• Published 20th Jun 2019
  • 14,898 Views, 467 Comments

Lunar Soul - ShadowedKnight68

Being the bringer of darkness and forever night isn't easy.

  • ...


Twilight yawned awake rubbing her eyes, she looked around seeing her friends still asleep, Applejack however was up and out of the room probably in the bathroom, she also noticed another bright and early mare in the room.

Blake sat in her sleeping bag, she'd blink a couple times each getting slower before her eyes closed and she tlpped forward only to jump back up eyes wide, she'd then repeat this..

"Blake are you ok?" Twilight looked at her getting up from her own sleeping bag.

Blake jumped "hm? Oh yeah fiiine."

"....did you sleep alright?"

"Yup!....like a rock...." She rubbed her eyes smiling.

Twilight wasn't completely convinced but she didn't want to push Blake to answer incase she got upset "alright...well let's go get breakfast."

Blake nodded and got up stumbling a bit before she walk into the door, she shook her head and turns walked out.

"...I....no...I'll wait for her to tell me..." Twilight followed.

Doesn't suspect a thing heh, I couldn't help but smirk at my perfect acting! She couldn't even tell I was completely exhausted and ready to just pass out, I successfully stayed up through the night which meant no nightmares so it was worth it, true I was pretty tired but I could handle it.

"Blake you passed the kitchen" Twilight called from behind.

"Right Twi I was just counting the tiles of the floor from the bedroom to here, exactly fifty eight." I walked into the kitchen passed her.

Twilight looked down at her non-tiled floor then towards the large mare....she followed her in.

"Alright we need three eggs, two scoops of sugar, and a banana!! I'm making pancakes!" I slammed my head into the counter and fell over.

"Blake!" Twilight ran over to the mare who's teal eyes spun around in her head.

"Didja get eggs?" There were three of her so at least one of the Twilights got the eggs.

"Blake...are you sure your alright..?" Twilight was worried.

I shook my head "yeah I'm fine Twilight...sorry just a bit...wonky this morning" I got up, I actually felt less tired after that.

"Why don't you go wait at the table...I'll make breakfast" Twilight said feeling uneasy about Blake working in the kitchen like this...

I nodded and walked that way, once there I sat at the table and yawned...ok so maybe not sleeping at all last night was affecting me...I've never felt like that before though....just have to make it through a day...that'll wake me up.

As I sat my new ears swiveled back towards the kitchen as I heard the other girls voices, wincing I shook my head to try and regain control of these blasted ears...any new noise and they suddenly get a mind of their own, after reigning my ears in i glanced towards the kitchen door listening to their barely audible voices, for a second I swear I heard one of them say Nightmare....ughh are they just calling me Blake when I'm around?...they don't believe who I really am...

Why would they? Not like I literally have done nothing that mare has done!! I've literally just tried to live while being stuck here, not my fault they've been forcing me to do things I don't want to....or can do...this body still refuses to work how I want it too..

I glare towards the kitchen door, what could they be saying about me? No doubt on what to say when around me? How to better deal with me? Maybe how to act nice around the mare who they killed?

"Good morning darlings" Rarity yawned softly as she trotted into the kitchen.

"Morning" Twilight greeted smiling as she watched Rarity be followed in by the rest of her fitness who greeted her.

"Where's Blake?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh she's by the table, she's very tired and...well let's just to save it at tired" Twilight glanced towards the door leading to the dining room.

"Did she not sleep right?" Applejack asked as she walked in after doing a little morning jog, since she was away from the farm she needed something to do when she woke up so early.

"It's possible, she's been having nightmares recently apparently" Twilight explained.

Rainbow Dash snorted getting some confused glances and glared "sorry just funny that the mare who looks like Nightmare Moon is having nightmares..." She looked at her friends and rubbed the back of her neck realizing that it was rude to laugh about that "sorry..."

"So what should we do to cheer her up?" Rarity asked.

"Oh oh!! What if we threw her a welcome to PonyVille party???" Pinkie asked excitedly.

"Um...good idea Pinkie...but I think it's still a bit early for a party for her...she's still not used to all of us...or her situation" Twilight reasoned to a frowning pinkie.

"Yeah....that's fair..." Pinkie frowned sadly.

"Speaking of that, what is her situation...?" Rarity looked curiously to Twilight.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked confused.

"Well is she actually Nightmare Moon or perhaps another pony? And if so what do we do for either?" Rarity awaited her friends answer.

"Well...if she is Nightmare Moon then we continue to help her reform...she obviously wants to be different from her past self" Twilight said.

"And if she's another being in Nightmares body?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well then..." Twilight didn't know....ponies ending up in another body was strange and not unheard of....but a being from another world ending up in a pony's body? That seemed impossible "I....suppose we do the same?...and also attempt to return her home...I'll need to do research into that but before I do is like to be fully certain that she is not trying to protect herself from being blamed for her previous actions...we need to make her feel comfortable and understand we just want to help her."

The girls all nodded agreeing to Twilights plan.

"That's why I want to look for a house for her." Twilight suddenly added.

"WHAT??" all five girls exclaimed.

"WHAT?!?" I exclaimed after being told I was being kicked out of the castle!...ok so she didn't say she was kicking me out, just that she wanted to look for a place for me to live in...but still! That meant I was being kicked out of the castle!!

"What did I do??" I yelled honestly wondering what I did.

"Blake calm down please...after what you said last night about feeling like the castle wasn't home to you, and that you were relying to much on us I thought maybe what you needed was a place for yourself, where you could feel like home and not worry about relying on everypony" Twilight explained looking sincere.

I...that made sense actually...I had said that, and still felt that way sort of...so maybe...maybe finding a place to stay was a good idea?...and owning my own home would be fun right?...I mean I was always afraid of it back home...having a job and trying to figure out how to support myself was and still is a scary thought...but I suppose here I wouldn't need to worry about that...this world seemed more forgiving in that regard...taking a deep breath I looked at her "your right...sorry...maybe this is a good idea" I smiled...mostly forcing it.

Twilight nodded "and if we can't find anything then you can still stay here if you'd like, I don't want this to feel like I'm forcing you to do anything...we all just want to help you feel more at home."

"Till I can go home" I added.

"Yes of course" Twilight smiled, guess it was still undecided whether or not she was who she said, or if she was making up a story still.

"So when do we start looking?" I asked her munching on a waffle.

"After breakfast, unless there's something you wish to do before that?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Nope" I shook my head cheek full of waffles, after finishing breakfast we all headed out leaving the castle and walking all together into town, memories of leaving the hospital surfacing...that was the last time I was with all of them together outside, such a different atmosphere now...back then it was cold and tense, now far warmer and far happier....the girls having smiles on their faces.

The towns people however kept there same reactions...fear....no matter how many times they'd seen me they all still were afraid, I couldn't name them they no doubt knew why I was suddenly so frequent around town...to them I was a monster who had been killed only to somehow now return and regularly go through town...

Sighing I looked at Twilight "so...where are we starting?"

"I have a few houses picked out and we'll see how they are" Twilight smiled.

I nodded following them, well house searching never was my favorite activity but hey! Magical world of ponies...yay!

We arrived at the first house on Twilight's list...she actually had a list that Spike handed to her from her back when we got to the house, girl always had a list for everything a thought which I couldn't help but smirk at, I focused on the house and found a baby blue and cloud white house, it looked cute and had a decent yard.

The girls walked inside inspecting the house "This is nice, wouldn't you agree darling?" Rarity asked.

"Well...I can see one problem it has..." I commented.

The girls looked towards Blake in confused only to realize what said problem was.

Currently I stood inside the very nice house...head hunched down very uncomfortably as my horn nearly scraped the ceiling...funnily enough pony homes are not meant for the tall...to be specific, the princess bigger ponies of Equestria.

"Oh dear" Rarity frowned walking over "well...I suppose crouching around your home wouldn't be very comfortable..."

I shook my head "no...no it would not...but very nice floor" I nodded before wincing as I hit my horn "ow.."

Rarity winced "why don't we look to the next one?"

I went to nod before remembering "yes...let's" I walked out of the house whacking my head down the door frame "son of a-..butter..nugget!!!"

Rarity raised her brow as she followed "dear are...are you censoring yourself?"

"Yeah..." I rubbed my horn gently, it felt similar to stubbing your toe...only worse "I've...been cursing way more than I used to and...I wanted to try and stop...not really used to it anymore.."

"Well that's very valiant of your darling" Rarity smiled.

"Thanks Rarity" I smiled.

We arrived at the next house on Twilight list, this one was a mint green and forest green, it also didn't have the height flaw like the other, however it did have neighbors like the other...might be hard to relax when I'm living by people or rather roomies who are terrified of me.

"What's wrong?" Twilight noticed Blake's uncomfortable look while looking towards the other houses.

"Oh...just...ponies don't like me..."

"That's not true Blake" Twilight frowned.

Spike was about to say otherwise but chose not to...making the big mare feel worse wasn't the greatest feeling.

"It is though...they think I'm Nightmare Moon, and that will be hard to ignore when living right by them..." I huffed.

Twilight looked to the tall mare frowning....she understood why that would be uncomfortable.

I glanced at her noticing she was frowning "but..let's take a look inside!" I smiled trying to cheer her up, she nodded and we walked in with the girls, I looked around "hm you know I actually kinda like this on-woah!" I slipped and flailed my limbs as I arrived on a tiled floor, I stabilized myself by not moving.

The girls watched with wide eyes.

"Ok...ok" I started slipping again before my hooves left from under me "woah!!!" My rump hit the floor and slid across it before I smacking into the wall across the room.

The girls winced before hurrying over to the fallen Mare.

"Blake are you alright??" Twilight asked.

"Yeah you really hit that wall hard" Rainbow Dash stifled a laugh.

"No kidding..?" I grumbled on my back "imma pass on this house Twilight...I don't think I'm ready to tiled floors..."

"My castle had tiled floors..."

"Yeah well these are different it seems....crystal and stone tiles are different..."

Twilight nodded and crossed out another house in her list.

After getting up and ignoring my bruised rump and pride we left for the next house, following the girls I glanced to the flying Rainbow Dash her little enjoyment of my slip bugged me a bit....payback time.

Smirking devilishly most definitely aided by my fangs and eyes, I gently nipped her tail and quickly looked away.

"Gah!" Rainbow Dash looked back quickly rubbing her hind end, she saw the girls walking and Blake looking around town....she didn't know which one did it or if any did...slowly she looked back forward.

Looking towards the unsuspecting rainbow mare I grinned again and nipped her tail a tinsy bit hard before looking up at the clouds.

"Hey!" She glared back again but once more found none looking towards her... Blake was looking at the sky? She looked up and saw the clouds...hmm she suspiciously looked towards Blake before slowly once more looking away.

I looked back to her smirking, time for the finally...

Rainbow Dash felt the yank on her tail and spun around quickly "ha!!" She pointed her hoof towards the culprit catching them....only nopony was there "what the?" Suddenly she felt a tap on her head and looked up to a wobbly flying Blake.

I stuck my tongue out at Rainbow Dash smirking.

Rainbow Dash was surprised before she smirked "well well a new prank competitor.."

"Me? Why whatever do you mean Rainbow Dash?" I batted my eyes innocently.

"This isn't over" She smirked.

"I'd be disappointed if it was" I snickered and landed continuing to walk with the girls and Spike who were giggling at our antics.

We soon arrived at the next house...each of us looking to it...with similar reactions...the house before us was...well not the most intact, it looked like it hadn't been lived in for years, the wood of the house was old but not rotting...in most places, and nature had all but taken it over...not to mention it was a bit aways from town.

"Well...what do you think?" Twilight smiled.

"Uhh...well" I walked to the house "some concerns...uh when was this house abandoned and why? I see many health code violations....and is that a nail poking out of the roof??" I ducked my head avoiding the rusty tetanus infected nail that stuck out begging to poke me...ugh..did I still have my tetanus shot in this body?...questions for later...

"Well there are a few..." Twilight watched a vine catch a fly and drag it under the porch "....problems...but it's distant from other ponies so no fear of them being afraid of you, and hey we all can work together to fix it!" She smiled.

I looked back at her as I walked, fix this place? You'd might as well buy a whole new house with how much work this place ne-the floor creaked loudly under my hoof before there was a crack "....." Suddenly the floor boards under me collapsed and I fell forward back end stuck in the air.

The girls winced.

"....so....pass on this one..?" Twilight asked smiling nervously.

"Yes....I think so..." I replied still in the porch "...can someone help me I appear to be stuck and I am afraid to open my eyes to witness the horror that is underneath this porch...please tell me that is my hair touching my fa-SPIDER!!!!"

The girls watched the blue and black rocket shoot up through the roof of the porch sending splinters of woods all over, suddenly Blake came back down rolling and thrashing in the floor yelling "get it off! get it off! get it off! get it off! get it off!"

Rainbow Dash was snorting a laughing holding her stomach while floating in the air, as she cackled suddenly a small brown spider floated down by a web parachute, landing atop the blue mares muzzle, Rainbow Dash's laughter ceased upon the feeling and looked crossing her eyes spotting the spider on her nose, pupils shrinking she screamed and joined blake in the ground rolling "get it off! get it off! get it off! get it off! get it off!"

Spike and girls all laughing at the display.

I twitched as I walked...I felt like it was still on me....I always hated that about spiders...they could send ghost senses to you, make you feel like their in you when they aren't...I shivered and looked towards the next house.

This one was back in town though closer towards the edge, it was a cream color and was two stories, yard was also nice with a tall hedge fence surrounding it, after looking around the outside we walked in, no need to duck through the door way or inside check...

I looked at the floor and rubbed my hoof against it gently, it didn't slip or collapse beneath me...check.

I walked to each room checking them out, decent sized kitchen, didn't need much myself to be honest, I walked upstairs finding the bedrooms and bathrooms, the master bedroom was very nice and had a window with a great view of the town and forest, I could even see Twilights castle!

"So...what do you think?" Twilight asked hopeful.

"I...like it...it's honestly perfect" I gently touched the windowsill...this room felt similar to my old one...not in Twilight's but back home...it was nice....to feel like I was home even if just a little bit....

Twilight looked towards her curiously as she stepped closer "are you alright..?"

"Hm?..oh yeah...yeah I'm fine Twilight" I smiled to her.

"Good..let's head back down and we can make this officially your house" Twilight smiled be trotted out of the room.

My house....hm...I followed her out if the room and got to the stairs...huh...stairs are different from this angle, slowly I stepped down on the first step...ok, next my other leg, then the back ones and then-...why was I going forward still?

The girls smiled as Twilight told them this was the one before they heard thumping and hanging coming from the stairs as they watched blake bounce and hit each step, she landed at the bottom on her stomach "oh blake!" Fluttershy ran over following by the others.

"I'm fine..." I got up and shook my head "waking down stairs is going to take some getting used to..."

"You've never walked down stairs?" Spike asked.

"No I have...but uh just not with four legs, way different feeling" I explained to the small drake who I envied most..he had hands...and feet.....lucky little Barney...

Spike looked confused but shrugged.

Twilight lit her horn bringing a paper up she signed it with a quill before turning it to Blake "ok just sign the bottom line and this will be your home." She levitated the quill to Blake.

I was about to take it in my hoof but remembered my lack of dexterity with these appendages, grimacing I took it in my teeth and went to sign.

Twilight looked at her weirdly but remembered she had trouble with her hooves and magic, though she thought of another thing which she could test now "remember...this is a legal document that requires your legal name..."

I blinked at her...oddly specific....did she think my world didn't have legal documents? Shrugging I wrote my name the best I could with the quill in my mouth, afterwards I spit it out.

Twilight caught it in her magic and poofed it away, she then looked at the document and found...Blake signed on the line, either she was honest...or Nightmare didn't care enough about legal documents...rolling the document up she had spike send it away to Mayor Mare "Blake, welcome to your new home" she smiled.

I looked around smiling "I'm gonna need some stuff..pretty empty right now."

"Oh I can help with a couple things" Twilight walked to the bedroom and teleported the bed from the castle to the room, along with a couple of the dressers that were in that room, she then walked back down "there we go, your bed and some dressers are now in your room, they were from the castle."

"Oh I'll give those back when I get some of my own furniture." I said not wanting to take her things...

"No no you can keep them, it's completely alright Blake" Twilight reassured.

"...only if your ok with it...I'll still probably give them back" I sighed still not feeling ok with it.

"Only if you want to Blake" she chuckled.

The sun was close to setting so the girls all left saying thier goodbyes, Twilight and spike being the second to last to leave as Fluttershy had stayed around wanting to make sure I was ok with being alone for really the first time, I told her I was gonna be fine and that she could head home...after assuring her a couple more times she finally complied and left.

It was nice to have someone to worry about me while I'm here...and so much so like Fluttershy, she had so much love in her heart for everyone...honestly amazed me...

Looking around the empty house, my empty house...huh crazy to think I had my own house...jeez I still had a couple years before I'd move out back home...now I suppose it was natural to get your own home young here...ages were odd in Equestria cause I swore Twilight and her friends were like early twenties at times and teenagers at others...

I rubbed my arm as the silent room was all that surrounded me....ok time for bed, I walked up the stairs and arrived at the bed room....Twilight had set the bed and dressers almost exactly as they were back at my home on earth....it had to be accidental because I never told her...walking to the bed I slowly climbed in and shuffled in it a bit...first night sleeping in a new place....again....man I've been sleeping in new places a lot....I missed home....missed my family....heck I even missed school...what if I never can go back?...just stuck here...forever...

Grumbled I pushed the thoughts away and rolled on my side pulling the blanket up, nope not thinking about all that junk before sleeping...won't help....I closed my eyes and tried to sleep....just gotta clear my mind...and drift...

I slammed against a stone wall before hitting the door, the air in my lungs leaving me as I coughed and hacked, my body chilling as I saw blood hit the stone...I could taste it in my mouth....looking fearfully towards my attackers I shook....the six mares marched towards me...all eyes glowing white as they glared towards me...

"Please...what did I do?! I thought we made up???" I yelled desperately trying to figure out what went wrong

Rainbow Dash zoomed through the air before her hooves struck my head making a loud crack, my head getting knocked to the side from the strike and my vision going spinning as the pain radiated through my skull, suddenly an orange blob appeared and struck me in the face knocking my head the other direction, I was seeing stars now as the pain was in two places melding together.

I coughed and spit a couple white shark teeth out, I shakily looked towards the bloody teeth as my vision went in and out of focus, I struggled to my hooves I needed to get out if here....run get away, escape this nightmare!

Wait maybe this was a ni-suddenly a piece of the broken wall on the ground glowed purple before it flew up through the air and struck me sending me backwards before smashing into the ground, the stone breaking apart on top me.

Coughing from the dust and pain I stood, my muscles burned and ached...everything ached, I could feel my blood dripping from different spots across my body...and my wings...looking towards them I saw one was limp beside me while the other was crunched down against my back...both were numb till I tried moving them sending fiery hot pain through me "GAHHHH!!!!" My voice cried out through the stone room.

Panting and breathing heavily I hung my head letting the pain fade...suddenly I realized where I stood....this spot now so familiar to me "no....no no..please..." My shot towards the girls where I saw them all lined up, elements headed and beginning to glow...this scene all to familiar...the girls floating up and being surrounded by the radiant light...

Flashes of Celestia using the Elements replaced the girls like a glitching game before returning to the main six...I stumbled back confusion and fear across my face...what..what was happening..this wasn't right...wasn't possible...

Suddenly my eyes saw something behind the girls...or rather someone, I saw a figure standing in the shadows....their dark fur allowing them perfect camouflage in the darkness....they stood still..motionless, it was amazing I even spotted them....but I could see it...in their eyes the rage...anger...and...enjoyment across their face....they...they were doing this...it was them!! But...but who were they?? Who could do this?? Who would want to-....Nightmare...it was her!! She was here!! She was doing this! I had to tell the girls, I had to warn th-

Suddenly the rainbow harmonic new struck me sending burning pain through my body as it torn me apart, I screamed in pure pain my body disintegrating or burning away like paper in fire.

The pain seemed to never end as the light raked across my body, burning and burning more of me away, I looked to the girls with tears, and the mare behind them with begging eyes...I wanted it to stop....just stop!!!!!

I leapt awake in bed, cold sweat across my body as I shook...I breathed heavily and looked around in panic...the room...new one...no angry six...no evil mare...I fell back head hitting the pillow as I stared at the ceiling....why can't I just...sleep peacefully?....why did I think I could even get any?...I never had the luck....I couldn't remember the last peaceful sleep I had...

Shuffling in bed I looked towards the window, it was dark out still...I wasn't even asleep that long...ughhh...it was going to be a long night...was this my fate?....long miserable nights?...I was sleeping in a empty house now too....I was alone...I'll always be alone....but the mornings I'd be able to hang out with the girls....but what was the point?...what would I do??...risk ruining thier lives just with my presence?...cause them to deal with more of my horrible life? Drag them down with me so we're all miserable?...that's not what I wanted...

My thoughts drifted towards the ones I had back at Fluttershy's....if I had drowned...so many problems would be solved....I wouldn't have nightmares anymore....no restless nights....no ruining other's lives....maybe that's how it should be....?

Author's Note:

Updates are gonna be a lot slower after this chapter unfortunately, I've run into a wall currently and am figuring out the plot of the next few chapters.

Sorry :fluttershysad: