• Published 18th Jul 2022
  • 1,020 Views, 72 Comments

The Legend Starts - 654_nosneb

William, a normal human, finds out that his father was working on something very special before getting arrested.

  • ...

Chapter IV - More fear, and more problems.

The days passed, and the fillies were starting to propose an idea: can we visit Lara?

"But mom," Celestia spoke. "We are immune to the disease, we can't spread it either, what's the deal with we visiting her?"

"Tia," mom replied. "I know that you and Luna are immune to the COVID, but I don't know if miss Esther will accept that you go and visit her daughter."

"Could you at least ask her?" Luna begged.

"I... well... Fine, I'll se what I can do."

"YEY!" both fillies exclaimed with excitement.

After both fillies rushed to their bedroom to tell Melissa about the exciting possibility, mom asked me:

"William, could you call miss Esther for me? Now I've to attend a virtual meeting so I think I'll be a little busy."

"No problem, mom" I responded.

I then picked up my cellphone from his charging spot, I turned it on, and called for Esther.

"Hello, William!" the woman at the other side of the line exclaimed. "Long time since I talked to you!"

"Yeah, it has been a while," I replied. "Well, you see, miss, the reason of why I'm calling you is that, well... since Tia and Luna are immune since they are not humans, I was wondering if they could maybe visit Lara tomorrow."

"Well..." she responded with a worried voice tone.

"It could be other day if tomorrow isn't possible," I quickly spoke. "Maybe this Saturday?"

"No, it's not that. I know that those fillies are immune to the virus, but the real problem is that Lara is infected."

"Lara infected!" I almost shouted from the shock.

"Yeah, she is. Don't worry too much, she's a very healthy girl. But she's just too weak for receiving Tia and Luna."

"Oh, I see." I responded with a sad voice. "Well, see you next time I guess."

"See you next time William," she concluded. "It was a pleasure to hear your voice again."

"For me as well miss Esther." were my final words before I ended the call.

But when I turned to charge my phone again, I saw two little pony faces shocked with horror.

"L-La-Lara is... INFECTED!" both fillies gasped.

"Well... yes, but in her case is not that..."

"Bwaaaa!" both fillies break into tears.

I never thought that this pandemic would have made this ponies cry too much.

"Are you sure that she's gonna be alright?" Luna asked.

"I'm sure," Melissa responded as I entered my bed. "She's pretty strong, much more than you realise. When you less notice, you are going to be in a dinner at her house!"

"If you say so, Melissa." Celestia responded.

I had a very long day, so I decided not to force further conversation. They'll eventually calm down.

"I don't want Lara to die," Celestia thought to herself while she was on her mattress. "I wish that she could be immune like us." she thought as the tiredness consumed her mind. "I wish..."

Then the room got completely silent, but not completely dark, since Celestia's horn begun to glow with intensity until a magical, invisible bubble started to grow out of it, swallowing the room, the house, and slowly but surely, the entire city.

"Morning Luna!" I exclaimed to the sleeping filly. "Breakfast is ready, and if you and you want to eat it before it gets cold, you should probably wake up now."

"Ok, William," the sleepy filly responded.

While we were eating breakfast, which was my favorite: pancakes, Tia decided to ask:

"Could we at least call Lara?" she asked with a bit of fear. "Just to see if she's alright."

"I see no problem with it," I said as I swallowed the last piece of my plate. "Just let me call her mom and see if she's available."

"YEY!" both fillies exclaimed from happiness.

I went to unplug my cellphone from his charger, and typed the number of Lara's mother.

"Hello miss Esther," I spoke to the device. "I'm William, I was wondering if I could..."

"William! Oh, I have never been so happy to hear your voice!" she exclaimed with a mix of excitement, fear, and astonishment.

"What's wrong? What happened?" I asked.

"Well, good news are that Lara doesn't has COVID anymore."

"Oh, great!" I exclaimed. "And the bad news?"

"Well, SHE'S NOW A PEGASUS!" the woman at the other side of the line shouted, making my heart to stop beating for a second. The, she changed the call into a video-call, and I saw a light blue filly with wings that was behind an angry Esther. "How this happened!"

"I...I-I don't know!" I tried to calmly respond, although I think I failed in the process.


"Mom, don't be too angry. I feel very weird, but this is better than being tasteless and with that fever." her now pony daughter exclaimed to try to calm down her mother.

"I don't know," I responded. "I know so few things about magic; like it can be created, can alter reality and physics, and that is very linked to emoti..." then it hit me, the emotional part. Celestia must have done this without purpose when I told her that she was immune because she's a pony, and that her best friend got infected.

"And that is what?" she now asked a bit more calmed.

"You know what, wait at your home; we'll arrive there soon."

Since mom wasn't at home, I had to use my emergency money to get an uber. When I told the fillies that her best friend became a pony, they didn't know hoe to react; at first, they were the happiest beings on the planet, saying things like <<That means she's cured!>> or <<She's a pegasus now, now we can fly together!>> but then, they realized the real PROBLEM that this meant for her, and started panicking much more.

"She doesn't have a horn!" exclaimed Luna on her car seat. "How will she do anything complex!"

"I didn't thought of that!" her sister replied. "She must know that this is my fault. She must hate us right now!"

They continued their worried chatting until we arrived at Lara's home.

"Weeeeeee!" Lara shouted as she flied a few meters with Celestia. "This... is... FUN!"

"So let me get this straight," Esther asked. "They unconsciously converted her because they were scared that the COVID would kill her?"

"Well, yes."

"Ok, Celestia! Luna! Come here please."

I got scared to death when she called them, but I got really confused when she... hugged them?

"Thank you," she exclaimed with tears on her eyes. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Bu-but miss," Luna spoke. "We..."

"But you did it to save her life," she stated. "And I thank both of you for it."

Lara also decided to add herself to the hug. I was wondering if I should do it too, when something at the news caught my attention:

'Infected people are transforming into ponies!'

Author's Note:

Here's chapter IV season 2!
I know that the story is getting a little sad with the COVID stuff, but I'm trying to keep it in a happy mood.
Enjoy :)

As always, I accept suggestions.