• Published 7th Sep 2012
  • 6,228 Views, 202 Comments

Medkits, ammopacks and...ponies? - BOBthieBomber

RU Support and US Assault in Equestria. What could possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Chapter 6

“Ow, my head. What the hell happened?” American Recon said while rubbing his temple.
“Last I remember was getting hit by that tower.” He looked around and saw that the others were lying on the ground as well. He looked up and saw that he was in an alley of some sort. He got up on his feet and noticed that everything was smaller, from the dumpsters to the trashcans. He walked over to American Support and started to shake him.

“Mmmmm, five more minutes mom.” American Support said. Recon just kept on shaking him before he had enough. He walked over to one of the trashcans and saw a rat on the inside. He picked it up by the tail and walked over once again to Support. He placed the rat on his face and waited. Within short Support started to mumble.

“Mmmm, come here baby. Give papa some love.” Support grabbed the rat and started to kiss it. The rat squirmed and hissed but to no use. Support kept kissing it before he said.
“Mmmm, what hairy lips you have, baby.” He slowly opened his eyes and saw the rat staring at him with hateful eyes. Supports eyes snapped opened and he immediately got up on his feet.

“What the hell!” He yelled while Recon fell over laughing. The sound woke up the others. Russian Recon asked.

“What the hell is going on here?” American Support looked at him and said.

“He made me kiss a rat.” Support said while pointing at American Recon. It was silent for a few seconds before all of them except for Support fell over laughing.

“He did what. HA HA. Nice one Recon.” Jokis1 said, while rolling on the ground laughing. Support just gave him a glare before taking a look around as well.

“Hey, I don’t remember falling asleep in an alley.” Support said. All the others stopped laughing for a sec and looked around as well.

“Hey, I don’t remember that either.” Assault said. All of them grabbed their things and walked out of the alley, when they got out on the street the most surprising sight ever was in front of them. The entire street was filled with hundreds of lion looking things. They had also eagle heads and wings. When they got out on the street most of the activity there stopped and all of the lion things looked at them.

“Huh” Support said.

“What the heck are those?” Russian Engineer yelled. After he had talked most of the lion things started to back away. A couple of them wearing armor flied up to the humans and aimed their spears at them.

“You are under arrest. Put your pawns above your heads” One of them said. The humans backed away a little before Jokis1 said.

“You can talk?”

“Yes we can talk and we gave you an order. Put your pawns were we can see them.” The guard guy ordered again. All the humans looked at each other’s before Russian Assault yelled.

“I’m too young to go to prison.” He said. Russian Engineer just tapped him on the shoulder and aimed with his finger on their guns.
“Oh, right, he he.” Assault laughed embarrassed. All of them took out their respective guns and aimed them at the lioneagle guards.

“Hey, this is your last chance. Put your pawns above your head.” The guard said a third time.

“He, I think not.” Russian Recon said while taking out his G17 with flashlight.

“What do you mean ‘I think n…”


Chapter 6

Applejack woke up as she always does. Early in the morning. She got up from her bed and walked off towards the bedroom. She fixed herself up and put on her hat. She walked over towards Assaults room and looked in. his bed was empty, crushed but empty. She walked over to Supports room and got the same results. She now started to wonder where they have left off to. She walked down the stairs and released a sight of relief when she saw the two of them sitting in the kitchen. She noticed that they had taken of most of their clothes. They just had their pants and shirts on them now. Support had taken of his mask and Assault had taken of his sunglasses. Both their helmets where off as well so Applejack could se their hair. Support seemed to have brown hair while Assault had black hair. They were talking to each other before seeing her come in into the kitchen.

“Good morning, Applejack.” The two of them said at the same time.

“Good morning ya’ll. Ya’ll where up early now. And Ah thought my family and Ah was the only ponies that got up this early. When did yah two wake up?” Applejack asked.

“About an hour ago.” Support said.

“’An hour ago’, Nopony here goes up that early.” Applejack said. “What did you do so early?” Applejack asked.

“We went out jogging like we always do at this time of the day. You guys have one big orchard by the way.” Assault said, taking a bite of an apple.
“I hope its okay that we took a couple of apples for breakfast, Applejack.” He said, taking another bite.

“Shucks, it’s okay alright but let me make yah some real breakfast.” Applejack offered.

“спасибо, but apples is okay, this is more than good compared what we usually get. And must I say this is the best apples I have ever tasted.” Support complimented, taking another bite out of his apple. Applejack nodded and walked over towards the fridge. She took a piece of yesterdays apple-pie out and settled down on the table opposed to the two Humans. Support then asked.

“Hey, Applejack. “ Applejack looked up from her food. “Do you need some help on the farm today? We would like to repay the kindness you and your family had showed us.”

“Oh there is no need for such thing.” Applejack said but Support wouldn’t back down.

“But we insist.” He offered again. Assault looked over at Support and said.

“I don’t.”

“Quiet you. So what do you say?” Support asked. Applejack first thought of it. A little help on the farm wouldn’t be so bad.

“Alright, yah can help.” She said. Support nodded while Assault growled under his breath. A little yellow and red filly then walked into the kitchen.

“Good morning Applejack. Good morning two monkey creatures.” Applebloom said, clearly tired. Support was forced to keep Assault down on the chair.

“Applebloom, that’s no way to say hi to our guests.” Applejack told her little sister. Appleblooms eyes snapped open with realization when she looked another time at the two strange creatures. She darted over to the two Humans and said.

“Wow, What are you two for something? Are you two monsters? Are you aliens?” Applebloom kept throwing out question after question.

“Wow, she talks almost as much as the pink one.” Assault said.

“да” Support said.

Applebloom was still asking question after question before her sister spoke up.

“Applebloom, our guests are too tired to answer some question and yah have school to prepare for.” Applebloom hanged her head.

“Buuuuut Applejack.” She pleaded.

“No buts. Now go and prepare.” Applebloom walked out of the kitchen and up to her room.

“Nice kid. Is she you daughter, Applejack?” Assault asked.

“What?” Applejack said.

“Well she looks like a mini you so I thought she might be your daughter.” Assault said.

“She’s my sister.” Applejack said. Assaults eyes widen by this.

“Really?” Applejack nodded. “Well would you look at that.” Assault received another slap in the back of his head by Support.

“Quiet you, so she’s your sister? And Big Mac was your brother and then it was this granny Smith. Where are your parents?” Support asked. Applejack just looked down at the floor saddened. The realization hit Support like a wall of bricks.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” Support said.

“It’s okay, yah didn’t know.” Applejack said.

”Wait, they're dead? ”This just made Applejacks head sink lower. Support this time slapped him really hard in the head.

“Well nice said, smartass.” Support said, He then looked at Applejack and said “How about we go out and work these thoughts of, да?” He said. Assault glared at him but decided to shrug that of. Applejack nodded and left the table, followed by Support and Assault.

“Let us just get our gear, okay?” Support asked. Applejack nodded and the two of them disappeared up the stairs.


“Did we lose them?” Russian Engineer asked, panting heavily. American Support looked back from where they came from and said.

“Yeah, I think so.”

Both squads had fled the city they were currently in and had ran into the nearest forest. After their refuse of arrest they were forced to leave as soon as possible.

“проклятие, those guys were really mad at us.” Russian Assault said.

“Of course they were mad at us. We killed like sixty of their guards.” Jokis1 said. All humans just looked at each other before Russian Recon Said.

“хорошо, now when that is over with, how about we continue the search for our friends, да.” He said. All the others nodded.
“Alright, let’s go…”


“WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?” American Support yelled while pointing to the sky. All others looked up and the same reaction struck them. Up in the sky a giant red dragon was flying towards them with hungry eyes.

“IS THAT A FUCKING DAGON?” American Recon yelled.

“работать как ад!” Russian Recon yelled. The Americans just looked at him. “IT MEANS RUN LIKE HELL!” They Americans nodded and did just so.


Applejack and the two humans had now entered the orchard. The sight was still as amazing as yesterday.

“I know I said it yesterday but I will say it again. Damn that’s a lot of apple trees.” Assault said. Applejack walked up to one of the trees and turned around towards the humans.

“Alright, what we down here on the farm usually do is to buck the apple trees until all apples come down.” Applejack said with a smile. The two humans just watched her with a disgusted look.

“You do WHAT to the trees?” Assault yelled.

“We buck them until all the apples have come down.” Applejack repeated.

“Girl, you’re gross.” Assault said again.

“I thought better of you, Applejack.” Support said with a disgusted face.

“What, what is wrong by doing this?” Applejack asked while walking up to one of the trees and kicked it. After the kick all the apples fell down in the respective barrels underneath.
“See, what’s wrong with that?” she asked. Both humans stood there with a surprised look on their faces before Assault said.

“oooooh, you mean that you KICK down the apples. Then I understand.” He said. Applejack tilted her head to the side and asked.

“What did you think I said?”

“Nothing, forget that this ever happened.” Support said. Applejack still looked unsure but decided to let it go for now. She walked over to the next tree and kicked it as well. Support and Assault looked at each other before walking off to each of their own trees. Both humans decided to give the kick a try. Both humans on the same time kicked their respective trees and the apples fell down.

“Huh, that was easy. “ Support said while walking to the next tree. He looked over towards Assault and saw that he thought the same thing.


The two squads were once again panting heavily because they were once again forced to run for a while.

“Did we lose it?” Russian Engineer asked once again and once again American Support turned around and looked at the direction were they came from.

“Yeah, I think so.” He said.

“First Griffons and then Dragons. What kind up fuck upped fairy tale imagination land is this?” American Recon said while still panting.

Okay, which way no…” American Recon said before being interrupted by another loud roar.


“Argh, What now?”

Out of the trees came a two headed Hydra that looked down at the humans with also hungry eyes.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Jokis1 yelled when he saw the beast.

“Okay, I have had enough of running away for one day. Its time to fight back.” American Support yelled bravely. He unleashed a wave of bullets from his M60E4 with bipod, laser sight and cobra sight. He fired until the mag was empty. He stopped pulling down the trigger and looked at his work, only for fear to fill his eyes. The Hydra stood there, clearly hurt by the Supports bullet barrage but was more mad then hurt.

“He he” Support laughed awkwardly while backing away. The Hydras two heads started to growl at him and show their fangs. Support finally started to run away.

“Engineers, shot it down, shot it down.” Support yelled while running like hell with the Hydra right behind him. Both Engineers nodded and pulled out their Rocket launchers. They each shot their respective rockets and each rocket hit both the Hydras head.

“Yeah!” Support yelled when he saw both heads being blown up. American Recon watched it as well when a thought came up in his head.

“Wait, if that was a Hydra that means removing the heads will only lead to...” American Recon thought before his suspicion became reality. All of the humans looked up at the Hydra and saw that the Hydras two throats started to heal up and split into four. Soon four head grow out of the throats. All four head shock themselves before looking down at the humans once again. The humans started to back up again before Russian Assault asked.

“Run?” Assault asked.

“Run.” American Recon responded.


Both humans at Sweet Apple Acres had now been working for an hour or so. Even if they were new on the job they had both proven to be faster than Applejack. While they were working and elderly pony showed up and brought them both a bottle of cider. Both humans thanked the pony named Granny Smith and drank the cider. They were both disappointed at the small amount of alcohol in the cider but it was still one hell of a good cider.

“Whatever these ponies are doing to their food and drinks it sure makes them tasty.” Support said while taking another clunk out of his drink. Assault that had heard him a couple of trees away nodded and took also a slip out of his drink. When they had finished their cider they continued their work until Applejack came walking to them.

Howee, yah guys sure work fast. I have ‘ever seen anypony buck so many apple trees in such short notice.” She said, pretty impressed that most of the work was already finished.

“I aim to please.” Assault boasted.

“How and where did ya’ll get sa strong?” She asked.

“It’s something you become from the work we are doing on a daily basis.” Assault said while checking out his biceps.
“And where, that’s for story time later.” Support just rolled his eyes and looked at Applejack.

“Is there anything else you need help with?” He asked. Applejack shock her head and looked at Support and asked.

“Isn’t it hot with those black clothes?”

“Ha, I had these once in a desert for three weeks in a row. This is nothing compared to that.” Support said, not even affected by the heat. Applejack just nodded and walked towards the farmhouse.

“Aren’t ya’ll two coming, it’s time for lunch and ya’ll two have certainly earned yah place at the table.” Applejack Said with a smile. Both humans stomach started to rumble at the thought of food. They started to sprint after Applejack when she went back towards the farmhouse.


“Okay, did we lose that thing?” Russian Engineer asked for a third time and for a third time American Support would look back and say.

“Yeah, I think so.”

“Okay, I have had enough of this fucking excuse for land. Hydras, Dragons and Griffins, this is just getting weirder and weirder.” American Recon yelled out while stomping his feets into the ground.
“If something else shows up that is part of myth, legend or any other of that crap I’m going to make them extinct.” He grinded his teeth’s together.

“Eh, sir?” Jokis1 said.


“Does a pack of wooden wolfs count as myth?” Jokis1 Asked. American Recon looked around and saw that indeed the six of them where surrounded by a pack of wooden wolfs. Only one word came to Recons mind.