• Published 7th Sep 2012
  • 6,228 Views, 202 Comments

Medkits, ammopacks and...ponies? - BOBthieBomber

RU Support and US Assault in Equestria. What could possibly go wrong?

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Chapter 2

“Okay, soldiers. Where are down one Assault but I think we can still take those God forsaken Commies on the other side of the map.” The American administrator Commander told the marines.

“Why are we even down an Assault? I thought the servers would auto balance so we would always have three of each class.” An American Support asked.

“No one knows what happened to him. He was just about to shot down that fucking Support that had made life harder for us when a building collapsed over them.” A Recon said.

“Wait, could that maybe mean that the Russians lost one of their Supports as well?” An Assault asked.

A silence then washed over the base. The Engineers stopped fixing the tanks. The Supports stopped bringing out respective weapons to the others. The Recons stopped scouting the map and the Assaults stopped throwing out their medkits randomly like idiots.

“Alright ladies, if what Assault says it true than that means that maybe God is looking after us after all. Alright, mount the tanks and helicopters. While you guys is out and fighting the now one man less Russian team. I will find out what have happened to our boy, alright, move move move!” The Captain yells. Immediately all of the marines’ ran out of the base and out into the field. It’s was a glorious day to destroy Caspian Border.

Chapter 2

Rainbow didn’t know what to think. She had been captured. She, Rainbow dash! She just wanted to scream to them to let her go but her mouth was failing her. It felt so dry and she also tasted blood in it. All she remembers is crashing into the ground. She suddenly felt pain like never before, before the crash. Pain that she cannot explain where I come from. She looks around and notices that she is on the table in Fluttershy’s cottage. She then looks up to one of the monsters that took her and she prepares to scream…but nothing happens. She is to dry in the mouth


Assault notices that the cyan horse thingy seems to be thirsty. He turns around to Support and says.
“Hey, Support?” Support turns around from the pictures he was looking at.
“Could you maybe fetch some water or anything to these two? Especially this one.” Assault says while pointing to the cyan mini horse. Support simply nods and walks towards the kitchen. After a minute he arrives with to bowls of water. He set one down in front of the still unconscious yellow horse and the other in front of the now awake cyan horse. After that Support walks away to the pictures again. Assault picks up one bowl and takes it to the blue horse mouth. The horse starts to drink like a mad man.

“Wow, slow it down there horsey.” Assault says with a smile.

“Pegasus” Support corrects.

“Excuse me?”

“I believe that those two are Pegasi” Support says again.

Assault looks at the two horses with wings and then back at Support. “How the fuck do you know that?”

“In school I went a lesson of mythical history. Pegasus came up under the lesson.” Support calmly says.

Assault looks like he was at a loss of words. “Okay, I’m not even going to ask why you went at such a class.”

“Shut up” Support turns to the pictures once again.
“That’s weird” he says.


“All of these pictures contain either that yellow Pegasus or that cyan one.”

“What?” Assault rises up from his sitting position and walks towards the pictures as well. “Huh, I agree, that’s weird. Either the guy owning this building has them both as pets or…Nah.”


After being unconscious for a while, Fluttershy finally managed to awake. She notices she is on something soft instead of that hard ground she remembers falling on. She lifts her head up and sees that she is on her couch. She notices Rainbow dash on her table. She seems to drink water directly out of one of the many bowls she uses when she feeds her animals. She noticed that one bowl is also in front of her. She then sees something that makes her blood run cold. There in front of her pictures that are hanging on the wall are the two strange creatures she saw in the forest. She immediately froze up after seeing those two, but it was too late. The one with a mask looked at her. What she expected was to be two soulless eyes staring right into her soul but what she saw instead was something she had seen many times before. She saw two eyes filled with emotions and feelings. The creature then smiled at her. It walked up to her and stretched out one of its front paws at her. She immediately started to back away when the paw reached behind her ear. She then suddenly felt wonderful feeling behind her ear. First her eyes snapped open in surprise but then they calmly closed. The creature had begun to scratch her behind her ear. The feeling was nothing she had ever felt before. She started to push up against the paw with her head and the scratching just become more wonderful. Then something weird happened.

“Cute little thing, ain’t it?” The creature spoke. Fluttershy’s eyes snapped opened and looked up towards the creature. The creature had stopped scratching her and was now looking towards its friend.

“Eh, I seen cuter.” The other spoke. Whatever these creatures are they could speak. The one closest to her looked back at her and said.

“Don’t mind him; he’s just being an asshole.”

“You know I can hear you.” The other one yelled from the other side of the room, clearly with an irritated voice.

“I don’t mind.” Fluttershy said.

“Well if you don’t mind I think it doesn’t matt…wait did you just talk?” The creature immediately jumped up on its hind legs with a surprised look on its face. The other one had a similar face expression.


Support did not know what to think. The Pegasus had just spoken. He looked over to Assault which seemed to just as surprised as he. He looks back at the Pegasus that seemed once again frighten. It then spoke again.

“Oh, I’m sorry if I frighten you. I just be quiet.” It said. It then looked on the ground which a face that it seemed to be ashamed of itself. Support was now even more surprised. The creature spoke and then it felt bad for doing it. Support now felt like a real dick. He looked over once again to Assault and is seemed that he felt the same thing.

“Oh, you made Fluttershy cry. You guys are in for it now.” Both soldiers heard another voice say. They looked over to the cyan Pegasus and saw that it had finish drinking the water. It was now trying to stand up but immediately fell down on its tummy again.
“When I get you guys, both of you are in a world of hurt.” It said again. It tried once again standing up but once again it fell down. The Pegasus now confirmed as Fluttershy immediately flied (flied) over to its friend and started to help it up on its legs.

“Okay, it finally happened. All those months on the battlefield have finally caught up with me. I finally went crazy.” Assault said while flapping its arms in the air. Both Pegasi just watches him with puzzled looks and then looks over towards support. Support puts his hand on Assaults shoulder and Assault immediately spin around and looks Support in the eyes.

“Listen American. I think this is real because I can see them as well.” He slaps a hand over Assaults face. “Snap out of it.” He slaps him again.

Assault finally manages to calm down before one of the ponies speaks again.

“You two are weird.” The cyan Pegasus says. Both soldiers spun around and looked the Pegasus in the eyes. It immediately silenced itself. Support sighed and walked up to the two Pegasi.

“Look, sorry if we are acting like this but it’s the first time we see a pair of Pegasi talk…actually, it’s also the first time we see a pair of Pegasi.” He says. Both Pegasi looks at each other then back at the humans. The Pegasi looked surprised for a moment before the Pegasus known as Fluttershy spoke next.

“It’s okay, if I saw something I never seen before I would also be scared. Like I was a couple of minutes ago.” It looks once again into the ground. Assault had finally managed to shake of the shock of and walks up to the cyan Pegasus. He bends down and looks into the pink eyes of the Pegasus. The Pegasus just stares back at him with a puzzled look. He then raises his hand reaches out for the Pegasus...only for him to honk her muzzle. The Pegasus immediately backs away and shakes its head. It then looks at Assault with raged filled eyes.

“Hey, what the hay was that for?” She yells angrily. Assault just simply looks up towards Supports and says.

“Yep, she’s real alright.” He says with a smile before receiving a kick in the head from the Pegasus.
“OW! Oh, you are asking for it” He says while pulling out his M1911 and aims it at the Pegasus. The Pegasus froze up when it saw the gun in his hand.


Rainbow immediately felt fear when seeing that thing in the creature’s hand. It looked familiar to that thing the other one had used to hurt her. She was not the one to run and hide but today was an exception. She immediately flied behind Fluttershy and cowered behind her.

Fluttershy just stood there with her head turned towards Rainbow. It was usually herself that was the scared one. She then looked over to the strange creatures once again. She noticed that the blue clothed one had put away that strange device. Why Rainbow dash was so afraid for it escaped her. She looked back at her friend and said
“It’s okay Rainbow, there is nothing to be scared of.” She said with a mothers tone.

“I’m not scared; I just got the feeling to be behind you.” Rainbow said

“That’s what she said.” The blue clothed creature said. The other one tried its best not to laugh.

Fluttershy looked over at the two creatures with a puzzled look. Both creatures stopped laughing and looked at her. then they looked at each other before the black clothed one whispered to its friend.

“They seem to not be familiar with dirty jokes.” It said. The other one did just simply nod.

Fluttershy still just stood there with the same puzzled look. Then one question came up in her mind.
“If you don’t mind me asking but what are you two for creatures?” Both creatures looks at each other’s than back at her again with puzzled looks.
“It’s just I have never seen anything like you two before.” She says again. She then noticed then both of the creatures eyes widen in surprise or mostly the masked one because she can’t see the eyes of the blue one because of the sunglasses.

“Wait, you have never seen anything like us two before?” The black clothed one says while bending forward towards the two of them. Fluttershy backs away a little and nervously shakes her head. The creatures then just stand there before the blue clothed one says.

“Oh this is not good.”


Support and Assault didn’t know what to say. Obviously they where in a place where the natives had never heard of a human before. They looked at each other, both wearing a worried face. Assault then turns to the two Pegasi and asks.

“Do you at least have a telephone or something?”

Both the Pegasi looks at each other’s before the cyan one that had decided to finally come out of its ‘hiding’ place behind its friend. It the then asked
“What’s a telephone?”

Assault once again lost it.