• Published 7th Sep 2012
  • 6,218 Views, 202 Comments

Medkits, ammopacks and...ponies? - BOBthieBomber

RU Support and US Assault in Equestria. What could possibly go wrong?

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Chapter 10

”Sir, what are your orders?” The soldier asked the American commander. The commander just looked at him and said.

“I have no fucking idea what my orders are. Four of my soldiers have just disappeared into just nowhere. Sure, they were not the best of the soldiers I had but it’s the principle that counts.” The commander said while the two of them was walking down one of the many corridors of the American HQ.

“Do you want to organize a rescue mission, sir?” The soldier asked. The commander glared at him and said.

“I would if I knew where they had the fuck disappeared to.” The commander sighed and said. “My only consolation is that I’m not the only one with this problem.” He finished with a smug smile.


“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVEN’T FOUND THEM YET?” The Russian commander yelled to his cowering advisors.

“We’re sorry sir, but we have tried every frequency and satellite but nothing. It’s like they have just disappeared of the face of the earth.” One said while quickly retreating back behind his makeshift hiding spot. The commander felt like he was about to explode. He was usually a calm person and not easy to anger but this time, there was no sight of his calmness. Another one of the advisors spoke up.

“Sir, why are you so destined to find these soldiers?” he asked. “I mean, you have thousands under your command. This is just four soldiers. You can easily find some new replacements.” The commander glared at him which made him shut up. The commander sighed and walked up from behind his desk and walked off towards the wall. On the wall was a photograph of two Russian soldiers, both standing at attention.

“You want to know why I want to find them.” He said. “It’s because of a reason. One of those who disappeared is a friend of mine.” he took a long inhale and continued.
“BOBthieBomber, a great man, served with him in Georgia under the conflict. He would have been a commander like me as well if it wasn’t for a…‘accident’ under the conflict.” He exhaled and looked back at the others.
“I don’t want to go into details of what happened but let me tell you this.” He gave them a serious look and said. “It wasn’t pretty.” He finished. The others just stood there.

“What happened?” one asked. The commander shot him a glare and said.

“Didn’t I just say I didn’t want to into details?”

“Sorry commander.” He quickly said. The commander walked back to his desk and sat down on the chair.

“Just keep up with the search.”

“YES SIR” the advisors said before storming out of the office. The commander sighed one more time and took out a vodka bottle and a glass from under the desk. He poured the liquid into the glass and raised it into the air and said.
“To you Bomber. Too bad that fate was not as nice to you as it was to me.” He said and took a sip.

Chapter 10

“Just as I said a couple of seconds ago, nobody move or he gets it.” Sir Cakeman yelled one more time while still holding the white unicorn in his hands. He stood in front of the vehicles they had arrived in a couple of minutes earlier and had Lord Diamond and WK15 at his side. Jokis1 was still sitting inside the IFV while Summermaniac was still inside the MBT while Sponte was still sitting inside the Humvee in the back of the convoy. They and the vehicles were all surrounded by at least seventy of those armored ponies all pointing at them with spears. WK15 looked at Sir Cakeman and said.

“Is that really necessary? We don’t really need a hostage. They still don’t really have much of a chance if those before we fought are anything to go after.” He said.

“This is a hostage situation…so…shut the fuck up.” Sir Cakeman said back.

“But we have a tank and a IFV and…”

“THISISAHOSTAGESITATIONSOSHUTTHEFUCKUP!” Sir Cakeman repeated a lot faster this time. WK15 immediately backed away from the crazed engineers glare.

“Hey look. They called for reinforcements.” Lord diamond yelled while pointing towards the new group of ponies that had arrived. It seemed like two of them where bigger than the others but that didn’t matter. What mattered was that Bomber and Looter was among them. WK15 reached up to his comlink and said.

“Summer, they have Looter and Bomber. Show them that we mean business.”

“Copy that.” Summer said while turning the entire tank towards the new group of ponies. You could easily hear the shell being loaded into the gun barrel of the tank.


Bomber and looter couldn’t do anything more than just facepalm. It was just as they suspected. Those idiots had somehow found a way into this land as well and had brought for crying out loud half a armory with them.

“What the hell are you idiots doing?” Bomber yelled.

“We’re rescuing you two from these demonic things.” Sir Cakeman yelled back. Bomber facepalmed once again.

“We were never prisoners.” He yelled. Suddenly the entire yard got quiet and time seemed to slow down.

“You…you weren’t?” Both nodded. “Then why the hell has we been traveling across this godforsaken land that is god knows where and been attacked by literally everything we have come across with?” Sir Cakeman yelled while grasping harder onto Shinings throat.

“Because you guys are idiots and never think straight. I still remember rush on operation metro. Defenders are supposed to defend, not attack. You got yourself killed like a hundred times before you realized it.” Bomber yelled back. All of the ponies just stared at both of them with confused looks.

“Oh yeah, I forgot.” Sir Cakeman said before realization came to him. “HEY, we are not idiots.” He yelled back. Bomber just crossed his arms and looked at him.
“Okay, I admit that sometimes…” Bomber kept staring at him. “…most of the time…” Still staring. “ALRIGHT, we do stupid things all the time.”

“Hey, you don’t talk for all of us.” WK15 yelled at Sir Cakeman.

“Shut up, WK.” Bomber said, still with his arms crossed.

“Yes sir.”

“The same goes for you idiots as well.” Looter yelled to the Americans.

“We don’t have to take that crap from you.” Lord diamond said.

“Oh you have to. I’m still your squad leader for some reason.”

“I was wondering about that.” Jokis1 said from within the IFV.

“Eh, excuse me for interrupting your conversation but I presume that these other humans where the ones you thought was here.” Celestia said.

“Indeed they are, girls.” Bomber said, Celestia nodded. She turned towards her guards and said.

“Guards, stand down.” The guards looked at her while still keeping their spears pointed at the humans.

“But princess, they have the captain.” One of the guards said.

“Cakeman, let him go.” Bomber said with a growl.

“No way, he bit me.” Sir Cakeman said while grasping harder around Shinings throat.

“No no, you are confusing him with one of those wooden wolfs.” WK15 said behind him.

“It was?” Sir Cakeman asked, WK15 nodded. “Wow, now I’m confused.” He said again while scratching his head. He dropped Shining that didn't hesitate by running of behind the others before Twilight literally threw herself into a hug with him. Bomber just groaned at Cakemans stupidity and turned towards the ponies.

“Sorry about them. Let me introduce you to my squad.” He said while pointing at the Russian soldiers.
“This here is Sir Cakeman, WK15 FTW and Summermaniac.” He said while pointing on each Russian in order.

“Summermaniac is that giant thing?” Rainbow asked while pointing at tank. Bomber shook his head and said.

“Nope, he’s inside it.”

“Inside?” She tilted her head at the side just like a dog would.

“Yup, that’s a vehicle. Or to be more specific, a tank.”

“A tank.” Rainbow said, her interest now raised. “Is that a tank, now I understand why it looked like a giant tortoise.”

“Yup, a seventy ton war machine, all ready for war.”

“Could you stop admiring that tank for a second and focus on the real problem here?” Looter said, clearly annoyed.

“I can’t help it. I love tanks.” Bomber said while beaming towards the Abrams.

“Then why don’t you marry one then.” Looter said with a smug smile.

“Maybe I will.” Everyone was staring at him. “What?”

“Annnyway. Girls, This bunch of idiots is Lord Diamond, Jokis1 and Sponte. And just as with Summermaniac. Jokis1 is inside IFV.” He received confused stares from the ponies. “Is that large green vehicle over there.” The ponies nodded in understanding. “And Sponte appears to be inside the Humvee. That is the smaller vehicle behind everything else. Still sitting behind everything like a coward I see, Sponte.” Looter yelled towards the Humvee.

“Fuck off.” Sponte yelled back from inside the Humvee while extending his middle finger out of one of the windows towards the group. Looter just laughed at it and walked away towards the IFV. Bomber just shook his head and said.

“If you just excuse me I’m going to talk to my squad about what the hell they are doing here” He said while walking off to his squad. The ponies weren’t then able to understand what he was saying because of their strange language but, judging from the tone of Bombers friends and him. It wasn’t a nice conversation.


The Russian commander was facing face first down at his desk and snoring loudly. He had finished the entire bottle of Vodka and then fallen asleep shortly after. Suddenly the door to his office slammed open and one of the advisors ran in.

“SIR SIR, I think we have found a way to find you soldiers.” He yelled.

“(Snort) uh wha? What going on?” The Russian commander said, clearly dozy from all the Vodka.

“I said sir. I think we have found a way to find you men.” At this, any traces of the commander hangover immediately disappeared and his eyes snapped open.

“You…you have.” he stammered out.

“Yes sir. But there is just one problem.” The advisor nervously said.

“And that is?” the commander said while giving him a disapproving look. The advisor took a large breath in and said.

“I don’t think that many soldiers are willingly going to like getting at least one ton dropped on them.” The commander facepalmed and went once again face first down on the desk.


“What do you mean by that?” the American commander asked his secretary that was now covering behind his notepad.

“Sir, for what we know so far. When something falls on the victims, it is automatically transported somewhere where we cannot get a fix on it. But if we send someone in with a strong tracking devise on him we should be able to lock down on those coordinates. The only problem his, who is willingly going to let at least a ton of debris fall on top of them?” the secretary finished. The commander was in deep thoughts before saying.

“I’ll do it.”


This is personally matter and I’ll be damn if a let this opportunity passes up.” He once again gave his secretary the glare of death.

“C-copy that sir.” The secretary then immediately decided to run away as fast as his legs could carry him. The commander just shook his head and laughed.

“Man that kid gets easier to scare for each time.” He continued to laugh.
“Look out boys; I’m coming for you guys.” He said to no one in particular.

Meanwhile at the outskirts of Ponyville.

“Wow.” Looter said when he suddenly felt a cold shill go up through his spine and shuddered for a second.

“What the hell was that?” Lord Diamond asked, clearly surprised.

“I don’t know. I just suddenly got a really bad feeling about something.” He said while looking at a random direction with a concerned look on his face.