• Published 18th Jul 2022
  • 1,020 Views, 72 Comments

The Legend Starts - 654_nosneb

William, a normal human, finds out that his father was working on something very special before getting arrested.

  • ...

Chapter II - And it's real.

"When your father got arrested," my mom started speaking, "he told me that the real reason of his arrest, was that he created 2 beings that could create and use an energy called: 'magic'."

"Magic?" I asked a bit confused.

"Yeah, magic!" the white filly spoke up. "Like this!"

Then, something wonderful happened. Her horn began to glow with a golden aura, and then, the sofa in which I and my mother were got lifted a few centimeters of the ground

I stared with amazement to what the filly was doing, and barely could believe it. It's magic! And it's real!

I was so astonished that I lost my ability to speak. Luckily, my mother recovered more quickly than me, and when the sofa went back on his place, she continued speaking.

"W-well, anyways, I never believed on him since I thought that magic wasn't real, and just a tale for kids. And I believed less on him when he told me that the 2 beings he created: the Celestial solution," she said while pointing a finger to the little white one, "and experiment loona," now pointing to the smaller one, "where 2 horned and winged little ponies that developed the ability to speak, and were as human as you and me."

The fillies now stared at amazement at my mother. The white one asked to her:

"Wait, you know mr. Tyler!? He was the only nice person we ever met."

"Of course, he's my husband." she responded. "Anyways, I never believed that he was a criminal, but I also didn't believe on that story, until now."

"Bu-but what are we supposed to do now?" I asked a bit nervous.

She took her time to respond. Clearly she was as amazed as me.

"Y-you won't throw us out of your home, wright?" the dark one asked worriedly.

That was enough for my mom. She now clearly knew what she had to do. "Of course not! B-both of you can stay here if you want. I can only imagine what you went through in all those years."

The eyes of the dark one expanded widely after hearing that. "You heard that sister! We are in a home! And we are welcomed!"

Both fillies then proceeded to hug us very tightly. I could feel their love and happiness in their hug, but also their fear and worries as they cried.

"If you are gonna live with us," I spoke, "You'll need better names than: the white one, or 'experiment loona'."

"And what names should we have?" the white one asked, yeah, I definitely need something better than 'the white one'.

"Hmm, how about I call you: Celestia?" I asked to her.

"Yes! Yes! Celestia is a wonderful name!" the now named Celestia shouted.

"And what about me?" the blue one asked.

"Well... could your name be: Luna?" My mother asked to the young filly.

"Luna. LUNA! You hear that sis, I'm Luna!"

"And I'm Celestia!" Celestia shouted.

Both fillies now begun to jump excitedly without control, screaming and shouting their names as my I and my mother stared at them with smiles and tears on our faces.

"*Coff coff* Mom." another young and familiar voice sounded from the hallway. "*Coff* What's going..." then, my sister stared at the 2 ponies that were jumping on the roof. "A-are th-those, unicorns!?"

"Yes." I responded. "And before you ask mom for them to stay, you should know that they are already staying."

Melissa approached to Celestia and Luna with very slow steps. The 2 fillies stopped jumping and stare at the 5 year old girl with amazement.

"Are you William's sister?" Celestia asked.

"Ye-yes." Melissa responded. "I'm Melissa."

"Cool name Melissa!" Luna spoke. "I'm Luna! And she's my sister Celestia. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine." she said. "I never saw a winged unicorn before!"

"Actually, some scientists told us that we are: alicorns."

Alicorns huh. Well, the name makes sense at least.

"Well, you 2 should be hungry." mom spoke. "Would you like to eat something?"

"Sure!" Luna shouted excitedly. "Thank you miss..."

"Bianca." she spoke. "Now, what about some rice with tomato sauce?"

"That sounds great but, what's a sauce?" Celestia asked.

"I guess that you didn't eat any kind of sauce back at the lab." I spoke. "Don't worry, you'll love it."

As we headed to the kitchen, I could only thought about the missing things in these fillies childhood. They need to be kids as soon as possible, otherwise the damage to their minds could be permanent.
But I think we can give them just that.

Author's Note:

Chapter II is here.
If anyone that came from the previous story is wondering if I will abandon it, the answer is no. I'll continue it after I finish this one.
Enjoy :)

As always, I accept suggestions.