• Published 7th Sep 2012
  • 6,228 Views, 202 Comments

Medkits, ammopacks and...ponies? - BOBthieBomber

RU Support and US Assault in Equestria. What could possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Chapter 4

The battle of Caspian Border was raging on. The tickets were down to 1569. In the upper north of Caspian border, it was silent. You could hear in the background all the explosions and gunfire from the battle. Two squads of three each walked up towards each other’s but stopped around twenty feet from each other’s. Both sides watched each other’s with hateful eyes before one spoke up.

“Who’s in charge?” the American Recon yelled towards the Russians.

“I am.” The Russian Recon yelled back. The American Recon started to laugh a little.

“Ha, and here I thought I was the only Recon who was squad leader.” The American Recon said.

“Same here” The Russian Recon said with a laugh as well.

“We are getting of topic here.” The American Support said with a sigh.

“Oh sorry, you might wonder why I asked you guys to come here.” The American Recon yelled to the Russians.

“You said you had the same problem as us.” The Russian Recon said.

“That’s right. Thanks to freefirerocket behind me” American Recon said while pointing his thumb at Jokis1. “our boys have disappeared to god knows where. We need to find out what happened to them and how to bring them back.”

“Wait, you say that that American behind you is the one responsible?” Russian Recon said while taking out his pistol. Both the Russians behind him aimed their weapons to.

“Woa woa woa, you can kill him later. Now we need to focus on getting our boys back.” American Recon said while Jokis1 had retreated back behind American Support.
“Alright here’s the plan.”

Chapter 4

“Humans, is that what you are called.” Fluttershy said while the three of them were walking down towards Ponyville.

“Don’t blame us. We didn’t come up with the name.” Assault said.

“No no no, I didn’t mean it like that. I is just that that name I didn’t think to fit you guys and…oh dear… I mean…eep.” Fluttershy started to panic. She thought that this time she had enraged the so called Humans. But to her surprise they started to laugh.

“Oh Fluttershy, has any one told you that you are adorable when you panic.” Assault said between laughs. If Fluttershy’s face wasn't red before it was defiantly red now. Her blush was so strong it would but the color red to shame. This just helped Support and Assault to laugh harder. They suddenly stopped laughing when they heard sniffing. They looked down at Fluttershy and saw that she was on the verge of tears. They didn’t realize that their little joke would hurt her that much. Both bowed down to be at eye level with the now crying Pegasus.

“There there, we didn’t mean to make you cry. It was just an innocent joke.” Assault said with a caring voice. Support nodded to this. Fluttershy looked up at the Humans and saw that their smiles and eyes were filled with care.

“I cannot believe I’m doing this but come here.” Support said while scoping Fluttershy into a big bear hug. All sadness that Fluttershy had left disappeared in an instant because of that. It didn’t take long for Assault to join in on the bear hug. They stood hugging each other’s for a while before Support and Assault realized that they were touching each other. They immediately jumped away from each other’s and looked at each other with anger in their eyes. They then looked down at Fluttershy and saw that she was smiling again. They started to smile to before looking at each other’s again.

“Let’s never speak about this to anyone.” Assault said.

“Agreed” Support answered. They then started their walk again.


Twilight were doing as she was doing best, reading books. She was reading a book called the advanced mechanics of magic vol. 2. She was somewhere in the middle of the book and she was enjoying every moment of it. She was about to turn the page before a familiar crash sound erupted from her bedroom window. She looked up from her book and towards the window.

“Hello Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said.

“TwilightTwilightyoucannotbelievewhatIandFluttershyfoundathercottage!” Rainbow said with such speed that it would make Pinkie Pie proud.

“What?” was all Twilight could say, barley understanding every third word.

Rainbow took a deep breath and then said slowly.
“I and Fluttershy found two completely weird animals at her cottage. We don’t know what they are but they are weird, alright.” She said.

“Wait, you say that you and Fluttershy found two creatures that are not recorded in the known Species anthology.” Twilight said with a glee. Rainbow just scratched her head.

“Hum, yeah. Wasn’t that what I just said, I think.” Rainbow said confused.

Oh, where are these two ‘strange’ creatures?” Twilight asked while looking around.

“They are right behind meeeeee…uh.” Rainbow said while looking nervously around behind her. Twilight facehoofed.

“Let me guess. You didn’t realize until now that they were not going to be able to keep up with you.” Twilight said while looking at the now embarrassed Pegasus.

“Hum, yeah.” Rainbow said while hanging her head low.

“(Groan), Okay. Look I don’t judge you but didn’t you think that they maybe could have hurt Fluttershy.” Twilight said. Rainbow shook her head.

“No, they are nice but not against each other’s. Somehow they look like they would want to kill each other.” Rainbow said.

“Okay, if you say so. What did they look like?” Twilight asked.

“Well they walk on their hind legs and instead of front hooves they seemed to have some sort of pawns instead. They whore a ton of clothing and they were in different colors like one was brown and the other one was sort of white.” Rainbow answered. Twilight took time to process this information before he answered.

“That doesn’t sound like any creature I have ever heard about.” Twilight said
“Maybe Princess Celestia has any idea of what they are.”

“Oh, here's the other thing. They wanted to see her as well. I don’t know the reason but its got to be big.” Rainbow said to her librarian friend.

“What, they want to see her? Why?” Twilight asked.

“I just said I don’t know. jeez Twilight, learn to listen.”

“Okay, I start with the letter while you go and fetch those two creatures. Bring them over here.” Twilight said with her study voice. Rainbow saluted and flied off at the direction she assumed they would be coming from. Meanwhile Twilight was hardly abble to control herself. A completely new species. This is big, this is BIG. She yelled in her head. Wait what if this is just some joke. Nah, Rainbow would never be able to make Fluttershy participate in a joke this big. She started the letter as always

Dear princess Celestia.


Support, Assault and Fluttershy was now nearing the town outskirts. They have so far been silent after that little ‘incident’ from before.

“So how is this Ponyville, Fluttershy?” Support asked.

“Oh, it’s lovely. Everypony is so nice and it’s so calm and quiet most of the time.” Fluttershy answered with a smile.

“That sounds nice and…wait did you just say Everypony?” Support said. Surprised by the pun.

“Yes, is there something wrong?” Fluttershy asked.

“No no, I just got a bad feeling about this.” Support said, he looked at Assault and saw that he had the same thoughts.

“How’s that?” Fluttershy asked.

Before any of them could answer they had reached the town. It was a cute little town. The buildings reminded Support and Assault of German architecture. They should know, they were fighting each other there. Before anyone could say anything Assault yelled out.

“They have Unicorns as well.” The entire street went silent by this. Support and Assault felt hundreds of eyes watching them. Support was starting to feel really uncomfortable.

“Umm” Support said.

“MONSTERS!” one of the ponies yelled. Suddenly all hell broke loose. In less than ten seconds the entire main street was empty. Support, Assault and Fluttershy just stood there, watching the now empty street.

“Wow, have they been practicing on running away. They cleared out fast.” Assault said, impressed that all of the ponies had disappeared so fast. Support just stood there watching. He then looked down on Fluttershy that seemed to look embarrassed again.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

“I should have told you to expect this. The ponies in Ponyville are a little scared of everything. We treated Zecora the same way.” Fluttershy responded, still embarrassed. Support bows down to her eye level and says.

“Listen, we don’t mind. They have all the right to think we are scary if they have never seen anything like us before.” Support said to her. Fluttershy looked up at Support and smiled.
“Come on, we still need to go and check on this Twilight pony.”

They started to walk again towards what the Humans last expected to see. A tree that looked like a house. Both humans were surprised to say at least by this. Fluttershy noticed their surprise.

“What is it?” Fluttershy asked.

“Is that a house in a tree?” Assault asked. Fluttershy nodded.
“That’s it. I have officially seen everything now.” He said while waving his arms in the air. Fluttershy wondered what that mean. They were about to go and knock when the sound of wings flapping in air erupted from behind them.

“It was easy to find you. Just follow the sound of screaming.” Rainbow said to the group.

“What can I say? I’m just too awesome for this world.” Assault said to the cyan Pegasus.

“Yeah right.” Rainbow said while flying towards the door of the tree. She knocked three times and then waited. After a few seconds later the door opened and a purple Unicorn was standing there.

“Hey rainbow did you fetch…them?” Twilight looked at the two Humans with wonder and interest.
“Wow Rainbow, you didn’t kidding when you said they were weird looking.” She said.

“Hey, I take offence of that.” Assault yelled.

“You didn’t mention that they could talk.” Twilight said while jumping back, clearly surprised that they could talk.

“Is this Twilight you mention before, Fluttershy?” Support asked while looking at Fluttershy.

Twilight cleared her throat and said.
“Yes, my name is Twilight Sparkle” Assault almost laughed his ass of when he heard that name but he managed to contain it. “and you are?” Twilight asked. Support stepped up and said.

“My name is BOBthieBomber but everyone calls me Support and this is Looter Penguin also known as Assault.” Support said while gesturing towards Assault. Twilight stood there and watched the two of them before saying.

“What weird names.”

“You think our names are weird. What about yours?” Assault said.

“What is wrong with my name?”

“Everything!” Assault yelled. Twilight growled at this and was about to release a comeback when Support stepped up.

“Woa there you two. lets save that for later.” He said while taking them away from each other’s faces. “Right now is not the time. Twilight, we hate to bother you but we need your help. Fluttershy here told us that you have a way to contact the princess of this land.” Support said.

“Why, yes I have. I was just finished with a letter to them when you guys came. I was about to send it.” Twilight said with a smile.

“Wonderful, may we come in?” Support asked.

“Well of course, come in.” Twilight gestured the ones outside to come in. The group walked into the tree and Twilight closed the door.

The inside of the tree was even more stunning than the outside. The walls were lined with books and literature. Support and Assault was impressed by this collection.

“daaaaaaammmn, this is some collection.” Assault said.

“Thanks, but most of the books where here when I moved in.” Twilight said with a smile.

“It is indeed an impressive collection. I can see that you are the reading type. Now, the letter.” Support said while clapping his hand together.

“Yes, I had it all written and all. I’m just going to send it.”

“Good, how will you send it?” Support asked, interested in how she will send it.

“That will my number one assistant take care of, Spike!” Twilight yelled to the other room.

“Yeah!” Come from the other room. This voice was boyish instead of that of a girl.

“Can you come in here for a moment?” Twilight said.


The sound of footsteps could be heard from the other room. Soon a figure emerged from the other room and stood there in the open.

“Support, Assault. May I present you…”

“Barney the Dinosaur!” Assault yelled.