• Published 7th Sep 2012
  • 6,228 Views, 202 Comments

Medkits, ammopacks and...ponies? - BOBthieBomber

RU Support and US Assault in Equestria. What could possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Chapter 9

”Shit, what the hell is that thing?” Looter yelled while running from the Ursa Minor that ran exactly behind him. The giant blue star sprinkled bear thought the two of them as dinner and didn’t hesitate of trying to eat them.

“How the heck should I know, just keep firing.” Bomber yelled and unleashed a heap of bullets at the giant bear. The Ursa roared and stopped chasing Looter and went after Bomber instead. The Ursa tried to smash him but he jumped away just in time.
“Ебать, to be so big it sure is fast.” Bomber said while starting firing again. The Ursa tried to smash him again and once again Bomber jumped out of the way. Suddenly an idea popped up in his mind.

“Hey, looter!” He yelled, Looter stopped firing and looked at him.

“What?” Looter yelled back.

“Keep this thing occupied for a few seconds and then lure it to that tree line over there.” Bomber said while pointing at the tree line behind them.

“What, why?” Looter yelled while avoiding a swift from the Ursa.

“I’m going to fix a little surprise for our overgrown teddy friend.” Bomber said while taking out his C4s. Looter didn't have time to say anything before Bomber was already halfway to the tree line.

“Keep it occupied? How the hell am I supposed to do that?” Looter asked himself while jumping around to keep the bear of him. Soon he heard Bomber yell.

“Alright, it’s all set. Take him over here.” Looter didn’t hesitate. He immediately started running towards the tree line with the Ursa right behind him. Soon he reached the tree line and jumped behind cover with Bomber. The Ursa now also entered the tree line but Bomber yelled.

“FIRE IN THE HOLE!” He yelled and pushed the button. Soon the entire tree line was filled with fire and smoke when the entire of it blow up. After the explosion the two of the looked up form their cover.

“Eeeeh, you think you where using up C4 there, Bomber.” Looter said while looking at the destruction of the tree line. To their surprise they saw the bear standing there. They immediately tensed up and grabbed their weapons when they saw one thing they hadn’t expect. The Ursa started to cry and ran away. The two of them just stood there before Looter yelled.

“Yeah, run away crying. That’s what happens when you mess with us. Run home to mommy, ha ha.” He started to laugh before the ground started to shake. The sound of giant footsteps echoed through the forest and soon the blue bear was back. But was followed up by a giant purple bear that looked down at the two of them while showing its fangs. Looter stopped laughing and looked at the giant purple bear and then at the smaller blue bear. He saw that it was wearing an evil grin. Looter started to laugh awkwardly and said.
“hehe, you know that I didn’t meant that ‘running back to mommy’ thing. Do you?” He said while backing away from the giant bear face that was at least twenty times bigger than him. The smaller bear just responded with something the sounded like a laugh and the giant bear started to growl. Looter gulped and did the smartest thing he had done that day. He started to run like hell, closely followed by Bomber.

“RUN! RUN! RUN!” Looter yelled. The giant bear was of course running after them. The bear swing its left pawn at Bomber at hit him right in the back.

“СВЯТОЕ ДЕРЬМО” Bomber yelled when he was sent flying across the forest towards Ponyville.

“I’m coming Bomber.” Looter yelled while running after him, still with the bear right behind him.

Chapter 9

“Wait, do you guys hear that?” Rainbow asked. All the others ears perked up at the strange sound

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh CRASH.

All inside the library jumped when something was sent flying through the roof of the library. They all sprinted towards the thing and noticed that it was Bomber. Immediately Fluttershy sprinted to action.

“Oh my goodness, are you okay, please be okay?” She said when she checked his injures. Only one word escaped Bomber mouth.



Inside the M1A2 Abrams Summermaniac tensed up. Sir Cakeman noticed it.

“Hey, what’s the matter?” He asked.

“I don’t know, I just got that weird feeling that someone was calling on me.” Summermaniac said.
“And the feeling is coming from over there.” He finished while looking at the random direction. His eyes then went wide behind his mask.
“It’s Bomber!”

“What?” Was all Sir Cakeman could say. Summermaniac grabbed Cakeman and started to shake him.

“It’s Bomber. He’s at that direction.” Summermaniac said while pointing at the random direction. The MBT stopped and the other vehicles stopped as well.

“Hey, what’s the big deal? Why are we stopping?” Lord Diamond yelled into the comlink.

“We have localized Bomber...I think.” Sir Cakeman said while he turned the entire tank at the direction of where Summer was pointing before. All the other just looked at each other in their respective vehicles before shrugging and started to follow the tank.


“Oh please, stay with me. Oh I have never worked with injuries this serious.” Fluttershy kept saying while trying to help Bomber as good as she could. She gave him CPR and even tried to make a pillow out of books for his head.

“We need to get him to a hospital.” Luna said while trying to grab Bomber with her magic. Her blue aura covered Bomber but it just slipped of him when she tried to lift him up. Both Celestias and Luna’s eyes went wide by this. Luna tried to lift him once again but with the same result.
“Why can’t my magic lift him up?” Luna asked annoyed. Celestia stepped up and tried as well to lift him up but she got the same results as Luna.

“Why can’t our magic interact with him?” Celestia asked her faithful student.

“I said why before. They are somehow resistant or even immune to magic.” Twilight said. They saw Bomber coughing up some blood before saying

“There…is…no…such…thing…as…magic.” Bomber managed to say before his heart stopped beating completely. His head fell to the side with eyes wide open and he stopped breathing. Everyone inside of the library gasped and backed away in shock. He was dead, BOBthieBomber was dead. Fluttershy could take it anymore. She fell down on Bombers chest and started to cry. Everypony else fell a tear as well before the door slammed open.

“(Breathing heavily) Alright, I’m here. Where is Bomber?” Looter asked while breathing heavily. He looked at the ponies in the room and saw that they were on the verge of tears and Fluttershy was crying on Bombers chest. Looter walked up to Bombers body and Fluttershy and stared down at them. Twilight walked up to Looter and said.

“I’m sorry, but…” She started to cry “…he didn’t make it.” She fell down on the ground and cried. Looter just looked down at her and then at everypony else in the room. He noticed that every single one of them was either crying or had tears in their eyes. He even noticed that Pinkies hair was completely straight now. He shook his head and started to laugh a little. Everypony in the room just started at him when he was laughing. Celestia walked up to him and said.

“How can you laugh, your friend is dead.” Celestia said with an angry tone in her voice. Looter just shook his head again and pulled out a strange devise out of nowhere.

“Because he’s not really dead.” Looter said before bending down at knee level. Fluttershy was still lying on Bombers chest when Looter pushed her away. Everypony was about to ask what he meant by that before he yelled out.

“CLEAR!” Looter yelled before hitting Bomber in his chest with his defibrillator. All the ponies gasped when they saw an electric shock pass through Bombers body and gasped once again when they saw what happened to BOBthieBomber.

“(Gasp) Argh, I will never get used to that.” Bomber said while grasping his chest in pain. Looter offered a hand and helped him up. Spike couldn’t help it and yelled out ‘Zombie’ while running scared out of the room.

“Welcome back to the land of the living.” Looter said with a smug smile, Bomber sighed.

“Do you medic guys always have to say that?” Bomber said with a smile of his own. Before Bomber could do anything he else he was pulled into a bear hug from Fluttershy. Bomber looked down at the little butter yellow Pegasus and said.
“Easy there Fluttershy.” Bomber said while clapping the Pegasus that had an iron grip around his waist. Fluttershy finally realized what she was doing and backed away immediately with a huge blush on her face. Both humans laughed before Twilight was in Looters face again.

“How did you do that?” She practically yelled into his face. Looter laughed a little more.

“He he. I think you finally deserve some answers.” Looter said while pushing away the crazed Unicorn. She nodded and literally levitated a notebook and a feather out of nowhere. Looter just shook his head and looked and Bomber and said.

“We are not going into that forest again without some real firepower.” He said. Bomber nodded and said.

“What ever happened to that overgrown teddy anyway?” He asked. Looter just shrugged and said.

“Don’t know, for some reason it didn’t want to leave the forest.” Looter said, Bomber was about to ask why but decided to let it go. Celestia walked up to the two humans and said.

“Why it didn’t want to leave the forest is because it’s because it’s afraid to leave it and now I’m also a little curious. How are that you are still alive. I even felt your life-force leave you body.” Celestia asked Bomber. Bomber just snickered and said.

“It’s the result of Russian engineering.” He said.

“You obviously mean American Engineering.” Bomber turned to him and said.

“You know just as much as me that the advanced revive technology was stolen from mother Russia by you American dogs.” Looter walked up to him and said.

“Yeah right, the only thing that you Russians can produce is Vodka and…huh…Caviar.” Bomber just crossed his arms and said with s smug smile.

“Nice insult.” Bomber said with sarcasm. Looter could feel the anger built up in him and he snapped out

“It doesn’t matter. We both know that this technology was stolen from the United States by you guys.” Looter said to Bomber face. Before they could start a fight a certain pink pony appeared between them.

“Hey now. You two shouldn’t fight because now when you two are back I can have a ‘welcome back sorry one of you two died but are now somehow back alive’ party.” Pinkie said in one sentence. She finished while giving both of them a big smile. The two of them just looked down at her and then at each other.

“We finish this later.” Bomber said. Looter just nodded. The two of them walked to their oppositive parts of the room. They both leaned against a wall and glared at each other with hateful eyes. The ponies just stood there watching in silence, both in surprise and confused before Twilight said.

“Alright, I don’t know why you two hate each other so much. Bomber, Looter just saved your life.” Twilight said. Bomber just kept glaring at Looter before saying.

“Saving me once doesn’t repay all the times he have killed me.” They kept glaring at each other before princess Celestia spoke up.

“I don’t know why you two hate each other so much but I know we can work it out if you will tell us how this hateship started. Now apologize to each other.” It sounded like that last part was an order. Looter glared at her and said.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Are you trying to give us orders?” He said while walking up to Celestia. Celestia started to back away in fear.
“We just whooped you and your sister asses and know you think you can command over us. Well let me tell you one thing, you are no…”

“I’m sorry” They heard from the other side of the room. Looter immediately turned around and stared at Bomber.

“What did you just say?” Looter asked confused.

“I said I was sorry, okay. Don’t make this harder on me.” Bomber said again. Looter just stared at him before saying.

“Hum….uh….I’m…what?” Looter managed to say. Bomber just sighed and said

“Just say that you are fucking sorry so we can get to the fucking questions so we can fucking tell them what the fuck happened so we can get this fucking shit over with and we can leave this FUCKED UP LAND!” Bomber roared the last. Everypony in the room just stared at him. Twilight had covered up Spikes ears and Rarity leaned over towards Fluttershy that was hiding behind her and whispered into her ear.

“Such language.” Fluttershy nodded, Bomber glared at the two of them and they went silent. Looter just stared at him and then struggled to say.

“I’m…sorry.” Looter managed to say. Bomber smiled at him. Pinkie bounced up between them and said.

“Hug. Hug. Hug.” Looter just stared at her before Bomber shot a glare at her and coldly said.

“We stop at apologizes.” Pinkie backed away from Bombers glare and then walked back to her friends. Twilight finally walked up and said.

“Okay, now when the two of you are friends again…” Both humans glared at her “hehe, now when the two of you are not trying to kill each other…” They once again shot a glare at her. “…for now…” both nodded “…how about we get to those questions.” She said awkwardly. Bomber just sighed and said, still with an angry tone.

“Sure, why not.” Twilight beamed up and once again, she levitated a notebook and a quill out of nowhere.

“How the heck does she keep doing that?” Looter whispered into Bombers ear. Bomber just shrugged and sat down on the floor. Looter did the same and the ponies and dragon sat down at a half circle around them.

“Alright, we will start with a little background information about us and then you can ask any questions you want. Okay, deal.” Bomber said to the ponies and dragon in the room. They nodded and Twilight couldn’t almost contain her excitement. She was finally able to learn from a completely new and advanced species.

“Alright, as you already know. My name is BOBthieBomber but everyone calls me Support. This guy over here as you also already know is Looter penguin but everyone calls him Assault.” Bomber said. Luna spoke up.

“Those sounds like war classes.” She said. Bomber chuckled.

“Of course, why shouldn’t they be war classes?” All except for Looter stared at him.

“Why?” Celestia said.

“You might wonder why we want to kill each other so much.” All nodded. “Its because of where we are coming from there is a war going on.” Celestia, Luna and Twilight gasped at this while all the others just looked at them confused.

“What’s war?” Rainbow asked. “I remember reading the word in one of the Daring Do books but it never said what it really was.” She finished. The princesses and Twilight looked at her when Pinkie bounced up to the two humans.

“Oh, is it a challenge or a competition?” She asked, Rainbows ears peered up at the word competition. Celestia was about to answer her question but Bomber beat her to it.

“Well, kind of. See war as a competition where the looser lose everything while the winner, even if he wins also loses everything.” Bomber said. Pinkie just tilted her head at the side in confusion.

“What?” was all she said while tilting her head to the side. Bomber sighed and decided to give her the more detailed version.

“Okay, this is a more detailed version. War is a plague, a sickness. A plague that cannot be cured as soon it have a grip. A plague that claims millions of lives. A plague that corrupts even the sanest of minds, no one is safe. A plague that destroys everything it touches. War is a plague.” Bomber finished. He noticed that the face on Pinkie had gone from happy to sad.

“So you mean that you world has an epidemic. That doesn't explain why you two are trying to kill each other. If that is so you two should try to help each other instead of killing each other.” Rainbow said. Bomber just stared at her and then face palmed. He sighed, he then felt someone poking on his shoulder. He looked over his shoulder and saw Looter.

“I tell them in a langue that even an idiot can understand.” Looter said while looking at Rainbow.

“Hey!” Rainbow angrily said, Looter just ignored her and continued.

“War is when two or more countries/tribes/nations/kingdoms etc etc fight each other over landmass/resources/manpower etc etc.” Looter said. All the ponies just stared at him before Rarity spoke up.

“When you say fighting, do you mean killing?” She said horrified. Looter nodded.

“Yup, battles between hundreds, maybe thousands of individuals, all focus on killing one and another.” Looter said calmly.
“Blood and gore everywhere you look. Destroyed cities and villages where ever you go and dead bodies everywhere. Millions dead and thousand cities destroyed and…what?” Looter stopped when he saw Bomber making the stop talking sign with his face and hands. Looter looked at him and then at the ponies that started to back away in fear.
“What now?” Looter asked annoyed.

“How can you talk so calmly about it? That sounds horrible.” Twilight said. Looter just shrugged.

“When you have been fighting for a couple of years it does that to you.” Looter said calmly. This just made the ponies backing further away from them.

“A couple of years…” Celestia said. “The wars I have seen only lasted a couple of months or weeks.” She finished. Looter just laughed.

“A couple of months? Those sounds like baby wars to me.” Looter said mockingly, Bomber just slapped him on his head.

“Quiet you. As we were saying, we are coming from a world where there was either kill or get killed. And somehow we ended up here. We heard that this Celestia figure was the one that could get us home but after we heard that her solution would be magic. We can forget it now when we now know that her so called precious ‘magic’ doesn’t work.” Bomber finished with sarcasm. Luna couldn't take it anymore. Her temper got the better of her.

“How dare thou mock us so and claim that magic doesn't exist. Everything is build up by magic. Magic is all around us. There is nowhere where magic are not!” Luna yelled in royal Canterlot voice at the two humans. Both humans where knocked back by the force of the voice.

“Wow, you need to brush more often.” Looter said jokingly. This just seemed to add to Luna’s temper. She yelled.

“HOW DARE THOU!” she turned around a bucked him in the chest. Looter fell back but quickly got back up.

“Oh you pay for that you fucking bitch.” Looter yelled while pulling out his M1911 out of its holster. He aimed at her and was ready to pull the trigger. Luna didn’t back down.

“Ha do thou really think that little thing could hurt an Alicorn. Thou are truly a foolish crea…”


Luna fell down on the ground, grasping her chest in pain.

“LUNA!” Celestia yelled while running up to her sisters’ side. Bomber grabbed Looter west and slammed him into the wall.

“What the hell? What the fuck is wrong with you!” Bomber yelled at him.

“It was self defense.” Looter said calmly while smirking. Bomber responded by head butting him as hard as he could.
“ow.” Looter said while grasping his head. All the ponies backed away in fear. Twilight knew that these weapons where dangerous but she didn't know that they could hurt an Alicorn.
That’s impossible. Nothing can hurt Celestia and Luna, nothing. Twilight yelled inside her head. Celestia looked down at her hurt sister and then at Looter.

“You monster!” She yelled while slamming her front hooves into Looter chest. A loud crack could be heard around the room.

“Ahh, fuck. You fucking broke my ribs.” Looter yelled while grasping his chest in pain while rolling on the floor. Bomber bended down and looked at him. He said.

“Looks like you have to throw out one.” Bomber said with a smirk. Looter glared at him and threw out a Medkit. Suddenly the sound of bones cracking back together could be heard and soon Looter was up on his legs again. Celestia backed away.

“How can you already be up? No magic can heal that fast. And what is this that?” Celestia said while pointing her hoof at the Medkit.

“Drag your sister over here and I show what it can do.” Looter said while glaring at her and Bomber. Celestia looked over at her sister and saw that Twilight was trying her best to heal the wound. Twilight tried to grasp the piece of metal inside the wound but her magic wasn't able to grasp it either. Suddenly Luna was covered in a white glow and was lifted off the ground. Celestia levitated Luna over to the strange box and set her down next to it. What she saw next even surprised her. The huge bloody wound that was on Luna chest started to immediately to heal up and the strange metal that was in the wound just popped out. Celestia just stared just like all the others (except for the two humans of course) at Luna who was slowly getting up.

“How?” Was all Celestia was able to say.

“Same technology like I used to revive Bomber from the dead.” Looter said while pointing at Bomber. Bomber walked up to him and said.

“Yes it is…now apologize.” Bomber said.

“WHAT?” Looter yelled

“Apologize to Luna for almost killing her.” Bomber said while gesturing Luna to come up to them. Looter groaned and said.

“Two apologizes in one day. That has never happened before.” He groaned while walking up to Luna.
“I’m sorry for almost killing you. I just don’t like it when people are yelling at me. I’m already getting enough of that from my wife.” Looter said. He took out his hand and said
“Friends?” Luna eyed the hand for a minute before taking out her hoof as well.

“Friends” she said.

“Wow that was too easy. I at least expected that you where going to yell at me again for almost killing you.” Looter said, certainly taken back.

“Well, we admit that it was our fault as well. We should have yelled at thou.” Luna said with a sheepish grin.
“And must I say that your healing abilities are amazing.” Luna said while rubbing her chest with a hoof.

“Thanks but it’s mostly the box that does all the work. I’m just the one that delivers them. I have no idea how they work and I haven’t got any chance to take a good look at them because after they had been thrown out they cannot be interacted with.” Looter said. This fact immediately crushed Twilight's’ hopes on copying the technology. She walked up to the Medkit and just to be sure she took out her hoof to touch it…it went straight through. She sighed and pulled back her hoof. Bomber finally said.

“Now when that has all been dealt with how about we go back to the que…”


“ARGH, WHAT NOW?” Bomber yelled while just out of reflex leaped at the wall and leaned against it, Looter did the same. All the ponies stared out of the windows and saw that fire smoke was coming from the outskirts of the town.

“The town is under attack.” Twilight said.

“Again?” Rarity said. This just confused the two humans but they shrugged it off. All of them ran out of the library and out on the streets.

“The monsters are back.” One of the Ponies that had gathered around the library said.

“THE HORROR; THE HORROR.” Another one yelled and once again the street was empty in less than three seconds.

“You don’t have any problem with evocation, right.” Looter asked the princesses.

“Well…yeah.” Celestia said while smiling cheaply.

“I thought so.” Looter smirked.

“I you two don’t mind. We are under attack.” Rainbow said before she realized who she was talking about.
“That if you don’t mind, princess.” She said with a grin. Celestia nodded and she darted of into the distance. The group soon reached the outskirts and the sight surprised them all. There three strange looking but familiar vehicles surrounded by a small army of guards who were aiming their spears at the vehicles and three humans who were standing there in front of the vehicles. One of the humans where holding something white in his arms. Looter and Bomber noticed this and Bomber couldn't help to say while face palming.

“Oh god.”

"Don’t come any closer or he gets it!” Sir Cakeman yelled while aiming is G18 at Shining Armors head while holding him in a iron grip.