• Published 18th Jul 2022
  • 1,020 Views, 72 Comments

The Legend Starts - 654_nosneb

William, a normal human, finds out that his father was working on something very special before getting arrested.

  • ...

Chapter IX - Preparing for the end.

And I thought that 2020 was hard! It would be the hardest, if a wanted criminal wasn't trying to attack your family almost twice per week!

We got 'used' to it, but this is getting out of hand. The police are trying to help, but since they don't know where to look, they don't know how their pony forms look like, and Osvaldo's people have heavy equipment, they can't do too much rather than continue, and fail, their search.

The reason because they're failing, is because having two magical ponies that can defend themselves with their magic is very useful if what you want is avoid kidnap.

Our magic lessons are now more focused on Tia and Luna learning some defensive, and offensive, 'spells' so they could be safe on school where I can't watch over them all the time.

The days turned into weeks, the weeks into months, and before I noticed, we were about to finish another year.


"You don't understand it!" Osvaldo shouted to Gregory. "If I get their power, there's nothing in this world I couldn't do! I'll become as powerful as a god!" he explained, as his last pieces of sanity were took away from him. "And with that power, I'll make sure humanity reaches peace and prosperity! No matter how many things I should sacrifice first."

Their poorly designed camp now looked more depressing than before. Now they have lost two of their cars, almost all of their fuel, and were running out of ammo.

"But all our previous attempts have failed," replied his brother, "what makes you think that this time it's gonna end up differently?"

"Simple, we'll use the helicopter," he replied.

"The-the helicopter?" Gregory asked a bit worried.

"Yes, the helicopter," the director replied with confidence. "I told you to save its fuel, remember?"

"The fuel! Yeah..." The guy with a dirty white robe responded nervously. "The fuel..."

Osvaldo's face became more threatening, "Yeah, the fuel. You saved it for a moment like this as I asked you, right?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! But our other vehicles needed that fuel and..."

SLAP! His face was slapped by his brother's hand. "HOW ARE WE GONNA EXECUTE OUR PLAN THEN!?"

"We can fix this!" Gregory immediately replied with fear on his voice.


"I... I can fix this."

"How, explain yourself."

"Well, a military truck that's transporting fuel will pass close to our position soon. We could steal the required fuel from it."

"Which are your sources?" Osvaldo asked.

"Some of our man were militaries in the past, they know how to listen to military conversations through their phones."

Osvaldo meditated about it for a few seconds, "Go ahead, do it! This might not end that bad after all."


The time for the sports class was ending, and the two fillies known as Celestia and Luna were finishing their trotting. They were terrible at any other sport due to their physical form, but that was also the reason behind their success at running. They were the fastest in the class at the activity, and they were proud of it.

"Hey, It's not fair!" their friend, Lara, said as they headed to a small recess. "You're ponies! You're practically made for running; you're clearly faster than any of us."

"Yeah, it's nice to leave you behind while galloping," her white pony friend spoke.

"Tia!" Luna replied, "don't be that mean to Lara."

"I'm not mean," she quickly replied, "I'm just enjoying this victory, since she destroyed me on today's checkers game."

"Haha, what can I say? I enjoy being good at it."

The three friends went to their recess, chatting happily among each other. Now the finally can be at school, although, except for the fillies, they had to wear facemasks, they were still happy about their normal schooling.

Some things have changed over the years since the fillies first entered the school. Nowadays, they weren't bullied by their physical form, mostly because a great amount of the students already experienced it in the last year. It was really funny for them when they find out that the same kids that bothered them, were ponies for a full week! Their faces when they transformed to ponies at the middle of the class was more worthy than all the gold in the world.

"And your father is still at prison?" Lara asked to Celestia.

"Sadly, yes," she responded. "I don't understand why thou, but I know that it's unfair."

"I see," she replied.

"And what about your father, Lara?" Luna asked. "Why we didn't saw him before?"

At this question, Lara's smile completely disappeared, "Honestly, I never knew him," she finally responded. "He died before I was born, but from what my mom told me, he was the nicest person in the world."

After a few seconds, Luna spoke up, "I'm sorry to hear that, Lara, and I'm sorry that I asked."

"It's ok," she replied, "I never got the opportunity to know him. But I'm glad to know that he loved me."

"How do you know?" asked Tia.

"Mom told me that the day he knew that he was expecting a daughter, he decided to write a letter of love to his incoming baby," she said as her smile returned to her face. "Wait! I have a copy of it on my notebook, I could show it to you if you want."

"Sure, why not?" Tia exclaimed.

"I'd love that, Lara," complemented Luna.

The three friends went to their classroom in the search for the notebook in question. They weren't the same little girls as the year they met; nowadays, Lara was much more taller, and the fillies much larger than the first time they saw William. Now their heads reached the chest of a normal adult, so they seemed to be very much threatening than before.

The fact that nobody, besides Lara, saw them during an entire year also helped to their new appearance. In shorter terms, they were the same but larger.

"Here it is!" Lara exclaimed as she held the English notebook. "I knew that I copied it here."

"That's great but, why did you decide to copy it here?" Celestia asked.

"I got REALLY bored during a lesson," she replied, "so I copied the first part on the notebook. And since I didn't like to see it incomplete, I finished the rest when I got home. Anyways, let me start..."


"There's the truck!" Said Gregory as his finger raised to point out the military truck. "Wait for it..."

The fuel truck was just moving as normal through the highway.

"Wait for it..."

The mentioned vehicle was reaching a point on the road, a point that the fugitives planned an hour ago.


One of their companions pushed a red button he had on his hand. At the moment he pushed it, an explosion appeared at the front of the truck, but far enough so it would not trigger the fuel.

The truck stopped at the sudden explosion; and then, Gregory shouted to his three companions:

"Shoot at the driver! Now's our time!"


"...I don't know yet in what kind of girl you'll turn," Lara started to read, "but I'll guide you from birth for you to become the best you possible. From the moment I knew that I was going to be a father, I didn't hesitate; I know what I have to do. I will be with you, Lara, always remember that. I'm writing this so when you discover the meaning of words you can know that I loved you from the beginning, and I always will.
With love,

"Awwwww! That's so cute!" Luna said as Lara finished the letter. "But what happened to him?"

"Well, he died on a car accident," she stated. "But it's ok, mom is the best mom in the world, and I'm glad to know that he would have loved me if it wasn't for his death."

The three friends continued their chatting until the bell marked the end of their recess. They were already at the classroom, so they just had to wait until their classmates return. Lara now felt more happy than before, her friendship with Celestia and Luna was getting stronger, and almost nobody bothered them anymore; what could possibly go wrong?


This was supposed to be a normal day for me, how did I get from having a normal coffee in the morning to having a guy pointing his weapon towards my brain?

"Stay there!" The guy with the weapon shouted, then he turned back to his companion at the back of my truck and exclaimed: "Gregory, is it done already?"

"Yes!" A voice from the back of the truck exclaimed. "The fuel is ours!"

Then, the man in front of me proceeded to tie my hands on my back, tie my legs as well, and leave me there at my own.

The last thing I saw from them is how they attached the fuel container to a truck of their own; their engine ignited with a roar and, in a few seconds, they left.

How am I supposed to explain this to my boss?

Author's Note:

Sorry for taking too long, but here's chapter IX!
I'll also begin to separate more properly my paragraphs.
Enjoy :)

As always, I accept suggestions.