• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 384 Views, 21 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Eternal Night - Rixizu

The Grand Galoping Gala is crashed when Princess Luna transforms herself into Nightmare Moon and declares herself Queen of Equestia.

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Chapter 17

“You’re saying that Nightmare Moon has decreased the guard on her castle?” Lyra asked, raising an eyebrow. She addressed Greengrass’ statement with much skepticism. Ever since she’d entered Fisher’s safe house, Lyra had been eyeing the ex-noble like a hawk, expecting betrayal at any moment. Trixie was also waiting for the horseshoe to drop, wondering what plot he had under his sleeve this time.

“It has to be a trap.” Bon-Bon said. “The queen is trying to lure us into a false sense of security.”

Trixie considered their options. Even with the reduced guard, they still faced an obscene amount of opponents. “Stealth won’t work. A smash and grab mission is a better idea.”

Nightmare Moon knew their goals. It seemed unlikely they could sneak Dinky out unnoticed. What they’d do after rescuing the filly, Trixie wasn’t certain. Twilight and Zecora had vanished, leaving them helpless to restore the filly back to normal. Trixie suspected only Dinky could restore Ditzy’s corrupted mind. Their familial love was just that powerful.

“I concur,” Greengrass said, nodding. “While Puissance and Ditzy are powerful, it’s the Ranger Killers I’m more concerned about. They are too numerous to face. I believe a distraction is in order.”

“Makes sense.” Carrot Top shook her head. “But it needs to be a pretty convincing distraction. Nightmare Moon will figure out our plan pretty quick.”

Yeah, I doubt a Ranger screaming her existence in some empty factory lot will suffice. Worse, pulling even one Ranger from their mission would significantly weaken their forces, and they’d face three powerful foes.

“Wouldn’t it be better to just rush in swords ready?” Lyra asked. “Just luring a few Ranger Killers away doesn’t seem worth it.”

We need a distraction that will make them forget all about Dinky. A devilish smile appeared on Trixie’s face as an idea struck her.

“What is it, Trixie?” Weariness crept into Lyra’s voice.

“Let me guess, I’m something audacious and ludicrous?” While resigned, Greengrass seemed intrigued. The rest of Trixie’s friends watched her with batted interest.

“Simple. We launch an attack on Nightmare Moon herself. If we’re lucky, we can destroy her planetary gems too!”

How’s that for a distraction? They’d be too busy protecting the Queen of the Lunar whatever to care about some statue.

“You can’t be serious.” Lyra put her face into her hooves. “Dear Luna, you are! Isn’t she super powerful? Didn’t she, like, kick your butts before or something?”

“But now we’re ready for her, and there’s more of us!” Trixie puffed out her chest, quite pleased with her plan. “Nightmare Moon wouldn’t see it coming.”

“Yes, because it’s stupid!” Lyra shot back.

“I like it.” Raindrops said. The pegasus had been silent for the entire meeting, but now spoke her support for their leader.

Greengrass sighed. “It’s a Trixie plan.”

“If she succeeds, then we can free Luna’s mind!” Cadance said, her eyes sparkling with hope.

“It’s okay, I guess.” Lemon Hearts sounded unsure but seemed to trust Trixie’s judgment.

“Alright, who will fight Nightmare Moon?” Carrot Top asked.

“Something occurred to me. This plan is too simple and boring.” Trixie said, after some more consideration. “What if we created two distractions?!”

Lyra blinked. “Sorry?”

“One team to distract Nightmare Moon and the other for Ditzy and Puissance.” Trixie tapped her chin. “Of course, we should attack when Puissance has left the castle. It gives us some breathing room before the Kamen Rider runs to her queen’s protection. Three Rangers will fight Ditzy, while the remaining two face Nightmare Moon.”

“Me too! I’ll assist you against Nightmare Moon!” Cadance said.

“Are you sure?” Trixie wasn’t keen on endangering Equestria’s last princess, but she won’t argue either. While not as powerful as a Ranger, they couldn’t refuse her help.

“Positive.” Cadance’s mouth creased into a determined frown. Trixie admired the Love Princess. Bandages covered her body and a medical eyepatch hid one of her eyes. Despite her injuries, she was ready to fight. It wasn’t surprising, ponies that ran entire kingdoms couldn’t be weaklings.

Shame Cheer and Twilight aren’t here, but beggars can’t be choosers.

“Wait, who will rescue Dinky?” Lyra asked, confused.

“Bon-Bon, obviously,” Trixie replied. This peeked the mare’s attention.

“No! You’re not getting my marefriend killed!” Lyra glared, gritting her teeth. “It’s too dangerous.”

Trixie snorted. “I doubt the Ranger Killers will even notice her.” Besides, the candymaker had strange skills, and Trixie wanted to test those abilities.

“No!” Lyra stomped her hoof in utter refusal.

“This might work,” Greengrass said, hiding his surprise. “With the amount of chaos Trixie usually causes, Bon-Bon can slip in unnoticed.”

“Yes, it suits the young lady’s talents.” Fisher stroked his chin, a pleased smile on his face. Did he know something?

“No! It’s too dangerous!” Lyra’s expression turned more venomous.

Trixie grunted in annoyance. Had the Blue Ranger forgotten the time her marefriend fought Corvus by her lonesome? Or the time Bons protected her from tentacle-possessed zombies created by a horror beyond their reality? Why was Lyra so ridiculous when it came to her marefriend?

“I’ll do it.” Bon-Bon’s voice was calm and full of confidence. “I’ll need to plan an escape route ahead of time, but it’s doable. The castle gardens aren’t exactly a highly protected vault.” While there would be normal guards around, Trixie doubted they’d give the candy maker much trouble.

“But!” Lyra’s eyes widened in panic.

“Trust me, I can do this. I already have some ideas.” Bon-Bon gave her marefriend a reassuring smile. Lyra didn’t appear pleased, but gave a hesitant nod.

“And I can help with the getaway cart!” Vinyl said, beaming with excitement.

Greengrass nodded in satisfaction. “We have the beginnings of a plan. Let’s hope you fare better this time. Your last battles with these foes didn’t end too well.”

Trixie gave a dismissive snort. “Don’t worry. We got this. This time Nightmare Moon won’t know what hit her.”


“Cousin Pru! Look at me!” Scepter jumped onto a thin banister attached to a chest-high wall. He spread his front hooves wide and balanced himself while walking across it.

“Get down from there. You’ll hurt yourself!” Solar Flare bristled her feathers and rushed to the colt’s side, trying to remove him from the banister and place him back on the ground.

Unlike her assistant, Puissance didn’t fret over her great-grandfoal’s safety. After raising four boys, she was used to the antics a young colt might involve themselves in. Besides, she was ready to catch him if he slipped and fell.

“You worry too much, Solar Flare.” Scepter broke into a pout. “I can handle myself!”

“I don’t think your father would appreciate seeing you return with a broken leg!” The colt ignored the winged unicorn and ran around a tree, pretending to be a bird. Solar Flare sighed and rubbed her temple.

The walk through the park was enjoyable despite the brisk cold. During the endless night, most ponies preferred to stay indoors, leaving the park almost deserted. Not that the scenery was that spectacular. The trees didn’t seem happy about all the sunlight they’d missed and the grass had lost its luster, which ruined the scenic park’s usual beauty.

As they passed a play area, she allowed Scepter to run off and enjoy himself within it. The adults sat on a bench while they watched Puissance’s great-grandfoal go down a slide shaped like a giraffe.

Solar Flare groaned, her movements sluggish. “Such energy! Didn’t you have eight foals? How did you cope?!”

Puissance shrugged. “You make them wear themselves out. It’s good he’s burning off all that energy.” She had maids, of course, but Puissance made sure she had a strong hoof in raising her foals. If her assistant wished to become a mother one day, she had much to learn.

Thinking about it, she has never shown much interest in romance. Something I’ll need to change. Didn’t she sometimes catch Solar Flare giving a certain royal guard covert glances? She’d need to arrange a date between them later.

“I guess.” Solar Flare shuttered and grabbed herself to protect herself from the cold. “We should get home soon. It’s almost dinner time and night is approaching.” With the sun’s banishment, true nights had become almost arctic.

Puissance nodded and scowled. While she approved of the incompetent Night Court being dissolved, she hated the eternal night plan. Something seemed wrong without the sun brightening their skies, and she wasn’t confident Nightmare Moon’s alternative was that effective. The moon is not the sun, period.

Here I go again with my traitorous thoughts. But she couldn’t help it. Especially with Scepter around. She didn’t want him to inherit a dead world. A nagging thought screamed Nightmare Moon would doom them all. Thankfully, Banner arrived to interrupt her brooding.

“There you are!” Banner ran to his son and pulled him from a climbing tower shaped like a monkey.

“Hey dad, dinner already?” While Specter sounded disappointed, he accepted the change in the situation. “Can I play with cousin Pru later? We’ve been having such fun! She knows everything about Canterlot. She’s shown me all the coolest buildings!”

Banner gave his grandmother a weary look. “So, your cousin Pru, are you?”

“Is it a problem?” Ice crept into Puissance’s voice, not liking Banner’s tone.

Scepter blinked in confusion, not understanding the animosity between the two adults. Banner remained quiet, and they walked in silence as they returned to his great-grandmother’s manor. Puissance sighed, wondering if all her family reunions would be like this.

“So dad, is Grandma Puissance alright?” Scepter suddenly asked. “Ponies keep saying she’s sick.”

Banner made a face. “It’s complicated.”

“That’s not an answer! Yes or no!” Specter said, annoyed by constantly getting vague answers.

Before Puissance could reply, Banner beat her to the punch, bending down to meet his son at eye level. “The truth is your great-grandmother is standing right there.” He pointed a hoof at Puissance.

“Dad, that cousin Pru.” Scepter replied with strained patience.

“No, he’s right. I’ve taken a new body.” Puissance flickered her hair back and made a pose.

“Your great-grandmother was dying, so she took this body.” Banner replied. Puissance didn’t like her grandson’s tone, making it sound like a tragedy more than a blessing.

“What?!” Scepter’s tone was both baffled and incredulous. “Okay, prove it. What did you get me for my eighth birthday?”

Puissance opened her mouth and closed it, realizing she couldn’t remember the answer. She’d given countless gifts over the years. “Can you ask an easier question?”

“You’re playing a prank on me. There’s no way this is true!” Scepter declared after his great-grandmother couldn’t provide a satisfactory answer. “It’s a strange one, cousin Pru. I’m not sure why anypony would fall for it.”

Puissance rubbed her temple. She had to admit the truth was a little beyond belief.

“Come on, let’s get to Grandma’s house! I’m starving.” Scepter said, taking his great-grandmother’s silence as an admission of agreement.

Something about Specter’s lack of recognition depressed Puissance. She hated how her mood had suddenly shifted again, ebbing and rising like a wave. She usually had better control of her emotions. Was her new body defective?

Or is everything I’ve done in my life returning to haunt me?

“Mistress?” Solar Flare asked in concern.

“Banner, go without me. The cook will have a lovely meal already prepared for you.” Puissance said.

“But!” Banner said, surprised.

“Cousin Pru, is everything alright?” Scepter’s expression turned to worry. He couldn’t understand the sudden turn in the adult’s mood.

Puissance gave her great-grandfoal a slight smile. “It’s fine. The ice cream filled me up, and I have matters I need attending to. I’ll see you later.”

“Okay! I’d like to play with you again, Cousin Pru!” He gave her a hug, which Puissance accepted with a bitter smile.

After saying her goodbyes, Puissance left her progeny and wandered the streets of Canterlot. Solar Flare moved to follow, but a slight hoof gesture told her assistant that Puissance wished to be alone. It took some coaxing, but Solar Flare finally left her.

Puissance didn’t have a designation as she wandered the streets. The cold drove ponies inside, leaving her alone. She stopped at an observation platform and watched Canterlot’s great waterfall break into two by a rock protruding from the mountainside. In her younger years, she’d always enjoyed coming here with her late husband Midas. Even without the sun, the scenic mountainside view was breathtaking. It was a romantic spot they’d both loved. Dear Luna, how many years had it been since she’d come here?

Unexpected tears fell down her face as memories returned unbidden. Moments like this made her heart ache for her both late husbands. With nopony around, she didn’t fight back the tears. It was like she was a dam filled to burst.

Moving to this body has messed with my emotions. Damn you, Trixie! Still, it brought some relief to release these pent-up emotions of decades.

I’m the strongest mare in the world! How am I such a mess? Where did she go from here? The temptation to drop everything and begin a new life elsewhere stuck her hard. Why not? It would free her from every obligation Puissance’s previous life had thrust upon her.

Of course, if I did that, I couldn’t kick Trixie’s face into a curb. That image brought a smile of pleasure. But after Trixie’s enviable defeat, then what? How would she live her new life? Much to her shock, Puissance realized she hadn’t really considered it before. Did she truly wish to return to her old life? Her mind returned to North Star and Banner’s reaction to her new body. Puissance made a deep sigh, torn on her next course of action.

She walked towards her manor, moon lowered in the sky, turning the eternal night even colder and less hospitable, and Puissance shivered. Before she could break into a full sprint to run back home, a flash of red caught her attention. Puissance gasped and hid behind a wall as Trixie Lulamoon crept out of a building and ducked into an alley. The rest of her friends soon followed, and from their direction, it seemed likely they were heading towards the castle.

So, they’re finally moving to rescue Ditzy Doo’s daughter. It seemed fate was forcing her to make a choice. A myriad of possible futures flew through her imagination. Her mind settled on Scepter and the dark, sunless future Nightmare Moon promised.

“I guess I’ll have to help her,” Puissance said, surprised by her snap decision. Yet, she didn’t regret her choice. She hated to admit it, but Nightmare Moon needed to be stopped. Still allying herself with Trixie Lulamoon? How distasteful.

A sly grin formed on her mouth. While she refused to fight alongside Trixie, Puissance had no intention of impeding the Ranger’s mission. The mad alicorn needed to be stopped. While it was unclear if anypony could restore Luna’s mind, removing the mad alicorn from the throne won’t hurt. She’d show Nightmare Moon and Trixie her true power. Nopony in the world could match her power.

“It’s about time I show you Trixie Lulamoon that I’m a better hero than you’ll ever be.”


“My sources tell me that Puissance is out with her great-grandfoal Flicker and is otherwise engaged in family matters,” Greengrass said. “This is the perfect opportunity to strike.”

Everypony nodded, eager to begin the mission. They each knew the plan and the part they’d play in it. Trixie hoped this would be the turning point. Soon they would restore Equestria and the world to their proper order. Of course, there would be fallout from Nightmare Moon disbanding the Night Court, but those were future Luna’s problems.

After some more discussion, the group broke up and Trixie joined Lyra, Bon-Bon, Cadance as they headed towards the castle’s main throne room. The others headed towards the guest quarters of the castle where Ditzy was staying. The Pink Ranger refused to part with her petrified daughter. An eerie quiet hung over the streets as they crept through them. Everypony drove indoors from the cold. It’s a good thing her trademark red cape had a heat enchantment on it.

As they crept towards a side entrance, Trixie noticed Bon-Bon was still lugging around the suitcase she’d had back on the Friendship Express and raised a quizzical eyebrow.

“You’re still carrying that thing?”

“Oh, this?” Bon-Bon gestured towards the suitcase. “It’s something we’ll need later. It might be vital in finally defeating Nightmare Moon.”

“Wait, what?” They had something like that all along? Why didn’t Bon-Bon mention anything sooner?

“That’s Bons for you! Always prepared for anything!” Lyra puffed out her chest in pride.

“Really?” Cadance’s eyes widened in amazement.

Before Trixie could ask the million questions on her mind, Lyra’s marefriend stopped her. Much to the Red Ranger’s surprise, Bon-Bon looked down, grieved by something.

Bons’ voice broke a little as she spoke. “It’s a weapon only all the Rangers together can use.”

Trixie blinked. “Huh?”

“You’re strongest together,” Bon-Bon said. “Unstoppable. Once we free Ditzy, Nightmare Moon is finished. Just wait a little longer.”

“Bon-Bon.” Lyra’s voice trailed off, consumed with pent-up emotion.

Yeah, won’t it be nice to fight all together again? Trixie froze when a thought struck her. “Wait a minute, why do you have this superweapon, anyway?” Bon-Bon was a candy maker. She didn’t have the resources to make a superweapon.

Bon-Bon ignored the question and hid the suitcase in a bush outside the castle for later retrieval. It would only get in the way during their rescue mission. Trixie pressed the question, but only received an irritating silence in return. One day, she’d figure out Bon-Bon’s secret.

“Uh, guys. I think they’ve spotted us.” Lyra said in alarm. “There’s someone following us!”

“I noticed that five minutes ago,” Trixie said calmly.

“What? How they’d even notice us? We’re invisible!” Lyra sounded annoyed that Trixie wasn’t more concerned.

“Knowing the princess, she has illusion detectors,” Trixie replied. “It’s simple magic. There’s probably like a thousand Ranger Killers ready to swarm us right now.”

“What?!” Lyra said with a growing alarm. “You knew this was going to happen?!”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Wasn’t our plan to draw their attention?” She gave Bon-Bon an almost imperceptible nod, who returned it. With remarkable stealth and speed, the candy maker disappeared into the shadows, vanishing from sight. Step one of their plan was complete. Trixie noticed a smug Nightmare Moon watching them from a window, certain she had her prey in her clutches.

“It’s morphing time, Ursa!” Trixie suddenly jumped into the air, leaping right towards the window Nightmare Moon watched them from. She pressed a button on her morpher and fire blazed from her sword. Equestria’s Queen whinnied in shock as she saw Trixie’s blade coming towards her.

“Searing Blade!” The entire corridor exploded in flame.