• Published 18th Jul 2022
  • 1,020 Views, 72 Comments

The Legend Starts - 654_nosneb

William, a normal human, finds out that his father was working on something very special before getting arrested.

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Chapter X - The end is near (part I)

Maybe it's just me, but the years appear to pass more and more fast across time. Now's 2022, and I have to say that this year will be a LOT easier than the previous years.

First of all, COVID is almost over. The vaccines that Researchinc made made the disease go to the edge of extinction, and ponies around the city, and by consequence the critics towards Celestia and Luna, are becoming more rare with each day that passes.

And second, and this one is extremely weird, Osvaldo stopped his kidnap attempts towards the fillies! And it's been 5 months since his last attempt, I wonder why though.

And, not about the difficulty of the year, Luna learned how to teleport at will! It took us nearly five years, but she did it!

Ah, life is good!


"Wait, are you leaving us alone!" I shouted as my mother stated that she's leaving for some days.

"There's an amazing job opportunity," she replied, "but I need to go to an interview to another city to get a chance to get it."

I replied with the most astonished face I ever made in my entire life. Mom NEVER leaved us alone, and the one time she did, prior to the arrive of the fillies, I burned my hand with the oven.

"Oh, come on! You're 17 years old, I think this could be a perfect practice for the future." she said with a smile. I never thought of that, time passed too quickly thanks to all the magical stuff that I barely noticed its speed. "I'll be back in a week," she said, "don't let anything else happen to Tia an Luna."

"Don't worry, they tried to kidnap them before, and they always failed," William said. "They can fly, run very fast, and now I just taught Luna how to teleport."

"Ok, See you later Tia!" she said as she gave a hug to the withe alicorn. "I'll miss you Luna!" she said as the black pony enjoyed her hugging time. "Don't forget to be nice Melissa, and do everything William says."

"I'll do, I'll do." William's sister responded.

We ended up hugging each other without a concrete order, at least in a week we'll reunite, and I don't think we're wrong.

As soon as she leaved with the car, Melissa spoke, "You know, I won't do EVERYTHING you say, right?"

"Yeah, I know you TOO well to know that that's true," I said to then exclaim a laugh. "Well, I guess we could invite Lara to a slumber party!"

"Really!" Tia spoke up with excitement. "We could fly a bit with her!"

"You know she's not a pegasus anymore, right?"

"Yes!" she exclaimed with confidence. "Just wait until she comes and you'll see!"

"Ok..." I responded, uncertain of what she meant by that.


"I waited a long time for this moment," Osvaldo said to his brother, "and since they lowered their guards, they won't see this coming."

The camp that once was hidden in the forest almost didn't exist anymore. The band of criminals was now just reduced to four members (including Osvaldo and his brother), since the rest of them were imprisoned over time.

"Are you sure that..."

"Of course this is going to work, brother," Osvaldo said as he recharged his dart weapon and placed it inside the refueled helicopter, "I have been observing the Tyler family a long time to prepare for this moment; the moment in which my dreams and hopes for humanity finally come true. I had to go through a lot of obstacles to get to this moment: those fillies escaping, the Discord incident, the pandemic... But at least one of them will serve useful to my purpose," he said as he lifted to the the last piece of his plan to the helicopter: a magical vacuum which contained Discord.


"Lara!" Celestia and Luna exclaimed in unison as the girl got off her car.

"Tia, Luna!" the girl said as she went to hug the fillies.

"Take care of her," said Lara's mom to me, "and of them as well," she said pointing her head to the fillies.

"I will try," I responded.

"Alright, I'll come for her in tomorrow's morning," she said as her car's engine roared, impulsing the vehicle forward. "See ya!"

"See ya!" I replied.

After she came, we entered the house and into the living room; a fun night is waiting for us!

After some monopoly, more checkers defeats against Lara, some popcorn, and a movie; Tia told everybody that she had something to show us. She asked Lara to come closer to her, then closer, then more closer, until she was in front of the white alicorn.

"Well, Lara, are you prepared?" Tia asked.

"Prepared for what?" she replied.

"You'll see," the filly said as she lowered her head to touch the human in front of her with her horn. And then, it started glowing. "Don't worry, you know I can turn you back later."

"Wait, what are you doing with La..." I tried to say. but a sudden white flash that emerged from Tia's horn, blinding me in the process.

After a few seconds of blindness, I opened my eyes; just to find a very familiar pegasus in the place in which Lara was. To my horror, it was Lara.

"Ta-da!" Tia exclaimed.

"WHA-WHAT!?" I shouted. "Lara, ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?"

"Of course!" She calmly responded. "It's not the first time I do this after all."

"I know, but it's been almost two years since that."

"Yeah... But it's also not the second one."

Wait, did you..." I said as I faced Tia, "transform her before?"

"Well... Just two or or three times..." she said with fear on her voice, "per week. Bu-but I can always turn her back!" She quickly responded.

I just stared at the situation that was in front of my eyes, with even more fear than before. Now she can transform humans at will; what's next?

"Si-since when y-you can do this?" I asked.

"Well, when you got transformed to save me, Luna tried to replicate it to see if she can."

"And Lara once told us that she wanted to fly again, so..." Luna complemented. "I tried it on her. With her permission!, of course."

"And did you manage to turn her back afterwards?"

"Well," pony Lara started to say, "after five minutes or so of flying, I wanted to change back; and Luna couldn't. So I pretended to got reinfected with COVID for a week."

"Ah! So you weren't sick four months ago!" I said, surprised.

"Yeah; luckily, Tia managed to turn me back after a week, so nobody ever noticed," she finally said. "Well, can we go flying now? Is not dark yet."

"Ok..." I said a bit worried. "But just in the backyard. I don't wanna loose you out there."

We headed to the mentioned place, and they started their flight; even Melissa got transformed and joined them. I admit that I really want to go there with them, but I'm just too tired now to join them, even if they transformed me.

Suddenly, a helicopter made its appearance near the flying fillies. At first it seemed a bit normal, it isn't the first time I see one of those near the house. But then, it started to go lower and lower, until the wind it created could be felt all over the garden. Even Philomeana got out of her nest.

The fillies descended to the ground immediately. Then, one of the helicopter's doors opened in midair, and a well-known creature popped out of it: Discord.

"What the..."

I don't know what happened next. I just felt something hit my right arm, and then I fell unconscious.


"William!" Luna's voice boomed on my left ear. "Tia... Tia got kidnapped!"

Author's Note:

Chapter X is finally here!
Forgive me for taking too long to make this one. But at least it's done.
Next chapter will be the last one. After it, I beg you to read the original story "A Legend Returns" to not feel that this story is incomplete beacouse it's not.
Enjoy :)

As always, I accept suggestions.