• Published 7th Sep 2012
  • 6,228 Views, 202 Comments

Medkits, ammopacks and...ponies? - BOBthieBomber

RU Support and US Assault in Equestria. What could possibly go wrong?

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Chapter 3

“We are getting are asses kicked over here!” The American Engineer yelled. The battle for Caspian border was raging. Both sides had been drawn to a draw into the middle of the map. This was one of those servers were the tickets was over 2000 so the battle was going to be one for a while.

“AH, FUCK! I’m hit!” The American Support yelled. The capturing of hilltop was priority for both teams. The Americans had seized checkpoint and tower while the Russians had conquered forest and gas station. The only neutral point on the map was hilltop which both teams had problems taking. Every tank that drove up there was destroyed. Every chopper who dared to fly over there was shot down. Both sides launched counterattack after counter attack against the enemy, but every attack was futile.

“Where is that god damn medic?” Recon yelled over the noise of gun fire and explosions.

“We don’t have any in our squad, remember. He disappeared and its all Jokis1s fault.” Support yelled back.

“ME? What did I do?” The Engineer known as Jokis1 yelled at the others, clearly annoyed.

“If you hadn’t blown him and that enemy support to bits we wouldn’t be in this mess.” Support yelled back.

“Oh, so now it’s my fault!”

“It was your fault from the beginning!”

While the two of the begun to argue in the middle of the battlefield, Recon just sighted and shock his head. He looked over the field in his M40A5 with bipod and 12X scope. He looked over to where he last spotted some enemy forces and what he sawed surprised him to say at least.


“Stop fucking revive me!” The Russian Engineer yelled at the Russian Assault.

“But I must, it’s my duty. Plus is get a lot of points for it” He yelled back.

“But I’m out of ammo so I need to respawn.” Engineer yelled.

“Why don’t you just ask support?” Assault asked.

“We don’t have any remember. He just disappeared when that American bastard Engineer shot him and his teammate. So now I need to die to be able to get ammo.”

“Why not just ask one of the other Supports on our team?” Assault asked

“They are one the other side of the map. We are cut off from them.” Engineer yelled, clearly showing that he was getting annoyed by the Assault retarded attitude.

“Will the two of you SHUT THE FUCK UP?” The Russian Recon yelled on top of his lungs. Both classes stopped arguing and looked over towards him and saw that he was getting really mad on all of arguing behind him. He sighted and looked back into his M98B with 8X scope and straight pull and scanned once again the field. He managed to spot an enemy Recon at the tower basespawn. He was about to pull the trigger when something weird happened. The American Recon got up and switched to his pistol with a flashlight on it. He then switched it on and off.

“What is he doing?” Recon whispered to himself. “Hey guys!” Both classes once again looked over towards Recon. “Come and check this out.” Both soldiers walk up to him and looked at the direction where Recon pointed. They see the flashlight blink as well.

“What the hell is he doing?” Assault asks, trying to get a good look as possible.

“I think he signals us with Morse code.” Recon says.

“Do you know what he says?” Engineer asks also.

“I’m a bit rusty but I think he says…I…Know…what…you…guys…are…arguing…about. Wait he knows? We…have…the…same…problem…Meet…me…and…my…squad…at
…the…northern…part…of…the…map. “Recon says, while carefully watching the blinks.

“The northern part of the map. But there is nothing out there, just some trees and bushes.” Engineer says.

“Exactly, the perfect place to meet up.” Recon says while taking out his G17 with flashlight. He blinks his response to the American Recon.

“You know this could be a trap.” Assault says.

“Meh, it’s not like we have anything to lose.” Recon says.



Recon sees the Russians response and smiles. He puts away his M1911 with flashlight and turns to the others.

“Hey guys” He says. Both Support and Engineers stopped trying to struggle each other’s throats and looked at his direction.
“Grab you things. We have a long walk ahead of us.”

Chapter 3

It has been five minutes since Assault lost it once again. Five minutes of swearing, raging and hitting stuff. Fluttershy’s living room was a mess. Almost everything had been thrown around and destroyed. Fluttershy was hiding behind her couch with Rainbow. Usually Rainbow would had flown up to Assaults face and shown if a thing or two but this time she was out of courage. The anger that Assault was showing was even too much for Rainbow. Support just sat there on the couch and watched the Chaos in front of him with an emotionless face. Fluttershy finally managed to ask him.

“Hum, excuse me but Creature?” Fluttershy asked. Support just turned his head towards Fluttershy.
“Could you maybe calm you friend down? I don’t really like it when he destroys my home. That if you don’t mind.”

Support smiles at the Pegasus shyness before replying.
“He’s not really my friend but for stopping him I can do.”

“Oh that would be wonderful, thank you.” Fluttershy says with a glee. Support smiled once again at the Pegasus cuteness…before taking out his.44 and shot Assault in the leg.

“OWWWW, WHAT THE HELL!” Assault yells while holding his now bleeding leg. Fluttershy and Rainbow just stared in shock of what just transpired.

“Eh, quit crying cry baby. Just throw out a medipack and you will be up and running like nothing happened and for shooting you. Didn’t your mother teach you not to destroy others property?” Support says with a mocking tone. Assault glared daggers at Support and said

“That comes from a guy that loves to use C4 on everything.”

“Shut up”

Assault laughed a little and took out a new medipack out from nowhere and throws it on the ground before him. The first medipack immediately disappears into nothing. Within seconds Assault stands up like nothing had happened. Fluttershy and Rainbow just stare in shock once again.

“What?” Assault asked.

“What do you mean what, you where just on the ground in pain and suddenly you are up on you legs again? How did that happened?” Rainbow asks while flying up to Assaults face. Assault, still haven’t shacked the revelation that these ponies could fly, backed away from the too close Pegasus.

“Hey, ever heard of something called personal space.” Assault asked the flying Pegasus. This seemed to just make the Pegasus more demanding.

“Hey, chimp. You better tell me what you did o…glip.” Rainbow said before Assault grabbed her around the throat.

“What did you just call me?” Assault asked while holding the struggling Pegasus.

“W-what” Rainbow struggled to say.

“You did just call me a Monkey; I’m going to kill you for that.” Assault yelled while taking out his M1911 and aimed it at Rainbows head. He was about too pull the trigger when he heard from his behind.

“You will not hurt my friend.” Fluttershy yelled at Assault. She flied up to face level with Assault and stared him in the Eyes. What Assault felt after that was hard to say. He first felt fear then pain but then nothing. The stare that the Pegasus had put up with was intense and was filled with horrors, but it was nothing compared of what he lived through on a daily basis. He dropped the Rainbow colored pony and walked up to Fluttershy. Fluttershy seemed shocked for a second before going back to focusing on the stare. When Assault was in front of Fluttershy he asked.

“What the hell are you doing?” Fluttershy seemed to drop the stare completely now and dropped to the ground. She stared up slack jawed up at Assault which he responded with a puzzled look.


Fluttershy couldn’t believe it. This strange creature had completely ignored her stare like it was nothing. She started to back up in fear of that she might have enraged the creature more. Surprisingly the creature seemed calm about all of this. It looked at its companion and said.

“What the hell was that about?” the other creature just shrugged.

“I don’t know.” It said. Fluttershy just stared. She just used ‘the Stare’ on it but it didn’t seemed affected by it. Whatever these two strange creatures where are they where surly a mystery.


Assault looked at Fluttershy who just sat there with her jaw still opened. He looked over towards the Rainbow colored one and saw the she was just as surprised as Fluttershy. He then looked over towards Support that still just sat there on the couch still with an emotionless face.

“Aren’t you awfully calm now?” Assault asked Support.

“Meh, compared to you I’m not a cry baby bitch.” Support said while standing up from the couch. Assault seemed like he was about to go off again but decided to let it go.
“Now when everything is calm and quiet I think introductions are in order, yes.” Support said while walking up towards the two Pegasi. Both Pegasi shacked themselves out of their shock and looked up towards the two humans.
“I’ll begin, my name is BOBthieBomber but most just call me Support. My ‘friend’ over there” Support said while pointing at Assault. “is looter penguin but every one call him Assault. Now what are your names?” Support asked with a smile.

Fluttershy and the rainbow colored Pegasi looked at each other before the Rainbow one said.
“My name is Rainbow Dash, the fastest flier in Equestria and this is Fluttershy.” Rainbow said while hovering in the air then pointing towards Fluttershy.

“Pleasure to meet you two. Now you said Equestria, exactly what is that?” Support asked.

Both Pegasi looked at each other then back at them.
“You don’t know what Equestria is. Have you been living under a rock?” Rainbow asked. This just made Support more confused.

“Both yes and no but seriously I have never heard of Equestria. What is it?” He asked again.

“It’s the biggest country on this planet.” Rainbow answered. This just seemed to make Support laugh.
“What’s so funny?” She asked.

Support stopped laughing for a second and looked at Rainbow.
“You are clearly misinformed, missy. Last time I checked the Russian Federation was the biggest country on the planet.

“Russ what?” Rainbow asked dumfounded, scratching her head.

Support took the reaction of Rainbow as a confirmation of his theory. He looked over towards Assault and asked.

“Can I speak to you for a moment, Assault?” Assault wondered what that meant but shrugged it off. He followed Support out of the Cottage.

“Hey, you didn’t answer my question. What is this so called Ryshian Federation?” Rainbow yelled after them but was ignored by them. She crossed her front hooves and grumbled to herself.

Outside Support and Assault stood in front of each other.

“So, what was it you wanted to say?” Assault asked.

“Did you not hear what she said? She didn’t know what Russia was for something and we have not heard of something called Equestria. Assault, I think we are not longer on our own planet.” Support said while grabbing Assaults shoulders. Assault took time to digest this information before replying.

“Okay, that sounds bad but what can we do then? If we are on another planet how are we going to get off?” Assault asked with a worried tone.

“Maybe these creatures have some way home to our planet. Maybe with a little luck we can borrow it.” Support responded. Assault nodded and both of them walked in. back in the cottage Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash awaited on them.

“Well!” Rainbow said

“Well what?” Assault asked.

“You didn’t answer my question” She responded back.

Before Assault could drop a reply that would have damaged Rainbow for life Support stepped up.

“Listen, in due time we will answer all of your questions but now we need to know. Is there some sort of ruler in this land? He asked.

“Well yes, there is Princess Luna and Celestia but they live all the way in Canterlot but our friend Twilight have a way to contact them.” Fluttershy said.

“Great then, if you two wouldn’t mind we would like to see her then. It’s urgent that we talk to your leaders.” Support said with a little bit of hope in his voice.
“Where does she live?” he then asked.

“She lives in Ponyville” Assault face palmed by the name receiving weird looks from the two Pegasi.
“It’s just about five minutes walk from here.” Fluttershy ended.

“Great, could you lead us there then?” Support then asked.

“Yeah just follow us.” Rainbow said while she started to fly out the cottage. Before anyone could react she was outside and was flying at one direction.

“When does she notice we are not as fast as her?” Assault asked the shy Pegasus. Fluttershy looked embarrassed to the ground. Assault got the message.

“Okkkkkaaaayyyy, lead the way.” Assault gestured Fluttershy to go in front of them. Fluttershy walked out of her Cottage and started her walk towards Ponyville, Support and Assault followed close behind.

“Oh, I forget, you never answered my Question about you where. If you don’t mind would you like to answer that.” Fluttershy asked in a voice that was barely hearable.

“Oh not at all” Support said. “We call ourselves Humans.”