• Published 18th Jul 2022
  • 1,020 Views, 72 Comments

The Legend Starts - 654_nosneb

William, a normal human, finds out that his father was working on something very special before getting arrested.

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Chapter I - It's magic.

Today is the last day of school before vacation. It was a sunny day, with no clouds on the sight, and a nice temperature. It is a surprise to me, but I'm really happy about it.

Even with all that happened through these years, I'm still able to smile most of the time. Some people would say that it wouldn't be normal, but there are many things to be happy about.

Even though my father is at prison, and my mother's job is merely enough to cover our school, there are still so many things to be happy about. I've my mother, I've my sister Melissa, and I got my friends at the school; what else I could ask for?

When people ask me why my father is at jail, I don't know what to say. The official version is that he stole very expensive equipment from the lab he worked on, but the last time I saw him at home, he told me:

"William, listen to me. There are going to be people, people that will say horrible things about me. But no matter what they say, I'm telling you that I did nothing wrong. It's just that... sometimes, people dislike when you try to help someone who's different, and they will do anything in their power to stop you. But it doesn't matter, as long as you did what is right."

I always believed on him, even with all the mean stuff people tell me about him.

You aren't supposed to have a cellphone at prison, but he managed to hide one with him. And almost every night we talk about my school life, and his life in prison; and he doesn't seems like a liar, or a theft; but the things that people say make me doubt of him sometimes.

The only thing that really makes me suspect that he is innocent, is the fact that 'reaserchinc' never spoke exactly about what equipment he supposedly stolen. That, alongside with the pure person that he is, tells me that something's wrong.

I returned home by walking. It wasn't that far and my sister was already there since she was sick. I decided t go through the everfree park. It was a nice park, the shortest way to go home, and a perfect way to start my vacations.

While I was walking through the park, I heard a voice shouting:

"What is this place!"

I continued my walking, it was probably nothing. But then, something stumbled with my legs.

"Ouch!" a... white filly, with a horn and wings... spoke!? "AAAHH!!" she screamed to another filly with a dark blue coat. "It's one of them! He come back to hunt us!"

"Wait, no!" I shouted while I grabbed them to avoid them from escaping. "I wont hurt you! And I'm not one of 'them'."

They seem to calm down after a while. I have no idea of what they are. They are two little winged unicorns! But, they act as a child would do and, honestly, they seem like they need my help.

After 5 minutes, the dark blue one asked: "Wh-who are you sir?"

"My name's William." I responded. "Do any of you has a name?"

"N-no." the white one responded.

Then, a helicopter, yes, A HELICOPTER! Flied just above us. I covered the two fillies with my black coat, as I heard one of them shout: "Are them! Are them! They found us!"

Then, the helicopter leaved as fast as it appeared.

So there was people searching for these fillies. I didn't know who, or what they are, but I knew that they needed my help.

"Hey, I know that you don't trust on me but... maybe you'll be safer at my home. It's not far from here, and my mother might let you stay."

"What's a 'home'?" the white filly asked.

"Well... it's like a safe place where nothing can hurt you, and your family lives."

"What's a 'family'?" the blue one now asked.

"What's a...!" ok, these little horses or 'ponies' were truly alone for too much time. "Well, they are people that'll always love you, no matter what."

"Oh, a home sounds like a wonderful place!" they both shouted. "Could you please take us to your home?"

Those little faces... I couldn't resist anymore.

"It'll be a pleasure." I responded.

I grabbed them, and hide them under my coat. I practically ran during my way home. I don't know how I will explain this to mom, since I don't understand it yet. Melissa probably will take this with more wonder, and amazement than her. But I know one thing: this fillies, no, this kids need help, and I am probably the only one that could bring them the desired help. Also, they don't know what a family or a home is. They need a family as soon as possible, and from what I see, they didn't have a single family or friend ever.

I just hope that I could help them.

I finally reached my home. I rang the bell of the front door and waited. It was not such a big home, but it also was not very small. It had just one floor, a red roof, cream colored walls, and several windows. Even though it's not that expensive, it's still a miracle that we could keep this house after the huge legal problem we had after my father's arrest.

"Wow!" the smaller one spoke up. "This home is very pretty!"

"Actually, this is just a house." I responded. "The real home is what is inside."

They were still under my coat, since I knew that we had a camera my mother always checked before letting anyone in. Then, the door opened, and we got quickly to the living room.

My sister wasn't there, probably she was resting at our room. I let the 2 fillies out of my coat for them to understand that I really won't hurt them.

"What the..!" a familiar voice spoke from behind me.

"Mom!" I said as I turned. "I know it seems weird, but I'll explain. Or at least, I'll let them explain."

"Who is she?" the white one spoke.

"I that horse... TALKING!?" my mother shouted.

"Yes, but they are not ordinary horses, they are..."

"So it's true." she spoke.

"What is true?" I asked to her, now confused.

"This will take a while, let me explain." she spoke up, as she invited us to sit down on the sofa.

I obeyed, not knowing what was going on. What was true? Who and what are this fillies? And why were they being hunted?

I just hope she gives me a REALLY good explanation for all this.

Author's Note:

Here is Chapter I.
Enjoy :)

As always, I accept suggestions.