed the hatch.

“Mach?” Rainbow asked.

“You don’t know the mach system?” Bomber asked surprised. She responded by shaking her head.
“Okay, the mach system is a system that tells how fast something is going. If it goes faster than mach one than it has broken the sound barrier and have created a sonic boom. Mach two means that it goes two times the speed of sound and mach three three times the speed of sound. Think that you guys can figure out the rest.” Bomber finished.

“Wait, so you mean that that thing can do a sonic rainboom?” Rainbow asked clearly surprised.

“Sonic rainboom? Weeeeell. I don’t know what that is but is can certainly do a Sonic boom for sure.”

“Pffff, I believe it when I see it.”

“Okay, I show you” Bomber said while closing the cockpit hatch. He started to press a couple of buttons and suddenly the engine roared to life. The ponies jumped away from the sound and their mouths left opened when they saw the jet lift off from the ground. Bomber turned towards a area where there were no buildings and dashed off. Nopony noticed but Rainbows mouth hit the ground with a loud “dung”. Within a few seconds the aircraft was already flying in the horizon and then the other thing happened. A familiar cone started to appear in front of the aircraft.

“No. Way. He can’t do it he can’t do it he can’t do it he can’t do it he can…” Rainbow said while that she didn’t hope for interrupted her.


Everypony in town looked up into the sky and saw a strange flying machine flying faster than anything before. Bomber was having the time of his life. He hadn’t been able to fly an aircraft this fast since they installed the border scheme on the battlefield he was fighting in. he soon flied right trough a weird looking cloud structure that somehow looked like a house and completely demolished it. He could swear that he thought he saw some stuff falling down from the cloud when he went through it. He started to decelerate and was now hovering over the ponies and Jokis1. He landed and exited out of the aircraft. His clothes morphed back into normal. The ponies stared at him until Pinke said.

“That was so awesome. But why didn’t it create a sonic rainboom. We clearly saw that is breached the sound barrier and everytime something does that it create s sonic rainboom but why didn’t your do it. But still, it was awesome and…” Bomber left the pink pony talking and walked over to Rainbow Dash that still had the surprised look on her face.

“Sooooo” he began. “Was that enough of proof for you.” Rainbow just fainted before him. Bomber just stared at her unconscious body before looking towards the others.

“What’s her problem?” He asked. Applejack spoke up.

“Partner, Ah think that yah just destroyed her house.” She said. Bomber eyes went wide before he said.

“Say what now?”


“Uh, what the hell happened?” The American Commander said while waking up. He looked around and noticed that he was in a forest.
“Huh, seems that it worked. It also seems that my advisor will live…for now.” He said while getting up. He checked his gear and saw that everything was with him. He started to walk towards a random direction without noticing the eyes that followed him.