• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 384 Views, 21 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Eternal Night - Rixizu

The Grand Galoping Gala is crashed when Princess Luna transforms herself into Nightmare Moon and declares herself Queen of Equestia.

  • ...

Chapter 12

“You’re looking well.” Solar Flare said as Puissance entered her mansion’s main sitting room. “Have an enjoyable night?”

Puissance sighed in contentment. “I haven’t enjoyed myself that much in years.” It still boggled her mind that not a single movement gave her a twinge of pain. Old age had been a prison she’d never realized existed.

“Better you than me.” Solar Flare cringed as she levitated a cup of coffee to her lips. “I drank a little too much again.”

“When drink is involved, diligence is necessary,” Puissance replied. “Else you become its slave.” She had no intention of spoiling her new body. Besides, it would have dulled last night’s pleasantries with Braeburn. What a gentlecolt he’d been! Later in the week, they’d promise to meet up at the same bar. A rendezvous Puissance was looking forward to.

“Yeah, yeah.” Solar Flare grumbled, annoyed by her employer’s responsibleness.

“Anyway, I received a message this morning that Champion and North Star have already arrived in Canterlot. Sadly, a breakdown in their train has waylaid Banner and Scepter. They won’t be here until later tonight.”

Shame, she’d been looking forward to seeing them. Her great-grandson had always brought a smile to her face. Her two sons would more than suffice. They didn’t visit her as much as she’d like.

Solar Flare’s expression turned pensive. “Is this such a wise idea? It’s a drastic change. They might not take it well.”

Puissance snorted and played with her mane with a hoof. “It won’t be difficult for them to accept. I’m still their mother. It isn’t quite what I wished for, but shouldn’t they be overjoyed that their dear mother has completely recovered from her stroke?” It has surprised her how quickly she’d adjusted to Trixie’s clone body like it had always belonged to her. Puissance barely noticed the drastic shift in coat color anymore or that she wasn’t a pegasus.

“Right.” Solar Flare didn’t seem happy, but she didn’t argue.

A grunt caught their attention. “Ugh, these long train rides are always torturous. I’m getting too old for all this running around.”

“Champion!” Solar Flare’s face brightened in surprised delight. “I didn’t expect you so quickly.”

Champion was a light blue coated stallion in an expensive with a silver mane. His cutie mark was a golden cup with a star in its center. He wore a winning smile on his face that made ponies instinctively want to trust him. It had served Puissance’s son well in the broker business, skilled at making everypony happy in whatever deal he’d been negotiating.

“After learning about mother’s stroke, I couldn’t wait around. I dropped several important meetings to be here.” Champion looked around the room. “Where is mother? How is she? I’ve heard she’s in a terrible state.” Much to Puissance’s disappointment, he looked past her like she didn’t exist. How could he not recognize his own mother?

“Well.” Solar Flare hesitated, unsure how to break the news.

“Campion! How have you been?” A new pony said as they entered. This pony was strikingly different from his brother. His appearance was scruffier, with a layer of stubble over his face. It only made him more devilishly handsome, and he had an easy air about him. He had a purple coat with a slicked-back, dark blue mane. His cutie mark was a large star surrounded by a collection of lesser, smaller stars. Unlike his brother, he’d gained his fortune through strategic gambling on dog races and the stock market. His luck was impeccable.

“Not bad.” Champion slapped his brother on the back. “How’s Violet? I heard she’s expecting another foal.” Puissance’s eyes widened in astonishment upon hearing that North Star’s daughter was expecting. Why hadn’t anypony informed her about this cheerful news?

North Star scratched the back of his mane. “Frantic. Three foals is a tough challenge for one mare. She’s finally given in and hired a living-in maid to help. It required a great deal of cajoling, though. Violet’s a stubborn mare.”

Champion laughed. “Sounds like her.”

“Ah, but that isn’t why we’re here. Where is mother anyway? Is it true she had a stroke?” North Star asked.

“Well?” Both sons turned their attention to their mother’s secretary, expecting a prompt answer.

Solar Flare forced a smile, her voice weak. “That requires some explaining.”

“Oh, for crying out loud!” Puissance couldn’t hold her tongue anymore. “You really can’t recognize me? I’m ashamed of both of you.”

“Um, sorry?” North Star blinked, giving Puissance a strange look. “Can we help you?”

Champion scrutinized the stranger. “Aren’t you Trixie Lulamoon, the princess’s student?”

Puissance grunted in annoyance. “No, it’s me, your mother.”

Both her sons gasped in utter astonishment. They blinked slowly, and Puissance could hear the gear turning in their heads as they absorbed this information. North Star’s expression turned sour, disbelief apparent on his face, but his brother opened his mouth before North Star could denounce her.

“It is you.” Champion said in amazement. “Look, that’s mother’s cutie mark!” He pointed towards the crown and specter adorned on her flank.

“Son of a gun.” North Star said. “But how? None of this makes sense!”

Puissance sighed. “It’s a long story. Short version. I was in an accident. It forced me to transfer my mind into this clone of Trixie’s body to save myself. It isn’t quite what I intended, but it’s better than dying.”

“What?” North Star shook his head, baffled.

“You know mother, always obsessed with regaining her youth.” Champion shook his head.

Puissance brightened. “The process is still rocky with several kinks, but I’ve proved it works! All a pony needs is an empty vessel. I’m sticking with this body for now. It isn’t as terrible as it looks.” Some of her children were getting along in years. It wouldn’t be difficult to create clone bodies for them to transfer into, too.

“Really.” North Star didn’t sound pleased, and Puissance didn’t like his tone.

“Is there a problem, North Star?” Disciplining her second youngest son hadn’t always been an easy task. While he’d eventually surrendered to this mother’s better judgment, the lad had remained willful.

“We aren’t foals, I might as well lay it out.” North Star shrugged. “You turn up in this new body, and you expect us to accept it. You’re nothing but a freak of nature.”

“North Star.” Puissance’s voice turned dangerous, but he continued, unheaded. Champion stared with wide-eyed shock.

“I don’t accept this and neither should you, Champion.” North Star’s tone was acidic. “You say you’re our mother, but are you really? Our mother died in that accident. You’re just an impostor who thinks she’s our mother. You aren’t her and only have her memories. A copy of a dead mare.”

“I am Puissance and no other.” She suspected one of her children might try this. In her late years, they’d grown less supportive. They dared to suggest that she should live in a nursing home. And she knew of another reason one might attempt to disavow her. “And I’m not going anywhere.” Puissance continued. “I’m disappointed in you, North Star. I told you countless times, a pony can only earn power and money by your own hooves. You’ll never get my money. Stop being a vulture. My heirs are better than that.”

“What?” North Star said, outraged.

Champion gave a weak, encouraging smile. “Enough fighting. It was terrifying when I learned about mother’s stroke. Now she’s back to full health! We should celebrate tonight! I know this five-hoof rating restaurant uptown recommended by Zesty Gourmand herself! She gave it a glowing review in the Canterlot Times!”

“You can go yourself.” North Star headed for the door. “I’m not interested.”

“North Star.” Her voice contained a warning, but her son ignored it, walking out the door.

Champion cringed. “Sorry, you know what he’s like. Forget it! He’ll come around!”

The ungrateful! Tumultuous emotions whirled inside her, equal parts pain and anger. Puissance had given her lifeblood for him, and that was how he treated her? She blinked unexpected tears and furiously wiped them away. Forget him. She had a more dutiful son to attend.

“Nevermind, Solar Flare, get breakfast prepared.” Puissance considered for a moment. “Pancakes and eggs will do nicely.”

“Right!” Solar Flare gave an awkward smile. She always hated getting involved in her master’s family squabbles and wore a mortified expression.

“Come, tell me how you’ve been,” Puissance said, pushing her fight with North Star out of her mind. “And I have a proposal for you. Have you heard of Appleloosa?”


“Ponies, always going where it is unwise to tread!” Chief Thunderhooves gave an indignant snort. “It’s your pony’s fault the evil temple got uncovered in the first place!”

Cheerilee nodded in understanding. The buffalo chief’s words had been uncompromising and harsh, yet the teacher accepted the rebuke without complaint. The teacher’s resilience amazed Spike. He shrunk from the angry glares the buffalo tribe members were giving them.

Chief Thunderhooves continued his tirade. “And now you ponies have cloaked the world in utter darkness! And you expect a favor! It’s bad enough two of your kind are poking around the dark temple!”

“I don’t know about the last part, but I promise you we will restore the sun to its former glory! All we need is a piece of your fur, and we can save Princess Celestia!” Cheerilee said.

“Really?” Chief Thunderhooves said, unconvinced.

“This potion will restore Celestia back to normal! She’ll restore the sun and reverse the damage caused by Nightmare Moon!”

“Wait.” Little Strongheart, the chief’s daughter, said. “You want to restore one insane alicorn, to stop another insane alicorn?”

Cheerilee grimaced. “It does sound kinda silly, but the sun princess has reformed!” The buffalo didn’t seem convinced, giving them stony glares.

“Ouch!” Cheerilee rubbed her flank after the buffalo had tossed them from the chieftain’s tent. Spike winced as he landed face-first into the dirt.

“So distrustful, this will be harder than I first expected!” Cheerilee dusted herself off.

“You’re planning to try again?” Spike couldn’t believe his ears.

“Sure! This place has a real problem with distrust!” Cheerilee said, walking towards Appleloosa. “Somepony needs to step in and build some relationships!”

“Or we could just steal the fur and go home!” Spike replied with perfect reason, following his companion.

“Won’t that just make them more distrustful?” Cheerilee wondered out loud.

“Not if they never find out.” Spike gave a sly look.

Cheerilee considered before shaking her head. “No, we need to do this properly. Besides, as a Ranger, I can’t ignore the problems here.”

Spike faceclawed. “The world is at stake!” Not to mention his wonderful princess!

“And so is the community of Appleloosa!” Cheerilee said with absolute certainty. “Just give me a day or two.”

“You get 24 hours, else we’re doing it my way!” Spike realized arguing with the teacher was pointless, so he offered a compromise instead.

Cheerilee nodded, agreeing to his terms. “Sounds reasonable.”

Appleloosa was an unattractive town, containing only some shoddy, dusty buildings. Spike saw the skeleton of a frontier town but only halfway completed. Most building projects were incomplete or abandoned. The disagreements with the buffalo had dampened any attempts at expansion. They headed towards the cantina to regroup and plan. The cold desert night air was biting, and they rushed towards their destination.

“Cheerilee?” A voice said, and a purple unicorn with thick rimmed glasses ran towards them. Her face broke into a wide grin.

“Twilight?” Cheerilee blinked. “What are you doing here?” Apparently, the spectacled unicorn was a friend of the Ranger.

“Research!” Twilight beamed. “I’m investigating the temple here. It’s where the Planetary Gems originated from!”

“No!” Cheerilee’s eyes widened in astonishment.

Twilight nodded. “I thought it might contain some clue how we might defeat Nightmare Moon!”

Cheerilee brightened in comprehension. “We wondered where you disappeared to.”

Spike interrupted their conversation with a cough. “Who is this?”

“This is Twilight Sparkle, the White Corvus Ranger,” Cheerilee said.

There’s another Ranger? When did this happen?

“Nice to meet you!” Twilight gave a painfully enthusiastic shake of his arm. “Never met a baby dragon before. Can I interview you later? Information on dragons is sparse, and this is the perfect opportunity to gather data!”

“Yes,” Spike said after some hesitation. The unicorn’s grin was too eager for his liking. And he wasn’t sure what she’d learn from. He’d basically raised himself. His only parental figure had been Zecora. He wasn’t exactly a deep resource on dragons.

“So much has happened since you disappeared!” Cheerilee said. “I’ll fill you in over a glass of water!”

“Me too!” Twilight nodded. “You won’t guess who tagged along to help with my research!”

“Cheerilee, darling!” A white unicorn exclaimed upon seeing the teacher. “I didn’t know you were here in Appleloosa, also! How fabulous!” Spike gaped at the most beautiful pony he’d ever seen. She wore a jewel-encrusted white cowpony hat. On a lesser mare, it would have seemed tacky. Instead, it only made her look dazzling.

“Rarity?” Cheerilee said in confusion. “You sure pop up at the most interesting times.”

“Just doing my civic duty, darling! You Rangers can’t have all the fun!” Rarity winked.

“Right.” Something about this answer disconcerted the Green Ranger.

Rarity brightened when she noticed Cheerilee’s companion. “And who is this?”

“Spike.” He barely got the words out. His tongue refused to cooperate. Something about this unicorn froze up this entire body.

“It’s nice to meet you, Spike!” Unlike Twilight, Rarity gave him a delicate, lady-like hoofshake. “Now, let’s hear what you’re up to! It sounds fascinating!”


“Wow! That might work!” Twilight said, nodding her head with enthusiasm. “And you only need buffalo fur? Well, bison fur, actually. It’s the proper name of their species.”

Rarity nodded in agreement. “Can’t say they're real fans of the mis-attributed name.”

“No wonder they were giving us dirty looks!” Cheerilee said, chagrined. Spike also felt foolish, blushing in embarrassment.

“Anyway, we need their fur if we wish to restore Celestia and your friend’s daughter from the stone.” Spike gazed into his cup of water. “And considering the world is doomed if we don’t get it…” His words trailed off, hoping the purple unicorn might get the hint.

“All the more reason to fix the pony, bison situation here!” Twilight clapped her hooves together, and Spike faceclawed.

“It seems to me, Appleloosa is suffering from a real friendship problem.” Unlike the others, Rarity was drinking alcohol and daintily sipped at her whiskey.

“Friendship problem!” Twilight nodded. “The perfect way to describe it!”

While Rarity’s determination to improve Appleloosa’s situation was noble, she missed the greater issue. Ponies! He sighed. Oh well, he prayed to Celestia that a day’s delay wouldn’t ruin everything.

“Why are the bison and ponies fighting?” Cheerilee asked.

Twilight opened a notebook and scanned the pages under her thick, wide-brim spectacles. “The bison believe ponies are encroaching on their land, hoping to steal it for themselves. The negotiations fell apart, and there’s been fighting on both sides. Neither trust the other.”

“And I suppose the evil temple’s discovery didn’t help either,” Spike said.

Twilight shook her head. “I’m afraid that’s all I know. But we can ask around later for more details.”

“Leave that to me, dear!” Rarity finished her drink and waved to a bartender to refill her glass. “I’m an expert at gossip. I’ll see what I can uncover.” From the way the other patrons were eying the mare, it won’t be hard to convince them to spill their secrets. Rarity gave ponies of both sexes a flirtatious wink.

“Good plan. Speaking of the temple, we should do something about it. It would at least make the bison happier.” Twilight said.

“What, like smashing it with our Zords?” Cheerilee said jokingly. Much to her surprise, the Corvus Ranger gave a serious nod of agreement.

“Good idea!” Twilight brightened.

“What? And smash a historic monument?” Cheerilee blinked as if she hadn’t heard her friend right.

“I don’t know. That place gives me the creeps.” Twilight shook her head in dismay. “Every time I enter it, I get this terrible sense that something is watching me.”

Spike trembled and bit his claws. “Watching?”

Rarity nodded. “Evil’s the word I would use, too. Ponies did terrible things there.”

Cheerilee tapped her chin. “Makes sense. It’s where the Planetary gems came from. Have you uncovered anything interesting?”

Twilight grunted in frustration. “Not much. Most of the knowledge comes from inscriptions from insane long-dead cultists! Not very reliable sources of information.”

“Not true, darling. We uncovered something new.” Rarity said.

“It’s just an ancient legend!” Twilight snorted.

“It’s better than nothing.” Rarity reminded the other mare. Twilight only rolled her eyes.

“What legend?” Spike asked.

Twilight searched through her notes again. “It’s an accident bison myth about a being called Q.”


“The translation is difficult, but that’s what its name sounded like. Bison called it an ancient demon who granted wishes. But every wish granted corrupted and twisted the wisher until they became a demon themselves. Ancient bison shamans fought against the creature. It was too powerful for them to defeat alone, so they allied with an ancient mythical beast. They couldn’t kill the monster, so they sealed it into a rock and hid it away so its evil would never influence someone again.”

“Sound familiar.” Rarity sounded smug.

“Maybe Q is behind everything!” Spike stood up excitedly. He had two superheroes with him. If they defeated this monster, maybe Luna’s mind would return to normal.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “That’s assuming Q is even real.”

Cheerilee tapped her chin. “It’s worth checking out. Can you show me the temple? I want to see it for myself. And learning more about this mythical beast might be useful.”

“If you’re sure.” Twilight hesitated. “It’s a grisly place. Besides, there’s no evidence anything about this legend is even real.”

“Trust me,” Cheerilee replied. “I might notice something everypony else missed.”

Spike sighed, hating how much his life comprised constant danger now. “Okay, let’s go.”

“Spikey Wikey, you don’t need to go if you don’t wish to.” Rarity said, giving the dragon an encouraging smile.

“I’m coming too,” Spike replied. “The stakes are too high to leave a stone unturned.”

“That’s very brave of you.” Rarity’s words made Spike blush.

After making their goodbyes, they made their way towards a rocky quarry. Even looking at the cave opening was enough to send shivers down Spike’s spine, making him question the wisdom of this adventure. His companions didn’t seem eager to step inside either, but they pushed forward.

Cheerilee lit a chemical flare she’d found in a box near the cave’s entrance and led the expedition. The atmosphere in the cave was oppressive, almost stealing the air from Spike’s lungs, and his legs wobbled as he walked. The silence was deafening. It was devoid of any life besides them, not even a rat scurrying away. Dear Celestia, they hadn’t even entered the temple proper yet.

After walking a few minutes, they discovered the entrance. It wasn’t a proper door. Instead, it appeared the excavators had accidentally drilled a hole into one of the temple’s walls. It seemed to Spike like the maw of some terrible beast.

Get it together, Spike! You can do this! Celestia is counting on you! Though it didn’t stop him from biting his claws with his fangs in his nervousness.

The temperature dropped by several degrees as Spike stepped through the broken stone gateway. Somehow, the flare light’s glow seemed muted, barely illuminating anything. Spike’s nose rankled at the feted air. Impossibly, he detected another scent, the scene of blood, and burned flesh. Yet, the place appeared long abandoned. His brain told him his senses were wrong. Only crusty science types had visited in recent days. Spike shook his head. He couldn’t allow the temple’s evil to screw with his head.

“I see what you mean,” Cheerilee said among the disturbing silence. “This place isn’t right.”

“Yeah!” Spike said. “We should smash this place!”

“We’ll see.” Cheerilee’s swiveled around. “Are those bloodstains?”

“Dear Celestia! You’re right!” Spike stared, horrified at a stone covered in dark stains. The altar had thick chains attached to it, whose ghoulish purpose was obvious.

“According to my research, the cultist sacrificed several ponies to create the Planetary Gems.” Twilight’s voice barely rose above a whisper and Spike shuttered in horror.

“On second thought, smashing this place sounds like a fantastic plan!” Cheerilee played with her morpher. Although rash, nopony argued with this decision.

Twilight nodded in agreement. “While the temple has significant historical significance, it’s still too dangerous. Anyway, here are the wall paintings I told you about. You can see the mythical beast mentioned in the legend.”

She pointed towards some painting on a wall. Spike tilted his head, not sure he understood what he was seeing. An enormous white bird battled a bizarre gathering of colorful scribbles. The beast was majestic, adorned with stunning pale feathers that sparked with electricity, seeming one with the element.

“That’s the Thunderbird.” Twilight nodded towards the bird-like figure. “It’s the sacred guardian of the bison. It protects the world from the evil creatures of their myths.”

“And this weird scribble is Q?” Spike asked.

“That’s the theory.”

“Is there a way to contact the Thunderbird?” Cheerilee stroked her chin. “If Q is behind the Planetary Gem’s power, we’ll need its help!”

Twilight shrugged. “Beats me. You’d need to ask the chieftain.”

“After we destroy the temple, that’s our next action,” Cheerilee said. “I realize we aren’t popular, but they might reconsider if we ask for the Thunderbird’s aid.”


Everyone jerked in surprise, searching for the source of the unknown voice. It came from everywhere, yet nowhere. The voice sounded sophisticated, yet childish, and hearing it hurt Spike’s ears.

“I can’t allow you to destroy my temple. It’s too useful as a focal point to gather followers.” The voice said. “Ponies have already shown some interest in its depth. My influence has already seeped into their minds. Yet, touching your mind burns. What hateful energy protects you?”

Cheerilee pulled out her morpher and smirked. “Q, I presume. I won’t allow you to influence any more ponies.”

“Yeah, we’ll stop you!” Twilight nodded.

Q snorted. “Foolishness, I am the land, the rock, and the world! Even the Thunderbird can’t stop me! Thanks to your princess, I will plunge the world into eternal darkness! Doesn’t that sound fun?”

Its laugh reverberated through the temple and something clutched Spike’s head, debilitating him. His pony friends staggered in pain and dropped their morphers.

“You made me waste a great deal of power in my weakened state.” Q seethed. “No matter, your deaths will provide a great deal of substance for me.”

Spike’s eyes widened when ponies appeared from the shadows, illuminated by the weak chemical flare. He recognized them from town. They each held a weapon in their hooves. One held a ceremonial dagger, whose reason was obvious. The ponies eyed their helpless prey with hungry eyes, eager to spill their blood.