• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 391 Views, 21 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Eternal Night - Rixizu

The Grand Galoping Gala is crashed when Princess Luna transforms herself into Nightmare Moon and declares herself Queen of Equestia.

  • ...

Chapter 24

“Hello?” Twilight whispered, creaking open the door. The nurse had warned her he might be sleeping. She’d go if he was. He’s probably asleep. It’d be best if she didn’t bother him.

“Twilight?” The voice was so quiet, Twilight almost missed it.

Her breath quickened for a moment before calming herself. Here goes nothing. “Hi, dad.”

“Twi, it’s you. Thanks for coming to visit me.” Night Light said. Twilight got closer, shocked at her father’s fragile state. Beyond his advanced years, he appeared worn out, clinging on by a thread. She took a seat beside him.

“Yeah, I heard about your accident and wanted to see you!” Twilight said with forced cheerfulness.

“The damage wasn’t too severe, but they needed to put a plate in my leg. The doctors say I should be discharged in a couple of days. I will begin physical therapy in a couple of weeks. Their prognosis of me walking again was optimistic. Your mother was here this morning. Despite it being technically against the rules, she brought some home-cooked apple crisp. Your mother’s cooking is always fantastic, one reason I fell in love with her.”


“She visits me every day.” Night Light gave a weak smile. “Makes sure I’m comfortable. Shining comes around after every shift, too. It’s on his way home.”

“Look, um.” Guilt tore at Twilight’s heart. The rest of her family had visited without fail. She, however, hadn’t seen him since the fateful day in Canterlot Central Park when his Jupiter Gem got smashed.

Night Light made a weak laugh, reading his daughter’s thoughts. “No, honey, I’m not angry at you for not visiting. I did a terrible thing. I don’t blame you for never wanting to see me again.”

Twilight looked down, ashamed, tears welling in her eyes. “You’re right. I was just so angry. I couldn’t stop hating you for hurting Trixie, for hurting the others. But I’ve learned it wasn’t completely your fault. An evil entity called Q was behind the Planetary Gems, using them to influence their user’s minds. I hated you for no reason. I’m a terrible daughter. You got hurt, and I still refused to see you.”

“Q? So, that was the presence I felt.” Her father went silent for a moment. “Makes sense, but I’m still not angry with you. And I don’t completely blame Q for what happened.”

“What?!” Twilight’s eyes widened in shock.

“Yes, it whispered evil into my ears, but I gave into those dark thoughts. I allowed Q to use my anger and hatred to twist me into something monstrous. I was just so angry at the princess for overlooking you.”

“You were a special girl, Twi. At six, you read books three grades higher than your age. I knew you were something special and deserved the best of everything. I begged and pleaded for Princess Luna to take you as her student. With her, your destiny would be remarkable. Instead, she chose Trixie.”

“No matter how hard I argued with her, Luna refused to change her mind. She’s remarkably stubborn. Trixie wasn’t what I wanted in the princess’s student. I thought of her as a failure, a screw-up. It was outrageous that she became the Element of Magic when you deserved it more.” While the speech was tiring him, Night Light continued anyway, wanting to spill his heart.

“When Corona turned you into a monster, instead of being grateful for saving you, I blamed Trixie for allowing it to happen. If you had become the Ursa Ranger instead, it would have never happened.” Her father gave a bitter laugh. “But in reality, I blamed myself. If I had argued harder with Luna, maybe you wouldn’t have become Corvus. I projected my self-loathing onto Trixie. And Q used that.”

“Dad, I know you think Trixie is a screw-up, but she’s the greatest friend a pony could ask for. She fights for her friends and protects people without hesitation. I don’t regret getting turned into Corvus. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have the wonderful life I have now.”

Night Light smiled. “I know. Trixie has proven herself to be a true hero. I’m proud she’s your friend. Next time you see her, tell Trixie, I’m sorry for everything. She never deserved how badly I treated her.”

“Dad.” Tears flowed freely. “I’m sorry too. I should have tried harder to save you! Instead, I assumed you were a villain! I didn’t even consider that something might be twisting your mind.”

“Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay” Night Light put a comforting hoof over his daughter’s.

“Dad.” They hugged, and Twilight sobbed into her father’s shoulder. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Twi.” Night Light’s voice was labored as he spoke. “Sorry, I’m not as spry as I used to be.”

They talked some more, but the conversation wore him out, falling asleep as Twilight held his hoof. She stayed with him until visiting hours were over.

“I’ll be back tomorrow, okay,” Twilight said, still reluctant to leave. “I’ll come with mom and Shiny. We’ll be together again as a family!”

“I’d like that.” Night Light said.

“Dad, I’m not sure if we can restore your youth, but we’ll stop Q,” Twilight said, voice full of determination. “The Planetary Gems are gone, but that creature’s still out there. I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure it’s gone for good!”

“That’s my filly.” Night Light laughed. “Strong and smart. Q must be terrified.”

“I love you, dad.” Twilight gave her father another hug.

“Me too, Twi.” Despite his weak limbs, he returned it. “Me, too.”


Ponies watched the sky with bated breath. Behind them, a clock ticked away the seconds, only adding to their anticipation. Trixie only yawned, bored, wishing Celestia hadn’t bothered with these pointless theatrics. The solar Princess wanted to raise the sun at the correct hour down to the second, hence the needless waiting. Like Luna, her sister loved her dramatics.

Pinkie, of course, had insisted on throwing a sun-raising party in Canterlot Park. Hundreds of ponies, including foreign dignitaries, had arrived to attend. Somehow, ponies had constructed a raised dais for Celestia to perform the deed in front of her captive audience.

“It is time.” The sun princess’s horn glowed a brilliant golden color. Ponies gasped as the small trickles of sunlight appeared over the horizon, blazing a fiery red.

Ponies yelled and cheered. Many openly wept, certain they’d never look upon the sun again. Celestia gave a gracious and humble bow as ponies and other beings broke into uproarious applause.

“I thank you, my little ponies,” Celestia said. “May this be the start of countless sunrises in the future, bringing hope and warmth to the entire planet.”

Oh, brother! You started this mess! While some ponies still remained wary of the sun princess, her warmth and good nature won many ponies over.

Trixie grunted and addressed her mentor sitting beside her. “Will this be a common occurrence? Have you released control of the sun to your sister?”

Luna didn’t speak for a moment, watching the sun as the bright light of the sunrise intensified. Despite herself, Trixie also found herself moved. It was nice to see daylight again after several days of endless darkness.

“I never really had full control of it, I just borrowed it from her a while.” Nightmare Moon replied. “It’s better this way. It was foalish to believe I was ever worthy of the task. The sun is Celestia, and Celestia is the sun. It brightens my heart to see my ponies overjoyed to gaze upon its light again. I’m afraid I didn’t treat it with the respect it deserves. Ponies should have never feared it.”

“I suppose you’re right.” Still, it irked her that Celestia remained unpunished. Sure, the courts had sentenced the sun princess to several years in prison, but it was low-security and serviced her every whim. It hardly seemed like a punishment.

I’m watching you, Corona. I just know you’ll break out and wreak havoc again. Then, I’ll punch you in the face! Trixie took a great deal of pleasure in this image.

Thankfully, ponies also gathered around Princess Cadance, praising her heroism during the Canterlot rescue effort. The Princess of Love had spent the entire night helping coordinate workgroups in both rescuing ponies and helping clear out trash and rubble. Thanks to her efforts, most of the Canterlot streets were clear, making room for the workponies to begin repairs.

The only princess that ponies weren’t heaping praise and love on was Nightmare Moon/Luna. Everypony still looked upon her with fear and suspicion, unsure if she’d lose control again. It was cruel, but they couldn’t control their fear. Mothers made sure their foals gave the moon princess a wide berth. Thankfully, the other Rangers had already forgiven her. Even Dinky had forgiven her, though Trixie still detected a hint of wariness. Getting turned to stone wasn’t something somepony just forgot about.

“It’s so pretty, mom!” Dinky said. “We should watch the sunset every morning!”

The aged mare pulled her daughter close. “I’d like that.”

Nightmare Moon watched the exchange, pain evident on her face. She entered another one of her brooding phases. The Pink Ranger’s lost youth weighed heavily on her mind. Trixie’s day worsened as Greengrass approached.

“Princess.” Greengrass gave a respectful bow. “I’m glad to see you restored. What happened to you gave us all quite a scare.”

Luna gave a nod of her head. “Thank you. I am grateful you aided my student in her time of need. You are many things, Greengrass. But beneath your exterior is an honorable pony.” Trixie couldn’t help but roll her eyes at such nonsense.

“Just the pony I wish to see. Fix that!” Trixie pointed to the Pink Ranger. “You got your youth back. Spill the beans already!”

“It’s not a simple matter,” Greengrass replied after a moment’s hesitation. “It might require a cost too great for Ms. Doo to pay.” Was the ex-duke nervous? He acted like something might jump him from the shadows.

“I don’t doubt it.” Nightmare Moon said. “I have my suspicions about how you accomplished it. It was a perilous thing to do. The cost might be truly terrible in the future.”

Trixie blinked. “Huh?”

“Don’t worry about Ditzy Doo’s aged form, my student,” Luna said. “I plan to solve this matter personally. It is my first act to gain some redemption.”

Greengrass nodded. “I wish you luck, princess. But there is some other matter I wish to discuss.”

Trixie made a show of rolling her eyes. “Your reward, right? What do you want, half the kingdom?”

“Give him a chance to talk, Trixie!” Cheerilee said. “He risked everything to help us!”

Why are you defending this snake, Cheer?

Greengrass snorted. “Nothing of the sort, I assure you. I also desire my own shot at redemption.”

“Told you!” Cheerilee said, her voice dripping with smugness.

“You still wish to dissolve the Night Court, correct? I have read over your proposals and I believe they show promise. What I want is a chance to become governor of the Northern Everfree Provence.”

“What?!” Trixie’s mouth gaped in shock. That covered Ponyville, several small towns, and a majority of the Everfree Forest. It wasn’t a position most ponies coveted.

“I don’t want you to make me governor. I only wish to precipitate in the general election when it happens. Ponies will decide if I am worthy of the position.”

“It’s a good thing nopony will vote for you,” Trixie said, her mind still reeling. He’d asked for less than she’d expected, but he was still playing the angles.

“That’s a great idea, Greens!” Cheerilee gave an eager nod of approval. “I’ll be happy to hoof out pamphlets for you.” Greengrass gave a grateful nod, giving the teacher a secret smile.

“Why Northern Everfree, exactly?” Trixie said, suspicious.

“It’s a humble position,” Greengrass replied. “But ripe with opportunities as well.”

“This is acceptable. But this new government wouldn’t be quite what you expect.” Luna coughed, grabbing everypony’s attention. “I have an important announcement.”

Ponies tensed, fearing Nightmare Moon’s next words, wondering if she’d lose control again and plunge the world into chaos.

“I am stepping down as Princess of Equestria,” Luna said with an eerie calm.

“What?!” Trixie sputtered, unable to believe her ears. Everypony else was just as shocked.

“But Auntie Luna.” Cadence gave Celestia a wary eye. “Who will rule in your stead?”

“You will, Cadance.”

“Me?!” The Love Princess gapped. “But!”

“I have seen the way you govern your kingdom, Cadance. It is with wisdom and love. You are beloved by your people. You will do well in this position.”

“I concur,” Celestia said. “You have picked an excellent candidate, sister.”

“What?! You don’t want the position for yourself?” The out-of-character response stunned Trixie.

The sun princess looked down, ashamed. “I have lost that privilege long ago. Besides, Cadance’s wisdom and leadership have impressed me. Her efforts to restore Canterlot are already proof enough.”

“But, but,” Trixie said, lost for words.

“Aunty, do you really think Equestria needs new leadership?” Cadance’s voice lowered to a whisper. “And, what of my own nation?”

Nightmare Moon nodded. “It was long overdue. Equestria needs a fresh start. As for Cavallia, I believe it’s long overdue for our nations to form a stronger bond. You can appoint a representative to serve as your hoof as you govern from here. I won’t completely disappear. I’ll still give you advice and aid from the shadows. The moonlight plants my CRISPR technology developed should help mitigate the crop damage caused by my actions.”

After taking in a deep breath and considering the matter with the utmost seriousness, Cadance nodded. “It would be my honor.”

After hearing this, ponies broke into cheers, shouting Cadance’s name. Celestia gave a benign smile, nodding in approval. Trixie’s friends, while surprised, also showed their support. It was a momentous change in Equestria’s future.

“Are you sure?” Trixie whispered as everypony heaped attention on their new princess. “What will you do now? Are you resigning because ponies aren’t nice to you now? Give it time. I’m sure they’ll love you again!”

“My reasons are more complicated than that, my student.” Nightmare Moon replied, somber. “I’m uncertain what I am anymore. Am I Luna, Nightmare Moon, Q? I need time alone to work it out.”


“It won’t be like last time when I lost my sister. I’m not entering another drunken stupor, if that’s what you fear. No, I wish to travel the world. I’ve spent too long locked in my duties. I’ve feared for many years that it had become an inescapable prison. It won’t be forever, Trixie. Just a while.”

“Okay.” Trixie’s voice was quiet, thinking she understood her mentor’s logic. “Just buy me plenty of souvenirs on your sabbatical.”

“And, I promise you this, Trixie. I will discover a way to restore Ditzy’s youth. Lemon Hearts, also. She fought with great bravery.” Nightmare Moon said with absolute certainty. “I fear Equestria will still require the Galaxy Rangers in the days ahead.”

“Yeah, some dumb aliens from another universe will invade or something. The usual.”

“Watch over Cadance for me, okay. You are her knight now. I realize you refuse to bend the knee to anypony but me, but Equestria’s newest princess will need your services.”

“Yeah, I will.” Trixie choked up. Her whole life she wanted to be Dame Trixie, Knight of Princess Luna. Reality had spoiled that dream somewhat, but Trixie would do her duty. She’d allow Cadance to be her princess.

“Good luck on your trip, Luna.” Trixie looked away, not wanting her former mentor and princess to see her so emotional. “I’ll keep everypony safe.” She quickly left Luna’s side and joined Cadance, gasping in surprise when Trixie bowed to her.

“Uh, great! I’m glad I have your approval, Trixie!” Cadance said awkwardly. They’d never been friends or even close. So this sudden act of fidelity had surprised the Love Princess.

“Thank you, Princess Cadance,” Trixie respectfully said. “You have my service for the rest of my days.”

“Did Trixie bump her head or something?” Lyra said, bewildered.

“I think it’s a wonderful gesture,” Cheerilee joined her leader in her bow. The rest of the Galaxy Rangers followed, also showing their fidelity.

“I thank you, my knights.” Cadance took a sword from a guard and placed it on each Ranger’s shoulder. “I grant you each the title of Dame and Protector of Equestria. Equestria will duly reward your bravery and sacrifice.”

Ponies cheered. Pinkie launched fireworks and party poppers to celebrate the occasion. The parting intensified as DJ-PON3 appeared, much to Lyra’s annoyance, blasting music from her transforming speaker cart thing. Ponies danced, laughed, and enjoyed life, basking under the sun’s warm glow. Snowflake appeared and shyly asked if she wished to dance. An offer Dame Trixie accepted without hesitation. She ignored the giggles from her friends about her new coltfriend. While Trixie danced, her head turned to scan the crowd. As she feared, Luna/Nightmare had vanished, nowhere in sight.

Good luck, Luna. I hope you find what you’re searching for.


“You’re going?” Solar Flare asked, surprised.

“Yes, I deserve a vacation after everything,” Puissance replied. “I deserve it after my stroke.”

“I thought you’d stay and try to become a governor like Greengrass. Many analysts are projecting he has an excellent chance of winning. It is a fertile time to get into a strong political position.”

Puissance snorted. “Let the young jockey for position. I’m too old for that nonsense. Besides, there’s no rush. I’ll move when I’m ready. This is a brand new system with fresh and unknown players and politics. It will be both volatile and chaotic until the system stabilizes. Let everypony learn the rules first before doing anything.”

“And your children? They’d been asking about you. It’s not all bad! Purple Prose sounded genuinely concerned about you!” Solar said, hurrying to reassure her boss.

“Prose is such a sweet dear,” Puissance replied.

The days after her metamorphosis had been chaotic. Several of her children had questioned if she was really their mother at all. North Star was pursuing legal ways to disown her as Puissance since she technically had died, despite Princess Cadance’s assurances to the contrary. While most of her children’s reactions weren’t as volatile, they weren’t sure what to make of their younger, revitalized mother. It was a mess she needed time away from.

Besides, Braeburn had promised to show her around Appleloosa, and how could she refuse that? She was looking forward to some alone time with him. With the bison and pony relations improving, it’d be a peaceful place to relax.

“Tell Purple Prose where we’re going. Only Prose.” Puissance told her secretary. “She can keep a secret. She can join us if she wants. After her last book, she needs some time off.”

Try as she might, Puissance couldn’t cut herself away from her past. Despite everything, she still loved her children, even North Star. Her metamorphosis had given her a new chance. It had even changed her perspective somewhat. By Luna, she’d fix some of her past mistakes. How remained to be seen, but she’d do it. She could accomplish anything. But nevermind, she still needed to pack for her trip. She wondered if Braeburn would like the silk number she wore seventy years ago. Thanks to her new body, it’d still fit. Some things never went out of fashion.


“Have a safe trip,” Cheerilee said as they approached the train station. Lyra and Bon Bon had already packed several suitcases beside them.

“I hope you do well in Manehattan, Dame Lyra,” Trixie said, enjoying using her friend’s new title. It made her somewhat giddy inside.

“Yeah, this is a big step.” Ditzy sniffed, biting back tears. “You’re only a Zord trip away, but I’ll miss you.”

“Yeah.” Carrot’s voice trailed off, also tearing up. “It feels wrong leaving like this, but you still deserve this. You’ve earned this opportunity!”

“Guys, thank you.” Lyra rubbed her eyes, pretending not to cry. Saying nothing, they entered into a group hug.

Much to Trixie’s surprise, Bon-Bon seemed subdued and quiet. Something was bothering Lyra’s marefriend.

“What’s wrong?” Trixie gave the candy maker an expectant look.

“What? Nothing.” Bon-Bon waved a dismissive hoof. “I’m only tired from packing.”

Lyra quickly cuddled up next to her marefriend. “You poor thing! Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”

“Thanks, you’re too nice to me.”

“Bon-Bon, are you having second thoughts about going to Manehatten?” Ditzy asked.

Lyra snorted. “Please, why would she? Our life is perfect! This is exactly what we both want!”

For some reason, Dinky and Bon-Bon gave each other meaningful glances. What the heck was that about? Did the filly know something about the candy maker’s secret life?

“In fact, what the heck!” Lyra bent down on one knee. “I originally planned to do this once we arrived at our new apartment. But now’s a great time!”


“Oh my goodness, is she planning to?” Cheerilee said, breathless.

“About time.” Carrot Top snorted.

“What’s going on?” Twilight asked, oblivious. Get it together, Twi!

“I realize this is coming from nowhere, and this isn’t a super romantic spot, but it’s fun being spontaneous!” Lyra coughed, working up the nerve for her next words.

“Bon-Bon, you are the light of my world, my star. When I left for magic school, I lost something precious I never realized I had. But when you reentered my life, it was like regaining my sight. You’re my everything, Bons. I want us to be together forever!” She pulled out a diamond ring, presenting it to her marefriend and the love of her life. “Bon-Bon, will you marry me?”

Time slowed to a crawl. Everypony held their breath in eager anticipation for Bon-Bon’s response. Yet Trixie detected something was wrong. Instead of joy, Bon-Bon’s expression blackened, filled with self-loathing. She extended a hoof and closed the box holding the engagement ring.

“I’m sorry Lyra. I can’t accept.” Tears welled in Bon-Bon’s eyes. “I love you, but I can’t.”

Lyra flinched as if Bons had just slapped her. “But, why? I thought you wanted to spend the rest of our lives together!”

“I’m a horrible marefriend. You deserve much better than a lying scoundrel like me.”


“I’ve kept so many secrets from you. Lied to you every single day.” Bon-Bon’s voice broke. “Love should be truthful, honest, and open. I’m none of these things. I can’t marry you with such secrets staining me.”

Lyra shook her head, refusing to believe such things. “You’re joking! You’re the most honest mare I know!”

“No, it’s true. Almost everything you know about me is a lie.” Bon-Bon sniffed, voice cracking again. “I’m not sure if the Bon-Bon you love even exists. Sorry, but it’s best if we break up.”

“Bon-Bon?!” Lyra said in utter disbelief.

“It’s for the best. I’m sorry, Lyra!” Bon-Bon ran off, leaving a heartbroken Lyra behind.