• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 384 Views, 21 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Eternal Night - Rixizu

The Grand Galoping Gala is crashed when Princess Luna transforms herself into Nightmare Moon and declares herself Queen of Equestia.

  • ...

Chapter 20

Spike screamed in terror as a sudden gust of wind threw him off balance. After waving his arms frantically, he somehow righted himself, getting his feet back on solid ground. What the heck was going on? The storm had looked terrible from Zecora’s hut, but appeared even more frightening in person.

“If I don’t find Celestia soon, all of Canterlot might freeze to death.” With the storm getting worse by the minutes, Spike figured only the sun princess could save them.

“This storm is not helping.” With surprising ease, Spike had infiltrated the palace garden. The gathering snow, however, cloaked everything in white. It was impossible to tell the endless statues apart. Their flat, grey color made them almost invisible against the blinding storm.

“This blizzard will bury me alive before I find anything!” The snow was already almost a hoof deep. His tiny legs had difficulty pushing through it.

From statue to statue, Spike ran. Yet none of them appeared to be his princess. His heart raced when he found one that matched the alicorn’s stature, but it was only a dumb statue of Princess Luna. In frustration, he kicked it. Spike cursed out loud as pain spiked through his leg. While superstition stated kicking a statue of the princess was bad luck, it made him feel marginally better. Spike froze as he heard hoof steps stomping in his direction.

“Hey, who’s there?” A familiar angry voice said, and a bat pony flew into the courtyard, scanning the surroundings.

Oh crap, it’s that Misty Moon jerk!

Spike searched for some place to hide. Seeing no better option, the dragon dove into a pile of snow, flattening himself against the ground. He fought back his shivering as the Lunar Guard walked around the garden, searching for any trespassers. His heart raced as a hoof landed inches away from his head. If Spike wasn’t careful, the batpony would trip over him. Trying to make as little noise as possible, he scooted around as Misty Moon walked over him, just avoiding getting stepped on.

“Darn it. I must be getting paranoid. It was probably just that bug pony. With any luck, it’s frozen to death.” Misty Moon said, after determining nopony was around. “Don’t lose heart, Misty Moon! All those other guards were cowards to abandon the queen. Not you. You’re faithful to the end!”

Yet, Misty Moon didn’t abandon the area, still unsatisfied. “I suppose a little more searching couldn’t hurt. I can’t afford to allow anypony near the statue. Queen Nightmare Moon is counting on me!”

The statue, that must be it! So, Celestia was here. What now, though? Spike peered through the snow at the retreating batpony. He’d bet his yearly salary the guard knew the statue’s location. Better yet, he was all alone, nopony around to protect him.

Should I? Spike was a big, tough dragon. Subduing a single guard shouldn’t be difficult, right? Besides, he figured the jerk deserved some payback for his casual cruelty. Yelling a battle cry, Spike pounced.

Misty Moon jerked in surprise at the unexpected noise and toppled over as the dragon crashed into him. After taking in a deep breath, Spike unleashed his fire breath, his opponent yelping in pain at his singed coat. He delivered a follow-up punch to the guard’s face. Much to Spike’s horror, however, it didn’t seem to inflict much damage. Instead, the Lunar guard only seemed annoyed.

“Well, well. What a treat! I didn’t expect to find you here, rat breath.” Misty Moon stood to his towering height, and Spike’s confidence faded. “The queen will be most pleased when I bring you to her.”

Spike wheezed in pain as he received a sudden kick to the sternum, knocking the breath from his lungs. He attempted to strike back, but the batpony’s armor protected him, making Spike’s blows useless. Pain exploded along his back as the guard kicked him from behind, then delivered several punishing blows to his head before finally stomping on his helpless opponent.

“Foal. Did you really think you could fight a royal guard?” Misty Moon took pleasure in beating his victim senseless.

Spike groaned as he laid helplessly on the ground, unable to even move. What a foal he’d been to think he stood any chance against Misty Moon. Tears of pain ran down his face as he received another punishing kick to the ribs.

“I suppose that’s enough.” Misty Moon said, satisfied with his work. “I have to make sure you’re somewhat presentable to the queen.”

Before he could lower his head to grab Spike with his teeth, an unfamiliar voice interrupted him. “That depends. Will you be presentable once I’m through with you?”

Much to both station’s surprise, a cream-colored earth pony mare appeared before them, blocking the path. Where the heck did she come from? With the snow so deep, why hadn’t he heard her approach?

“A hero, are you?” Misty Moon snorted in derision. “There’s a huge bounty on the rat’s head, and that’s easy money. Buzz off before you get hurt.”

Was this mare crazy? She didn’t even have a weapon, and she was facing a fully armored opponent. The Lunar Guard hadn’t even drawn his spear during his scuffle with Spike, seeing it as unnecessary. Yet, the mare seemed resolute in opposing Misty Moon’s way.

“Your funeral.” Misty Moon made a big show of approaching Spike’s rescuer with as much intimidation as possible. The mare, however, seemed unconcerned by his bravado. Instead, she seemed bored. This lack of reaction irritated the batpony, and he snarled as he swung a hoof at his target.

The growl quickly turned to a howl of pain as Misty Moon landed hard against the ground. Spike blinked. What the heck? He’d hardly seen the mare move.

“Lucky throw.” Misty Moon said through clenched teeth. He swung another blow towards the mare, but she dodged it with comical ease. Hooves moving like lightning, the mare grabbed the batpony and tossed him against a nearby statue.

“Wow.” Spike couldn’t believe his eyes. Who was this mare? A royal guard who defected, maybe? A kung fu master who loved statue gardens for some reason?

“No more playing around.” Spike gulped in fear as the guard pulled out his spear. The cream-colored pony, however, seemed unperturbed by this new threat. Was she crazy?

“Hiya!” The spear launched forward, ready to skew Spike’s rescuer. With swift grace, the mare slipped to one side. Misty Moon sputtered as he received a punch to the throat. The guard staggered back, releasing his weapon.

Spike’s rescuer grabbed the spear from the air and whipped the blunt end towards her attacker’s head. Eyes widening, Misty Moon tried scrabbling away, but he wasn’t quick enough. The batpony saw stars as the pole end of his spear struck against his temple, toppling him to the ground.

“Wow.” Spike had only blinked, and the fight was already over.

“Please, let me go!” Misty Moon whimpered as the mare grabbed him painfully.

“Are you okay?” Spike’s rescuer studied him for a moment. “You’re Spike, right? Trixie told me about you.”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Spike said, trying to regain some of his dignity. “Who are you?” From Spike’s recollection, he was positive this mare wasn’t a Ranger. Was she some super ninja assassin Trixie employed? Her skills were unreal!

“My name is Bon-Bon.” The mare replied. “Why did you attack this guard? That wasn’t wise of you.”

Spike looked down, ashamed. “I was hoping he could tell me where Celestia’s statue was.”

“Ha! Jokes on you! It ain’t here!” Misty Moon said, wearing a smug smile. He yelped when Bon-Bon tightened her grip. “I’m a royal guard. You can’t do this to me!” The batpony whimpered pathetically, fighting back tears of pain.

“What?” Spike said, alarmed. “Where is she?”

Before Misty Moon could answer, Bon-Bon beat him to the punch. “She’s on the moon in your old castle. Trixie found it when she went there.”

“Oh, come on!” Spike threw up his claws in frustration. Had he gotten beaten almost to death for nothing?

“Don’t worry, we’ll get her,” Bon-Bon turned her attention to the whimpering Misty Moon. “Where is the filly’s statue?”

For a moment, the Lunar Guard looked like he wanted to protest, but Bon-Bon’s raised roof made him surrender the answer. “It’s over there.” He gave a strangled cry as Bon-Bon chopped him on the side of the neck, knocking him unconscious.

Bon-Bon squinted her eyes and brightened as she spotted her goal. “Perfect, it is here!”

“Filly statue?”

“Another one of Nightmare Moon’s victims. I’m sure Flitter is around here somewhere too.” Bon-Bon trotted over to a small statue, almost completely covered in snow.

Spike gasped when saw the filly’s face. He recognized her back during Trixie’s field trip to his princess’s castle. The filly had impressed him because she’d stood up to a furious sun princess without fear.

“How could Luna do this?!” Spike said, horrified and outraged.

Bon-Bon sighed with a pain that surprised him. “I wish I knew.”

“We need to revive her!” While it seemed reckless to reveal his secret weapon, Bon-Bon had saved his life. Besides, he couldn’t stand by and allow this outrage to pass.

“You aren’t getting any closer.” A voice said from everywhere, yet nowhere. Spike jerked in surprise, almost having the life spooked out of him. “The statue stays put.”

“Oh, you must be Scapula!” Bon-Bon said, breaking into a smile. “Amazing. Despite everything, you’re still protecting Dinky.”

“Yes, and you aren’t getting your hoofs on her!” Scapula growled. Spike backed away in fear as a tentacle monster erupted from the snow. It was beyond hideous, with stingers that dripped poison.

“What the heck is that thing?!” Spike turned on his heels to flee, but Bon-Bon didn’t seem concerned. The monster roared its horrible, monstrous, jagged teeth in Bon-Bon’s face, but the mare didn’t even blink.

“Scapula. We are only getting Dinky so we can reverse the curse. We have scientists working on the cure now.” Bon-Bon said, completely calm. “We’re trying to save her.”

“You lie.” Scapula spat.

“You’re trying to return her to normal?” A sudden realization struck Spike. “I have the antidote with me!”

Bon-Bon blinked. “What do you mean?”

While Spike wasn’t strong, he could at least do this. “I have a potion that de-petrifies ponies. Zecora made it.”

“Really!?” Bon-Bon lit up with excitement.

“You lie.” While the tentacle monster had difficulty believing his word, it hesitated. Was that hope of the hideous creature’s face?

“It’s right here!” Spike pulled a vial from his satchel, presenting it to the monster. He gapped in surprise as the monstrosity disappeared, transforming into a changeling. He snatched the potion from Spike’s claws and eagerly poured its contents onto the filly statue’s head.

“This must work. It has to work.” Scapula muttered to himself.

“You don’t need the whole thing!” Spike said, annoyed. Zecora’s instruction had said only a few drops of potion were required to free the frozen victim. The changeling didn’t even notice Spike’s words, focusing entirely on the statue.

Like a broken window, the cracks spread around the filly’s body, spreading further and further. A gentle blue glow emitted from the fractures. The light intensified until the statue exploded, stone fragments flying everywhere.

“Huh?” A soft voice said, blinking in confusion. “Where? What’s going on?” She shivered and wrapped her arms around her, trying to stay warm.

“Mistress Dinky, you’re okay!” Scapula leaped forward, scooping the tiny filly in his hooves, sobbing into her mane.

“Yeah, I’m fine, Scapula. Please stop it.” Dinky said, trying to push the much larger changeling away. Scapula only increased his wailing. Giant rivulets of snot dripped from his nose. The filly eventually caved in, hugging her friend back.

“I’m so glad you’re safe.” While Bon-Bon didn’t cry, she sniffed, overcome with emotion.

“What is going on? Why is it winter?” Dinky said, confused. She shivered. “Aren’t the weather ponies overdoing it a bit?”

“How much do you remember?” Bon-Bon asked.

“Um.” Dinky’s expression flattened, becoming more confused. Then a sudden realization struck her. “Right! Nightmare Moon! That jerk! I was just trying to be nice to her. Then, she turned me to stone!”

“So, that’s what happened?” Spike said. Was this to punish the Galaxy Rangers? If he recalled, Dinky was the Pink Ranger’s daughter.

“Spike, is that you? It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” Dinky’s eyes widened and her ears flattened. “How long have I been frozen? Where’s mom?”

“Oh, only a couple of days.” Bon-Bon waved a dismissive hoof before turning pensive. “About your mom. It’s complicated. She needs your help.”

Dinky blinked, having trouble comprehending this information. “What do you mean?” She yelped in surprise as a strong wind almost threw her off her hooves. Scapula grabbed her with ease, scooping her from the air. Spike wasn’t as lucky, landing face-first into the snow. The storm became even worse, reducing visibility to almost nothing. Spike almost couldn’t see the ponies standing a few hooves away from him.

“Is something wrong with Mistress Ditzy?” Scapula asked, allowing the filly to ride him.

Bon-Bon opened her mouth to reply, but the intense winds drowned her voice out. Spike’s heart almost stopped as enormous snow tornadoes formed in the sky. They appeared inches away from devastating Canterlot.

“There’s no time to explain,” Bon-Bon yelled over the intense winds. “Your mom is causing that. An evil has corrupted her. Nightmare Moon gave her the Venus Planetary Gem.”

“What?!” Dinky said, alarmed.

“Q?! This is that monster’s doing?” Spike replied. Q had twisted the mind of a Ranger also?

“Q who’s Q?” asked Bon-Bon, before shaking her head. “Anyway, Dinky, listen to me. Only you can break this evil controlling her mind! She won’t listen to anypony else. Only you can save her!”

“I.” Dinky’s voice cracked, more frightened than Spike had ever seen a pony. This entire situation was too much for the tiny filly. Yet, after taking a moment to compose herself, she gave a resolute nod. “Okay. Mom needs me. I can do this.”

Scapula gave an emphatic nod. “We’ll do whatever it takes! I’ll get her there!” Without another word, he ran towards the tornados of death, Dinky holding firmly to his back.

“I was hoping to form a more solid plan first.” Bon-Bon sighed. “But it’s for the best. Scapula is strong. Get on my back, Spike. We should follow them!”

Despite his terror at facing such an insane storm, Spike nodded. He’d sworn to face this situation to its end. Besides, with the Pink Ranger on their side, Nightmare Moon was toast! Hopefully. He held on tight as Bon-Bon’s powerful legs galloped against the intense winds. Despite their ferocity, they couldn’t sway the mare away from her task.

Yes, we can do this! Spike repeated this phrase to give him courage as they entered the worst of the storm, entering a solid coat of white.


“Gale of Destruction!”

“We need to act, now!” Cheerilee yelled over the gathering winds. Much to Lemon Hearts’ horror, the storm kept increasing in power and size. It showed no sign of stopping. Anything not torn to pieces turned to solid ice, becoming dangerous projectiles in the intense winds. If they didn’t do something soon, untold devastation would hit her precious Canterlot.

“Raindrops!” Lemon Hearts gave the Black Ranger a desperate look, unsure what they could do.

“We can stop it.” Raindrops said with surprising confidence.

“Okay, just tell us what to do. You’re the expert here.” Cheerilee nodded, showing absolute confidence in her friend.

“Yeah.” Lemon Hearts’ voice wavered, but she remained resolute and ready to fight. Carrot Top nodded, ready for what her friend had planned.

Raindrops didn’t reply or even move. Instead, the Ranger spent the next few precious moments studying the deadly storm. After a few seconds, she nodded and ran towards the ever-growing storm, brandishing her axe. “Follow my lead.”

With no better alternative, Lemon Hearts followed with her butterfly swords levitating around her. Yet, the winds proved too powerful, pushing the Pluto Ranger back despite her great strength. In response, Carrot Top took charge, rushing forward with her shield extended outwards to block the winds, with Cheerilee following behind. Together they braved the storm, getting closer.

“It’s time to finish this!” Ditzy swung her bow forward, and the massive storm flew towards them at a frightening speed.

“At my mark, unleash everything you’ve got!” Raindrops yelled. Lemon Hearts had only caught snippets of the Black Ranger’s words but understood their meaning. Raindrops shouted more instructions, but they were completely inaudible. After shaking her head, Raindrops rushed forward and pointed a hoof at one spot in the white chaos.

“Now. Wave Cleaver!”

“Omega Crusher!”

“Reaper’s Touch!”

“Solar Sting!”

As Lemon Hearts unleashed her special attack, she realized they were attacking counter to the direction of the tornado’s rotation. Rainbow-colored energy tore apart the snowy winds, revealing black night beneath. For a split moment, it appeared their combined power would be strong enough to undo the gale. Despite their tremendous strength, however, it still wasn’t enough. The furious storm refused to die.

Searing pain coursed through her body as the tornado attempted to rip her apart. Her consciousness faded, everything turning dark, but Lemon Hearts refused to pass out. In her gut, she knew losing consciousness meant death and endured the endless agony. The pavement cracked as Lemon Hearts smashed into it. Moments later, her transformation failed. She made several pained breaths as she tried taking in air. Her body hurt everywhere, unsure she’d even have the strength to stand.

The other Rangers were just as injured. Raindrops wasn’t moving, unconscious and Lemon Hearts refused to think her condition was worse. Cheerilee was nowhere to be seen. Only Carrot Top had kept her transformation, shield extended, though her hooves wavered. The storm had somewhat subsided, and heavy snow blanketed the fallen Ranger’s bodies. Many of the surrounding buildings had suffered serious structural damage. A significant portion of the royal castle had collapsed, ruining a once-beloved landmark of the city.

We failed. Much to Lemon Hearts’ horror, a deep crack resided in her Planetary Gem. She could sense the power leaking from it. It wouldn’t be long before it shattered completely.

“Fake Ranger,” Ditzy said, voice scornful. She motioned to smash Lemon Heart’s morpher with a hoof, but a tiny voice stopped her.

“Mom, what are you doing?!” Lemon Hearts turned to find a small unicorn filly standing on a changeling’s back. Panic and concern filled the foal’s face.

The Pink Ranger momentary pause, studying the newcomer. Somehow, Dinky had been rescued from her stone prison! Much to everypony’s shock, Ditzy shook her head, and disdain filled her voice.

“Nice trick, Trixie.” The Pink Ranger said. “My Muffin is still frozen in stone. Your pitiful lies can’t fool me.”

Dinky’s eyes widened, and her mouth stood agape. Tears welled in her eyes. “Mom, no! It’s me Dinky! Your Muffin! Can’t you recognize me?”

“Lies!” Ditzy snarled, making her daughter flinch.

“Dinky, get back!” The changeling said in growing alarm as the filly’s mother raised her bow to strike.

No! Time slowed as Lemon Hearts made her decision. Without even conscious thought, she pushed herself to her hooves, morpher in her aura. Everypony else was too far away. Only she could save the poor filly from her deluded mother. Lemon Hearts understood what would happen to her if she lost her gem. But it didn’t matter. Despite not being a true Ranger, she’d sacrifice herself for the great good. Rangers protected the innocent no matter the cost.

“It’s morphing time, Pluto!”


Lemon Hearts’ body jerked as Ditzy’s staff struck her in the chest. Time seemed to slow as the Pluto Ranger fell to her knees, losing her last remaining strength. The agony coursing through her body muffled Dinky’s horrified screams. Her gem shattered into pieces, and she fell face-first into the snow. A strangled cry escaped her lips as her body went numb. The life sapped from her body, leaving her tired beyond belief. Her voice didn’t sound like hers, old and shaky. Like her boss Fisher, she’d aged several decades, losing much of her remaining life.

“Are you okay, Dinky?” Her voice was raspy, coughing as pain racked her chest.

“Miss!” Dinky ran over to her, and gentle tears fell onto Lemon Hearts’ face. Such a kind filly.

“No, Muffin?” Ditzy shook her head, horror clear in her voice. Sense had returned to the Pink Ranger, and the implications of actions became all too clear.

“Mom.” Dinky’s voice broke, unable to speak through her sobbing.

“No, I didn’t mean...” Ditzy shook her head so hard it looked painful.

“It’s okay. You weren’t in your right mind.” Bon-Bon said, putting a gentle hoof on her friend’s shoulder, trotting up to her, appearing from the storm. A baby dragon followed behind her.

“It wasn’t your fault.” The dragon said. “Your head was being messed with.”

“That Q! Making a pony go against her own daughter!” Cheerilee’s mouth twisted into a snarl before flattening her ears. “Poor Ditzy. I-I wish I knew what to say.”

“No!” Ditzy pushed Bon-Bon away and clutched at her head. “I didn’t mean. Muffin!”

“Ditzy.” Bon-Bon’s ears flattened, pained by her friend’s suffering.

“Wow, that’s…” The baby dragon said, lost for words, unable to comfort the mare.

“No!” Everypony jerked back as Ditzy screamed at the top of her lungs. For a moment, everypony feared she might attack again.

After gathering her courage, Dinky sprang forward, giving her mom a deep hug. “It’s okay, Momma. It’s okay.”

“Dinky!” Ditzy lost her transformation and hugged her daughter back. Her morpher clattered to the pavement, breaking into its two segments. As they shared the embrace, the surrounding storm dissipated, becoming a gentle snowfall. The mother sobbed, apologizing to her daughter repeatedly.

“It’s over.” Cheerilee closed her eyes, sharing her friend’s misery.

“Yeah.” Carrot Top said with complete misery.

Raindrops hesitated for a moment, then threw caution to the wind, throwing her large body over the smaller mares in an enormous group hug. Cheerilee was the next to join the group hug, whispering soothing words to her friend. Carrot Top soon joined the three, unable to hold back her tears. They shared this moment for a seeming eternity, and Lemon Hearts was happy for them. At least her sacrifice hadn’t been in vain.

“Guys, I’m sorry!” Ditzy continued her apologies, unable to say much else. “I never wanted to hurt you!”

“Poor girl.” The baby dragon’s fins sagged. “Another life hurt by Q. What now? Destroy it?” He stared down at the planetary morpher on the ground.

Cheerilee rubbed her temple. “I’m not sure we can. If we destroy it, we’ll only hurt Ditzy. It’s still connected to her somehow. But we can’t lock it away either. Eventually, somepony else will just find it and the whole mess will start again.”

“Q, was the thing speaking to my mind?” Ditzy had somewhat regained her composure, addressing the mare.

“Yes, it’s the evil that created the Planetary Gems,” Cheerilee replied.

So that was the evil she’d sensed within her gem? It had also tried to influence her mind. Fisher’s precautions hadn’t been enough. The Pluto Gem had fought against Lemon Hearts to prevent her from throwing herself in front of Dinky. This act of selflessness seemed to burn the evil dwelling within her gem.

Ditzy’s expression turned hard, and she pushed away from her friend and reached for her Planetary Gem. The Ranger gave Lemon Hearts a quick glance, studying the consequences of the Pluto Gem’s destruction.

“Ditzy, you can’t be thinking what I think you’re thinking,” Bon-Bon said, alarmed.

“Yeah, it’s a terrible idea!” The baby dragon added.

“Momma?!” Dinky jerked to attention, fear evident on her face.

“No, you can’t! What about your daughter!” Cheerilee said, alarmed.

“Yeah, this isn’t a good idea. You know the consequences.” Carrot Top turned pensive. Raindrops’ ears dropped. But unlike the others, she had no desire to argue.

“I have to do this.” Ditzy gave her daughter a gentle smile. “Unless I break our connection, I can’t be free of Q’s evil. It will only reach out and try to corrupt me again. None of us are safe until I destroy this cursed thing.

“No, don’t do it!” Dinky pleaded, with tears in her eyes.

“Sorry, Muffin, but momma needs to do this.” Her voice cracked. “It hurts knowing I’ll likely miss most of your life now, but this gem scares me more. I can’t stand the thought that I might hurt you again, Dinky.”


“I’m proud of you, remember that.” Ditzy’s voice cracked, tears flowed unabated. “I love you.”

Rage filled Ditzy’s features as she stamped down towards the gem. There was a moment of hesitation, Q attempting to stop her. But the Pink Ranger’s determination was too powerful, and the Venus gem shattered.

Like Lemon Hearts, Ditzy’s youth drained away, leaving only an old crone. But the mare only smiled, not regretting her decision for a single moment.

“A little awkward fighting at this age, but I look forward to kicking Nightmare Moon’s flank.” Ditzy made a croaking laugh. “Are you guys ready? Trixie’s off fighting. She’ll need our help.”

“Yeah.” Carrot Top sniffed, but nodded.

“She will pay for this.” Raindrops’ expression hardened.

“I’ll look after Lemon Hearts. Please be careful,” Bon-Bon said.

Dinky sniffed, whipping her eyes of tears. “Yeah, we’ll watch over her. Kick some major butt, mom!”

“You can count on us!” The changeling gave a salute.

“Yeah, good luck!” The former Pluto Ranger gave a weak smile and watched the four Rangers head towards the sound of battle across the castle. Strangely, the dragon followed them.

“There they go.” Lemon Heart still didn’t have the energy to rise. Instead, she laid back, enjoying the cold cobblestone floor.

No regrets! Somehow, it didn’t sound like an excuse to make herself feel better. She’d done her duty as a Ranger and pride beamed in her heart.