• Published 18th Jul 2022
  • 1,020 Views, 72 Comments

The Legend Starts - 654_nosneb

William, a normal human, finds out that his father was working on something very special before getting arrested.

  • ...

Chapter VI - Flying and crying.

I woke up and fell to the floor, again. I still don't get used to being an alicorn yet; but today, I might be able to enjoy it while it lasts. Today, Tia and Luna are gonna teach us how to fly!

After eating our breakfast, we headed outside to enjoy Saturday in the best possible way, flying. The sky was clear and with few clouds, and the sun was shining without burning my skin, sorry, fur. Philomena was also preparing herself to accompany us during the flying session. She left her nest and placed herself on mom's back; and after a few seconds of waiting, Tia started speaking:

"Ok everyone," she exclaimed, "the first thing you need to know about flying is to forget everything you think you know about the topic. With William, we discovered that our flying ability relays more on our magic rather than our wings," she said as she lifted herself of the ground. "Just flap them, and trust that they'll do the work, as long as you flap them."

I started to follow the instructions as we started to elevate ourselves. Mom and Melissa were lifting of the ground as well, and just like that, we were flying.

"Whoa!" I shouted as we elevated. "This... Is... AWESOME!"

"I'm flying! I'm flying!" Melissa shouted.

"Wow! It wasn't that diff..." mom said until she lost control, and crashed into Melissa. "AAHH!"

"Hey!" Melissa exclaimed as she recomposed herself from the impact. "Be more care... AHHHH!" she shouted as she also lost part of her balance.

"You have to be careful with your balance," Tia explained as she helped mom with her balance. "Here, let me help you."

After some minutes of practicing, we were ready. We might not have another chance to do this in our life, so we clearly WANTED to do this; we wanted to fly. We started to fly towards the Everfree Park, for no reason other than to enjoy the speed and the breeze. For an minute, for a moment, for a single instant there was no pandemic; there was no virus spreading through the world, the tedious virtual classes didn't exist. For a moment, we were happy.

"I got the trick!" mom exclaimed as she flew to a cloud.

Bam! She... crashed into the cloud? How was that even possible?

"What's going on with this cloud?" she exclaimed as her pony head popped out of the cloud. "Clouds are not supposed to be solid!"

After placing my fee... eh, hoof into the cloud, I confirmed that it was solid; so solid that you can even walk on it, which I did of course.

"Well, note for later: magic allows you to walk on clouds." I thought.

We were tired after our first flight, so we decided to rest on the cloud. No mattress could compare to the softness of this flying cotton, and we stayed there for the next 10 minutes.

"Ah! I never thought that I would lay on a cloud, but here we are!" exclaimed Melissa.

"I recently dreamed about something similar, but on the dream I wasn't a pony," I complemented.

"I know," Luna replied. "I saw it last week, but you had a facemask on it."

"Wait," mom spoke up, "what do you mean by: 'I saw it last week'."

"Well, you see..." I begun to explain.

I told them about Luna's ability to enter other people's dreams. After this revelation, mom asked:

"And why you didn't told me before?"

"Em... Well..."

"You could really help when I have nightmares!" Melissa exclaimed with excitement.

"You... you really mean it?" the dark blue filly asked. "I'm not sure if it would be a good idea."

"Are you kidding!" Melissa replied. "I'm sure anyone would love your company during a bad dream!"

We continued this talking/relaxing during 5 more minutes, until we decided to continue our flying. We did races, we stared at the view, and even saw another pegasus! Apparently, he was testing his flying abilities; he was worried about not turning back, but after telling him how the transformation works, he was a little bit less worried.

We descended to the Everfree Park, still laughing about a joke that Tia told us up there, when suddenly:

Pum! A small rock impacted on Tia's head.

"Ouch!" she exclaimed. "What..."

"You!" an unknown voice boomed from behind the white alicorn. "You're the one that's converting humans into ponies!"

I turned my head to face the intruder, and I found her: a tall woman, with a very angry face, and with more rocks on her hands.

"Do you think it's funny!?" the woman continued. "Or you just feel to lonely because you were the only one of your species that you had to revoke humanity from us for the sake of your desires? You stupid," she threw another rock to the filly. "HORSE!"

"Ouch!" Tia exclaimed, as tears begun to fall from her eyes. "I didn't..."

"For your fault, my grandma is a stupid UNICORN! She was perfectly fine," she threw another rock, "until you came!"

She was about to throw another rock, but then, a light blue aura stopped it. It was my magic, again. Also, as Philomena tried to tackle her with her fire wings, Luna's aura stopped her.

"Better if we just leave," I spoke to the rest of the family, "sorry for the trouble," I said to the tall woman as we spread our wings to start our way back home.

"Hey! Come back here!" I heard the echoing shouts of the woman as we elevated ourselves to the sky.

"Are people angry with us?" Tia asked me from her bed as we tried to sleep. "I mean, the conversions ARE in fact our fault."

"Don't worry, Tia," I replied. "When enough people gets back to normal, they will see you as heroes rather than monsters. Just wait and you'll see!"

"Ok," she responded before falling asleep, "if you say so."

After a while, I fell asleep. But then, I appeared on a dark void in which I couldn't see other thing rather than myself. I instantly knew that I was dreaming, but the dream was just too weird, even for my standards.

In the darkness, I saw two orbs of light, one was red and the other one was green; they were like eyes staring at me. I stared at the eyes for a few seconds, until a voice started speaking:


"No," I replied. "You are just part of my nightmare, what do you really know about them?"

"I KNOW TOO MUCH ABOUT THEM!" the voice replied. "AFTER ALL, I'M YOU."

"If you say so," I replied before walking away from the eyes.


Author's Note:

Chapter VI is here!
The end of the story as well.
Enjoy :)

As always, I accept suggestions.