• Published 7th Sep 2012
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Medkits, ammopacks and...ponies? - BOBthieBomber

RU Support and US Assault in Equestria. What could possibly go wrong?

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Chapter 11

”Sir, I think that we have everything secured and set up for your little…”trip”.” One of the advisors said to the Russian commander. He looked at him and said.

“Good, just let me go and get my gear.” He went off to one of his wardrobes in his office and opened it. In there hanged an old engineer outfit without the gasmask. Instead it was a tan American engineer cap. He grabbed the outfit and was about to put it on before the advisor coughed out loud. The Russian commander looked at him and said.

“A little privacy, please.”

“Yes sir, sorry sir.” the advisor said before walking out of the office. The commander sighed and started to undress. After one minute he was fully clothed again with his gear and walked off to a box that was on the other side of the room. The box had a code lock on it which only he knew the code. He typed in the code and listened when the lock opened. He opened the box and inside laid a wonderful sight. Inside laid a AS val with a PK-A 3.4x sight and extended mag. Next to it laid a MP 443 Grach Tactical. He picked both weapons up and and walked out of the office. Before walking of further he looked back at the office before saying to himself.

“This may be the last time a see this place. But it doesn’t matter.” He said before turning the lights out and closed the door.

Chapter 11

Outside Ponyville the situation had gone from serious to confusing. Most of the ponies and now managed to get out of their homes and was now watching those strange creatures that were still arguing with each others. The ones in tan clothing were easy to understand which forced the foal’s moms to cover their young ones ears because of the language that was yelled out by them. For the other group that was dressed in black they couldn’t understand a word but they recognized words that they were saying over and over again like the word “Suka” and “Yebat” which made them wonder what did those word means which made them say it over and over again.


“I cannot believe you idiots. Have you traveled across this land killing everything in sight” Bomber yelled to his squad in Russian. Sir Cakeman stepped up.

“How the fuck was we supposed to now that you weren’t captured or something. When you didn’t respawn back home we started to get worried and just so you know. We didn’t attack first; it was all in self defense.” Sir Cakeman said while crossing his arms, the others in the squad nodded. Bomber just facepalmed and looked at them again.

“But still, why cross dimensions or planets or whatever. Am I really that important to you guys?” he looked at them. And awkward silence filled the air around them. Finally WK15 FTW spoke up.

“Yes” this took Bomber by surprise.

“Excuse me.” He said while raising one of his eyebrows.

“You are important to us because you are a Support and the only Support we can trust. You have always been there when we need ammo and have always backed us up with either tanks or air support. You are more than a teammate Bomber, you are a friend.” WK15 finished. Bomber stared at him with the most disbelief face ever made by man and asked.

“Do you really think that of me?” He asked, clearly surprised, the others nodded. He smiled and said.
“Wow, and here I have always thought that you guys hated me.”

“Well, we can admit that your mood is sometimes annoying but sometimes it helps a lot. Do you remember that guy that ran over you with that tank?” WK15 asked

“Oh yeah. He he. Five minutes later I kamikaze bombed that sucker into oblivion.”

“And you waited for the right time to do it as well”

“Fill the nose of the lane full of C4 and wait for the tank to drive into a gas station.” Bomber said.

“That was some hell of a firework you did.” Sir Cakeman said, the others laughed to.

“Weeeell, I think I can let you guys slip pass this one time, okay.” He said, he crossed his arms. “Still, that will not help you so much here. It has come to my understanding that you guys killed twenty ponies on the way here.” He finished.

“Hey, that was in self defense. They attacked first. But I got to say, they sucked at it. I mean, I have fought noobs better than them. I mean come on, there is sucking, and then there is just ridiculous.” Sir Cakeman said. Bomber facepalmed and said.

“Still, you have commenced murder and you have to be brought before the law, which I think happens to be those two over there.” Bomber said while pointing towards the princesses.

“Wait, you’re going to bring us before the law?” WK15 asked.

“I have to; I don’t want to start a war between two races. But don’t worry, their so called magic can’t hurt or touch you.” Bomber said. He received strange looks from the others.

“What?” Summermaniac said.

“I know its sound weird but they can somehow do magic and shit.” Bomber practically yelled out. He received stares from all the others who were watching them but he knew that they hadn’t understood a word of what they had been saying. He facepalmed and said.

“Just follow me and let’s see if we can fix this mess.” Bomber said, gesturing his squad to follow him. He walked up towards the two princesses and saw that Looter and his squad did the same.

“Let me guess, self defense story?” Bomber asked Looter in English.

“Euyeep” Looter answered back. They soon stood in front of the two princesses.

“Celestia, Luna, let me introduce, your guards killers.” Looter said while pointing towards the two squads behind him and Bomber. Celestia looked past them and at the other humans.

“Very well.” Celestia just simply said walking past the two humans towards the others. Luna hesitated but soon followed close behind. Luan wouldn’t ever admit it but she was freighted by all of the humans, not only did she feel small with all of them easily towering over her but they had weapons that could easily kill her and her sister in seconds. She would know, she was close to it. Celestia walked up to the others human and said.

“My name is princess Celestia of the sun and it has come to my understanding that you have killed twenty of my best guards. What do you have to say in your defense?” She told the other humans. They just stared at her, then at each other and then back at her…before bursting out in laughter. Celestia could feel her left eye twitch at the disrespect she got there. Sure, she could withstand some joke at her but not like this.

“What are you laughing at?” she asked irritated. One of them stoped laughing and looked at her and said.

“Look, no offense but it’s just so hard to take something like you serious, I mean look at you. All colorful and he he…cute.” He said before bursting into laugher again. Celestia couldn’t take it anymore; she fired at strong beam of magic right on him that sends him flying. The others stopped laughing and followed their flying teammate with their eyes before looking back towards Celestia. They didn’t hesitate and immediately surrounded her with their weapons pulled out. She immediately saw her staring down one of the barrels of their weapons before Bomber and Looter came running.

“Woah, woah. Hold it right there. Lower your weapons now:” the humans just stared at him.
“NOW!” He yelled. They lowered their weapons and gave Celestia and disapproving look. Celestia released a sigh of relief before walking next to Bomber and Looter.

“Thank you.” She said to them.

“No problem, now, can someone go see if Lord Diamond is alright.” Looter said. Summermaniac nodded and sprinted towards where they saw him land. Bomber walked up Celestia and asked.

“Those guards you sent out. Did they have any families or anything?” He asked. Celestia shook her head and said.

“No, none of them had any of that but your friends still need to punished.” She said firmly.

“And they will, in the only way they hat most. Hard labor.” Bomber said. He looked towards Applejack for approval. She first looked unsure before nodding. He smiled and turned towards the others and said.
“Listen up. You will skip prison because I think they don’t have any cell that can contain any of us but you will still be punished. Tomorrow you will start by working on Applejacks farm.” The humans just stood there.
“The pony over there.” He said, pointing at Applejack.


“Ты что, шутишь?”

“No way”

“Черт, нет”

Bomber just shook his head and said.
“There is no discussion, you will do it. I’m your squad leader and you got to follow what I say got it.”

“The same goes for you guys as well.” Looter said to the Americans. The humans groaned and nodded. Summermaniac and Lord Diamond came walking.

“What did we miss?” Summer asked.

“They want us to help on a farm:” Sir Cakeman told them.

“What?” Both Summer and Lord said simultaneously.

“It has already been fixed; you will help on the farm and nothing else.” Bomber said. Summer and Lord looked at each other before forcefully agreeing.
“Good, now girls. Is there a place outside of town that has open ground or anything?” Bomber asked he ponies. Applejack spoke up.

“There is a wide open area just outside of town that has a lot of space, why?” she said.

“We need to fix a temporary base and a motor pool for the vehicles so we need open space. Which direction is it?” Applejack pointed with her hoof at one direction.
“Alright, you head of and fix the base while we talk with Celestia and Luan about what we will do about this mess.” Bomber said, the other nodded and entered their vehicles and started to drive of. Celestia told her guards to keep an eye on them and soon the vehicles where once again surrounded by guards.

“He he, more target practicing for us.” Sir Cakeman said. Bomber gave him a glare which immediately shut him up.

“Maybe we should disarm them, sister:” Luan told Celestia. Looter laughed a little when he heard that.

“He he, good luck with that. Not even I can get them to hand over their weapons.” He said. This made Celestia and Luna worried.
“He, don’t worry. If they hurt anymore ponies then they will answer to me and I will not make it pretty.” This calmed the princesses down a little. Twilight finally walked up to them and said.

“Okay, can we now please go back to the library to answer the questions I I mean WE have for you?” Twilight pleaded. Bomber nodded and started to walk with them towards the library. Looter cursed under his breath and looked around for a way out. He spotted Jokis1 and smiled. He grabbed Jokis1 arm and pulled him towards the group of Ponies.

“Hey!” Jokis1 protested. Looter pulled him up to his face and said.

“Listen, you go with them to the library and answer any damn question they have while I go and helps with the camp, got it.” Looter commandingly said to Jokis1.

“hmpf, fine.” Jokis1 said while walking to the waiting group.
“It seems that I take over Looters place.” He awkwardly said to the ponies and Bomber.

“I think it’s for the better, you’re way smarter than Looter is when it comes to questions like the ones they are going to ask I presume.” Bomber said.

“I heard that!” Looter yelled to them. Bomber ignored him and looked towards his squad.

“Try not to kill the Americans now guys.” He said. WK15 looked at him and said.

“No promises.” He said before walking off with the others. Bomber just shook his head and started to walk towards the library. The others soon followed and they had soon reached the library. Meanwhile the other humans had found a good place for a camp just outside of town but they couldn’t still be pretty annoyed by all the pony guards staring at them with their spears pointed.


Inside the American base stood the American commander fully geared up with his recon outfit and a pair of sunglasses on his face. Compared to other recons he doesn’t wear a cover for his face. He holds a M417 with bipod, 8X scope and laser and for side arm he as a M93R.

“Is everything ready?” He asked his advisor.

“Yes sir, everything is ready. We are just now waiting for you.” The advisor answered back.

“Good and remember, if this doesn’t work than you better start running fast.” HE told him before walking past him towards the hall with the equipment.
“Look out boys, here I come.”