• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 384 Views, 21 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Eternal Night - Rixizu

The Grand Galoping Gala is crashed when Princess Luna transforms herself into Nightmare Moon and declares herself Queen of Equestia.

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Chapter 18

“How dare you!” Nightmare Moon’s voice howled with rage as she tore herself from a wall. Plaster and chips of stone rained upon her head. Much to Trixie’s dismay, her Searing Blade attack had inflicted little damage. Instead, she’d only ticked the alicorn off.

“You have got the be kidding me!” Lyra groaned before pulling out her morpher. “It’s morphing time, Cygnus!” In a single leap, she joined her leader in the half-destroyed hallway.

A slight smile appeared on Cadance’s mouth as she flew towards her allies. “Starting things with a bang, huh?” She extended her wings, and pink energy gathered around her horn, readying a spell.

“You’ve betrayed me as well, Cadance?” Equal parts fury and pain filled Nightmare Moon’s voice.

Despite her voice wavering a moment, the Cavallian princess gave her adopted mother a stern glare. “We don’t have a choice. Those jewels around your neck have corrupted your mind! They’ve transformed you into something you’re not!”

“Silence!” Nightmare Moon stomped her hooves, cracking the marble floor. “I am their master, just like I’m the master of the world! You speak of corruption, but I’ve only realized a truth which I’ve missed for years.”

The alicorn’s eyes blazed with a mad intensity before giving a devilish grin. “It matters not. You have foalishly brought my former student before me. Once she falls, her allies will soon follow!”

Nightmare Moon extended a hoof, and a scythe appeared behind her. Its blade planted itself deep into the ground. Much to Trixie’s shock, the marble where the scythe touched crumbled to pieces, and the blade glowed with dark energy. Where did she get this trick? Was this Nightbringer’s true power? Nightmare Moon spun the weapon around her body before aiming it towards her former student.

“I am Queen Nightmare Moon, and I am death! I will cast you all into endless oblivion!”

“And I am Trixie Lulamoon, Ursa Red! For the sake of everypony and yourself, I’m taking you down!”

In a flash, Nightmare Moon appeared behind Trixie. Their blades collided, metal scraping against metal. The two combatants glared as they faced each other. Inwardly, both sadness and fury raged within the Ursa Ranger’s heart. Despite loving the mare before her like her own mother, Trixie needed to defeat her, whatever it took. Like smoke, Nightmare Moon vanished before the Ranger’s eyes, transforming into inky blackness, before appearing above her, weapon falling with all the inevitability of night. Trixie jumped out of the scythe’s path and whipped her sword towards Nightmare Moon’s exposed chest, but her opponent blocked it at the last moment. Seeing this as a perfect opportunity, both Lyra and Cadance shot energy bolts towards Nightmare Moon. The alicorn once again transformed into darkness, and the attacks passed harmlessly through her. Moments later, Nightmare Moon reappeared several hooves away.

“You’ve gotten stronger. Your unlimited potential is a frightening ability.” Nightmare Moon mused, her scythe cutting through the marble floor as she played with her weapon. “I see why my sister was never a match for you.” With a stomp of her hoof, six Ranger Killers smashed through the windows.

“Yet, it still isn’t enough. I won’t go easy on you this time. Expect no mercy, Trixie Lulamoon.” Nightmare Moon cackled in delight as her living weapons moved to surround their queen’s enemies.

“Is this all you’ve got? A few Mooks?” Trixie replied, her voice smug. “Can’t say I’m terribly impressed. Scared to fight us alone, oh Mighty Queen Death?”

Nightmare Moon’s eyes lit with rage. It took a visible effort to regain her calm, but then she smiled. “I see what this is, a distraction to rescue Ditzy Doo’s daughter. Foalish. My Ranger and Puissance will take care of any rescue team you’ve concocted. I will show you what a mistake it was to confront me!”

The two gems around Nightmare Moon’s neck glowed with dark energy, which flowed into the alicorn. Trixie screamed as Nightmare Moon’s scythe tore into her armor. The wound burned, tearing apart her very life energy. Unperturbed, however, Trixie slashed her sword forward, but her opponent transformed into darkness. The Ranger screamed again as her former mentor slashed her across the neck.

Trixie’s attacks continue to hit empty air. She might as well be fighting smoke. She attempted to use illusions, but Nightmare Moon’s speed made them useless. Her friends rushed to her aid, but the Ranger Killers intercepted them. It left Trixie with Nightmare Moon, alone and helpless. Another slash sent Trixie flying across the room, destroying a pillar. Trixie stood on shaky hooves as Nightmare Moon approached, a smug expression on the alicorn’s face.

“The Uranus and Neptune gems give me unstoppable power. You never stood a chance.” Nightmare Moon said.

Trixie slashed her weapon across the air. “I’m not finished yet!”

Nightmare Moon frowned before shaking her head. “Very well. I see you still haven’t learned your lesson!”

A scythe blade flew towards Trixie’s head, but much to the alicorn’s amazement, the Ranger blocked with her sword. Trixie pressed her attack, but Nightmare Moon only returned to her shadow form. The queen’s next attack sent her through a wall, but Trixie intercepted the next one. Nightmare Moon screamed in pain as Trixie drove her forehead and horn into the alicorn’s face.

“You hit me!” Nightmare Moon staggered for a moment, before disappearing before Trixie could launch another attack.

“You’re not invincible, Nightmare Moon!” Trixie shouted to the heavens. “Come on! Don’t tell me you’re finished already!”

Trixie screamed as Nightmare Moon slashed her across the back, but in turn, she grimaced in pain as the Ranger’s back leg connected with her face. The alicorn vanished before Trixie could complete her sword’s swing arc.

You’re fast, Nightmare Moon. But you can’t transform into shadow instantaneously. It’s only a split moment, but it’s enough to defeat you!

Yet, despite her best efforts, her opponent was too powerful. Nightmare Moon began cheating by summoning illusions of her own, summoning countless Nightmare Moons to confuse Trixie. They circled around her, and their mocking laughter echoed through the castle hallway. From every side, her opponent bombarded Trixie with slashes. The Ranger got some lucky hits, but eventually, she collapsed from her injuries. While she hadn’t untransformed yet, Trixie wasn’t sure she could fight any longer.

“Where are your jibs now, my former student?” Nightmare Moon said. “Your efforts were in vain.”

Trixie opened her mouth for a cutting retort, but a slash from Nightbringer threw her into a wall, and she lost her transformation. She tasted iron in her mouth. Nightmare Moon had given her a real beating.

“Trixie!” An alarmed Lyra cried from another room, but more Ranger Killers appeared to stop her from interfering.

“Despite everything, I will be merciful. A thousand years as a stone statue will teach you a valuable lesson in respect and loyalty!” Nightmare Moon’s horn glowed with energy.

This is it. Trixie’s body refused to move. Instead, she closed her eyes and waited for her end to come. Could somepony survive as a statue for a thousand years? She was about to find out.

Sorry Ditzy, I failed you. Before Trixie’s former mentor could deliver the coup de grâce, a new pony entered the room, momentarily pausing Nightmare Moon’s hoof.

“Ah, Puissance, you’ve arrived at last.” Nightmare Moon said. “Perfect. I fear Trixie’s allies are up to mischief. Find Ditzy Doo and interrupt whatever they have planned.”

Great. I was hoping it would take longer for her to arrive. Trixie hated the idea of Puissance’s fake face being the last thing she’d see.

Instead of responding, Puissance attached her buckle and pulled out a disk. “Henshin.”

Nightmare Moon nodded and returned her attention to Trixie. She gave a devilish smile, and a bolt of energy shot towards her helpless opponent. Nightmare Moon screamed in surprise in pain as Magnific summoned her sword to destroy the petrification spell before slashing the alicorn across the chest.

“What the?” Trixie said, flabbergasted.

“What is the meaning of this, Puissance!” Nightmare Moon said, outraged.

“It means I’ve had enough of you, Nightmare Moon. For the world’s sake, I must defeat you.”

Behind the Rider’s helmet, Trixie heard a smug smile. “I’m not doing this to save you, Trixie Lulamoon. Let me show you how a real warrior fights!”


“So, uh, we’re fighting your friend. Are you okay with this?” Lemon Hearts asked, her voice apprehensive.

“It’s fine. Once we save Dinky, everything will return to normal.” Carrot Top said. Lemon Hearts expected more, but the earth pony remained silent.

Of everypony to get stuck with. They seemed like nice ponies, but Raindrops barely spoke, and frankly, Carrot Top scared her. There was an intensity in the earth pony’s eyes that worried her. During their big meeting, the farmer had sent covert glances towards her boss, Fisher. When asked about it, Carrot Top replied that she didn’t buy his reformation for a moment. She was waiting for the ex-noble to screw up so she could break every bone in his body. The mare spoke these words with the utmost sincerity.

Don’t worry about that. You have a mission to complete!

They’d taken a back entrance and were sneaking through the back halls. Trixie’s hoof-drawn map had been helpful, but unnecessary. As a party planner, she’d visited the royal castle many times. At every hour of the day, it unusually bustled with activity. Now, however, it was dead quiet with nopony in sight. Had Nightmare Moon scared everypony away?

Lemon Hearts’ morpher pulsed in her hoof, which worried her. Unlike the Galaxy Rangers, she drew from dark powers. While she was certain it still hadn’t affected her mind, she considered this little comfort. Despite Fisher’s reassurances, she feared becoming corrupted just like Ditzy and Nightmare Moon.

No, you’re strong! You can do this! We can save Ditzy! She screamed and jumped as an explosion rocked the castle.

“What the hey is that?!”

“Sounds like Trixie’s standard M.O.. Let’s hurry before Ditzy and Puissance can join the fight.” Without another word, Carrot Top darted forward. Raindrop nodded and joined her.

Lemon Hearts blinked, momentarily confused and taken aback before following. Her fellow Rangers were so cool! They could take anything in stride and keep fighting! One day, she’d be as stalwart and gallant as they were.

Right on cue, four Ranger Killers appeared before them, blocking their path, weapons ready to strike. Undaunted Raindrops and Carrot Top pulled out their morphers, rushing towards their new enemy.

“It’s morphing time, Hercules!”

“It’s morphing time, Scorpio!”

Not to be outdone, Lemon Hearts joined them. “It’s morphing time, Pluto!”

The sharp edges of the upcoming Ranger Killer’s spikey fist scraped against her newly formed helmet as she darted forward, dodging the incoming punch at the last moment. Pluto’s twin swords appeared in her hooves and she spun around, slashing the monster’s armor. The creature staggered for a moment as sparks flew from its armor. She shifted into shadow, appearing behind the creature’s back, but its twin spiked fists drove Pluto back as it spun around before the Ranger could target its weak point at the back of its neck.

Her fellow Rangers’ situation wasn’t much better. Carrot Top was fending off two Ranger Killers with her shield. Raindrops was being driven back by the extended arms of her opponent, its reach driving the Black Ranger further back. Despite her best attempts, Raindrops wasn’t quick enough to evade its attacks. The pegasus cried out in pain as one of the chained spiked balls struck her in the neck. Instead of fleeing, Raindrops grabbed the ball with a hoof and gripped the chain with another. Using her tremendous strength, she tore the monster off its feet, dragging it from its feet and yanking it towards her. Screaming a battle cry, Raindrops charged forwards, meeting the monster in mid-air with her axe. Sparks flew as the blade struck the creature’s chest armor. Black shadow leaked from its wound, and it staggered, almost knocking into a nearby pillar.

“Wave Cleaver!”

Roaring with fury, Raindrops drove her weapon harder into the vulnerable point on her opponent’s chest. The sound of metal being hacked apart echoed through the hallway as the Black Ranger tore through the monster’s armor with brute force. Much to Lemon Hearts’ astonishment, the Ranger Killer exploded as Raindrops ripped the creature apart.

Why dodge when you can tear everything apart with your bare hooves, I guess.

The two Ranger Killers cornering Carrot Top drove the Yellow Ranger back. But the earth pony deflected each of their attacks. A spike ball swung at her from behind, but Carrot Top only flipped over the attack and struck the offending Ranger Killer with the tip of her shield. It staggered back, but its fellow took advantage of the distraction, swinging from behind. Carrot Top, however, caught the attack with a hoof. A strike from her shield drove the monster several hooves back. Giving her fellow Ranger a slight nod, she kicked the Ranger Killer with all her strength towards Raindrops.

“Wave Cleaver!” The Ranger Killer exploded as Raindrops drove her axe into the back of the monster’s neck.

Carrot Top’s kick knocked the other Ranger Killer off-balance as she struck it in the leg, causing it to topple forward. The Yellow Ranger swung around and drove her shield’s edge into the creature’s neck. The Ranger Killer flailed around on the ground for a moment even after Carrot’s blow severed its head from its neck. Lemon Hearts gapped. Even the remaining Ranger Killer seemed taken aback at how quickly and brutally the Galaxy Rangers had dispatched their fellows.

“Huh, they are pretty weak in the neck.” Carrot Top said, conversationally. “Their tactics are simple, too. They aren’t so dangerous without Nightmare Moon guiding their actions.”

Oh crap! I look so lame if I can’t finish this Ranger Killer by myself!, thought Lemon Heart.

Lemon Hearts charged forward, striking her blades against her opponent’s armor. It staggered somewhat, but she didn’t have the insane brute strength Raindrops had. She wasn’t trying to break through its armor, though. Instead, Lemon Hearts used her lightning-fast movements to confuse and daze her opponent, appearing in several places at once. The creature’s twin spiked maces were quick, but she noticed what her fellow Rangers had. Its attacks were predictable. It allowed her to stay a step ahead. Covertly, she struck at the back of its neck when its head was turning. While she wasn’t powerful enough to blow its head off, she still inflicted some serious damage.

From its movements, Lemon Hearts could tell she’d agitated her opponent with her continual strikes, and its spiked maces began glowing with her energy. It was preparing its most devastating special attack. Its fists extended, and its chained maces swung wide, shattering any stone it contacted, but Lemon Hearts had been ready for this. While dodging a swipe, the Pluto Ranger threw one of her swords towards the creature’s neck. With her other hoof, she punched the butterfly sword in mid-air, increasing its speed. Her aim was true, and the Ranger Killer froze mid-flail as it lost its head.

Yes! I didn’t even need to use my special attack! Lemon Hearts sighed in relief. She hadn’t been certain it would work. While she couldn’t see the other Rangers’ faces, she could tell they were giving her looks of approval, which brought warmth to her belly and a goofy grin to her face behind her mask.

They each went rigid as a figure approached, ruining their victory celebration. It was Ditzy Doo. She gave them an icy glare and pulled out her duo morphers.

“Trixie isn’t with you? Are you planning something?” Ditzy snorted. “No matter. Three on one won’t save you. I’m presenting your corpses to the queen.”

A shiver went down Lemon Hearts’ spine. Dear Luna, she wasn’t serious, right? The Pink Ranger’s eyes were void of any kindness or warmth, only coldness and wrath. Was that her imagination, or was snow gently dropping around the pegasus?

“It’s morphing time! Dual Morph. Sagittarius! Venus!” The Ranger slammed the two morphers together, and they interlocked, being one.

This was it. The real fight had begun at last.


“Would you like some scones?” Cheerilee asked, presenting the treat to Spike to have with tea.

Before he met Celestia, he’d never dreamed of drinking anything as wussy as tea. But the sun princess always insisted that he should join her for elevenses. The ritual soon became a habit. Some of his fondest memories involve quiet contemplation with his princess in the castle library.

A stab of worry struck Spike as he watched his zebra friend brew her miracle potion. The ingredients were good, but the concoction needed exact components. Turns out buffalo hair was a key component of the potion. Zecora wasn’t certain bison fur would be a suitable substitute. They were basically the same species, but magic was a tricky and sensitive beast. The slight alteration could alter the potion potency. Worse, it might drastically change its effect altogether. With the situation in Canterlot worsening, they couldn’t afford the time and effort required to retrieve the correct ingredients.

“I’d like some too.” Twilight levitated a biscuit to her plate and sipped at her tea. It calmed her nervousness somehow. She hadn’t taken the news that the crown wanted Trixie, dead or alive, very well. As usual, the Ursa Ranger was causing a heap of trouble again. Was it possible for Trixie to go a week without causing some incident? They’d only been gone two days!

Smoke filled Zeroca’s little shack as she dropped the bison hair into the concoction. To Spike’s nose, it smelled like peppermint and day-old yogurt. The liquid bubbled, changing from a green color to a milky white. The zebra nodded in satisfaction and poured the brew into several glass containers.

“Pour this on the statue and Nightmare Moon’s curse will dispel.” Zecora hoofed the potions over to Twilight. “With luck, Dinky Doo’s love will make the darkness gripping her mother’s heart quell.”

Twilight gave a grave nod and levitated the concoctions into a saddlebag. “This nightmare is almost over. We should see the sun in the morning, guys!”

“The sun princess will bring the sun to its proper place,” Zecora replied. “Despite Nightmare Moon efforts, the sun isn’t so easy to replace.”

Spike noted everypony was skirting around the fact the rejuvenation potion might completely fail. But they had no other choice. They had to work! Otherwise, the alternative would be unthinkable. He would restore his princess, whatever the cost. But where was Nightmare Moon keeping her petrified sister? The castle gardens, maybe? Would the insane alicorn be tasteless enough to put her sister on display? Spike opened his mouth to make some suggestions when he froze. White drops of snow were gentle, landing against the hut’s windows.

Huh? It wouldn’t be winter for another few months. Had the weather ponies grabbed the wrong cloud?

“It’s snowing out.” Spike pointed towards the window, interrupting his friends’ conversation.

Twilight only shrugged. “It’s the Everfree Forest. They have strange weather all the time. Ponies can’t control the weather here.”

Zecora shook her head. “Even the chaotic Everfree follows the season. Even here it doesn’t snow without reason.”

“Guys, you need to look at this!” Cheerilee pointed outside. Everypony ran outside and gaped when they saw what the teacher meant.

“Impossible.” Twilight’s voice was tight. “What could cause that?”

Above Canterlot was the biggest snowstorm he’d ever seen. Or was it a tornado? Spike couldn’t tell. It shot frigid air in every direction, coating everything in snow and ice. The entire Canterlot Mountain seemed frozen solid. Worse, the storm’s size was increasing.

“If I could hazard a guess, Trixie’s in the thick of it.” While alarmed, Cheerilee’s voice was more measured. Spike envied that calm. He feared this storm might be powerful enough to destroy Equestria.

“No doubt.” A grim smile grew on Twilight’s face. “Let’s go! We don’t have time to waste!” Despite his terror and misgivings, Spike chased after the Rangers, joining them in their Zord, waving their zebra friend goodbye. He swore he’d see this nasty incident to the end and hopefully not get frozen into a Spikesicle in the process.