• Published 18th Jul 2022
  • 1,021 Views, 72 Comments

The Legend Starts - 654_nosneb

William, a normal human, finds out that his father was working on something very special before getting arrested.

  • ...

Chapter XI - Discrimination.

Second week of school for sisters started, and problems within it also began to emerge. Everything started on Monday, some days after the Philomena incident. Both fillies as usual woke up, ate breakfast, and went for a bus, but they didn’t know what will happen in school.

As they entered the school they spotted a group of kids from around 1st and 2nd grade watching them all the time.

“Hey Tia?” Luna started talking to her sister. “Do you see this group of kids weirdly watching us all the time?” She said, slightly pointing a hoof at them, so they won’t see it.

“Yea, I can feel, that they are watching, but maybe they are still not used that we started going to this school?” She answered. Luna wasn’t satisfied with this answer but she stopped worrying for now. They entered to their classroom to see their teacher, miss Rose. She smiled as they entered and got back to preparing the lessons for today. Meanwhile both sisters prepared themselves for the lesson in their respective seats. Around 2 minutes passed when Luna spotted the 4 kids that were part of that group at the entrance of school. Luna was looking at them thinking who they are and why are they here, because she didn't noticed that they were part of her and her sister’s class. While she was thinking the bell rang. Teacher got up and started the lessons

“Welcome kids! For today’s Lesson we’re gonna go back in time, and learn some about our country! So, The USA, or full name, United States of America originated in XVIII century…” miss Rose started lesson. Both sisters were listening but Luna's mind was completely going in on other direction. She tried to watch these 4 boys, that were sitting on the left. They were looking, rather saying, not happy with Luna’s and Celestia’s presence. They were looking at them, talking between each other, and pointing fingers at them. although they tried not to show it, they were failing and almost everyone saw them do it.

“Hey, look. There is a horse in school.” Said one boy loud enough for her to hear.

“Yea, what are they doing here?” Asked another.

“Hey do you see this? One is blue. How it’s even possible?” Pointed the third one.

“Blue or not, it’s just a horse, it can’t talk. It’s like learning fish to live without water.” Answered the fourth one.

“Hey boys. Stop talking. You are interrupting the lesson.” Teacher said to them.

“Sorry miss, we won’t do that again.” Said the second one. He tried to look, that he was telling the truth, but he wasn’t.

“Psst, Tia, did you hear?” Luna whispered to her sister.

“That miss Rose said not to talk? Yes, I clearly heard that” she answered, irritated.

“Not that. The boys. They were talking about us.” Said Luna, trying so speak silently.

“Sister. Stop talking. I’m trying to listen!” Celestia spoke. Luckily, teacher didn’t hear, or ignored fact, that it was a little louder, than it should.

“Ugh fine… I’m gonna tell you on break time.” Luna finally said. She knew something was going on. Not good for them, definitely.


The bell ranged, showing everyone, that now is the break time.

“Ok, that concludes our today’s lesson, have a nice break time!” miss Rose said. Almost immediately everyone stood up and left the classroom. The only one, that didn’t left was Luna.

“Miss Rose?” She said.

“Oh Luna, how can I help you today?” She asked in her motherly tone.

“I want to talk about the group of boys, that was talking minutes ago. They were talking about me and Tia. Their talk was very mean towards me and my sister” she informed her teacher.

“Luna, calm down. Remember, you are different from others, but have the right to learn. They may talk about you, but I doubt that they were discriminating you two.” She answered. Luna expected that answer.

“Thank you miss.” She said. She was about to leave when she heard something, that she shouldn’t hear.

“Shut up! I have the same rights as you!” The answer came. Luna recognized her sister's voice. She rushed out of the class in her sister's rescue.

“Maybe we should teach her a lesson.” another voice exclaimed. She also recognized that voice. It was one of the boys, from her classroom, that talked about them. After 1 minute of running (or galloping?) she arrived at the scene. She saw the group of 6 guys, wandering around Celestia. She looked scared, and ready for something.

“Shut up and go away! Now!” She commanded to them

“And what if we don't?” One boy said. At the moment Tia founded Luna, but didn’t say anything, just shook her head, to signal that she need help.

“Well…” Celestia said. She perfectly simulated being scared.

“Hahaha! You can’t do anything! Let’s get them boys!” Said the tallest one. Leader of the group, as Luna assumed. As he said it everyone started running towards Celestia. Then, suddenly Luna casted a spell, that made her disappear and reappear near Luna.

“Tia run, I will distract them!” Luna said.

“No, I will not leave you!” Tia answered. Luna nodded in acceptance. Together they casted the spell, that made a semi-transparent wall, between the group and both sisters. Then, they left the school, and went flying to their home.

William was sitting in his room, learning and doing homework. He didn't go to school that day beacouse his teachers had a day training a new method of teaching, when suddenly he heard something bursting through the door.

“William!” He heard. He recognized the voices of Celestia and Luna. He immediately get up from his desk and went running downstairs. When he came he saw Celestia and Luna crying? William slowly came to them and hugged them softly.

“Hey, there is no need to cry. What happened? Why are you not at school?” He asked, worrying about both fillies.

“We-we-we don’t want go to school anymore!” Luna exclaimed, sobbing.

“Why? What happened?” I asked again

“The-the-there is some sort of group that w-w-want to h-h-hurt us!” Celestia said through tears.

“Hey, don’t be sad. We will definitely do something about it." he spoke gently to them. He knew that they probably will need some emotional help so he wouldn't sent them back to school, at least for today. "Now, do you want something to eat? Mom is making dinner."

Author's Note:

Hi! Polak23 here, with a message for you.

This chapter was I think the hardest for me to write for now (I rewrites it 3 times) so I’m very sorry if you spot some parts, that don’t fit in. [Hi, this is 654_nosneb, I helped a little bit ;)]
Also I think I wouldn’t be doing daily with my chapters of this story (nosneb can still do daily with his parts), since I want to take some time and don’t rush it, so you would have clear reading without any errors or mistakes.

As usual, criticism and suggestions are welcome!