• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 391 Views, 21 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Eternal Night - Rixizu

The Grand Galoping Gala is crashed when Princess Luna transforms herself into Nightmare Moon and declares herself Queen of Equestia.

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Chapter 14

Metal crashed, sparks flying as the two combatants’ blades collided. Wind whistled past Trixie’s ear as her opponent’s rapier zipped past her head. The Ranger retaliated with a thrust towards Magnific’s chest, but her attack met empty air as the Rider leaped aside. Trixie’s sword rang as it blocked Magnific’s returning stroke at the last moment.

The Kamen Rider's speed was blinding, and Trixie had trouble keeping up. Yet Trixie sensed her opponent was holding back, judging Trixie’s power before unleashing their true ability. A grunt of pain escaped her lips as Magnific got a lucky strike on her. A follow-up kick sent her flying across the street before the Ranger regained her hoofing.

“Is that all?” Magnific asked with a shrug. “I expected better.”

“I’m not finished yet,” Trixie replied, her voice smug, “One of Puissance’s brainless goons can’t defeat me so easily.”

From Magnific’s annoyed twitching, Trixie could tell she’d struck a nerve. But the Rider recovered, and her voice held triumph. “You understand nothing. Mouth off all you wish. It won’t alter the outcome of this battle.” The Rider pulled a yellow disk from a pouch attached to her side and slid it into her buckle.

Storm Mode.

Magnific’s body glowed, and her brown armor turned golden. Electricity sparked between her outstretched wings. She swung her blade forward. A wave of electricity crashed into Trixie, triggering an explosion of pain and causing her body to jerk. The Ranger continued to twitch as she struck the ground.

Trixie fought through her torment and struggled back to her hooves before rushing towards her opponent. She summoned an illusion showing her continued to gallop forward, while the real Trixie went in the opposite direction. Magnific watched with a lazy air, then swung her sword in a circular arc, summoning a wave of electricity. Unprepared, the Ranger took the full brunt of the attack.

“You don’t think I know all your tricks?” Magnific said in a mocking tone. She withdrew another disk and inserted it into her buckle.

Blaze Mode.

“What?” Trixie watched as the Rider turned red and flames circled around her. She cried out in pain as Magnific thrust her weapon into Trixie’s chest and a torrent of fire struck her like a tsunami.

“Unlike you, I’m not so limited. I’m not restrained by only one element,” Magnific withdrew another disk and inserted it into her buckle.

Wave Mode.

“Now you’re just showing off!” Trixie replied, miffed.

The Rider changed again, turning blue this time. “While I currently only have three forms, it offers me a versatility you Rangers can only dream of.”

“Do you want a medal or something? Big deal.” Again, Trixie’s comment set off her opponent, who seethed under her armor.

Good. Keep her mad. Don’t allow her to use her powers intelligently. It seemed to Trixie that Magnific cared more about humiliating the Ranger than winning. It gave her some opportunity to turn the tables. She only needed to wait for that chance to present itself.

Seething in rage, Magnific summoned a wave of water and directed it towards Trixie at blinding speed. The Ranger was prepared and pressed a button on her morpher.

“Searing Blade!”

Steam washed over the street as the two attacks collided, destroying both. Using the blanket of blinding white as cover, the Rider struck. Trixie blocked the first strike, but recoiled in pain, unable to block the second. She flew backward, crashing into a nearby street lamp.

So fast. It was obvious Magnific wasn’t a skilled fighter, but her speed and strength were tough to match. Still, Trixie refused to lie down and surrender. She charged forward, blade ready. Trixie’s reckless assault momentarily amused the Rider, but she floundered when the Ranger pushed her hard. Trixie used both her hooves and blade to fight, and caught her opponent off guard with a sweeping kick. Magnific recovered, but not quick enough to block Trixie’s next attack.

“Searing Blade!” Sparks flew as the blade of fire struck the Rider and smashed into a nearby building’s wall.

“You struck me! How dare you!” Magnific snarled with rage.

“What, you believed this was a game?” Trixie said, her tone mocking. “You’re strong, but you’ll need more than that to defeat me.”

Fury consumed the Rider for several more moments before Magnific restrained her emotions. Her voice was icy when she next spoke. “You’re right, Trixie Lulamoon. I’m taking my strength for granted. I’ve read the reports. That’s how you defeated Night Light. While strong, you used his stupidity to beat him.”

Much to Trixie’s shock, the Ranger pulled a white disk from her belt and untransformed. A familiar face greeted Trixie when Magnific’s armor disappeared. Trixie’s breath caught in her throat. It was her face!


“No, I believe we should postpone this battle until I better understand my power’s capabilities.” The other Trixie made a cruel smile. It was unnatural on such a familiar face. “Then I can crush you with my full power!”

Trixie’s mouth opened and closed, too stunned for words. Her body jerked when she noticed the other mare’s cutie mark. It couldn’t be.

“So you finally understand, good. You’re right. I am Vicereine Puissance. How I got this body was due to an unfortunate accident. But I plan to use its capabilities to its fullest.” The Kamen Rider walked away, leaving Trixie gobsmacked and only able to stare in astonishment.


Puissance headed towards the castle, ignoring the looks ponies were giving her. Trixie was always a controversial pony, even before becoming a Ranger, so it wasn’t unexpected. Nopony attempted to stop her as she entered the castle’s gate. A stunned, handsome, but gormless white unicorn with a vivid blue mane imposed himself blocking her path.

“Trixie, you’re under arrest!” The guard said. Two Ranger Killers moved to assist the attempt to apprehend her.

“Out of the way.” Puissance placed her buckle over her waist, which firmly attached itself to her. After her aggravating fight with Trixie, she needed to blow off some steam. Besides, they would prove useful test dummies for her abilities.



With a kick, Magnific opened the audience hall doors, and nobles gaped as Puissance entered. Queen Nightmare Moon had been discussing policies with her nobility before the rude interruption. A dejected Ditzy Doo sat in a chair, dead to the world, but straightened when the unexpected intruder entered.

Nightmare Moon’s nostrils flared, wings extended wide. “And who are you? My spies told me Trixie was assaulting my castle, but you are not her, are you? Name yourself and your intentions.” The alicorn’s eyes widened when the Kamen Rider threw the remains of a Ranger Killer before her throne.

“You need stronger toys to protect yourself, my queen.” Puissance withdrew her activation disk, and everypony gasped as Trixie Lulamoon appeared before them, or so they believed.

“Trixie?” Nightmare Moon whinnied and recoiled in total shock. Everypony in the room gasped.

“No, she isn’t.” Ditzy’s voice was hard, unsurprisingly recognizing this wasn’t her fellow Ranger and friend. The mare held her morpher in her hooves, her dejection forgotten.

A slight smile formed on Puissance’s mouth. “Observant as usual, Ditzy Doo. While my face is different, I am the same pony. My name is Puissance, former Vicereine of Equestria.”

“What? But how?!” Nightmare Moon said in utter bafflement.

“It’s a long story.” Much to everypony’s surprise, Puissance kneeled before Equestria’s queen. “And I am here to renew my service to the crown.” While her face remained neutral, inwardly she took great delight in the alicorn’s expression. No doubt, this was the last thing Nightmare Moon expected to happen.

“Is that right?” Nightmare Moon forced a smile, wondering if somepony was playing a prank on her.

Puissance snorted. “You know me of old, my queen. My loyalty is to the crown, always.”

The alicorn’s head turned towards the half-destroyed Ranger Killer, giving it careful consideration. “And you defeated my Ranger Killers by yourself?”

“I’m excellent in all things, you know this, my queen,” Puissance replied.

A broad smile formed on Nightmare Moon’s face. “Your sudden revival is welcome, Puissance. I was wrong to underestimate you. Your services are necessary if we’re to bring peace to my new Lunar Republic.”

“You can’t be serious!” Ditzy Doo spluttered. She gave Puissance a nasty glare. “Who do you think you are stealing Trixie’s body?”

“It’s a clone,” Puissance replied, reasonably.

“I don’t care. It’s wrong!” Ditzy shot back. “Dear Luna, Trixie will be furious once she learns about this.”

Imagining Trixie’s inevitable temper tantrum amused Puissance, watching impassively as Ditzy continued to fume.

“My queen,” Puissance replied, ignoring the Pink Ranger. “My spies have learned that Lyra is taking the train from Manehatten to Ponyville and will arrive tomorrow morning.”

“Is she?” Nightmare Mare said, considering Puissance’s words. “I’ve heard nothing about this. You always had the best intelligence gatherers.”

“We should strike her before she becomes a problem,” Puissance replied. “Additional allies will make Trixie more difficult to deal with.” Truly, something about Trixie’s bond with her fellow Rangers seemed to invigorate her powers. It was the primary reason the Night Court Rangers had failed spectacularly. Their lack of unity was their downfall. Something Puissance would have corrected if she had become the Pluto Ranger.

“This is an excellent opportunity to draw my student into the open.” Nightmare Moon’s eyes glittered with excitement. “A well-timed ambush will finish them.”

“I was thinking along the same lines.” Puissance gave Ditzy a pointed look. “Can we count on you to aid us in this attack?”

“I’ll be there.” The Pink Ranger’s words were acid. “I don’t have a choice.”

“Fear not, Ditzy Doo.” Nightmare Moon replied. “You’re making the right choice. Your daughter will be safe if you stay with us.”

Yes, that is her leverage. Despite her indifference towards the mare, Ditzy Doo’s daughter’s fate twisted her insides. It sickened Puissance that anyone would do this to a mother. It cracked a hard wall Puissance usually liked to surround herself with. In her mind, people’s problems were their own. Yet, it stung her as a mother herself.

Something made her question the validity of joining Nightmare Moon’s side. It pained her to realize she’d joined her monarch without even really thinking about it. She’d cared more about making the alicorn appear foolish for discarding her than assessing her actions.

No, Luna is my sovereign. Who else will rule us? Cadance? What nonsense. Besides, Nightmare Moon is my ticket to power and splendor. Becoming one of the new governors appealed to Puissance. No doubt the common folk would swarm to elect her in.

Still, a nagging doubt tugged at her. Something in Nightmare Moon’s eyes she didn’t like. How had she not noticed it before?

No, it’s imperative I stay with the queen. Besides, somepony needs to stop her from doing something dangerous. It made sense in her mind, at least.


“Incredible.” Little Strongheart put a hoof against Cheerilee’s Zord, eyes full of wonder. The giant scale robot sat between an outcropping of spiky rocks. “We traveled several scores of miles in only a few moments.”

“It can travel into space too!” Cheerilee said, voice full of pride. “I’ve used it to travel to the moon. You should come along next time.” The bison stared in utter amazement at this proclamation.

“Is this the place?” Spike shuttered against the cold and tightened his coat around him. The frigid mountain air beat against him. He supposed it shouldn’t surprise him that a mythical bird lived on a mountain. What did Strongheart call it? The Griffon Peak? Despite parking on the highest spot available, they still had a distance to trek. Thankfully, their bison friend assured them no monsters lived here.

The crackle of thunder made Spike jump and hide behind a rock. “What the hay was that?”

More thunder crackled and lightning shot in the distance. Little Strongheart furrowed her brow in concern. “It shouldn’t be like this. The Thunderbird controls the weather in this region, but it doesn’t use its mighty abilities without reason.”

Twilight took in a breath. “You can feel its power from here.”

Cheerilee’s face creased into a frown. “Something is wrong. Can you feel it? Something is polluting the air.”

“We must hurry! The Great Thunderbird might be in danger!” Little Strongheart wasted no time and ran forward, her legs scrambling to climb the nearly rock ledge. Everypony followed behind, and Cheerilee allowed Spike to ride her back to make the journey easier for him.

The foul weather worsened as they got closer, and Spike’s dread intensified. Even he sensed the wrongness in the air. A terrible, anguished cry echoed through the mountain peak.

When Little Strongheart mentioned the size of the legendary beast, he’d imagined a bird the size of a cart. The reality was beyond anything he’d ever expected. Spike had met several dragons in his day, and he’d always considered them huge. The Thunderbird made an adult dragon seem miniature in comparison. Its feathers were blindingly white, and its wingspan covered almost the entire peak. Its bird face was noble and proud, with eyes that shone with intelligence. Pain also radiated from those eyes. The reason soon became obvious. A bizarre black slime covered the Thunderbird which oozed and bubbled, trying to spread itself further.

Every beat of the Thunderbird’s wings caused a boom of thunder and lightning, and its breathing was heavy and painful. Spike froze in his tracks when the legendary creature craned its head to address the newcomers.

“Visitors?” The Thunderbird’s booming voice said. “Have you also come to cause me more pain?”

“Great Thunderbird.” Little Strongheart said, taking charge. She made the most sense to appeal to the bison’s protector. “We’ve come to aid you and fight a great evil which had spread itself across our land.”

Spike yelped in surprise as lightning struck inches from where they stood and hid behind Cheerilee. The massive bird rose on its talons and extended its impossible wingspan.

“Lies! Don’t think I’m unaware of the bison’s treachery. You poisoned me with your gifts!”

A traitor among the bison? Spike yelped when his feet left the ground as the flap of the Thunderbird’s wings sent him flying. He flailed in the air and closed his eyes upon realizing only empty air and a long drop stood under him. This is it. I’m done for!

His body jerked, striking a nearby rock wall, but something stopped his descent. When he crept open his eyes, he found Cheerilee holding him by the claw.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got you!” The Ranger cried out. Spike’s relief was short-lived when lightning destroyed the cliff Cheerilee had been standing on, plummeting them towards the sharp rocks below.

“Lies and more lies! You won’t leave here alive!” The Thunderbird took to the air and blasted the surrounding area with lightning. Spike’s heart raced as the blast shattered a nearby rock face to pieces. He wondered which would kill him first, the Thunderbird, or the ground?


Spike’s body jerked painfully and ceased falling again. After regaining his courage, he glanced up to find Cheerilee gripping the rock wall with a hoof and her whip in her mouth. Her Ranger weapon’s tendril wrapped tight around his leg, preventing further falling. He pretended not to notice the dizzying height under him, instead focused on his rescuer.

“Can you get me up there?” Spike asked.

“No problem.” With a flick of her neck, the Ranger threw Spike upwards and onto a ledge. She used both hooves to pull herself to safety alongside him.

“Oh ponyfeathers, look out!” Spike pointed up at the barrage of large, sharp-looking rocks plummeting down towards them.

With a crack of her whip, Cheerilee shattered stone after stone into dust. Pebbles rained down upon them, but they were otherwise unharmed. More thunder and lightning crackled above them, signs of an intense battle.

“I better go up and help. We need to calm the Thunderbird down.” Cheerilee summoned her morpher. “It’s morphing time, Libra!”

Spike grimaced. “Uh, you won’t leave me here, right?” He wasn’t a superhero. One stray lightning bolt would create a smoked dragon.

The Libra Ranger shook her head and bent down so Spike could ride on her back. “No, the safest place is with me. Let’s go.”

“Okay.” Spike doubted they had time to return to Cheerilee’s Zord. Though entering a battle with a giant godlike bird didn’t thrill him.

With surprising ease, Cheerilee jumped from rock to rock and returned to the top of the mountain in moments. Despite his terror, the sensation gave him a thrill of excitement. His enjoyment was short-lived when they saw Twilight fighting for her life. She dodged a non-stop barrage of lighting and peppered the Thunderbird with bolts with her gun, but her attacks didn’t even make the great beast flinch.

Cheerilee spotted Little Strongheart hiding behind a rock and ran towards her. “What can we do? I don’t want to hurt it.”

“I don’t know!” Little Strongheart replied, her voice terrified and frantic. “I’ve seen nothing like that black goop!”

“Wait!” Little Strongheart’s eyes brightened with excitement and passed over her special charm. “This might do nothing, but it contains the Thunderbird’s power. It might be enough to free it!”

Cheerilee wrapped the talisman around a hoof. “It’s worth a try! Come on, Spike!”

“Wait? I’m coming too?!” Spike gripped with everything he had as the Libra Ranger charged full speed towards the Thunderbird and its rain of electrical bolts.