• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 391 Views, 21 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Eternal Night - Rixizu

The Grand Galoping Gala is crashed when Princess Luna transforms herself into Nightmare Moon and declares herself Queen of Equestia.

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Chapter 8

“What the heck?” Puissance groaned. Her head throbbed, and her voice sounded raspy. She shook her head, confused, and gazed about, finding herself in another hospital bed.

“Perfect.” She grunted in annoyance. Once again banished to a wretched bed. She threw the sheets over her head, blocking out the lights stinging her eyes from above.

“She’s up!” A nurse gave Puissance a nervous glance before rushing out of the room.

Puissance scratched her belly, trying to remember how she’d gotten here. Something terrible had happened, but her memories were fuzzy. She straightened after realizing she could move, twisting her body in utter amazement. Had the stroke been a bad dream?

“What the?” Her usual royal purple fur was now a cyan color. She blinked, confused and disturbed. Colors and images were brighter and clearer than they’d been in years. She felt like a stranger in her own body with every movement and breath odd and foreign to her. . Puissance grasped her head, wondering if she’d gone crazy. Much to her relief, Solar Flare walked into the room.

“You’re awake, perfect!” Her assistant beamed before awkwardly shuffling on her hooves. “Uh, much has happened, but you’re better, and that’s fantastic.

“What the hey has happened to me?!” Puissance gasped after touching the horn protruding from her head. She hadn’t been imagining the strange weight coming from her forehead. She jerked, realizing something was missing from her back. A tentative hoof around her back, confirming Puissance’s worst fears. Panic started kicking in.

Her assistant grimaced, forcing a smile. “It’s best you see for yourself.” Solar Flare produced a hoof mirror and Puissance screamed when Trixie’s face reflected back towards her. She pinched herself hard, hoping she’d entered a terrible nightmare. The pain told her it wasn’t, and the reality of what she’d become struck her hard.

“What’s going on, Solar Flare?” She glared at her guilty-looking assistant.

“There was a terrible accident.” Solar Flare replied.

“Ah, and transferring me to the Trixie clone was your only option to save my life.” Puissance’s foggy mind cleared, and memories of the accident replayed in her mind. Solar Flare gave a hesitant nod.

Panic filled her assistant’s face as she jumped from the bed and stood on shaky hooves. Her new muscles had difficulty holding her weight, yet Puissance stood strong and proud. She winced as she crashed to the ground, but held her assistant back, standing back up, pushing her body to walk along the hospital room floor.

“Mistress?” Solar Flare gave her an uneasy glace, worried Puissance might explode with anger. Instead, Puissance only laughed with glee.

“It isn’t ideal, but it is better than death.” Puissance glanced back at her new body in the hoof mirror, amazed. Unbelievable! She’d cheated death!

She had to admit that Trixie was an attractive mare. This body would serve Puissance nicely, taking in several deep breaths, enjoying the freedoms her new body offered. While stiff and awkward, moving was painless, free of any arthritis. It was night and day compared to her old body. Age had made her ignore the pains and inconveniences of her years. Had Puissance even been alive in her old body? Much to her relief, her new body had her cutie mark, a silver crown with a scepter, meaning nothing inside had changed.

Solar Flare hated interrupting her mistress’s reverie but spoke up. “Bad news, I fear. We lost your bio-print in the explosion. But the scientists are hopeful they conjure a new one soon. The new clone of your original body should only require a few days.”

“Forget it.”

Solar Flare blinked. “Sorry?”

“After the utter heck I suffered through to transfer to this body, I’d rather not risk it again.” Puissance studied herself in the mirror and smirked. “It suits me. I’ve always wondered what it’d be like being a unicorn.” A grayish magenta aura flowed around her horn, and she focused her attention on a pen on a table. Minutes passed, but the object refused to budge.

“Oh, well.” Puissance shrugged. “Not unexpected. Contact Spell Nexus, he should provide a suitable tutor.” The head of Luna’s school of magic owed her multiple favors.

While Trixie’s magical powers were middling, she had proven skill could overcome such a disadvantage. Shame they’d transferred her to this body before they could conduct any experimentation on Trixie’s DNA. They could have combined it with Twilight Sparkle’s and given her godlike magical potential, maybe even wings. Never mind, magic didn’t interest Puissance that much, anyway. The loss of her wings hurt, but she’d survive.

“Yes, Mistress.” Solar Flare bowed her head before her muzzle twisted into a grimace. “So, what about Champion and North Star? We need to inform them about this change.”

Puissance’s mood darkened when her assistant’s implications struck her like a ton of bricks. She’d meant for her children to see her as a younger pony, not somepony completely different. Should she hire somepony to create an illusion of her old body? No, Puissance hated hiding. She’d somehow confront her sons in her new form and the rest of her foals. It would be awkward, and some would refuse to accept the drastic change, but they’d survive somehow.

She glanced at a nearby clock and found the time five minutes past midnight. “Tell them we’ll have breakfast together in the morning.”

“Are you sure, mistress?”

“Positive.” A slight grin formed on her face. “This body requires a test run. What’s the club you’re always talking about? Ponyworks? Let’s go there tonight.”

“Is that such a wise idea, Mistress Puissance?” Solar Flare said. “The doctors wish to examine you first. We aren’t sure if the transfer completely succeeded.” Puissance saw several nervous doctors peeking through her room’s door, no doubt thinking of her as some abomination of science or whatever.

“In the morning,” Puissance stressed the last word. “After the utter heck I’ve suffered through, I deserve a drink!”


Lights and sound bombarded her as she entered the club. The loud, almost incoherent music pounded her ears. Ponies packed the place, making movement almost impossible. Yet, Puissance enjoyed every moment. She’d dreamed of relieving her youth, and it had become reality. Besides, it wasn’t dissimilar from the jazz clubs she visited in her youth. Ponies still drank, danced, and had fun. Still, she hadn’t remembered the jazz clubs being this crowded.

She pondered if any jazz clubs still existed in Canterlot. The music the young DJ was playing didn’t really interest her. It amused her that, despite her newfound youth, she still clung to the past. Can’t change a pony’s core, she supposed.

Solar Flare seemed to be enjoying the music, bopping her head to the beat. The pegicorn wore a vest hiding her lovely wings, ashamed of their presence. It was unfortunate. Nopony should hide who they are, but her assistant had her reasons. Puissance ignored the dancing ponies, heading towards the bar instead. Solar Flare spotted some friends, and Puissance waved her away. She didn’t need foalsitting. Her assistant reluctantly left her, promising to stay close if Puissance required anything.

“Mint julep, please,” Puissance said towards the bartender.

Puissance didn’t dare grab her drink with a hoof, finding them still too weak. She’d only mastered walking in the short time she’d taken possession of this body. Instead, she used a straw to sip her drink, moaning in delight. Amusingly, the bartender assumed Puissance’s unsteady movements meant she was drunk.

“Lady, this seat next to you, ain’t taken, is it?” A stallion with a rustic accent said.

“Go ahead.” Puissance turned to find the most handsome stallion she’d ever seen. Even her other husband, Midas, paled in comparison. Despite his brown vest, cowboy hat, and rustic accent showing him to be a country yokel, he had a chiseled jaw and eyes a mare could get lost in. He wore his orange mane long beneath his hat. For a moment, Puissance caught herself drooling.

Get it together, Puissance. You’ve met stallions before. Much to her relief, he hadn’t caught her staring.

“Mighty nice to meet you, the name’s Braeburn.” The stallion sipped his rum and smacked his lips. He turned back towards Puissance and examined her face before brightening. “Say, aren’t you that there Trixie Lulamoon? I never met a bonafide hero before!”

“No, I just look like her.” Dear Luna, already she regretted entering this body if it meant ponies would confuse her for Trixie for the rest of her life. “The name is Puissance.”

“Pleased to meet you!” Braeburn gave her an enthusiastic hoofshake. “Are you a native of Canterlot?”

“More or less. My job means I travel around a lot. You?”

“I come from good old Appleloosa!” The stallion exaggerated the pronunciation of the last word.

“Appleloosa? Wasn’t that a failed settlement out west?” Puissance remembered something about it failing because of fighting with the locals. It had been a tremendous and costly venture for the Apple Trust.

“Failed? Nah! We at Appleloosa are still going strong!” Braeburn said, before slumping. “Mostly. We have been having some trouble. Ponies and buffalo haven’t exactly been friendly and tensions are still high. Not that we’re giving up, mind! Despite the recent troubles with everything.” He gave a depressed sigh and gestured to the night sky.

“I’m here in Canterlot to secure a loan for more funding, only for Luna to nuts and dismantle everything! And how are our apples supposed to grow without light?”

“That’s a shame to hear.” Despite his rustic nature, Puissance enjoyed the stallion’s upbeat nature. It might be her new body’s youthful urges speaking, but being easy on the eyes didn’t hurt either. Besides, she always liked hopeless causes. They made the doubters appear foalish when she succeeded. “Tell me more. I have a considerable fortune, and your town sounds like an interesting investment.”

“Wait, you ain’t Vicereine Puissance, are you?” Braeburn stared at her in shock. “Shoot, I thought you’d be older.”

“Ex-vicereine, but yes.” Puissance put her hoof on Braeburn’s arm. “Continue, please. I want to learn more about you. The night is still young.” Yes, tonight would be a good one.


“Is everypony ready?” Trixie said from the cockpit of her Zord. Her voice rang out through the speakers.

“I was born ready!” Lemon Hearts almost bounced in her seat’s straps.

“I am.” Fisher’s gruff voice said.

Vinyl said nothing, only beaming and giving a wave. Despite not seeing this, Trixie somehow grunted an acknowledgment.

Greengrass took a deep breath. Never in his life had he ever imagined he’d be traveling to space. But since meeting Trixie, his life had taken many dizzying, unexpected turns. It was a shame Cheerilee wasn’t with him. He would have enjoyed holding her hoof while they blasted off.

“I’m ready,” Greengrass said.

“Blasting off!” Trixie howled with laughter as her hoof thudded down on a large red button on the controls. For a moment, nothing happened. Then Greengrass winced as his body pressed against his chair as they left Earth’s atmosphere. It wasn’t painful, but the G-forces still almost crushed him, seemingly lasting for almost an eternity. The window next to him glowed red from the intense heat. Moments passed, and the pressure released, and Greengrass could breathe easier again. Dear Luna, they were in space.

Despite himself, he gaped after looking outside the window. He’d always loved the stars. As a foal, he’d begged his parents to buy him a telescope. He’d spent many hours staring through the lens, gazing upon the star, dreaming of fantastical worlds he could never visit. Greengrass pressed a hoof against the glass without even realizing it. Soon, something more amazing caught his attention. The Earth stood beneath them in all its green and blue glory. A tear escaped down an eye. Greengrass had never seen anything so beautiful, and his earth pony heritage burned with passion and appreciation.

“It’s so cool!” Vinyl pressed her face against the glass, beaming from ear to ear.

“I never imagined,” Fisher said, uncharacteristically lost for words.

“Wow.” Lemon Hearts’ eyes widened.

“Yeah, it’s pretty cool,” Trixie said after exiting a lift. “I love space. Are you okay? I know the forces of leaving the earth is taxing.”

Fisher snorted. “Don’t worry about me. I’m a tough old bird. Besides, I wouldn’t have minded dying that way. How many ponies have the opportunity to leave the planet?” The talk of dying disturbed Trixie, but she stayed silent.

“Ugh, it’s so unfair you got this cool giant robot!” Vinyl whined. “Us Planetary Rangers got robbed!” Greengrass nodded his agreement.

“Uh, Fisher. Can I have a giant robot?” Lemon Hearts gave the older unicorn a pleading look.

Fisher sighed and shook his head. “No, I’m afraid. Luna’s repair teams barely fixed Lyra’s Zord when it got smashed. The Zord’s repair system conducted most of the repair work. The repair teams were basically useless, probably only getting in the way.” During their battle with the Night Court Rangers, Vinyl had damaged Lyra’s Zord during their fight. If the mare had any guilt about the action, she didn’t show it.

Greengrass nodded his assent. “I’ve read the reports. They could barely understand how its systems worked, much less repair them.” Lemon Hearts sighed in disappointment.

“To be fair, neither does Twilight.” Trixie considered this. “Which is kinda weird, actually. I was hoping she’d make her own Zord so we could create a super ultra Galaxy Megazord!”

“Any food around here?” Vinyl asked. “I could do with some grub!”

“Don’t worry about that.” Trixie waved a dismissive hoof. “I’ve packed enough food for several picnics. I raided Cheerilee’s refrigerator to do it, but I’m sure she won’t mind. My Zord also has these weird space bars.” She waved one of the foil-coated snacks on her hoof. “I’m not sure where they come from, but they’re tasty.”

“Excellent,” Greengrass said. “How long until we reach the moon?”

“A couple of hours,” Trixie replied. “I suspect Nightmare Moon’s expecting us, so we’ll approach from the moon’s dark side. I’m afraid it will be a bit of a long jaunt.”

“Wise.” Fisher crossed his front legs. “I look forward to the moonwalk.”

“Are you sure you wish to come?” Trixie gave the ex-archduke a nervous look. “It’ll be dangerous.”

“I’m not missing a moonwalk for anything,” Fisher said, refusing to budge. “Despite my age, I’m not helpless.”

“Okay.” While not pleased, Trixie wouldn’t argue.

“I’ll go make lunch.” Trixie disappeared down a corridor.

“I’m going to explore the ship! This place is awesome!” Vinyl seemed like a foal in a candy store.

“I think I’ll join you!” Lemon Hearts said. “Are you really DJ Pon3? I’ve heard your music, but I’ve never met the mare behind the deck.” They disappeared down another corridor.

Greengrass watched as Fisher entered a lift. “Where are you going?”

“To see the cockpit,” Fisher said. “This technology is amazing.” He pressed a button, and the lift disappeared.

Greengrass shrugged as everypony went off exploring. He, however, remained content to watch the Earth and never-ending star field for several more minutes longer.


“For the last time, stop stealing Trixie Lulamoon’s wanted posters.” A furious-looking batpony said. “They’re meant to inform the public of a dangerous traitorous threat!”

“But they’re so cool though!” An enthused Scootaloo pointed at the poster in her hooves. It showed an angry-looking Trixie with an eyepatch and scars over her face. The artist had made the Ranger appear sinister-looking, and they’d gone overboard. Her two co-conspirators nodded their agreement. Apple Bloom had a backpack full of rolled-up posters.

Ditzy snorted in amusement as the guard fumed. “Do it again, and I’ll throw you in jail!”

“Leave them alone, Misty Moon.” The other guard rolled her eyes. “They’re only fillies.”

“It isn’t just that, Nighthawk!” Misty Moon whirled on his companion. “This whole town has been completely uncooperative in apprehending the fugitive! We’ve asked for hours, and nopony has told us anything!”

A halo appeared over Sweetie Belle’s head. “Maybe we don’t know anything!”

It was true. Somehow the entire town of Ponyville had backed Trixie, which surprised Ditzy since usually, they were on the verge of wanting to strangle the Ursa Ranger. She supposed Luna’s recent mad actions hadn’t endured her to the citizens of Ponyville, and Trixie was a town hero. She had action figures and everything! How much was Trixie getting in royalties for those, anyway? It seemed unfair Ditzy wasn’t getting any of it. She had a daughter to feed!

This was a double-edged sword. With all the guards around, it made gathering clues about Trixie difficult. If their leader was hiding anywhere, it’d be here at their base of operation. Canterlot had been a bust, and Ponyville seemed the next best option. A filly’s scream interrupted her musings.

“You know something, you little brat!” Misty Moon had Sweetie Belle by the throat. “Spill, or else!”

“Misty Moon!” Nighthawk cried in alarm, but her compassion only pushed her aside.

“I’m doing my job.” Misty Moon increased his grip on the small filly. “Unlike someponies.”

“Why you!” Ditzy moved forward, ready to unleash some much-deserved punishment for such cruelty. But somepony else beat her to the punch.

“Release the filly.”

“If you’re smart, you run for your…” Misty Moon trailed off when he spotted the stallion towering over him.

“Release the filly now,” Snowflake repeated. His bulk outweighed the batpony by three times, wearing a furious expression on his face. Dear Luna, she’d never seen the gentle stallion angry before, which made even her reconsider her next move. Other ponies moved in to confront the batpony, each wearing their own angry scowl.

Misty Moon looked around and gulped, releasing Sweetie Belle, who breathed several grateful gulps of air. The Night Guard pony fled a long distance before offering his retort. “Don’t think you’ve gotten away with this!”

“Sorry about him.” Nighthawk bowed before flying after her partner. Snowflake snorted, glaring as they fled.

“That was fantastic, Snowflake!” Ditzy said as she walked up to the stallion.

“You were amazing!” Scootaloo and the other two fillies bombarded him with praise. The ponies watching the scene followed suit.

“It was nothing.” Snowflake blushed and shrunk under their praise. Ditzy saw why Trixie liked the stallion so much.

“Are you Trixie’s special somepony?” Sweetie Belle asked, bouncing on her hooves. The three fillies gave the larger stallion expectant looks, deepening Snowflake’s blush.

“Now girls, leave the poor stallion in peace.” Ditzy laughed, rushing to the stallion’s rescue. He gave her a grateful nod.

Snowflake looked down at one of Trixie’s wanted posters, a pained expression on his enormous face. “I hope she’s okay. I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to her.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep her safe.” Ditzy put a guilty hoof on Snowflake’s back. She closed her eyes and remembered her mission.

“Sweetie Belle, do you know anything about Trixie’s whereabouts?” Ditzy whispered. “I’m searching for her.”

Scootaloo gave an enthusiastic nod. “I do!”

“Where?” Ditzy stood at attention.

“In space!” Scootaloo beamed.

Ditzy blinked. “What?”

“I saw her with my telescope,” Scootaloo replied. “Since it’s night all the time, I thought I’d get some stargazing in. I saw her Zord traveling through space. It’s hard to miss a giant robot bear.”


“She’s going to the moon!” Scootaloo’s grin widened. “No doubt it’s for some super special mission!”

“What’s on the moon, I wonder?” Apple Bloom asked.

“What if some evil moon aliens are taking over Princess Luna’s mind?!” Scootaloo said.

“Come on, Miss Cheerilee said the moon was lifeless!” Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes.

“As far as she knows.” Scootaloo shot back and the three fillies broke into a heated discussion about the possibility of evil, mind-controlling moon aliens.

The moon! Ditzy had a sudden realization. She’s going to Celestia’s moon castle! Painful memories flashed through her head as she remembered Nightmare Moon turning Celestia into stone. After that, worse memories came unbidden, her little muffin’s face frozen in pain and fear. She turned away, hiding her tears.

Sorry, Trixie. But for my muffin, I have to defeat you!