• Published 7th Sep 2012
  • 6,217 Views, 202 Comments

Medkits, ammopacks and...ponies? - BOBthieBomber

RU Support and US Assault in Equestria. What could possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Chapter 5

I still have second thought about this idea.” Russian Assault said to the others.

Relax, sure it’s gonna hurt like hell but I promise you. It will be rewarded.” American Recon said back.

“Tell me once again we choose to listen to your idea.” Russian Recon said.

The battle was still going on. Still none of both sides had managed to capture hilltop. But they didn’t care about that, most of the soldiers on the field were just after to get kills and kills they got indeed. The tickets where now down to 1337.

“Because none of you had a better idea, now stop complaining.” American Recon Responded with a annoyed voice. Both squads where standing in front of the tower near Tower base and was standing in were the tower would usually fall down.

“Tell me why we are standing here again.” The American Support asked.

“Okay, we you see. Assault and Support disappeared because a building fell on them. If maybe get crushed as well, maybe we will end up with them. And the only thing that will fall down and crush us is the tower so we just need to wait for it to fall down.” American Recon said with a smile. Both squads where quiet before Russian Assault spoke up.

“I said it before and a will say it again. That is the worst idea ever.” He said.

“Do you have any better idea?” American Recon asked the Russian.

“Well no but…” He said

“That’s right so shut up and stand still.” American Recon said with an angry voice. Russian Recon sighed and said.

“How many Tickets are left?” Both squads moved their heads at the same time down the corner of the screen and watched.

“1337 tickets left.” All of them sighed before American Engineer spoke.

“Do any of you have a card game of anything?”

Chapter 5

“What, that’s not my name.” supposed Barney said.

“Yes it is,” Assault said while walking up towards supposed Barney. “and let me tell you I owe you much. Thanks to you my kids will shut up and watch you instead of making to much noise.” He said while grabbing supposed Barneys claw and started to shake it.
“You have my thanks.” He said with a smile.

Under the time the two of them ‘talked’ with each other Support had fallen down on the ground and was cruelty laughing his ass off. He had managed to stay cool almost this entire time here in Equestria but this time it was too much for him. The ponies just stood there watching the entire thing before Rainbow got infected with the laughter as well. She was rolling on the floor next to Support.

“Rainbow” Twilight said, clearly annoyed that Rainbow would just laugh at Spike. Rainbow managed to calm herself down but Support was still laughing while Assault was still shaking Supposed Barneys claw.
“As I tried to say before. Let me introduce my number one assistant, Spike.” She said with a smile. Assault stopped shaking Spikes claw and looked right at Twilight.

“Wait…Spike?” He said. Twilight nodded. “Not Barney?” She nodded again. Assault let go of Spikes claw and stared down at him. Support that had finally managed to calm down stared at the two of them and said.

“Cough, cough. Akwaaaaard.” He said. Assault gave Support a quick glare before looking a Spike again.

“Sorry, I mistake you for another.” He said awkwardly to the little reptile.

“It’s okay.” Spike said.

“Let’s pretend like this never happened.” He said again.

“Sounds good. Now, what did you need me for, Twilight?” Spike asked his Lavender Unicorn friend.

“I need you to send a letter.” She answered.

“Let me guess, it’s about these two, right?” Spike said.

“Ding ding ding, we got a winner.” Assault said. Spike just rolled his eyes and took the letter. He then blew fire at it. It disappeared completely into strange ashes that blew out of the window.

“What the hell.” Support said while keeping an eye on the ashes.
“Why did you just burn it up?” He asked Spike.

“I didn’t burn it up. I just send it to Princess Celestia.” He said calmly.

“How is burning up a letter sending it?” Support asked again.




“There is no such thing as Magic.” Support said while crossing his arms.

“What do you mean “There is no such thing as magic”? Magic does exist. I use magic every day.” Twilight said.

“Yeah right, and I’m Santa Claus.” Support said. Twilight grimaced and lighted up her horn. A book on one of the shelves started to light up as well. She then levitated the book down to her and then towards Support. Support and Assault just stood there watching before Assault bended over towards Support and Whispered.

“What will I get for Christmas this year, Santa?” He asked with a smug smile.

“Shut up” Support said while almost closing his eyes.
“That proves nothing. You have obviously put magnets around this building or something.” He said, believing his theory.

“What?” Twilight said.

“Yeah, unless you float something big, you have nothing to prove.” Support said with a smile. Twilight growled at this. She looked around for something big when an idea came up in her head. She looked at Support and started to concentrate. Soon Support noticed that his hands were enveloped in a purple glow that soon spread to his entire body. Soon he was cowered in it. He looked nervously around when Twilight started to smile. She concentrated on lifting Support…only for the purple glow to slip of his body. Twilights eyes went wide by this. It was an awkward silence after this. Support finally broke it.

“Ok, nice lightshow and all but what was the purpose of that?” He asked. Twilight shook her herself out of the shock and started to concentrate again. Once again Support was covered in the purple glow but once again it slipped of his body like he didn’t stand there. She then tried the same thing with Assault only to get the same result.

“What is going on here?” She asked. “Why can’t my magic interact with you two?”

“Because, magic don’t exist.” Support said with a smirk. Twilight just growled and tried once again…only for the same thing to happened. She at last gave up. She fell on the floor tired. The others and just been standing there, watching the whole thing. Rainbow flied up to Twilight.

“What is it, Twilight?” She asked. Twilight looked at Rainbow and said.

“My magic can’t interact with the two of them. They are somehow immune to magic.” She said with a frown.

“Because magic don’t EXIST.” Support yelled from the other side of the room.

“Magic does exist.” Twilight yelled back.

“Whatever floats your boat.” Support said back. Rainbow looked at Support and then flied up to him.

“Hey, you can’t talk to her like that.” She said. “Come on, up with them.” She said while taking up her front hooves like she wants to box of anything.

“Do you really want to do that?” Support said while taking out his M240B out of nowhere. Rainbow saw it and her eyes went wide. She let out a yelp and once again she hid behind Fluttershy who had been silent this entire time. Twilight just stared at Rainbow then back at Support.

“What is that?” Twilight asked, eyeing the machine gun, everything earlier forgotten.

“It’s better if you don’t know.” Support said while putting his machinegun away. Twilight frowned about that until another thing came up.

“Before you ask anything. Let me tell you this. We will let you know anything you want when your ruler comes here. We don’t want to explain more than one time.” Support said, cutting of Twilight. Twilight frowned again.

“But…” she said.

“No buts. When your ruler gets here.” He said, cutting of here again. Twilight was about to argue when a loud belch came from behind her.

“Whoa man, what was the last thing you ate.” Assault said, eyeing Spike. To his surprise a letter formed out of the belch. Spike picked it up and said.

“Your response from Celestia is here Twilight.”

“What the fuck did just happened?” Assault asked.

“Please, language.” Twilight said. Assault just rolled his eyes. “And for what just happened. Celestia sent her response back” She looked as Support “with Magic.”

“Magic doesn’t EXIST.” Support yelled.

“Anyway, Celestia wrote this.” She cleared her throat and read out aloud.

My faithful Student Twilight Sparkle.

You said that your friends had found two strange beings near the Everfree forest. You also asked if the description you gave mew ringed any bell. I’m afraid not, the description you gave me sound like no creature I have ever seen except for a Minotaur. I will arrive tomorrow to see these creatures myself.

You teacher and friend

Princess Celestia.

Twilight finished the letter and looked at the two Humans. they looked surprised. Twilight herself started to panic.

“The princess is coming tomorrow, here. Oh no, everything is not ready for that. I need to reshelf the books and clean the entire libar…”

“Twilight, you are overreacting again.” Rainbow said while walking up to Twilight. Twilight stopped her panic mode and looked at Rainbow. Twilight managed to calm herself down enough to speak normally.

“You’re right Rainbow. She will not be mad at me for no cleaning the library or…” She was cut off again by another belch from Spike. He picked up the Letter and gave it to Twilight. She started to read it aloud again.

PS, I forgot to mention. My sister is coming to it said.

Twilight panicked again.

“Is she always like this?” Support whispered into Rainbows ear.

“Most of the time” She answered.

“I know how to handle things like this.” Assault said. He walked up to Twilight and grabbed her by her shoulders.
“Snap. Out. Of. It.” He said for each time he slapped her face. Twilight stopped panicking and looked at Assault. Assault let go of her and looked at the others.
“See, I told you I could make her stop.” He said. Twilight glared at Assault while Support, Spike and Rainbow had hard not to laugh. Even Fluttershy seemed like she would laugh as well.

“Okay okay, I know that I went a little crazy there...”

“Little?” Support asked.

“…but only because not only Celestia is coming but Luna as well. This will be the first time the both of them is here on the same time since the Summer set Celebration. This is big. This is bigger than big. This is SLAP”
Assault slapped Twilight once again. This time Rainbow, Support and Spike fell over laughing. Fluttershy giggled a little before realizing Twilight could be hurt and ran over to her. She helped Twilight up on her legs before receiving Assault a glare.

“Whoa, if looks could kill.” Assault said. Backing away a little.

“Fluttershy’s can, she took once down a dragon with her stare.” Spike said. Fluttershy blushed at the appreciation.

“Wait the stare. You mean when she looks right into your eyes and it feels like you are paralyzed?” Assault asked. Spike nodded.
“It wasn’t so bad. When she used it one me, I resisted easily.” Assault said with a smile. Spike and Twilights jaws hit the floor.

“Fluttershy used the stare on you?” Twilight asked, Assault nodded. “And you resisted it?” He nodded again. She looked at Rainbow and Fluttershy and saw that they where nodding as well. “How?”

“Heck should I know. When she stared at me I felt first fear then nothing. It was indeed something but nothing compared of what I live through on a daily basis.” Assault said with a calm voice. Now everyone except for Support just stood there watching Assault with scared faces.
“What?” he asked.

“What do you mean ‘on a daily basis’?” Twilight said.

“Oh the usual. I live a tough life. I have been shot at, blown up and burned alive, crushed, run over and I even got my throat slit up by Support over there.” Assault said while pointing at Support.

“I remember that day, you cried like a little baby.” Support said.

“I did not.” Assault shot back.

“Oh yeah, my fault. It was the sound of you choking on your own blood.” Support said with a laugh. The ponies and dragon could not believe what Support just said. To everypony’s surprise Assault laughed as well.

“Ha, remember my payback to that?” Assault asked.

“Oh I remember that M320 alright. I lost both my legs that match.” Support said, still laughing.

“Okay, what the hay are you two talking about?” Rainbow asked, flying up to the two Humans.

“Oh we’re just talking about some memories.” Assault said while leaning back against the wall and said “Good time, good times.” To himself.

“How can you think that those sound like good times? They sounded horrible.” Fluttershy asked.

“Meh, you get used to it.”Assault said.

“Alright, I have had enough. I demand some answers now and I don’t wanna hear something else.” Twilight demanded. She stood with her horn pointed at the two of them. Support and Assault looked at her before looking at each other.

“Aww, look. She is twying to be mad and scawy.” Assault taunted. He received a book in his face.

“I wasn’t asking.” Twilight growled again. Rainbow flied over to Twilight and whispered into her ear.

“Huh, Twilight. You should probably try to not make them angry.” Rainbow said worried.

“What do you mean by that Rain…glip” Twilight felt something grab her on her throat and lifting her up. She saw Assault standing there, holding her.

“Alright, I have had enough of being hurt on one day.”Assault said while once again taking out his M1911 and pointing it at Twilight.

“Assault.” Support said. Assault looked over to him and said.


“Put her down. She hasn’t deserved such punishment yet.” He said calmly. Assault looked at him and then at Twilight.

“(Sigh) fine” He said while dropping Twilight. Twilight immediately sprinted behind Spike and cowered behind him. Assault couldn’t resist releasing an “Aww” when he saw that.

“Twilight” Support said. Twilight looked at him behind Spike. “We will answer any question you have tomorrow, don’t worry. You just need to be patient.” Support said to her.
“And don’t fear Assault. He can have a short temper sometimes. Not as bad as mine but still.”

Twilight just nodded and came out of her ‘hiding’ place. Before anything else could happen the door opened to the library and three ponies stepped in. two of them seemed to be normal apart from the colors they had. One was orange with a blonde mane with a Stetson hat on it and the other one was completely pink. The third seemed to be white unicorn with a purple styled mane.

“Twilight, darling. We would like your help on an important matte…” The unicorn said before laying eyes on the two humans. She went wide eyed before fainting with a dramatic pose on a sofa that came out of nowhere. The orange one went immediately into defense position it seemed and the pink one…she jumped up to the Humans and said.

“Hi I’m Pinkie Pie. What’s yours?” The two Humans just stood there before Support whispered into Assaults ear.

“At least someone here has the manners to say hi.” He said. He then looked at this so called Pinkie Pie and said.
“My name is BOBthieBomber but you can call me Support and this is Looter penguin but everyone calls him Assault.” Support said to the hopping pony. Pinkie just stood there before saying.

“Oh, what weird names. But I have heard many weird names before so it doesn’t matter do you likecupcakesdoyoulikeaprtiesareyouaaleinistheremoreofyouareyouheretoinvadeareyou…” Assault covered her mouth but it but she was still blabbering on.

“Man, is there an off button on this thing.” He said, surprised that the pony was still talking with his hand over its mouth. Support just shook his head and looked at the orange pony that was still standing in defense position.

“Look, you have all the right to be scared of us but we are not going to hurt you.” He said to it. The Stetson wearing pony just raised one of its eyebrows and then said. “Ah believe yah.”

Support and Assault sighed in relief before walking up to the pony.

“As you heard my name was BOBthieBomber and this is Looter Penguin but everyone calls us Support and Assault.” Support said while reaching out his hand for a handshake. The pony eyed the hand before taking its own hoof into his hand.

“Nace to meet ya’ll, mah name is Applejack.” Applejack said.

“Are you anything like the drink?” Assault asked in a joking voice. Support laughed a little while Applejack raised her eyebrow again.
“Hey I’m just joking okay.” Assault said. He then looked at the white unicorn that remained on the sofa.
“What’s with drama queen over there?” He asked, pointing his thump at the white unicorn. Applejack looked at where he was pointing and said.

“That’s jast Rarity. She always acts like that when she sees something as…”

“Scary as us.” Support said

“Filthy as ya’ll.” Applejack finished. Both humans just stood there before Support said.


“That’s just haw she is.” Applejack finished before walking off to the others to talk with them. It seemed that Pinkie was still blabbing on. Assault looked at Pinkie and said.

“Whatever that pony is on, I could use some of that.” He said with a smirk. Support just rolled his eyes and walked off towards Rarity. He looked down on the still unconscious unicorn and snapped his fingers next to her ear. The sound seemed to wake her up.


“huuuuu” Rarity said.

“How do you feel?” Asked a calm voice.

“Oh my head, where am I?” She asked, her vision still blurry.

“You are in Twilights library. You fainted.” Said the voice. Rarity suddenly remembered what happened. Walking into the library with applejack and Pinkie. Seeing the two monsters there and then black. She bolted up and said.

“I remember now. Oh it must have been a dream. I thought I saw to terrible looking monsters wearing the most hideous attire ever.” She said. The voice spoke up again from behind her but this time with an offended voice.

“My uniform isn’t that ugly.” It said.

“Uniform? Are you a royal guard? And I didn’t talk about you; I talked about the…monsters.” Rarity said while turning around. She wished she hadn’t. There stood the black clothed monster staring down on her. Its face was covered in a black mask which made it impossible to see what it looked like but that didn’t matter. What mattered were its clothes. Such terrible and hideous clothes had Rarity never seemed before but then something weirder happened.

“What?” it said.

Rarity screamed.


Support was impressed that such a small creature could produce such high volume. He rubbed his temple that had now been attack by a serious headache. He looked behind himself and saw the others in the room rubbing their head to. He looked back at Rarity and saw that she was trying to open the door but the door was covered in the same purple glow as Twilights horn. Twilight walked up to Rarity and said.

“There is nothing to be afraid of Rarity, Except for Assault.”


“But they are really nice when you get to know them.” Rarity looked right at Twilight with wide eyes and said.

“They? Are you talking about the monsters?” Rarity asked, Twilight nodded. She looked over towards the two Humans and walked slowly up to them.
“He he, I’m sorry for my behavior earlier. So unladylike of me.” She said nervously. Support bended down to her and said.

“Nothing to worry about. You had all the right to be scared.” He said. “My name is BOBthieBomber and this is Looter penguin.” He said while gesturing to the other humans.
“And must I say it’s a pleasure to meet you” he picked up one of her front hooves. “lady Rarity.” He kissed it.

“Ho ho, such a gentlecolt.” Rarity said with a blush. Assault just crossed his arms and muttered “Showoff” under his breath. Support turned towards him and said.

“Compared to you I know how to behave myself.” He said with a smirk.

“Comes from the guy that likes to moov down everything with his machine gun.” Assault said.

“Shut up” Support said. He saw that Rarity had now joined in with the others in their talk. He wondered what they were talking about but it would have been rude to listening.


“Okay, now when you are all here and you have all met them what is your thoughts about them?” Rainbow asked the others. Trying to speak as low as possible.

“Well I think that the one in black is just most charming. Sure, he doesn’t wear the most perfect clothes but he surly a gentlecotl.” Rarity said.

“I think that they are mostly fascinating. They are a completely new specie that not even princess Celestia have heard about.” Twilight said. She could barley wait until tomorrow.

“They might be scary looking but they speak the truth about not hurting us. Ah trust them.” Applejack said.

“I think that they are funny. I couldn’t stop laughing at that Barney joke.” Pinkie said. The others wondered how she knew that but it was just Pinkie being Pinkie.

“Well, what do you think about them Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked the shy Pegasus. Fluttershy backed away a little when all eyes were on her suddenly.

“Hum, I think they are nice. They helped me in Everfree forest when I was passed out.” Fluttershy said.

“Wait, you were passed out in the Everfree forest?” Rarity asked, disgusted by the thought of laying on the ground there.

“So all of you like them?” Rainbow asked. Hopping to have at least one on her side.

“They are nice but I still feel uncomfortable near Assault.” Twilight said, massaging her soar throat.

“What do you mean by that, Twilight?” Rarity asked.

“I may have angered one of them.” Twilight said nervously.

“You should just be glad that he didn’t use that machine on you Twilight.” Rainbow said, clapping the unicorns back.

“What do you mean by that? Do you know how some of their things work?” Twilight said with a glee.

“Yeaaaaahh, kinda.” Rainbow said while backing away from the crazed unicorn.
“Look I don’t wanna talk about it.” She said, destroying Twilights hopes on information. Then something clicked inside Applejacks head.

“Wait just a darn minute; you mention that they were a completely new species, Twilight.” Twilight nodded. “So you mean that they are something nopony has ever seen before.” She nodded again. “Does the princess know?”

“She will come tomorrow, together with Luna.” Twilight said, this time managed to stay calm.

“Wait the princesses is coming here. Oh dear, I must start on a dress then.” Rarity said, bolting out the door. The others just rolled their eyes and then looked at the two humans.

“Now when I think of it. Does any of you know what they are called?” Twilight asked. Fluttershy said something quiet.

“What was that, Sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“They are called Humans, at least of what they told me.” Fluttershy said.

“Humans, that’s a strange name for a species.” Twilight said.

“I told you before; we didn’t come up with the name.” Assault said, standing right behind them.

All of them jumped at this and looked at the laughing Human.
“Oh man, you should have seen your faces.” Assault said between laughs. Support just smacked the back of Assaults head.

“Quiet you, so what were it that you girls were talking about before my ‘friend’ here interrupted you?” He asked.

“Oh nothing.” Twilight said with an innocent smile.

“Riiiiight” He looked out the window and saw that it was getting dark. “It’s getting late it seems.” He said. The girls looked out and saw it as well.

“Oh, the time flies by doesn’t it?” Twilight asked the others. They just nodded their head. She looked at the humans and asked.
“Where are you going to sleep?” Both humans looked at each other before saying.

“We don’t know.”

“What do you mean ‘don’t know’?” Twilight asked.

“We don’t have anywhere to sleep.” Assault said.

“You don’t?” Assault nodded.

“We don’t have any house here but we don’t mind. I bet we can find some good camping spot in the forest.” Support said.

“What, you can’t sleep in there.” Rainbow said.

“Why not?”

“That place is not normal.”

“Is anything here normal?” Assault asked. Support smacked him again and turned to the ponies.

“How is it not normal?” He asked.

“The plants grow” Apple jack said.

“The animals care for them self.” Fluttershy said.

“And the clouds move…” Rainbow said.

“All on their own.” All three of them said. Assault couldn’t take it anymore. He fell over laughing. Even Support was laughing as well.

“What’s so funny?” Rainbow asked, getting tired of asking about what was so funny to them.

“Is that not normal around here. Man, this place is more fucked up than I thought.” Assault said before bursting out in laugher again. This time Pinkie Pie joined in on the laugher.

“What?” Asked Rainbow.

“You see girls. Were we come form that’s pretty much normal for us.” Support said.

“What, how?” Twilight asked.

“Tomorrow, now. We should probably leave to find a good place to camp. Are you coming Assault?” Assault got up from the floor and walked with Support to the door.

“Now wait just a darn minute.” Applejack said again. Support and Assault stopped and looked at her.
“Ah can’t just let you two sleep outside. Ah have plenty of rooms at the farm that you can borrow.” She said with a smile.

“Oh we don’t want to intrude.” Support said to her.

“But ah insist.” She said, not backing down.

“We don’t want to intrude and…” he received a shoulder bump from Assault.

“Shut up, we are about to get roof over our heads here.” Assault said. Support glared at him but then sighed in defeat.

“Alright, we will come with you Applejack.” Support said. Applejack nodded and started to walk out the door.

“Seeya girls.” She said to the others.

“Goodbye Twilight. See you tomorrow.” Support said. Waving goodbye when he walked out of the door.

“Elvis have left the building.” Assault said while walking out of the door. The girls just gave him puzzled looks but he ignored it. Both Humans walked with Applejack towards her farm.

“So you live on a farm. That’s sounds good.” Support said. “What is the name of the farm?”

“Sweet Apple Acres” Applejack responded with a proud voice. Assault laughed a little.

“Let me guess. You grow apples.” He said.

“Eeyup.” She said.

“Sounds good to me.” Assault said back. They soon arrived to the farm. Support and Assault had never seen so many apple trees before. It was indeed an impressive sight.

“Whoa, it’s enough apples here to supply the entire US marine corps for a week.” Assault said.

“Forget the Marine core. It’s enough for the entire Russian army.” Support said.

“Huh?” Applejack said. Both humans looked down at her and saw that she had a puzzled look on her face.

“We will explain tomorrow.” Support said. Applejack nodded and continued to walk towards the barn house.

“He he, support.” Support looked at Assault. “They are ponies and lives in a barn. Finally, a familiar sight.” Support just rolled his eyes and continued walking. They soon reached the barn. Applejack opened the door to the barn and gestured the humans to come in.

“Hello everypony, Ah brought some friends if that’s okay.” She yelled into the house. Both humans walked into the house, once again force to bow down because of the small door and walked into the room with low roof compared to them.

“whoa, low bridge.” Assault said. He looked around the room and said. “This looks like no barn I have ever seen before.” Suddenly a large red stallion walked into the room. It was larger than the others but was still just up to the humans bellybutton.

“Man, you were a big and on the same time small one.” He said to the Stallion. The pony watched with a neutral face and said.

“And who might you be.” It asked.

“Oh where are my manners. My name is Looter Penguin but everyone calls me Assault.” Assault said to the red pony. “And what is your name?”

“Mah name is Big Macintosh but everypony calls me Big Mac.” Big Mac said.

“He, who do you work for, Apple or McDonalds?”

“Huh, Apple.” Big Mac said confused.

“Oh, so you are one of Steve jobs goons.” Assault said, barely containing his laugher.


It was too much for Assault. He broke out into laugher again.
“Oh, you walked right into that one. Ha ha, ooh I haven’t laugh this much on one day in years. HA HA.” Assault received another slap in the head by support. Support then looked down at Big Mac and said.

“Pardon my friend over here. He is just being an idiot like always. My name is BOBthieBomber but everyone calls me Support. Your name was Big Mac, да”

“Eeyup” Big Mac said.

“A man of few words, да.” Big Mac nodded. “We are going to get along just fine. By the way. Nice color, red is my favorite.”

“Ha, I knew it commie.” Assault said.

“Shut up, that proves nothing.” Support said.

“Yeah, right. Commies always like red.” Assault taunted Support

“The American flag is partly red.” Support said with a smirk.

“Oh, you shouldn’t have said that.” Assault said, now getting serious.

“Bring it on” Support said as well. Big Mac started to back away, not wanting to be near these two titans when they fight. Before they could master it out Applejack walked in to the room.

“Ah have talked with Granny Smith and its okay that you two stay here over night. Ah see that you have already meet mah big brother Big Macintosh. Come with me, Ah take ya’ll to yah rooms.” Applejack started to walk up the stairs followed by Support and Assault. The stairs nearly braking under them. Soon they got to each of their rooms and went in. of course the beds where to small but they didn’t mind. They didn’t care about sleeping with their clothes on and went to sleep immediately. Soon both of them were sleeping quietly…before being woken up because of their hosts snoring.


“Do you have any threes?” Russian Assault asked American Engineer.

“Nope, go fish.” He said. Russian Assault muttered something under his breath while taking a card from the pile. The battle was still raging on. Still with Hilltop under no one’s command. The two squads had started up a game of cards to wait till the match end. They were sitting in a circle around each other playing ‘go fish’. Oh and it was also dark.

“Does anyone know what time it his?” American Recon asked. Russian Engineer looked at the watch on his arm and said.

“It’s almost midnight.”

“(Sigh) how many tickets are left?” He asked again. All of them looked once again down at the corner of the screen and read the tickets number.

“It’s about twenty left.” Russian Recon said.

“Wait twenty. That means…” Suddenly a lot of explosion erupted from the tower’s bottom and it started to fall forward towards the two squads.

“This is going to hurt alot.” Russian Assault said.

Authors note: I just wanted to tell you all when you are reading Supports or any other Russian lines always image them with a Russian ascent. You know, taking out on the R.