• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 391 Views, 21 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Eternal Night - Rixizu

The Grand Galoping Gala is crashed when Princess Luna transforms herself into Nightmare Moon and declares herself Queen of Equestia.

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Chapter 3

“Uh, should we be here?” Spike asked, hiding behind his sort of ally Zecora.

“If we are to stop Luna’s madness,” Zecora replied, “we must understand the extent of her malice.”

“I suppose that makes sense.” It didn’t make Spike any happier. He feared Luna’s guards would discover them at any moment.

Once the zebra heard about this speech in Canterlot Square, she’d insisted they’d take the first train to Equestria’s capital. Ponies, donkeys, griffons, weird black bug ponies, and various other beings packed the crowd. They tried mingling with each other, but Spike sensed the heightened tension in the crowd. The fact the sun still hadn’t risen had rankled everypony.

Trixie and her lackeys stood on the stage for everypony to see. Luna still hadn’t made her appearance, but her Ranger Killers made their presence known. Ponies kept their distance from the creepy things. The crowd remained quiet, waiting for noon to approach. A flash of lightning startled everypony, and thunder boomed overhead. Because of the black sky, nopony hadn’t noticed the ominous clouds gathering above them. When the clock tower chimed noon, the dark cloud coalesced into the shape of a pony on the stage.

“Greetings, my little ponies.” Luna’s voice boomed throughout Canterlot. “Your Queen, Nightmare Moon, has arrived!” Lighting struck behind her, and she kicked in the air, wearing a triumphant smile.

Trixie snorted, rolling her eyes. “Overkill much.”

Nightmare Moon gave her student a pointed look before continuing. “A glorious day has arrived that you will tell your grandfoals about. Today will forever live in memoriam as Equestria is reborn into something mightier and greater!” Once again, dramatic lightning stuck behind her.

“Bring out the prisoner!”

Spike watched in confusion as Luna’s guard dragged a statue of Celestia onto the stage. A scowl formed on Trixie’s muzzle.

No, it can’t be. A nasty pit formed in his stomach.

“Behold, your greatest, most vile foe vanquished!” Nightmare Moon said.

No! Tears formed in Spike’s eyes, devastated by his princess’s fate.

“Never again shall Corona’s evil terrorize my little ponies!” Nightmare Moon expected cheers and whinnies of excitement. Instead, most beings appeared either horrified or confused. Annoyed and disappointed, the queen continued.

“That isn’t today’s only glorious news! I’ve disbanded the Night Court. I’ve passed a law stripping all titles from the previous nobility and forbidden its return!” Instead of the cheers the queen expected, this only earned outrage from the crowd instead.

“What! My family worked its flank off getting to their position. You can’t do this!”

“What now? Who will govern things?”

“Sweet! We’re finally free! Death to the nobility!” This proclamation earned some claps of approval from a tiny but passionate group in the crowd.

“How dare you!” A noble exclaimed.

The crowd broke into chaos. Tempers were igniting and Spike feared they might become an angry mob.

“Silence!” Nightmare Moon’s voice cut through the crowd, blowing several ponies over.

“No need to fear. Our glorious new Lunar Republic shall hold democratic elections to decide its leadership. Better yet, anypony can become a governor regardless of social status! The position’s only requirement is the love, respect, and votes of the Republic’s citizens.”

This earned some excited murmuring from some ponies in the crowd. The Night Court caste system had been quite restrictive, and many were eager to free themselves from its shackles. Several ponies openly announced their interest in becoming governor of their region. Luna nodded in approval, allowing each pony to stand on stage and plead their case. The previous nobility grumbled that lowly commoners couldn’t possibly understand or survive the field of politics. Nightmare Moon returned calm to the crowd, continuing her announcements.

“The elections will begin in one month’s time. It should give each candidate enough time to prepare and debate with their rivals.”

Spike scoffed. “What nonsense. Celestia would have done a better job. This is so haphazard.” Zecora elbowed Spike so she could hear Nightmare Moon’s next words.

“I’ve saved the most exciting news for last!” This caught everypony’s attention.

“You must have noticed the sun hasn’t risen in many hours. This isn’t my chance or neglect. From today forth, the sun will never rise again!”

The entire crowd gasped in astonishment, confusion, and fear. Someponies openly called their new queen insane. Zecora, in particular, had gone rigid, eyes widened like a frightened, cornered animal.

No sun?! What insanity is this?

“Silence!” Ponies screamed as the shockwave from Nightmare Moon’s voice blew them off their hooves. Spike yelped in pain as Zecora landed on him, crushing his torso. “Do not fear. My moon will provide all the light the planet will need. My scientists have already created plants suited to living in this new world. Many old, unnecessary plants will die out, but thanks to my CRISPR technology, newer, better species will take their place.”

Nopony looked too convinced, and the foreign diplomats looked angry.

“What of my country, Luna?” The Pferdreichen diplomat said. “How am I meant to feed my people? We don’t have Equestria’s resources or CRISPR!” The Griffin, Zaldian, and Hippogriffian emissaries offered similar complaints.

Nightmare Moon gave each diplomat a triumphant smile. “Become part of my republic, and our resources will be at your disposal.”

“This is blackmail!” The griffin diplomat said, outraged. Was the mad alicorn gunning for world domination?

Nightmare Moon’s expression twisted into a sneer. “You don’t have to join my republic. But don’t expect any help from me.”

“Besides, it’s too late to change my Eternal Night system.” A nasty smile formed on the queen’s face. “I’ve thrown my sister’s nasty sun deep into space. I doubt even Corona could retrieve it now.” Horrified screams erupted from the crowd. Spike’s heart broke, knowing how much his princess loved her sun. She’d told many stories about raising it, comparing it more to art than a celestial movement.

The crowd broke into utter pandemonium, convinced of their planet’s doom. Trixie and her friends wore pensive, worried expressions.

“Silence!” Nightmare Moon’s booming voice shattered nearby windows. Cracks formed on nearby walls and several ponies were blown off their hooves. Spike feared the alicorn’s assault had deafened him. Nightmare Moon waited patiently for everypony’s hearing to return before continuing.

“Silence. I understand this is a huge, unexpected change. But it isn’t one to fear. My eternal night will make our world more beautiful and glorious!”

“Yeah, sure. Let’s go with that.” Trixie said, wearing a deadpan expression. “We probably aren’t all doomed.”

“Yes, we aren’t, my student.” Nightmare Moon’s voice tightened in annoyance. “My Lunar Republic will become the greatest nation in the world!”

The foreign ambassador grumbled but didn’t reply. Unlike Trixie, they considered it unwise to antagonize the mad alicorn queen. Nightmare Moon continued the praise of her night and glorious new republic.

“Hear me, citizens of the Lunar Republic and the world. These new changes might seem scary and daunting, but together there’s nothing we can’t accomplish. But understand this; I will not tolerate dissent or betrayal! Defy me, and you will become like my dear sister. I am your Queen, now and forever!” Nightmare Moon cackled in delight, gloating over her supreme power.

Daunted and chastised, the crowd departed without fanfare. Spike watched heartbroken as they took his princess away. She’d been the best friend he’d ever had. Ever since he’d hatched in the wilderness, Spike had been alone. Zecora had sort of been her friend, but Celestia had shown him genuine kindness and friendship. The sun princess had first terrified him, but beyond her mental troubles, he’d seen a wonderful, loving mare that only needed help and friendship.

“Is she gone for good?” He’d told Celestia attending the Gala was a terrible idea. Celestia had laughed, telling him it was only a boring old party. Nothing could harm her there.

“Petrifaction is a tricky mystery,” Zecora said, mulling the problem over. “Ingredients from faraway lands fraught with dangers are required to give the sun princess her liberty.”

“D-dangers!” Spike still had nightmares from his brief time in the Everfree Forest, and these ingredients might be from somewhere worse?

What am I doing?! I am a dragon, one of the fiercest creatures in the world! If anyone can do it, it’s me! “Where do we have to go?”

“Lands requiring months to travel from one to another,” Zecora replied, “But I know somepony who can make the trips less of a bother.”

“Oh no!” Spike put his face into his claws. “Not Trixie!” He recalled how the annoying unicorn had used her Zord to travel to the moon. Anypony but her, please!

“If Trixie is not of your liking.” Zecora shook her head, which relieved Spike. “Perhaps you would find a certain teacher more inviting?” She pointed towards Cheerilee, who was walking down the stage’s stairs, wearing a thoughtful expression. Spike recalled the purple pony being friendly and responsible. The foals seemed to like her.

“That might work!” It was possible his princess could retrieve the sun from wherever her mad sister had thrown it. Spike could dream, at least. Somepony had to save them from Luna’s madness.


“So, this is the place?” Greengrass’s ward, Vinyl Scratch, asked. “Seems like an abandoned dump.”

They were standing in the warehouse district, hiding behind some old barrels, watching an abandoned building. The elements hadn’t been kind to it. It seemed like it could barely stand under its own weight.

“Puissance wishes to avoid drawing attention to her new hideaway.” Greengrass said, “My sources inform me there’s an elevator inside that travels deep underground. It contains several countermeasures specially targeted against you, Trixie.”

“Why am I not surprised? What kind?” It hurt Trixie that Luna would design something specifically against her, madness or not. But she refused to show her pain to Greengrass, keeping her expression neutral.

“Anti-illusion, anti-teleportation, hourly changing passcodes, and Mythril lined walls. I’m told even worse creatures than the Ranger Killers lurk inside,” Greengrass replied.

“Typical Friday night then. I’m game.”

Greengrass snorted in amusement. “The anti-teleportation field means you can’t teleport away to your Zord if trouble happens.”

Trixie only shrugged. “Fine. I’m not backing down Greengrass. Somepony has to stop Puissance and Nightmare Moon.”

Greengrass gave her a nod of approval. It almost didn’t make Trixie lose her supper. “I’m counting on you.”

“Shame I don’t have my Ranger power.” Vinyl shook her head. “I’d smash these Ranger Killer into pieces, no prob.”

“About that,” Trixie said, interrupting. “How are you guys young again? You still haven’t explained that minor miracle.”

“And it shall remain that way.” Greengrass gave her a sly grin. “That would be telling.”


Was it Trixie’s imagination, or were these two younger than before? She only asked because of Night Light’s recent hospitalization after a nasty fall in jail, adding to the stallion’s declining health. Worse, Twilight still refused to visit him. Trixie didn’t exactly want the ex-viceroy to regain his youth but also didn’t want Twilight to lose a parent so young, knowing from experience how painful that was. She’d never met her own biological father.

“Isn’t that Fisher?” Trixie pointed towards the illusive stallion approaching the warehouse. Fisher wore his usual confident stride despite his wizened appearance.

Out of nowhere, three burly ponies appeared to block his entry. “Private property, get lost, grandpa.” The leader said.

The ponies hadn’t sneered or tried bullying Fisher away. Instead, they wore a neutral professional expression, indicating these weren’t your usual hired thug. Trixie guessed they must be professional guards. Puissance wasn’t bit-pinching when hiring these guys, confirming the scale of the ex-vicereine’s operation.

“Your mistress will wish to see me,” Fisher replied. The security people studied the stranger with a hawk-like intensity. Seconds later, they tapped a grey stone and whispered into it. They nodded and moved aside, allowing the elderly stallion to pass.

Trixie blinked. Something about Fisher’s shadow bugged her. Was it too big, given how much light was available? It didn’t matter. From her observations, this place only had one entrance guarded by these rather tough-looking ponies. She remained unsure of how to sneak inside without causing a giant commotion. Her companions watched her with interest, no doubt expecting the Great and Powerful Trixie to solve this problem.

“How far do these anti-illusion fields extend?” Trixie asked in a whisper.

“Only inside the complex itself,” Greengrass said, “A few hooves below ground. You’ll only hit them once you travel down the elevator.”

Makes sense. Make it not obvious that something’s there and catch me off guard after I’ve grown overconfident.

“I’m sneaking inside for a peek,” Trixie said before turning invisible and creeping towards the warehouse’s door, not waiting for a reply.

She peeked inside, finding your typical abandoned warehouse with dust and grime everywhere. The guards guided Fisher further into the building, arriving at a small janitor’s closet. Much to Trixie’s surprise, Puissance was standing inside it. Her sparkling, expensive jewels clashed with the mop bucket and broom. It must be the secret elevator.

“Puissance.” Fisher nodded his head in respect.

“Fisher, why am I not surprised you’re here? Done with your little exile?” Puissance studied the stallion’s wizened form. “I was fortunate when the Pluto gem rejected me. It would have aged me to dust.”

“Your luck never ceases to amaze me,” Fisher said, “You always find yourself exactly where you need to be.”

Puissance snorted. “Luck has nothing to do with it. It’s all about finding the right possibilities.”

“Yet, now you’ve allied yourself with Nightmare Moon.” Fisher said, giving the older mare a shrew, calculating look. “Considering she’d disbanded the nobility and robbed you of your hard-fought titles, I’m surprised you’re so readily working alongside her.”

“The Night Court was already dying. It was only a matter of time before Luna grew tired of it. She’s been researching other forms of government for years. The others were too stupid to notice and capitalize on it. And my titles? At my age, they don’t have the glamour they once held.”

“Why help her then? It can’t be for money.” Fisher asked, and Trixie moved in closer, eager for her answer.

“She’s going to give me my heart’s desire!” A feverous light flared in the old mare. In her many dealings with Puissance, Trixie had never seen her so passionate. “I take it, you also wish for this? Nightmare Moon has uncovered many secrets that might be useful for you.” A pained expression filled her face, and she coughed violently. Her guards rushed to aid her, but she sent them back with a scathing glare. She neither needed nor wanted their aid. The sudden burst of pain passed, regaining her composure.

“I said I’m fine!” Puissance snarled, and her guards backed away, fearful of the mare’s wrath.

“The rumors are true,” Fisher said. “Your health has been declining.”

“Considering my age, is it that surprising?” Puissance said, sending Fisher a scathing glare. “But it doesn’t matter.” Trixie’s sharp hearing noticed the older mare had more trouble breathing than the last time she’d seen her.

“Has Nightmare Moon offered a way to restore your youth?” Fisher asked.

Puissance’s eyes glittered. “Far more than that. And she can extend that generosity to you. That’s what you want, isn’t it? To regain what you’ve once been?”

“That suits me just fine,” Fisher said. “Despite my reduced situation, I still have many resources at my disposal. Our pooled efforts might produce greater results.”

Great, the last thing I need. These two bozos teaming up.

“Sweet words mean nothing to me. Prove it to me, and we might have a deal. Come, I have some research that might interest you.”

“After you.” Fisher allowed Puissance to enter the closet, and Trixie almost gasped in alarm before she stopped herself. Fisher’s shadow had moved of its own accord. Some creature was piggybacking on him, and her gut told her it wasn’t unintentional. The ex-archduke had just let some horrible monster into Puissance’s facility.

Puissance accessed a hidden panel and entered a code, allowing them to descend into the facility. After learning everything she could, Trixie returned to her allies.

“Dang it.” Vinyl sighed and hoofed over five bits to Greengrass. “I was so sure she’d get herself caught.”

“She can be stealthy when she wants to be,” Greengrass said, “Though even I’m surprised she exited without a scuffle.”

“Hilarious. We have a situation.” Trixie rolled her eyes, describing the encounter between Fisher and Puissance.

“Can Nighty give the old bat her youth back?” Vinyl asked.

“With Puissance involved, anything is possible.” Greengrass shook his head. “She’d move an entire mountain to achieve her ends.”

“And if you’ve had your youth restored, why not her too?” Trixie said. “Remind me how you accomplished that again?”

Much to Trixie’s annoyance, Greengrass avoided the question with one of his own. “Have you found a path inside?”

“Sure, I already have a plan.” Trixie’s eyes glittered with excitement. “I only need a little help.”

Greengrass sighed, not liking Trixie’s tone of voice. “I know I will regret this. Fine, what’s the plan?”

“Vinyl only needs to provide me with a quick distraction. Puissance and Nightmare Moon are about to discover nothing is Trixieproof!”