• Published 20th Jun 2019
  • 14,897 Views, 467 Comments

Lunar Soul - ShadowedKnight68

Being the bringer of darkness and forever night isn't easy.

  • ...


Fluttershy awoke to sound of birds tweeting outside her window, they were kind enough to always wake her up on time so she could feed the animals, smiling she got out of bed and trotted to her bathroom cleaning herself up a bit before moving around her home to feed the animals inside, specifically Angel Bunny who currently had his head under a pillow not wanting to wake up.

Giggling softly she filled his food bowl up with some carrots before exiting the house and beginning to feed the animals that roamed around her home.

She hummed softly as she sprinkled some bird feed out on the ground for the birds, as she walked around sprinkling the seeds suddenly she heard some chittering coming up behind her, turning around she found Mr. Beaverton Beaverteeth running up to her, he had been staying over after getting a splinter in his tail preventing him from making any dams.

Mr Beaverton chittered and stood on his back legs as he began making gestures while chittering.

Fluttershy nodded listening carefully before she gasped and hurried under the bridge in front of her cottage, there lying on the bank of the river was the dark furred unconscious form of Nightmare Moon, suppressing a scared eep her care for others over powered her fear and she rushed to the mares side.

Lying her head against the mares chest she listened before sitting up and began performing compressions on her chest, then moving to blow air into her mouth, after a couple of compressions and breaths the mare suddenly gasped and coughed up water.

She then began thrashing around in sudden panic forcing Fluttershy to back off, she then hurried forward and wrapped her hooves around her arms to hold them down so she wouldn't hurt herself.

Slowly Nightmare Moon calmed down and went unconscious again, sighing in relief Fluttershy let go and looked at the mare, she wasn't sure how she got here or ended up drowning but she needed to get her inside, she was ice cold.

Trying to lift her Fluttershy found her a bit to heavy, frowning she thought before she flew off and returned with Harry the bear "Harry would you please carry her into the house for me? I would but you are much stronger than I am.."

Harry made a few growling and gutteral noises expressing his discomfort in being near her.

"Oh please harry, she needs help, wouldn't you want to be carried to safety if you were hurt?" She pleaded looking up to him.

Harry looked away thinking about it and then nodded and got down picking her up before laying her on his back, Fluttershy helping to keep her steady as they made their way out from under the bridge and to the cottage.

Flashes of light filled the once blue sky which now was a fierce violet, the sun obscured by the lands second divine body, the black sphere up above surrounded by a golden ring, the first eclipse Equestria had ever seen…

A bright blue flash lit the sky up sending Celestia smashing through a glass window and tumbling to the ground, hurt but not willing to give up...not now...Celestia began to try and stand.

A dark shadow like figure flew in through the window and landed on the stone floor before Celestia, the metal of its armored hooves clopping against the stone.

Spreading her wings to express her glory...her might over her fallen sister...Nightmare Moon looked down at her with a wide smirk, her vicious sharp white teeth defining her nature….no longer prey to others...she now stood a predator...a being above all others...even the glorious most loved Princess Celestia.

"L..Luna...please….hear me through that wicked shadow….this is not you-" Celestia tried to plead only to be cut off by the loud cackling of her dark sister.

"Not me? Oh dear sister how would you even know who I am?...you've been blinded by your glorious day and adoration of the ponies for years...this is who I am, no longer the unwanted Luna!! I am Nightmare Moon!! Queen of the night and soon to be queen of Equestria!!" Nightmare Moon stood proud, cloud like mane and tail flowing behind her.

Celestia turned her head away….she could not look at this shadow that hid her sister from her...it's tainted image of Luna, she had tried to reason with her...tried to speak to her sister deep within this Nightmare Moon shell….but her sister could not hear her…..not when so tightly in the claws of this beast..

Glancing back to the room Nightmare had thrown her in Celestia saw the large stone pedestal that sat in the middle of the room, sitting upon each of its stone branches were colored crystals...each one slowly rotating by an unseen force...the Elements of Harmony.

Celestia's heart almost breaking at the thought that entered her mind….she couldn't...not to her own sister, not with the unknown powers of the elements...she didn't know what they would do, or if she could even control them..

Looking to her dark sister she saw Nightmare's horn now a lit with glowing blue energy, a spell beginning to be cast….Celestia's eyes returned to the elements, and with a pained look in her eyes she grabbed each of them off the pedestal with her magic and levitated them in front of her, tears running down her face as she looked to her sister "forgive me Luna…"

The elements glowed before getting brighter until they released a flash of harmonic light as Celestia channeled her magic through them, Nightmares eyes going wide as she saw the elements release their light, her horn firing off the spell she was charging attempting to try and stop the light, the blue beam of magic striking the harmonic rainbow beam she tried to push it back to resist the power...but like it...she was consumed by the radiating energy, struggling and thrashing she let out a roaring yell of anger towards her sister before her form vanished in the glowing light as if vaporized.

Each of the elements clattered to the ground their glow now faded, Celestia looked to where her sister had been...fear of what she might have done filling her as the ground lay smoking....before she saw upon the moon which eclipsed the sun...a marking which gave the appearance of a mare….when Celestia had used the elements...she tried to use them to trap Nightmare...place her somewhere she couldn't do harm onto her ponies...the elements seemed to have full filled this desire…

More tears began to stream down Celestia's face before she broke down sobbing, she had failed her sister….failed to be the older sister she needed...deserved….it was her fault..it had to be…as the older sister it was her sworn duty to protect her sister, take care of her….and now she's sentenced her to imprisonment on the moon...

Nightmare gasped awake eyes wide she jumped up looking around in rage as her horn was flowing with a spell, she'd kill her sister for even trying to use the elements on her!!

But as Nightmare Moon looked around in rage...she realized...she only saw a white wasteland….a star filled sky hanging over it, confused Nightmares horn stopped glowing...she looked around her new surroundings seeing only the white ground which was covered in numerous different sized craters.

"What...what trick is this?...where has that wretched mare sent me??" Growling she turned around to look behind her only for her glare to drop immediately and be replaced by shock….there large and in the near distance...she saw..the world….the world she should be standing on now...it didn't make sense, how could she see the place she was on?? And why was it so far away...perhaps a illusion spell??

Her horn lit and she fired off a cancellation spell...only for it to fizzle out, looking to her horn confused she attempted it again...and again...and again, then tried different spells, any she could think of, all of them!....but nothing...her horn only sparked the spells never releasing.

"This..this is impossible….my magic gone? No..I feel it but I cannot release any spells….what is this?? What is this?!" She roared stomping her hoof creating a new crater, white dust and rock being kicked up...and floating in the air.

Nightmare watched the floating rocks in bafflement, she had not casted a levitation spell..at least not one that had worked, walking to the floating white rocks she tapped one with her hoof and watched it float the other direction…

Stepping back she looked from the rock to the world then back again, her eyes widening in realization of what had occurred "no….no no NO!!! This...this cannot be...this is a lie!! A fabrication!!!" She tried once more to cast cancelation spells but they continued to fail.

She glared towards the world before smiling widely "you think I will just stay here?! Foolish sister I shall make you suffer for this!!" She spread her wings and took off into the air towards the blue planet, laughing victoriously at her sisters failed attempt to strand her.

She suddenly felt her body get yanked back after only going twenty feet off the ground, slight pain ringing through her body as it had felt like a cord or rope had been attached her and she'd just reached the end of it, flapping her wings she looked around before looking back and gasping, a ethereal like blue chain reached all the way back towards the moon the end fading to invisibility and seemingly connected to nothing, the opposite end connected to Nightmare spreading out like tendrils and we're wrapped around each of her limbs and neck with manacles.

"No...no!!!" She flapped her wings hard attempting to fly to the planet, break free from these chains...yet they didn't so much as even creak from strain, her struggle and pull had no effect on the chains.

She kept pulling and flapping her wings as hard as she could eventually leaving her body tired and aching, wings no longer even moving yet she floated there... suspended in the absence of gravity….slowly as if by some force she began to drift back towards the moon before gently being laid down onto the surface, breathing heavily she laid there on her side, each breath kicking up some dust that floated there….

Emotions rushing around through her body, rage, annoyance...sadness...she didn't know what to do..she felt so...so out of control...she was a prisoner...a prisoner of her sister once more...gritting her teeth she stood up and roared with pure rage and sadness.

She wasn't sure how long she had yelled into the emptiness…..but she realized it didn't matter….by what could she mark her days? She could see Celestia's damned sun move over the planet but at what point was that? What day? By the time the sun moved across the land she could see returning from the otherside, that could be the start of one day, or the end of another...and her very own prison moved as well...chasing after the sun slowly...like she had for so many years…

Even now she desired to be where her sister was….back home...praised by the ponies...basking in their adoration and love….Nightmare's tainted cold heart ached at the thought….a mix of two beings pain…..

...And their rage….thoughts of how she would make Celestia suffer filled her head, each worse than the last yet not fulfilling enough, she'd break every bone in her body!! burn her alive!! Tear her wings and horn off!! Anything to make her suffer!!!

I gasped awake covered in a cold sweat...my heart raced and pounded….those thoughts...they made my stomach twist...I could still see Celestia's torn apart image...that rage….I hated it...

Where did that dream even come from?...it definitely wasn't an episode...ugh god my head's killing me…

I rubbed my forehead with my hooves before I suddenly remembered falling into the river last night..was...was that part of the dream? How else would I have even gotten back to bed?

Looking around the room I realized...this wasn't the room at Twilights, I didn't recognize this room actually, where was I? And how did I get here??

Suddenly a door to the room opened and pink haired head peaked in she talked softly "oh your awake, that's good I was really worried" Fluttershy walked in.

I got on edge as she walked over...not because I was afraid of her...more so I didn't want her afraid of me….

She looked at me curious before looking worried.

Oh god did I already scare her?? No no no please not Fluttershy! I can't handle scaring her!! Pinning my ears back I held my eyes shut tightly just waiting for her to scream, faint, or yell at me to leave…

Instead I felt her gentle hoof touch mine "are you alright..?" Fluttershy asked in a soft worried tone.

Opening my eyes slowly I looked at her "you're...not afraid of me?"

"Oh no, I couldn't be afraid of a hurt pony who needs help" Fluttershy replied.

"Injured?" I titled my head only to wince, looking myself over I found bandages wrapped around the lower part of my right foreleg, and the upper part of my left foreleg, more bandages around my neck explaining the pain of titling my head…

"Yes...you must have gotten very very hurt by the river throwing you around, you're very lucky I was able to perform cpr on you" Fluttershy smiled softly.

...I drowned?...wow ok...that..that was a lot...I owed my life to Fluttershy "thank you...thank you so much….I...how can I repay you?...I don't have any money but I'll do anything."

"Oh you don't need to repay me, you needed help and I helped, what kind of a pony would I be if I didn't help?" She smiled the iconic Fluttershy smile...so warm and comforting.

"I have to repay you….in some way at least" I couldn't just go on my way acting like saving my life meant nothing.

Fluttershy thought about it, she really didn't want to force her to do anything...she just wanted to help her...but if she didn't let Blake repay her she knew she'd just feel about about herself, suddenly remembering the princesses orders to help Blake learn the elements she got an idea.

"Well...if it isn't to much, maybe you could help me take care of the animals today?"

"I'd love to! I love animals!" I smiled widely, this would be great! I can repay Fluttershy and also spend time with some cute animals.

Fluttershy smiled at seeing Blake excited, it always made her happy to see others happy.

I started to get up from the bed when Fluttershy tried to stop me "what?"

"You need your rest...you were in an accident" Fluttershy quickly said, she really didn't want Blake to strain herself.

"I feel fine actually..beside some slight aches I'm ok really" I smiled down at the yellow mare.

Fluttershy hesitated before stepping aside allowing Blake to get up, she was very tall...frightening so...Fluttershy subconsciously shrunk down lower.

Seeing her shrink in fear I frowned and my ears laid back oh no...I scared her…

Oh no! I made her sad! Fluttershy quickly stood back up and smiled "let's go outside so we can tend to the animals."

Seeing her relax I did too though I had to make sure I didn't do anything that scared her, I followed her out of the room and into the main room area, so this was her house? It looked cozy...but kind of small for my current height...and size…

My hip bumped into a dresser "oop sorry" moving away I accidentally bumped into another "sorry again!" I smacked my front shin into a small table and was about to curse from the pain

Fluttershy turned to look at her worried "are you ok?"

I bit my tongue and pressed my lips together tightly holding in my curses, forcing a smile I nodded, she seemed hesitant but continued leading me...towards the kitchen? Confused I followed limping slightly.

Fluttershy walked over to the counter and placed the top piece of bread onto a sandwich before carrying two plates over to the table, she set them down and looked at Blake, she blinked and then gasped "oh I didn't ask you what you wanted for breakfast,I can make you something else if you don't like sandwiches."

"No no it's fine" I sat down and looked at the sandwich….two mornings with breakfast...wow, not wanting to worry Fluttershy further I took a bite from the sandwich by leaning my head down, chewing it...I realized it...tasted off... specifically the ingredients...there was bread and…. something else...kind of rubbery?...but sweet….

I moved one of the pieces in my mouth before poking it out of my mouth, my eyes widening as I saw a flower petal...did...did she just prank me??

Looking at Fluttershy...she was eating the same kind of sandwich...not a prank….right horses….of course they'd eat plants...flowers were plants….hm...this was something to think about..

Fluttershy looked at Blake to see if she was enjoying the sandwich only to see her looking down at the sandwich with a cheek full of food and a contemplating look on her face "is everything ok? Did I make it wrong?"

"Hm? Mo mo….ish gooh….mmmm" I nodded my head rubbing my stomach with a smile...please buy it.

She blinked and looked away returning to eating.

Ok...now what?...I had a chewed up flower sandwich in my mouth...do I swallow it?...that didn't sound pleasant...but she'd think she made it wrong and be sad if I didn't…

Swallowing both my disgust and the food I forced it down coughing a second, giving Fluttershy a thumbs up as she looked at me...wait I didn't have thumbs..

Fluttershy blinked, why was she raising her hoof….was she asking for more? She hasn't even finished eating her first...wait why was she even questioning it? If Blake was hungry then she should be allowed to eat "sure I'll make you another" she smiled happily standing up and walking back to the counter.

I slammed my head into the table as I realized she read the situation wrong.

After eating three sandwiches...yes three...I ended up accidentally asking for another when she asked me if I was still hungry….now her and I stood outside the cottage, me a stomach full of flower sandwiches...and her smiling cutely….

"Alright, let me introduce you to the animals first, it's best they get to know you before you work with them, alright?" She asked looking up the dark furred mare.

I nodded smiling, I may puke up flowers if I tried talking….to many flowers…

Fluttershy lead Blake to the animal pens, the multitude of animals roamed around the area each having some sort of bandage or cast, or something ailing them.

My eyes sparkled upon seeing the animals, so many cute animals!! Oh my god there's otters!! I've never seen an otter in person!!!

"Everyone I'd like you all to meet somepony who will be helping me today in taking care of you" Fluttershy spoke not very much above her usual octave.

The animals looked towards her excitedly...until they spotted the tall dark mare beside her...she towered over most of them and her eyes made even the snakes afraid, the carnivorous animals who had agreed not to mess with the herbivores were fearful of the sharp toothed monster that looked to them baring it's fangs.

The animals immediately scattered making panicked noises and hiding in any place they could, some under rocks, other behind the small shacks and coops, even in trees and ponds, eventually the once animal filled pens...were barren.

Fluttershy frowned and looked towards Blake making her frown deeper.

I had a look of pure despair….so many animals...terrified of me, memories of my own dog attacking me when he saw me as this….did I give off a dangerous sense to them?...something that made them think I was a threat…?

But why?...there wasn't a reason to ask why, just remembering who I'd become was answer enough...Nightmare Moon, mare who didn't like others would obviously give of a aura of get away from me or I'll kill you…

I groaned closing my eyes...once again my new body ruined any chance of happiness..

Fluttershy practically able to just read Blake's thoughts through her facial shifts knew she needed to act quick to cheer her up "I'll go get one of them and we can introduce you."

"Is that a good idea?...they..don't really seem to like me…"

"They...just don't know you yet" she smiled and flew over the fence and in the pen softly, she eventually returned with a squirrel who upon getting closer to Blake clutched to Fluttershy for dear life "Mrs Squirrelly Squirrel I want to to meet Blake….now don't worry she's very nice and wouldn't hurt a fly."

My eye twitched at the feminine pronouns Fluttershy used but kept my smile up and looked at Mrs Squirrelly...do all squirrels in this world have squirrel names?...or just her? How did Fluttershy even learn her name?..could she actually understand animals, like hear them?

Mrs Squirrelly looked up at the large dark shadow pony...her practically glowing slitted eyes and dangerous teeth yelled she was a predator….b-but Fluttershy said she was nice so that must mean she i-

"Hello" I moved just barely closer and spoke as soft as I could.

Mrs Squirrelly lost her cool and leapt from Fluttershy's hooves scratching the shadow mare in the face before running off towards a tree.

Fluttershy held her hooves to her mouth gasping as she looked at Blake...oh no she was going to get mad wasn't she?? Would she hurt mrs Squirrelly??

"Ow…" I winced and rubbed my face with a hoof, it didn't hurt per se but it did kind of sting, no blood however, I looked towards the tree Mrs Squirrelly ran to and sighed sadly.

Fluttershy calmed down and almost scolded at herself for thinking Blake would loose her temper and do something that drastic.

"Sorry for scaring Mrs Squirrelly…..I think I give a bad sense to the animals….just..another gift of this body" I kicked the dirt slightly.

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy was curious what that meant.

"This body...Nightmare Moons has had….effects that I've never had before….bad relationships with animals, horrible nightmares...crazy magic...mood swings…..very low tolerance to sunlight….just everything that makes me...not me…" I glanced at the cutiemark on my flank...did Luna go through this? I almost wish I could ask her if not for the fact she hated me and I was afraid she and her sister would send me to the moon….

Flashes of the dream I woke from this morning replayed in my head...that isolation on the cold deserted moon...it was horrible...so horrible..I didn't want to ever experience anything like it…

Fluttershy hugged Blake noticing her sombering mood, after hearing all that Blake's been suffering through she's amazed she hasn't just broken down and hid in her bed all day...Fluttershy knew well more than any pony how something bad could make you want to hide away and just wish all your problems to vanish…

I looked at the small mare hugging me and laid my head against hers...it felt so nice to be hugged….comforted...the stress of everything that's happened in just a week had hit me so hard….but maybe I could get through it...Fluttershy seemed to accept I wasn't evil...RainbowDash seemed pretty cool with me...Twilight was beginning to believe me...I just needed their help to help convince the others…

After a while we broke apart from the hug, Fluttershy looking to me smiling, I smiled back feeling better honestly.

"Ok we can head inside if you want, I imagine you don't want to try taking care of the animals after that…" Fluttershy looked up at her.

As much as I honestly wanted to...I knew I couldn't "....no no I still want to help...I can't let one bad thing ruin the day right?" I smiled, if I let this beat me down I knew I wouldn't be able to get back up afterwards.

"You sure?..you really don't have to.." Fluttershy pushed to see if Blake would change her mind, she really didn't want Blake to push herself.

"I can do this Fluttershy" I smiled brightly.

Fluttershy….blinked her wide eyes...this...this was the first time she'd really seen this mare so genuinely happy...she'd been so used to the terrifying Nightmare Moon, and the sad Blake who wore the same face...but now...now she saw a pony trying to be herself while looking so different.

Smiling herself she lead Blake over to a shed where large bags of feed sat "you can try feeding the animals and even if they don't come close to you, you'll still be helping them eat.."

Perfect! I'd help and wouldn't need to risk scaring the animals by interacting with them to much, giving Fluttershy a salute "I won't fail you ma'am" I smiled.

She giggled at the salute and being called ma'am "don't strain yourself Blake, if your injuries hurt come in right away and tell me so I can get you some ice" she trotted towards her door.

I nodded still smiling, it felt so nice to be cared for like this….so great honestly...now to get to work on moving some sacks of food

Realizing I didn't want to risk using my obviously dangerous magic I gripped the edge of the bag of feed and dragged it across the ground walking sideways, this was degrading and gross...this bags been on the ground...I probably had dirt in my mouth now yeck!

"Do you always complain?" A voice spoke suddenly.

I jumped dropping the bag and looked around in panic, my attention being caught as fingers snapped up above, looking up I spotted someone...something? That made me shiver in fear.

It was that strange mix matched creature from before...that one who popped in existence at the hospital and then...in my room while I was sleeping..I still don't even know what he or it was doing to me while I slept!!

"If your going to monologue can you do it quieter?" He huffed rubbing in his ear with his pinky before pulling out a small speaker from his ear with a pop, on it writing in small text was PROTAG MONOLOG TRANSMITTER "or PMT for short" he smirked.

….he...he could hear my thoughts?!?

Sighing heavily he pinched the bridge of his no-muzzle "yes...yes I can, also he or it isn't doing it for me, my name is Discord."

"Discord…?" I looked his form over...that made sense.

Discord suddenly pulled a shower curtain over his body "hey my eyes are up here" his eyes grew to exaggerate his words.

I leapt back "how the hell are you doing that??"

"Hm you know you didn't curse this much before all this" he waved his hand in the air gesturing to Blake.

...that was true...but your morals kind of go out the window after you've turned into a female horse..

"So many would beg to be in your place" Discord glance behind him at a door that was pushing open and multiple voices beginning to speak out with wishes or declarations of wanting Nightmare Moons body, he snapped his fingers and it slammed shut before getting boarded up by a floating hammer.

Watching that happened I was starting to really think the sun's gotten to me...maybe drowning caused brain damage??? This was too crazy even for my current situation.

"You haven't seen nothing yet" Discord smirked.

"Ok ok...just hold on...you told me your name but...who are you??? How are you doing..anything you're doing!?" I needed answers.

Discord deadpanned "you seriously don't know who I am?...Discord...lord of chaos...master of disaster….second villain to appear in the show….I'm one of the most famous characters in the show!"

"Look I didn't make it past the first season before I became th-...wait you said show...you know this is a show?!?" I yelled.

"Well I know of your world's version of mine which is a show, this however is a universe where it. Is. Real." He punctuated each word.

Oh my god... someone who knew the truth...wait he knew I was human!! "Oh my god you know I'm human!! You can help right?? That must be why your here! Your crazy powers must be able to send me home and fix me!!...Or maybe this is all some strange coma dream and your my conscience trying to tell me that it's a dream...maybe this is my chance to wa-"

Discord snapped his fingers making Blake's mouth vanish "there peace and quiet, for a second there I thought a human had ended up in me with how much you were talking…"

Realizing I didn't have a mouth...I lost my shit, trying to force my mouth open resulted in nothing...it was just gone!! I reared up on my mind legs and silently cried out in panic.

Discord watched head resting in palm "Ya done?...good, I'm not here to send you home or change you to a human, as funny as it would be, it's not really my place to decide your fate" he floated looking full of higher knowing...before he rolled his eyes dropping the radiant look "and I also don't want to."

It tried to exclaim something….but no mouth.

"Oh right" he snapped his fingers and Blake's mouth returned.

I smacked my lips together and thanked the lord's for returning me my mouth, looking to discord I repeated what I couldn't say before "Please you have to!"

"Actually I don't have to do anything, see it's here in my contract" he held out a piece of paper with a shy Fluttershy in lingerie, his eyes shooting out of his head before he quickly hid it chuckling "hehe ignore that" clearing his throat he pulled out a contract, glancing at it to make sure it was actually it before smiling.

I squinted reading it over and it did in fact say he didn't need to do anything..hey wait a minute this contract says it was authorized by Disc-

He put the contract away "Aaaaanyway I just stopped by to see your strangeness and to well tell you" he popped up in front of Blake and grabbed her by the horn "if you so much as think of one, ONE dirty thought involving Fluttershy...I will make you regret it...got it??"

Each word he moved his head closer and closer to my own till I was having to pull it back cowering, I nodded the best I could with his eagle talon around my horn.

Discords fierce look vanished and he smiled "good" he pat her head and vanished.

I heaved out a held in breath panting afterwards….one normal day….that's all I ask….and to return to my family….my family...when was the last time I thought about them?...I couldn't remember honestly.

The tense atmosphere quickly changed to a somber one...my mom was probably worried sick, wondering if I'd come home..if I was alive….my dad trying to do everything to search for answers...answers her never find with how impossible a situation it was...your son turning into a female horse and then getting sucked into the TV…

And then I just don't think about them...don't think about how worried they must be...I mean why should I?? It's not like their my fucking parents!!! The people who raised and loved me!!! Oh nooo I shouldn't think about them at all!! Only me! Me me me me!!!!

A nearby bird house exploded causing me to snap out if my dark thoughts, I hadn't even realized my eyes were wet with tears….rushing to the bird house and rummaged through the pieces of wood for any signs of s bird... luckily there was none..it was empty thank goodness…

Take a deep shakey breath I tried to calm myself, it wasn't my fault...so many things were on my mind lately...anyone could forget….their parents.

A water trough boiled before exploding and then instantly freezing in a spiked death ball of wood and ice.

"Easy...m-mistake" I forced a smile.

The doghouse nearby went rocketing unit the sky landing somewhere on the other other side of PonyVille out of sight.

"Haha! Ok time to finish feeding the animals!" I gripped the bag of feed in my teeth and dragged it towards the animal pens, each fence post I past snapped in half, got wrapped in giant vines, or just burst into flames, just gotta keep going! Don't worry about it!

Finally I reached the food trough and struggled to pick it up but finally got it on the edge if the fence before I stabbed my horn in and ripped it open letting the feed pour in, I smiled victoriously as I heard the door to Fluttershy's cottage open and close.

"Hey Fluttershy! Everything is fine!" I smiled widely.

Fluttershy set the book she was reading down as Angel Bunny was making gestures communicating to her how he didn't like the idea of Nightmare Moon working here "oh Angel Bunny, you don't need to worry about Blake, she's not bad and she isn't going to be working here, she's just helping out for the day...well unless she wants to help out more...oh I could maybe help her find a animal companion! I'm sure there are a bunch of night animals that would love to spend their nights with her!"

Angel crossed his arms.

"Sorry" Fluttershy chuckled getting carried away.

Angel made more gestures.

"Ok if it will make you feel better we can go check up on her" Fluttershy stood and trotted towards the door, Angel following behind.

"I honestly don't think you should be this worried, she may have had a couple accidents earlier with the animals but this is an easy job" Fluttershy tried easing Angels worries as she pushed the door open for her friend and walked out behind him, she looked towards Blake and...her smile dropped.

"Hey Fluttershy! Everything is fine!" Blake smiled widely.

All the animals were running around in panic as most of the pens were on fire and others were raised into the air by giant vines, one dog was trying to pull it's tongue free from a frozen block of water it had tried to lick.

The birds were flying around a tree which was broken at the middle and bent sideways, harry the bear ran as a giant bee chased after him.

Fluttershy's wide fearful eyes focused on Blake "w-why??"

"W-why??" Fluttershy asked looked so scared and...hurt…

I looked around and my ears pinned back seeing the chaos, did..did I cause this?...oh god I did...I now could feel it...the magical afterglow I felt after using a spell….I did so much damage….I didn't even control it...I just tried to ignore what was happening…

"No Fluttershy I…I didn't…." Why was I bothering?...I was a monster, I caused destruction and pain! That's all I was good for! Explain myself?? What for! No one would listen! They shouldn't! I obviously couldn't control myself!! I should have just died in that river!......

My rushing thoughts slowed...focusing in on that single thought….would the world be better without me?....it was better without the original Nightmare Moon...I just took her place….the only thing I didn't do is turn it permanently night...that's all that makes us different…

My teal eyes locked onto Fluttershy "I'm so sorry…" and with a blue flash I vanished.