• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 384 Views, 21 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Eternal Night - Rixizu

The Grand Galoping Gala is crashed when Princess Luna transforms herself into Nightmare Moon and declares herself Queen of Equestia.

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Chapter 15

“I’m so glad you came along, Princess Cadenza!” Lyra said. “It was a lucky break we ran into you.” The princess had been visiting Manehattan when the sun vanished. Lyra had bumped into her while trying to catch a taxi.

“Please, don’t stand on ceremony. Call me, Cadance.” The ruler of the southern nation of Cavallia said. She slipped from a teacup levitated towards her mouth.

“Sure thing, Princess, er, Cadance!” Lyra blushed. You’d think after her duties as a Ranger and Knight of Equestria, she’d be more accustomed to being around royal types.

Her body jerked when the train suddenly bounced, steadying herself with her chair’s plush armrests. The princess had insisted they join her in first class. The cabin contained the best finery a pony could afford. They luxuriated on comfy reclining chairs. Unlike coach, these seats provided plenty of space to stretch out and relax. A small table sat before them, and the box’s occupants munched on the light meal the staff had provided. Lyra enjoyed her dandelion sandwich while her marefriend sipped a cup of vegetable soup. Somehow, the server had intuited her love of mustard, providing her a generous serving of it. Once she became a famous musician, she should ride first class more often.

Outside, it was pitch black, blocking the scenic view Lyra usually enjoyed. It still disturbed her that the sun had vanished, never to return. A week ago, the Ranger would never have imagined she’d miss the darn thing. Legends always made the giant ball of fire into something ominous and terrible. Ponies only tolerated it as a source of light and warmth. Now, she’d give anything to have it return. The days had gotten so cold. It was a wonder they hadn’t frozen to death yet.

“I just hope we aren’t too late!” Despite the calm the princess projected, worry crept into Cadance’s voice.

“You’re the princess’s daughter! If anypony can convince Luna to see sense, it’s you!” At least, Lyra hoped that was the case. Trixie always said the two shared a deep relationship.

“I hope so.” Bon-Bon’s ears drooped in worry. She patted a suitcase at her side for reassurance. “It’s a miracle Equestria hasn’t fallen into complete pandemonium.”

Lyra’s marefriend had been strangely insistent they retrieve the stupid thing. Why Bons refused to say. It’d been the primary reason they’d traveled to Manehatten. The apartment search was only a cover story. Though it didn’t stop them from purchasing a rather cute townhouse for a rather affordable price.

“I intend to fix this,” Cadance said, voice full of determination. The Cavallian princess had been instrumental in helping bring calm back to Manehattan after Nightmare Moon brought upon Eternal Night. When she spoke, ponies trusted her. “If the worst is required to restore Equestria’s freedom and peace, so be it.” Cadance showed an astonishing amount of calm in her declaration to kill her mother to save Equestria. Her voice only wavered a little. Lyra envied that conviction.

“It shouldn’t come to that,” Bon-Bon replied with equal determination.

“Yes, it should be fine!” Lyra said, trying to break the solemn mood that had shrouded their train car. “We’re Rangers. We can fix anything!” Though she wasn’t looking forward to fighting a thousand Ranger Killers at once. The castle swarmed with the stupid things.

“Don’t worry. We will do everything in our power to save her soul first! Drastic measures shouldn’t be necessary.” Cadance coughed into her hoof. “Enough of such gloomy matters. You still haven’t told me why you’re moving to Manehattan. I thought Ponyville was your home.”

“I got a part to perform in the orchestra for My Fair Filly. A friend of mine helped me get the part. It’s a great opportunity.”

Despite moving away from her home, a strange exuberance flowed through Lyra. The ponies working at the play were an agreeable sort. It was a nice change from the stage orchestras she usually performed. It was unlike anything she’d done before, invigorating the artist within her and sparked inspiration for new musical compositions. And hadn’t Jive Turkey mentioned he knew a theater pony who might be interested in her pieces? If only it didn’t mean moving away. It confused her why this opportunity brought her both joy and dread. Bon-Bon, while supportive, wasn’t entirely happy about the chance either. No doubt saddened about moving away from her childhood home.

What did Octavia always say? Ponies can’t grow unless they forgo the familiar? Though her teacher followed that principle far too much in her opinion, barely attaching herself to anypony, even friends. A queasiness formed in Lyra’s stomach when she considered her former teacher. She had a vital surgery coming up soon. If it succeeded, her mentor might still live, but the risks were very high.

I have too much to worry about. Lyra couldn’t help but fret about everything. She wasn’t like Trixie, who ignored her problems and pretended they didn’t exist. A small smile formed on her lips as Canterlot came into view. Its lights were a beacon in the darkness. At least she’d be able to deal with one of her multitude of problems soon.

Lyra stifled another yawn. Hopefully, Trixie would have a plan of action once they all united. United together, they were an almost unstoppable force. She wasn’t keen about becoming an outlaw to fight the former princess, though. Still, Bons seemed eager to fight against tyranny.

The sound of their car door opening interrupted her musings, and Lyra’s eyes widened in surprise when Ditzy Doo entered.

“Ditzy, what are you doing here?” Lyra looked out the window again. They had about twenty minutes until they reached Canterlot. There wasn’t any reason her fellow Ranger couldn’t wait that long.

The friend’s frayed appearance shocked Lyra. Ditzy’s coat appeared duller somehow, the color drained away. Profound misery was evident on her face, yet Lyra also detected determination. What had caused such a heavy weight on her friend?

“Ditzy Doo, isn’t it? It’s an honor to meet you.” The unexpected appearance of Cavallia’s princess didn’t even make Ditzy blink. Worse, her friend didn’t even seem to register Cadance’s presence. Most unlike her.

Bons stood upright and alert, detecting something was wrong. “What’s happening?”

“Lyra, you have only one warning.” The Pink Ranger’s voice was dull, void of any emotion. “Surrender now, and everything will be well.”

Lyra recoiled in sudden shock. What was her friend saying? “What?”

“We can’t fight against Queen Nightmare Moon. She’s willing to forgive any misconduct if you swear allegiance to her. Please, don’t cause a fuss.” The name of the Lunar Republic’s queen made everypony in the car jerk upright in shock.

“What are you saying? Have you joined Nightmare Moon?” It was impossible! Ditzy would never fight for evil! What the hey was going on?

“She has my daughter, my little muffin.” Ditzy’s calm facade cracked. “We can’t afford to go against the queen. Please don’t make this any harder.”

“Dinky?” Lyra said, shocked. No wonder her friend appeared so miserable.

“What? How dare she!” Instead of being cowed, this revelation enraged Lyra’s marefriend, nostrils flaring.

“No! How could she?” Cadance’s eyes widened in shock and pain. “Ditzy Doo, you can’t allow Luna to get away with this. Join our side, and we can rescue her.”

Ditzy ignored Bon-Bon and Cadance, focusing her complete attention on Lyra instead. Only her opinion seemed to matter, and the Pink Ranger’s eyes dared Lyra to disobey. A fire burned in her friend’s eyes. It terrified Lyra what her friend might do if she refused. Ditzy wouldn’t fight a fellow Ranger, would she?

“Yeah, Cadance is right.” Lyra picked her words carefully. “We can rescue Dinky. Joining evil isn’t the solution!”

“Don’t repeat Trixie’s mistake!” Ditzy’s words were harsh and venomous. “Don’t you dare put Equestria over my muffin too!”

“Ditzy, I…” Lyra’s words caught in her throat. She wanted to protect Dinky, but her friend was asking something she couldn’t do in good conscience. There had to be a better way else Nightmare Moon would threaten somepony else’s loved ones. The room seemed to freeze around her, waiting in bated breath for how Lyra would reply.

If the situation was reversed, would I fight against Trixie to save Bon-Bon? Lyra gave her marefriend a quick glance, and Bonnie’s hardened expression explained her position on the matter. Somehow, Bon-Bon would risk Dinky’s life to save Equestria. What was it called? Fighting for the greater good? But could Lyra do the same? It seemed like an impossible choice.

“Sorry, I can’t.” Lyra barely forced out the words. “Nightmare Moon needs to be stopped!”

A familiar snort caught Lyra’s attention, and she gapped when Trixie walked into view. Her friend and leader’s expression was cold and dismissive.

“I told you she wouldn’t agree.” Trixie shrugged. “No matter. We’ll do this the hard way.” The mare pulled out a strange device, which she attached to her waist.

“Trixie? What are you doing?!” Impossible. Trixie betrayed them for Nightmare Moon? Her mind raced with a million questions, but her thoughts jerked to a halt when she noticed Trixie’s cutie mark.

“What? You aren’t Trixie! Who are you?” Lyra pointed an accusatory hoof at the imposter.

Cadance’s face scrunched in consternation before realization struck. “Impossible, aren’t you, Puissance?”

Lyra blinked. “Puissance?” That jerk noble that foalnapped Dinky?

“Correct. And I’m here to settle a score. Come, Ditzy. Let’s finish her before reinforcements arrive. Henshin!” Puissance slid a white disk into her belt, and moth-like armor appeared around her.

“It’s morphing time!” Much to Lyra’s surprise, Ditzy pulled out two morphers. The Blue Ranger's heart twisted when she recognized the second one. I couldn’t be… “Dual Morph. Sagittarius! Venus!” The Ranger slammed the two morphers together, and they interlocked, being one.

Dark energy crackled from the morpher, and a profound sense of wrongness washed over Lyra. Ditzy’s Ranger armor had changed, becoming a strange mix-and-match. Its usual pink color had faded, almost becoming a light red. Over her chest was a vibrant yellow robe with a badge depicting the symbol of Venus. Her helmet grew a laurel wreath of flowers, which ended with a heart at either end. Unlike Notary, her suit had a cape that flapped under an invisible wind. It was golden and sparkled in the dim lamplight.

Lyra uttered the most colorful expletives in her memory. What the heck was going on? “It’s morphing time! Cygnus!”

Sweat fell down Lyra’s forehead as she considered her options. Fighting Ditzy was already a tricky proposition. She was one of the Galaxy Rangers’ most powerful members, made worse by her friend possessing the Venus Planetary Gem. To make matters worse, Puissance fought alongside her. Luna only knew what crazy powers she possessed.

Puissance gestured elaborately with a hoof. “You can call me Kamen Rider Magnific!”

Kamen Rider? Not another Ranger?

Ditzy jumped over her ally and struck towards Lyra with a terrible ferocity and determination. Air swept over the Blue Ranger's head as she ducked under Ditzy’s jab and threw herself under the cabin’s table to create some distance between the two of them. While the cable car was spacious, it provided little room to fight. Lyra climbed awkwardly around the seats as she fought off her friend. Cadance and Bonnie fled the cable car, trying to avoid getting caught in the battle.

She kept on the defensive, not sure she could fight a friend. She blocked, dodging every blow tossed her direction. Her hesitation allowed Ditzy to swipe her legs from under her. The table cracked in half as the Pink Ranger's hoof smacked into it. A hoof slammed down towards her head, but Lyra summoned her bow and deflected the punch with it. Sparks flew as Lyra slashed Ditzy across the chest. Few ponies knew her weapon had a blade.

Lyra smirked under her helmet. The cabin’s confined space provided little space for the Pink Ranger to use her bow staff. Lyra, however, could use her weapon with impunity. Her next blow caught Ditzy in the helmet.

Pain erupted in Lyra’s middle as Puissance came from nowhere and punched her in the chest. Lyra staggered backward but blocked the next punch. She ducked under the barrage of punches and kicks and deflected the Rider’s attack with her weapon the best she could. Her opponent’s speed was incredible, but Lyra met her attacks blow for blow. She hadn’t wasted her off-hours training for nothing. Puissance recoiled in pain as Lyra slashed her across the face with her bow.

“Not bad.” Puissance sounded impressed, though Lyra detected the fake Trixie was testing the waters before using her actual ability.

A loud boom caught Lyra’s attention. She glanced out the window and noticed a bright light shooting through the air. Was that a flare? What the heck was that about? Before she could dwell on this mystery, Ditzy resumed the battle. Lyra cried out in pain as Puissance kicked her through the open door into the car’s hallway, giving them a little more room to fight.

Lyra sensed Ditzy attacking her from behind, but a pink bolt interrupted the attack, throwing the Pink Ranger through the cable car’s walls. The impact left a giant hole leading out into the open air. Since Ditzy was a pegasus, she recovered in midair and flew back towards the train. Cadance flew out of the hole and met Ditzy in the air, a peeved expression on her face.

“Friends shouldn’t fight each other.” The Princess Cadance hovered in midair. “Don’t worry, Lyra. I’ve got your back.”

A conductor peaked his head through their car door and almost had an aneurysm when he noticed the big hole in his beloved train.

“What do you think you’re doing?” He said, beyond furious. His righteous indignation turned into a shriek when a kick drove Lyra through a wall, landing in the adjacent car. Curious ponies scattered, ducking back into their cabins.

As Lyra stood back up, she almost lost her hoofing as the train jerked. Her mouth went dry as an enormous cyclone appeared around Ditzy’s staff, summoned from nowhere. Its intense winds almost threw the train off its tracks.

How is she doing that? And is she trying to kill us all? She watched in amazement as Ditzy sent the cyclones after the Princess of Love. Cadance desperately beat her wings to avoid being pulled into them while dodging the Pink Ranger’s blows. They zipped around in the air, almost becoming a blur.

“Stop that. You might hurt somepony!” Lyra yelled out a window, but they ignored her, too focused on their battle.

“We're doomed!” The conductor sobbed, and the other passengers noticed the commotion and panic struck in, worried they would soon meet a sticky end in moments.

“Get back in your cars. I’ll protect you!” Lyra used her best commanding tone. Thankfully, everypony listened and hid in their cabins, praying to Luna the commotion would end soon.

A pang of worry struck Lyra, remembering Bons was on the train too. It terrified her that Bonnie might have gotten hurt. Her panic intensified when she noticed her marefriend wasn’t anywhere in sight. This was horrible. Nightmare Moon might have more bad guys on the train, and her marefriend was only a defenseless candy maker! Okay, that wasn’t quite true. Bons had shown a considerable talent for martial arts. Those Tae Bo classes had paid off. Still, Bon-Bon couldn’t fight the battles the Rangers fought. She’d be a stain against the wall in moments!

Sparks flew as Puissance belted Lyra across the head, taking advantage of her momentary distraction. She couldn’t afford to worry about her marefriend. Puissance stumbled backward as Lyra’s weapon slashed her across the chest. From her opponent’s body language, she’d injured the Rider more than expected.

“Get out of my way.” The train jerked again as Ditzy summoned even more intense winds to overwhelm her opponent. Cadance lured the enraged Ranger further from the train, flying into the open air. But even with teleporting, the princess could barely keep the Pink Ranger at bay. She bombarded Ditzy with pink energy bolts, but they didn’t appear to do much damage. It kept Ditzy busy, however, leaving Lyra alone to battle Magnific.

“I suppose I better get serious.”

With a flick of the Rider’s hoof, a sword appeared with it and whipped her weapon towards Lyra’s head. The Blue Ranger caught the blade in between her bow mere inches away from her face. They circled each other, weapons interlocked, both searching for weaknesses and opportunities to strike.

They exchanged blows, but each deflected strike made Lyra’s bones rattle. She couldn’t believe her opponent’s strength, but the Ranger pushed forward, slashing with her bow, and striking with punches and kicks. Puissance jerked back from an expected back kick as Lyra ran around her opponent, sending the Rider flying across the hallway. After using a nearby wall to support herself from the train’s bumping movements, Lyra rose to her back hooves and unleashed several arrows.

While one struck her opponent in the chest, casual slashes from Puissance’s blade destroyed the rest of her arrows. Lyra cursed, for she couldn’t use her special attack without derailing the entire train. The car jerked, and Lyra slipped and lost her hooving. I guess it won’t matter much if Ditzy does it first!

The storm outside intensified, and dark clouds gathered around the battle. Ponies whimpered as lightning bolts stuck wildly from the storm cloud. What was going on? Did Ditzy intend for this to happen, or was it a natural consequence of her new Venus powers? From her body language, Magnific had come to the same conclusion.

“Hey, knock it off!” Puissance poked her head out a window, but violent winds outside muffled her words. Lyra took advantage of her distraction with another arrow, but a casual swing of her opponent’s sword destroyed it.

“Cute. Shall we play a bit more?” Puissance charged forward but stopped when something landed between them.

Half of the train car crumbled and two high-class ponies fled from the thing that had shattered their table. Rain fell from the broken roof and patted against the expensive carpet. Lyra gasped in horror at the bloody figure of Cadance. Her breathing was weak but steady. Thank Luna. Ditzy dropped from the air and landed in between Lyra and Puissance. The lightning storm intensified above them, and water dripped from the Pink Ranger’s armor.

“You’re next, Lyra.” Ditzy’s voice contains no emotion, only complete certainty.

“Hey, this is my fight,” Puissance said in annoyance. She cried out in pain when Ditzy landed a hoof strike on her midsection. The Rider toppled over, stunned by the sudden attack.

“No, we’re ending this,” Ditzy said.

“Why you.” Puissance slammed her hoof against the floor in agitation. After letting out a breath, she stood and shrugged. “Fine. Have it your way. Have fun.”

While Lyra was glad she didn’t need to fight two on one, it didn’t seem like a real improvement. The pink of Ditzy’s suit had brightened, almost becoming a blood-red color. Her body thrummed with power, almost shaking the car. Before the battle could resume, the train screeched to a halt. A familiar voice echoed through the train from the intercom.

“Hurry, everypony needs to leave the train!” Bon-Bon said. “Canterlot isn’t far.”

Lyra sighed in relief. Her marefriend was safe! And she didn’t have to worry about accidentally detailing them anymore. Bon Bon was so smart. Ponies scrambled out from their cabins, trying to flee the train. Much to Lyra’s surprise, Ditzy didn’t hesitate to attack while ponies were still crowding around them.

Their weapons clashed as Lyra blocked Ditzy’s bow staff. The Pink Ranger charged forward, barreling ponies aside in her haste. Lyra winced as she accidentally stamped on a mare’s hoof and paid for her distraction, receiving a jab in the chest. Metal crumpled as Lyra impacted a wall, throwing clear into a nearby field. Her boots stomped into the mud as she rose back to her hooves. The storm above only became worse, the rain turning into a deluge.

With blinding speed, Ditzy charged from the train. Lyra almost didn’t block her next attack. Her opponent’s speed became almost impossible to follow as Ditzy pushed Lyra back. She winced when the end of Ditzy’s staff drove into her stomach, and her body exploded in pain as lightning struck from above. The Blue Ranger staggered backward, and Ditzy pounded on her with her staff. Each blow almost disrupted her transformation, but Lyra remained stubborn and caught a blow meant for her head with a hoof. A flash of color caught her eye, and she got an idea.

“I haven’t lost yet!” With a flick of her bow, she slashed across Ditzy’s chest. It inflicted minor damage, but that wasn’t her intention. Energy gathered around her bow and readied an arrow.

“Omega Arrow Crusher!”

Ditzy was midair when Lyra shot her special attack. But Ditzy straightened herself with her wings and counterattacked with power Lyra didn’t think was possible.

“Gales of Destruction.” A cyclone shot from her staff and dispersed Lyra’s attack like smoke in a hurricane. Sparks shot from Lyra’s armor as the windstorm struck her. She rolled across the grass and mud as she lost her transformation. Lyra looked up toward her lost friend, her body bloody and battered from the beating. Instead of being dismayed, Lyra smiled.

“Searing Blade!”

“Wave Cleaver!”

Out of nowhere, Trixie and Raindrop appeared and attacked Ditzy from behind as she unleashed her cyclone attack on Lyra. Ditzy screamed as the attack threw her clear across the field.

“Sorry, Ditzy, but I have to stop you,” Trixie said with equal parts pain and determination.

“Yeah.” Raindrops nodded. There was pain in her voice also, but Lyra heard genuine anger in her voice, enraged that Ditzy had injured her friend Lyra. They rushed to their fellow Ranger’s side and helped her up.

Of course, that flare was to draw Trixie and the other’s attention! Her marefriend realized that Lyra and Cadance needed backup, and took the initiative to call it. Bon-Bon was so smart. She saw the mare helping drive the survivors of the Friendship Express towards Canterlot.

Lyra stood on shaky hooves. “Where are the others?”

“Carrot Top and Lemon Hearts are dealing with some Ranger Killers sent to deal with us. They attacked when we tried running to your safety. Twilight and Cheerilee are off somewhere.” Trixie waved a vague hoof.

Lemon Hearts? Twilight’s old roommate?

“Glad you’re here,” Puissance said, voice eager and ready for battle. “We’d hoped to ambush you when the train arrived after we dealt with Lyra Heartstrings. Oh well. This works nearly as well.” She pulled out a red disk and inserted it into her belt.

Blaze Mode. “Let’s rumble.”

Multiple powers? How annoying.

Ditzy stood up and said nothing after joining Puissance. The Pink Ranger aimed her weapon towards her fellow Rangers, eager for a fight.

Trixie shook her head upon seeing the mix-matched Ranger. “What has Nightmare Moon done to you? Can you still fight Lyra?”

Lyra snorted, pulling out her morpher. Despite her sore and battered body, being with her friends had restored a degree of strength. Unsurprising for the Element of Loyalty, fighting for her friends always gave her power. “Like you need to ask?” “It’s morphing time, Cygnus!”

She only hoped they were powerful enough to stop whatever Ditzy had become.