• Published 18th Jul 2022
  • 1,020 Views, 72 Comments

The Legend Starts - 654_nosneb

William, a normal human, finds out that his father was working on something very special before getting arrested.

  • ...

Chapter XII - A movie.

Clarissa was heading to the researchinc labs. One would think that she didn't had anything to do there anymore, since Celestia and Luna now had human rights, and she was forgiven by the Tylers. But no, something was still wrong in that building. The last time she was inside, she noticed that an area was very well watched, and not in the normal way, it even had guys with suits anti radiation!

When the same friend that handed her the brain structure of the fillies escorted her through the building, she was now able to see the most forbidden room of the facility; what she saw completely shocked her.

"...Also, Discord," a man with a white robe spoke to the director. "Is apparantly able to manipulate reality almost to his will."

Then, her sight was caught by what was at the end of the room, or maybe, who. She saw a small, amorphous, with various animal parts creature, she saw Discord.

"Whaaaa!" the creature yelled, as the crystal that contained him fragmented itself a bit.

"Impressive," Osvaldo spoke. "Did you discovered a way to extract his magic? We almost managed to do it to those fillies but they escaped."

"Too bad that no sir." his assistant responded. "Instead of his magic being self contained like in mr. Wilson's 2 creations, our imitation's magic is very unstable and chaotic; but we are working on it. But, you should know that extracting all of the magic from these creatures could be deadly to them."

"Do I look like I care!" the director shouted. "There are people dying out there! Struggling for their survival as the machines they survival rest are killing their environment! The sooner we are able to use magic as a power source, the sooner humanity will reach peace! Just a little bit of magic can be used to create more! Just Discord would be enough to save humanity from his own extinction."

Clarissa listened to all of this with great concern. They were thinking about killing another sapient being!

"I must tell this to the Tylers." she thought as she went out of the room Discord was.

"So, how did you teleported Tia to yourself?." I asked to Luna.

We were at their backyard, practicing Celestia's and Luna's magic as promised, while the phoenix stared at us from her nest in the tree.

"I-I don't know," the dark blue alicorn responded. "I was very scared at the moment. I think it just... happened."

"Do you think you can repeat it again?" I asked.

"I'll try." she responded.

Then, her horn began to glow. Light blue sparks began to emanate from it, but then she just collapsed in the ground.

"Ouch!" she exclaimed as she stood up. "I can't! It's just very hard!"

"Don't worry sis," Celestia said to her sister. "I'm sure that you will be able to repeat it someday!"

"Yeah," I complemented. "Besides, since only you and your sister are able to do magic, you technically are the best one at it in the world!"

"Really!?" she spoke.

"Hey, what about me!" Tia shouted a bit angry.

"Well, she was the first one on earth that managed to teleport someone: you. So she's the best, at least for now." I finished with that just to avoid making Tia angry.

RIIING! Our doorbell rang.

"One second." I said to the little girls, as I headed to the camera at the kitchen to see who was out there.

"Hello?" I spoke through the telephone as I saw a woman with a girl that was probably her daughter.

"Hello," she spoke to the microphone. "Is this the house of: Celestia and Luna Tyler?"

"Yes," I responded. "For what is the question?"

"Well, my daughter Lara told me last week that she made 2 new friends, and that those friends were the 2 infamous unicorns that entered her school."


"Well, I spoke to your mom on chat, and we agreed on taking the girls today to watch a movie."

"Oh, well, let me see." I spoke as I turned on my cellphone.

After calling my mother, who was with Melissa at a medical checkup, I confirmed that she indeed planned this a few days ago, but since she wasn't at home, she asked me to go with the girls.

I took a bit of my money, put on my black coat, and told the fillies about where we were going. We saw movies before, but they never went to the cinema. They were very excited about it and, as we entered Lara's family car, they entered on questioning mode.

"So the room is full of people?" Luna asked.

"Yes," her human friend responded. "And we all watch a movie on a BIG screen."

"How big is that screen?" Tia asked to her.

"Well, it's as taller and wide as a house." Lara responded.

"Those fillies are really lovely." the woman beside me spoke. "I now see why you couldn't let them return to that lab."

"Yeah. In the inside, they are really just normal kids, but I'm glad that someone else can see it." I said.

"I'm not the only one." she said, clearly referring to her daughter, as she tried to play rock-paper-scissors with Luna, which was failing at the moment.

"I have an idea!" Luna exclaimed as she prepared herself for another round of the game.

"Ok then, then try it!"Lara responded.

Then Lara pulled out her hand, revealing a paper; while Luna's horn glowed, making a magical scissors appear in the air.

"Wow!" Lara exclaimed.

After a short trek to the cinema, we arrived. We got down, and went to the place in which the theater was. The movie we were about yo see surprised me: it was the Han Solo movie!

"Wow!" I exclaimed as I read the tickets. "I didn't knew we were going to watch a Star Wars movie."

"Is it wrong?" Lara asked. "I understand if you don't like to see it."

"Are you kidding!?" I responded. "I'm a huge fan!"

"What's: Star Wars?" Celestia asked.

"After the movie, you'll maybe understand it better."

RIIING! RIIING! RIIING! The doorbell of the Tyler's house was shouting, as Clarissa pressed it desperately.

"Oh come on! There's no one inside?" she asked to the microphone.

"Clarissa?" said a voice from behind her.

When she turned to face the voice, she saw that Bianca was getting out of her car with her daughter, and was approaching to her.

"Bianca!" she shouted.

"Calm down! Calm down!" Bianca responded. "What's wrong?"

"They did it again! They did it again!"

"Who did what?" the mother asked to the hysteric woman.

"You'll see, I took a video with my cellphone." she responded.

"Wow!" Celestia exclaimed as we went out of the cinema in the car. "Han Solo is awesome!"

"Yeah!" Luna complemented. "And the Millennium Falcon was super fast! It was even faster than light!"

"I never knew what happened to Chewbacca after episode III. I'm glad to see him again."

"Episode III?" Tia asked a bit confused. "You mean there are more of this movies!?"

"Yes," I spoke up. "I've the whole saga at home. We could watch it tomorrow, since it'll be Sunday."

I really enjoyed the movie and all, but what drew a smile in my face was the fact that Tia and Luna now had a friend! I never thought they'll make it to go to school, even less that they'll be able to go to see a movie at a theater as a normal kid will do. Yet, here we are, and I don't regret anything; not even the phoenix that now lives in my house.

After a while, we returned home. I headed out of the car and picked up both little fillies in my arms. I rang the doorbell as I said:

"Goodbye miss Esther!" I shouted to her. "Thank you for inviting us to the movie, it was a pleasure!"

"The pleasure is mine," she responded. "I hope we can hang out later, goodbye!"


And with that, she left. Mom probably saw us through the camera beacouse she opened the door remotely. It was night already, and I immediately headed to our room to leave the fillies to rest.

"Hold on, I'll come back later," I spoke. "I won't be late."

I headed to the kitchen, to have a glass of water, but before reaching it, I saw Clarissa and my mom at the living room.

"William," the lawyer spoke. "I have something to show you."

Author's Note:

Here's chapter XII.
Enjoy :)

As always, I accept suggestions.