• Published 20th Jun 2019
  • 14,898 Views, 467 Comments

Lunar Soul - ShadowedKnight68

Being the bringer of darkness and forever night isn't easy.

  • ...


Slowly I blinked my tired eyes, the brightening of the room signalled it was now morning... groaning softly, I pushed myself up and climbed out of bed, glancing towards the open bathroom where the mirror sat shattered, looking back forward I dragged myself downstairs to the kitchen and looked through the empty cupboards, I wasn't hungry but I was bored...and I don't want to bother any of the girls...or really deal with any of them.

They were all so energetic and happy and...I just didn't want to be around that right now, but unfortunately I needed to go out to get food, so I'd have to deal with happy ponies today.

Sighing heavily, I walked to the front door and headed out into the magical world of Equestria. Walking down the street, I caught the fearful gazes of the ponies around me. They still weren't used to me...that really improved my mood, being looked at like a monster.

Not like I don't look at myself that way anyway, sighing heavily, I just try to focus on walking, walking to get food...where would I get food here anyway? I don't remember seeing a store in pony vill, but then again, my memory of stuff in the show blows, and I also was in potentially a waaay farther along season since Twilight was an alicorn and lived in a castle.

God, I still can't believe this is my life, that this was possible, to just become a whole other person and be sent to a fictional world made real. I still don't even understand it, no one did, it seemed impossible for everyone, even for a world of magic. I looked up at the sky, seeing the fluffy white clouds pass through the blue sky, it looked like my worlds sky...but it wasn't...

Would I see it again? Living here...Like this...It just wasn't working, no one liked me...sure the girls say they do, but it wasn't true...they tolerate me, and I just let them walk all over me, let them abuse me. It was their fault I was here, I shouldn't let them decide how I should feel.

I was better than them, I could fly to the highest mountain, I could build a tree house! Move the moon! Bake a cake! Heck even take over Equestria!!

I quickly rushed closer to a passing pony crouching down so we were eye level "You think I could take over Equestria, don't you??"

The pony flinched and looked around in panic "y-yes? "

I reeled my head back cackling "see clouds!? This pony thinks I can, you judgy bastards!!" I continued cackling before choking on the spot and hacked coughing till it passed, I looked around at the confused looks of others as I slowly wiped spittle from my chin "uh...clouds...they judge..."

Every one of the ponies looked up and then back down with even more confusion on their faces.

I cleared my throat "uh...carry on, little horses." The ponies slowly returned to walking and returning to what they were doing beforehoof.

This lack of sleep was messing with me...making me think loopy...taking in a deep breath with closed eyes and continued forward, looking around I found a market to my left, there was food around at certain stands. So it would have to do. Walking that way, I tried to distract myself from my previous thoughts.

Stands held different items from food, to clothing, to even pottery. Unfortunately, even though I came out to find some food, not being hungry made looking for food difficult, nothing looked really good, and I couldn't stop thinking about my thoughts from before. Why did I say take over Equestria? I didn't wanna do that, right? And what about what I thought about the girls...they didn't know what they were doing, they didn't do this to me...right..?

Shaking my head again to clear my thoughts, I walked glancing at different stands, my eyes were heavy from tiredness and I nearly fell forward from just blinking. Being this tired was messing me up, weird thoughts, almost passing out....yelling at clouds.

Walking near a stand with some grapes, I smiled as I always liked grapes, however as I got close, the mare went under the counter quickly grabbing her supplies, dragging it under the counter and ducked down before reaching out, putting a closed sign on the counter, huffing I turned to another shop across from it with some pottery who quickly threw sheets over his supplies and whistled "casually".

The same happened for each ship I visited. They were all scared of me because of my cursed looks. There was no way for me to escape this judgment, none of them saw past my Nightmare Moon guise...

My tired eyes were soon drawn to a stand where what looked like magic potion bottles sat and hung all over it. Walking over in curiosity, I looked at the bottles. They had labels on them for different things: hoof pain relief, stomach ache relief, wing itch, feather growth, mane and tail growth, droopy ear fix.

This was like a remedy shop...so probably snake oil...wait where did that even come from? Snakes aren't oily, and by oil did they mean grease? And who the heck would put snake grease or oil on themselves?? How would they think it had any helpful uses? It's fricken snake oil...

"Hello ma'am how can I help ya?" A unicorn stallion popped up from behind the counter with a two-toned white and red mane and a tail with yellow fur. He was lanky, taller than most other ponies and was wearing an old barbershop hat and a blue and white striped vest with a bowtie.

Jumping from his sudden appearance as I was distracted with my thoughts, I looked around but realized he was referring to me, he wasn't scared? "Uh...I was just passing through and saw your shop...You're not afraid of me?"

" Afraid of you? Now, why would I be scared of a lady like you? " He smiled as he spoke in an almost old school radio host tone of voice.

This guy's whole vibe was like he was in the wrong century, but most bewildering was the fact he wasn't scared of me, unlike everyone else " uh...you know...cause I look like Nightmare Moon..?"

The stallion rubbed his chin looking at her squinting as he inspected her, I awaited his realization until he shrugged, smiling "sorry, name doesn't ring a bell, but sure is spooky. "

I blinked, staring baffled. How did....I...but...what?? Shaking my head, I chose to just roll with it, he was probably going to be the only person here who would sell me anything. Looking once more at his supplies, a thought came to mind "you wouldn't happen to have something to like...make me feel happy and energized, right?"

"Happy and energized you say?" He repeated, rubbing his chin once more "One moment madame" he ducked under the counter, rummaging through items, tossing a few bottles around before popping up with a small brown leather pouch which he set on the counter.

I leaned my head down looking at it and then him "and this is..?"

"Why, it's Hypouder" He said and slipped it open, revealing a glittering blue pouder inside.

"And that's..?" I asked, confused.

"The ultimate fix for low energy and low joy, just a sprinkle on your muzzle and boom, your rearing to go for a couple hours, take it to finish work! Got a party to go to but just not feeling it? Take some Hypouder and boom, your a party animal, ever wanted to learn a new skill but just don't got the motivation? Hypouder's your friend!" He smiled as he pitched it to me.

Rubbing my chin, I nodded " alright yeah, sounds perfect for me."

" Alright, that'll be fifty bits" he held his hoof out, smirking.

Fifty?? Jeez, unless money's different in Equestria, this stuffs expensive...reaching back I went to grab some bits...but then realized I wasn't wearing clothes and didn't bring any money with me. Face hoofing, I groaned loudly. This is another reason I hate being tired, I can't even remember to bring fricken money to pay for the food I wanted to buy!

" Right...um, I'm sorry but I... don't have any money on me..." I smiled nervously.

The shop pony's smile dropped " no money...no Hypouder" he went to pull it away.

I quickly stopped his arm with my hooves "wait wait wait! Um, if you wait right here, I can go and get it! I...I really need this stuff.."

"Hmm well...I suppose I could wait, however in today's market...the price of supplies might increase" he smirked, slyly tossing the pouch up and down in his hoof.

He...he was trying to make me pay more?? Glaring, I grabbed him by the bowtie yanking him closer "Listen here you little-."

The shop looked at her fearfully "l-look ma'am I-I didn't mean no harm."

"Yeah? Well now I'm starting to think maybe this is all a scam" I growled.

"Scam?? Good lady I never! I hold myself up to a standard, ask anybody Hypouder is the most purchased medicinal item, it's completely safe as long as it's used in small amounts, anymore will have disastrous results."

Blinking weary now, after he said that last bit, I leaned back "uh woah woah wait...you know what….I don't actually need that.."

"Nonsense, it's completely sa-" a feather fluttered down from the air and landed on the stallion's nose, he looked at it before scrunching his nose and inhaling "ah..ah...ACHOO!!" he sneezed loudly before sighing rubbing his muzzle "sorry about that ma'am now where was I-" his eyes went wide as the opened sack in his hoof is empty and the mare in front of him had a face full of sparkling blue glitter "oh no…"

I blinked as the cloud covered me and then looked at the empty pouch"...how much did you say to use?"

"A-about a tablespoon worth" he said worriedly, still in her grasp.

"Ah...crap baskets" I released him and wiped my face with the same hoof before looking at it seeing the blue sparkles on it like I'd just been hit by a glitter bomb. However, as I looked at it I saw the glittering grow brighter as my slitted pupils dilated.

The mane six walked down the street having met up to all give Blake a visit to ensure she was adjusting well to living alone, though it was mostly due to Fluttershys urging staying it was better to be sure Blake was adjusting than assuming so.

"Blake looked as happy as could be during the party. I doubt she flipped like a switch in just one night" Twilight said.

" Oh! Maybe we should have another party then, and then another, and another, and another-" Pinkie rattled on as she hopped along with the group.

"Well, I know from experience, a night alone can always be scary, so being there for him could help his mood" Fluttershy explained.

"She is a rather down pony isn't she?" Rarity said with a flip of her mane "I've hardly seen the poor girl smile since we met her."

"Well, ah can't blame her, she don't got no family, we're the closest things to friends she's got, and she's in a different body than her own...or so she says" Applejack added.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked, looking back and raising a brow.

"every time she says she's not Nightmare Moon, ah get mixed messages. Part of me believes she's telling the truth, and another part says she's lying, but ah can't figure out which is true, that never happens to me, ah can usually tell a ponies lying or not, by what they say, but with her it's as useless as gum on a pony shoe heel" Applejack explained.

"What could that mean? Could she be that good at lying, it's tricking even your lie detection?" Twilight asked, even more puzzled "I don't want to ask her cause-"

"him" Fluttershy corrected softly.

" What?" Twilight asked.

"Blake prefers to be referred to as, he/him" Fluttershy explained.

"What? But she's a mare" Twilight said, not understanding.

"Well yes, on the outside, but um inside he is a stallion, so I think it would be best to refer to him as one" Fluttershy explained anxiously.

"She certainly acts like a stallion" Rarity huffed.

Twilight huffed "fine, I'll try to remember to call her-erm him by stallion pronouns."

" I'm sure that will make him happy " Fluttershy smiled.

"He looks pretty happy to me" Rainbowdash said, flying in the air lagging behind as she stopped to look down the street. The girls looked confused and walked over looking down the street as well and all gained looks of surprise as, the street market was currently in disarray due to a large familiar mare rushing around excitedly giggling like a school filly.

Blake rushed over to a stand looking at the items for sale "oooo! What's this??" She picked up a small glass sculpture, pushing her face into it to look through it "oooo wiggly" she looked off suddenly to another stand gasping and rushed off, leaving the sculpture in the air before it dropped. The stallion in charge if the stand quickly catches it sighing in relief.

She ran over to another stand, stumbling and rolling across the ground before landing in her feet upright as she looked at the contents on the counter. It was a collection of pins with different encouraging phrases and imagery, the mare behind it cowering low as she looked up at the towering mare.

"Ooo I like that one and that one and that one and that" she pointed to each one before squinting and pointing at another " except that one...that one I hate..." She pointed to her eyes, then the pin as she slowly walked away.

The mare looked at the pin, then the large mare and frowned sadly.

Blake looked around at other items before she spotted the girls and her eyes widened along with her smile before she zipped over to them, skidding to a halt just in front of them and kicking up dirt from her sudden stop. She hopped in place smiling at them "Hey girls!! Did you know they have a buuuuunch of stuff here!? It's so cool! Oh look at that" she zooms off almost matching, Pinkies speed.

"What in tarnation happened to her??" Applejack asked, shocked.

"I'm not sure but we should follow her and find out" Twilight hurried after the mare, followed by her friends. The girls race after trying to keep up with the surprisingly quick mare before they all gasp as Blake has lifted an entire wagon of apples up into the air over her head, dangling from the one end was Big Mac.

"Blake! What are you doing??" Twilight asked in panic.

"Put my brother down!" Applejack yelled, glaring.

Blake looked up from the ground and blinked "hm? Oh! I found a bit!!" She holds the small coin up from the ground as she drops the wagon beside her, the jostle causing Big Mac to fly upwards into the air.

The bulky stallion flailing around as the fast approaching ground rushed towards him, making him shield his face with his arms as he prepared for a painful landing only to suddenly find a cushioned one greeting him. Blinking, he unshielded his eyes looking around and found he was in the arms of the large mare who had just be the cause of his fall.

"Woahho!!! Ya almost went splat!! Haha!" She giggled and set him down " here have this" she lifted his one hoof and put the bit in his hoof "for your troubles" she winked at him before zooming off.

Big Mac stood blushing and watching the mare go….he...he was confused since it was Nightmare Moon yet….he's never been so easily picked up like that...he didn't know she was that strong...his eyes stayed focused on the direction Nightmare went, even if he couldn't see her anymore.

Applejack hurried over "Big Mac are ya alright???"

Big Mac smiled "eeeyup" he still just stared off dreamily.

"Mac…?" Applejack looked confused about her brother's actions.

"Applejack, we need to find her!" Rarity said and ran off.

Applejack took one last glance at her brother before following after Rarity.

The girls ran after Blake who was now leaving the marker street and into the town "We need to catch her and try to bring her back to the castle so I can figure out what's wrong with her" Twilight said as she ran.

"She's surprisingly fast for someone who's normally clumsy and falling over their own hooves every day" Rarity stated.

"Maybe my party did really help her! " Pinkie smiled.

" Worked too well if you ask me, I don't even see her anymore!" Rainbowdash shouted as she flew higher up trying to get a view from above but could not spot the black mare.

" Ughh okay, girls we'll need to split up to find her, search everywhere she'd go and anywhere else, who knows what her thoughts are in this state, not only could she cause trouble she could hurt herself too" Twilight said looking to her friends.

"Think Pinkies ahead of you Twi, cause she's gone" Applejack said.

" What?? " Twilight looked for the pink pony before huffing "hopefully pinkie doesn't cause more trouble with her..."

The remaining girls split apart and spread out across town to find their strange companion.

Pinkie looked around as she hopped down the road scanning the area before she gasped, seeing the large Blake mare hopping down the road ahead of her casually. Smiling pinkie sped up after her.

Blake turned her head back, seeing pinkie and smiled picking up the speed.

Pinkie blinked before speeding up again. In response Blake did the same. The two ponies hopping faster and faster in response to one another until soon a black and pink blobs would rush by with smoke trails down the street.

Blake suddenly cut left down a side road as Pinkie went rushing by looking back and skidding her hooves across the ground as she looked shocked at Blake's sudden turn, her hooves digging through the dirt as she slowly sank deeper into the ground the further she slid until she was buried.

Pinkies head popped up from the dirt mound with a flower in a small pile of dirt on her head. Climbing out of the hole, she paced, rubbing her chin with the flower and dirt still on her head before she got an idea and smirked.

Getting to another road ahead of Blake, Pinkie peaked around a house looking down the road sneakily. She then spotted the oncoming mare still racing down the road, smirking she ducked back behind the house and slowly stuck out a pink hoof to trip her.

Blake rushed by with a woosh and smoke trail, the hoof now twisted up like a screw. Pinkie peaked out looking at the hoof, shocked before she stepped out holding a prop hoof and frowning. She was happy she used a fake hoof however.

Looking back to where Blake went, she rested her arm on the prop hoof and scratched her head with her other as she tried to think of a new plan, the prop hoof suddenly dragging her off the ground and spinning her through the air as it unwinded, leaving her all twisted up and dizzy.

Blake hopped down the road smiling as happy as could be before she heard a following clopping and looked back, finding Pinkie once more on her tail. She smiled as she looked back forwards running down the road before quickly making two left turns to be behind Pinkie, leaving behind a half square smoke trail.

Pinkie went rushing through the smoke trail blinking before skidding to a halt and looking back where she found the mare absent, scratching her head she looked back the other way coming face to face with Blake.

"Meep meep!" She exclaimed, surprising the pink mare as she then rushed off once more down the road.

Pinkie was standing on one hoof with her others curled in close to her body from surprise. She blinked as she got back down to all fours staring down the road before looking towards nothing and holding up a white sign which read "egad" before following it up with another sign with two exclamation points.

The two mares ran down the streets of Ponyville once more, smoke trails leaving behind them as pinkie tried to catch the quick mare.

Blake suddenly stopped in her tracks, her back to pinkie before she casually side stepped to the left and watched pinkie rush by with a smile on her face.

Pinkie looked back as she ran and skidded to a stop, her smoke trail engulfing her like a fog before she peaked up over it with a smoke beard and glaring.

Blake smiled at her before racing off the opposite direction.

Pinkie watched in shock and her jaw dropped to the ground.

Pinkie waited on top of a rooftop with a large metal tub beside her, she looked around down below watching ponies pass by, none of them her target...

Suddenly she heard the sound of rushing hooves and saw the dark mare herself hopping down the street quickly in her direction, smirking. Pinkie with the tub ready before she leapt off and slammed the tub down onto the mare, trapping her under. She snickered as she pinned it looking down, she then reached into her mane pulling out some nails and then searched for a hammer.

A black hoof held out a hammer to her which she politely took and began nailing the edges down to make sure Blake could get ou-....Pinkie slowly looked to the kind pony who handed her the hammer.

Blake stood smiling with dilated eyes before she stuck her tongue out blowing a raspberry at Pinkie and rushed off.

Pinkie blinked and her eye twitched before she looked under the tub and back out confused.

Pinkie stepped around the open field placing down mouse traps before quickly sneaking around the numerous traps she'd set around the field, ranging from bear traps, pit falls, trip wires, even pink dynamite sticks sticking out of the ground. She got to the safe distance behind some hay rolls where a remote control sat with a large red button, peaking around the edge. She smiled wickedly towards a cupcake sitting in the middle of the open field surrounded by the traps, this was it! This will get her!!

"Pinkie what are you doing?" Rainbowdash asked, flying up with the other girls.

"Hehe, I've set up the perfect trap! Traps all over the field, and in the middle a cupcake that's super duper delicious, Blake will be tempted by it and will try to get it, even if she gets to it past all the traps" pinkie held up the remote "I'll push this and KABOOM!!! Blake is blown sky high!!!" Pinkie laughed manically "I call it fluffer nugget!!"

"PINKIE!!" The five girls exclaimed, making the pink pony jump.

"We're trying to catch her, not blow her up!!" Twilight yelled.

Pinkie blinked "ohh yeahhhh" she giggled embarrassed "we should probably get the cupcake then before Blake is lured there.."

The girls following Pinkies' movement save for Fluttershy and Rainbowdash, who fly over the traps and make their way to the middle where...the cupcake is gone.

Pinkie gasped hooves to her cheeks in shock "she took it!!!"

"Yeah but where is she??" Rainbowdash asked.

Across the field beside the hay rolls a large black mare trots over casually and stops as she looks to a remote on the ground, dilated eyes looking at the large red button with the cupcake in her mouth. Hoping over, she looked at the detonator and crouched down wiggling her rump in the air much like an excited dog before she pressed it down.

Pinkie looks around before she spots Blake by the detonator. She squints her eyes "clever girl."

A huge mushroom shaped glitter cloud fills the sky, Blake trotting down the path unaffected and happily eating her cupcake muzzle covered in pink frosting.

The girls return to the castle covered in glitter, Pinkie flopping onto the floor coughing out a cloud of glitter.

"We can't win...she's impossible to catch!" Rainbow groaned, falling to the floor exhausted. She had a branch stuck in her mane from earlier when she was chasing Blake and hit a tree.

"We have to keep trying, if she needs our help we have a duty to help her! If any of us were in her hooves she'd help us!" Twilight said.

They all look tired and not very hopeful.

"Where would we even look?? We looked all over town already" Applejack huffed.

"Then we'll search again! She couldn't have just vanished!" Twilight says.

The girls suddenly go wide-eyed, looking behind Twilight "uh Twi" Applejack says.

"She's our friend! And as her friends, we cannot give up!"


"We'll do whatever we can, push ourselves as hard as possible, search high and low! Under every rock and stone! To the tallest mountain! And to the lowest cavern!! We will find Blake and we will help her!!" Twilight declared wings spread majestically.


"WHAT?!?" She yelled, looking at Applejack annoyed, her glare suddenly turning to surprise as she felt something wet go up her flank.

"Hehe I taste purple."

Twilight's head spins around as she sees a loopy looking Blake, her head beside Twilight's flank with her tongue out with a half-lided gaze '….she licked my flank?!?'

"We found er" Applejack said, monotone.

Blake suddenly climbs onto Twilight, causing her to lay down, as she nuzzled her "mmmm nice purple pillow~"

"Nghh Blaaaake! Get off!" Twilight groaned, blushing.

"Shush, pillows don't talk…" she kept nuzzling her.

"Oh my" Fluttershy walked over, looking at Blake, she put her hoof under her chin and looked at her dilated eyes. She then used her wing to brush some sparkles from her face and looked at it.

"What is that darling?" Rarity asked.

"It's some kind of powder.." Fluttershy sniffed the sparkles "wait, I know this powder! It's an energizing medicine!"

Rainbow looked at Blake who was cuddling Twilight "Well, she definitely was energized earlier."

"I think its what made her act so wild" Fluttershy said, waving her wing clean "if you sprinkle too much on you, you can get very...loopy" she explained before suddenly a hoof poked her muzzle.

"Boop" Blake giggled after booping her nose.

"well is there some sort of remedy for this powder??" Twilight asked from her new position as a pillow beneath the large mare.

"I'm sure Zecora has one, we can go and get one while some of us stay here and watch Blake " Fluttershy replied and looked at Blake after " don't worry Blake, we will help you" she gently pat Blake's head.

Blake smiled drunkenly "hmmm thanks yellow one."

"She's as bad as my aunt at an apple family reunion" Applejack muttered towards Rarity.

"Alright Twilight, we'll get the antidote, you keep Blake here with Applejack and Rarity" Rainbowdash said.

"Like I had a choice" Twilight replied.

Rainbowdash, Pinkie, and Fluttershy left the crystal castle for Zecoras' hut to get a antidote for Blake's strange state. Applejack and Rarity closed the doors to the room so Blake wouldn't get any ideas or make a run for it, and Twilight remained pinned under the large mare pouting. And after a few minutes the girls returned cure in hoof.

"Finally!" Twilight exclaimed "quickly give it to her so she can get off of me."

"Aw but Twilight you two are soooo cute" Pinkie cooed, looking at the two.

Blake was sound asleep atop her purple nest.

"Pinkiiiie" Twilight growled.

"Oh fiiine" pinkie relented, smiling.

"I don't know Twi, I'm with Pinkie here, you two are really cute" Rainbowdash snickered " makes me wish I had a camera. "

Twilight glared out from under Blake.

" Girls, enough joking, let's get Blake back to normal... Oh and uh help twilight out" Fluttershy blushed, embarrassed and brought the bottle towards Blake, popping the cork.

Blake's eyes shot open and she jumped to her hooves " is that medicine?? I'm not taking it!" She ran off.

"get her!! " Applejack shouted.

Blake ran for the door but Rarity quickly got in front of it, blocking her. Blake skidded to a halt in front of her before hopping over her and kicking off the wall to turn around.

Rainbowdash swooped down, tackling her from above, while Applejack tackled her legs, taking her down. Applejack quickly tied up Blake's legs while Rainbowdash restrained her upper body so Applejack could tie her up.

"No no!! You'll never make me drink it! Nevveeeerrrrrrr!!!!-" Blake shouted before choking as Fluttershy stuffed the bottle past her lips, the contents draining out down Blake's throat, the mare's eyes widening as her dilated pupils shook before shrinking down to normal. She spit out the bottle and coughed, gagging "Oh god! That tastes horrible! Guh what the heck was that???" She asked and looked around before looking more confused "um...and how did I get to the castle...? "

" Wait, you don't remember? " Fluttershy asked.

" Uh... I remember feeling... Cruddy, and going to the market to get food, but then I found some, uhh I wanna say potion shop but I think it was a medicine thing, and this weird pony showed me this powder called high power or powder or something, and then he tried to make me pay more, I got mad, he sneezed, and then everything gets really blurry... Oh! And a cupcake! Yeah" Blake nodded.

The girls looked at one another before looking back to Blake.

" What? " Blake looked at them confused, then looked at her tied hooves " why am I tied up? "

The girls proceeded to explain all that had transpired for the day to the amnesiac mare, how she was hyper and a bit destructive as she raced around town.

" I.. can't believe I did all that... I... It sounds familiar but like a dream" Blake said shocked, now untied and sitting on the floor upright.

" Tell us about it, we had a heck of time just trying to catch you and you ended up here anyway " Rainbowdash huffed.

" I'm sorry guys, if I had control of myself I wouldn't have been such a problem for you all...but I think the worst part is...I remember feeling so...happy" she smiled somberly" in the first time in... forever, I actually felt really really happy and good about myself...but I caused such a big problem doing so..."

The girls frowned and circled her going into a group hug "oh Blake, I'm sorry you haven't been feeling good and felt you needed whatever this stuff was to do so" Twilight apologized.

"how come you didn't tell any of us? " Applejack asked.

" Well... I just didn't want to bother any of you... " Blake said.

" Oh nonsense darling, we'd be willing to help you whenever, all you need to do is just ask" Rarity smiled.

" Yeah, it's not like we'd think you were less cool if you did, just swing by my place whenever you're feeling down, you and I could go for a quick fly, air things out" Rainbowdash offered.

" Or me and we could make a cake...again, but uh...less messy" Pinkie smiled.

"I could always tell the animals to try and be a bit more friendly when you visit" Fluttershy replied warmly.

Blake smiled softly " thanks girls... I'll.. remember that from now on."

The six smiled and hugged the larger mare happily, and after a moment broke to allow her to stand, she wobbled a bit and Applejack and Rainbowdash quickly supported her "woah.. uh guess I'm a little dizzy."

"Looks like you still need time to fully recover, so why don't you stay here the night to rest? " Twilight offered.

" Oh um I couldn't, I just got my own house, staying here after you all spent the day trying to get me, I feel like I'm abusing you guys" Blake said, looking at them each.

" Nonsense, you stay and in the morning if your feeling better, you can go back to your house... After breakfast" Twilight said.

Blake smiled softly " alright, sure. "

The six lead Blake to the spare room she'd been living in for a while before her house, and once Blake was in bed they each said their goodbyes before leaving her to rest.

"Bye.." I said, watching the six girls leave, and once the door closed my smile fell, they didn't notice how I've been feeling? I know it's not their responsibility to keep track of my emotions but...I didn't think I needed to outright say I'm depressed...I've always been depressed her, and now I'm back where I started...Twilights castle, in this room...Alone...

Shuffling and pulling the blanket close to myself, I prepped for another sleepless night. It was the only way I would actually have a chance of being happy tomorrow. No sleep meant no nightmares...