• Published 20th Jun 2019
  • 14,896 Views, 467 Comments

Lunar Soul - ShadowedKnight68

Being the bringer of darkness and forever night isn't easy.

  • ...


Slowly awareness returns to me as I awaken, slowly looking around the room with half lidded eyes I figure out this is in fact not a dream, I've started to understand the differences between the real world and these intense lucid like dreams….I somehow can feel the difference, I feel my sleeping body in the real world while in the dream one, hence the usual numb feeling…

Sighing I roll onto my back and look up at the ceiling above, I wasn't sure if waking in a dream was bad...it meant I now was back in the real nightmare, inescapable….at least in the dream it wasn't real but now...now I was constantly reminded of my fate…

A fate the little ponies put me….they so badly wanted to find the answers to Nightmare Moon that they brought me here…seems all to convenient that I turned into Nightmare Moon and they were trying to find out how Luna became her…

Looking at my dark furred hoof I glared at it, they didn't know the pain I felt from having my hand transform into a hoof, having my entire body forcefully stretch and pull into a different form...then they had the gall to then treat me like shit because of my forced arrival? Hell even now they only treat me "nice" because the princesses said to...but has one even apologized for this? Even stood up and understood their fuck up? No…

They don't even believe me, don't believe I'm not actually that monster...to them the idea of an innocent being trapped within the form of Nightmare Moon is impossible..

…..but they weren't all horrible….Rainbow Dash saved me from falling...and Twilight comforted me….Fluttershy was the only nice one from the start….does that mean I should forgive them? Part of me just wants to hate them, make them suffer for what they did...but another part hurts from just thinking that...thinking such cruel thoughts...they didn't know...they didn't do it on purpose…

Closing my eyes tightly I decided to just push all the thoughts back...thinking about it was just running me in circles, forgive them, hate them...each one hurt me in a way…

Rolling out of the bed and moving towards the door I opened it only to be surprised by Twilight standing there in the process of opening the door, she had a tray with food on it levitating beside her.

"Oh! Blake sorry, I was just coming in to see if you were awake and hungry" Twilight smiled.

Hungry...hm something I haven't really felt...but the sight of food definitely made my mouth water "thanks Twilight."

She smiled and walked over to the bed setting down "I wasn't sure what you liked so I just got the regular."

I looked at the food, pancakes with syrup, a glass of orange juice, and some toast, liking my lips I sat down and reached for the toast with my hoof only to realize I didn't know how to grab with hooves...frowning softly I then leaned my head down taking a bite, swallowing the bite of toast I closed my eyes smiling in content.

She tried using her hoof….she would have expected her to use her horn or maybe wing to pick it up, now thinking about Twilight couldn't remember the last time she's seen her use her wing, she could understand her wariness of not using her magic after the events in the library but she'd have to ask her about that after her day Applejack, she just hoped Applejack got along with Nightmare..Blake...Twilight still didn't understand why she wanted to be referred to as that….what she remembered of Nightmare Moon she definitely was proud of herself.

But after bringing her back accidentally she's completely different, not even the same pony, though that could be just a facade, wouldn't be the first time someone's tricked Twilight's friends and her.

Discord pretended to have changed before revealing his true colors, he did then actually change so...its difficult to really figure out if she should trust Nightmare or not.

Licking my lips I look to the pancakes...toast was easy because it's small...but pancakes were a whole other story, much larger and usually required to be cut, rubbing my chin I then tried to take a bite out of the top pancake, pulling on it to try and bite a piece off but it just simply came with and hung from my mouth dripping with syrup.

Twilight came out of her thoughts and stifled a giggle seeing Blake's current predicament.

"Umm.. Twihight I heed some hell…." I said with a pancake still hanging from my mouth.

Twilight stood and used her magic to cut the hanging piece off and put it back on the plate "do you want me to help more..?"

Swallowing the smaller piece I nodded embarrassed slightly.

Twilight cut off pieces of pancake before sticking them with a fork and levitating it up to Blake's mouth.

Blushing at how embarrassing it was to be fed like a child I ate the piece, the only good part of this was that these pancakes tasted fricken amazing! The best pancakes I've ever had honestly.

Maybe because they were super pure pancakes? Or maybe they're magic?...if this were an episode of mlp this would be the Pancake episode, where I the strange out of place protagonist try to discover why the pancakes of this world are so good.

As I ate I suddenly realized the giddiness building in me...the familiar rush from eating some delicious in this body, memories of when I had eaten bacon at my house coming to mind...I tried to resist, to hold it in….I failed..

Tapping my front hooves on the ground I hummed in excitement closing my eyes at the deliciousness of the pancakes, opening my eyes I saw Twilight who had sparkles in her eyes like she's just seen the cutest thing.

That was the cutest thing! Twilight couldn't believe she thought that of her once enemy but she couldn't deny how filly like that reaction was! She wished she had a camera or a image spell to capture that reaction.

Blushing hard I looked away, curse this body and it's low tolerance to delicious food, thinking quickly I figured out a way to get away from this embarrassment "so….what am I doing today?"

Blinking Twilight refocused her attention and smiled "well today you'll be having a lesson with Applejack, she'll be teaching you all about Honesty."

"....but...I'm a pretty honest person…"

Person?...that sounded familiar...but still was strange to Twilight's ears "well...the princesses want you to have an experience with each of us and to learn each of the elements from us."

"I guess that makes sense.." all of this really seemed pointless...I understood each element and honestly I didn't feel I needed to relearn it all...

"If your finished eating we can head over to Applejack's And you can begin your lesson" Twilight stood.

"Yup, I'm ready" I stood and towered over her, a fact which made me uncomfortable..

Twilight lit her horn focusing on a spell before casting it, the two vanished in a purple flash before reappearing outside in front of Sweet Apple Acres.

Wobbling from the sudden shift in area I looked around "h-how did...when?..what???"

"What?" Twilight looked at her confused.

"How'd we get here??"

"I..teleported us?"

"You can teleport???" Remembering when the castle of the two sisters was collapsing and she saved the other girls, and in the library all those multiple times she vanished and appeared now it all made sense, she could in fact teleport "you can teleport!!"

"Yes...how did you not know that? Both Celestia and Luna can as well."

"They can??....I missed so much…" I now realized I should have tried watching the entire show instead of taking a break after season one…

"Okay...well we should get to Applejack so she isn't left wai-" suddenly a burst of green flames appeared in front of Twilight before a letter fell, Twilight catching it in her magic before it hit the ground, opening Twilight read over.

I looked around for spike because last I remembered he needed to be here in order for Twilight to get a letter "how'd you get that?...I thought you needed Spike?"

"it's a new spell I'm trying, seems to work.." she said while reading the letter "..Oh my okay I'll need to go back to the castle, um you're ok with meeting up with Applejack alone right?" Twilight looked at her.

"Um well...yeah?....but.."

"Okay good see you at the castle" she vanished in a purple flash.

Blinking I frowned before beginning to walk down the dirt road into Sweet Apple Acres, looking left and right I saw the bajillions of apple trees, once again I marvelled at the insanity of being in a real life version of a cartoon world.

As I walked while looking around I suddenly spotted a small figure, one which filled me with excitement, none other than the youngest member of the apple family, Apple Bloom!!

I made my way towards her and noticed she had a mark on her hip, squinting I realized it was a cutiemark….Apple Bloom has a cutiemark...my excitement shot through the fricken roof and I began tap all my hooves onto the ground like a prance before trotting to her.

Apple Bloom wiped the sweat from her forehead, now matter how long she's worked outside the heat always got to her, thinking back to earlier she was curious who her sister was talking about coming over, Applejack didn't want her to talk to whoever it was for some reason.

As Apple Bloom worked she suddenly heard somepony trotting closer, looking up from the basket of apples she figured it was her sister, as her eyes found the source of the noise they suddenly widened in fear.

The towering dark figure of Nightmares Moon came closer, her turquoise eyes with snake like slits focused on her, her fang like teeth shown in a wide snarl, and the cloud like mane and tail flowing behind her.

Apple Bloom stumbled back knocking into the bucket behind her "N-N-Nigh-"

The large mare opened her mouth preparing to bite down onto Apple Bloom's small head only to be stopped by the yell of a familiar female voice.

"Hey! Leave her alone" Applejack hurried over getting in front of Nightmare Moon "I don't want ya anywhere near mah little sister, got it??"

Nightmare Moon had a look of shock before nodding.

"Now c'mon I got some work fer ya to do" Applejack order walking away "Apple Bloom head on in, ya don't have ta work fer the rest of the day."

Apple Bloom was going to say something, ask about what was going on but the two were already walking away into the orchard of trees, though previously afraid... Apple Bloom had never been this close to Nightmare Moon before, sure she's met Luna in a dream or two but Nightmare Moon?? The closest she's came was to the statue on Nightmare Night…

Frowning I followed Applejack after being told to avoid Apple Bloom, she acted like I was gonna attack...all I wanted to do was introduce myself….while in the form of Nightmare Moon…..right...good going Blake…

Groaning in self annoyance I looked to Applejack "so….um...what are we doing today?"

"Well Twi wants me to help teach ya about Honesty, and the best way I can think to do just that is by having ya work a honest days work" Applejack stopped walking as the arrived to a grouping of wooden baskets "so I want you ta fill each and every one of these here baskets with apples."

"Me?...fill up all those baskets….with apples?"

"Yah is that to much fer ya your highness?" Applejack looked at her annoyed, she never liked it when a pony acted like a task was to hard when it wasn't.

"N-no no...shouldn't be to hard at all….I uh...just am not sure how fast I can do it...I'm not good at using my hooves for grabbing...but Rainbow Dash taught me how to fly so I should be able to get to the tops of the trees fine…" I looked at the trees while also giving my wings a little flap, while magic would be an option….I didn't do so well before with it..

"Grab? Yer gonna be bucking the trees so the apples fall" Applejack kicked a nearby tree with one hoof causing apples to fall into the basket below to emphasize her statement.

My eyes were wide "I..don't think I can do that….you've..you've trained and done this way more than me, I've never kicked a tree to get apples to fall before…"

She complains more than Rainbow Dash, Applejack huffed "look your a big mare, just kick and make sure the baskets beneath it, I can't hold your hoof all day."

Frowning with my ears folded back I dug my hoof in the dirt slightly much like a scolded child "...alright…."

"Good" Applejack walked away.

Huffing I looked at the baskets and trees, I tried moving a basket with my hooves but that wasn't working so well, so I begrudgingly craned my neck down and grabbed the edge with my teeth and dragged it over to a tree, the taste of wood is not pleasant I must add…

Once under the tree I looked up and then turned around so my back was to it, looking back I felt like I was working in a geometry test, lifting one back leg and nearly loosing balance I kept myself steady before kicking not extremely hard making a dull thud as the hoof connected with the wood of the tree.

Five apples tumbled down from the tree, three making it into the basket while the other two hit the grass, sighing I realized this was gonna be a long day, I went to work on picking the apples up and putting them in the basket before kicking again.

After ten more kicks I was sure I'd gotten all the apples from this tree that I could, and much like I'd assumed this was taking forever, moving to the next tree I tried to think of how I could get more apples down...Applejack kicked it once and she got twice as many as I did with three kicks…

Maybe kicking harder was the strategy? But I didn't want to sprain my ankle from kicking a tree….horse legs though strong are also super weak and break easily, I didn't know if that's the same rules of this world though.

Positioning myself I raised a back leg and with a stronger kick caused eight apples to fall down, I smiled victoriously even though most were outside the basket.

Bending down and picking the apples up with my mouth I placed them into the basket, it felt really humiliating to use my mouth for all of this however my lack of hands meant I had to resort to doing things an animal would when trying to grab certain things.

Once the apples were put into the basket I returned to bucking the trees now going much faster due to my new strategy of hitting it harder...ok so it isn't a brilliant strategy but it works.

As I kicked the next tree I heard the sound of someone walking up, looking over I see Applejack's returned, she looks at the baskets and trees "hm ah was expecting more to be filled but ah guess it is yer first time."

I grumbled softly at her comment but kept bucking, of course it's my first time! I've never had hooves before, or needed to kick trees for apples!

"So y'all want to tell me why yer really playing pretend?" Applejack suddenly said.

"What? Pretend? How am I pretending?"

"You know what ah mean, y'all say yer not actually Nightmare Moon but it's kinda hard to not see it as otherwise."

Growling at the fact this was so hard to understand and that she called me Nightmare Moon, I looked at her with a glare "I am not Nightmare Moon, I keep telling you all that and calling me that is really annoying."

"Then what should ah call ya?" She raised a brow still with an unamused expression.

"My name, which is Blake" I growled.

"That ain't no pony name, sounds like yer just mispronouncing black" she huffed.

Growled and gritting my teeth memories of the numerous times kids at school would call me black or purposefully pronouncing it in a mocking way, it's incredibly aggravating to be called a name that's not yours "it is a name...and it's Blake...like I had told you all at the hospital...I'm not a pony, and I'm not Nightmare Moon."

Applejack looked me in the eyes intensely, like she was trying to see my thoughts or read my mind...it was really uncomfortable and unnerveing "what??"

"Nothin…" she looked away and walked over to a fallen apple grabbing it by the stem before putting it in the basket "yer aims pretty bad, yah know yer supposed to get em all in the basket right?"

Huffing I rolled my eyes "I've never done this before so forgive me if I'm not very good at it."

"Hmph ah bet you didn't do a lot of things besides plotting to rule Equestria" Applejack kicked a tree causing the apples to fall into the basket beneath it perfectly.

My eye twitched "I told you...that wasn't me…" growling I kicked my own tree getting only six to fall and half didn't make it into the basket, I so badly wanted to just kick one away…

"Ah'm sure ya said the same thing to luna before ya took her body" Applejack kicked another free, another hatching landing perfectly in the basket.

"I didn't do anything! I didn't even know her!! The only time I've seen her in person was at the hospital!! I didn't do shit to anyone and I didn't take anyone's body!!" I yelled stomping my hoof hard on the ground actually shaking it a bit, some trees loosing a couple apples from all around us.

Applejack looked tense and on guard before she re-listened to what Nightmare said in her head "y'all said you hadn't seen her before the hospital, but ya said it like you still knew her" She looked at her suspiciously.

"What? Well...I…" if I say I've seen her in the show that'll lead to me explaining how I've watched them through a thing called a tv that lets me see their lives...which would make them even more suspicious, either they believe me and think I'm a creep, or they don't and anything I say about not being Nightmare Moon becomes less believable.

"Well?? Ya gonna answer and try and get out that hole ya just dug yerself or ya gonna leave me to figure out the rest for mahself?" Applejack looked at Nightmare with a smug look, she knew if she got her to talk she'd catch her in a lie.

I gritted my teeth and glared at her "I thought I came here to do an honest days work...not have you question me.."

Applejack's smug look dropped and she glared back at the mare "fine...ya want a honest days work, ah'll give ya a honest days work" she walked off.

I stood confused and a bit nervous, I may have done a bad…

Applejack soon returned pulling a wagon behind her, she unhooked it from herself and walked up to Nightmare "alright, ah want you to fill all those baskets and this here wagon, that should do for an honest days work."

I looked at the wagon "but that's gonna take forever!"

"Well you should get to work then shouldn't you" Applejack walked away a smug smile on her face.

I glared at her as she left...oh so when I get mad I should hold it in but when she does she gets to act out?? Gritting my teeth I marched over to the next tree and kicked it sending apples tumbling down, then once again putting the ones that missed the basket in the basket, I kept doing this over and over and over again my anger not cooling and only burning up more, as if each kick only seemed to fuel the fire.

Soon enough I had filled the baskets and was left the wagon to fill "well….at least it'll be hard for the apples to miss…" I then noticed Applejack had left it in the middle of the clear area I was in so that meant it wasn't close to any of the trees, groaning I realized I'd have to move it.

Walking to the front of it I tried to figure out how exactly I should get it on...crouching under one of the long posts I shimmied under it and got it on my back, then pushed my backside under before I stood between the two posts, then with my head I bent down and lifted the middle bar up and onto my back, it was uncomfortable because it rested on my wings…. probably not meant for a pony with wings…

Walking I pulled the wagon and it didn't feel really heavy, more so just uncomfortable, I also felt ridiculous and humiliated at the fact I had to work like an animal now, breathing in deeply I calmed myself...I didn't need another freak out like at Rarity's or the library.

Pulling the wagon to a tree and then struggling to get the dang thing off, shaking and squirming wasn't getting it off of me "get off...off...off….offfffff!!!!!!" I jumped and the bar lifted off then slammed back down on my head, didn't hurt really at all but it damaged my ego.

Huffing and dropping the wagon off my body I walked the tree behind it and gave it a hard kick, the apples fell down into it, all making it into the wagon which made me smirk.

My smirk fell when I realized I'd have to move the wagon again, eye twitching I shoved my body against the wagon pushing it towards the other tree, no way was I bothering to struggle to get it on.

Pushing the wagon my hooves dug into the dirt slightly before it suddenly gave causing me to slip and fall to the ground, looking up I watch the wagon roll towards a tree before slamming into it making me flinch as it made a cracking noise, a couple apples from the tree even landed in the wagon.

"Some damage to the ego but apples made it into the wagon….fair…" I stood up finding my hooves covered in dirt, flashes of Rarity's obsession with cleanliness and what had happened yesterday caused me to close my eyes and breathe deeply.

Just push the thoughts away….don't think about them...just work...and distract myself….with a deep breath I suddenly realized the dryness of my throat….jeez I needed something to drink..

Walking away from the wagon I walked back towards the house passing multiple apple trees, once I exited the orchard I walked towards the house before stopping and looking at the nearby well...I could go in and deal with miss moody, or drink well water...weighing my options I walked towards the house, I may have to deal with miss moody but it's better than drinking whatevers in the well water.

Walking up the door I tapped my hoof against it knocking, after no answer I knocked a couple more times.

"Ah'm comin, ah'm comin! No need to get antsy sheesh" the old female voice of a familiar mare spoke coming closer.

Oh my God it's Granny Smith! After all the crud I go through I almost forget I'm in a world with my favorite characters!!...which is all of them….hm does it count as favorite when there's so many?

The door opens and the old green mare with silver hair looks towards her unknown guest only for her eyes to widen at the sight of the large dark mare before her.

"Hello Granny Smith!" I smile widely.

"Ah'm not ready to go reaper!!" Granny Smith slams the door in the sharp toothed demon.

Blinking I'm suddenly reminded of my appearance and groan hitting my head in the door, why must my enjoyment be taken away just as quickly as I get it..?

"Hey! What are ya doin tryin to get in mah house??" Applejack calls towards the dark mare standing at her homes door "tryin to break in?? Scare more of mah family??"

I look back at her and huff "I'm thirsty…actually…"

Applejack looks at her intensely again before walking towards the well.

Of course...I sighed and followed after her, should have just gone to the well from the start, though I bet she'd have said I was poisoning the water or something.

Applejack brought up the bucket of water from the well and set it down by Nightmare.

I grimaced at the water.

"What now? Water to good fer you? Need some sparkling cider? Maybe some wine??"

I glared at her "I'm getting really sick of you treating me like some prince of something"

"Princess but actually your not much of that, just some bad copy of Princess Luna"

My pupils shrank and I slammed my hoof against the ground causing the stone of the well to crack "I AM NOT A COPY OF HER!!!" The booming royal canterlot voice escaped my mouth making birds in the distance fly off.

Applejack stumbled back ears pinning back, now she was starting to look more like the old Nightmare Moon…

Breathing heavily I glared at her...I could so easily knock her down...beat her...show her I am not the person to mess with….show how much stronger I am than her, she's nothing...just a small mare...and she thinks she can talk to me like this??

As I glared at her I saw my reflection in the bucket of water, the rage and viciousness in that face...it didn't belong to me...that wasn't who I was...ears falling back my anger died out..it was the library all over again...closing my eyes I looked away from the reflecting and Applejack "....I'm sorry….I...I didn't mean to get mad….I just...don't like being compared to her...or Nightmare I'm not them….I don't want to be them...but no matter what I do...I just end up looking just like her…"

Applejack frowned….she had been trying to read Nightmare all day and every time she did she got...confused, Nightmare hasn't lied once today...at least not to her, it didn't make sense, everything she said was impossible but yet Applejack could tell she was telling the truth.

Stepping closer hesitantly Applejack reached a hoof up before gently touching Nightmares shoulder.

I tensed and glanced at her, I was expecting some glare or fierce look...but I saw remorse...and what looked like regret..?

"Ah'm..sorry for the hard time ah've been giving you all day... ah'm still not sure if yer Nightmare or not...but you are different from her...so maybe you do want to change…"

I didn't like that she didn't believe what I was saying about not being Nightmare Moon but...she at least understood I wasn't evil.

"Now how's about you get a drink and y'all can get back to work? But seeing as how ah've been acting y'all only need to buck one more tree, then how about we head in for Granny Smiths famous apple pie?"

I smiled "that sounds great...thank you Applejack."

"No problem N-....Blake" Applejack smiled.

I bent my head down to the bucket and took a couple gulps of water before raising my head and walking back towards the area I had been working at, I was finally making some ground with the Applejack...she even used my name.

Getting to the area I smiled thinking about how everything may just be alright after all, I walked over to the tree which the wagon had crashed into and got into position to buck it, one last kick and I'll get to actually try apple family pie...what a dream come true!

Pulling my leg up and then throwing it back it connected with the tree with a loud WACK!! And a bunch of apples tumbled into the wagon making me smile contently, I was about to head back towards the house when I heard a creaking from behind me, looking back I saw the tree slowly starting to fall backwards,looking down I realized that when the wagon ran into the tree it had hit it hard enough to loosen it...and my kick just now knocked it right out of the ground.

I ran towards it to try and catch it from falling when I saw something that made my fear for punishment become fear for life!

Apple Bloom sat in her room looking out the window...she couldn't stop thinking about Nightmare Moon...why was she here?? And what did her sister mean she had work for her?? Was Nightmare Moon going to start working in the farm???...that actually sounded kind of cool...she could just picture telling all the other fillys and colts at school that she is working with none other than Nightmare Moon at her farm!

Now she wished she was brave enough to have talked to her earlier...instead she got all scared and could barely speak...she was the sister of the bravest pony she knew...and she acted like a total whimp…

Gaining a look of determination Apple Bloom marched out of her room and down the stairs, she found Big Mac trying to calm Granny Smith as she was saying something about the reaper not getting her all while she held a rolling pin….not the weirdest thing she's seen on the fam today….

Heading out of the house she looked around before heading into the orchard, she wasn't sure where exactly Nightmare Moon was but she figured she'd have to be somewhere by where they had been bucking the latest apples.

Walking around trees and past them she looked around, she wasn't sure if she should call out to her or just try to find her...part of her was afraid Nightmare Moon might still be dangerous, but then again she knew her sister would never let anything dangerous in the farm.

Suddenly Apple Bloom heard a creaking….like a tree but different then when wind would make the trees creak, looking around Apple Bloom's determined look fell and became one of unease...maybe this wasn't such a good idea…

The creaking became loud cracking before a large shadow over took her, spinning around she saw a apple tree falling towards making her stumbled backwards only to fall onto her haunches, she scrambled backwards and screaming in terror.

Darkness enveloped her as the tree slammed down onto her….only it felt soft...and warm...and...like fur?

Opening her eyes she found she wasn't under the tree...the fallen tree was a couple feet away...and what had enveloped was the large body of Nightmares Moon.

"Are you ok?? Did you get hurt??" Nightmare Moons panicked voice asked her as the once scary face Apple Bloom always remembered her having was now worry and fear...she was scared for her?? But why?

Oh god she's not talking...did I hurt her when I grabbed her?? Oh god I should have looked before I kicked the tree!! Looking at the small Filly in my arms she looked scared and confused, I didn't even think about how terrifying I must be to her...she's just a kid and I literally look like a monster!

"Ok hold on Apple Bloom, I'm going to go get Ap-" I was abruptly cut off by a loud yelling.

"Apple Bloom! I heard you scream is everything alri-WHAT ARE YA DOING TO MAH SISTER?!?" Applejack roared with anger as she found her small sister in the arms of Nightmare Moon, her sister looking scared, Applejack ran towards them and quickly slammed into Nightmare Moon knocking her away from Apple Bloom, she then jumped back and stood over her small sister protectively.

I got to my feet...hooves and shook my head from the sudden impact of Applejack "no wait Applejack you don't understand sh-"

"Ah don't wanna hear anymore of yer lies!!!" Applejack was pissed, she let herself trust this monster and look what happened! Her litter sister nearly lost her life because of her mistake!

I stepped towards them "no Applejack it's not like that!"

"Don't come any closer ya monster!!! Ah'm not gonna let ya hurt her!!" She gritted her teeth glaring.

I stepped back at her outburst….I may have called what I look like a monster but...hearing her call me one….hurt more...she actually thought I was a monster....not because of how I look but because she actually thought that's what I was…

...I wasn't though...I was normal...a regular person….but...that reflection in the water earlier...that was a monster….what I did at Rarity's...that's what a monster would do…..what I did to Twilight….and...I almost killed Apple Bloom….maybe...maybe I am a monster...maybe I've just been lying to myself…

Breathing shakily I backed up as my legs shook I looked at the two ponies in front of me "I-I'm sorry…" I quickly ran away from them, running out of Sweet Apple Acres.

I ran through the town trying and failing to ignore the frightened gasps and screams from the ponies surprised by my sudden sprint through town, I just needed to get to Twilight's and then...and then...then what? She didn't trust me either….I had no where to go, no one to help me...I needed to get away...away from everyone so I couldn't hurt them…

I rushed past the town hall and out of town, I just kept running not really knowing where I was going, following the path I passed a barn and thought about the possibility of staying there...but then again it was close to town and ponies would probably go there...so I kept running down the path, the sunlight slowly fading to dark as the large white moon above began to shine down, although the sun had burned me the moon seemed to carry a weight I had not felt before...as if some force was being sent out from it and onto me…

As I ran I looked towards the Everfree Forest….a forest known for monsters….somewhere no pony dared to entere...maybe that's where I belonged…changing direction I ran off the path and towards the heavily wooded area in the distance.

Each strike of the hoof to the ground the image of Apple Bloom's scared face replayed in my head...seeing her nearly get crushed...Applejack's enraged face looking at me with hate...why was this happening to me?? Why couldn't I have been born normal...not this..freak….

Tears formed in my eyes as I ran blurring my vision, sniffling and shaking my head to clear my eyes, they soon go wide as I suddenly saw the drop off in front of me, moving to fast to stop I ended up running right off it and crashing into a streaming river.

The ice cold water engulfed me as I sank down to the bottom, thrashing and kicking I realized I had no clue how to swim in this body, panic filled me as I thrashed and tried to move towards the surface, the sudden crash in the water had prevented me from getting much air into my lungs.

Kicking and struggling bubbles of air escaped my mouth and a rush of freezing river water took it's place, gagging and trying to force it out I only succeeded in taking more in, my eyes were wide in terror as the rushing water threw me around, my vision spinning as I'd see the moonlight shining through the surface before being replaced with a rocky floor then repeat.

The water threw me against the jagged rocky ground sending jolts of pain through me making me scream as my burning lungs were filled with water at this point, any tears that I shed were lost in the water I was surrounded by.

Eventually as I was thrown around my vision started to become blurry and tunneled, choking on the water my thrashing limbs became sluggish and forced, like weights were holding them down, soon the chilling water faded...everything going numb...everything...getting darker….




Author's Note:

Now would be a reaaaaaaally cruel time to go on hiatus....:trollestia: