• Published 20th Jun 2019
  • 14,896 Views, 467 Comments

Lunar Soul - ShadowedKnight68

Being the bringer of darkness and forever night isn't easy.

  • ...


I gasped awake shaking, that same nightmare again…it must mean something, maybe...maybe I became her because of the spell she had cast? Ugh why was this happening to me? None of this made any sense, this shouldn't even be possible! She's a cartoon character for God's sake!!

Sitting up I rubbed my eyes with my hooves….my hooves, thinking about that is just weird...I don't have hands anymore.... I don't know how long I can live without hands.

I shook my head to get those thoughts out of my mind, I need to focus on something else to avoid falling into the pity party, looking up I stared at the horn that's sticking out from my forehead, I might as well try to learn how to use this thing, I just need to try doing what the forum on the website said, looking around the room I looked at a sock and closed my eyes imagining a hand grabbing the sock, concentrating on the sock and focusing on my horn I imagined lifting it up.

I sat for a couple seconds not feeling anything "ok that was worth a shot" opening my eyes they suddenly widened as a bunch of items around the room were now floating in the air "woah…." Looking up I found that my horn was now engulfed in a sparkling blue glow "I did it!...well there's more than the sock floating but I did it!" Smiling I looked at the different floating items.

Some money, a couple socks, my ruined pants, my phone, some pencils, even some glass shards from my lightbulb...actually that was probably the most dangerous thing to have floating in the air, focusing on the glass I tried lowering the shards down to the ground safely, unfortunately with my adept skills in the arts of magic everything began flying around the room instead of floating "no no wait stop!! Gah!" Ducking down I dodged my phone as it shot past me.

Looking forward I gasped and rolled off my bed as three pencils stabbed into the wall behind me like darts fired from a blowgun "on god! Oh God!"

I ran around my room dodging and ducking different things that where flying hazardously around the room, crouching down I nearly dodged a bowling ball that zoomed by me...wait a bowling ball? We don't have a bowling ball, at that moment a bowling pin knocked me upside the head throwing me to the ground it also made the sound of a group of pins being knocked down at the bowling alley "ow…well...this can't get any worse…"

Rebecca looked up at the ceiling down stairs "sounds like Blake's up….he's making a lot of noise…"

"I'm sure he's fine Rebecca...he's dealing with a lot" Blake's father said looking to his wife.

She stood up and walked to the stairs "I'm going to make sure he's alright" she walked up not waiting for her husband's response, knocking on Blake's door she waited for him to answer….she knocked again when he didn't answer "Blake...honey are you ok in there?"

"Uh mom…..I need some help…" Blake called panicking from inside the room.

Rebecca opened the door and gasped at what she saw, it was like a scene from the movie poltergeist, objects where flying around in circles within the room as if a small tornado had formed, her hand flew to her mouth as she saw Blake float by upside down.

"I'm not sure how to stop this" Blake said with a frown as he floated on past his mother.

"It's ok sweetie I'll help" she stepped into the room walking towards her son, surprisingly she didn't start floating.

"Wait mom no!" Blake called before he crashed into her, as a result both of them came tumbling to the ground, with Blake's magic cutting out upon contact all the objects floating within the room fell in unison, fragile items such as his tablet's screen where saved from breaking dew to the carpeted floors.

Rebecca looked at her son and grabbed his face "are you ok??"

"I should be the one asking you that…" Blake got off his mother "a horse literally just landed on you mom."

"I'm fine sweetie, what was going on though??" She asked with worry in her voice.

"Well when I woke up, I decided to see if I could use magic, the upside is that I can, the downside, I have no idea how to control it…" Blake frowned.

"Are you ok?" She stroked Blake's neck, she had to admit, the soft hair Blake now had was pretty nice to pet, subconsciously she moved her hand up and scratched behind Blake's ear.

"Yeah I'm finnnnne…" Blake's eyes went unfocused as he leaned into her scratching which felt amazing as his mind went blank, the only thing registering to him being the sheer bliss of being scratched behind the ear.

Rebecca chuckled as she watched Blake lean into the scratching, she remembered hearing that horses liked to be scratched behind the ears, she moved her other hand up and scratched behind Blake's other ear.

Blake's legs began wobbling as his tongue hung out of his mouth, the scratching was just to much to be able to fight against mentally, leaning further into the scratching he slowly leaned forward into his mother, he then sat down and allowed his mother to continue to scratch.

"Hehe that must feel good huh?" She smiled looking down at him.

"Oh...yessss…" he replied hazily, his mind fully lost to the feeling of being scratched behind the ears, he closed his eyes fully enjoying the scratches as his mother continued.

She then stopped scratching and held his muzzle "your so adorable" she then booped his nose.

"Gah no!" He stumbled back "curses! You tricked me with your amazing scratches into lowering my guard! This trick won't work again mother!"

"Wanna bet?" She made a scratching gesture with her hand.

Blake's ear twitched but he shook his head "no stay back!"

She chuckled "ok, ok, I'll leave you be my little pony boy" she started walking away before stopping to look towards where her son's birth mark would have been "oh you kept your birthmark..but it's also changed? Is that a moon?"

Blake looked back before nodding "yeah the character I turned into was sorta the princess of a land full of pony's, she controlled the moon, though who I look like now is the evil version of her…"

"Oh wow…." She walked over and rubbed the birthmark, it was so strange, the mark was exactly the same only now covered in fur and had a waxing crescent moon on it.

Blake blushed "mom...that's my thigh…"

She blushed "oh! Sorry...um...I'm going to go now" she quickly left feeling embarrassed.

I watched the door close and looked back towards my thigh, it was strange my birthmark had looked exactly like Luna's or rather Nightmare Moon's cutie mark, it had only lacked the moon, that had to mean something right? There was no way it was just a coincidence...maybe the dreams were connected too?

But how? Why? Maybe….maybe I was "ngh!" My thoughts were quickly interrupted as I felt a hard migraine hit me in the skull "f-fuck" I whined stumbling towards the door, grabbing the doorknob in my mouth I turned it and hurried out of the room, the migraine was right where my horn was which prevented me from rubbing that spot.

Carefully getting down the stairs I walked towards the kitchen before I suddenly heard static coming from the tv, my migraine slightly forgotten but still there.

Blake's dad raised a brow and tried changing the channel but nothing worked, he smacked his remote but it did nothing to fix the static.

I walked into the living room squinting from the bright sunlight which worsened my headache, looking at the tv in confusion as to why it had suddenly gone to static when I came downstairs "did the dish stop working?" i asked.

"I don't know, it was working just a second ago" Blake's dad said scratching his head in confusion.

I looked towards my dad before I felt my horn get pulled back like it was connected to a string and I had pulled it to its full length, only the string was getting shorter by the second pulling my head back towards the direction of the tv, once I was facing that way my eyes widened as purplish pink electricity began sparking across the screen, sparks reached out from the screen towards me and connected with my horn, it wrapped around me like a snake before it started dragging me towards it.

"Wh-what the hell?! D-dad!! Help!!" I yelled digging my hooves in the carpet to keep myself from being pulled forward though it only resulted in my horn being pulled painfully the more I resisted.

Blake's dad jumped up and grabbed his son trying to pull or push him away, but it was like his son was on a track that could only go forward, he let go of his son and ran at the tv grabbing the speaker and slamming it into the screen only for the electricity to form a shield and blast him backwards away from the TV, he crashed onto the floor stunned.

"DAD!!!" I yelled in fear watching my dad get thrown like a rag doll to the floor, I tried going towards him but it only resulted in me being pulled closer to the TV.

Rebecca walked down the stairs and gasped at what was going on, she ran over and tried pulling Blake away getting the same result as her husband.

"Mom! I-I can't stop!" I yelled as I slipped forwards some more, I was only a foot away from the screen now, the fear of whatever may happen once I reached it racing through my mind.

"It'll be ok Blake!" She ran to the outlet and tried to pull the cord free only for it to not budge, the electricity then sparked up from the outlet and shocked her making her let go.

"Mom!" I was suddenly pulled forward as I went face first into the screen, expecting to slam my face into it I instead sank into it like it was water, the static screen rippled as I was being pulled into it, I tried pulling my head back but my legs were pulled in as a result, struggling and thrashing around I tried to get free.

"Blake!" Rebecca yelled running to her son and trying to pull him free.

Blake's dad groaned and saw his wife trying to pull their son from the television, he got up as quickly as he could ignoring the pain corseing threw his body then rushed over, grabbing his son he pulled with his wife in vain, they weren't able to pull him free and didn't even feel him getting pulled out in the slightest.

Tears filled my eyes as I looked at my parents "mom dad! Wh-what do I do?? I'm scared!"

"It's ok Blake! We'll figure this out! We aren't letting go of you!" Blake's dad yelled as he put his feet on the edge of the tv and pulled with everything he had.

Rebecca did the same to try and save her boy "we are not letting whatever this is take our son!!"

I felt myself start to get pulled out from the tv by them causing a smile to grow on my face, I looked at them smiling with tears of joy before I suddenly felt the electricity pulling my horn once more and with a powerful tug I was pulled back into the TV, with my hoof reaching for anything to grab I accidentally caught my mother's necklace breaking the chain, as both my parents lost their grip as a direct result of the necklace breaking I was sent hurling into a static tunnel watching the rectangle window leading to my living room slowly get further away, my home getting further from reach.

"Blake!!" Rebecca yelled running at the tv but her hands just hit the screen.

Blake's dad grabbed at the screen trying to reach in, both parents looking in fear as their son was dragged away into the static void.

I screamed as I flew through the static void, thrashing around I tried to grip anything but felt nothing, slowly the static turned to many different colours turning into a rainbow tunnel, ahead I saw a bright light making my eyes widen, memories of the nightmare I have been having showing similarities to what was happening now "I don't want to die!!!" I yell out in fear.

Plunging into the white light I suddenly crashed hard into a cold stone floor, my head clacking against the ground sending a jolt through my skull, wincing I laid on the stone panting, everything hurt and I could smell the scent of smoke, I also heard a group of people gasp in shock.

Shakily I lifted my head up opening one eye to look around, a gasp escaped my own lips as what stood around me were none other than the Mane Six, looking around in panic I found the old castle of the sisters around me, stumbling to my hooves which clattered against the stone and echoed throughout the halls.

"U-uh T-Twi….why is Nightmare Moon here??" Applejack stuttered looking at the mare she thought they defeated long ago.

"I-I don't know!" Twilight was just as shocked at seeing Nightmare Moon standing before her.

I looked at each of the mares in front of me backing up further, I looked around for how I got here but I didn't see anything of the sort, I needed to go back, back to my parents, where was it?? Why isn't it here?!

Twilight glared at the mare and lit her horn in opposition "don't move!"

I jumped, my head turning back to Twilight "where's the portal?? D-did you bring me here?? Send me back!" I rushed towards her but suddenly felt a sharp pain strike me upon the face from the left making me stumble back, looking to the left I saw Applejack with her back turned towards me her back hooves just now returning to the floor, she kicked me in the face.

"She said don't move, ah suggest you listen!" Applejack glared.

I stumbled further away from them "wh-what do you want from me?? Why did you bring me here??" I was freaking out, none of this should be happening! I should be back home!

"Twilight why aren't you sending her back?" Rainbow Dash asked as she flew up next to Twilight.

"I can't...for some reason the spells not working!" Twilight said in a panic.

"What?" I looked at her, hearing what she just said "what do you mean?? You brought me here! surely you cAN SEND ME BACK!" I yelled accidentally going into the Royal Canterlot Voice, The girls stumbled back their ears folding back from the loud voice.


Breathing heavily my whole body shook before I roared in anger throwing my head upwards blue electricity sparking and crackling across my horn igniting it and blasting blue magic upwards blowing a large hole in the ceiling, rocks began to fall down smashing into the ground.

The girls panicked running around dodging the falling debris, Twilight teleported to each one of her friends teleporting them out of the castle and to the safety of the courtyard.

I jumped as the rocks fell, stumbling around I tried to dodge the falling rocks, looking to Twilight I tried making my way towards her only for a large stone to fall directly in my way blocking my path from getting to her "h-help!" I yelled out in fear.

Twilight teleported to Fluttershy and glared at Nightmare Moon after she called out to her for help "help yourself…" she scowled as she teleported out with her final friend.

"N-no wait!" A rock fell smacking into my back nearly sending me to the ground "gah! P-Please! Don't leave me!!" I cried out as I dodged more rocks, one hitting me on the head sending my vision into a blurry mess, I kept myself standing trying to clear my vision, I saw a hole in the wall and rushed for it dodging more rocks as they fell, though more hit me as I ran for my only path out of this collapsing castle, I jumped just barely escaping as a large chunks of the ceiling fell blocking the only exit I had just barely been able to get through.

Rolling onto the ground I looked around finding the forest around me, standing up I tried to walk only to freeze in pain "f-fuck!" I winced as one of my legs throbbed in pain, pulling my left leg up to my chest I slowly limped away towards the coverage of the forest, I needed to find a way home if there even was one.