• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 391 Views, 21 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Eternal Night - Rixizu

The Grand Galoping Gala is crashed when Princess Luna transforms herself into Nightmare Moon and declares herself Queen of Equestia.

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Chapter 6

“It’s a kraken!” Spike ran around in circles, terrified as the monstrous sea creature roared. The creature’s bulbous head with sickly grey skin rose from the water. Its appendages whipped about, raining water everywhere. The little dragon jerked as Cheerilee pulled him towards her.

“Stay behind me.” Cheerilee pulled out a small metal device.

What? Where did that come from? Spike searched around the mare but found nowhere the teacher could have hidden the device, much to Spike’s confusion.

“It’s morphing time, Libra!” In a flash, green armor appeared around the teacher.

The monster roared again, clearly out for blood. Spike bravely ran to safety behind a tree with a brave, stalliony yelp of fear. The teacher stood her ground, unbothered by the furious monster towering over her. Dear Celestia, the kraken eclipsed the pony at least a hundred times!

A tentacle whipped towards the ground, and Spike covered his eyes, unable to bear the terrible sight. The ground rumbled, dirt splattering everywhere. The creature roared in triumph but quickly stopped, the sound changing to a grunt of confusion. Spike peeked through his claws and saw the teacher Ranger nowhere in sight. The creature gasped as Cheerilee emerged from its back, wielding a whip in her hooves. It roared in defiance at the weapon cracked towards its face.

“Wait, wait, wait!” A voice screamed, and Cheerilee’s whip stopped inches before its target.

Everypony turned to find a young yellow pegasus with pink hair flying towards them. “No fighting, please!”

Much to Spike’s surprise, Cheerilee jumped off the monster, returning to Deeplake’s beach. In a flash, she unmorphed, leaving herself exposed. However, instead of attacking its vulnerable opponent, the monster bent its head down in shame. What was going on here?

“Oh hi, Fluttershy.” Cheerilee rubbed the back of her neck, embarrassed. “It was a little misunderstanding. Sorry, I didn’t realize the kraken was a friend of yours.”

Spike blinked. “Friend?”

“Oh Rupert, are you okay?” The insane pegasus stroked one of the sea monster’s tentacles. Instead of attacking her with its deadly tentacles, the kraken responded to her, cooing with a content sigh. “You must have been terrified, poor thing.”

“Yeah, again, sorry. A friend of mine overreacted when he saw Rupert.” Cheerilee said. “I wasn’t planning on hurting him.”

“Friend?” Fluttershy tilted her head.

“Uh, hi!” Spike took a tentative step towards the lake, watching the kraken with a wary eye.

Fluttershy tilted her head, eyes lighting in excitement and curiosity. “Oh my, what kind of creature are you?”

Spike puffed out his chest. “I’m a dragon!”

“A dragon?!” The yelp of fear and surprise escaped Fluttershy’s lips, hiding under the kraken’s tentacles, shivering in terror. Spike watched the scene in stunned bafflement. Rupert straightened, entering a protective stance.

“Um, I don’t mean any harm.” Spike took a tentative step backward, not liking how the sea monster was glaring at him with its enormous bugging eyes.

Why am I the bad guy now?

“Hold on, everypony!” Cheerilee raised a hoof, her voice firm and commanding. “We’re all friends here. No need to fight.”

“He attacked Rupert, the meanie!” Fluttershy hugged the kraken’s tentacle tighter.

“Yes, and I think somepony owes Rupert an apology! Spike.” Cheerilee gave him the stink eyes, who gulped under her piercing gaze.

“Uh, sorry Mr. Rupert, sir.” Something about the teacher’s glare made him feel horrible and want to apologize.

Fluttershy exposed her head from kraken’s tentacle. “Rupert accepts the apology.”

“That’s better!” Cheerilee nodded her head, glad the crisis had resolved itself.

“Still, a dragon.” Fluttershy shivered.

“I’m a baby dragon, okay,” Spike replied, annoyed.

“A baby dragon!” Fluttershy grinned down at him, uncomfortably close. “He’s so cute!”

Wasn’t she scared a moment ago? Never mind. Whatever.

“Yep, baby dragon. Pretty cool, right?” Despite himself, he enjoyed the attention the mare was giving him. “So, uh, what’s with him?” Spike pointed a claw towards the sea monster.

“I planned on asking that,” Cheerilee said. “Aren’t kraken sea creatures? Is this some kind of work for the Rare Animal Protection Society?”

“Krakens can survive in fresh water for a while. He’s here to receive some surgery.” Fluttershy stroked the kraken’s fishy skin. “Poor Rupert has a tumor which requires some serious surgery. He’s here for the initial operation and future recovery.”

Krakens can get tumors?

Cheerilee nodded in understanding. “I’ve heard of this. Cobton boasts some of the world’s best veterinarians.”

“I hope my poor baby will be feeling better soon. He’s in a great deal of pain,” Fluttershy said.

It must have taken considerable ponypower to transfer a creature that huge from the sea. “Uh, I was wondering if you might do us a favor?”

“Sure, cutie!” Fluttershy replied. “What do you need? I might have some treats somewhere.”

Spike fought the urge to rub his temple. What was with the baby treatment? “We need something called rainbow grass. Could your kraken friend retrieve it for us?”

“We need it for a special potion, it’s a long story,” Cheerilee added.

“No problem! Anything for a cutie like you, Spike!” Fluttershy turned towards Rupert and whispered something. The sea monster nodded and submerged deep into the lake.

“Have to say, you look fantastic!” Cheerilee said while they waited. “One might think you’ve become a teenager again, Flutters!”

Fluttershy gave a nervous laugh. “It’s my diet. I’m, uh, staying away from glutton!”

“Glutton, huh?” Cheerilee stroked her chin. “I might have to try that.”

Moments later, the sea monster returned carrying the rainbow-colored algae. Much like its name described, it glowed a bright rainbow color in the daynight sky. After jarring it, he placed it in his backpack. After a brief chat and several rounds of tea and biscuits, they waved their goodbyes to the strange pair.

“I hope Rupert gets better,” Cheerilee said as they returned to her Zord. “He’s a real sweetie!” Spike couldn’t keep the sight of a giant sea monster dainty sipping tea out of his mind.

“Where to next?” Spike asked.

That was easy. This globetrotting wasn’t as dangerous or scary as I thought.

Cheerilee opened the book and scanned the pages. Her eyes brightened when she found the next entry. “Naqah in the Desert of Death! We need the venom of a Hell Scorpion.”

“H-hell scorpions!? Desert of Death!?”

Cheerilee paused for thought. “Aren’t those things four hooves tall?”


Puissance weakly opened her eyes. From the surrounding noises, and the sharp familiar smell of antiseptic, she instantly put together where she was. Dear Luna, she hated hospitals. They gave her bad memories. Memories returned to her unbidden of when she was in a filly and the terrible flying accident. Puissance’s friends had goaded her into flying through a dangerous windstorm, and she’d paid the price. She’d spent an entire summer recovering in a hospital after life-saving surgery. She still bore the scars under her fur. After the accident, Puissance had never fully recovered her wing strength. It’s why she hated flying under her own power.

Her body felt stiff and unnatural. Age had reduced her mobility, increasing by the year. An irrational fear struck her, terrified of being restrained to this bed for the rest of her life. A nurse brightened as Puissance weakly opened her eyes.

“Vicereine Puissance, good morning. I’m glad you’re awake.” The nurse said.

“What happened?” Puissance asked. Her voice was weak, almost a whisper. Despite waking from a deep sleep, she felt drained and exhausted.

A serious expression formed on the nurse’s face. “Bad news, I’m afraid. You’ve had a stroke.”

Puissance didn’t allow her voice to tremble in response. “Am I stuck here forever?”

The nurse gave her a friendly false smile, but Puissance already guessed the news. “It wasn’t as serious as it could have been, but you’ve suffered some brain damage. You won’t be completely paralyzed, but you’ve lost much of the movement in your body. But we’re hopeful with physical therapy, you’ll be able to walk again!”

“I might as well be a vegetable!” Puissance didn’t hide the bitterness.

The nurse patted her hoof in a condescending show of affection. “I know things look bad, but they’ll improve. I’ll have Dr. Well Wish speak with you later today so we can begin a treatment plan.” After making sure Puissance was comfortable, the nurse left, giving her freedom to stew in her misery.

I’m a vegetable for the rest of my life. Stuck in this damnable bed. Puissance didn’t cry. That’s what lesser ponies did. Not even when her third son, Magnific, had died or her two husbands. She refused to show weakness and give ponies the satisfaction of seeing her defeated. Deep in her thoughts, she failed to notice somepony entering the room.

“Puissance.” A familiar voice said, and Puissance’s eyes turned to find Queen Nightmare Moon standing over her. “I heard about your attack. It gladdens my heart to see you still alive.”

“Well, it doesn’t mine.” Puissance had no patience for false sympathy, seeing no kindness or worry in the alicorn's eyes. This was a clinical visit to a former ally. Not that she expected any better.

“I’ve heard conflicting reports, and I want to hear it from the pony’s mouth. Did my student attack your secret facility?” Nightmare Moon asked.

Figures. Luna wouldn’t care if she died tomorrow, and most other ponies as well. She hadn’t endeared herself to others, and she was paying the price in full. Only her foals and grandfoals would suffer from her parting. Maybe only Solar Flare, her loyal secretary, would shed actual tears. Even then, they’d forget her eventually. Everypony would. She’d pass away in a hospital bed, helpless and alone, forgotten by everypony. Why hadn’t the stroke killed her outright? It would have been more merciful.

“Of course it was her!” Puissance replied. “She fought Bunny and kicked its flank. If that’s all you want, leave me be. “

A hiss escaped Nightmare Moon’s lips, and her eyes blazed in anger and hurt. “She didn’t trust me! Nopony trusts me! Misty Moon!”

A bat pony appeared behind the alicorn. “Yes, my queen!”

“Put an APB out on Trixie Lulamoon. She has betrayed me and the crown!” Nightmare Moon’s lips twisted into a snarl. “Call the other Rangers. We need to have a long discussion!”

A cruel smile formed on Misty Moon’s muzzle. “Understood.”

“Wait. Get me Dinky Doo, Ditzy Doo’s daughter first.” An equally ugly smile formed on the alicorn’s muzzle. “I have an idea. I’ll get the other Rangers to cooperate.” After that, the alicorn spread her wings and flew out a nearby window followed by her nightguard, leaving Puissance forgotten, like she expected any differently.

Puissance seethed in anger and hatred, rejecting any notions she’d lost. Never before had Luna’s immortality gulled her as it did at this moment. Alicorns never feared strokes or that tomorrow might be their last. That unfairness emblazoned Puissance, refusing to stand for this indignity. But what options remained for her? CRISPR couldn’t save her old bones, no matter how much they modified her. A clone body was a feasible solution. But even with a perfect copy, was it even possible to transfer her consciousness to it? This required thought and experimentation.

“Nurse!” Despite her frailness, Puissance’s voice remained firm and resolute.

“Yes, Puissance?” The nurse said, poking her head through Puissance’s door.

“I need you to contact a pony named Mind Mender for me.” A devilish smile formed on her face.


“Hey, mom!” Dinky said as her mom walked into the sitting room, which caught Ditzy off guard. The filly sipped at a glass filled with apple juice.

“Dinky?” A puzzled Ditzy replied. The princess, no, the queen, had invited her for tea, saying they had something important to discuss, but it confused her why her daughter would also attend the meeting. Seeing two Ranger Killers standing next to her muffin didn’t ease her concerns.

“Hello, Miss Ditzy!” Scapula, Dinky’s changeling bodyguard, said. He’d sworn an oath to protect her daughter with his life after Dinky saved his life, something about a changeling life debt. Dinky had tried dissuading this notion, but he refused to listen, much to her daughter’s annoyance. While it was a little irritating, Ditzy appreciated the gesture.

“Come, sit, Dame Ditzy Doo.” Nightmare Moon said. The queen relaxed on a couch, and Dinky and Scapula sat across from her.

“Okay.” Something about the situation bothered her, but she sat on a nearby couch, allowing a servant to pour her some wine. “My queen, why is my daughter here?” Ditzy had taken the first train to Canterlot after receiving her summons. Did Nightmare Moon fly her daughter to the capital?

“Ah, welcome Dame Raindrops, Dame Carrot Top!” Nightmare Moon brightened as the two entered, ignoring Ditzy’s question. She levitated a glass of champagne to her lips and sipped it.

“Hey.” Raindrop waved an awkward hoof towards Nightmare Moon. As usual, the mare was awkward around nobility. Carrot Top said nothing, only sitting next to Dinky without another word, and Raindrops soon joined her. The lack of civility rankled the alicorn, but she didn’t protest the issue.

Oh dear, she’s still mad about the knighting. Carrot Top sure loved holding a grudge when she wanted to. While amusing, Ditzy wasn’t sure it was wise considering Luna’s mental condition.

“I’m glad you caught us, my queen.” Raindrops said awkwardly. “We were about to leave Canterlot. Carrot Top had some business in Canterlot. I joined her for some bar hopping.”

“I’m glad you could make it.” Nightmare Moon continued to sip her champagne. “It isn’t easy getting hold of all of you. Still, the three of you should suffice.”

Ditzy nodded in understanding. “Lyra’s in Manehatten with Bons apartment shopping. Twilight is, you know, being Twilight. Who knows where she’s disappeared to. Cheerilee had some business trip out of the country. No idea where Trixie is though, she wasn’t in her house.”

Everypony jumped when Nightmare Moon’s glass shattered and then backed away as the alicorn’s eyes blazed. The queen took a moment to compose herself before continuing.

“Trixie is what I wish to discuss with you.” Nightmare Moon’s voice was cold and full of resentment. Ditzy noted that the alicorn hadn’t used Trixie’s hard-earned title.

“Oh dear, did something happen?” What did you do this time, Trixie?

“Is she okay?” Dinky asked, not understanding the situation.

“Trixie has betrayed the crown.” Nightmare Moon said.

“Never!” Dinky stood to her hooves. “Trixie’s a good guy!” The little filly’s heart almost stopped from the scathing glare the queen gave her.

“Yes, my queen.” Ditzy forced a smile. “There must be a misunderstanding. I realize Trixie does questionable things, but she’d never betray anypony.” Raindrops, Carrot Top, and Scapula offered similar protests.

“Bring him in.” Nightmare Moon told a servant, and a stallion with a yellow coat and bright pink mane wearing a lab coat entered the sitting room.

“Uh, hi!” The scientist waved a nervous hoof.

“Doctor HO, tell them about what you saw.” Nightmare Moon said.

The stallion nodded, watching the queen like she was a dangerous animal ready to pounce. “Well, we were working in the lab, when two scientists we hadn’t seen before walked inside.”

Trixie, why must you act on your own? Ditzy already suspected what happened.

“Oh dear, and Trixie was one of these scientists? Sneaking in where she wasn’t wanted?” Ditzy asked, and the stallion nodded in response.

“No, she wasn’t.” Nightmare Moon’s words froze several degrees lower.

“Uh, Luna, I’m sure she had a good reason!” Bless Dinky for always jumping to Trixie’s defense.

“Yes, traitorous reasons.” Nightmare Moon replied. “Doctor HO, continue.”

“Well, the other scientist was Duke Greengrass!” HO said, and everypony’s eyes boggled in shock.

Carrot Top growled. “That jerk?”

“Yes, a known villain of the old Night Court regime.” Nightmare Moon’s voice was beyond furious. “A traitor!”

“That seems a bit harsh, my queen.” Ditzy knew she was walking on eggshells. “Besides, breaking and entering is part of the course when Trixie is involved. She was probably just making sure HO here wasn’t doing anything dangerous. You know how much she worries about stuff.”

She must have been searching for the Ranger Killers’ weak point. The situation must be dire if Trixie’s willing to team up with Greengrass.

“It doesn’t matter!” Glass broke as the alicorn raised her voice and everypony recoiled in pain. Priceless paintings fell to the ground and shattered. The entire sitting area looked like a disaster area.

“It shows she didn’t trust me! Me! The pony who raised her like a daughter! Unforgivable!” Nightmare Moon’s tone was almost a whisper, which made it worse.

“Please, princess,” Dinky kept her tone low and soothing. She walked up to the alicorn, gazing directly into the larger pony’s eyes. “Trixie is a good pony. She would never hurt you. Talk to her, and I’m sure she can explain everything!”

Nightmare Moon levitated the smaller pony next to her, wrapping her gigantic wings around her. “You have much faith in the Ursa Ranger, my little pony.” She gave Dinky a warm smile.

“She saves the day!” Dinky replied. “Trixie’s a hero, so why not?”

“Dinky’s right.” Raindrops added. “Please trust her.”

“I don’t know why Greengrass, but I’m certain Trixie had a good reason.” Carrot Top used Greengrass’s name like a curse, but her voice was sincere. “We’ve fought together too many times for me not to trust her.” It warmed Ditzy’s heart to see everypony so supportive of Trixie. The mare had gone far from the day they’d first met her. Ditzy might have strangled her to death back then.

“You show your leader much trust.” Nightmare Moon’s happy, loving expression dropped, and Ditzy’s stomach twisted from the alicorn’s expression. “But treason is treason. You are my knights, and I task you with hunting down the traitor and capturing her.”

“What! No, Princess Luna, don’t!” Dinky struggled under Nightmare Moon’s wings, but the alicorn refused to budge.

Ditzy rose to her hooves in alarm for both her daughter and her friend. Scapula growled, looking ready to pounce but held back, worried for his charge’s safety. “What is the meaning of this? You can’t be asking that!” Her friends offered similar protests.

“A refusal?” Nightmare Moon didn’t raise her voice, instead speaking in a purr, increasing Ditzy’s worry. “I see you require more coxing, my knights.” Dinky disappeared under the alicorn’s wings. Ditzy screamed when Nightmare Moon’s horn lit up and cast a spell, a horrifying familiar spell she’d seen cast twice before.

An ugly smile grew on the alicorn’s features, opening her wings to reveal a Dinky frozen in stone. The filly wore an expression filled with terror and pain.

“Dinky!” Ditzy collapsed on her hooves, too stunned to move. She tasted bile on her tongue, tears flowed freely.

“Dinky!” Scapula launched himself with abandon towards the alicorn. A nearby Ranger Killer, however, slapped him aside. He flew into a bookshelf, cracking it in two from the impact. Thankfully, the changeling was still breathing, though it came out ragged and pained. Before Raindrops and Carrot Top could pull out their morphers, the Ranger Killers pointed their weapons towards the Rangers’ throats.

“Understand this.” Nightmare Moon said. “Capture Trixie or your daughter will remain a statue for the rest of eternity. Don’t fear, she isn’t aware like my poor dear sister, but that’s little comfort, I’m afraid. Run now, and don’t disappoint me, my dear knights.” She broke into a laugh that echoed through the stunned sitting room.