• Published 18th Jul 2022
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The Legend Starts - 654_nosneb

William, a normal human, finds out that his father was working on something very special before getting arrested.

  • ...

Chapter V - More legal problems.

"Director Osvaldo!" a young man with a white lab coat shouted to his boss.

"What!" the bald man responded. "Did someone found those 2 fillies? It would certainly be nice to be able to continue our research, now that we are this close."

"Well... there could be a problem with that." the young man responded.

"What problem?" Osvaldo said with the most unfriendly sight his face could show. "They died!?"

"No no no!" the young man answered quickly. "It's just that... you remember Wilson right?"

"Yes, the one that betrayed his kind for the sake of 2 lab rats. But what happened with him? I thought that we imprisoned him for a long time at the capital's prison."

"Well... you see. He had a son and a daughter. Well, they found the 2 fillies, and uploaded a video; a very, VERY viral video. In which the 2 fillies, now named Celestia and Luna, tell everyone about our lies at the news program."

"And his son appeared in the video?" Osvaldo asked.

"No; in fact, he was very cautious to try to keep his identity safe from the public. But one classmate of his school recognized that the place in which the video was recorded was William's house."

"And why this should matter to me?" Osvaldo asked with a disgusting voice tone.

"Beacouse the internet's reaction was VERY aggressive!" the young man shouted. "In a matter of 1 week, a movement with the objective of giving them human rights was created."

"Do they achieved success?" the director asked.

"Well... not yet. But they are close to..."

"Then just go there and reclaim our property!" he finally shouted.

Uff, last week was crazy. A classmate of Melissa recognized the place in which we recorded the video, and told the internet who and where are we.

Fortunately, the vast majority of the people gave us their support, and begun a pseudo war against researchinc. Also, we had to deal with the tons of people that wanted to meet Tia and Luna, but luckily, they weren't too insistent with it.

"William, your mother cooked lasagna!" Tia shouted. "What's that?"

"Lasagna!?" I shouted, since that's my favourite food. "Really? Well... it's like... well... just wait until you eat it, you'll love it!"

We sat down on the table, ready to eat the lunch, and Celestia was the first one to receive her piece.

"MMMMMM!" she exclaimed. "This is the tastiest thing I ever tried, thank you miss Bianca!"

"You are welcome Tia." my mother replied.

I then proceeded to devour my piece, but instead of the delicious taste of the sauce with the meat I found... eggplant?

"Coff! Coff!" I coughed. "Well, this isn't what I was expecting."

"What's wrong with it?" Luna asked. "I think it's delicious!"

"Nothing, it's just that I'm not used to vegetarian lasagna, that's all."

"Oh, so you eat this with meat?" the white filly asked.

RING! RING! RING! The ringer shouted.

"I'll go." I said. "Don't worry, I won't take long."

I then went to the kitchen, (in which the screen displaying the image form the camera was) and use the phone connected to a speaker to speak to the visit.

"Hello, who are you?" I asked.

"I'm from resarchinc." the man spoke to the camera. "I know who you are, and what you have in there. You and your family have stolen private property from our facility. Just return them to me and no one will get hurt."

"Oh, yeah, researchinc. How about I say: no."

"Then I will have no other option beside..." he was trying to say as I placed the phone on his place.

I thought that the thing will just stay there, but when I returned to our table, (which was outside) I saw tons of people with guns pointing them to my mother, my sister, and the 2 fillies. When I got outside, one of them pointed one to me.

"I told you that there would be consequences." the same man I saw in the camera spoke to me. "Now, if you can excuse us, we are leaving." he said as 2 of his man grabbed Tia and Luna. "Don't try anything! Or I'll open fire."

I was so busy searching for a way to save Tia and Luna, that I didn't noticed when Celestia's horn began to emit golden sparks.

"No! No! No! You won't harm my family!" she shouted.

"Family?" the man from before spoke up again. "Look at them! You are not from his same species! They don't consider you or your sister as family, they are just using you to be famous."

"Liar!" she shouted, as more sparks began to emanate from her horn. "Shut up!"

"No, you shut up! I don't wanna hear childish complains in our way to researchic."

"I said, SHUT UP!" Tia exclaimed, as a blinding light emanated from her horn, which make me cover my eyes.

When I reopened them, I saw the same scene as before, except for the fact that their guns were now replaced by bananas. The five guys were very confused at this, but I didn't loose time to put in practice the things that I learned in my teakwondo classes. If I had to describe in a phrase what happened next, I'll do it with: they probably are not returning here in a long time.

"Is everyone all right?" Bianca asked.

"Yes." I, Tia and Luna responded.

"Th-they tri-tried to kill us!" Melissa shouted. "They, they, they..."

She was interrupted by a dark blue filly hugging her, and also saying: "Don't worry Melissa, we are fine and nothing bad happened."

Then, my mother approached to me and whispered to my ear: "What are we going to do!? They will try this again, and we might not be this lucky next time."

"Well..." I tried to respond. "The only thing that comes to my mind is that we manage to give them rights. I didn't told you, but the national senate had been receiving too much pressure from the public, that they are going to let us join an audience in 2 days to determine if Tia and Luna qualify as sapient beings, and deserve rights."

"More legal problems?" she responded. "You know that we have the record of failing twice against the legal system. What makes you think that this time they are not just going to inject money to the court to make their lies count?"

"Beacouse this time everyone knows the truth." I exclaimed. "And even though I'm not sure if we will win, I have more hope now than before. Who knows, maybe this could be the beginning of dad's return to home!"

"Maybe, maybe, but you know how this works. Once you involve yourself in one of this things you know how you get in, but you don't know how you get out." she spoke. "I just hope that this girls could be just happy kids right now."

"Me too mom, me too."

That night, after reading more chapters of the little prince to the girls, I wrote some messages to my dad. He already knew about the fillies escape from the lab, and was happy to know that they were happy. This night, I told him about today's incident, and how Tia saved us; and this is what he said:

"Hi William, I'm glad to receive another message from you. So Celestia did that! Maybe their magic has become a lot stronger than I originally predicted. But don't worry, I'm 100% sure that they won't do anything to harm you, your mother, or your sister.
I've to go, a guard will check me very soon, and I don't want him to catch me using this cellphone.
A huge hug, dad."

With that, I closed my eyes and went to sleep. I didn't told him about the audience in 2 days, since I don't want him to worry.

I just hope that the lawyer that the people found for us can deal with what's about to come

Author's Note:

Here's chapter V.
Enjoy :)

As always, I accept suggestions.