• Published 18th Jul 2022
  • 1,020 Views, 72 Comments

The Legend Starts - 654_nosneb

William, a normal human, finds out that his father was working on something very special before getting arrested.

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Chapter XI - The end is near (part II)

Panic; panic started to take control over me. I didn't know what to do, or where's Tia; all I knew was that she's gone and, alongside a mad scientist as Osvaldo, her life might not last too long.

When I woke up, just Luna was conscious enough to explain anything (Lara suffered from the same fate as me). She said that she was safe because she teleported, but she didn't know where they go with Tia.

Also, Discord is apparently free. I don't know why the sky is still blue though; but maybe it's better like this. After all, the priority is Tia.

Apparently, I slept for a full day! He used horse sedant on me after all. And, after returning Lara to normal and to her home, we threw to the trash can a whole day trying to find her.

When we were near the Everfree park, Luna couldn't take it anymore. She collapsed in a sorrowful cry.

"Tia!" Luna shouted as tears begun to make her fur on her face wet. "Where are you!? I-I miss you! It's almost as if I could still feel your magical aura!"

"Don't worry, Luna; we're gonna... Wait, what do you mean with 'magical aura'?" I asked.

"She has a distinctive magical aura that I can feel," she replied. "Didn't you feel it when you were transformed into an alicorn?"

That was the moment in which I saw a spark of hope.

"I... I actually did! And I still kinda remember it!" I exclaimed; it was like a sensation of a golden presence and, for some reason, it reminded me to her voice. "Do you think that you could use that to find her?"

I was sure that with her help, we could finally find Tia and put an end to Osvaldo's crimes. All we needed was Luna to be brave. er face told me otherwise; her big eyes just showed me horror; her soul was deeply disturbed by this.

"Going... To-to whe-where Osvaldo is!" she said as her sadness was replaced with fear. "No, no, no, no, no! He-he will kill me! He will kill you! He will..."

She didn't finish what she was saying. She just hugged tightly my left leg, as trying to find on it the strength to help her sister.

"It's ok, it's ok," I said to her, "I know that you're scared about him, but this might be our only chance to rescue Tia."

After leaving my black coat, and probably my Little Prince book since I always leave it there, she spoke, "I'm a terrible sister, aren't I? Even after all these years I can't confront him, even if he kidnapped my sister! Why can't I help her when she needs me?"

In that moment, the spark of hope started to blur but, to keep it alive, my brain created an idea, one that turned out to be a lie, just to keep alive the hope.

"there might be something you can do for her; do you remember when you transformed me into an alicorn?"

"Yes," she replied a bit puzzled.

"Well, when you did it, you gave me a bit of your magical power. Do you think that you could do it again, just without the pony transformation part?"

The hope was kept alive, for a while at least.

"I... I could try." She finally replied.

Her horn glowed dark blue once more; this time, I felt magic entering my body as the last time but this time was WAY much more energy. I felt like it was fire that burned my interiors. Also, after the pain ended, I didn't have any hoof, wing, or horn.

It worked.


I ran. I ran as fast as I could with my new power. If this is what Osvaldo is after, now I understand why. Every step that I made impulsed me one or two meters, while also not getting tired. I told Luna to wait at home with Melissa for my return with Tia, a lie that I told to her and to myself.

With her magic, I could feel a tiny 'aura' coming from outside the city. It was like Celestia's voice but without words. Every step that I made got me closer and closer to her, but, what kept my hope alive was the fact that if I can feel her aura, then she's still alive! She's not dead!

But the hope will die soon.

After 15 minutes or so, I reached the forest that was outside the city and, approaching more slowly to the place I thought Celestia was, I saw something that I was fearing, but expecting: Celestia... about to die.

"AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" she screamed as a weird machine, that tied her horn, limbs, and wings extracted what it appeared to be her aura from her.

"50% of the magic was already transferred, brother," a guy in a dirty white robe exclaimed, "just a few hours more!"

At the other side of the weird machine, I saw Osvaldo, but his eyes were glowing in white, he was levitating, and his clothes suffered from some burns.


"NEVER!" Tia replied from her prison.

"OSVALDO!" I shouted as I revealed myself from my hiding spot. "We're gonna have a talk about this!" After shouting that, I focused a fist and with pure magic, and anger, I rushed to the machine and instantly destroyed it with a single punch.

A HUGE colorful explosion followed afterwards. Fortunately, I didn't fall unconscious. I recovered quickly, rushed to where Celestia was, and tried to wake her up.

"Tia! Tia! Are you alright?"

After a moment or two, and some slaps on her face, she started to wake up, "Wi... William?"

Now, hope was more alive than ever.

"Yes, it's me! We gave to get out of here!" I said as I placed her on my shoulders.

Then, it died.

"Oh my! Am I interrupting anything?" Osvaldo's voice sounded behind me.

Next thing that happened, was that I felt something HOT and STRONG that hit my back. Tia recovered better than me from the fall, so I shouted to her:

"Run! Run away from here! Before he... AAHH!" I was interrupted by a red magical beam that I quickly discovered was the same thing that hit me before.

"I have been studying magic for many more years than you 'did'. You seriously thought that this would be, EASY!?" he shouted again as another beam blasted me, but this time, much more far and painful than the others.

I closed my eyes after the impact because of the sudden attack. When I reopened them, which was after ten seconds, I found out that I was at the city again (and that someone might need a new car). As I felt the deep fain in all my limbs, head, and... well, basically my whole body, I saw a sudden red flash beside me, and then, another red beam.

"I also know how to teleport," He said as he punched me again, "because I managed to access all the memories of almost five years of training you did with 'Tia'," another punch hit my face. "She almost had it right, good thing that I know how to repair her dumb mistakes. Also, I think you don't know this but..." another strike of his stolen magic hit me, and the last thing I listened before being blasted through the air again was, "I USE TO BE A SOLDIER!"

This time, a tree was the first thing my back found on its path. I would be more than dead by now if it wasn't for Luna's magic. I stood up to find out that I was on the Everfree park.

A red flash let me know that Osvaldo followed me again. I tried to resist, but, when he grabbed me and threw me up into the skies, he did it too fast for me to even think.

I ended up in a cloud (I guess that my magic still allows me to walk on clouds); stood up again, and immediately feel to the floor/cloud. My whole body felt as if a train had passed through it, which, now that I think about it, would have been better than what really happened.

Another red flash.

"Interesting, walking on clouds. Anyways, DIE!"

Then, he blasted the cloud with me on it, but this time, I fought back with my own blue magical beam. As we fell, we were punching, firing beams, and more. Every strike was meant to kill.

We continued battling, until the director finally tackled me unto the ground and started to beam more energy from his fists.

I was containing this energy with my magic, but it was getting harder to do as a ball of energy began to grow between us.

"Ready to surrender?" he said as he intensified the energy he was beaming.

"Never!" I responded. "Not even in 20000 years, this world shouldn't be ruled by a monster like you!"

Then, the ball of energy that was formed between us exploded. And the last thing I knew before loosing my consciousness was that the the ball of energy first impacted on my head before completely detonating.

If I die, I just hope that Celestia and Luna can finally live a happy life; they deserve it.

Author's Note:

And with that, the story is completed. Sorry for taking too long, but the exams just started.
I now encourage you to read the original story "A Legend Returns" since without it this ending might appear incomplete or dumb. I hope you liked this story so far, also...
Enjoy :)

As always, I accept suggestions.

Comments ( 8 )

great story finally read it

Amazing! I loved this story! Now, I saved this comment for after I have read the ENTIRE story, but I suspect that either English is not your first language, or you’re really that bad at proper grammar. Nearly every sentence had incorrect use of various verbs, homophones (look it up), outright misspellings, and terrible sentence structure. I noticed a visible improvement in these grammar problems in season two, so I suspect by now many of these issues are mostly resolved. Nevertheless, this story could use a quick edit to correct the grammar (it’s primarily the mixed verb tenses and homophones that imply to me that English isn’t your first language, because I’ve edited much much worse that still had proper verb tenses and word usage). Great story! Hope you finish the main story soon! (Haven’t read it yet, but I still see it’s incomplete) ❤️❤️❤️

It's not my first language. One of the main reasons for me to start writing was to improve my English.
Thanks for the help. 🙂

No problem! I’ve really enjoyed reading your stories!!! (Been blasting through “A Legend Returns”. Such a page turner! Err, scroller?)

Now that this story is complete are you going to do that crossover? I’m sorry for asking this of you again, but I really, really want to read a story about that!

You know what? You've convinced me. Maybe a short three-chapter story wouldn't hurt. Expect the first chapter within this month.

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